Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, June 25, 1941, Page 5, Image 5

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Washington, June 25
New steps to weld American
land, sea and air forces into a
closely coordinated fighting
team were disclosed today by
General George C. Marshall, ar
my chief of staff.
Lifting partially the secrecy
surrounding some important de
fense preparations, he reported
that navy dive bombers would
be teamed with ground troops
for the first time in late summer
The arrangement for use of
navy dive bombers was made
with Admiral Harold R. Stark,
jchief of naval operations. War
games employing more than
350,000 men are to be held in
Louisiana in August and the
army's field training is to be
topped off in November with
other maneuvers in the Caro-
Terming the use of the navy
bombers "logical," Marshall said
that in the event of war "con
ceivably carrier-based planes
would have to be used with
Marshfield, Ore., June 25.
UP) Four persons escaped from
an automobile under 10 feet of
water near Gold Beach, Ore., It
became known here today with
the entry of Mrs. F. R. Moisan
Eastside, Ore., into a hospital for
The automobile of Eastside
Mayor and Mrs. Moisan, their
dcughter Lois, 15, and Anname
Chabot, 16, went over a 40-foot
embankment into the water Sun
day. Miss Chabot extricated
herself and Moisan from the
car and towed Moisan, who can
not swim, to shore. Lois man
aged to get her mother out of
the car and bring her to shore.
Mrs Moisan was badly shaken
and bruised.
Washington, June 25 (IP)
The state department today an
nounced establishment of a new
Immigration policy, centralizing
the issuance of all immigration
visas in Washington, with em
phasis on the immigrant's suit
ability "to the national defense
Instead of visas being granted
by immigration officials in the
field the new set-up will make
it necessary for visa applica
tions to be passed on by inter
departmental committees, which
it is understood will compromise
representatives of the state, war,
navy and justice departments.
Rome, June 25 (IP) Italian
authorities announced today that
special authorization would be
required for departure of Ameri
cans desiring to leave Italy
under new measures described
as "analogous" to those applied
to Italians in the United States.
Motoiloggexs Ascend Most Spectacular Hole
On Continent. Hell's Canyon of Snake River
T1ITS IS ONE OF a aerlea of motoftoM,
tcarriblnc ),urnee to ecenlc and recrea
Lion! artae o( the nonhweet. made trirwiitr.
ro-oeratlon of Trie Oreeoman ar.d the Ore
Ion Slate Motor allocution. Tr.e
artle.e am appear id Ute Sunday BMtaxin
f Th Oreaomaa Juoa 23.
Special wrlttr. Tb oreconlaa.
The most extraordinary mail
route in the United States
twists 95 spectacular miles up
the immense chasm of the
Snake river from Lewiston,
Idaho, penetrating the heart of
the American wilderness. There
is no other mail route like it.
Every Friday morning an ad
venturous 32 -year -old Irish
river-runner named Kyle Mc
Grady pilots his flat-bottomed
diesel boat Idaho into the core
of Hell's canyon, deepest abyss
on the continent, and brings to
several hundred scattered men
and women their solitary con
tact with the outside world.
Area Little Known
Hell's canyon is one of the
least-known wonders of the na
tion. Although considerably
deeper than any other gorge in
North America, its picturesque
scenery and people have gone
largely unnoted. Yet this r;iion
can be visited in three ways1
by boat, by car and by trail.
Oregonian-AAA Motorloggers
combined all three methods.
The trip began and ended in the
familiar white car, but in be
tween we traveled in forest
service rigs, on foot and of
course on Kyle McGrady's boat.
Kyle MeGtady. an adventurous Irishman, every Friday pilot
the little Idaho up the torturous chasm of the Snake river.
30 years following his retire
ment in 1907.
This sort of journey to Hell's
canyon can be made in four
days by virtually anyone who
reads this article.
Travelers on the Idaho must
bring along their own food and
bedding. The Snake's surging
torrent is so swift that the trip
upstream requires 20 hours and
that coming back only 6Vl
The little towns near Lewis
ton soon were left behind. The
road long the river straggled
off into rocks and sagebrush.
I euros' A! ....
J iiVi O- ' filial
la Sry-H&A .
I 1 "lr Ml?
Route-taken by the motorloggers in their journey to spectacu
lar Hell's canyon of the Snake river is shown on mao above.
We passed the last telephone
poles. The banks of the Snake
straightened into hills, and
presently the hills stiffened into
crags. Like a frayed carpet, civ
ilization on the shore gradually
disappeared and blended into
the fastnesses. A thin trail re
placed both highway and rail
road track along the bank.
From Johnson's bar, whero
boiling water barred farther
ascent, we climbed to Hat point.
From the summit we looked out
over one of the most remark
able spectacles in the nation.
Peaks Like Hobgoblins
Directly across the chasm the
seven serried peaks of the
Seven Devils loom up like stu
pendous hobgoblins. They sur- .
mount a vast stack of hills and
cliffs. Far below. Hell's canyon
is so deep that it seems filled
with a blue haze like some
painting by Maxfield Parrish.
The Snake river, carrying more
water than the Rio Grande and
nearly as large as the Columbia
itself, Is a thin strip. Mountains
and bluffs all bend In tribute
to the immense declivity, their
shoulders forming a huge NT
shaped trench. The scene is so
wild and awesome that the en
tire earth appears to be buckled
and wrinkled beyond repair.
The best way for motorists to
reach the chasm is on the road
which goes from Enterprise,
county seat of Wallowa county,
to the little settlement of Im
naha. From Imnaha a forest
service grade twists like a
dragon up the wall of the can
yon of the Imnaha river ana
Uen goes up the ridge to Hat
point. It is 40 miles from Enter
prise to Imnahaand another 24
miles from Imnaha to the rim
of Hell's canyon.
Salem. June 25. IIP) F. H.
Laguardia, U. S. director of
civilian defense, advised Gov
ernor Charles A. Sprague today
that Oregon's plans to create a
force of volunteer civil reserves
meets the requirements of the
federal government.
"It is apparent that these mat
ters are in good hands, and that
you and the officials charged
with the responsibility of the
protection of life, and property
arc fully alert to your duties"
Laguardia wrote.
Laguardia added that his of
fice would issue instructions to
the states for further defensive
Alfred P. Kelley, commander
of the Oregon department of the
American Legion, telegraphed
the governor today that the
legion would give the state "its
full cooperation in the home de
fense program."
Kelley also asked the 120
legion posts in the state to co
operate with county defense
councils in enrolling the volunteers.
Union and Bill Blackmcr of
Bob Reiman of Corvallis was
named police chief for the week.
4 hwhicnuExI
Corvallis, June 25. (IP)
Mayors of 12 mythical cities
were elected here yesterday at
the Beaver Boys State camp,
conducted under American Le
gion auspices.
Four of the mayors are from
Medford which with a delega
tion of 27 has the largest group
outside of Portland. Thev in
clude: Bob Davis. Bill Wall. El
mer Bashaw and Robert Holmes
of Medford: Ray Strowbridge of
Grants Pass, Don Chenault of
Portland, June 25. (Rpl.)
Following Lord Beaverbrook's
appeal last week for American
radio technicians a number of
enquiries have been received at
the British consulate in Port
land. Applicants are required to
have a good technical knowledge
of radio equipment and will be
ured to maintain the new air
defense weapons known as
radiolocators now in active use
in Great Britain against enemy
air fleets.
Full information on technical
requirements, terms of service,
etc., together with application
forms, are available at the Brit
Ish consulate, 1007 Lewis build'
ing, Portland.
Lucky Fliers
Seattle, June 25. (IP) Ar-
hur Hawkins, 25, of Parkway,
Pierce county, and an unidenti
fied passenger escaped without
even a wetting when a sea plane
Hawkins rented here landed in
Lake Washington with such
force two struts were broken.
Salem, June 25. (Spl.) A
safety program for better protec
tion of workers in logging, de
fense industries and other haz
ardous occupations will be put
under way early in July by the
State Industrial Accident com
mission, it was announced today
by Chairman C. M. Ryncrson.
An experienced safety engl
noer soon will be named to take
full charge of the new depart
ment, which will have about
$150,000 available annually
under terms of senate bill No,
278 passed by the recent legis
lature. The new rte' chief
will be experience 'ern
logging safety actlv. the:
work of tSs kind.
Another law in effect this
month gives the accident con-
mission complete control over
on-the-job coverage of employes
of concerns rejecting the state
act. Those contracting for medi
cal care of injured workers must
provide the same services given
by the state commission, to
which all such 'contracts must
be submitted within 10 days for
approval or rejection. A fee of
$5 is required. Workmen no
longer will be permitted to con
tribute to firms not covered by
the state law. The commission
also is given power to write
regulations on such contracts.
The accident commission also
Intends to revise the present
hospital contract form and to
establish contract rates according
to the hospital amendment that
went into effect June 14, Chair
man Rynerson announced.
Authority over off-the-job In
surance for hospital and medical
cure is turned over to the insur
ance commission in another new
measure, senate bill No. 236.
Washington. June 25. (.P
The office of price administra
tion and civilian supply sent re
quests today to 47 of the largest
manufacturers of furniture and
to 16 producers of household re
frigerators to halt price rises
and cease other activities lead
ing to inflation and economic
Leon Henderson, price admin
istrator, asked the furniture
makers to cease immediately the
"open" method of quoting prices.
A growing number of furni
ture manufacturers are refusing
to quote firm prices, but instead j
are leaving me mauer or prices '
open until the time of shipment. I
Hendersons letter stated. He1
declared the practice would up
set the market and seriously af
fect the price level.
Portland. June 25. (F) Last
rites for August Frederick
Schultz, S3, pioneer southern
Oregon miller who died here
Sunday, were held Tuesday,
Schultz operated a flour mill
at Cottage Grove in the 1880 s
and later took over mills at Jef
ferson, Ashland, Phoenix and
Canyonville. He lived here for
I I 'r7j
Bolt Kills Seven Cattle
Chatham, Pa. (U.PJ Seven
cows and a bull on the farm of:
James Hilton were killed dur-
ing a thunderstorm by one bolt i
of lightning. The animals hadj
taken refuge under a tree when
the accident occurred. 1
Nationally Famous
Coirvtiwrn leutjo
Ca Snot In flit tmra
DIMnf JM laa'USI gsstM
fsmwtlr 'ua foes
Mod an tgpoutmmtt
Sft Opocsitt
Distinguished In name and In
service. The Maurice h one of
San Francisco's finest hotels.
Quiet location on fringe of
downtown area; finely ap
pointed rooms, all with bath
and shower.
Singlt from $2.50
Doubl from $3.50
Post Street at Janet
7. S1
Chicken Pox Party
Trinidad, Colo. (U.RI A chick
en pox mark was the only re
quirement for an invitation to
Trinidad's children's chicken
pox party.
lBBBBBBBairv - -t SK '
- $ ': -
sei GUY KiBBEE in his "Folk., tok. It from me,
LATEST R-K-O HIT I JJ? 4 I Royal Crown Cola taitos bt"
THE STRINGS" - , -f" f m "fV TOW, Guy Kibbee knowi which cola rates No. I io
J V - i, f " V sfCa ' U5,e" Tl"' P0-5"1" Hollywood star drank leading
Ti i ie r .y T colas from unlabeled cups and then voted Royal Crown
T Vi j f:' - , "' j, ' '. k. Cola best-usting! Did you know that movie folks at R-K-O,
"fify v y T ,' ..', I i Universal and Hal Roach studios hav also voted Royal
VjJU " "f-flV j i i" .JfC f Crown Cola tops in taste? That this same cola hat woo 5
Uvjj'.'f flfiiJ Wr T - ''-l " , V-('J' out of 6 certified group Uste-tesu from coast to coast? So,
SW5SN i la I 1 m!iH -jf rr treat yourself to ttngy Royal Crowo Cola today. Big Jf!
J 1 i j ,r ' ,:tf bottle holdt not one but TWO FULL GLASSES)
Poy on Batttry or Plugt hi
of 521.95 RADIOS!
Three-way Personal Radio I Playt on battery pack
. . . plugs into any AC or DC outlet. Here't the
radio that't perfect for your vacation and a year
round radio at well! Compact and eaty to carry
anywhere and if plys wherever you got You tave
dollars at Wards yet you get big Met performance
with dynamic tpeaker, built-in aerial and super
heterodyne circuit with S working tubes! Bett of
all thit tet playt 70 hourt without a refill on
Wardt revolutionary battery pack I See it today t
4-Tube. playt en Battery only.
lew Carrying Charge
"5" w
"'"owreflw ' 0W
12.88 -
Why Py rnorv ? New 5-Kroe
;i-Way Portable
75c wtkhf. Lew
tarrying cnorge.
Challenges t2S sets! Playt anywhere
on 225-hour battery pack or plugt into
any AC or DC outlet! Built-in loop
aerial I Dynamic speaker I Includes rec
tifier tube! Underwriter OK'dt
Pfoyt in your tart
4 Radios In One
51 we eery Low
tarrying cnerga.
It equals a fine auto radio! It't a port
able that playt anywhere on itt 325
hour battery pack ! Or a mantel tet that
plugt Into any outlet. AC or DC! 6-tube
including rectifier! See it!
Auto Aerial kit far mis set 3M
I Upgf h : lost
PHONE 4071