Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, June 16, 1941, Page 4, Image 4

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tnmtttmrm Of
Dallf Sir Satanter.
tt-tT-ll North fflr St. Vnomm flll
IKMUT 9L O I LIT RAF. Van. far.
Am IKiwiwt HiiMpr.
i mmo4 lata matt at M4-
mM. Oii. 4t AM af March a, Utt
F Mevl4-l A4uimi
Dalt aaa Buaday-aaa raar f M
Dtiir m4 Baadarwa aiaaifea. .
Daily and Bun4F thraa mouth.
Dally af a1r aaa month... .!
frf CarrUr la A4aaca HMlfora, Art
Uad, Cantral Fatal. JackaoavUla, Qo4
H i IL Raua Rl ar, phaaais, Talaab
Ab4 aa motar rautaai
Dally aad Bgaday aa yaar
Dally aa4 liiltr-o moath... ,11
All larma la a4aaea.
OfflrUI fitr at
OfRctal fapat
ma nty al Marflejr
mi Jacfcwaa Cmiiy
Haralvlaa rail lfMd Wlra Barvlra.
Tha Aaaoeuiat Prasa ta aioluaivaly
atillad t tha aaa far puhliaatioa af all
Baaa dlapatonaa ara1iia1 la II ar athar
laa aradlta1 u thia papar. and alaa u
tha local fltvi pulMiahad harala.
All rifhra lar aublicalloa af apaelaj
aliaaatabaa harala ara aiaa rmrffl
Advartiafaa Rapraaaatatlvaa
Offlaaa la Hmw rorh. C Datralt
aa rraiielaoa. Loa A n !, saatlta.
r art lan 4. BC boat Atlanta, '-'aaaoaaar.
ati ai
Ye Smudge Pot
Br Arthur Perry-
Upstate republican! will hold
picnic next Sunday. There
eems to be no Justification for
this roasting of wienies and
democrats, except to rehearse for
the distant day when picnic
will be more than an outer denv
onstration of an Inner hope.
The government has ordered
the resources of Germany and
Italy "frozen. This Is hitting
the dictators In their most vital
spot the pocketbook.
The CIO has started a .purge
of Communists, and the orchard
run of pestiferous radicals from
its ranks. The ilk Is charged
with having much to do with the
current outbreak of strikes and
general hellralslng In defense
plants. There also seems to be
a need for scatterment of the
asme tribe packed thick around
tha federal pie-counter and pub-
lie trough.
(Grants Pass Bulletin)
"Here comes another bunch
of Items for the editor's blue
pencil! Since our entry into
the correspondent's field
(which Is not the first time by
a good dealt , the expense of
blue pencils must have
trebled. Protect us this issue
la delivered Friday the 13th!"
Military experts report the
French forces In Syria are re
listing the British just enough
to prevent Berlin from suspect
ing collusion and cahootery. It
will not be a whole-souled "all
out" swoon like the one that
greeted the Nazis Just a year
go. give or take a couple of
The week-end ball games of
fered nothing in way of comfort
to the fans, except the park
fences stood up well under the
bombardment of the foe, which
at times sounded like a xylo
phone solo was underway.
The week of June 30th has
been designated by the Governor
as "Keep Oregon Green" week.
This concerns only the scenery,
and has nothing to do with ap
proaching a fool notion with a
BARE CELL" (lldllne Siskiyou
Newt) How does he feel about
the naked truth?
"There will come a time in the
life of almost every young man
under the sound of my voice,
when he will take the woman
of his choice by the hand and he
will go to some beautiful cottage,
and say to her: 'It Is ours. Under
the American form of govern
ment nobody can take It away
from us, because under the Con
stitution of these United States
no man can be deprived of his
property except by due process
of law. No President ran take
It. no Governor can take it. no
body can take it unless he has a
elalm on it. and he must estab
lish that claim before an Im
partial Judge and 12 Jurors, or
else It will always be ours."
(Cong. Record, being part of an
commencement exercises speech)
Through the Mill
Llvermore, la. W) Duke, a
dog belonging to farmer Henry
J. Kohlhaas, Jumped on the
platform of a binder. He went
through the machine with the
oats, was bound up neatly In the
center of a bundle, and deliv
ered from the other tide without
a scratch.
By October, American rail-
roads expect to have 1,00 new
'7ura! "J "a
i uwiv,nm, n.,oesT aDiiny. intelligence and resourcefulness our community can'
in existence when the war be-1 muster, and Medford hasn t gotten bu.y on the problem a second
n- ltoosuon::-R.WJt.
Editorial Correspondence
Prineville, Oregon, June 14.
town and an attractive Jnn called the "Ochocho." Why aren't
there MORE attractive "little inns" In Southern Oregon?
Thli is chiefly a lumber district with six mills In full-blast
operation, thanks to the U. S. defense program. The man at the
service station is attired like a cowhand, something entirely
new in our motoring experience. He reckons Prineville is
"roughly speaking around 8000.
. .
We have always known Eastern Oregon was Interesting
country, but this Is our first motor trip through the John Day
portion of it. Left Pendleton after lunch, and drew up before the
"Ochocho" at 8 30, the proprietor In shirt sleeves came out for
our luggage and suggested we hustle, as the dining room closed
promptly at half-past seven. (He made the announcement in a
manner which left no doubt that It DID close then, and would
keep open for NO ONE, particularly on Saturday night.)
We wonder If Grant Wood has ever been In this John Day
territory, If not it would certainly be his dish. From Pendleton
to John Day there are at least a thousand views from the high
way which Mother Nature set up especially for this master of
the contemporary landscape. At least so we thought, as we spun
up hill and down dale, along almost a deserted highway.
What COLORS! The wheat fields. they don't measure them
by the acre but by the square mile in these parts, are unbe
lievably chromatic. We didn't suppose so many shades of brown
and yellow existed, light, medium, dark, with a deep purple
at one extreme, and a lemon-yellow at the other. Some of the
wheat Is being cut and probably before another two weeks the
harvest will be on in full blast.
Where there Isn't wheat there are hay and dark brown rocks of
grotesque shapes, also scores of 'Table Rocks." and real husky.
sweaty hay hands at work pitching the grass Into the hay wagons,
in omer places piling It into stacks. Not so bad this sort of
weather (around 79), but must have been terrible two days back
when the mercury hit the century mark.
Also a sheep and cattle country, particularly the former. Half
way between Pendleton and John Day we were held up half an
hour trying to get through a band of sheep and lambs that liter
ally packed the right of way from fence to fence for. It seemed,
half a mile at least. A couple of black-tanned sheep herders with
long poles and red hats forced an opening or ye editor might still
be there, hesitating about running over the silly, defenseless
They (the sheep) had Just been sheared and looked terribly
shabby and downcast. The lambs hadn't, and the way they
bounded about when the approaching car alarmed them was some
thing to arouse envy in a grasshopper's heart.
Speaking of grasshoppers, along one stretch of highway, the
pavement was covered with what we took to be brown, big-winged
grasshoppers, but the service station man at Mt Vernon said
they were locusts. Whatever they were, the service station man
may have been kidding a city slicker, the pavement must have
appealed to them at the candlelight does to the moth, they
swarmed over it and from both sides In spite of the fact their
crushed fellows practically covered every slimy Inch of It.
Speaking of pavement, only
dleton to Prinvllle was a hard-surface (oil macadam); the rest Is
gravel or plain dirt, the latter far better than the former, in
fact the best stretch of smooth dirt
One or two additional facts
One thing the government did
Informed does ask of every community. In which a large defense
project is built. that is, a recreational gathering place for the
enlisted men, an enlisted men's
canteen or Y. M. C..A. hut Is
place where the boys can gather,
bowl In a desirable non-alcoholic
local community, as OPPOSED to
This problem has been solved
turning over a portion of the Junior High for such a club, this
will be available, of course, only
period. With true public spirit, various entertainments have been
put on to raise money for the project, and citizens have also con
tributed Individually such articles as chairs, reading lamps, daven
ports, card tables, rugs, etc., etc. The State Department of
Education has provided a trained, coordinator to take charge of
the club for the summer period, and meanwhile a local committee
is working on the problem of having a permanent place ready
when the Junior High club has to be closed.
One group has suggested that dances be put on at this club once
or twice a week, where the boys can meet the local girls under
proper conditions and supervision, as one citizen remarked, give
the beer Joints, road houses and night clubs some competition,
and keep the lads off the streets and worse places. There has
been some opposition to this proposal we are told: at least no
definite decision has been reached to date, but It Impresses the
present writer as an excellent idea.
As before stated, the air base police cooperate with the
Pendleton police, making their city headquarters at the local
police station. One surprising feature, not only do the local
police aid the base police, but vice versa. the base police aid the
local police whenever the need arises. In short, there is a fine
spirit of coordination between the two. but to date, there has
been no police problem, and the people of Pendleton expect none.
Aa one rttiren expressed it: "You must realize these air base lads
are really the tops, the cream of the crop."
Ever since the construction of the Tendleton air base started,
prices have been rising slowly but surely. In some cases profiteer
ing has been attempted, but the cases are Isolated and that factor
is not regarded as serious. Several business men, however,
remarked about the desirability of some form of price control, but
no one seemed to know any legal way to achieve It. Rents, we
were told, have been kept down by the great number of residents
who are renting rooms and even
perhaps three or four "single
entirely inexperienced at that sort of thing. Man showdown that have been
"Tcr 'n 1 " vr"nt house or an unoccupied room In the1 filling the air for days. You will
place." one citizen declared, "and the new houses are occupied find that It fits surprisingly
even before some of them are completely finished." j Germany, facing American
ne- uuioma; guunuun, nowrver. is noi at ail serious, no
unsightly sharks or trailer ramps are to be seen, and as far as our
brief survey is concerned, at least, we would say that the forma
tion of that local housing corporation, with a capital of $100,000.
has done the trick. It looks as though that amount of money
would not be needed, but It Is there to he ued when and if the
need arises. Modern homes around the $3,500 or $4,000 level can
be put up in a remarkably short time these dsys.
Well. when one reallies What
Pendleton have done, are doing
do. solely because a defense project involving an Influx ofinnr, the blockade will be NUL -
about 3000 men and about aixty air-bombers has been secured. 1 1 inrn
it ahnnlrt nnt h Hiffindl rn. it,
they wilt have to do. when and if this local army cantonment
n constructed, a project at least TEN TIMES AS GREAT! I
A h"0" "tated In this department it is going to take the
Here is a quaint little pioneer
about half the route from Pen
road we have seen In the state.
regarding the Pendleton air base
ask of Pendleton, and we are
club so to speak. No army
wanted. The army does want a
play cards, shoot pool, perhaps
and non-profit atmosphere. A
an ARMY atmosphere!
temporarily In Pendleton by
during the summer vacation
supplying meals to a couple or I
men. "most of the "landlords"
the DiihllMnir!tet nrrml. nf
today, and what they expert to
t- T, j . ....
Personal Health Service
By WUUam
Htm UtUra eartalalns; t asrsonal keaHb aa kritene, ae ta etsaae
CUfiMsls at traatsMBt. will k imhM by Or. Brads If a lUmp nil
ederaaeMl envelop, la eneloee4. Letters shouie b. brlst and written la Ink
Owing te th kug. anmbtr of Htltra received only a Urn can be iiitmt
here. Ma reply ea. aa asaa. la aurtas snt mnfonnlnt ta Inatraetloua.
addreea D-. WUUaaa Brads, tea El Caalao, Bavarly Klua, Calif.
your Iodin Ration fatten
asked one young woman
wanted to make sure of
k e e p ing her
figure, regard
less of consld-
rationi of
health. Is cod
liver oil fat
tening? Inquir
ed a mother
whose young
daughter has
some "glands"
m e a n i n g ly
mph nodes or
kernels) In the
neck. The
child seemed to be getting bene
fit from the fish liver oil but her
mother didn't want the child to
become too fat.
Is milk fattening? Are pota
toes, bread, toast, crackers, salt,
eggs, ham, steak, chops, bacon,
oatmeal, nuts, popcorn, straw
berries fatterning? Sometimes a
correspondent asks whether
drinking water with meals, be
tween meals or at other times
to satisfy thirst is fattening.
Common notions that this and
that is fattening are little if any
more substantial than similar
fancies that certain foods or con
diments are "reducing"; notably
vinegar, lemon Juice, pickles.
Some foods yield more calor
ies per ounce, mouthful or pound
than others, and only In that
sense is one food more fattening
man another. The fattening ef
fect of any food depends on its
caloric value and of course on
the amount of the food con
sumed and the proportion of the
nutritive material assimilated.
Potato yields, say, 440 calories
per pound, whether the calories
yield heat, energy, or reserve
fuel stored as fat: bread yields
1400 calories per pound; maca
roni, spaghetti, noodles, vermi
celli each yield nearly the same,
1650 calories per pound; crack
ers yield about 1900 calories per
pound; fresh sweet milk 325 cal
ories per pint; buttermilk 165;
skim milk 170; cream 010 calor
ies per pint; cottage cheese 510
calories per pound; butter 3,600
calories per pound: oleomarga
rine 3,500 calories per pound;
olive oil, 3,800 calories per
pound; various shortening made
from vegetable oils yield ap
proximately the same number of
calories as olive oil, butter, lard
or oleomargarine.
Remember, every food that
yields calories at all is more or
less nourishing, strengthening.
By Frank Jenkins
CATURDAY. The war (so far
as shooting is concerned) is
more or less at a standstill. (For
this particular day, that is).
At the moment, only the air
forces appear to be active. In
modern war, the airplanes are
seldom idle.
LANCE back over the war
since its beginning. You will
find It falling Into a pattern
something like this:
A few days of violent fight
ing, with the Germans invariab
ly on the offensive and so far
invariably victorious. Then a
In the lull the DIPLOMATS
go Into action.
THE diplomat, use the terror
might to wring from neutrals
the concessions that Germany
The choice they offer is to
submit or TAKE THE CONSE
pattern to the
rumors of
entrance Into the war with con-1
sequent strengthening of thei
British blockade, wants what
Russia has oil, wheat, metals.)
raw materials of all sorts. To!
whatever extent she can obtain i
these neccMtties. the strangling
effects of the blockade will be
If she can obtain supplies and '
materials in sufficient abund
are two ways by;
Germany can obtain '
from Russia what she wants:
1. By diplomatic dickering
b. - rkrd up by threats.
J. By military conquest
, In The :.
. -News .
Brady M. D.
sustaining or fattening, and the
effects derived from any given
item of food depend chiefly on
the amount of the food con
sumed and assimilated.
Certain minimum daily ra
tions of fat, protein, carbohy
drate (starch or sugar), minerals,
vitamins and fiber, non-dlgest-lble
roughage or filler are re
quired to maintain health,
strength, capacity to work or
play and enjoy life, vlte, effici
ency and well being, to say noth
ing of good looks or beauty. It
is always dangerous to reduce
the dally ration of any of these
six essentials below the reauired
minimum. Any fool can choose
a reducing diet for himself with,
out having any truck with a
physician and there are many
horrid examples of the results of
such unwise dieting haunting
sanatoria today. If you contem
plate any dieting, for reducing,
building or any other purpose, it
is most satisfactory and effective
to follow your physician's In
struction and advice.
Varlcofr. fleer
I hav. had an ulcer on my leg
for levers years. Sometimes it seems
almost healed, but soon breaks out
tain ... (SI. A.)
Answer Send stamped envelope
bearing your address and ask for
pamphlet -Varlcoe. Veins and Van
coat Ulcers."
Have you any coplea of your reoent
artlclee on pyorrhea? I'd like to hand
some of them to my patlenta. ( ,
O. D. 8.)
Answer Mailing you monograph
on pyorrhea which Include mot of
the material.
Rum Biosaom
My noas Is very red and very
oily. It baa enlarged pores, rrlendt
say It la a "rummy a note," although
I am a teetotaler. (M. W.)
Answer Sop on noae each nldht
for a week whit, lotion mixture
of one dram or sine Biiirt nn. !
dram of aulfurated potass, and four
ounces of rose water. Shake it up
and aop on note with tinners, let
dry on noae on night. Discontinue
wntl. If any irritation occurs.
Wash off in morning. After a week
apply the whit, lotion only two or
three nights a week. In aom. caei
a few mild x-ray treatmenta by a
phyalclan tkllled In auch work will
give the greatest benefit. Further
details on the trouble (acne rosacea)
and ordinary acne (pimples snd
blackheads and oily akin) In booklet
"Sav. Tour Skin" for copy send as
cents and atamped envelope bearing
your addree.
(Protected by John P. Dill. Co.)
Ed Note: Persons wlihlng I.
communicate with Dr. Brady
should M letter direct to Dr.
ntlliam Brady. M. D. zas CI
Camlno. Beverly Rills. Calif.
If you will leave wishful
thinking behind and look at the
situation realistically, you will
be pretty sure to come to the
conclusion that Russia will bluff
as long as she dares but In the
end will SUBMIT.
rURING every moment since
the war began, a poker
game has been In progress. The
game has become increasingly
stiff. The bluffing has grown !
in scale.
Stalin Is putting up as good
a bluff as he can. But If you
can see him calling Hitler's i
military hand you are an opti
mist indeed.
CTALIN'S and Hitler's Isn't
the only game of bluff that
is going on.
Jap Foreign Minister Matsu-
oka today (Saturday) telegraphs
to Mussolini an endorsement of
his recent declaration that "Ja
pan will not remain indifferent
in the face of AMERICAN ag
gression against the axis."
You will note that he doesn't 1
say outright that If
goes to war with Germany and .
Italy, Japan will go to war with i
America. That isn't done in !
these days. Statesmen (Church
jwith double ,ongu, , ,7to
ill mfmrxiA I-
leave themselves free to rtoublt
cross whomever It seems most
advantageous to run out on.
The bluff Matstioka is run
ning In his telegram to II Dure
is directed at us. What he wants'
us to believe is that if we get
ourselves into it In t'.ie Atlantic ;
V V m"n,n w
wun i iiRe in ine r seme.
A Raal Cleanup
Wrtrfc nuii rri u-t...n h
men of Welch were a little slow j
in pushing the civic clean-up
project the women took over
They scooped up 13 big truck 1
loads of trash, nearly all there!
was in town, and hauled it away
Collecting 25 cents from each'
householder they paid off ex-'
penses and rime out $11 ahead
Tilt Top Hats
' N,w York -P) It's
.age. Hat designer Sail
a radio
I saw a new tilt-top radio-phono-
graph, was Inspired to make a
hat that could be tilted up for
sports (tf and down for din-1
ner. She displayed it in her win-1
dow ard has had more than I
2,000 requests
(Continued Prom Ptga Cm)
building Co., and this bidding
for skilled labor would delay the
program. So far as Admiral
Land is concerned there will be
no more shipyards on the Colum
bia, nor any wood ships he
thinks. When the demand for
ships anything that will float
a cargo becomes more pressing
the admiral may change his
But the navy entertains differ
ent ideas. The navy has an ex
pansive building program and
wil' require
small craft.
a large fleet of
War department,
also, will shortly be In the mar
ket for harbor craft.
DREDGE "Columbia." built
by the Port of Portland commis
sion for about $300,000 several
years ago, has arrived at an
island which may be Wake and
is prepared to move millions of
yards of coral reef. From the
time the navy tug threw a haw
ser on the steel hull of the Co
lumbia and headed Into the west
ern sea the navy Is paying $10,
000 a month rental, the rental
to apply on the purchase price
if the navy desires. The dredger
will play an essential part in
the preparation of aviation bases
at Guam, Wake, Midway and
Johnson islands where stores of
fuel oil, gasoline and other sup
plies must be provided.
On these island Jobs are men
engaged at Grants Pass, all of
whom should return with plenty
of money. Wages are good, but
the men will not be paid reeu
larly, or at all until they return
to the states, because being coral
islands (Guam excepted) and
actually deserted islands until
the China Clipper built stations
on them, there is nothing they
can spend money for. Con
tractors doing the work know
that if the men were paid on a
desert isle it would be only a
short time until a couple of
workmen with educated dice
would have all the payroll. And
that isn't going to happen. Wages
will be banked for the men or
their families. By a comDlicsted
system of bonuses and such the
pay of the workmen will be un
usually large.
SO far as the geological sur
vey is concerned, the alleged tin
find at Squaw butte between
Burns and Bend, is a closed
book. There was some excite
ment several months ago when
tin was supposed to have, been
recovered from the old volcano
and tin buttons" were produced
on the spot for the edification of
the governor and other high of
ficials. Judge Robert Duncan of
Burns called the "find" to the
attention of Senator McNary and
McNary, knowing the shortage
of tin In this country, requested
the geological survey to investi
gate. Samples selected on the
spot by a scientist of the survey
were given every kind of test
for tin known to the nrofession
The result was a blank. Dr.
W. C. Mendenhall, chief of the
survey, observes: "This suDoorts
the conclusion of the geologist
' examined the claims in
April and reported that they
showed no evidence of being tin
bearing." Squaw butte will be
scratched off the list of govern
ment property having minerals.
Who Are Isolationists For?
To the Editor: Going over
some speeches by Lindbergh and
Wheeler I notice neither of them
nor any of their cohorts have
ever mentioned what we mieht
expect if Hitler defeats England.
Are they so Ignorant? If they do
know, who are they working for
Hitler or the United States?
The isolationists are silent on
whether we may expect econom
ic strangulation if England falls.
But I ask. what else may we ex
pect? We will be in the position
of a rich farmer whose roads to
market are infested by bandits
to whom he must pay tribute or
keep his produce at home.
We are approaching the time
when we must stand up and be
counted. Either we are with the
Bunders. Communists, labor
racketeers, saboteurs
nd fifth !
""nnists who are giving aid
nd '""uragement to the Nazis,
or e ,re lor our own country.
gue River. Ore.
Oldtt.r Youngsters
China, Me. (J") When Augus
tus Doe Wiggin attended his
daughter's golden wedding annl
verfsry. he spoke affectionately
of the principals as "young
sters." Hes 101.
Close Shop
London 1--P) Bomb shocks
have taken a heavy toll in wine
glasses and goblets in public
houses, virtually Irreplaceable,
and some pubs have closed on
account of lU
British Suspect German Feint ,
At Russia to Cover Real Aim
(This daily feature, conducted by DaWItt MacKensie, la being
written la his absence on vacation by Fred Vanderschmldt).
Tabloid interpretations of to-
day's hesdllners:
British attack In north Africa:
This is practical application of
Britain's new war plan, ex
pounded only a week ago by
Winston Churchill: "Fierce and
stubborn resistance, even against
heavy odds, even under excep
tional difficulties and disadvan
tages." For two months the for
midable axis forces have been
astraddle the Egyptian border,
completing every preparation
for the assault on Suez, deterred
only by the scrappy little To
bruk garrison Inside their lines.
Now the British, reinforced
by men and machines from East
Africa, have attacked these axis
concentrations in force, despite
the blazing heat, despite the toll
they knew the swarms of Ger
man dive bombers would be
able to take. By doing so, they
may be saving Suez.
British express fear German
threat to Russia Is a feint: This
appears to reflect an attempt by
the British leadership to dispel
wishful thinking about a Ger
man-Russian conflict (incurable
British habit) and to prevent
any relaxation of preparedness
and watchfulness at home,
There is solid ground for expect
ing another German-Russian
get-together, probably at Rus
sia's expense. But it also is ap
parent that Germany is applying
tremendous military pressure to
Russia in an attempt to get a
free hand in the wheat country
of the Ukraine and perhaps the
oil fields of the Caucasus, if not
even more.
To the disillusionment of Rus
sia, Hitler is proving again that
no country on the borders of the
third reich can in the long run
maintain complete sovereignty
no matter how much friendship
it offers. The pattern of Nazi
land's "friends" has always been
the same: Infiltration by hordes
of "specialists" from without;
steady demoralization by fifth
columnists and "Quislings"
within. Stalin has resisted this
process; indeed, he even has
decorated the - peasantry for
thwarting stealthy violations of
what is cautiously called "the
western Russian border" by gen
tlemen with German names.
These same peasants have not
risen to the glorious task of
growing wheat for the reich; In
deed, they are reported this year
to have eaten the grain distrib
uted among them for spring
sowing. How this sort of story
must infuriate Adolf Hitler, who
has all the rest of the European
continent to feed, can be imag
ined with the greatest of ease.
Italy freezes U. S. credits as
reprisal: This action by Italy,
but not Germany, may well fore
cast a Hitlerian policy of push
ing Italy out In front to do the
blustering and take the risks in
this era of dangerous and explo
sive relations between America
and the Axis. The German re
action to Axis credit freezing by
the United States Is feeble so
far, and German spokesmen are
using the word "unjustified,"
which must be one of the weak
est words In the Nazi vocabu
lary. Probably the Germans are
figuring that Washington will
not be so tough with Italy as
with Germany. At any rate, the
uermans are playing safe and
seeing, first, what happens as a
result or Italy's action. It Is
likely, also, that freezing of
American credits in Italy will
bag more cash than it would In
Germany: United States enter
prise has had much tougher go
ing in Germany for a long time.
Corcoran, Calif., June 16 JP
Rising slowly with the run-off
of record Sierra snow packs,
flood waters spilled out over
more of the rich ranches today
In the great basin of ancient
Tulare lake.
Two hundred and twenty-five
ranch families already have fled
their home to escape the water
'hich virtually covered the
abandoned ranches, leaving only
treetops and the roofs of build
ings showing above the surface.
Levees started to give way
last week when hot weather
melted snow in the Sierra Neva
da. 50 miles away, and sent the
brimming Kern, Tule and Kings
rivers out of their banks. The
oveniow was into the fertile
ranching area that once was
Tulare lake.
Two hundred and fifty ranch
ers worked around the clock to
halt or at least delay the flood
to that harvesting crews, sweat
ing below the levees, could save
a portion of the region's wheat
Cat tlau trunu
Flight (V Time
M.diord aad Jackson County
History from the files of tha
Mail Tribune 10 and 20 years
June 16, 1931
(It was Tuesday)
President Hoover in addreag
at Memorial Tomb hits "betray,
ers of Harding."
Al Capone, Chicago gang king,
pleads guilty to Income tax eva
sion and beer plot and faces 32
years In prison. To be sentenced
June 30.
Heavy rains and snow falls In
northern California. Further
rainfall predicted here.
"Wildcat" Duncan, Portland
foe of chain stores, sentenced to
six months in Jail for radio libel.
State In throes of "power cam
paign." Grange bill foes spent
$21,000 in Oregon and Washing
ton during past campaign.
June 16. 1921
(It was Thursday)
Roy Gardner, escaped mail
bandit is captured in Centralis,
Wash., rooming house and sur
renders without a fight to police
man. Fugitive's face is heavily
bandaged to thwart detection.
A. F. of L. demands congress
appropriate funds for public
works, to provide employment
for Jobless, estimated at five mil
lion. Champion Jack Dcmpsey re
turns to training for fight for
title with Carpentier, July 2.
Gov. Olcott calls on Oregon!
ans to eat more Oregon-made
Big parade to be feature of
Fourth of July Celebration at
Mall service between Medford
and Crater Lake established.
Radio Highlights
By Associated Press
(Time is Pacific standard)
Tonight, war schedule 3:15
NBC-Red. 4:55 CBS, 5:30 NBC
Blue, 6:00 MBS, 6:45 CBS-East,
7:30 MBS, 7:00 NBC-CBS, 7:30
Talks NBC-Red 5:30 Mayor
LaGuardia on purpose and func
tion of office of civilian defense;
NBC-Blue 5 Sec. Frank Knox
from Montreal in Canadian vic
tory loan program.
Heavyweight fight NBC-Blue
6:30 Bob Pastor vs. Buddy Scott,
Tuesday, war schedule: 4:00
NBC CBS, 4:55 NBC-Blue, 5:00
NBC-Red CBS; 6:00 NBC-Blue
MBS, 7:00 MBS, 8:43 MBS; 0:45
NBC, 10 MBS, 11:55 CBS; 12:55
NBC-Blue, 1:00 MBS, 2:25 NBC
Red, 2:45 CBS NBC-Blue.
Some short wa-es: GSC GSD
GSL London 2:45 news; HAT 4
Budapest 4:30 concert and nevas;
GSC GSD GSL London 6 demoo .
racy marches; DJD DZD DXP
Berlin 7:30 news.
A process has been develoned
Lfor removing husks from grains
oi wneat Dy notation, a method
used in mining for separating
vtlues from their ores.
Telephone 243-L
. t. Oram, pass, Pacini Highway
hit trip, why not enim, ....
perlohVe charm of a beloved
cify'i mot dirtinguiihed hotel?
Viiil the Fmnt
(u tlb u mlh looojtmn ld)
Fines! foods end cocktoils in
on atmosphere of erondevr.
Dmtou...Gtry mi Tsylor
ncMAto i. Koun