MEflFOKD MATE TRTBUXE. MTDFORD. OKEGQy, TUESDAY. .TT7NT 17, 1941. PAGE FTVB Y LOCAL and Returns Mrs. P. C. Blghim ham returned to her home, 903 Crape street, today by train after spending the past two weeks in Sacramento, Cal. Meeting Tonight The city council will meet in regular semi-monthly session in council chambers on the top floor of city hall at 7:30 tonight. At Bermuda Word was re ceived here today by relatives that Patrick Shaw of the U. S. navy is now stationed in Ber muda waters. Mr. Shaw is a former Medford resident. Fines Leried Robert Taylor of Medford was fined S10 in city court yesterday for violation of the basic traffic rule. Martin Heitkamp of Medford poeted $5 bail on a charge of parking in an alley. Arrives Mr. and Mrs. George Jackson of Interior, S. D., ar rived here last week to visit Mr. Jackson's mother. Mrs. Hannah Einkopf, 607 Catherine street, who has been seriously 111 for several weeks. Mr. Jackson plans to take up residence in Washington. Minor Accident Grade S. I.ehrman of Grants Pass and H. G. Newell of Medford district CCC headquarters drove cars In volved in a minor accident on South Central avenue near Ninth street yesterday afternoon, a re port on file said today. State police reported that machines operated by Emil G. Westvong of Medford and Martha Ade'e Sprague of 213 Portland avenue collided at South Riverside ave nue and 12th street Sunday af ternoon, with considerable dam ace to both vehicles. Neither driver suffered serious injuries, police stated. Plane Passengers H. Kaplon departed by United Mainliner this noon for Walla Walla, Wash. S. Evans arrived from San Fran cisco on the same plane. Ar rivals from Portland on the fore noon Mainliner were Miss U. Davis and R. Ebell. Mrs. C. Ackerman left for Salt Lake City, Utah, via Sacramento, Cal. Leaving on the morning plane were R. Hammond, to Portland, and F. A. McMillan, to Seattle, Wash. S. B. Buell and M. F. Barry arrived on the midnight plane from Portland. S. Morse, M. Messenger and S. Edwards departed for San Francisco on the Mainliner last evening. E. Wilkinson arrived from Portland on the same plane. J. E. Madi son left for Tacoma, Wash., on the afternoon flagstop. G. S. Louellowitz arrived from Los Angeles on the same plane. SKINNER offers a Better Used Car "Figure It Out For Yourself." A mnall down pavment, pine rart-to-pay monthly charges K'te you the car you're always wanted. You won't miss the money at all. See nt for all tht detail. 35 Pontiac Sedan Needs little tJ QP work 30 36 Plymouth Sdn. Deluxe Model QCC new paint , 3D? 37 Stude Sedan Dictator model) overhaul ed. Radio and heater , .'495 39 ChevDIx Coupe 4 pass. New paint, good motor. Clean C as a pin DID 34 Ford Coupe Motor and tire very good. A lot of 11 C transportation... 109 SKINNER'S GARAGE Buick CMC Trucks Phono 2748 PERSONAL Back From Portland A. S. Rosenbaum, district freight and passenger agent for the Southern Pacific company, returned this: morning by train after attending 1 a conference in Portland yester day of company officials. Flying South Lieuts. W. H. Williamson and M. W. Durham stopped at Medford municipal airport yesterday afternoon to have their Douglas observation plane refueled. They arrived from Portland and left for Wat sonvllle. Recuperatln g David H. Holmes, co-owner with his broth er Harry of Bear Creek orchards, was reported today to be recup erating nicely In Community hos pital where he underwent a major operation last Friday. It was expected that he would be able to return to his home, 327 Reddy avenue, in another week. Hurt In Fall Mrs. Charles Boussum of 720 Welch street suffered -body bruises in a fall from a sewing machine In the dining room of her home early this morning. Mrs. Boussum stepped upon the sewing ma chine to hang drapes. She was treated at home by her physi cian. She will be confined to her home for several days, friends said. Vacation Over Edward U. Canoose today resumed his duties as assistant fire chief af ter enjoying a 10-day vacation with his wife and son, Edward. Jr., at Rocky Point on Klamath lake. Mr. and Mrs. John W. Ayrs of Phoenix, parents of Mrs. Canoose, spent a few days with the Canoose family at the vacation cabin. Training School Maurice Tedrow, fire chief of Rogue River national forest, left this morning for Lake o' Woods to conduct a training school tomor row and Thursday for protective assistants and headquarters fire guards. He was accompanied by Ray C. Lindberg. from the division of personal management. regional foresters office, Port land, To Study Trees George E. Stevenson and Paul H. Loaan, from the division of timber man agement of the U. S. forest serv ice regional office In Portland, left here this morning with H. C. Obye, assistant supervisor of the Rogue River national forest, to make a study of the sugar pine trees being logged in the Union creek district. Stevenson and Logan arrived from Port land by car last evening. ... To Convention Miss Ora Cox principal of the Lincoln school, will leave tonight for Portland to attend the state convention of the Daughters of Union Veter ans of the Civil war tomorrow to Friday. Miss Cox is national color-bearer. In Portland she will Join Dr. Susie V. Standard, president of the local Elta Deuel Hubbs tent 11, who is now in the northern city. After the con vention Miss Cox will go to Gree ley, Colo., to attend the summer school of the Colorado State Teachers' college. At the end of the course she will travel to Bushnell, III., to visit relatives. She will round out the summer by attending the national con vention of the Daughters of Union Veterans in Columbus, Ohio, September 14-19. LIVESTOCK Portland Portland. Jun. 17. (AP-CSDAI Hog.: 450; market actiy. fully steady; good-choice 170 to aiS-lb. drm-ine S10.8S to mostly H1.00: few lot up to S1I.I0: 230 to 280-lb. wlht S10 25 a 10.SO; llght-llnhu 10.004 10.25: packing Km. . .7S; few. 120 to 123-lb. feeder pl; choice es-lb. weight 13 00. Caul: 100; cairn SS; market very How, mostly a peddllnj; market: early alei about steady; few bulla unaold; odd head common steers 17 "5 6 25; tew 650-lb. atockers 8.50: medium good fed ateera quotable around BJ0 i10 3S: with outstanding Ught kind, quota:, to Monday, top of (10 73: tew common h.Uera 7.00 7 SO: can ner and cutter cow. S5-2340.2O: fat dairy cow. up to 875: gravy beef eowa salable around M 768 35 or abore; few cutter to common bull. SS.76e7.JS: good beef bulla held round S9 00; good-cholc Tealera IlOOellSO; few 12 00: common fradea 7 0010 00. Sheep: 600; market about steady: (rood-choice spring lamb moatly SO: strictly good-choice klnda quot able 65 or abnre: few feeder lamba as 50; odd yearlings M 50; good ewe 3 75 down. oath an Franrlsco South flan Francisco. Jun 17. .'.T I red -elate Ukt. Kewsl Hogs: J 50: around 10c lower; packag choin butchers (1130, most 185. to 225-lb. SCREENS SCREEN DOORS Buy 'em at the factory. TROWBRIDGE CABINET WORKS 10th k Crap Phone 4112 Calif ornlu 1 1 30. few 365-lb. at $1040: odd pftckior tows WOO. Cattle: 78; largely aha stock rue: ran cowa past two dava 15 25c lower: lata yesterday, 3 loads short -fed aters 910 50, gran steers aa 55 down: today, package 632-lb. heifers a 50; good young ran cows scare-, load 1,040 -lb. seed ring cows 16 40, dairy cows A-7ft down; bulla aa 50 down. Cal res; Salable 16: largely slaughter 850 to 400-lb. calvaa 00 10 00; choice vealera scarce, quoted 11 00. Chicago Chicago. June 17 ( AP-rSDAl Hos: 18.000; top SI 0.00 paid freely. Cattle: 7,500: calvea 700; good weighty ateera and ell grade llpht yearn tips in broadrM demand; mostly 9.50$ 11.25; beat fed helfera 811-35 early. Sheep: 9.000; spring lamba steady to strong; bulk 80 to B8-lb. natives 11.50 t 11.65. Portland Produce Portland, June 17. Live poul try prices. No. 1 grade Leghorn broil er 1H to 3 lbs. 14c; fryers under 3'fc to 4 lb. 16c; roadsters over 4 lbs. 17c; colored hens 18c; over 3',i lba. 17c; old roosters 8c lb. Other produce unchanged. Portland Wheat Portland. Jun 17. i&) Wheat: Open High Low Close Sept. .91 31 ai J1 Cash grain: Oau No. a, 38-lb. whit 3450. Barley No. a. 45-lb. bearded white 36.00. Flax No. 1. 14!. Cash wheat (bid): Soft whit ex cluding rex aie; whit club 02c: western red 6Mjc. Hard red winter: ordinary 91-ic: 11 per cent 93jC: ia per cent a5tjr; 13 per cent 96jc; 14 per cent 08'c. Hard wblte-baart: 19 per cent SI. 13; 13 per cent tl.15: 14 per cent SI. 17. Chicago Wheat Chicago, June 17. Wheat: Open High Low Close July 1.00S 100T, 9i 1.00?, Sept. 1.02 1 02S 1.01. 1.02 Dec. 1.04 1.04H 1.03, 1.04 Wall St. Report New York, June 17. (IP) What appeared to be a revival of Investment buying in special ties and senior stocks today pried the market out of Its de clining groove. While gains of fractions were the rule at the close, scattered favorites were up 1 to 3 or more points. Volume expanded some what and transfers approximat ed 400,000 shares. Today'a closing price, for 34 select ed stocks follow: Al. Chera. & Dye 154 Am. Can 83 A. T. 4t T. 158 Anaconda 37 Atch. T. ic S. r 387i Bendlx Avla 39! Bethlehem Steel 74 Caterpillar Tract. . 46 Chrysler 58 Curtlsa-Wright 8!', Douglaa Aircraft DuPont 71 ' 15114 32V4 36 s, 89 51H 01H 371, 36 14'4 12H 74 23 '4 44 4'4 11H i 31 39 '4 ..unquoted 73H , 40 "4 los sen Gen. Electric Genl Food. Gen. Motor. Int. Harvester . Johns- Manvlll Kennecott Monty Ward No. Amn. Avn. . North Amer. Penney J. C.) Penna. R. R. Phillip. Pet. Radio Southern Pacific Std. Brands Std. Oil Cal. Std. Oil N. J. Transamerlca Union Carbide United Aircraft United Alrlln U. S. Steel an t'ranrlsro Butter San Francisco, Jun 17. P But ter: 93 acor S7c; 91 score SJVjc; 90 acore 35c; 89 score 34c. Sacramento, Jun 17. iX Butter fat: First grade 40c4 second grade 38V,e. CLARK To Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Clark, Route 2, June IS, a boy, 8 lbs., at Community hos pital. NOBLE To Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Noble, Eaale Point, June 15, a girl, 61 i lbs. at Community hospital. BISHOP To Mr. and Mrs. Lee Bishop, 1100 E. Main St., June 18, a girl, 7V4 lb., at Com munity hospital. nil San rfl&MciicoX Births III 1000 tOOMS I0O0 (ATMS 4 pefse. (4 ewe patoAe uiusuaen L tome! HOTEL ST. FRANCIS WING RELIEF Lying comfortably in Com munity hospital today after his broken loft leg hid been set. thouch he was still being pro tected against pneumonia. Waldo Jack Emerson. 50. of 408 Alice street, thought of the misery he endured as he lay all Sunday night in the woodj In a drench ing rain and the agony he suf fered all the next morning as the minutes and hours ticked off Into an eternity while he waited, waited with growing mis giving for help to come. Mr. Emerson went fishing Sunday with his wife, son. Jack, of Klamath Falls and nephew, Jim Crismon. 10. About 3 p. m. Mr. Emerson fell In jumping from one boulder to another and broke his leg. His son went for help and came across Charles E. Gosha, 33 North Peach street, and Ralph D. Van Cleave, 824 Bennett street, who were fishing together. They went with Jack to the scene of the accident, the south Fork of Rogue river between the Butte Falls-Prospect road and the Copco dam. On the way. while climbing over a cliff, Gosha was struck by a rattlesnake but the fangs penetrated only his sweatshirt sleeve. Gosha shot the snake's head off with his pistol, washed his sweatshirt out and continued on. The men made an improvised stretcher, applied first aid splints and started to carry Mr. Emer son out of the woods. It was getting close to midnight when they reached the top of the ridge with still a long distance to go. So Mr. Emerson was left with his son while the others went on for help. About 5 a. m. they reached the Rogue River nation al forest ranger station at Union Creek. The forest service Im mediately dispatched a CCC stretcher crew and the long trek back was begun. Meantime a rain storm had started during the night. The rescue party reached Mr. Emerson about 11 a. m. yester day. Because of thick brush it was extremely difficult to get him out of the woods but the arduous task was finally accom plished. At 3:05 p. m. Mr. Emer son was taken Into Community hospital. E YALE GRADUATE Lawrence D. Bragg, Jr., son of L. D. Bragg of Grenview or chard, was to be graduated to day from the liberal arts school of Yale university at New Haven, Conn., his father announced. Lawrence attended junior high school and one year of senior high school In Medford before going east to complete his high school studies at a prep school. Mr. Bragg said his son might visit this summer In Medford, where he has numerous friends. EOXY Miea only 6:45-9:15 irx Inc. tax Kldillr. I no Anrtlme JOHN GARFIELD ANN SHERIDAN PAT O'BRIEN BURGESS MEREDITH TOMORROW and Till KV Mt.HH f,.H I 'J hli "TTT Vi Last Time Tonight! GcdllMtilM NORTH WEST Character Roles With Tommy Kelly in the title role and May Robson as his Aunt Polly, 'The Adventures of Tom Sawyer." the all-technicolor pic turizntion of Mark Twain'j be loved story, opens a three-day run today at the Rialto theatre, this week's contribution to the "re issue hits" that are proving so popular. Role of Sleuth Ralph Bellamy Introduces the character of "Ellery Queen, Master Detective," first of the new scries, which comes to the Roxy theatre for tomorrow and Thursday nights. Schwabs to Lead Camp Meeting In Nazarene Church Rev. Otho and Billle Schwab are the special gospel workers engaged to conduct the Church of the Nazarene annual indoor camp meeting, which begins Wednesday at 7:45 p. m., and will continue nightly at the same hour to Sunday, June 29. Rev. and Mrs. Schwab, who conducted one of the most suc cessful 10-day meetings in the history of the local church In the fall of 1934, have conducted meetings In the largest cities of the nation and have been among those in greatest demand for evangelistic leadership. Rev. Schwab made a tour of the Europe including the Holy Land, five years ago. The young people are gifted musicians. Mrs. Schwab leads the congregational singing. The two sing together and Rev. Schwab is outstanding in his ministry as a soloist. Rev. and Mrs. Schwab are special friends of the Weather- ford family. Rev. Fred W. Weatherford, pastor of the local church, extends a cordial invita tion to the public to hear them. TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY BASSIICET for sale. 3. 106 Tripp. ltmh America's Best Loved Story That Became America's Best Loved Picture BACK TO THRILL YOU AGAIN Mark Train's blord classic of boyhood that touchsd th htart el the world ... with thrills, Uara, laughter . . . our latest hit in our "re-Issue hits el yesterday." starting Today for 3 Days rHEADVENTURES of 7 Knew. Dally at I:-I:II-S 00 WANT a uad Cab-tractor with blade, about 40 h. p. W. H. Olll. 837 Washington Blvd., Grant Paaa. Oregon. FOR RENT lem Boiea, SOo per month. ValU; Fual Co. T.L S376 COMMERCIAL 8PRAYINO of all kinds. Phon 4843. Wltbrow. IF YOU ar unfortunat enough to hat your car wrecked. It wlU be repaired as good aa n.w at Dally s Body and Faint Shop. BLOX Big Roih. part drr. Full load, 3. Medford Fuel. Tel. 3111. TERM1TTSI w eheck your house free and fir estlrnatea on cost of spraying If you hav ihem. Phon Hubbam Broa. For further Infor mation. 350 WILL HANDLE beat located gaa station aetup at 800 East Main. WANTED Housekeeper for two. Call 3830 after 6:00 p.m. 19 Cheatnut St. FOR SALE OR TRADE 100 Acres 64 miles northeast Med ford above valley, wond(Tfu) view. 40 acres fairly level, balance pas ture. Fenced and eroaa fenced. Small house, good barn. 4 living springs, 1 well. 1 spring piped to house. 14 mil to mall rout and school bus. Tracee of soft coal. Some equipment Included. Clear. 3500. 1 and 'or to acre B4 mtlea northeast Medford. 6 acres trrlgsted. 3 acres pears. 6 acres Ladlno clover. Modern house, barn, machln ahed. 3 garages, chicken house, corn crib, woodshed. Electric wator ayatem. On mall, school bua and creamery route. Som equipment Included. Clear, for 35-60 acrea near Portland on yr round creek with 38 acre creek bottom, balancv timber and pas ture, modern house. Bog 8079 Tribune. BINO CHERRIES. 848 East 9 th. BUY before price, go up 13'i acre, of nlr level land, suitable for chicken ranch or auto court. On highway at Central Point. Owner leaving soon. P. O. Box 33, Phoenix. Dial Medford 6014. $1650 Nr Washington School 3-room modem home. Urg back porch, garag. (Exclusive) A1SO $1750 Newly Decorated 4-room modern bunt-alow, traraft. double lot; $300 down, balanoe like rent (Eicluatve, AIM $1800 Pink of Condition 7 rooma, 4 bedroom, nice bath : renovated inside, new roof; painted ouUlde. Large lot. large ahade tree. Paved and paid. Conveniently arranged for renting rooma. $500 to $1000 profit possibility. (Exclusive) Also $3500 Suburban Beauty 3 acrea. beautiful yard, dandy B-room modern bungalow, double tile drtln. garajpe. cellar, electric pump for Irrigation; barn, chicken house, city water. A1SO $4500 Jacksonville Highway fl-room modern home, large scree ned In eervloa porch, automatic oil burner, double aarage, 3 acres. (Exclusive) MARK A. OOLDY Phone 3260 100 East Main Evenings 317, Mr. Bee be. POISOU OAK? Try boitl el ZEMACOL Too most be satisfied a year noncy eheerfolly refunded. Oct kettle today St WMTKRN THRIFT. Tom Sawyer In TECHNICOLOR TOMMY KELLY a. Tern Sawyer MAY ROBSON a A ant reiiy JACKIE MOftAlf aa Hark rise WALTER BRENN AH as Matt rotter VICTOR JORT a Injaa Joe and ANN CILLIS as Becky Thatcher FOR SALE Wheat, barler. ground feda. baled grain or alfalfa hay. Dial Medford 04O5. Victor Buraell. TR1P-L-DUTT all purpoa mash, economical and easy to feed. Med ford Feed & Seed. 4th and Fir. ROYAL ANNE CHERRIES. So you pick Also quart Jara. Cherry Ian. H. E. Birdsall. OOAT FEED Special milk ration of rolled grains Alber Dealer. Medford Feed as Seed. 4th and Fir. DIAL 4813 If Interested In a fur nished living aulte of three rooma: aleeplng room off bath, heated liv ing room, sun porch. Prlvat en trance. Can accommodat two. Referenrea required. RADIO SERVICE Tubes and parte for all makes. Guaranteed quality work. Reasonable rharsea. Phtlltpe Radio Service. 1307 N. Riverside, adjoining Severln Electric. FOR SALE A good work team. Route 1, Box 103, Central Point. Bartfh. MOniLOAS GOES FARTHER Fill now, check your mileage. We ad just, clenn and test your Spark Purs FREE. Handy Red Horse. 600 East Main. WANTED Experienced comptometer operator. Write Box 3083 Tribune. DANCE 7b- ABBEY GREEN'S MUSIC at ROGUE RIVER LODGE EVERY NIGHT EXCEPT MONDAY NO COVER CHARGE.. DINING 6 P. M. ON.. COCKTAIL BAR Tonight: Bette Davis "The Tomorrow ON THE STAGE The Swlngin'ast. Blngln'eit, Show-Stoppin'est Stage Enter tainment that Erar Came Out oi Hollywood! All Shows Mat PLUS ON THE SCREENi Th Hilarious Comedy Komance of Big Shot Slicker. Who Ont Bllrk Themselresl Starts Thursday TJ A MIGHTY SAOA j r9 IN TtCHNICOLOkl m BRIAN D0NIEVY 4M'iiii.s;jn.-.n.t;i.iM,n; Shows 1.44- 4J-:o .Mais: SOr - WANTED Two aeta of fallen, long logs, 85c. Steady work. Boa 84 Trlbun. WANTED J men to work on farm. Waes 2 50 per day. Room and board. C. F. Balrd. Selma. Oregon. FOR RENT Housekeeping rooms, 310 North Bartletw FOR SALE 1 Chevrolet pickup. I Ingl. iron bedstesd with spring and mattres. 1 9x19 Azmlnster rur at 133 Tripp St. ROOM for gentlemen. Call batwean 8 and 8. 331 Weat Flftb. ORA1N SACKS FOR SALE Arrange with ua Now for grain sacks and save money. Also ssrk twin and binder twine at rlitht prlcaa. F. E. SAMSON CO. Tel. 8756 4th at Front FRIED CHICKEN 85c Drive out to willow Springs. 8U, mile. No. Medford, for good old fashioned fried chicken. HAY SALT FOR SALE ANOTHER law shipment of Hay Salt will arrive today or tomor row. Arrange with ua for your Salt requirements Nriw. F. E. SAMSON CO. Tel. 8756 4th It Front P. H. A. LOANS quickly, efficiently handled Mark Ooldy Agency, Great Lie" (Wed) Only! NO Raise in Prices and Eve I Mats SOe I Eres.4oa I Itne. tar Kiddles XOo THE RHYTHM MAKERS Musi Hot and Sweet DICK McCORMICK Gen Krone stylist THE CRADY BROS. Swinging on Strings LEE SISTERS Rhythm oa Tap Peggy Gordon Doris Fultoa Lafayette k Larerne Sitters for 3 Days Only OF THI WEST... lM - le kee: toe-UelS In. Ua V-7-f CVEMINGf W JM0U1 r MOUNTED POLICE A4aK. tn In. Ui UNION SQUAD! MOHS-ies T