MEDFORD MAIL TRIBUNE. MEDFORD, OREGONT, MONDAY. JUNE 2, 1941. PAGE SEVEN Want to Bay, Sell or Exchange? Read the Ads on This Page! It's Filled With Opportunities! mm Kua vr an uus pass (uu wiu oruoeoiy tloo aaacU th things you bsv been tuuk tag tut of sals or inn tot unused article ruu au) bare Bearcn oai attic ot store room you may (lad maay tbiciet otlun srs ssekn.g ,na . ,blf Co realls tmmedlet cub U bt ruu want taa t bar advarlls tol it tribune CIS, titled A a are Insxpenslva IlKU?l RATES rr wurd first in rtt.. (Minimum Sflt) Each diliiiiinai InMrtloa, ptt mora .... , t (Minlmam lor Fer line per muntb without copy change CASH or money order must ac company all mail order clutiliad ads. LOS1 AND FOUND LOST Lady's square, gold, Tavanne wnei watcn at etn and Bartlett, Thursdsy afternoon. Graduation gift. Reward. Tel. 2521. 205 Crater Lake. EEPOKT lost dugs, animal cruelty caeca nurnane ouciety. rnone 0131 WAflTED MALE HELP WANTED Dairy man. Oood ODDor tunlty on percentage; up to thirty cows; plenty feed. Kt. 3, Box 366, Meatora. ure. WANTED FEMALE HELP HOUSEKEEPER and cook (or em ployed couple. (20X10 month, room snd board; wood for cooking. A. M. Bang, ureecent city, calif. WANTED Capable girl or woman for general housework. Phone 4U7. WANTED SITU A HONS WANTED by experienced Practical Nurse. Elderly people or Invalids to care for In my home. All mod ern conveniences. Very ressonable rates, write .noun box 3445. CrlADUAI-l DIETICIAN, A years typing and general clerical expe rience, wants work In doctor's office or business office. Phone 3028. EXPERIENCED BOOKKEEPER, age 45 Accounting and auditing experi ence, aest reierences: permanent; moderate salary. Box 2428 Tribune WANTED MISCELLANEOUS WANTED Apple thinners. Joe Kan tor, 3 miles east of Phoenix. WANTED email safe. Box No. 3536 Tribune. WANTED Small acre iv . close In. goon nou&e. fa tat-e price and loca tion. Tribune Box 3530. WANTED Cover crop disc, straight. e iuo a. a. rosi, latent. WANTED Heavy work horse, 1600 lbs. or heavier. Call evenings. Chas. Isaacs. Crater Lake Highway. WANTED Feeder hogs. Phone 7221, Ashland. WANTED To buy "SO or -31 Model A Ford coupe. Box 3514 Tribune. CASH for old horses. Dlsl 6376 LAWNMOWERS SHARPENED. WorS guaranteed Call and deliver Mae & Ploy.t s Ph 4U80 232 N River side Make you old mower like new WANTED Body Shults Bros. and fender man WANTED Dreaan-aklng. alteration Katherlne Sattcrlee. Slngei 6 bop 32 South Orape. HIGHEST cash paid for Iron, copper brass, radiators, aluminum, bat teries, tube, rags, lead and alne Med ford Bargain House. WILL PAY MtrsT CASH For Oood Osed Furniture. IIOI.IIKOOK FLR.MTLRE 18 North Front. Phone 4033. WE PAY MORE CASH Po. Tour Furniture BAKS1KI RO a) ANDREWS th and Front Pbone 3333 horse cows for feed Esgis Point Pus Farm Phone 37-X-1. NC-WAJ Mattrea. and Opbotsterlng Co Phone 8946 303 West 6th 6t RKST PRM'K P4ID For Youi Furniture HPS FLRMTI RE. Phone 4S40. WANTED Wool, mohair hides and pelts Medford bantam Rouse 37 North frsp. bt Phone 3744. 'U. DR1UJNO (1 60 per ft first 60 ft eta J M Dodge 618 Kln Oap.den piowiNO and team work 70B4 FOR P.ENI HOUSES FURNISHED HOUSE. 4 bedrooma imping poreb. Modem except fc'st. sis Liberty. FOR RENT Modern 8-roora house. Prt;y furnished; also auto wreck h yard and repair ehop. Chas. ---n. central point. FOR PENT Oood furnished snd on lJTr.:.h.a houses. Edwl P Hulhes Estata Arenrv. 70 North Rlv rude Phone 3816. FOR RENT s-room furnlahed house. t-.h houae on left on Loner Lane. OR PrvT-s-room house, one floor. ' I oerooms. mod-rn. clean. Adults "3 South Orape St. For p.rvT -. . . - muun g uuere vi' "-oom. one 8-room. On bwhwev. Jsckonville. Be Ounter. JtcieoBvuie. HtXT-l-rocm house, unfur----d. SIS Bessie St. Owner 338 Jr Lsne. C.R RENT PuTnshed houe. No. 8 ""S'.t Court West lith St Adults t-J- . aoga foot (113 465. ,tJlN7.P"!:r?0m m1 ootlaja and bath, food kitchen rsnga. 121 to. eia aoerdmaa. ruRNISHTO HOU81 tod apartment fR-LKS FOR RENT- Move yourself aw ban Pruittt Mobiuss 8ta- -"a i" pnone 4143 TOR RENT APARTMENTS ATTRACTIVE light apartmant. tlt redecorate, eie South Oakdale. ONE-ROOM furnished apartment. Frivet shower. Cleen. 314 Haven 8t. pear Junior High. FOR RENT Nloe, .mall. urn,.nrt apartment. Jut for two. Reason sbis rent. Apply Mall Tribune bualneaa office. FURNISHED 3-room apartment, neat and clean. Cloae tn. 80s w. lom. RNT J-rrn furnished apart. -Tosh"? U8h- ""O" 3 FURNISHED APARTMENT. 217 West fnd st. FOR RENT 6-room furnlahed apart mant. Inquire 804 Eaat Main. APARTMENT FOR RENT Nicely furnished 8-room front apart ment In bualneaa aectlon. Hot and cold wster, stesm beat furnlahed Parking lot (or car. Rent reason able. Apply Mall Tribune offios . OR RENT flmsll single apartment rTigiaaire. electric stove. Holland ROOM furnished apartment. Heat- it ivy. iu-io Heat, hot water rri ano garage 603 S Hotly 81 FOR RENT Furnished Room. ROOM In pnvata home. 311 Vaa oouver. SLEEPING ROOM Close In. 337 No. Rl'OM (us two 163 North Oskdsle FOR RENT Well -furnlahed sleeping U se i aesireo. B26 south wverajoe ATTRACTIVE ROOMS. 404 S Orane FOR RENT BOARD. ROOM ROOM and BOARD. In private home. c-uwne 4uis. 014 neatly. EXCELLENT MEALS, (6.00 weekly. FOR RENT MISCELLANEOUS PASTURE FOR RENT im.. Clover and rye extra good. Cows per montn, norses 62, calves 61 JO. NO bulls.' Crster Lake High ay at Four Corners. Champion FOR REr-1 Store Building and two "'"w rwms oee aj uttrell Roland I.uboard FOR SALE LIVESTOCK FOR SALE Milking Shortlom bull woe uugsn. 1 mile south Phoenix "Ji'iLe 3220 FOR SALE POULTRY TOP QUALITY CHICKS at reduced price now. Rocks, Reds. Hamp shires snd Leghorns for June, 8c esch, hatching Wednesday and Saturday each week. Central Point Hatcherv. FOR SALE AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE (450.00 credit on new rora. win discount. Dlsl 3387 or 4860. '36 FORD deluxe coupe, good con dition, new rubber. (250. No trade. See Wstts. Firestone. Phone 4757. 38 PLYMOUTH COUPE, like new. excellent vslue. Terms. Pho-e4461. 1 have sold my garage and moved my stocx oi used csrs to m, home. 636 Keen Way Drive. I am selling these fine csrs st BARGAIN PRICES 1938 Olds 70 4-Door Sedan (746 1938 Olds 80 Bus. Coupe 695 1938 Olds Dla 4-Door sedsn 835 1938 Orahsm Special Sedan 646 1937 Packard 130 Sedan 636 1937 Dodge 4-Door Sedan. 4A6 1936 Olda 8 3-Door Sedan 486 1938 Olda 6 4-Door Sedan. 425 1938 Ford Panel 166 Sea Rook EMERSON Across from Public Golf Course Phone 4036 FOR SALE REAL ESTATE I nd at Land Office. 843 8. Central f?C AAA 60 acres Irrigated garden aJVuU land. Free soli, abundance wster. nne plsoe for dairy or nog ranch. Fslr buildings, new ma chinery. (1500 cash, balance terms. Also (JjrAA 800 acres, all fenced. Wot tDuU en wire fence. Bungalow. large barn. 70 acres alfalfa. (300 cash, balance terms. Also $4501 Two lH-scrs tracts left In Chsnnlng Sweet Acres. (10,00 down (10 00 ner month. See J. C. BARNES 30 North Peach St. Phone 4938 FOR SALE Fine camp ground site In Central Point, coualstln- of two fine residence and four or five acres of lsnd on msln i Irhwsy. If Inte-wted see Edwin F H iehes Real Eta' Agency. 708 North Rlrersld.-. Medford. Phone 3816. FOR SALE SPECIAL BAROAIN 6-mom house. Isrxe living and dining room, hardwood floors and fire place, sereened-tn eervloe porch, full cement basement, furnsce best. Isrr lot close in on psve ment. only (3200 00. Also 30 acr. Irrigated, level lard, moat all In besrln fruit, peers snd peaches, bulidioga. near Medford. on goor! county road VTould ecm alder trartlne for house In town Price (320000. terms. Also T. ka. .Miur wster. vercinciiT moetlv in srs'fs and pasture, well locsted. (2000 00 (300. esss, bal ance monthlv ravrrrrta L. O PICKE1X 18 So Bartlett. FOR SALE Beautiful b'Jllding site. 14 acre each lol view of the va:v. Ideal fror-sate. Low taxs Priced to sen. Inquire Room 308 Hotel Grand . POR 6 M ft Large residenos, close tn Can 6il Wss Co. FOR 8AU-), room nartlv ftiraliha bouae. Rental inroma a 40 month Pries 1600. A. r. riowtra, corner ana rront. BUILD1NO A BUMII-Let us handle au ostaus on as-year FHA loans quickly afficieatiy. ooldy Aget-cy FOR SALE 6-rocm Orange. house. M N FOR SALE Acreae, (1.700, on Pa cific Hlway near Medford fruit stand. Prult. berries. Or trade (1300 equity for home In Medford Valley Real Estate. South Pacific Hlway. FOR SALE or TRADE 81-, scree, fenced and cross fenoed. under water. House, barn. Might con ider leasing. Inquire Medford Ladder Works. Cm and country properties- Rentals toani insurance c Butlerfleld 408 Medford Building. SEE H. L. COOK for anything In Real Estata. 1104 West Mala Dial 1678. WHEN TOO think of real estata thiak cf the Clinton Spencer FOR EXCHANGE TRADE Milk goat for gss mask. Eugene Hmenfurter. Talent FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE New boat, boat trailer ano motor. 843 West 14th St. '. C. T. V. Rummage Sale. June 6th and 7tn. 331 East Main, near Lamport. FOR 6ALX Westing house range, cir culating heater, trash burner, re frigerator. Prloe attractive. 1016 Reddy. FOR SALE child's cribs with mattresses; small 2-bumer electric stove with oven: 3 living room electric light fixtures. 48 Llndley St. Phone 8601. FOR SALE One clarinet. Phone 3483 evenings. Bargain. FOR SALE Covered Wagon trailer house, young team horses. Mrs. Bertha Taylor. Rucb. NO SHORTAGE of rlsnta, rJnnlss. snaps, asters, petunia, etc.. 16c dox . 3 dos. 36c. Ind'i na canner and Marglobe tomato plant. Maddox Valley Greenhouse, 1 block east of Plggly Wlsgly. A OOOD dose of cash on the barrel head Is a complete cure for too many drlnka of dollar down, says Jack' Second Hand Store, 10" South Orape- FOR SALE Sawmill with 64-lncb Merehon band eaw. All steam power. Price 6900. V. Held. 1604 Oregon. Klamath Falls. Ore. FOR SALE Blacksmith tools, cheap 108 South Holly. FOR SALE Low priced lumber or any Duuoing materials, csli us be fore you buy R.O.Stephenson Co.. Court and McAndrews. Telephone 3000. FOR SALE: DAIRY FLY SPRATS Monsrch Seed at Peed Co. REAL BUYS In used clothing. 1406 no rtiversioe. across from Beck's Bakery For Rale- Sugar pine shakes. Make raeai rooting Faber's. Central Polat FOR SALE Poultry-Dairy Feeda priced right Monarch Seed st Feed Co FOR SALE: Berry cups and crates aiao iruit baskets, all klnda. Mon arch Reed at Feed Co. 'OR SALE Green Fir Slabs. phone 6160 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES FOR SALE Restaurant. Excellent location, good business. Tribune Box 3375. WANTED Man or woman. Own and operate 35 machines vending new Hershey Bare. No selling. Age no hsndlcap. Earn up to (300 month with expansion. Only (185 cash required. Give pbona In reply. Tribune Box 3373. FOR SALE Semes Station, t lots. pumps, aooo-gal. storage. Main P'-.. Central Point. A R Owlngs PERSONAL PALMISTRY and crystal reading. Phone S44. 480 Mountain Avenue. Ashland. PSYCHIC CARD READINOS. 6OC 603 So. CentraL Formerly 633 So. BUSINESS DIRECTORY Dressmaking. IKK PASHION NHnp ri.-i., hi Fur Remodeling, Button and Duckjee TOverea. Kaon so? u. B Nt1 Bsnk BUg Tl 3931 Expert Window Cleanet. LET OEOROK DO IT Expert Window Cleaner Oenaral house cleanera. floor waxi&g. palat MONEY TO LOAN PAY ALL YOUR BILLS With a Quick CASH LOAN AUTOMOBILE FURNITURE LIVESTOCK Terms to Suit You TOO WIU, EN-JOT DOING BUSINESS WITH ORESON FINANCE CO. W. B. Thomas. Mcr tic. No. S-JU M-31T. 49 Bo. Central. Dial 4433. Home owned and managed, mat 192. Painting and Psperhanging. SULLIVAN BROS JOHNSON are no longer conneetad with Ekeraoci Fslnt and Roof Store por paint ing, papering and Interior decorst- trr rh-- or 744 Rafrigeratioa Service. REFRIGERATION SERVI'V CO. tn only escl.ielve eefr) shoe tn f Ore A'Jtflred factory errvte O. Could. 221 W. Jsckron. Ph. 4664. BUSINESS DIRECTORY Roofing. WE REPAIR or apply any type of roof Paoco Roofina Shingles Costtaes and Painta New atock Wall Paper Ekeraon Paint and Roof Co 38 So Bartlett Tel 3B4S Transfer. crrr transfer & storaoe co Household moving and general hauling 38 S Orape. Pbone 4664 day or Bight. EADS TRANSFER STORAGE CO Offios 16 South Plr. Phone 1828 Prlcee right Service guaranteed DAVIS TRANSFER AND STORAOE 40 s Fir Street. Insured Carriers Local and Long Diatanos Hauling Pbone 2888. FURNITURE MOVING AND STOR- aus. we have van moving equip ment for local and long distance hauling. Dry and clean storage (concrete building) with special locker rooms at low rates SAMSON STORAGE WAREHOUSE Phone 3756 Venetian Blinds. VENETIAN BLINDS Guaranteed, eteel or woua Venetian nnnda. 38c sq ft Insulted Pbone Burk's Medford Tent & Awn 4473 Free otlmatc LEGAL NOTICES NOTICE TO rRi:illTiHa In the County Court of the state uregon tor Jackson County. In the Matter of the Eatata of Fhlllp B. Harrison. Deceased. The undersigned has been ap pointed and has bsen duly qusllded by the county court of the att of Oregon for Jackson County as the executor of the estate) of ThUlp B. Harrison, deceaaed. All persona hav ing claims against said estata are notified to present tbem. duly veri fied, with proper voucbera, to the undersigned, at Ita banking room, the First National Bank of Portland lOregon) Medford Branch. Medford, Oregon, within six months from this date. DATED this 36th dsv of Msy, 1841. The First National Bsnk of Portland (Oregon) Executor. Neff at PTOhnmayer. attorneys for estate. Cooley Theater Building. Medford, Oregon. Notice. In the County Court of the Stat of Oregon foi Jackson County. In the matter of the estate of Albert 8. Bllton. deceased. Notice is hereby men that the un dersigned hss filed her flnsl account I' the above entitled matter, and the above entitled court has fixed June nth. 1841. at 10 o'clock a. m. In the county court room. In the court house In Medford. Oregon, ss the time and plsce for hesrlng objections to said final account, and (or the settle ment thereof. IDA M. BLITON. Administratrix. Harry C. Skyrman, attorney for ad ministratrix. Notice to Creditors. In the County Court of the State of Oregon for the County of Jackson la the matter of the eatata of John Robe.t Roblaon, deceaaed. ' Notice la hereby given that I have been duly and regularly appointed admlnletratrlx of the abovi entitled eatate under and by virtue of en or der of the County Court of Jackson County. Oregon, dul, made, rendered and entered upon May 3rd. 1841. and all creditors hstlng claims agalnat aald deceaaed are hereby notified to present the same duly verified to me at the office of my attorneys, Roberts 8; McAllister. Rooms 301-806 United States National Bank Building. Med ford, Oregon, within alx months from the date of this notce. Dated at Medford. Oregon, this Sth day of Msy, 1841 ETHEL CHILD ERS, Administratrix of the eatate of John Robert Roblaon. deceased. Notice of Annnal School Meeting. Notice Is hereby given to the legal voters of choul dlstrl. : No. SB of Jackson County. State of Oregon, that the annual achool meeting of SLld district will be held at Medford Senior High School; to begin at the nour w im o'clock and closing at 7:00 o. m.. on the third Unnrtev nf June, being the 16th dsy of June. A. D. 1841. This meeting Is called for the pur pose of electing one director for a term of five years, and ths transac tion of business usual at rich meet ing. tn districts of the second and third classes the bsllou shsll not be count ed until one hour after the time set for the meeting to begin. Cntll the count begl is. anv legal voters of the district shell be entitled to vote upon any business before the meeting. ACROSS L Fsmlly of orgs pipe a. Poke I. Again: prsfis IX. Vigiisnt IS. Atr.iTicMn Jeurpallet ' and author IS. rsmlnlne nam SS. Abscond 12. Squander 24. Bring Into ths country I. Requites 7. Rh:ntng S. poorest IS. H. Prenek 40. Plumbers U. City In Ps -s ruse resentment 17. Four II. Border for a picture W. email mining car fl. Orderly IS. Oo ewlftly H. Biblical BTlest M. Finish 17. Still wstsr within a 41. Dsnotlrg me eentrsj BOIM 47. American urlrrslt7 41 Vulfsr prstsndsr 49. Entrr In SB account si. Thong U. lymhol far . sodium (I. "bull rap 44. Kxcallsnc 1 Hp I I5 r I If I' " 1 T 7r r ,s TT. IIZI"1 " ! it -3 STT"3 JU pr 3 T"5r -3T r-? W "Sr?Ti ti T-jj ST 5 3- , w HI H 1 1 11 fHj Dated this 34th day of Mar IUI. Atteat; N. H. FRANKLIN. Board Dl Directors. REBECCA JENSEN, District Clerk. NOTICE TO CREDITOK8 Notice Is hereby given that I have been appointed by the County Court of Jackson Cotuty, Oregon. Execu trix of the Will of Amanda Oeorge. deceased, and have qualified. All per sons having claims sxalnst said ac ta t are hereby notified to present them, with proper vouchers, and duly verified, to me at the office of Harry C. Skyrman. Attorney (or said estata. at Room 408, Medford Center Build ing, hi Medford. Oregon, within els months from the date of this notice Dated and first published May 13th. 1V41. BERTHA I. PENNEY. Executrix Gold Hill Gold Hill, June 2. (Spl.) Premium booki for tht annual Northwest Jackson county fair, to be held on August 23, are now ready for distribution. The books are free and may be se cured at the News office or from local merchants. Exhibitors will find many changes in this year's book. A first aid class Is being conducted here in the city hall on Monday snd Thursdsy evenings, under direc tion of ths American Red Cross and sponsored by the local cement plant union. Ths 30 hour course Is offered to both men sad women and the only charge is lor the text book which is very Instructive. J. B. Meehan la Instructor and a Brest deal of Interest la being shown in the course. Mra. Paul Rolderness attended a picnic for Olrl Scout leaders last week at Bybee bridge. The lunch waa given by council members as a treat for the leaders, and many enjoyed swimming. Boy Scout who. attended the re. cent camporea at the Elk's picnic grounds were: Buddy Blair, Vaughn Whltmore. Earl Bennett, Nophie Marsden, Bruce Bennett, Roland Bs ew, Duana Eskew, victor Frost. Hsrold Colvln, Virgil Baldwin and Scoutmaster Clarence Thompson. Mr and Mrs. Charles R. Moor and Mr. and Mrs. o. H. Moor were gussta last Thursday of Msrgusrlt Moor of Evans valley. Ellsworth Oreer and Buster Mullln spent last week-end with relstlves snd friends In Portland. Mrs. Clso Gilchrist and Mra. Paul Holderness were hostesses May 37 at an outdoor supper party for the school fsculty and their famine. Oamea and a social evening war enjoyed after the supper. Mr. and Mra. w. p. Boys and family entertained a group of friends last Friday awning at their home with a home-made to cream sup par. Those enjoying the evening were Mr. and Mrs. Dennis McOulre, Beth Paulson. Dorothy Burket, Bea Evans, Delmar Chapman. Tom Hen derson. Wsllsos Iveraon, Am Boy,, Mr, and Mrs- Art Boy and Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Bon. Edith Howes 1 employed this r ' onl tb Medford corporation. Olrl Scout enjoyed a picnic tuncb on ths larg porch of ths Bert Ken yon horn last Wednesday noon. Quest on Decoration day of Mrs. Ella Patrick wars Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Darling and Mr. Olady Brewer of Fort Klsmath, Mrs. Vera Smyth snd dsughter Yvonne and Mrs. Are lln Lsdd of Pomand. Mrs. Brewer will be remembered sa Miss Glsdya Darling, and Mra. Smyth waa form erly Mia Yolaada Kelsey. both for mer residents of this city, where they have many friends. Mr. and Mrs. James McGulre of Newberg, Ore., were guests from Tuesday until Friday of their son Dennis McOulre, and family. Frank Harvey of Portland waa a gusst last week of his sister Mrs. Blanch Merrtman, and Mr. Merrt man. Mr. and Mrs. Seal Bush of Hllls- boro cams May 30 to spend several ? ys with Mrs. Bush's mother, Mra. Minnl Byerly, and other relauves. Char lea Kail or Chemult spent laat week with his fsmlly hare. Mr. and Mrs. Oeorxe Tulare left Thursday to spend a couple of felutloii Of YsJtttrday't Putzl M. Anttrg work- hop M. Oroir emt X foot bu pott Uoa: htar miltfllga t HorM DOWN t Citr in WlBcont! 1 Kumbr i.vf Huh aimloulir i. f'hitt af-tor Kaatftora I fl"'t flsk I. nphor ,? L' wirtfc J?- icntr 1L Horrr I ta li. tfmi bOTM ti. Krrtcrt 14. Tail i:Mr IT. Impa-rlotJB l. Lfrin4ir . Ha tffIH or ffet M rwtvoy SI- K'tJiowB is. svr.,Mar" 44 nim.r.'.h-J 4 CaryV-xI 4 KthftutfO M Burrow) r g f citjv m iov U. Oi4 wort fr44iBinf rionw (AJCIRIE ri SIP l Afl AiDjAlM EeJeKI llYUzicCM o?1Jop f RtrJojy s 'tjtw E i r ts ps ; r tnrt5i CsTaJBa m oEI jTaJFJaj-iVlG A.MI AjfjIjJlJVrN'jJIS tfS 'e p o sTlv plTR"eVN a1 A AfLf HfN'A'prpitiK weeks visiting tn Portland, Salem and walla Walla. Ralph Cupp of Fort Klamath was guest laat week of hla sitter, Mra. Mabel Davie, and children. Mr. and Mra, Melvln Kulkman and Mrmtt Davis of Bremerton. Wash., visited relatives here, over the Dec oration day holidays. Junior High News STUDENT REPORTERS by Thelm Kaplon The last assembly of the spring term was held May 23. The Girls' Glee club opened the program. Student body meeting was opened by President Joan Elliott. Bob Deuel, secretary, read the minutes and Phyllis Field, treasurer, gave her re port. Earl Barnhart, new presi dent, was Installed by President Elliott snd he in turn installed the following officers: vice pres ident, Clarence Marquess; secre tary. Donna Dawes; treasurer, Lyle Wilcox; business manager, Larry Hayes; yell king, Jack Holmes; yell queen, Calista Far rell; song queen, Mildred Bag lien, and pianist, Dorothy Han sen. Awards were then given out. Miss Whisenant gave Girls' League officer pins to the fol lowing for serving calendar year: Helen Young, president: Joanne Utz, vice president; Bet ty McKenzie, treasurer; Joyce Sims, secretary. Mr. Hussong gave the S. A. R. awards to Don Knips, 9th grader, and Clarence Marquess, 8th grader. Mr. Kirt ley gave wrestling awards to Roy Goodman and Myron Cor coran. Mr. Bowerman gave a track letter to Dale Niedermey- er who won third place at the state track meet in Eugene for pole vaulting. Good book awards were presented by Mr. Stedman to Mary Crane, Beatrice How ard, and Sally Lee Russell. Mrs. Bryant presented money to the poppy poster winners for their posters. Mrs. Holloway gave a speech on the poppy and why they are made. Mrs. D'Alblnl presented the history placque to Jeraldyn Jerome, Doris Knud son, and Robert Zundel. Activ ity letters were presented to 47 students by the retiring stud ent body president, Joan Elliott and the new president, Earl Barnhart. Ten boys earned track letters from Mr. McKenzie, Don Knips, Dick Alford, Bob Weisen- burger, Keith Barrow and Leigh Eden received honors in tennis Mr. Knight received present from Dorothy Hansen for the use of his room for Girl Scout meetings. The assembly was closed with the handing out of the Junior Quill to all students. Exams were held Friday af ternoon and all day Monday. Final report cards of the term were given out Thursday. HONOR ROLL The following pupils of Roosevelt school made the honor roll for the third six weeks period: IB W lima Jackson, Max Kiotz. 1A Verna Meadows, Richard Kortzeborn, Robert Hillyer, Philip Griggs, Billy McAllister, Janet McEwen, Marilyn Payne, Date Cooper, Carolyn Coleman. 2B Elizabeth Collins, Joan Dezell, Marilyn Barker. 2A Yvonne Madlgan, Sue Starnes, Luella McConnell, Lor raine Kendall. 3B Susan Drummond. SA Brenda Barrlek, James Collins, Barbara Green, Billy Walker, Nancy Holberton. 4A Marilyn Anders, Miriam Currans, Cynthia Jackson, Nancy L a g e 8 o n, Jacqueline Madlgan, Jimmie Moore, Eu gene Rlggert, Patricia Sether, Ann Durno. SB David Card. SA Ann Butler, Joan Cole man, Jerry Coffin, Ronald Nut ting, Herbert Wing, Mary Sue Greene, Marianne Hutchison, Mary Virginia Wait. 6B Aliene Owens. 6A Nicholas Greene, Bill Moffat Rosezella Chinn, Mar gery Hammond, Susan Inskeep, Harriet Walker. The following pupils were on the honor roll for the entire semester 1 A Verna Meadows, Patricia Lydiard. 2B Joan Dezell, Elizabeth Collins. 3B Susan Drummond. JA Billy Walker, James Col lins. 4A Miriam Currans, Patricia Sether, Nancy Lageson. SB David Card. SA M try Virginia Walt, Jerry Coffins, Joan Coleman Mary Sue Greene, Ronald Nut ting. 6A B 1 1 1 Moffat, Nick Greene. Itedmis Meet Gearhart, Ore- June Pacific coast seedmen and deal ers opened their 18th annual ses sion hert today. In The . Day's I . News By Frank Jenkins pRETE. fiercely, doggedly and bravely defended WITHOUT ENOUGH AIRPLANES, savage ly attacked with PLENTY OF AIRPLANES, is lost to the British. QNLY once since the war be gan when for a few des perate hours Britain's whole air strength was concentrated in the skies over Dunkeraue have the British been on equal terms in the air with their en emy. On that one occasion, the Germans were stopped long enough to prevent complete dis aster. 4 DEMEMBER again: It is the " LAST BATTLE that counts. Crete isn't the last battle. A ITER Crete will come Cyp rus and Tobruk and Alex andria and Iraq. At all these points desperate battles will be waged. At Crete, the Germans have been only 80 miles from the Greek mainland and back of Greece are relatively short lines of communication and supply As the Germans advance, their communication lines will grow longer. , As their communication lines grow longer their superiority In the air, which at Crete was ab solute and unchallenged, will become relatively less crushing. Cyprus and Tobruk and Alex andria and Iraq will take time. IfTEEP this in mind: As long as the Germans are pointed toward the Near East and Africa, they are pointed away from the British Isles. It seems as true now as ever that in order to win the last battle they must win the battle of Britain. 4 THAT is where WE come In. If the final all-out assault on Britain can be deferred long enough for us to provide the British with enough weapons for their defense, including enough planes to DOMINATE the air over and around the British Isles, the battle of Brit ain will not be won by Hitler. Every plane, every gun, every tank, every SHIP we can build between now and the zero hour will contribute tremendously to the success of the British cause, which we have now definitely under-written. t A FINAL thought here on rr.ta For three thousand years the happy island of Crete, surround ed by her protecting ocean, was unlnvaded. For a thousand years she was at peace. During these thousands of years of freedom from invasion and the resulting thousand years of peace the Cretans pros pered amazingly. They built up a civilization that for its time compared with ours. They had such conveniences as bathrooms with running hot and cold water. They developed sculptors and painters. Their gem and ivory work, their metal and inlaid work, was as fine as any that mankind has produced. Their textiles and their pottery equaled our best. Their women wore corsets and flounced dresses. Ivory figures dug up in the ruins of Cnossos might easily be used as models for today s advertising of wo men's apparel and women's coif fures. Bull fighting and athletic events (on the scale of our football and baseball games) were popular. DUT, after long and happy ' centuries of minding their own business, the Cretans be gan to EXPAND THEIR HORI ZONS. They started In to med die with the affairs of their neighbors. Among other things. It ap pears, they stole Greek women. If you know your Iliad, you know that woman-stealing was resented by the Creeks. It was for woman-stealing that Troy was destroyed. Annoyed by her meddling. C r t e'l neighbors descended upon her and DESTROYED her. Lamont M. Bowers Binghamton. N. Y- June 2 (eP) Lamont M. Bowers, person al representative of the late John D. Rockefeller during the fam ous Industrialist's greatest acti vity, died today at the ate of 84. Attending physicians attri- Duteti death to general debility. Class We sell glasa. reglaz vour nroken windows reason ably Trowbridge Cabinet Works Closing time (or Too Late to elaa- : an i Ads Is 1-S0 p. as. LODGE NOTICES MEDFORD LODGE I No. 83, I. O. O. F. meets everv Tiiea. dsy evening, X. O. o. F. Hall. 331 West 6th St. Visiting brothers al ways weloom. O. c. Wlmer. N. O. O. H. Bengtson, V. O. L. o. Howsrd, Secty. CRATER LAKE CHAPTER. No. 83. R. A. M. Degree re. hearaal June 8. All offl orrs expected to be pres ent ERLE M. ORAT, H. P. Meteorological Report By P. g. WEATHER RIIKEAD Forecasts Medford and vicinity: Partly cloudy tonight and Tuesday: little Changs In temperature. Oregon: Partly cloudy south: eloudy north portion tonight and Tuesrtsy with occasional itaht rain northwest portion; llttls change in trmperaturs; gentle v moderate southwest winds off coast. Loral Data Temperature a year ago today! highest 74, lowest 64. Total monthly precipitation, nonaj deficiency for the month. .03 Inches. Total praclpltauon sine Septem ber 1. 1840, 1881 Inches; excess for the season 3 IB Inches. Relstlv humidity at I p. m. yes tsrdsy 87 percent: ( a. m. today 81 percent. Tomorrow: sunrise 4:87 a. m, sun set 7:41 p. m. Obssrvallnns Taken at 4:30 a. m. 138 Meridian Time. cm- f s 5 Sola 71 Boston 83 Chicago , i , 71 Denver . 73 Eureka 82 Havre 81 Los Angele 78 Medford 73 48 M Cloudy 64 J4 Rain 68 .00 Cloudy 80 M P Cloudy 47 .00 Cloudy 64 .38 Cloudy 87 .00 P Cloudy 47 M P Cloudy 84 DO Cloudy 87 Jl Rata 61 .00 Cloudy 48 Mt Cloudy 88 .00 P Cloudy 44 .00 Clear 44 .00 Clear 64 SK Cloudy 60 .00 P Cloudy 63 T Ratn 68 XII Rain 81 J00 Clear New York 81 Omaha S3 Phoenix 84 Portland 87 Rno , 77 Roseburg 88 Salt Lake 71 Ban Francisco 63 Seattle 88 Spokane . 70 Wash, D. O (3 Tsktms 74 THESE TROOPERS 'WRITING FOOLS' Elberton, Ga.. May 31. fPi If they can fight like they can write, wnat soldiers they must bet When prt of the army's 30th division passed through Elber ton this wick, some of the men got the address of a young El berton miss. Within 24 hours, she received 19 letters, and they're still coming. Mailmen Sat Meet Tillamook, Ore., June 2 tP) Officers of the Oregon State Rural Letter Carriers' associa tion completed arrangements yesterday for the annual conven tion here July 11-13. Travel Table AIRPLANES Northbound Lesv Malt Clot :7 a m. 43 a m. 13 07 p m. 1 1 32 s m. 8 48 pm. (Flsg stop) No Mall :18 pm (Pisgsuip) S S3 p m Southbound Lesvs Mall Cloa 11:13 a m. 1047 a m. 6:13 pm. (Flsg stop) 6 37 p m. 1143 p.m. 11:07 p m. TRAIN! North bona. Lsav Ms its Cloae 10 08 a m. imam, 8X4 p m IM p m. Sogthbogad Leev Malla no 8:40 a. m. 4:40 p. at. 7:40 a. m. 6:40 p.m. North s so a. as. 1 Jo a m. lilt i, 1:40 p. m. Booth 12 09 a. m. so a as. 80 a as. 8 SO a. m. 1:48 p.m. I OA p. m. Te Clamafh Fall 8 40 a. as. snd 6:80 p. m. rmm Kkimslk Sail SO a m and 8 40 p n. () To Ash lsnd only. (1 Te Oraata rasa only. Not) Auto-cocj&ecting Prst-dss auU s loses st B IS a. s for delivery t pout aorta of Cugatas and a( 00 a m for delivery at poaaia south of Dunssnulr Cal Pscipt Ctsil EJitnt The Wall Street Journal THS stoert SSOS OS AMMICABI IUSINESS I FINANCE Snd ftr fm Hmfk mff 4!) Btu St, Saa Francises, Calii