Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, June 24, 1941, Page 1, Image 1

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    -- FUJI 0 Weem-
Weather 'U"a nfen
Forecast: OeraMonal ehairere
tonlcht and probably nednet
dajr. Little chanie la temper
attire. Ttmpermtnre
Hlshret Wllffto it
Lowest thll mornltif A
Finding a Buver
The anly thlof that suuias be
tween yoa ant a aale I finding
barer. Tne beet and moat
atlXartorj w; to nnd a boy
r U throaih the Want A4
Way In thU newspaper and at
mall coat, too.
Full Associated Press
United Pre.
No. 81.
Thirty-sixth Year
1 i -i
1 owe j? i mm
News Behind
The News
By Paul Mallon
Washington, June 24. Just
before Hitler sprang upon the
Reds, well-planted rumor was
passed around outside the gov
emment here that this conquest
was to be in connection with
peace drive . . . Hess was desper
ately trying to convince Chur
chill that all Hitler wanted out
of this war anyway was the
annihilation" of communism
the fuehrer badly needed peace
now to consolidate his ill-gotten
gains and thus perpetuate his
economically self-sufficient new
order ... he would destroy
SUlln, seize the Russian store
house and offer Britain sensa
tionally generous peace terms . ,
The yarn had more than a
slight Nazi odor. Its aromatic
qualities were heightened when
some phases of the same story
crept into the news dispatches
from Nazi-directed Spain and
the international spy center in
Government officials refused
to accept the tale from the first
They happened to know conclu
sively the British were working
on the other side of the fence.
For several days before Hitler
jumped, London had been pres
suring Mr. Roosevelt to promise
aid to the Russians. It seems the
British, for once, had advance
knowledge of Hitler's intentions
Mr. Roosevelt did not go too
far out on the proferred limb,
perhaps because our state and
war officials were not as certain
as the British that the attack
would come at once. He merely
took advance belligerent action
against axis diplomatic propa
gandists and wrote his Robin
Moor message promising Hitler
there would be no retreat from
his anti-Nazi position.
fHESE original side-phases of
the current course give
weight and substance to Chur
chill's broadcast pronouncement
(Continued on Page Pour I
A conference for seasonal em
ployers of the Medford district
will be held with representa
tives of the state unemployment
compensation commission in the
rourt house auditorium at 9:30
Thursday morning. June 26, it
wns announced today by Lewis
Ulrlch, manager of the state em
ployment office here.
Prospective seasonal employ
ers operating In Jackson and
Josephine counties have been
asked to attend the meeting,
which will be devoted to an ex
planation of the seasonality law
parsed by the 1941 legislature.
Others interested are invited to
Red Radio Plays
Gem Of The Ocean'
New York, June 24
NBC's short wave listeners re
ported that the Moscow radio
was playing "Columbia the Gem
of the Ocean" and other Ameri
can and Scotch patriotic songs
Gladys Hughes graciously
smiling welcomes at the League
of Women Voters meeting.
Aileen and Eugene Peterson
rescuing a couple of friends
stranded In the heavy down
pour. Madge Frederick laughing
quietly at Mrs. Myron Hunt's
clever witticisms.
Alice Ward hotly denying ru
mors she planned to march al-i
tarward on her upcoming va
cation trip to southern Califor
nia. Bill Gates proving himself a
real bateball fan by braving all ;
kinds of bad weather to watch
Crateri ciay ugecs.
German Operations Taking
Their Planned Course, Is
High Command Comment
By the Associated Press
Sweeping drives of German
armored columns into the Rus
sian Ukraine and through red
army defenses to the north were
indicated today by diverse re
ports. Foreign military attaches In
Ankara, Turkey, said they were
advised that panzer units had
driven 120 miles into southwest
Russia in the first two days.
In the center of the 2.000-mlle
front, a spearhead has nene-
trated about 125 miles in a
thrust through Brest-Litovsk
toward Minsk, said Reuters
(British News agency) In dis
patch from Vichy.
From Berlin came word that
German troops had driven
through a strong line of Soviet
bunkers in the thrusts.
On Planned Course
The German high command
spoke in a generality:
in the east, the operations of
the German army are taking
their planned course, with great
Although Russian advices In
dicated German penetration of
10 to 15 miles in places in Adolf
Hitler's new drive to the east.
tne soviet high command de
clared two Nazi columns had
been repulsed with heavy losses
Minting at a huee loss of life
Moscow news reports said the
frontier guards opposed the Ger
mans hand-to-hand "and the
enemy was unable to advance an
inch except over their dead
Red Fliers Weak
From Berlin. DNB said weak
forces of Russian fliers had been
driven off and forced to jettison
their bombs in open fields when
they sought to raid objectives
in east Prussia.
It reported, too, that a single
German bomber had destroyed
23 cars of a Soviet fuel train
in an attack yesterday.
A Nazi U-boat was said to have
sunk a Russian submarine in the
Baltic sea off the Latvian coast.
A Reuters dispatch from
Ankara told of unconfirmed re
ports that Russian cruisers, de
stroyers and submarines were
battling German aerial squad
rons off the Bulgarian coast of
the Black sea.
A Berlin dispatch from Brati
slava said little Slovakia had
entered the war with Germany
against Russia.
The possibility of further aid
for Germany was brought up by
the report of Lithuanians In Ber
lin that a Kaunas broadcast
claimed that the capital was
firmly in the hands of a Lith
uanian army corps of 18,000 men
revolting against Russian rule.
A German spokesman said.
however, that he had no knowl
edge of any political upheavals
in Lithuania or her sister Baltic
states, Estonia and Latvia, which
were annexed by the U S S R
last year.
Finland Undefined
Finland's place In the scheme
of things remained undefined in
At Helsinki, however, a de
termination to cling to neutrality
was the keynote of official and
press comment, despite a protest
to Moscow charging Soviet
bombing of Finnish cities.
Italy called up fresh troops,
ordering all students fit for mili
tary service to report for duty
August 1.
Grand Coulee. Wash.,
24. iPl James Harvey Thom-
as, sailor charged with the forg-
lery of the name of Douglas
j Smith, whoye body was found
last night, admitted that he had
a gun when the two fought near
Arlington, two weeks ago. State
Patrolman Fred Hofferber said
I War Bulletins
Vichy, Franca, June 24.
Wl Turkey was reported to
night to be matting troops
along the Syrian frontier
where operations between
British and French forces are
growing In importance daily.
Berlin, June 24. W) The
Germans have destroyed 280
Rutiian tanks in the Nasi drive
eastward, DNB, official Ger
man newt agency, reported to
day. At one unnamed point
where Nasi columns smashed
through Soviet positions after
fierce fighting, 180 Russian
tanks were destroyed. DNB
asserted, while on another
comparatively small sector the
luftwaffe destroyed 100 more.
London, June 24. (JV The
admiralty announced tonight
that an Italian liner of about
20,000 tons had been hit by
two torpedoes in the Mediter
ranean sea. The admiralty alto
announced that two French
destroyers had been damaged
in a battle with British war
ships off the Syrian coast and
a third "almost certainly
sunk" by aerial torpedoes.
London, June 24 UP) Heavy
explosions, rolling across the
misty channel, suggested that
the RAF was blasting at the
nazi-occupied French coast
again today after attacking in
dustrial targets in western Ger
many for the 13th consecutive
The sounds first were heard
shortly after 7 a.m., hours ear
lier than the British generally
launch their daylight sallies
across the channel.
The RAF attacks on western
Germany last night were not so
heavy as some others recently,
authoritative sources said, but
there was nothing to indicate
whether this was due to unex
pectedly strong German opposi
tion or adverse weather.
At the same time the British
claimed that during the past
three days they had downed 77
German planes in daylight raids
over the French coast, while
losing only nine fighters them
Moscow, June 24. UP) Rus
sia s huge red army, battlin.
furiously against German mech
anized columns on the far-flung
Baltic-to-Black sea front, claimed
today to have thrust two invad
ing German forces back across
the Soviet frontier.
"The thing now." said Pravda,
the communist party organ, "is
to smash the vile fascist beast
which dared to lift its blood
stained paw against our free
In the first two days of fight
ing against its first really pow-
enul opponent, the red army
claimed capture of 5,000 German
prisoners, destruction of 300
German tanks and the shooting
down of 127 Nazi warplanes.
The Soviet high command at
the same time acknowledged
the loss of three frontier towns
Brst-Litovsk, Kolno and Lomza.
Inside Russia measures were
taken to frustrate fifth column
ists and "panic-mongers." Prav
da printed a severe warning
serving notice that "each and
every one attempting In these
tense and hard times to violate
discipline and spread panic will
be regarded as an enemy of the
soviet state and treated mercl
I lessly to the full extent of war
. time law."
Signs of the Times
London, June 24 P Signs
of the times: Andrew Rothstein,
of Tass, the Soviet news agency.
will speak over the BBC net-
1 work tomorrow morning at the
time usually reserved for em
pire tub-thumpers making patri-
'eUs cxhomuofi to ciuldita.
All Aid
Measure Replacing Vinson
Bill for Cool-Off Period
.Would Give Broad Power
Los Angeles, June 24. fP
Army troops, which two weeks
ago seized the big plant of North
American Aviation Corp. here,
moved out at noon today, but
bivouaced nearby on Metropoli
tan airport.
An announcement from Col.
Charles E. Branshaw, in charge
of the plant, said:
"All sentinels were withdrawn
at noon today from the plant
Troops moved to a bivouac area
which is near the plant. During
the remainder of their stay, they
will have added opportunity for
recreation and sightseeing.
By the Associated Press
Speaker Rayburn told re
porters today that a bill to give
the president broad powers
under the draft law to deal with
strikes in defense industries
would be given right-of-way in
the house.
The measure would replace
the Vinson bill providing for a
30-day cooling off period before
a strike could be called in a de
fense industry.
Under the legislation which
Rayburn said would have the
go-ahead, the draft law would
be amended to defer men who
reach 28 years of age before
July 1, and the president could
use armed forces to protect
workers voluntarily complying
with a request of his that they
resume work. The government
could take over plants of em
ployers who refuse to utilize
federal mediation or conciliation
to settle strikes.
Machinists Still Defiant
The congressional develop
ments came as striking CIO and
AFL machinists In 1 1 San Fran
cisco bay shipyards failed to
register with the navy for work
under civil service status.
The navy opened registration
rooms but an hour later there
was no indication any of the
machinists had signed. Other
craftsmen, who have been back
at work for several weeks, re-'
turned to their jobs on about
$500,000,000 of shipbuilding as
United Mine Workers' union
representatives and southern
soft coal operators held another
two-hour conference in Wash
ington over details of a wage
contract, but reported no agree
ment had been reached.
WPA to Close
Marshfield, Ore., June 24.
(JP All Marshfield WPA pro
jects will close next week to re
lease men for construction of
the North Bend airport, certi
fied as a federal priority project.
Reds Hoplessly Confused
When Attacked by Planes
By Louis P. Lochner
Berlin, June 24. (P) Hope
less confusion In the Russian
ranks this was the tenor today
of reports by German newsmen
attached to advancing German
forces since Sunday morning.
As an example, Kurt Helbing,
writing in Propaganda Minister
Paul Joseph Goebbels' newspa
per Der Angriff, reported:
"Our Junkers roared In at
twenty meters (65 feet) altitude
over a column of about sixty
vehicles, among them six or
seven panzers. Behind them
were heavy artillery and two
horse-drawn cannon.
Our machine fired from all
muzzle, and barrel,. Three or
four tank have been hurled to ,
the side. Between them horses,
horses ,
are running, are racing with
their carts cross country, are
spilling them, are falling pos
trate. Scared, anguished face?
it turned up tuwarl us. Alter
j j I
I j i.
Robert Alexander Watson
Watt (above), 49, Scottish scien
tist, is credited with developing
Britain's newly announced radio
plane locator, a device which
warns of approaching aircraft
Beverly Hills, Calif., June 24
W Thomas W. Tillery,
rancher of Stauffer, Ventura
county, Calif., said today he had
sent the following letter to Pre
sident Roosevelt:
"My son, Thomas Wlnslow
Tillery, Jr., has just been crushed
to death in submarine 0-9. He
died without a chance to resist
In -an outdated, unseaworthy
craft. His mother and I find
little comfort In knowing that
the modern products of Ameri
ca's defense effort are being
given to a foreign power. Our
remaining son becomes eligible
fot draft in July.
Tom was a valuable man to
his country. For seven years
ne worked loyally to earn bis
rating of machinist's mate, first
class. You, too, have sons who
have acquired rank and position
in the armed forces. If they are
serving on sister ships of the
0-9, or are dependent unon ob
solete equipment, I beg you, one
father to another,, transfer them
to positions of safety. Then, if
wp are attacked, they may die
honorably In the face of the
enemy, rather than helplessly
at the hands of their own gov
ernment." American footwear produc
tion in 1941 probably will ex
ceed 400 million pairs, the de
partment of commerce reported.
that there's nothing but cenfus
ion underneath us.
"Some bolsheviks jump from
their seats and run. Others
throw themselves Into the sand.
Again bombs fall, cannon and
machine-guns fire. Fountains of
dirt and smoke squirt upward.
Flsrnes rise high.
"There another column.
About 39 vehicles. Three of our
planes dive low. Those below
no have become aware of their
danger. The vehicles halt sharp
ly. "Everybody runs to the edgejj'
v uiv i iimn ewK proiecuon.
Already the first bombs fall. In
fine apple pie order along the
lufliuiue. me eueci is lernoie.
Several vehicle, are aflame. I
Others have been telescoped In-1
to each other in wild confusion. I
to each other In wild confusion.
Whoever Isn't dead or wounded
is running excitedly and gesticu
lating wildly, helter-skelter. No
body Is thinking of anti-aircraft
That column u finished."
m ,v
to Russia, F. R.'s
Cantonment Construction
Will Start by October 1
Is Architect's Assertion
The architect for the proposed army cantonment here Is
under contract to have the plans ready so that construction can
be started by October 1, the plans will be ready before that
date, and it Is hoped to have the first contingent of soldiers In
the camp by November, with more to arrive In December and
the post to be filled by January.
The positive statements, with-1
oui any as, u ana wnen quali
fications, were made last night 1
by Myron Hunt, cantonment 1
architect, at a meeting sponsored
by the Jackson County League
of Women Voters in the county
courthouse auditorium. j
Barrage of Questions
The information was brought!
out under a barrage of questions
from the women In the audience
who brushed aside all verbal
skirmishing and asked such!
point-blank questions as: "When I
will work on the cantonment
sian: - "wnen will the boys
start arriving?" "How will the
huge quantities of supplies need
ed by the soldiers be transported
to the camp?" "What about hos
pital facilities?" "How and
where will the large quantities
of foodstuffs be preserved?
It was the first time that any
positive information was given
out on a number of points
Heretofore, for example, it had
been emphasized the cantonment
construction was dependent upon
congressional appropriation and
enlargement of the army, and
arrival ol soldiers, of courso,
depended upon erection of the
Mrs. Hunt, who spoke on the
social aspects of military camps
was equally positive. Her first
statement was: "The canton
ment is going to arrive."
Plan for 35.000
The cantonment Is being plan
ned for 35,000 soldiers, Mr. Hunt
said, though other figures he
gave Indicated that the actual
number occupying the camp
would be around 30,000. Half
the troops will be quartered east
of Crater Lake highway and half
west of the highway, he related
There will be four miles of
buildings, the ordinary space
between them being 50 feet, with
occasional fire breaks, he stated
A military bridge is to be con
structed across the Rogue river
about a mile east of the Bybee
bridge, so that cannon and lor
ries can get across the stream
safely, Mr. Hunt said, adding
that pontoon bridges also were
to be built.
In reply to a question about
transportation after he had said
that a camp of 20,000 men uses
40 carloads of materials a day,
Mr. Hunt stated that the railroad
to the camp site (the Medford
Corporation logging railroad),
would have to be rebuilt.
Replying to the question about
the preservation of foodstuffs,
the architect said a huge cold
storage plant would be built at
the camp and there "will be a
laundry and a bakery big enough
to make your eyes bulge." There
will be 36 warehouses, each
about 60 by 120 or 130 feet in
dimensions, he added.
1200-Bed Hospital
Mr. Hunt said the army In
variably "starves" its camp hos
pital facilities at the beginning,
but he was hopeful enough ad
ditional funds would be appro
priated within a year for a 1500-
bed hospital. As now planned
it is a 1200-bed hospital. The
one-story hospital plant now
planned will be 1500 by 2000
feet in dimensions, he related.
He stated that a study was being
made now to determine whether
government aid could be obtain
ed In financing expansion of hos
pitals in Medford and nearby
towns to take care of the needs
of the families of officers and
soldiers and other civilians who
will come here to live.
Asked what the camp build
ings would be built of, Mr. Hunt
replied quickly: "Oregon pine,"
nd then amended It to Doug
las fir."
A question about the army's
of buying supplies
urge-scale buying bids are
ordinarily asked for once
brought the answer that with
Wholesale Business
"You can't sell from your back
yard to an army camp," Mr.
Hunt said. 'This Is wholesale
Ibiuuicn." Ha advised person
Why Not Make
It "Army Post"?
How to pronounce "canton
ment" was definitely settled
once and for all at the Jack
son county League of Women
Voters meeting last night.
After saying "we have
looked It up," Mrs. Myron
Hunt, wife of the camp archi
tect, pronounced it "can-tone-ment."
A little later Mr.
mint, looking daggers at his
wife, pointedly pronounced it
"can-tahn-ment." And to clari
fy the matter Mrs. Leonard
Carpenter, presiding, pro
louncfd It "can-toon-ment."
with produce to sell to organize
a selling organization to em
brace the entire Rogue river val
ley and other valleys of south
ern Oregon.
wun men In camp,
there will be throughout the
county roughly an additional
15,000, relatives of the men,
camp followers and others at
tracted here by the cantonment,
Mr. Hunt said.
The community's problem will
come next fall with construc
tion of the camp and the Influx
of camp workers and hangers-
on, said Mr. Hunt, who has de
signed two California camps and
speaks from experience. When
the army moves in and takes
over the camp, everything will
De staputzed, he explained.
Mr. Hunt spoke of meeting
Col. F. L. TouVelle while he
was looking over the land for
possible bridge construction at
the TouVelle property on the
Rogue river. After asking Mr.
Hunt what he had in mind. Col
TouVelle said of his land: "Don't
take more than you need, but
take what you want," the archi
tect related. "It's a pleasure to
meet such man," Mr. Hunt
Mrs. Hunt Advise
In a talk punctuated with
keen wit, Mrs. Hunt advised
residents here to afford the sol
dier boys every opportunity for
wholesome recreation. "Remem
ber, she said, "they are your
boys, for if your boys are not at
this particular camp they will be
at similar camps." She gave
advice from experience on how
best to be of service to the boys
and she urged that steps be taken
immediately to prepare for ar
rival of the youths at the camp
The auditorium was filled to
capacity and the audience
seemed alert and eager to re
ceive the Information that Mr.
and Mrs. Hunt had to Impart.
Mrs. Leonard Carpenter, presi
dent of the league's county unit,
Mrs. Carpenter called atten
tion of the audience to the
league's campaign to arouse the
interest of the public in the "bat
tle of production." In this emer
gency, Mrs. Carpenter said, "we
should put the good of our
country above every other con
Portland, June 24. (P) The
scheduled speech of Charles A.
Lindbergh at an Amerk-a first
rally In Portland will not be
made until August.
Delmor Lessard, Portland
chairman of the America First
committee, announced from the
William Randolph Hearst ranch
at McCloud. Calif., where Lind
bergh Is staying, that Lindbergh
will go east for a month after
speaking In San
Francisco I
July I
Lindbergh had planned
(peak here la July.
Would Require Long Time to
Fill Orders for Planes.
Money Restriction Erased
Washington, June 24. VPh
President Roosevelt declared to
day this country would give all
the aid it possibly could to
While holding out this promise)
of material assistance to the
Russians In their battle against
the forces of Nazi Germany. Mr.
Roosevelt told a press conference
that It could not be determined
yet what form this help would
It is Impossible to say what
this country will do until It is
known what Russia wants, the
chief executive declared.
He said that no list of Russian
needs had yet been submitted
and probably when it was sub.
mltted It could not be filled by
taking It jlown to a department
The only things that could be
supplied immediately, the presi
dent said, would be such thing
as socks or shoes the type ol
equipment which mlgK be pick
ed up at a store but It would
require a long time to fill an
order for airplanes.
Assets Freed
Shortly before the president'
conference, the treasury lifted
restrictions on Russian money
and asset In the United State.
Mr. Roosevelt said he had no
idea whether priorities might be
granted to expedite the manu
facture of planes for Russia.
Mr. Roosevelt said ha did not
know for what purpose the
credit released by the treasury
might be used but that he sup
posed Russia would be allowed
to buy things In this country by
employing the credits.
The chief executive offered
nothing to supplement the state
ment yesterday by Undersecre
tary Sumner Welle of the state
department that the United
States considered communism
and naziism distasteful, but re
garded Russia a the lesser men-
He asserted that all he could
say was that we are going to
give all the aid we possibly can
to Russia.
Denis P. S. Conan Doyle, son
of the famed author. Sir Arthur,
and hi wife were to leave here
by motorcar this afternoon after
an overnight visit in Medford.
The couple arrived last night
from McCloud, Cal., where they
had been guests of William Ran
dolph Hearst
Mr. Conan Doyle recently
completed a lecture tour and
plan to start another In the
east soon. He lectures on "War
and Christianity." He and his
wife will return to England In
December, he said. Hi wife 1
the former Princess Nina of the
Georgian Mdlvanl family.
b. H. I.
St. Louis , 15 0
New York I 10 I
Muncrief, Kramer and Fer
rell; Gomel and Dickey.
Cleveland , , 3 10 9
Boston 13 18 1
Harder, Brown, Jungel and
Hemsley; Newsom and Pytlak.
Philadelphia 18 1
Cincinnati 8 10 2
Beck, Hoerst and Warren,
Walter and Lonv