Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, May 28, 1941, Page 1, Image 1

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    . Full 0 8 Weath-
Weather " -p
Forecast: rartlj cloudy atth
occasional showers tonight and
Tbursdsr. Not much chant
In temperature.
Hlfhest yesterday 10
Lowest this moraine 47
Precipitation past 14 hours M
It Can't Be Done
treat help to oreryon are
the Want Ads. In this news
paper. Just how would you go
about It to leach sppioilmste
ly d.SOO homes In any other In
eipenslt way The answer la
It Cant Be Done.
Full Associated Praia
United Prose
Thirty -6ixth Year
No. 58.
u iMyjiyjir
. i
Copyright 1941. by
Now York Tribune, Ine.
Washington, May 28 These
words are written Just before,
and will be printed just after
the President's message to the
nation. At the moment, Wash
ington Is almost wholly preoc
cupied with speculation on what
the President will say, but there
Is also an undercurrent of talk
on another subject as yet a
mere trickle, but one that may
swell to flood which It is
well to record at this decisive
The subject of the talk Is the
policy of the closely knit, high
ly organized isolationist high
command. This group, for which
the America First Committee
serves as a front and financing
agency. Includes such politicians
as Senators Burton K. Wheeler,
Bennett Champ Clark and Ger
ald P. Nye, such public men as
Col. Charles A.- Lindbergh and
Herbert Hoover, and such pow
ers from the business world as
Henry Ford and General Robert
E. Wood. Since the passage of
the lend-lease bill, they have ex
hausted every resource at their
disposal, including money, prop
aganda, and such devices as the
old big-business lobbies as stim
ulated letter-writing campaigns,
to obstruct and hamstring the
President's foreign policy.
EIR effort has culminated
in a series of loudly touted
public meetings. And these
meetings, besides making much
noise and offering conclusive evi
dence of the prosperous financial
(Continued on Page Four)
4,955 MORE
Salem, May 28 (IP) Oregon,
which now has 19,764 of her
sons in the nation's armed
forces, must supply 4,955 more
under the selective service act.
Lieutenant Colonel Elmer V.
Wooton, state selective service
director, was advised today by
the war department.
The war department's new
rross quota for the state is 24,
719, including 17,476 men al
ready regularly enlisted in the
army, navy, marine corps and
coast guard; 2,288 who have
been drafted into the army, and
4,955 yet to be drafted.
The previous quota was 18,
618. No deadline was established
for Inducting the 4,955 draftees.
New quotas for each' of the
state's 97 local boards will be
announced soon by state head
quarters. OH Firm Ups Wages
Seattle, May 28. (JP) A
$9 monthly wage increase to all
employes receiving less than
$250, effective May 1, was an
nounced today for all employes
of the Texas company In Wash
ington and Oregon by A. R.
Playle, assistant district manager.
Axis Partners Grimly Silent
On Statement by Roosevelt
By the Associated Press
Both axis partners were grim
ly silent today officially on
President Roosevelt's speech,
but propaganda sources which
do their bidding were allowed
to hint that it may be regarded
as an invitation to war.
Virginio Gayda, fascist editor
who often reflects Premier Mus
solini's own views, said flatly
that the United States president
was "preparing for aggression"
against Germany and Italy.
Other fascist circles In Rome
aid th fireside chat virtually
put the United States at war
with the axis.
By late afternoon in Berlin,
Luftwaffe Thwarts Attempt
to Escape by Sea Other
Setbacks for Defenders
By th Associated Proas,
German "sky troops" have
seized Canea, the capital of
Crete, and smashed allied resist-
ance in the nine-day-old Strug
gle, the Nazi high command de
clared today, while luftwaffe
dive-bombers frustrated a British
attempt to escape by sea.
British middiu east headquar
ters acknowledged that British
troops defending Canea have
been obliged to make a further
withdrawal to a more favorable
position in the rear."
Fighting Continues.
"Severe fighting continues,'
the British communique said.
A series of other swift-breaking
developments paced the Brit
ish setback on Crete. Terse in
cluded: - -1.
Capture of Halfaya ("Hell
fire") pass in Egypt by axis
troops now striking with renew
ed fury toward the Suez canal.
2. Britain and her old ally,
France, have met In open com
bat for the first time a clash
between RAF and French war
planes over Syria.
3. Germany and Italy grant
ed France permission to build
up a continental air force for
"defense of empire" apparent
ly countering Britain s threat to
attack unoccupied France if
Chief of State Philippe Petaln
continues his active cooperation
with the reich.
Resistance Broken.
In the critical battle of Crete,
Hitler's high command asserted
that allied resistance on the 180-mlle-long
Isle was crushed, with
British and Greek defenders suf
fering heavy losses as they re
In Berlin, a military spokes
man formally charged t'iat Ger
man parachute troops had been
tortured in Crete, and it was re
called that the German high
command said any evidence of
mistreatment of German prison
ers would be avenged 10-for-l
on British prisoners in German
Prime Minister Churchill last
week accused the Nazis of dis
guising their parachute troops
in uniforms of New Zealand sol
Nazi mountain troops, support
ed by waves of machine-gunning
and bombing attack planes-, were
said to be pursuing the British
across the Island.
Escape Thwarted.
The communique said dive
bombing Stukas had thwarted
a British attempt to retreat by
sea, with the destruction of four
ships totaling 5,400 tons and the
damaging of two others in Suda
bay, site of big British naval
In the middle east, French
warplanes were reported to have
attacked British planes for the
first time over Syria where the
RAF has been bombing airports
assertedly used by German
bombers en route to Iraq.
French dispatches from Beirut
said British and French air
squadrons clashed when the
British started attacking the air
drome at Neirab, and an RAF
Glenn Martin bomber was shot
down with all members of its
three-man crew killed
the German press had not dis
closed to Its public even that
the president had spoken.
But the Dlenst A us Deutsch
land news commentary, which
has close foreign office connec
tions and is not for home con
sumption, said his address un
doubtedly would receive "de
cisive rejection" from the nazis.
The German radio In a
broadcast also exclusively for
consumption abroad was heard
by CBS In New York to de
nounce Mr. Roosevelt's attitude
on freedom of the seas as mean
ing "nothing short of unlimited
control by Washington" of the
world's sea lane.
As President
l jl; I yoi r 1
I If .:':.;!!
Beneath th flags of the American republics In the east room of the White House,
President Roosevelt In a radio address to the world proclaimed an "unlimited national emer
gency." In right foreground, back to camera. Is Mrs. Roosevelt. Adjusting the flag Is the
president's bodyguard. Tom Qualters. (A. P. photo to Mail Tribune by telephoto and air mall.)
San Francisco, May 28. (JP)
Harry Bridges testified flatly
today he did not believe In
sabotage and the unlawful de
struction of property, and that
he never had attended a Com
munist party convention "any
where at any time."
The CIO labor leader, testify
ing at his second deportation
hearing, also contradicted the
testimony of several govern
ment witnesses who had iden
tified him as a Communist, or
placed him at Communist meet
A special Jury panel of seven
names, to fill the Jury list de
pleted by excuses from service,
and the grand Jury selection,
was drawn yesterday as follows:
Archie C. Pierce, Medford.
and Dom Provost, Earl Leever,
George B. Icenhower, Noel W.
Heard and Dewey F. Sackett,
aU of Ashland.
Shipways Ready.
Portland, May 28 PJ Eleven
shipways will be ready to cradle
ship hulls within two weeks at
the Oregon Shipbuilding corpor
ation plant here, O. A. Mechlin,
resident engineer for the mari
time commission, said today.
Eight are finished now and three
more are almost ready. ,
Gave Momentous Address
Demos and Interventionists
Praise F. R. Pronouncement
Washington, May 28. (JP) Democrats and proponents of
all-out aid to the democracies praised President Roosevelt's pro
nouncement on American foreign policy today but Republicans
and non-Interventionists generally were critical.
Speaker Rayburn of the house
termed the speech "very force
ful and clear" and added It
would be "very satisfying and
encouraging not only to the
people of the Western Hemis
phere but to the democratic peo
ples throughout the earth."
Alt M. Landon, Republican
nominee for president In 1936,
countered with the comment "it
is the end of democratic govern
ment in the United. States tem
porarily at least."
Senator Wheeler (D-Mont), foe
of the administration's foreign
policy, described the president's
speech as a "virtual declaration
of war."
'The president talks about
cold, hard facts and fear,"
Wheeler said while in Indian
apolis for an address, "yet no
man in America has tried more
to create fear In the minds of
the people than has the presi
dent since 1933. We are not pre
pared to fight on foreign soil.
We cannot land an expedition
ary force in Europe.
'The president talks of the
defense of democracy and yet
he has disregarded the funda
mentals of democracy in Ameri
Like many of his democratic
colleague. Senator Ellender
(D La.) thought It "courageous,"
and predicted It would spell the
end of strikes.
"It means war," Ellender said,
'should the axis power attempt
to seize any territory which in
the opinion of the president and
our military experts could be
used as bases for an attack on
the Western Hemisphere."
Somewhat in contrast. Sena
tor Taft (R-Ohlo). asserted the
president did "not declare any
policy which the country has
not been pursuing since the pas
sage of the lend-lease bill. The
declaration of an unlimited na
tional emergency has no legal
effect whatever. The president
has no statutory or constitution
al authority to declare such an
At Seattle, Dave Beck, west
ern organizer and International
vice president of the Teamsters'
union, said:
"I endorse President Roose
velt's program of national de
fense even to the furnishing of
convoys in th battle of th At
lantic." Goldendale, Wash., May 28.
JP Eric Miller. 22, of Center-
vlile. was charged with the first
degree murder of hi 60-year-old
mother, Mrs. Annetta Miller, In
a complaint filed yesterday by
Prosecutor Edgar S. Canfield.
The prosecutor said Miller had
signed a confession that he
strangled hi mother after a
quarrel over money. The youth
ill be arraigned in superior
court June 3.
Pittsburgh - 7 8 1
Cincinnati 4 12 0
Butcher and Lopez; Moore,
Riddle, Hutchings, Beggs and
Lombard!, West.
Cleveland . 5 9 2
Detroit 8 11 4
Harder, Eisenstat, Hevlng and
Hemsley; Trout, Benton and
(16 Innings)
. 8
. 6
Beckman, Ferrick and Hayes;
Fleming, Ryba, Wilson and Pyt
Salem, May 28 (P) Gover
nor Charles A. Sprague, assert
ing he would continue to sup
port President "Roosevelt' for
eign policy, aid today that the
President's Speech last night
was more of an oratorical bar
rage than it was a concrete step
In his policy of aid to Britain."
"The speech," the governor
said, "won't satisfy, th inter
veV.tlonists because he didn't
pull any triggers. It won't sat
isfy the Isolationist because it
Is another step toward war.
"All we have to wait for now
Is for somebody to commit an
overt act. Then we'll be in the
The governor, who made his
remarks to a reporter Inform
ally, made It plain that he still
is supporting tho President's for
eign policy as vigorously a
"The speech," Governor
Sprague said, "won't scare Hit
ler. In other words, the entire
situation is Just the same as it
was before the speech was made.
The President, under today's
unlimited emergency, has no
more power than he had under
limited emergency."
Editorial Comment on
Roosevelt Declaration
Seattle Times and.) After
much fumbling the die is cast!
We are at warl The president
made this all clear last night
Franklin Delano Roosevelt, the
most popular man In American
history, has told u what we
must do. . . . Never before In
American history has the safety,
the very life of the nation lain
so completely In on man's
hands. Once again we pledge
loyalty. . . . But from the presi
dent of the United State we
demand what our loyalty earns
ruthless abolition of fifth col
umnist. Removal from their
post of responsibility those who
have proved their incapacity.
Salt Lake (Utah) Tribune
(Ind.-Rep.) "Will Americans re
spond to these call (of the
president as commander In chief
of the army and navy) or will
they listen to the lullabye of
wandering Aryan minstrel, the
snarls of our own Laval and
Quislings, the dire forebodings
of denationalized defeatist and
the tinkle of Hitler' bell by
which he expects to start a civil
war In th United States?" (The
question was left unanswered).
Philadelphia Evening Ledger
(Ind.-Rep.) The hour of deci
sion found American public
opinion thoroughly prepared.
There was no appreciable sene
of shock from anything the
Thinks Freedom of Seas
Can Be Maintained and
Neutrality Act Retained
Washington, May 28. (IP) President Roosevelt told report
ers today he had no intention of asking for repeal of the neutrality
act and was considering no revision of it. ,
The chief executive said also that he had in mind at present
no executive orders to Implement last night's proclamation of an
unlimited national emergency.
Without such orders, he told a special press conference, there
can be no action under the powers conferred on him through the
declaration of a state of full emergency.
Mr. Roosevelt had been expected to clarify the convoy issue
at the conference, but he gave no specific statement of his view
on it.
But he did say that he thought freedom of th tea could ba
maintained in compatibility with the neutrality act The act for
bids American vessels to enter combat zones.
The president said it would be a violation of the act for Amer
ican ships to engage in trade in such zone and that this step was
not contemplated.
'Then how can we have freedom of the sea?" a reporter in
Mr. Roosevelt replied that ship can be forbidden to put into
ports where under the of chance they might be destroyed.
Washington, May 28 UP) President Roosevelt will hold
special press conference late this afternoon at which he is ex
pected to clear up th question of convoys.
Stephen Early, presidential .
secretary, was advised by re-
Wheeler to Answer
New York, May 28. (JP)
Senator Burton K. Wheeler
(D-Mont.) will answer Presi
dent Roosevelt's speech of last
night In an address over a
CBS nation-wide network at
8:30-7 p. m. (PST), tonight,
speaking from Indianapolis.
porters that the chief executive's
speech last night in which he
committed the United States un
reservedly to a policy of active
resistance to all German efforts
to gain control of the seas left
some confusion around the con
voy issue. Early replied:
"I think he will clear that up
this afternoon and I would rather
he would do it."
Not BpecUl
In his momentous radio ad
dress to the world last night the
chief executive did not speak
specifically of American naval
escort for British-bound ships
But he did say that the Ameri
can patrol system was expand-
president said .
natural, now.
. It an seem
Phlladdphia Evening Bulle
tin (Ind.-Rep.) President Roose
velt strips the axis' design of
all camouflage. He shows that
Nazi r? ogres toward domina
tion 'it Europe means a present
anrt Increasing threat to the new
The Denver Post (Ind.V "The
president ha put this nation
upon a war basis. While It may
be said we are in a "state of
undeclared war" as congress has
not voted any ' declaration of
war, the president left no doubt
that so far as he Is concerned
we already are in the war. He
will decide when we are to
start shooting. And ba made It
plain he doe not Intend to wait
until we actually are fired upon
before he give th order to
Oregon Journal, Portland
(IhU) America must resist
nazl aggression or retreat before
It If Hitler win there will be
no peace and he will win unless
the United State doe some
thing about it end now.
The first step 1 to shake off
the damnable complacency that
indulge Itself In preferences
and prejudices rather than face
facts; fact as they exist, not as
we would like them to be.
Wake up America!
lng and that all necessary addi
tional steps would be taken to
guarantee the arrival of American-made
war supplies in Eng
land. Early later had explained that
he thought Mr. Roosevelt meant
that the patrol would be made
better and more efficient and
more ships would be added to It.
Probably, he indicated, Mr.
Roosevelt will feel Inclined-tor -dispel
doubt about what may be
done, if anything, about revis
ion of the neutrality law.
To a question whether the
president's plea that all citizen
(Continued on Pace Mine)
Callander. Ont., May 28 (
Canada's five little sweethearts,
the vivacious Dlonne quintup
lets, celebrated today their sev
enth birthday anniversary.
Yvonne, Annette, Ceclle, Em
it le and Marie had a mammoth
cake to share with member of
their immediate family at a par
ty at noon.
Dr. Allan Roy Dafoe, who
brought the five girl into the
world at a little farmhouse near
this northern Ontario town, was
recovering at a Toronto hospital
from an operation.
The girls' program for the
day Included a broadcast beforo
retiring in the evening.
WheCir the girls will speak
In French or English was not
known. Their last broadcast on
May 11 caused minor stir in
Canada. They had been re
hearsed carefully by their gov
ernment sponsors to speak in
English, but stepped up to the
microphone and used French.
Judge J. A. Valln, chairman of
the board of guardians, said he
understood Mr. and Mrs. Ollva
Dlonne, intervened at the last
minute and caused the switch
to French.
Fred Wahl cooling hi heel
for the better part of an hour
in Heinle Fhihrer' office, only
to finally learn that the latter
had absent-mindedly dashed off
for Portland after telling him
to "wait Just a minute; 1 11 be
right back."
Jean Hamilton unaware of
spectator a she made quick
clothe change on Fir street