Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, June 09, 1941, Page 3, Image 3

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So'ciety nd Clubs
by Betty Shoemaker
entertained Wednesday with
1 p. m. luncheon at the home of
Mrs. H. L. Brown, 105 Geneva
P.-T. A. Activities
Visitors Arrive
For Henderson
Mead Wedding
Arrivals in Medford Saturday
included Dr. and Mrs. Sterling
V. Mead of Washington, D. C;
Mrs. O. H. Wendt of Kenwood.
Md.; Porter Gott of Chicago, and
Sterling Mead, son of Dr. and
Mrs. Mead of Oberlin, Ohio.
They motored west to attend
the wedding of Mr. Mead to Miss
Lela Grace Henderson, daugh
ter of Mr. and Mrs. Ray Hender
son. .J47 West Jackson boule
vard, an event of June 18 in
this city.
During their stay in Medford
Dr. and Mrs. Mead, Mr. Mead
and Mr. Gott will be guests at
the Henderson home. Mrs.
Wendt will reside at the Hotel
Medford. Mr. Gott, a school
friend of Mr. Mead at Oberlin
college, Oberlin, Ohio, where the
two have been enrolled In col
lege, will be best man at the
Baker's Auxiliary
Meets at Braun Home
Mrs. Susanne Braun enter
tained the union Baker's auxili
ary at her home. 402 East 12th
street with a dessert luncheon
Wednesday afternoon followed
by a brief business meeting and
an afternoon of cards. Prizes
were awarded to Mrs. Opal
Woods and Mrs. Alice McCoy.
Attending were Mrs. Pauline
Ellis, Mrs. Alpha Dorsey. Mrs.
Opal Woods, Mrs. Margaret Ted
rick, Mrs. Delores Norton, Mrs.
Alice McCoy, Mrs. Irene Hend
ricks and the hostess.
Mrs. Tedrick will be hostess
to the group at her home on the
Old Pacific highway, June 18 at
1 p. m.
Shower Given
At Evans Home
Mrs. L. Evans was hostess at
a shower party Monday after
noon at her home on the Mid
way read complimenting Mrs.
Richard Kaye of Medford.
Attending were Mrs. John
Davis, Mrs. E. C. Young, Mrs.
Ed Pease, Mrs. Bill Glass. Mrs.
Richard Neill, Mrs. Orville Zim
merman, Mrs. Ray Millard, Mrs.
Ben Vimont, Mrs. Ernest G lea
son, Mrs. Chester Roberts. Mrs.
Wilbur Walker. Mrs. Lester
Young. Miss Maxine Zimmer
man, Miss Geneva Millard, Miss
Zethyl Evans. Miss Leah Etta
Evans and the hostess, Mrs.
Mrs. Dietrich
Entertains Club
Mrs. Matilda Dietrich was hos
tess to the Past President's club
of the Degree of Honor Protec
tive association at her home on
North Central avenue last week.
An interesting article on the
Washington Monument was read
by Mrs. Brica Cadawallader.
Later refreshments were
served from a table centered
Lincoln school P.-T.-A. mem
bers will meet with Mrs. H. A.
Bither, 1020 North Central ave
nue Tuesday at 1:30 p. m. for
an afternoon of Red Cross sew
ing. All members of the Lincoln
school P.-T.A. interested in this
activity are requested to attend.
bv England, troop 8,
Falls, with Anderson, also of
troop 6 of Klamath Falls, sec
ond, and Burgess, troop 9,
Klamath Falls, third.
Saturday night a campfire was
conducted by Dwight Gilchrist,
scout executive from Klamath
Falls and in the morning non
sectarian church service was
held in camp. The entire camp
oral!, which was the finale of a
series of camporees held through
the Modoc and Crater Lake Boy
Scout councils during May was
jointly conducted by Dwight Gil
christ of Klamath Falls and Ken
neth Wells, scout executive of
the Crater Lake area at Medford.
... ,. I When In full bloom, the national I uncertain manner. The geranl-1 started blossoming, and the llliea
Klamath i . ..... , ... . . , ,,.. , i u . . - .
tuiui B nil, fieri .iiv i ,ii hi unip aim uiuc tiu , 1 1 na.c juai i ntn u it uu, ill (1 v.uu(JIB 1,1 UttB
8:00 p. m. Crater Lake Guild
of First Presbyterian church,
home Mrs. Verl Walker, route 2.
8:00 p. m. Degree of Honor
executive meeting, home Mrs.
Mable Bennett, 343 South Grape
1:00 p. m. Queen Esther Cir
cle, First Methodist church.
home Mrs. E. L. Henninger, 1000
West Main street.
1:00 p. m. Sunny Sisters Cir
cle, First Presbyterian church,
home Mrs. George Treichler.
Central Point.
1:00 p. m. Merritt circle.
First Presbyterian church, home
Mrs. H. F. W. Spilver, 520 Ham
ilton street.
1:00 p. m. Ever-Ready Cir-
with red snapdragons and lighted j home Mr$ j A 'Youngi 15 Ro5e
uiuc iolkti a. nuciiuiii vr .
r ri
1 X
Mrs. Ida Wilson. Mrs. Edith El
liott, Mrs. Esther Barker, Mrs.
Mayme Siler, Mrs. Brica Cada
wallader, Mrs. Mabel Bennett
and Miss Adabee Siler.
Boy Scout troops 4 of Med
ford. 31 of Weed, and 38 of
Yreka were three among the
four top winners of the Scout
Camporall held last Saturday
and Sunday near Pinehurst. The
week-end camp, attended by 135
men and boys, was for scouts of
Crater Lake Area council con
sisting of Josephine. Jackson
. i . l ,1 Cir1.ii.nii
l-UUIIllTO, WltrgUII, liu , .. TTI!-
... r-it.i-. 1 iUm Mr. J.I1VIIIBS VI1UI1KIJ iukkiiio.
LULHll' , V.I1I1IU1 Ilia, liv iiic . , , , Ub.
...., I ;,!.,.. r r til Utfl Its Kl viuiiurnr:uui , iiai
Klamath, Deschutes. Crook and !..-
Party Honors
Ellen Henderson
Miss Patty Tedrick enter
tained at her home on the old
Central Point highway Thursday
afternoon with a surprise party
honoring Miss Ellen Henderson.
Gifts were presented to Miss
Henderson and later refresh
ments were served to Miss
Vivian Vance, Miss Lauonna
Lindquist. Joe Monroe. Maurice
Dorman, Freddy Tedrick, Mar
vin Green, the honored guest
and hostess.
Extension Unit to
Hold Meeting Tuesday
The Oak Grove Extension
unit will meet Tuesday at 10 -high school
a. m. with Mrs. F. C. Sanders I scorched by
on the Oak Grove road. Motion
pictures on flower arrangements
will be shown and installation
of officers held. A covered dish
luncheon will be served at noon.
2:00 p. m. Women's auxiliary
First Baptist church, home Mrs.
E. E. Wilson. 422 Beatty street.
2:00 .p. m. Fidelity Circle.
First Methodist church, church
2:30 p. m. Degree of Honor
Glee club, home Mrs. Mable
Bennett. 343 South Grape street.
6:30 p. m. Lions club auxil
iary, home Mrs. Earl Miller, 617
Park avenue.
8:00 p. m. D.A.V. Post and
auxiliary, armory.
When Mrs. C
looks with
longing at ft
new dress that
the budget
won't stand
she has a sure
fire cure. Sha
Soes down to ye olde beauty
ioppe and has a hair-do!
Similarly whan I hankor to trad
In rho. Hispano-Plymowth on a
new cor with hydrophobic shift,
I hovo on oqually effective
alllatlve, which ia to coll the
nalfhborhood Union Oil atotlon
to hovo thorn give tho car u
Itoo-Woar lubrication Job.
If you hive
Browns Entertain
Store Employes
Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Brown en
tertained at their cabin on the
Rogue river Sunday for em
ployes of Montgomery Ward.
their relatives and friends. Over
90 were in attendance. The day
was spent at games, boating,
contests and the annual store
baseball game.
passing pangs
bevond vour
budget, I rec
ommend this
same treat
ment. Because
Stop-Wear is
no ordinary grease fob. In the
Snt place vou can hear the dif
ference in the way the old bus
sounds quiet as a moue.
Secondly, yon con fool the dif
ference In tho smooth woy tho
car chlfta, steers end rides. nd
finally you con ioo tho differ
onco when tho boyi bring It
bock. Tho duit Is wiped off, in
running board! droned, glass
twinkling. You hardly recognise
H as tho urn cor.
But that ain't all, friends. For
Union Oil Company and Stop
' Wear dealers guarantee every
Stop-Wear chassis lubrication
asainst taultv lubrication for
1000-oount Vm-milei! Not just
a "promise" but ft written,
signed guarantee, good at any
I men Oil station in the west
fun of gottlng
your car all
fixed op for
next to noth
ing, drlvo In
to or call your
nearest Union
station and try HI If you don't
llko It, send your cor to mo,
personalty, because I dot
California Visitors
Motor to Crater Lake
Mr. and Mrs. Joe Bell of Oak
land, Cal., are visiting at the
home of Mrs. Myrtle Andrews
and Miss Constance Andrews,
1314 North Riverside street.
They motored to Crater Lake
this morning planning to return
to Medford tonight.
Church Circle To Meet
With Mrs. Roy Kyker
The Loyalty Circle of the
Methodist church will meet at
the home of Mrs. Roy Kyker.
504 West Jackson street Thurs
day at 2 p. m. All members and
friends are invited.
Mrs. Tarr Is Hostess
To Members of 13 Club
Mrs. Evelyn Tarr entertained
members of the 13 club at her
home recently for luncheon fol
lowed by an afternoon of sewing.
The next meeting will be held at
the Boy Scout park and all are
urged to attend the outing.
Jackson County Art
Club Schedules Meeting
Mrs. Florence Jordan will be
hostess to the Jackson County
Art club at her home. 515 West
Second street Wednesday after
noon from 2 until 4 o'clock.
A small stand on the junior
athletic field was
a rubbish fire last
evening but firemen kept the
flames from the grandstand
Chief Roy Elliott thought the
blize might have been started
by children playing on the field
but no one was around when
the firemen arrived in response
to a ward alarm. The firemen
found a small pile of straw and
other material on fire.
About 7 a. m. yesterday the
firemen were called to the home
of Kameichi Shimoda at 227
South Ivy street where it had
been reported the residence was
on fire. There was no fire but
firemen found Mr. Shimoda
dead, apparently stricken by a
sudden heart attack. Mrs. Shl-
moda's call for help had been
misunderstood by neighbors.
Jefferson counties. Oregon, and
Modoc county, California.
Thirteen picked troops from
these eight counties in Oregon
and California earned the right
to sparticipate by having previ
ously been picked as winners at
various district camporees.
The four troops rated as "pro
ficient" were troops 4 of Med
ford, under Dr. G. K. Goodrich,
scoutmaster; troop 31 of Weed:
troop 36 of Yreka, and troop 4
of Klamath Falls.
Rated as "standard" campor
all troops were troops 32 of
Weed;" troop 38, Hornbrook;
troop 7, Medford. under Ralph
Hulbcrt. scoutmaster; troop 1.
Klamath Falls: troop 7, Merrill:
troop 13, Lakeview, and troop 6.
Klamath Falls.
Rated as "participating" were
troop 9 and troop 18, Klamath
Fifteen competitive events
were conducted. First place
winner was troop 31 of Weed,
with troop 7 of Medford, second:
troop 32 of Weed, third: troop 1
of Klamath Falls, fourth, and
troop 38 of Hornbrook, Cal.
fifth. In addition to ribbon
trophies, a felling axe went to
troop 31 for first and to troop 7
of Medford for second went a
combination pick and trench
Sunday morning witnessed a
bugling contest won by Delmer
Kolda, troop 31, Weed; Ernest
Norton, troop 36. Yreka, second,
and Elmer Bashaw, troop 7, Med
ford, third.
Archery competition was won
flower gardening on the public
library lawn. At the West Main
street sidewalk entrance, he has
planted red geraniums, white
lilies, and blue border flower.
Midriff Pajamas
And Gowns
Sites 34 to 46
Regular $1.98
Rains of last week did some
damage to cherry and straw
berry crops, according to Coun
ty Horticulturist C. B. Cordy
but the extent, regarded as
small, will not be definitely
known until a more complete
check Is made. It is figured the
strawberries, past their peak
suffered most.
Picking of Bing cherries
scheduled to start today and to
morrow, and will be followed
by the Royal Annes and Black
Republicans. The Bings were re
ported bringing five cents per
pound on the local markets.
Considerable hay down during
the week-end rains is not be
lieved to have been damaged
Home Economics Club
To Hold Luncheon
Jacksonville Home Economics , United States,
club will meet with Mrs. Ches-! jj,
ter Wendt on the Old Stage road ' cbmm
Wednesday for a 1:30 p. m. des
sert luncheon.
Chapter AaTp.eToT
To Meet at Brown Horn
Chapter AA. P.E.O. will be
Milk offers the largest (ingl
source of farm income In the
Newl Black and White Shark
skin Long sloovo 9 QQ
Dresses ZPOawO
Newt Lace trimmed (4 QQ
Batiste Blouses $ BjO
Newl Elastic Briefs AQ.
Will not run 39C
Sassy Shop
of accounts builds a credit
rtcorri of prlciless valut
not only hin it homo but
wherever and whenever
credit It needed. -
PAYING by the 10th is a matter of
keeping a promise because it is univer
sally understood that the convenience
of credit is granted on the promise
TO PAY "I ,fTH f month
BY THE... following purchase
Each month, stores review their accounts
to ascertain which customers keep promises
and which do not and the matter of keep
ing promises has a most important bearing
on your future credit standing.
Tho CREDIT of a community reflects the THRIFT!
Q NESS of her citlsens ... A City with GOOD CREDIT Q
Is a good place In which to llvol
The smote of slower-burning Camels contains
than the average of the 4 other largest-selling
brands tested less than any of them according
to independent scientific tests of iht smoke itstlft
0 3 SO GOOD !
s -
TO 6E MILD. - ,
I ALWAYS SMOKE V ' t " t 4
! - -: V,; I vj ;., - i
v" ' i? . If t
. . "r, ' A 1 V ' I
s r ' " fT2S V, .
I A1
Moo lilMlH o j
VoOtM f -BB fcC"
II jjSktjt
laiooooo Heo
Writ fx BoKft v-ry'7
frifforsr from tumm fold
TjI bo thT nl ho quir"!
MnholiMim brino rt!lf. Tou
simply invert thl (rati oint
ment in your notriu, to4 It b
gtnt to vork !ih rmrkbic
pd. Sorra tt chrki trt r,.f
fiing. nvexic. nuffin. nd
rjnnirc rfd jcm th dfttr to
Mov rMLorca eewnfort.
ft4.dn GJrnr Milk and Ctrmm
ha ba qaaMty rtirrktvl by flood
Hoovkorptoc Bureau. It la taran
ted b flood Hoanrkeeplnf m Ad
Trtld therein.
Wing'. Cloverhill
- V
It's Ralph Flanagan wimnier oi tho
world's fastest mile lighting up that All-American mildness
favorite, a slow-burning Camel
Thpke's only one Ralph Flanagan
only a limited few who can even
give him a good race. But, as a imoler,
he's no different from millions of others
when he tells you:
"Camel is the cigarette that is extra
mild and has a flavor that doesn't
wear out its welcome."
Ves, in every walk of life in the rsnla
of the Army and Navy, too the brand
that clicks is the flavorful cigarette
that is extra mild with leu nicotine in
tin tmoke. Science confirm this ad
vantage of less nicotine (se left,
above), but get Camels and smoke out
the facts about mildness for yourself.
B J TBt1"vMM'.riMlBO St .1 ThS
Mtdford Promium Crad A
Whole Raw Milk and Crtara
Dial 4809
For Earlr Morning DollTory.
YOU'VE COT the right answer there, Fjlph
Flamgin. Csmel's ilooer way of burning
meins more coolneu. More flavor, too, for
nothing dulls flavor like excess tint
And .hit a treit to a tired smoking taite a
rool, flivorful Camel can be . . . haw welcome
Camel's extri mildnew extri freedom from
nicotine in the tmole. Ot Cameli. For econ
omy and convenience, buy,the carton.
HERE (closest to the camera) is Ralph Flanagan in action at Palm Springs.
And tkey call that stroke a cra-A'. I times All-American-he swam the world's
fastest mile in 20:42 6-and he still says: "I'd walk a mile for a CarnelP
BY BURNING 2 SLOWER than tha avoraga of tholoihorhrgool-seUloftrrarida
tooted -alowor than any ol them -Camels also gtva too a amokinf ptui oqaaL