PAOE TWO MFDFORD MATT. TRTBTTM.. MEDFORH OREGON, THURSDAY, JUNE 12, 1941. SENATE APPROVES SEIZING PLANTS IF DEFENSE DELAYED Workers Return at Alumi num Plant in Cleveland; ' Curtis Wright Peace Sure Br the AuoeUUd Praia The senate passed legislation today to give President Roose velt specific statutory authority to take over defense plants where there is an existing or threatened failure of production. and management or labor have failed to utilize existing media tion agencies. Administration forcea failed to defeat an amendment by Sen ator Ball (R.-Minn.) which pro vided In effect that the presi dent could not exercise seizure powers until mediation attempts were exhausted.' Alco Crews Return ' The legislation also included a proposal to accept the deci sions of mediators. It included a declaration reaffirming the principle of collective bargain ing. Aluminum Company of Amer ica officials reported a full force back at work at six units at Cleveland where CIO strikers voted yesterday to return to their jobs. Production also was resumed on aluminum warplane parts at five Detroit plants of Bohn Alu minum and Brass company. - A defense mediation board panel took up the dispute be tween the AFL metal trades council and the Bethlehem steel company's San Francisco ship building division. The CIO steel workers organ izing committee agreed at Pitta burgh to extend an existing wage agreement with the Cur tlss Wright propeller division until June 20, thus averting strike set for midnight tonight. To Mediation Board A few hours earlier Secretary of Labor Perkins certified the strike threat to the defense me diation board, which immediate ly asked an assurance from the union and management there would be no interruption of pro duction. Union members said their representatives would meet with the board in Washington Monday to discuss their demands for 10-cent-an-hour wage in crease in scales now starting at 00 cents and averaging, union officials said, 78 cents. In California's vast aircraft Industry "production as usual" was the order of the day as the soldier management of North American Aircraft Corp. at In glewood reported "100 per cent personnel and 100 per cent effi ciency." At San Diego the AFL machinists employed in the big Consolidated Aircraft plant met to consider ratification of an un disclosed new contract. Approv al was expected, cancelling a strike threat there. At Inglewood, however, troops guarding the plant were aug mented yesterday by armored cars and mechanized cavalry forces. No reasons for the rein forcements were given. jZ ELECTED Waller M. Dear (above), publisher of the Jersey Journal in Jersey City, was elected president of the Ameri. can Newspaper Publishers Ao. elation at recent meetings in N. V. He succeeds John S. Me Carrens, a Cleveland publlshei SETS FIRE LIVESTOCK fortland Portland. Or., J una 11 (AP-US DA) Mots: SOO; market act It. Me to moatlr foe hlflwr than Mon-ay; good -choice 170 to 130-Ib. dnn-lne 10 26 to moatl? 10.40; 330 to 390-lb. weight 10.00; light llhts mottljr SOTS; few to S10JM; packing owe only steady to strong at S8 00 SAO; goodchole f rude around SO to US-lb. leader pi tU.00Sjll.S0: one selected lot lighter weight to (19.00 Cattl:a&0; earn. 60; markt mod erately active, about su ad- at week's decline; (aw grass iteer ea.SOaSjS: good fed iteer ealable around (10.00 10 JO; odd fed betters SS.7S) 10.00; raa-fat heifer as SO 9.O0: common dairy belters SI 00 8.00; eanner-eut. ter cows SS.3Sge.3S; fat dairy cow around .M7.00; grass fat bmf cow 87.00 7.S0; medlum-gooa bull W 2a90O; good chol,: vealers moat ly 811.0011.40; strong weight up to 13.00; common vealere to 87.00. eheep: S7S; market aetlv. fully dy; ewte itrong; good - cholc prtng Iambs .S0s.75; few feeder lamb down to as 40; good alaughur was SJ40J.7B. Chicago Chicago, June 13 AP-CSDA1 Hop, le.OOO; top OSS; bulk good and Choice 180-370 lb. 88.80) 8 80: mot 370-JJ0 b. butcher 8940 70: good 150-170 lb. underweight 8 00 g 8.40: most 890-400 lb, pack ing owa 88.84 0.00. Cattle 4,400, calves SOO; nothing strictly cholc her; medium weight Colorado 811.80 with weightier kind 11.00; llttl above 811JS and bulk SS.75eU.00; ben fad heifer $11M; mighty aauaag bull to 89 90; weighty cutter cow to (7.7); vealer 11.00.1. .00, moatly 813 00 on cholc offering. Cheep 3,000; spring lambs around 34 lower; moat small lota good to near cholc 11.744) 13.00; holding bttr kind at 81.54 and slightly above; shorn lamb ecarce. 3Se to BOe lower; few lot good to cholc 83-100 lb. 88.38 9.78; beat light weight ne tlv wea M.7S; bulk medium to good 83 ,40g)40. Sooth San rrandeeo South San Pranclaco, Jun 13 Fd.-Stt Mkt. Nw) Hog: (00: genrlly 14e34o higher; moat 185 to 338-lb. California lUi, on load cholc 81145. tatter top; pack ing ow largely 88409.14. Cattle: 100; alow, barely steady; 3 ears weighty Idaho fad steers on ale. light kind more actl-e; odd graaa heller 87.00; graa range cow care, packaga aged 8 24. few dairy eowa 88 00; odd bull as.00eB.S0. Calve: Salabl 16; steady, odd veal ers 11.00: good calve SI 0.80. Sheep: 8O0; fully study: I dcka good 77-lb. California 810J5, aorttd 15 per cent 89J5; about half run horn lam be, cull to medium under 80 lb itremely dull: medium to cholc shorn ewe quoted 8340 1 8-38. San Franelaco Butter Sacramento, June 13 n Churn ing cream buturfat: nrst grade tone; cond grade MVie. San PranclMO, Jun 18 (AP C8DA) Butter, 93 score 37c; 81. 85 He; 89, Sic. Portland Produce Wall St. Report Portland. Jun 13. OP) Price to producer: A lug 34c: B large, 33c; A medium SSc: medium 33o doe. Resal to retailer 4c higher foe caeea: carton 4c higher. Onions New California Wax 8340 per 40-lb. bag: red 82.40 8)3.75. Potatoes New California long white No. 1, S3 40 3.74 cental. Country meat Selling price to retailer: country killed bogs, beet butcher, 136 to 140 lb. 13)lSte; vcalera. fancy 180 17c: light thin 18 15c; heavy 12a 14c; yearling lemba 12 14c lb. 1M1 spring lamb 16c lb. w 5 g so lb. good cutter cow 13 18c lb.; canner cows 11 s) 13c lb.; bulla 14 ft 15o lb. Other produc unchanged. Chicago Wheat Chicago, Jun 13 Wheat: Open High Low Clot July ..1.01 1.01V, 1.00V4 1.00 Sept. 1.03 1.02 1.03V, 1.03 Dee. 1.04 V, 1.04 V, 1.01 1.04 Cloelng Uma for Too Late to clea nly Ad 1 1 SO p m. New York, June 12. VP) Bidding for specialties, Includ ing an assortment of senior is sues, kept the stock market on the upgrade today despite lag ging tendencies shown by some leaders. It was the ninth out of ten successive sessions In which the list, on average, had managed to close with an advance. Price levels generally finished at their tops since early April, the As sociated Press composite of 60 stocks having regained about two full points since June 1. Transfers were around 600, 000 shares. Today's closing price for 34 select ed stocks follow: Al. Cbero. T i Am. Can 831, A. T. - T. Anaconda 37 H Atch. T. a 8. P. 391, Bendli Aria. M Bath 1 rum Steel . 74 V4 Caterpillar Tract. 46 Si Chryelw , ,, 58 H CurtU. Wright 8H Douglaa Aircraft 70 DuPont Oen. Ileetne S1V4 Oen. Poods 86 Oen. Motor S9V, Int. Barveater , , 51 JACKSON CO. DEFENSE COUNCIL IS APPOINTED By GOVERNOR SPRAEUE Salem, June 1J.0F Gov ernor Charles A. Sprague ap pointed today the following members of the Jackson county defense council: Mayor Thornton Wiley of Ash land, Mayor H. S. Deuel of Med ford. Sheriff Syd I. Brown. County Judge J. B. Coleman, Herb Grey, Dr. Sherman L. Di vine, Gain Robinson, Capt. S. M Tuttle, Frank de Souza, Merrill A. Beneka, R. W. Ruhl, John C. Boyle, Glenn L. Jackson, J. C. Collins, Mrs. Reese Braley, Charles Towers, the Rev. F. W. Black. Frank Hull. Henry Con ger, Mrs. Joan Stoehr and Dr. L. D. Inskeep, all of Meriford. Floyd Hart and Elmer Wilson, both of Central Point; Lloyd A. Williamson and Oscar Lewis, both of Jacksonville; Miss Ber tha McCoy of Gold Hill and Earl Ulrich of Prospect. Forte'Salica Bout Postponed by Rain Philadelphia. June 12. (Pi A 15-round fight for the world's bantamweight title between Tommy Forte of Philadelphia and Lou Salica of Brooklyn. N. Y., scheduled for tonight In Shibe park was postponed today until Monday night because of bad weather conditions. Plan Chrome Plant Marhfield, June 7 P An eastern firm, planning to en tract chrome from southwestern Oregon ore, will locale a proc essing plant in Coos Bay, Earl K. Nixon of th state bureau of mines, predicted yesterday. TWO IN JOSEPHINE CO. Three snags In snag patch northeast of Prospect were set on fire by lightning last evening and a crew went to work today to cut them down, state forest patrol office reported. Two strikes in Josephine county were reported to the state office, but it was thought rain had put the blazes out as crews dispatched last night could not find them, headquarters said. Rogue River national forest headquarters said It was feared some lightning fires In the Ap plegate district might show up later as a heavy rain accom panied the thunder storm In that area and strikes might smoulder for days unless completely put out by the rain. The storm broke near the close of the first day of the fire guard training camp at Carberry In the Applegate district. Because no rain accompanied the storm In the Butte Falls district and thus Increased the fire danger a protective assistant attending the camp was sent back to stay on duty at Butte Falls. I Jobni-Mnvlll Kennecott Monty Ward No. Amn. Avn. North Amer, . Penney (J. C.) Penntv R. B. Phillip Pet. Radio Southern p&ctflo atd. Brandt Std. Oil Cal. Std. oil N. J. Trantamerlca Union Carbld . 61 . 37Va , 86 . 14S , 12 ! . 79 . 33 . 48 . H . 12' . H . 31 . 38 . 4 . 73 Cnlte.d Alrcrft United Alrlln U. 6. Steel , 89 10;, Blood Bank Miami, Fla. (U.R) A blood bank to keep large supply of plasma and whole blood con stantly on hand will be in full operation here soon. A building to house the blood and equip ment for converting it into plas ma is under construction at Jackson Memorial hospital. n DRUBS BRAND Ff00 90 Proof-75 Grain Neutral Splr JL its. Calvert Dutillers Corp- N. Y. C TO RECEIVE PAROLE Salem, June 12. (PI The state parole board decided today to parole Al N. Banks, former Salem teamster (AFL) business agent who paid three men to burn the non-union Salem box factory In November, 1937, on August 1. Banks, who has been In prison three years, became eligible for parole last week when Governor Charles A. Sprague commuted his sentence from 12 to nine years. Nazarene School To Give Program Friday Evening Medford Church of the Naz arene daily vacation Bible school will sponsor a program Friday evening at 8 o'clock In the church, at Holly and First street. In addition to the program, the handwork accomplished dur ing the two weeks' period will be on exhibition. Parents of the children and friends are cordi ally Invited to attend. Miss Mabel Scheel, superin tendent, and a corps of teachers are Instructing over 80 enrolled during the period of the school. MEDFORD COUPLE GET LICENSE IN SEATTLE Seattle. June 12. (P) Mar riage license applications here yesterday included James F. Har ris. 21, and Lila F. Daugherty, 17, Medford, Ore. Neither of the contracting par ties is listed in available directories. Oe Mll Trunin want ads. Old Oscar Pepper IAN seuiro wwsurr stria) 5 prsef. 49 gv" av-r ' ir ill. trmkltrl Dis. UlUrii, Inc., Lauif till 6 BMmtn. M.00IM.95 net j sjeui 13 'i? A" on For Frl., Sat., Sun. and Mon., June 13 to 18 incL (40141 VACATIOI IT'S PICNIC TIME YOU KNOW THE VERY FINEST PLACESI HERE WE HAVE THE VERY FINEST FOODS FOR PICNICS (AND FOR EVERY OTHER OCCASION, TOO) AND1I "IT'S THE SAVING ON EVERY ITEM THAT COUNTSI" COCOMALT lib. tin . .25c CORNED BEEF Red Crown, 12-os. tin. MadelnU.S.A. Attm. a for 40C Rolls Vegetable Juice COCKTAIL Four Vegetables While they last 12 oz. tin 5c Pancake Flour Triangle No. 10 bag. . ,39c Ginger Snaps l ib. box 2 for ...25c Saturday is RAG DAY Ottr flag mr?tni mon In thew troubled timet . . more than ever it Is a mbol of freedom. Display It on Flag Day, June 14th, for It It tribute to the things we care about as t peo ple . . . the things tha have been won through work and faith . . , the things that have made America what It Is. RIH "V" CUD ED MIsDrflTT Where It's Always bm a VIII gll III nil Ilk I .Large Assortment Picnic Supplies Paper Plates, Cups, Napkins, wooden Forks and Spoons. Vlrglnls Dare Instant-Aid makes one gallon. Sweet Pickles, Assorted, Pint 3 P-gs. 25C 6 for 29c Sylraar Large Ripe Olives, pint cyl. Rlts Crackers, 1-lb. boie. 10c Fancy Asst'd Cookies Solid Pack Tuna, No. V tin -19 ..IT ...10t Pork and Beans. No. 2V4 tin Eastern Beer, qt . English Lad, case $2.70 ...2 pkgs. 15t ... 2 for 19t . 3 for 25t 25t Tamales or Ra violas, 1 oz. tin 5t Libby Red Alaska Salmon, No. 1 tin 25 Haley's Beef Sandwich Spread 7Y2 oz. tin 3 for 25 Mushrooms, piece and stems, 4 oz. tin . . . . 15 Del Monte Green Beans, No. 2 2 for 25e (Whole or Cut) Del Monte Tomato Juice, No. 2 tin. . .2 for 15$ Broken Sliced Pineapple, No. 2 tin. . .2 for 27 Delhi Kadota Figs, No. 1 tin 10 Pard Dog Food 3 cans 25t Kerr Reg. Jar Lids .3 doz. 25( U. S. Red Lip Jar Rubber 3 pkgs. 10( Jelly Time Pectin, 8 oz. bottles 3 for 25 Lipton's Tea, 1-lb. box 79? Pure Honey, U. S. No. 1 S-lb. tin 29 Oleomargarine, 1 lb. 12 Grape Nuts 2 pkgs. 25t? Triangle Rolled Oats 9 lb. bag 33 Karo Syrup, blue label 5-lb. tin 35t Baby Foods, Clapps or Gerbers....4 for 25 EASY TO PARK Fruits and Vegetables Changes, Sunkist 288 size, 2 doz. 25c Green Onions, local 2 bu. 5c Radishes, locals 2 bu. 5c Lettuce, local Ige. solid hds., ea. 5c Green Beans, Blue Lakes . 2 lbs. 25c Lemons, Sunkist Ige. size, 2 doz. 27c Keep cool with fresh fruit Juices Watermelons lb.2yc A real picnic treat BUTTER, local Grade A lb. 38c Chocolate Cherries, 1-lb. box. . .-. . . 15c While they last Hervest Maid Salad Dressing or SPREAD qt. jar 19c DEMONSTRATION Chase k Sanborn " Coffee 2 lb. 90 C All Day Saturday Cooked Food Sale. Ladles' Aid of Phoenix Presbyterian Church Saturday, June 14 MRSHARPtjl 4 A 4 bars Camay and 1 Cannon Wash QP- Cloth All for wC BIG "Y" THRIFT DEPARTMENT MILK of MAGNESIA pint U. S. P. . 13c MINERAL OIL pint bottle 1 5c RUBBING ALCOHOL pint Isopropyl 15c FATHER'S DAY GIFTS OEM RAZOR POUCHES Zlppar Travel Sets PIPES BILLFOLDS Fly Casting Rods TOBACCO Fiahin? Tackle Flashlights Pound Velvet and Granger .............. Chstrllds Flitles, flats or vacuum tin. Carton CIGARS Van Dykes. White Idolitas, Rol-Tsns. Corlnas. f 4 Bo of 25 JS I OUt Wrapping." -59c $1.15 Owls. .10 Aluminum WARE SALE! Percolators, Double Boilers, sq Sauce Pans. Co-erd Kettles, ea. 4w C Lower Prices Every Day! ft; v 1 a a Cold Pack Canner. -quart else 98c Cannon Towels 9c - 13c 23c Best Values! Crystal Refrigerator Set 3 plecea 43c Big "Y" Thrifties! Ingrahara Pocket Watches 89c S3 9c 13c Guaranteedl Ingraham Clocks Guaranteedl at Double Edge Rasor Blades... Fute Plugs 3 for 10c Flashlight Batteries. 4 for 15 Apple Blossom Hand Lotion, pint. 19 Castile Soap, pound bar lf Petroleum jelly, pound tin . 17t Tresh Eastman Filmsl Free De-elopingI 1 XfT.Vf At Hi-grade Either End ?iHAlV2S . ib.24c BEEF ROAST SHORT RIBS Lb. 17c Lb. . 14c SWIFT PREMIUM LAMB SHOULDER ROAST ih. 17c GROUND BEEF PORK STEAK 2 lbs. 29c Lb. . 21c SWISS STEAK Loin cuts . . lb. 25c Potato Salad Ham Loaf lb. aSc ib. 15c -Sc BBBBB------B------B Smoked Pork By the Piece lb. 25c Sliced ... lb. 2?c Meat Special Friday and Saturday Featuring U.S. Gove rnment and state in spected quality meats at a savings.