Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, June 04, 1941, Page 1, Image 1

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    ... . Fuji u tt wuib-
Weather " aurtiu nport
ForceMt: Fair tonight tntl
Thursday. Temperature slight
ly above normal.
Highest tr.1ay ?ft
Lowest this morning 46
Precipitation past 24 hours 0
Every Day
Shop Ui want ads erery day.
Too many food opportunlilea
ere oTcrlooked by reading these
Ada Just occasionally. There la
no special day for the best bar
falna onleaa It la amy day.
Full Associated Press
United Pri
Thirty sixth Year
No. 64.
Copyright. 1941. br
Now York Tribune. Inc.
Washington, June 4. All the
president's recent utterances and
actions have been made mys
terious by a basic contradiction
He says that he means to act,
yet he does not act, and in the
next breath even seems to fore
close important avenues of ac
tion. The contradiction is easy
to explain, however, once it is
understood that the immediate
future depends on the answer
to a simple question. Will the
president continue determined
to force the Germans to fire the
first shot?
This determination of the pre
sident's is apparently the most
important of the psychological
obstacles he must surmount be
fore he can commit the United
States to full fighting partner
ship with Britain. Of course,
there are other obstacles. There
is his desire not to move until
the country is fully united be
hind him, from which his wish
to force the Germans to give
him a pretext for action no doubt
arises. There are the various
commitments and semi-commit
ments he has made in the last
year, against convoying, against
taking the country into war, and
so forth,
Strangely enough, considering
earlier trends of constitutional
interpretation at the White
House there is even said to be
some fear in his mind that if he
orders action without requesting
prior declaration of war from.
congress, he will be transgress
ing his constitutional preroga
tives as commander-in-chief.
DXTT according to men quall
fied to speak with authority,
these other obstacles are now
entirely secondary. Events have
made them so. As Ambassador
John G. Winant has reported to
the president, and as all his
ablest advisers here have been
telling him for weeks, he has
the choice between acting now,
or waiting until it may be too
If he delays too long, neither
public opinion, nor his own rec
ord, nor his constitutional prero
gatives will matter a particle.
The policy which he has been
vigorously prosecuting for the
(Continued on Page 61x)
Portland, Ore., June 4. (TV
Striking AFL warehousemen
and employers met today in an
attempt to settle a wage-hour
dispute which tied up four pro
duce houses yesterday.
Two hundred warehousemen
walked out of Pacific Fruit &
Produce, United, Safeway and
Hudson-Duncan plants in de
mand for wage increases from
$30 to $35 and hour reduction
from 43 1-3 to 40 weekly. AFL
office employes and drivers ob
served the picket line.
Meantime an 11-day-old bak
ery strike which cut into Port
land's bread supply continued
Eleven - Year Old Margaret
Drysdale learning to be as good
a baseball fan as her daddy, she
keeping a complete and correct
score card at all the Craters'
Clarence Pankey's Informal
birthday party developing into
a mock court trial with well-
wisher Ward Spati the bewild
ercd defendant.
Councilman Tom Bradley and
Frank Runtz tu.ving a difficult
time keeping up with doings at
the head of the long council
table, they being at the extreme
end and glad a new statu, K ar -
ranfexaeol is to be effected soon.l
Britain Taking Necessary
Precautions in Regard to
Syria Is London Report
By the Associated Press
Egypt's cabinet resigned late
today, amid fears of axis invas
ion, and British warplanes
bombed and machine-gunned
the oil depot at nearby Beirut,
Lebanon, in what may have
been the opening blow in the
next major campaign of the war.
Authoritative quarters in
Cairo said the Egyptian cabinet
shakeup was prompted by the
"present grave circumstances
Involving the belief that a Ger
man thrust into the rich valley
of the Nile may be Imminent.
Serious Threat
It was said the present threat
was considered far more serious
than that of last autumn, when
Marshal Rodolfo Graziani's Ital
ian legions knifed some 80 miles
into Egypt from Libya.
A terse announcement by Bri
tish Middle East headquarters
told of the RAF's attack on Bel
rut. "A petrol dump at Beirut In
Syria was bombed and machine
gunned by our aircraft," it said.
The British public had been
clamoring for action.
Simultaneously, authoritative
quarters in London said Britain
had now taken "necessary pre
cautions in regard to Syria"
neighboring French colony in
h Mldd' EatTB.nd ImJf
headquarters at Cairo announc
ed that British troops had oc-
cuDied Mosul, the center of
Iraq's rich oil fields.
Levant Army Ready
As the war momentarily
threatened to boil over into this
new theater in the eastern Med
iterranean, the Syrian high com
mand declared that the army of
the Levant was ready to defend
its territory against any attacks.
In Berlin, a nazi spokesman
said France had taken "certain
protective measures" along the
borders of some of her colonial
possessions an evident refer
ence to Syria and Lebanon.
Recapitulating the 12-day bat
tle of Crete, the Germans as
serted that 12,000 more British
and Greek troops had been cap
tured on the blitz-ravaged Medi
terranean island, making a to
tal of 25,000.
The latest group of captives
it was said, included 8,000 Bri
tish and 4,000 Greeks.
Previous British reports said
1S.000 troops had been safely
withdrawn from Crete, out of
an original contingent of some
Amid official silence, Britons
waited for word that the war
may already have flamed into
action In France's Middle East
colonies of Syria and Lebanon,
Cabinet Minister Lord Beav
erbrook's newspaper, the Lon
don Evening Standard, declared
British troops should occupy
Syria at once if necessary for
the defense of Palestine and Cy
prus and demanded:
Better to Face Issue
"Are we afraid of war with
France? It would be better if
we saw the issue as clearly as
Admiral Darlan (French vice
The newspaper asserted that
Darlan, bitter foe of England
had offered Syria to Germany as
payment In his "betrayal on the
installment plan
The British press and public
alike demanded that Britain
"act boldly and stop placating
In the still raging "battle of
the lakes" in Ethiopia, the
British announced the capture
of 17.000 more prisoners, includ
ing 9.872 Italians, along with 14
tanks, 700 cars and 83 guns,
Tractor Runs Over
Head of Operator
Moro, Ore., June 4. (IP
Cecil North, 22, of Kent was
killed late yesterday when a
tractor he was attempting
hook to a plow backed over his
head. He had gone to the field
to help a younger Doy connect, to sail to England. Others tried
the machinery. He was the son Ion similar charges drew Ion?
of J, . North, Kent merchant, pr jtm term
Death Comes to Exile
Call Camp Liggett Officers
For Critique
' Camp Hunter Liggett, Calif..
yon A. Joyce called subordinate officers of his ninth army corps
command today to a critique on the first phase of Camp Hunter
Liggett s summer war maneuvers, and all evidence pointed to
praise for the corps' streamlined third division.
Fourteen '
June 4. 'IP)
non-operating" rail
road labor organisations, rep
resenting more than 800,000
workers, decided today to
seek wage increases of 30 to
34 cents an hour.
By the Associated Press
The defense mediation board
today postponed until tomorrow
morning a meeting of represen
tatives of soft coal miners and
operators to hear board recom
mendations for settling their
wage contract controversy.
The recommendations, which
are being prepared for the
northern and southern operators
and the CIO's United Mine
Workers, are still Incomplete, a
board official said.
Hinging upon acceptance or
refusal of the terms was a
threatened new strike of 400,
000 coal miners in the seven
state ' Appalachian bituminous
Two Other Cases
Two other major cases en
gaged board members.
A panel considered the threat
ened strike of United Auto
Workers (CIO) at the Inglewood,
Calif., plant of North American
Aviation corporation, while an
other group continued its effort
to induce 12,000 CIO lumber
workers In 52 Puget sound log
ging camps and mills to return
to work pending settlement of
of the dispute.
Day-long discussion yesterday
with leaders of the International
Woodworkers of America failed
to produce a report of progress
in the Pacific northwest lumber
tie-up. The IWA demands a 7'i
cent hourly wage Increase to 75
cents an hour, vacations with
pay, and union hiring hall.
Oslo. German-occupied Nor-
I way. June 4. ir) A German
i military court at Bergen has sen
itenced Erling Narthinson, a Nor-
wegian. to death for attempting
, (Jty " &
on Maneuvers
June 4. (IP) Mai.-Gen. Ken-
The third, in this Initial test
of the army's newly devised tri
angular organization for divi
sions, sent its 13,500 men against
the 22,000 of the old-style 41st
square division, and success
fully defended hill top positions
from the larger attacking force
The defense, beginning at
dawn yesterday after night-long
preparations, was conducted
without aviation support and In
the face of withering fire by
machine gun, rifle and field ar
tillery units.
Yet in more than seven hours
of incessant fighting, the 41st
registered only a single break
through, and it a brief and costly
Other attack troops succeeded
in crossing the San Antonio river
but were beaten back in their
attempts to force a way through
the fields and Into the hills
where the streamlined Third had
established its positions.
Hot weather it reached 100
degrees at the peak of the fight
ing yesterday broke temporar
ily last night. A brief shower
settled dust throughout the area.
War Bulletins
London. June 4. W Brit
ish fighters shot down two
German Meiierschmltt 109
planes into the channel to
night, authoritative sources
said. One British fighter was
Berlin, June 4. (IP) Ger
man fighter pilots on a flight
over southeastern England this
afternoon shot down two Brit
ish fighters, both of which fell
Into the sea in flames, the of
ficial German news agency,
DNB, reported.
Oslo, German-Occupied Nor
way. June A IIP) The police
department today canceled all
permits to travel in the "west
ern border area," which In
cludes the outer part of Oslo
fjord and all the western and
southern coasts as far north
as Bergen.
London, June 4. (IP
Fighting broke out between
Greek and German soldiers rt
Levadia. about (0 miles north
west of Athens, when inhabi
tants seised a supply train,
the British news agency Reu
ters tonight reported frm
Cairo. Germen police fired on
the Greeks who were unload
ing the train despite threats
and many persons were killed
and wounded, Reuters said It
had been reliably Informed.
Sacramento. June 4 A', Butt-r
tnt Pin mrAm ait meer,A 'l'.t
of Doom
(By Associated Press)
Berlin, June 4 Former Kaiser
Wilhelm II of imperial Germany
died today at his exile estate of
Doom in the quiet backwash of
a new German conquest almost
23 years after he fled from the
crumbling failure of his own
European war plan.
DNB, German official news
agency, reported from Amster
dam that the 82-year-old, white
bearded former emperor died at
11:30 a. m. (4:30 a. m., EST) in
a sudden relapse of an illness
which brought members of his
family to his bedside last week.
An intestinal disorder, com
plicated at the last by a lung
emboly, caused his death.
Even In death, the old man
of Doom" is not to return
to the land he once ruled.
Burial At Doom
He is to be buried at Doom
next Monday but, on the orders
of Adolf Hitler, a military fu
neral with full honors is to be
accorded imperial Germany's
last emperor.
The German high command
has taken full charge of the
military phase of the funeral,
a token, perhaps, that reconcili
ation between the fuehrer and
the former emperor had been
complete. .--- -
At his bedside when he died
were only a few close members
of his family his second wife.
Princess Hermine: his daughter,
the Duchess of Brunswick; and
his grandsons, Louis Ferdinand
Karl, and Franz Joseph, and the
latter s wife, Princess Henrietta.
The first kaiserin died April
11. 1921, and was burled at
The former emperor'a eldest
living son and successor as head
of the Hohenzollern family,
Crown Prince Friedrich Wil
helm, had been at his father's
side earlier, but left late last
week when the former kaiser
seemed to rally.
Second in the family line,
Prince Louis Ferdinand, also
was away from Doom.
Backod Hitler
The "old man of Doom," who
in his time commanded the
worlds mightiest military ma
chine, regarded the ascendancy
of Adolf Hitler to the leadership
of the reich in 1933 as "a step
in the right direction
When Hitler picked up the
saber dropped In 1918 by the
kaiser and turned it into terrify
ing blitzkrieg In 1939, 13 of
Wilhelm's family were in Nazi
uniform. One son, Prince Oscar
of Prussia, 11 grandsons and
one grandnephew of the kaiser
marched with the gray-green
legions. Two of the grandsons
since have fallen in battle
Another grandson was interned
by the British
Rumor on rumor had cropped
up since 1933 that the Kaiser
was actively "behind-the-scenes
of rejuvenated Germany and
that he would one day triumph
antly return to Berlin to claim
his "devine right as emperor,
All such reports were quickly
Old trees can not be trans
planted, the kaiser often re
marked, seemingly content in
his orderly life at the Doom
In the past decade his routine
of breakfast at 8:43 a. m., mom.
ing wood-chopping, tea, corre
spondence period, lunch, nap,
tea again, a walk, dinner and
lights out at 10 p. m. had been
disturbed by attacks of rheuma -
tism or colds.
He followed the present war
painstakingly as though he had
a commanding position at the
Nazi general headquarters. He
marked the progress of the Nazi
war machine by affixing tiny
flags on detailed maps of Euro
pean countries.
Portland, Ore., June 4.
Charged with possession of a
mould for making 50-cent coins,
Wendell J. Troxall, arrested in
Eugene, waived preliminary
hearing and was bound over to
the federal grand Jury on $2500
bond by U. S. Commissioner
Kenneth Frazer yesterday.
essasiiaBeeeeeessi 1
Additional Properties Re
deemed and Some Private
Sales Noted in Boom
The city of Central Point has
sold 34 city-owned lots in the
past month and Jackson county
has sold 17 county-owned lots
in Central Point, the Mail Trib
une learned from official records
today. In addition several prop
erties allowed to go for taxes
have been redeemed from the
county by the previous owners.
Stimulated principally by the
proposed erection of an army
cantonment in the Antelope-
Beagle district, the increased
activity in real estate was con
tinuing today. Three other sales
by the city of Central Point have
been arranged tentatively, but
have not yet come before the
council for final approval and
negotiations for other lot pur
chases were started today, Guy
Tex, city recorder, said.
Many Lots Lett
Records yesterday showed
that the county still owned 95
lots in Central Point, as well
a five-acre and one-acre
Recent purchasers of county-
owned lots in Central Point were
listed as: E. B. Serruys and
A. C. Leighton, four lots; Joe
Roberts, one; Edward E. Brown
and Luzella Damon, owners of
the Central Point cafe, one; Phil
lip and Othellia Strahan, now
of 1260 Sunset avenue, house
and four lots for their home;
Guy Tex, one; Anna F. Blssell,
1 lot for the erection of a real
dence; Justin B. Smith, Med-
ford, four lots facing the Pacific
highway; J. E. Rexroad, house
and lot.
Buyers Listed
Purchasers of property owned
by the City of Central Point
were listed as follows: Central
Point Grange, two lots for an
addition to its hall; A. J. Mil
ton, two lots for a home; John
Jones, two; E. L. McNeil, Ash
land builder, five; A. H. Webster
two lots for a residence; Moore-
Taber Lumber company, four
lots for extension of Its mill
A. C. Leighton, one; H. F. Borah,
one lot for a home; A. A. Thomp
son, one lot for enlargement of
his home.
Also Mrs. Jessie Mclntlre,
Montana resident, three lots for
erection of a residence; H. W
Copinger, one lot for an addl
tion to his residence; Hi Hogan
four lots next to the property of
his father-in-law; and Boyd A,
Lawton, six lots on one of which
stood an old house he Is re
Purchase of two of the four
county-owned lota by Serruys
and Leighton was contingent
upon Central Point relinquish
ing its redemption rights In
them and it was understood the
city would do so. With the one
city lot purchased by Leighton
Serruys and Leighton together
have five contiguous lots on
which, it was reported In Central
Point, they plan to build an
apartment house. Leighton, who
resides in Central Point, has
been In business In Medford for
years and Is now Identified with
a company taking over Brown's
cafe. Serruys comes from Klam
ath Falls where ha has two
brothers in the cafe business.
In addition to this turnover
there have been several private
real estate transactions in Cen
tral Point.
Grand Ronde, Ore, June 4.
(IP) A fire which started
the planer shed destroyed the
Weaver sawmill here yesterday
at a loss estimated by Manager
- Harvey Cross at $23,000,
Pitcher Socked
Where It Hurtt'
By Catcher Pig
Miami. Fla., June 4. IIP)
Pitcher Ray Fancell of the
Miami Wahoos relaxed . to
watch a pretty play the al
most certain put-out of a run
ner from first to second.
Then, whaml Catcher Bob
McCorkle's low, hard peg was
a little too low it caught
Pitcher Fancell square In the
eat rtf the rnt
National League
St. Louis 2 0 3
Boston 4 11 1
Gumbert and Mancuso; John
son and Masl.
iconomic, Social, Political
Problems Found in Can
tonment Areas to Be Eyed
Mayor H. S. Deuel, County
Judge J. B. Coleman, E. H. Hed-
righ, city school superintendent,
and Glenn L. Jackson, president
of the Jackson County Chamber
of Commerce, were to leave by
train late this afternoon to make
study of economic, social and
political problems created in
nearby communities by estab
lishment of Fort Ord and Camp
Roberts In California. They in
tended to devote several days to
the study In accordance with
plans announced a short time
Fort Ord and Camp Roberts
are more comparable to the pro
posed Medford cantonment than
any other camps on the west
coast and so they were selected
for the study, Mayor Deuel said.
Fort Ord has had the greatest
economic and social effect on
Salinas and Camp Roberts on
San Luis Obispo, he related. The
situation In those two cities was
much the same as that to be
created here, he said.
For Advance Planning
The investigators will make
a study of such things as utili
ties and sanitation facilities,
merchandising, housing, school
ing and religious needs and soc
ial problems created In, nearby
communities by the camps so
that plans may be set up here In
advance, Mayor Deuel explain
ed. Some preliminary planning
along this line has already been
done, he added.
"We hope to eliminate as far
as possible the headaches that
have harassed other communi
ties because, of a lack of plan
ning and control, the mayor
stated. "We have been encour
aged to do this by the army and
we feel that we can eliminate
practically all undesirable ele
ments by advance planning."
Up to 2 p.m. today, a total of
$328.83 had been raised by re
porting solicitors of the Medford
committee of the United Service
Organizations for National De
fense, Inc., which Is in the midst
of a campaign to raise $1,000 be
fore Thursday night as Med
ford's quota of the $1,500 Jack
son county goal,
Ralph Sweeney, treasurer of
the local committee, said that
the sum represented the efforts
of only about dozen of the ap
proximate 100 workers who are
canvassing the city and sur
rounding territory, they being
the only ones reporting In thus
far. Much solicitation Is yet to
be done, Mr. Sweeney said, and
added that many of the workers
were finding it rather difficult
to leave their own Jobs for any
length of time to make extend
ed canvasses. He said, however,
that workers reported they were
receiving excellent support
from the public.
In Ashland, about one-half the
city's quota of $300 had been
raised this afternoon. The drive
ends tomorrow nitwit, and the
local and Ashland committees
expressed their complete confi
dence that the county quota
would be reached.
San Sranrle Butter
San Francisco. June 4. W) u-
I ler: S4 score Ssc: 91 store Mfcic;
I so score Sec; as score IS), a.
Architect Hunt and Wife Ad
dress Meeting at Grants
Pass; Land Being Bought
Grants Pass, June 4 (Spl.V
In early November 7,000 to 8,
000 workers with their families)
will be attracted to Medford and,
vicinity by erection of the pro
posed army cantonment in tha
Antelope-Beagle district, Myron
Hunt, cantonment architect, told
a large audience In the Red
woods hotel Monday night. Tha
dinner-meeting was sponsored by
the Grants Pass Chamber of
Commerce. Persons were pre
sent from as far as Roseburg.
The influx of camp workers
will swamp every available resi
dence and fishing cabin, Mr.
Hunt said. Some will live as far
away from their work as Grants
Pass, not because they will want
to but because they will have to,
he added.
Can't Avoid Influx
The Influx of camp followers
cannot be avoided and the Rogua
River valley might as well faca
the fact now, Mr, Hunt coun
seled. A summary of other salient
points of his talk follows:
The federal government will
build Its own sewage disposal
plant for the cantonment because)
even the government "doesn't
dare put anything in the water
which would harm on of your
Medford Is as small city as
the army dared put canton
ment near. The problems of
water supply, schools, housing,
etc., coming with a cantonment
are "the same as those after m
bad earthquake."
Grants Pass Is "far enough
away to escape responsibilities
and still realize some of the as
sets." Zoning Advised
Medford was advised to apply
zoning quickly and to send lead
ers to present camp sites to in
terview people who "wish they
had never seen a cantonment."
Medford has "go-getters." The)
men who got the camp may get
from congress special funds for
new roads.
The cantonment will block all
roads In the vicinity be sj
"plug" in the end of the valley
except for the Pacific highway.
Bybee bridge road and Crater
lake highway. The Gold Hill
Crater lake cut-oft will remain
open. A highway may be built
from the camp south to the Pa
cific highway to bypass Medford.
Camp traffic will cross Crate f
lake and Bybee bridge route by
overhead crossings.
170.000 Acres Wanted
The camp site has swelled to
170.000 acres; It started at only
84,000. The government is buy
ing the land. The camp appears
to be as "permanent" as war.
Work on the camp should start
In September, be done In four
months. Soldiers usually begin
arriving shortly after construc
tion starts.
Mrs. Hunt advised develop
ment of Travelers' Aid societies,
and similar organizations to meet
newcomers "who have no Idea
what it Is like or where they ara
going when they come here."
She said "camp followers,
both men and women, prey on
the boys because they are so
utterly lonesome. It's up to you
to see they make friends with
the right people, not the wrong
San Francisco, June 4. (P)
The defense rested its case today
in the Harry Bridges deportation
hearing, after 27 witnesses had
given testimony before Judga
Charles B. Sears of Buffalo,
N. Y., trial examiner.
The Australian born labor
leader was released from tha
stand at cloaa of tha session
yesterday, after protracted cross
examination by government at
torneys seeking to show ha had
an active affiliation with tha
Communist part.