Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, June 25, 1941, Page 2, Image 2

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Aeroembolism Takes Various
Forms Caused by Gas
Bubbles at High Levels
By Capel McNash ..
. (U. P. Staff Correspondent)
Cleveland (U.R) Aeroembol
ism similar to the "bends" suf
fered by divers at they return
to the surface Is one of the
most serious problems of mod
ern military aviation, believes
D. B. Dill of the experimental
laboratory at Wright field, Day
ton. O.
The ailment Is caused by re
duced air pressure during high
altitude flying at 40,000 feet or
more and sometime occurs at
30.000 feet.
; "Aeroembolism takes various
forms but In all cases may be
attributed to the formation of
gas bubbles In tissues or body
fluids," Dill told the scientific
session of the American Heart
assocation recently. 'The for
mation of these bubbles has a
simple physical explanation: A
sudden reduction In pressure
produces a supernaturated sola
tion of nitrogen in bodv water."
Nitrogen Bubble Crows
. He explained that once a ni
trogen bubble forms it grows by
"accretion" as both carbon di
oxide and oxygen diffuse into It
so that finally it may contain no
more than SO per cent nitrogen.
"The bends" are pains in the
Joints, particularly the knee and
ankle. These usually disappear
on descent but if they have
been experienced for an hour or
longer may persist in diminished
intensity for some hours at
ground level, Dill said.
Another system of aeroem
bolism is Itching of the skin
presumably caused by gas bub
bles forming in the skin and
pressing on nerve termanl.
Pain Sometimes
Dill said that this itching in
some cases gradually merges into
pain. The distress, he said, be
comes evident "through perspira
tion, paleness and the classical
symptoms of shock."
"This form of the ailment in
our experience is most common
in Individuals with too much sub
cutaneous fnt," Dill said.
Pilots sometimes experience
pulmonary pain, which starts as
a throat irritation.
Precision Welder
Schenectady, N. Y. (U.R) Mrs.
Beatrice Larned always did like
fine work. So for the last 14
years she has been spot welding
wires which are one-quarter the
thickness of human hair. The
filaments are used in thermo
couples. For recreation, Mrs.
Larned docs crocheting and
ixnv-cosT '
Three vacations at the cost of one! Enjoy the Alpine splendor
of Banff, the glamour of Lake Louise and the Swiss-like charm of
Emerald Lake.... on a carefully planned all-t.ftnst tour in the
world-famous Canadian Rockies. Every hour of the day in this
mountain paradise discloses new sights, new pleasures and new
thrills swim in cool or warm sulphur water pools ..ride or hike skyline trails ...dancing in the evening ...I
nd relaxation in the glorious mountain sunshine.
iGlQRiors days )srrrTAcn.AW pays
i from S.Vi.25 O I nun $4o00
irom $55.75
frurn $73.25
TfUifi tf b t of r"tl! . mclvd ni ho.. I trennv
modal wt. mtt't and lit, mutt 4 Mhnrj m ,n(
RtunH trip tit clati far from Poniard lo Hanfl Ml li
Mod rat pni and .t.mnc nr (hifi A'-tiit-fwwJ
tram da. Irom an i.ur. lunnttunsj m,t ttaarmhipi Irntn Stat
mot vtmv i oners
t n Kfmc point rn
ful.informil vacations...,
American plan ri art
moderstt . S31 50wrkly.
In ' aayTifslaWrt
Completa information and titrrarur from your arrnt or
our effic. 6: S W. Broadway. HR 037. Portland.
Judy Canova
! - .. .. '.
I r -. r "i a TP
,.. ?, - .
I :-:) h'V .rr
-o o o-m. - "-imnaB ? . ,. , .j
Judy Canova, film singer, with James Ripley, army cor
poral, on the beach at Honolulu. Miss Canova admitted on her
arrival in San Francisco by clipper from Honolulu that she mar
ried Riplay secretly on the islands. Ripley, reported to be
nephew of cartoonist Bob Ripley, was in the guard house at
Fort Ruger. Honolulu. Army ofiicials did not say why.
McChord Field, Wash., June
25. (JP) The 17th bombard
ment group started packing
baggage and equipment today
for a move to the Pendleton air
base, Oregon. The movement of
men, planes and other Impedi
menta will be completed by Sun
day, according to Col. William
H. Crom, commanding officer of
Lieut. Col. Walter R. Peck is
the commander of the 17th.
Under him are approximately
7S0 men. The bombardment
group Includes the 34th and OSth
bombardment squadrons and a
headquarters squadron.
Returns I2S0
Tulsa. Okla. (U.R) A 70-year-old
woman who had been on the
Oklahoma pension rolls for some
time walked into the office of
the department of public welfare
here and paid back all the money
the state had given her an esti
mated $250. She told the pen
sion officials that "I don't want
la pension any more."
rou'vnu irrnnn
.. irttn ipltnJur ut S
ls. Sptctac ulir motor
Inpi Irom Lkt UmiM
daily si modt rttt cost.
for 7 ) j yi or knr stnanfl, Hni
nd Chatrau Lake Louiw. a lc ai J o W
- a da pr parao. SouhW acc.p.Ac. O
and Husband
The circuit court Jury In the
trial of John Warner of the Elk
Creek district charged with lar
ceny of livestock, returned
verdict of not guilty this after
noon. The Jury deliberated for
about 20 minutes, retiring at
1:20 and returning at 1:40
o'clock. George W. Lance of
Gold Hill was foreman.
A motion for a directed ver
dict by the defense this morning
was denied by the court.
Warner was indicted last
January by the grand Jury, and
Robert Morgan was named as a
co-defendant. Morgan's where
abouts are unknown.
Much of the testimony against
Warner was clrcumstancial. The
state called 13 witnesses.
The defendant was repre
sented by Attorney Allison
Moulton, and the state by Dis
trict Attorney George W. Neil
son. Lotas Trouter Stat
Hastings, Neb. (U.R) Filling
station operator, A. E. Wright,
v. as relieved of his slot machine
but not until he had the seat
from the thief's trousers. He
appeared Just as a youth was
carrying the slot machine from
the station office and made a
grab for him but all he got was
a fistful of cloth.
Aids Conversation
New York (U.PJ Poetry was
found in a experiment at Hunter
college to be the most effective
method of developing good con
versational speech, with conver
sation itself lagging far behind.
Other methods considered were
dramatics and prose, which was
the poorest medium.
Population 499.261
Phoenix, Aril. (UR) Arizona
ranked 44th in density of popula
tion among the 48 states in 1940.
A census bureau report showed
the state's population was 4 4
per square mile. Total popula
tion of Arizona was listed as
ft IV 1 lha lait Attt 0
raar rouod hospitality at the TTeit't
forcmoii luxury roort. Inipirini
walks. ..exciting play...breath-ukiO
charm... relaxing peace
From d.... European PUa
From $10... American Plan
By William McMeanamln
(U. P. Staff Correspondent)
Phoenix, Ariz (U.R) Endowed
with year-round perfect flying
weather, the Phoenix area has
begun a rapid development into
a leading center of the nation's
expanded pilot training program.
Army air corps experts pre
dict the continued development
of Phoenix bases soon will make
them rivals to Kelly and Ran
dolph fields In Texas for the
title of "West Point of the air."
The city has a major cadet
training base, Thunderbird field,
a new S2.000.000 base for train
ing students in the use of single
encined bombers, Luke field,
and a large municipal airport.
Construction of a twin-engined
plane base and other airports in
tho vicinity are under construc
tion. Luke field, recently complet
ed, soon will hold a contingent
of 3,000 officers and men and
at least 200 advanced training
planes, under command of Col.
Ennls C. Whitehead.
Thunderbird field, new $200,-
000 privately-owned center or
ganized to train cadets in the
rudiments of flying preliminary
to entering advanced army
courses, recently was dedicated
at graduation exercises for a
class of 42 cadets.
Major Kenneth McNaughton,
Moffett field, Cal., predicted at
the graduation exercises that it
socn would be one of the largest
cadet training centers in the
country. Enrollment was ex
pected to swell rapidly to a peak
of 200 cadets in each class.
Major D. M. Schlatter, Moffett
field, disclosed that the army
air corps was considering con
struction of a twin-engined plane
base in the Higley district, south
west of Phoenix.
Six selectees, last of the Jack
son county quota for the fiscal
year ending June 30, left by
train last night for the induction
station at Portland.
At a brief ceremony at local
board headquarters yesterday
afternoon, each selectee was
given a small American flag by
Arthur D. Hess, past exalted
ruler of Medford Elks lodge, on
behalf of the lodge. A short talk
on the American flag was given
by Frank DeSouza, who also
represented the lodge. A fare
well message on behalf of the
community was given by Dr.
Sherman L. Divine, chairman of
Medford's National Defense
The selectees were Raymond
H. Dougherty and Rockwell G.
Brittsan, local board No. 1, and
George F. Smith, Prentice C.
Petty, Clayton D. Ayers and Pat
OoblaU aa Illuatratad
Other Evan Lower
The faatidtoua h oat Me arm adore
"American.'" Every piece is a
em of reflecting colors.
The practice bouaewife anil
km It, too. Its rucsed quality la
Meal for everyday uae.
For iifta, for keeoa . . . there's
nothing equal to Foatorls's
"American." We have over 104
individual open arocA Itema for
your aelectioo. See our display.
Gift Shop
Legg. board No. 2. Ayers was a I
transfer from Portland, Legg
from Lock hart, Texas. j
All persons engaged in cater
ing to the public were today in
vited to attend an educational
meeting on tourist trade in coun
cil chambers at city hall at 8 p.
m. tomorrow,
Karl L. Janouch, supervisor
of Rogue River national forest
will be guest speaker. Mr. Jan
ouch will tell of the camping,
fishing, hunting, hiking, horse
back riding, mountain climbing,
picnicking and other recreation
al activities available in the
forests. He will relate how the
forest service has developed
these recreational resources and
where they may be found.
This is the first of a series of
six such educational meetings to
be sponsored by the Junior com
mittee of the Jackson County
Chamber of Commerce. The
other five will follow in succes
sive weeks, each at the same
time and place on Thursday
Radio Highlight:
By Associated Press
(Time is Pacific Standard)
New York, June 25. Pickups
from their own broadcasters in
Moscow via short wave for re
lay in this country may now
become a part of the network's
overseas schedule.
For something like three years
NBC has had a man on salary
in the Russian capital but until
the German attack began Sun
day he never was able to ar
range for short-wave facilities.
CBS and MBS also are seek
ing to make arrangements for a
Moscow contact.
Tonight, war schedule 5:15
MBS; 6:00 MBS; 8:00 NBC CBS;
4:55 CBS; 5:30 NBC-Blue; 6:45
CBS; 8:30 MBS.
CBS 6:15 Sen. Robert A. Taft
on "No Intervention."
NBC-Blue 6:30 Eucharistlc
Congress, Women's Holy Hour.
Thursday, the War 4 a. m.,
NBC CBS; 4:55 NBC-Blue; 5
...BC-Red CBS; 6 NBC-Blue
MBS; 7 MBS; 8 MBS; 9:45 NBC;
10 MBS; 11:55 CBS: 12 p. m..
NBC-Blue; 2:25 NBC-Red; 2:45
Eucharistic Congress NBC
Blue 6:30 a. m. Pontificial Mass;
MBS 11:45 and CBS 12:45 Pro
cession of Blessed Sacrament . . .
NBC-Red 2:30, Speaking of
Liberty, Mrs. J. Borden Harri-
man. NBC-Blue 8:30 a. m.,
Farm and Home hour, Lady
Halifax. MBS 1:30 Delaware
Park race; 2:05 Camp Grant in
Portland, June SJ (AP-U8DA)
Hogs: 600; market active, around 16c
higher; good -choice 176 to ai5-lb. S1IJ61100; 330 to 280-lb.
weight moatlj S11J311A0; few to
ilea; ugbt-Ughu u.oo lias;
packing sows moatly S9.60j9.7S;
lightweights to (10.00; medium
grades to S9.00; chote light leader
pigs quotable to 16.00.
Cattle: 3BS; ealves S6; market un
even; beef cattle active, ateady to
atrong; dairy cojva alow; about ateady;
bull weaker; grata fat ateera 8.75(
9.76; few fed atera 10.00; atockera
MJSaO 00; graa fat heifers 9.76
9 60; cutter to common dairy helfera
6.60 g 740; good young beef cows up
tj aa.26; heavy beef cows to 7.26;
caaner to cutter cowa S4.70S.OO;
ahelly klnda down to 64 00; medium
good bull M as j 8.75; few beef bulla
9 15; cutter to common bulls 6.50
7.50; good-choice vealer 611.00a
12 00; culls downward to 66.60.
Sheep: 160; market slow, fat lamb
weaJc to ailghtly lower; many aalee
25c under Monday: good-cbolc Iambi
68.50aa.75; feeder Lamb 67.758.18:
odd yearling 60.50; good slaughter
ewe quotable up to 63.50 or above.
South San 1'ranclaco
South San Francisco, June 26. OP)
(Fed. -State Mrket News) Hog: 800;
steady to 10c higher; most IBS to
335-lb. California 611.40all.60; odd
packing aows 68.50q9.00.
Cattle: 25; steers largely nominal,
absent; better grade heifer and
young range cow scarce; few dairy
cowa 65.50, odd cannera 63.50. few
64 00; few grae 1,660-lb. bulls 68.26.
light kinds 67.00e7.60. Cslves: Sal
able 10; nominal; good to choice
vcalera quoted 611.00; slaughter
calvf to 6900.
Sheep: 1,200; ateady; deck good
74-lb. lamb 410.35; moat medium
lambs 68.50 a 9.00. choice scarce,
quoted around S10.50; medium to
choice shorn ewes quoted 62.6033.25.
Chicago, June 25. (AP-USDA)
Hogs: 15.000; active; top 610.75; free
ly; good 180 to 270-lb. 610 S09 10.76:
moat 270 to 830-lb. 610.40a 10 S5:
good 400 to 600-lb. packing sows
69.259.85; lighter weights 69.85 8
Cattle: 10,000; calvea, 800: early
top 611.75 on choice 1,114-lb. long
yearlings; next highest 611.65; moat
larly sales 610 503 11.25 with little
sold over 1,200 lbs.; beat heifer
611.75; weight sausage bull offerings
to 89.00; V (filers strong to 25c higher
at 812.00 down.
Sheep: 8.000; better grade spring
lambs 25c lower; other classes steady;
few email bunches closely sorted na
tive springers 612.60; other good to
choice lot S12 0031a. 25; few clipped
lambs 68.60 9. 9.50: best light weight
native ewes 64.76; bulk small lota
64.00ot4.50; with common and cull
downward from 62.78.
Ssn Francisco Butter
San Francisco. June 25. P) But
ter: 92 eore 38VaC; 91 score 86V3C;
90 score 36c; 69 score 341,o.
Nothing near so efficient has been and emerge peppy, beautiful,
known before. Trade-in cars come safe, clean Nu-Used Cars I Here
in go through 121 operations in is that REAL protection you
Seven Vital Steps of reconditioning should get.
7 operations ;$ operations
30 operations
3 UPHOLSTERY 17 operations
1 3 operations , 9 operations
mhcmm mann) gees ,
Portland Produce
Portland. June S3 Produce
stead r and unchanged.
Portland Wheat
Portland, June 25. (A Puturea:
Wheat: Open High Low Clow
Sept. , , , .90 'i .90 !i .90
Cah grain:
Oat No. 2, 16-lb. whit 2640.
rial No. 1. 6189'i.
Cash wheat (bid): Soft white SOc:
aoit whit excluding rex ast(e; white
club 93 e; western red 934 c: hard
red winter: ordinary 93c. 11 per cent
96ic. 12 per cent 97e, IS per cent
99c. 14 per cent 8101; bard whlte
bart: 12 per cent SI 114. 16 per cent
61. 13',, 14 per cent 61-15 4.
Today's car receipts: Wheat 64;
flour 10; corn 4: oat 8; mlllfeed 4.
Chicago Wheat
Chicago, June 25. ij
Wheat: Open Olcb Low Close
July 1.02H 103 1.02 1.02',
Sept. .1.04H 1.04 1.03S 04'4
Dec. , 1.06H 1.08 H 1.05 ',4 1.08 V,
Wall St. Report
New York, June 25 (IP) A
rising movement among air
crafts, in which a few other de
fense manufacturing shares
joined, imparted a steady tone
to the stock market today. Bonds
were steady.
The turnover totaled only
about 400,000 shares.
Operators shied away from
taking very pronounced posi
tions in any trading classifica
tion. Today's closing prices for 84 select
ed stock follow:
Al. Chem. ek Dyo. 152 '4
Am. Can . 84
A. T. & T. - 168 '4
Anaconda .. - 27 'A
Atch. T. & S. F. .
Bendlx Avli.
Bethlehem Steel .
Caterpillar Tract.
. 294
. 37
. 73
. 48
Curtlsa-Wrlght ..
Dcuglae Aircraft
Oen. Electrlo .
Oen. Foods
. 73 !4
.- 32
Oen. Motora
. 61
. 63H
, 30 H
. 35
Int. Harveeter
Kennecott ...
Monty Ward
No. Amn. Avn.
North Amer
Penney (J. C.)..
Penna. R. R.
Phllllpa Pet.
14 U
, 13'
, 79 H
. 2354
. 44V,
, 4
Menthols tun
will qulckl
1 awotbfl the In-
Jury and pro
mota healing.
South ra Pacific .
Std. Brand
8td. Oil Cat.
Std. Oil M. J.
Tranaamrrlca ,
Union Carbtd
United Aircraft
United Airline
U. 8. Steel.
21 ,
40 , '
4 ,
Sacramento, June 21. ,) Butter.
fi.t: First grade 41', c; second grade
3D lie
A manganese ore concentra
tion plant located in Orient
province, Cuba, producing 360
tons of SO per cent manganese
daily, is believed the largest
enterprise of its kind In the
Without Starving,
Taking Drugs or
Strmsoiis bercises
Don't let ugly fst
spoil your loveliness
just indud two
slices of Hollywood
Bread in place of
fattening foods with
u l H.,11.
wood Dread is TA
new, delicious, lower '
starch bread, partic
ularly good toasted
Writs for FSFB Book
1.1. "Ths Ull;d
Wsv to BdiK. noiir
ood Brood, Dept. CO,
1 ,
Party Sandwiches
Surprise your guests
with new flavor thrill
TOAST sandwiches.
HOLLYWOOD Bread hits
th spot, too, for picnic
sandwiches, "between
meal" and "late night"
snacks. Buy HOLLY
WOOD for tonight.
BREAD Today!
Another Achievement
of the Bakers of
tW- ersn ActrtjM