Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, June 10, 1941, Page 6, Image 6

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    PACq STX
aiaua "an.
It-It Wortfc rr m. rbotf IU1
BOBBHf W. BUHL, S41(or.
BC4, OrCtfOB, UtKUl Act MfCB t. Hit
Ptiir iur Mf
Dijir bo a unrur nwutn.
tfeily bb iiiiiBr thr moutba. I 01
Dtl bb4 aumUr ' BtB month... -I
Br CJTlr Ib AlfBno Mrtfora.
Unit ClrBl PtU JbioiHI, Ool
UL Ww. PboboIb, TbIbbI.
BBd BB tnOtW MUlMt
DBilV BBd uBdBf BOB f'
All ttrmi iuH IB Bd'BacB.
OfflrlBl ran Bl lb CUf mt Madlartf
OClBlaJ Vmpm Bl 4ekMB CatJ
BeBlflna roll UbI tvir iter.c
BUUBd B thS DM for tuBIIOBUOB Bf Bit
diapatehM rditBf Ib II or thr
VlBS BrBdllBd IB (hit BpBf. BBd BlBB !
fp iBBBl BUBilahsd hvrBtn.
All nghf for BubllBtloa Bf Bpwilai
djlBpBtahB bbfbib Bra bibb raw.
Advartlalitl RprMntatlBi
Offtaaa la Nw Varfe. Chie. Dalratt
rrBAOlaoa Lob Anfala BBBtllB.
rarUAad, b boa it. Atlaata, Vanooaw.
Ye Smudge Pot
By Arthur Perry.
Editorial Correspondence Personal Health Service
A Congresmn from Ala
bama pe1 P ,loet wh'lt plck'
tin( American Peace Mobiliza
tion pickets parading for weeks
unmolested before the White
House. The southern statesman
would look better peeling po
tatoes, while voting passage of
a bill to abolish Communistic
"Everybody r a v about
Schnell'i hamburgers. Why not
be one of them?" (Roseland.
111., Reporter). It would be a
good trick.
The army moved Into the Los
Angeles plana plant yesterday,
arrested 16 strikers, and gave
notice gi.on tactics would result
In more of the same. Here was
force, and something the Red
Influences stirring the agitation
could understand at a glance.
They were not fooling with a
Mavor running for election In
the fall. The General Is no poU
itician. There will be no coa
gratulations from Harry Bridges
of Australia, or official smirxs
of approval from Madam Per-
kins. The same autnoriiy mai
enabled the military power to
control the factory, is in effect
at the union hall. The bull
headedly defiant accidentally
caught the seat of their pants
on the end of a bayonet, and
war calmed.
i (Tulsa, Okla., News)
"A scientist says through
the study of uranium atoms
It is evident that the world Is
S.IOO million years old. It
must be older than that. We
don't believe it could have got
in such a mess In only 2,200
million years."
The following things happen-
d to the home of newlyweds
In Portland: Lawn sprinkled
with acid, furniture demolished,
radio smashed, upholstery slash
ed, and bedding smeared with
mustard. Nothing was stolen. i
the police report. Clues indicate
the marauders started out as a
shivaree, and finished as a
young cyclone.
Tha Older Girls now fear
summer, and the warm sun thnt
produces flies and freckles.
They swat the former, and wash
their faces in buttermilk to
thwart the latter.
"Gasless Sundays." as threat
ened to conserve gasoline for
defense needs, would have some
benefits. The speed idiot travel
ing 80 m.p.h. after a case of
mixer, would not make half
that time, at a fast walk or a
brisk lope, under his own steam
(Life Mag.)
"Sha herded the women
and children of the camp out
onto an ice field at the height
of one of the worst blizzards
of the year. Clutching and
clawing their clothes off. she
shouted that their faith would
be rewarded when Christ ap
peared before them out of the
storm. Then she tore the cari
bou hide pants off her hus
band. Mosrs, but he was so
chilled and embarrassed that
he went bark to his igloo."
Tour women engineers pulled
hair In West Virginia, over the
right to u-11 the locomotive
throttle. It looks like the fire
man m as a he beauty of the
Rudolph Hess, No. 2 Nazi (re
member him?), was mentioned
In the British House of Parlla
ment today. He has been grad
ually dis. ppearing from the
news, like a vice president of
Portland. June p. "Old Sol" has a tough tlma In this mans
town, but after a hard fight ha got his sunny phix through the
clouds for a few minutes today, and a clear sunset Indicates ha
will have even a better time tomorrow.
A nrnminent Portland business man, a life-long Republican,
Just back by plana from Washington, says he wishes General
Charles H. Martin were President of tha United States Instead
of Franklin D. Roosevelt, for ha regards the former governor
of Oregon as the most capable "crisis" executive tha country
possesses, citing his victory over tha Oregon labor goons as
evidence. This statement was made before the news was broad
casted that F.D.R. had ordered U. S. troops to dispel the strikers
at tha North American aviation plant, and keep the factory
Everyone is praising tha President for this firm action In
which this department Joins, but what a pity it should be neces
arv during such a time of crisis as this. At this rate tha radical
section of organized labor will be one of the certain casualties
of World War No. 2.
For there la no doubt the radicals, the labor Reds, are
responsible for these wage-boost walk-outs, in the vital war
Industries. Many months ago we made this charge, but It was
disputed in certain quarters as "looking under the bed." Even
some labor leaders here In Portland admit It today, and are for
a communist round-up, Including the deportation of Harry
A large wheat farmer. In from the Pendleton country, has
the smile that won't brush off he has 8,000 bushels of last year's
wheat on hand and a bumper crop this year in the making. He
expects one dollar wheat before many moons, and admitted he
is worrying about his income tax for the first time since World
War No. 1.
An army officer from Vancouver threw an "I told you so"
defy our way at luncheon, which surprised us greatly until we
were reminded we had had luncheon with him over a year ago
at the same place, and had been skeptical of his pessimism
regarding the outlook in Europe for Great Britain. We then
recalled ha had named the defeat of France some weeks before
it happened. He now thinks Britain Is going to get outflanked
in Syria, by the Nazis striking through Turkey and Russia, and
the Mediterranean completely lost to the allies by September,
A cheerful soull But he had everyone at the table bluffed as
far as taking his ten dollar bet was concerned.
At that we wager this time Col. Calamity Jane Is mistaken.
The Portland Journal lost heavily In subscribers and prestige
when it deserted Roosevelt at the last election Bnd supported
Willkle, the losing candidate. But we are now informed most
of the subscribers who got mad and quit have returned to the
fold, and the Journal is supporting F.D.R. strongly again. People
soon forget their grievances, particularly their political ones.
We wonder who the genius Is, handling beer advertising
these days. Tha latest caption reads "A glass of beer is like a
symphony" while another mid-western product has the benefit
of 37 blendlngs, and a third Is "extra dry."
Dry beer, blended 37 times, may taste like a symphony, but
wet beer, that is straight suds, taken in sufficient volume, tastes
like a soft-boiled bull fiddle the next morning.
This same army officer declares "off-the-record" the recent
army maneuvers In California were so terrible, that none of
the troops involved will be allowed to get within range of any
enemy guns for another six months at least. He adds, In a
whisper, that had the guns of all descriptions been fitted with
real shells and cartridges, the carnage would have been terrific,
not In the ranks of the theoretical enemy, but among the
attacking troops. That is still a matter which no one seems to
have accurate information about, is this country prepared to
fight, or isn't It?
There are more and more Indications, that the proverbial
Roosevelt luck which has held so wonderfully for two terms,
lsn t going to hold for the third.
R. W. R.
By William Brady M. O.
SltM4 iun pertaining te personal health and brrlene, not to limn
siifootlt or treatment, alii be answort of l. Bred? If a sump mil
ddrtutd niclop Is tneloM. Lttura shoaM be brief and written la Ink
Owlni to the larie number of letter, retelied only a ie can be answtreo
bera Ho replj eon be mode to auerlet not conforming to Instructions,
tddreee D. William Hradr. 1 l Camlne. Beerl UlUt, CiUf.
Referring to walking and cal-
isthenic or setting-up exercises
for the control of body bulk and
weight, a dook
quoted with
a p p r o val by
tha Journal of
the American
Medical asso
ciation says:
"It is un
wise, however,
for tha person
over 40 to
carry these ex
ercises to the
point of ex
h a u s 1 1 on or
shortness of breath. Excessive
fat throws a heavy load on the
heart and circulatory system."
(Circulatory system being an
impressive way of saying tne
blood vessels)" and it may be
dangerous to Increase this still
more bv strenuous exercise.
This notion that any exercise
more strenuous man wniriing
around in a swivel chair or
climbing a flight of stairs is
dangerous for one past voting
age or for one whose heart is at
all flabby, pervades meaicai lit
erature to an amazing degree
and Indeed I think most doctors
are a bit amazed by it, so that
they do not consider the matter
with common sense.
After all, who ever heard of
any one suffering any 111 effect
from such exercise or from
climbing a dozen flights of stairs
once or twice a day Instead of
riding up and down or from
walking to and from the office,
shop or plant every day or from
mowing the lawn or from play
ing a set of tennis or from any
comparable activity the indivi
dual can enjoy.
I haven't, at least I have never
seen such a case in hospital or
private practice.
Do not misunderstand me I
am aware that persons with
aneurism, or dilated heart from
any cause, or grave valvular dis
ease, or apoplexy, or angina do
succumb to some such effort, but
that does not In the least affect
the question of ordinary work,
play or exercise for ordinary
Suppose your heart is not too
good. If reasonable exercise,
such as any of the activities
mentioned gives you any pleas
ure, I say the exercise Is Rood
medicine for your heart. If you
are a dimwit you won t Know
where to draw the line between
healthful exercise and too stren
uous exercise, but if you have
the brains God gives a goose you
should know, without any medi
cal advice, when the exercise
becomes too strenuous you
won't enjoy It. If you do not
find the exercise enjoyable, you
had better stagger back to your
rocking chair or your wheel
chair and stay there from now
It is time for a revision of
some of our quaint medical no
tions about the effects of exer
Decrepit and Crabbed
Is a until amount of whisker food
for an elderly penonT We new keep
It In the house but here Ben Told
a rery little u good for old people.
(Mrs. A. M.)
Answer ror the decrepit end
crabbed, dlflcult to live with. Irri
table, peevish, a tot of alcohol Id
eny form It beneficial ttjr a table
tpoonful of whltkey. brandy, mm.
a glaea of erlne, a muc of tie or beer
with or after lunch and tupper dally,
not more. For euch elderly folk with
obitlnata obeeselont tbout stronf
drlnk, the alcohol may be given In
the form of various "beef" extracts,
"tonics," "malt" extracts or other
feebly medicated llqulde.
Pleaee give ua some advise on the
effecta of coffee drinking. There Is
to much obviously colored propa
ganda. (A. I. W.)
Answer In general I think coffee
It a beneficent beverage for adults,
you win find a chapter on the
subject in the booklet "Feeders Di
gest" for copy send 2 So coin tnd
lc-sttmped envelope bearing your
address, if you ask any question
requiring written answer inclose
3-stamped addressed envelope for
reply. Many questions remain un
answered because readers provide
Insufficient postage. Of Doc Brady
he does NOT pay the freight.
Monkej-tng With E.rea
Ten-year-old and eleven-ye? r-old
children suddenly begtn having
trouble with eyesight, while under
strenuous supervision at school.
Spectacle dealer fitted both with
glaseea. But they still have. (Mrs.
. D.)
Answer The children should have
the benefit of medical examination
by a physician eye apeclalist, an
oculist. Your family doctor win
From Washington
Oregon Egg, Milk
To Feed British
Glider Practice
Urged at U. of O.
Guardsmen May
Sere Two Year
of dollars trying to put them
e e e
WHEN the Columbia river
power bill is drawn it will pro
vide, in all probability, that
voters In a district served by a
privata utility shall decide
whether or not they want gov
ernment ownership. If they
want It, then the administrator
shall acquire the private com
pany, hook, line and sinker, and
pay a fair price. The adminis
trator will not be permitted to
"aut" a eomrany. This is not
the idea of the new dealers, but
such a provision will be Included.
FEND tha Near East and Egypt.
Keep In mind that the fight-
ing reported today Is a mere
skirmish compared to what will
develop later.
Br JohaW. Xellr
Washington, D. C, June 10.
Over his own signature Frank
lin Delano Roosevelt Is on rec
ord a opposing "home rule" In
handling tha power of Grand
Coulee and Bonneville. Nor
does the president favor tha pro
posal of the utility districts of
Washington state to turn the
operation and distribution of the
power over to directors and a
board of advisers from the
PUDs. In his letter to Senator
Charles L. McNary and Senator
Homer T. Bone, containing sug
gestions, the president clings
closely to the present Bonnevnie
set-up, with the addition that he
wants a law which wm permit
the administrator to acquire pri
vate utilities quickly and econo
mically. The presidential hope that two
senators will be able to Introduce
and secure enactment of this
legislation during the next few
months is not shared by many
congressmen familiar with the
situation. A bill such as the
chief executive suggests may be
enacted but it will not slide
through without finding some
sand on the tracks. In outlining
what he wants the measuro to
contain President Roosevelt has
affronted the PUD group in
Washington state, and the "free
power for nothing" group In Ore
gon that feel the government
should permit them to operate
the plant for "the people." There
is not the slightest solace for ad
vocates of "home rule," not even
the hint of an advisory council,
which would be like parsley on
fish more ornamental than use
ful. The president wants and
writes that he wants complete
refer you to a good one. I woult ; control of the power of the Col
umbia valley in the hands or
Secretary of the Interior Ickes
the administrator, of eourte, be
ing the Charlie McCarthy as at
In The
Flight 0 Time
Medford and Jackson County
History from the files of the
Mall Tribune 10 and 20 T
June 10, 1931
(It was Wednesday)
State Grange convention hera
starts move to make "state ona
big hydro-electric district"
Army planes delayed day In
arrival here because of storm
up state.
Tax slash held need of farmera
by George Joseph, Jr., represent
ing Governor Meier at Grange
not permit my child to wear glasses
unless a physician first examined the
evee with the eyesight under the
effecta of drops. For persons past
middle age guessing about glasses
may be all right, but not for young
Dieting Is Not (to almple
I weigh 320 pounds, five feet ten
Inches tall, will you kindly suggest
a diet? I Mrs. H. R )
Answer Dieting Is not so simple
as you seem to think. Successful
dieting requires a good deal more
than a list of foods. Send 35o coin
and Ic-stamped envelope bearing
your addresa, tor booklet "Rules for
(Protected by John F. Dllle Co.)
Ed Note: Persons wishing to
communicate with Dr. Brady
should send letter direct to Dr.
William Brady, SI. D. 165 El
Canilno. Beverly Hills. Calif.
Portland, June 10 (IP) The
nation's Red Cross nurses have
been slighted, Oregon nurses de
cided here yesterday.
First business of their annual
state meeting was to criticize
Representative John M. Vorys
of Ohio, who advocated last
week that younger and prettier
nurses be assigned to army and
navy duty.
'As If they aren't already
good looking," humphed Mrs.
Llnnle Laird, chairman. "They're
young, too," she added, "none
over 40 and most of them be
tween 23 and 28."
Anyway it's the work nurses
do and not glamour that counts.
they said .and started to draw
up a resolution about it for
President Roosevelt.
Nurses were told by Gladyce
Badger, director of nursing ser
vice for the Pacific branch of
the Red Cross, that Oregon must
(Continue From Page One)
New York (IT) A success
chapter in the quest of defense
workers for homes is that being I make the majority extremely
written by prefabricated houses I substantial, he remarks that the
factory-built dwellings turned unshakable minority is both well
out on a mass production basis
Put up In hours, rather than
days, they are playing an Im
portant role in answering de
mand for quickly-built homes in
the industrial areas which form
the backbone of defense produc
tion. Most can be demounted
as easily as assembled, shipped
away when needed in another
A typical prefabricated house
has a demountable steel frame
anchored to a steel base, welded
steel wall framework and steel
States will be subjected to po
; litlcal and economic pressures
i that cannot be withstood. The
destruction of the decencies and
; liberties for which this nation
stands, the subversion of our
system of government, and per
haps even the loss of our inde
1 pendence, will be the inevitable
I . e e
HPHE president agrees that these
! are the alternatives, but still
clings to the hope that his prob
lem will be solved for him, by
the Incident he so much desires.
It would be more difficult to see
why he does so, if there were
more men having regular access
to him with the essential guts
to bring the alternatives rudely
and regularly to his attention.
Unfortunately, while still per
forming many of the needless
WHEN the Columbia power
bill is prepared and introduced
(seven drafts have already been
written and rejected as not con
taining everything the adminis
tration desires) there will be
hearings and amendments of
fered. The PUDs of Washington
will have something to say and
others who believe that the local
people Oregon and Washington
have a right to representation:
a director from each state. And
there are the handful who claim
that they represent "the people"
and wish to make the govern
ment power program a political
football; these are the politicos.
In the matter of disposing of
power, Oregon's McNary has
been open-minded; an adminis
trator, a directorate of three
(two from the states involved
and the third at large), or some
other method he regarded as
subordinate to a few fundamen
tals, but the president has as
sumed the responsibility. Mr
Roosevelt ssks for the present
Bonneville organization of one
man. At present a one-man ad-
T3LENTY of news over the
week-end. (You must have
noted that ever since the Ger
mans marched Into Poland week'
ends have been prolific of news.)
RIOST Important (because elos-
'"est home) Is the showdown
at the strike-bound North Amer
ican Aviation plant at Ingie
wood. (Near Santa Monica.)
The striking workers failed
over Sunday to agree to return
to work. When the gates were
opened this (Monday) morning,
1000 pickets were lined up in
front of the plant. When work
ers tried to enter, rioting broke
The president promptly signed
an order taking over the plant.
Troops (already stationed close
by) moved In.
There the situation rests as
these words are written, a little
before noon.
WHAT Is back of it? We can
only read the dispatches and
It is a CIO union mat is sinn
ing. Philip Murray, CIO nation
al president, and Richard Frank-
ensteen, national president ui
United Automobile Workers
aircraft division (the CIO union
on strike at Inglewood) appealed
to the strikers to return to work.
Murray's telegram was Dooea
at a mass meeting of workers
on Sunday and Frankensteen
was Jeered when he tried to ad
dress the meeting.
THE head oT the strike nego
tiating committee (a man
named Freitag) had said early
in the week-end: "There will be
no compromise." On Sunday he
wired Stephen Early, President
Roosevelt's secretary: "Armed
forces will not break our strike.
Bombers can't be made with
Seventeen Jackson county stu
dents to graduate from the Uni
versity of Oregon.
Pear crop of valley for coming
year estimated at 3,600 cars.
June 10. 1921
at was Thursday)
Peggy Joyce sues millionaire
husband for $10,000 per month
alimony and $100,000 attorney
fees. Highest in history.
Sam Gompers, head of the A.
F. of L. in convention address,
declares "American labor unions
are practical and progressive,
and safe from subservive forces."
Babe Ruth hits his seventeenth
homer of season.
Report well known Ashland
resident has three barrels of
whiskey causes widespread com
ment and envy.
Radio Highlights
By the Associated Press
(Time Is Pacific Standard.)
Broadcast of the Wednesday
address of Secretary of War
Stimson at the West Point grad
uation exercises will be put on
by NBC-Blue and MBS. It starts
at 7 a. m.
Tonight, war schedule: 3:15
NBC-Red, 3:30 MBS, 3:45 NBC
Red. 4:00 MBS, 4:55 CBS, 8:15
MBS, 5:30 NBC-Blue, 6:00 MBS,
7:15 CBS. 8:00 CBS, 8:30 MBS.
CBS NBC-Blue 6:30 reports
from nation's arsenals, Under
secretary of War Patterson and
Wednesday war schedule
4:00 NBC CBS, 4:55 NBC-Blue,
5:00 NBC-Red CBS. 6:00 NBC
Blue MBS, 7:00 MBS, 8:45 MBS.
9::45 NBC, 10:00 MBS. 11:55
CBS, 12:55 NBC-Blue, 2:23 NBC
Red, 2:45 CBS NBC-Blue.
Some short waves: DJD DZD
DXP Berlin, 3:15, chamber mu
sic; GSC GSL London, 4:45.
news and views; JVZ JLG4 To-
organised and hysterically vio
lent. This minority, he adds, is
enough larger In congress than
the opposition to Wilson to carry
on an interminable and highly
dangerous filibuster against pro- , ,.,. ,ht ,,h,,t him
posals for action of any r-the prident no longer discusses
general policy with many mem
bers of his administration. He
1. Between the government
and those who Insist on striking
on defense work.
2. Between CIO's national
leadership (Murray) and a radi
cal (suspectedly communist) ele
ment in CIO.
IN connection with the taking
over of the plant, the presi
dent says today:
"Their (the workers') funda
mental rights as free citizens
..,.11 nmlafial KtV th OnVfm
ministrator is not satisfactory to ment and negotiations will be
a few power fanatics in congress ;conducted through the pI0ce
nave kiuvsii m UI!IKC OCC"
retary Ickes: these prefer a
three-man board, such as TVA.
ONE guesses there are to be kyo, 5:35, symphony orchestra;
two showndowns: ITGWA Guatamela, 7:00, opera
"Magic riute."
IT Isn't generally known, but
of collective bargaining to reach
a settlement fair and reasonable
to the workers and the company.
The company has already stated
' .u-. . ..h,j .;ii
l!":?' V crea,e "be retroactive to May 1."
,1, ... .1 1 vUUIII.V WHS uc
liberately planned by the Bonne
ville lobbyists (after their defeat
in t-iaisop county) lor the pur
pose of showing congress that
THAT is to say, the principle
that la aoucht to be estab-
Silvorton Manager
Marshfield. Ore., June 10
(fP) E. K. Burton, Marshfield
city engineer for 24 years, re
signed today, effective July 1,
to become Silverton's first city
manager. Burton said he was
selected by the Silverton city
council late last week.
Astoria, Ore., June 10 (AT
Plunge of an automobile down
a 100-foot embankment on the
coast highway killed Basil
Henry, 28, Orchard, Wash., and
critically injured his wife Sunday.
rjse Mali Tribune want ads.
Resort to congress is useless
Therefore, he says, he cannot
act without the pretext of an
incident, preferably a German
attack on an American ship in
the Atlantic, which will pull the
country .together and simultan-
while negotiations are being car
sheets for Its roof. Sheathed j ""3r permit n.mio rr
with wallboard and finished off to ,,,,t bsck-
with asbestos shingles. It can be I "
erected by a 10-man crew in a
single eight hour day.
sees extraordinarily few people
except on specific business, and
when he does see such officials
as Secretary of State '""irdell
Hull or Secretary of Wa lenry
L. Stimson. he sticks to the busi
ness in hand. And while Harry
Oregon demands government J rjer on
ownersnip. Half a dozen lobby- To averagei patriotic citizens.
"J" Bnnfvll,e payroll it Kems , ,ound and reasonable
established themselves In Baker. L-in-jni-after
the retreat from Clatsop. P
and handled the PUD campaign. ' "VVERSEAS, British and Free
enroll at least 140 nurses to GRANGE COOPERATIVE
meet army needs.
Supplementary articles of the
of his advisers who have enough ! unduly
essential guts to argue with the
suppiemenmry articles oi tne ,rf , , an5Wered his ar-1 ,'"T " ' ' ' ;
incorporation of the Grange Co-' , verv siniplv. ,of the need for action
operative supply association
were flU-d yesterday with the
with electrical transcriptions byw French mechanized columns
Loncressman Walter Pierce used pushed into Syria from three di
on the radio and a snowstorm I rections, aiming primarily at the
of letters from Mr. Pierr tiro., jii t t tn;..t
,L. Hopkins and the president's i ln(f tn. PL-D, which Mr. PiercerBA, word. ',
ague (as they
beginning of
British say
so to r,K
r, . . . - i uiry lie uimmn iiwu'i
,-er m.i compromiser, oysena-i lljon." The French My
Consequently while convinced . 2," "V"""- Hhey are "fighting fiercely."
hr k. j " ' j , v , ' There are rumors of French of-
una uirY-?M t, 1 iu Di'iincviue
I t y Y' 1" . t- I l . . 1 ." V. ,u. ,1Z1 pl,acea lne congressional tne dispatches are v
- umiuui.j ..i.w,,,, , " neroro ana were tnerefore I are at the
trouble with it is Its lack of re-'urgency of these days, they are franked free. Administrator ! a big push). The
lation to me war auuaiun. mwt noi me sort to prrss uinr vmri nimseii was rxvoKed to
county clerk. Directors are list
ed as Terry Walt. J. C. Lusk.
George Hartley, George F
10 (Jpl Dunn, Floyd B. Bell, Arnold
normal Bohnert and Otto Niedermeyer.
agents to promote a PUD. and
that they go only In response to
Invitation. An Invitation Is
readily arranged in any event
ficers and troops going over to
the British.
The important point is that
the British have taken the bull
Portland, Ore . June
Portland received a
bread sunnlv today as bakery At a recent meeting, a resolu
workers and drivers ended a lion was adopted providing for
nine-day strike. transfer of eligible
Drivers accepted a compro- ships,
mlse settlement yesterday, boosl-' - -
m. ........ rr.-,m 17 511 tn 4J 50. 1 Larjett Deed
and enabling 400 bakery work-,
ers, who had accepted an earlier
proposal, to return to their Jobs.
The bakers had received a 10
per cent aue increase and sub
mitted to arbitration a demand
th nm.
I''-V- ,rlnt h.. nnl .MH Refnre he
They have agreed that the1,, accprding (0 one of those
lisks of immediate action are who kav. Known him best and
very great. Although It seems pn!.,t, h, has first to make tip
.irlain that Germany can be hjj mjnd on the fact, and tn(.n
oeaten by Britain and the Unit-! .., wake ,lp nne morning with
td States lighting In full part- the feeling inside himself that
h i ship, dependable predictions h. wants to do the Job." He
of the future are impossible.!,,.,,, tn, jr,t ,taBP pna ago.
member- Naturally, entering a major war: ,n tne ,t WMk Ambassador
,is risky m itself. Furthermore, i Jonn c Winant has returned
'al'.iiouiiii it also seems probable j frm ipndon to smir the presl-
.that determined action by the de,nt on, and ,eVeral other per- succeed R,v r.iii ,., ' of Syria right now are a remote
rortiann. June iu :.t sons wun great imiucnce over the state grange) A train of
Prrtland s largest deed within try together, no one can be posi-1 nirn hav, hlld )rie opportunity other Bonneville spell-binders ac
the memory of old timers was live that serious national dis- !o ,cno Winant's arguments. Tcr- company them. Despite the ex
signed yesterday by Sheriff vnion would not ensue. haps certain minor but spectac- coriation of Dr. Thompson by
Martin T. Pratt, turning over On the other hand, these men , ular measures will have been members of congress for his
penny sum parens ui rri i'n.(r jH,jntrd put (hat the risks of fur- taken even oerore inese woros political activity and apparent
Old Oscar
homrbvn VThiu
key m Blend. Sr
proof. 49". r
meMtrml spirits.
Franhort Di
tillerits. Int.,
e. .,. &
also in art
and then Dr. Carl Thomnson. . ,n norna ana are moving
drawing compensation at $3,000 lnto Syr" before the Germans
a year, and Mort Tompkins, a h,v ime to et lully esUb"
grange lobbyist and also on Bon-1 "5ned there; t
neville payroll. Jump on their THERE is a lot of talk of lib-
norses una rioe to tne proposed 1
lu tiistnct. (Parenthetically.
Tompkins is being groomed to
erty, etc., which you will do
well to disregard. The liberties
side issue.
Syria is a battle ground, the
Germans using it to ATTACK
and the British using it to DE-
for night work, but refused to
work until the drivers' dispute
was settled.
Drivers had asked $47 week-
Cloeina timlarto Uu to eUa- 'v. further negotiations were
for 20 rents an hour additional rr,v ","",""" ther delay Infinitely greater are printed, nna it " inam is violation oi tne Hatch act. he is
n"-o, v,'mi,i i.-ih .--, t ,n the risks ol action. 1 ne at- reany succrsiui. oeiore long uie sun noma nis norse. Hater
volved all properties not re
deemed from 1939 tax fore-!
closures. i
cisive hour is at hand. If the n.orning will it last come when gave public ownership its 38th.
hour is allowed to pass, Ger-1 the president wakes up with the defeat in Oregon, a fact which
manv will win the war, and 'needed "fcelira inside himself" , has been made known to the law-'
' cicn, rTtrute to ciat- mastery cf t!,e world. In a Nazi-1 to make a complete commit- makers In Wishir.gton. D. C,
' tuj da is' p. ov Idominatcd world, the United ment. Bonneville has spent thousands,)
Ak itvvi- tai Mirwmq Ciijri Oft
' ti!S Smwi Of. that itn tn4
tlJ M MmT lor Gtrvrtra Vt
yWB:ar ' a
"la ,
n 4 .Writ
Mv ft Hal
VstMi (
I ll m faaat i ' I
" I ar el