MEDFORD MATT, TRIBUNE. MEDFORD OREGON'. TUESDAY. MAY 27. 1041. PAGE THREE CREDIT BUREAU PLANS; BRANCH FOR ASHLAND W. M. Moses, vice-president of the Southern Oregon Credit Bureau here, announced today that a branch office with ap proximately 35 members would be opened in Ashland at 15V4 North Main street on June 1. The office will be managed by Mrs W. M. Moses, who headed the Josephine County Creditors' as sociation at Grants Pass for six years. Mr. Moses said that the branch office, which will provide com plete credit files of Ashland and surrounding territory, was made possible only through the co operation of the Ashland Cham ber of Commerce. Dm Mail Tribune want ads. Tap! Tap! T-a-p! OPPORTUNITY knocks (via Portland) Society ad Clubs by Betty Shoemaker American Circus Opens Tonight THERE IS A TIDE In the affairs of men why, Mr. Shakespeare, fancy meeting you here which should be taken while there's a chance. For ex ample, those Westerners who don't live in Portland but al ways intended to see Portland's Rose Festival should see it this ear. Next year, or the next, is not far away in time but it may be a lifetime away in affairs. And the Rose Festival should be seen st least once in a life time in fact the more times teen, the better the lifetime. Ordinarily Standard would dwell upon the remarkable beauty of this gay civic enter prise, upon the years Portland people nave spent in bringing it to perfection, upon its eye appeal and happy carnival mood. Instead, let us consider it an American opportunity. Where else may a people turn their faces to pure beauty? Where may they similarly let a shower of beauty wash and launder the spirit? Yet, for . Americans, all it takes is th doing. The dates are June 11 14, inclusive. And this is the year ... to enjoy a long-promised pleasure ... to absorb a florafconcert a whole city unites to compose... to know the thrill of a symphony in flowers. THURSDAY, 1-9 P.M. 711 Ml WEEKLY STANDARD SYMPHONY Mutual-Don Li Network Cerlolaouat Overture Btff0.rra Symphony No. IS Hard (Seltcted MoTcmtBti) Hanitl and Gretel: Humptriimci Dream Paotomim. The Sleeping Beautrl ....rcaaf'aeraftv Ballet amioa and Delilah: Silmt-Sitm Daace ol Prieiteee Wise, Woraeo, aad Song Srrauee Standard Oil Company of California Tompkins-Nelson 1 Wedding Held Sunday Evening The marriage ceremony of Miss Loretta Rose Tompkins, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Roy Tompkins, and Charles Fred Nelson, son of Mr. and Mrs. Fred W. Nelson, all of route 4, was read Sunday evening at the Pil grim Holiness church by the Rev. C. Edwin Cox. The wedding party entered the church to the traditional wedding march played by Mrs. W. Wilson. Preceding the cere mony Miss Vella Cosset sang "I Love You Truly." The cou ple stood beneath an arch of greenery and red and white roses. The bride wore a powder blue suit with hat of blue and white and a corsage of orange blossoms. She was attended by Miss Virginia Stimpson, cousin of the bridegroom, who wore a beige costume with brown ac cessories and matching hat. Le- Roy Tompkins, brother of the bride, was best man. The wedding was attended bv relatives and close friends of the couple. They received a number of gifts. Mrs. Nelson is a graduate of the Phoenix high school senior class this year and Mr. Nelson is a graduate of Medford high school. After the first of June they will be at home on route 4. Zonta Elects Board Members Meeting at the studio of Mrs, Effie Kurtz Monday evening, members of Zonta elected new board members for the coming year. Miss Janie Smith presided during the business session with Mrs. Kurtz as secretary. New board members for the coming year include Mrs. Jacque Lenox, Mrs. Blanche Frisbie, Mrs. Eve Hamilton, Mrs. Grace Holmes, Mrs. Stella Merrick and Miss Louise Basford. Hold over members are Mrs. Neva Lowry and Mrs. Mabel Conger Medford Residents Home From Vacation Mrs. Rose Houston, 221H North Holly street, and Mrs. Thomas Roseberry, 1002 Sunset avenue, returned home Sunday from a two weeks' vacation in California. Mrs. Houston visited her daughter, Mrs. Ward Howell at Quincy, Cal., and other rela tives in the bay district. Mrs. Roseberry visited her daughter. Mrs. Lorraine Fitzslmmons, and relatives In Chico, Cal. Mrs. Fitzsimmons and chil dren, Patricia and Tommy, motored to Medford with the California visitors and will visit with Mrs. Fitzsimmons' parents and sisters for several weeks. Extension Units Hold Joint Meeting The Sams Valley extension unit met at Eagle Point Grange hall Tuesday, May 20, with Lost Creek and Eagle Point units for an all-day session. Luncheon was served at the close of the morning meeting to individual units. Mrs. Jacqueline Jones dis cussed "Intestional Hygiene No. Two." The Sams Valley unit elected officers at a special meeting held recently at Table Rock. Church Group Enjoys Outing A group of young people from the Nazarene church enjoyed a weiner roast in Ashland park recently followed by games. At tending the outing were Annie Wilson, Ruth Gable, Mary 1m hausen. Winona Varner. Mar garet Allen, Gertrude Nelson, Esther Stephens, Constance Potts, Alma Rogers, Ellen Sul livan, Olive Caulkins, Anna Lee Russell, Ethyl Mae Johnson, Fannie Sullivan. Roland Varner, Fred Caulkins, Max Gable. Stu art Shearin, Warren Arnold, John Sullivan, Douglas Plumley, Paul Nelson, Lowell Sorenson, Homer Sullivan, Walter Dye, Ormand Tompkins and Mrs. Fred Weatherford. Public Invited To Card Party An invitation is extended to the public to attend the card party to be held at the lainouc parish house Wednesday evening at 8 o'clock. All kinds of cards will be at play. The affair is sponsored by mothers of members ,ot Boy Scout troop No. 1 and reserva tions may be secured by tele phoning Mrs. A. O. Bauman, dial 2409. Just Friends Social Club Enjoys Meeting Just Friends Social club met recently at the home of Helen Wetterer. Following a regular covered dish dinner and busi ness meeting keno was played during the afternoon. Prizes were won by Edna Keeler and Blanch Molton. Hazel Kincaid will be hostess to the club June 4 for a social evening. V 7V 7UM I VV BLAZE DESTROYS 25 FREIGHT CARS Jersey City, N. J., May 27. (iP One man lost his life while three car floats and 25 loaded freight cars burned In a New York harbor pier fire today. The blaze occurred at the harbor edge of the Greenville terminal, giant Pennsylvania railroad yard for transshipment of freight across the harbor. The cars burned bore merchan dise intended for export or New York City. Station Inspector H. E. Cur ran of Bayonne, who started an investigation for the customs service, said that as far as he knew there were no war mater ials destroyed. Magallanes, Chile, on the Straits of Magellan is the southern-most city in the world. Lenses to focus rays of light were used as early as 424 B.C. More than one billion copies of the Bible have been printed. PORRIDGE and BAKING Reman Mial, with ft Jt tic tout Hut-lik fla vor. Is rfct -or brookfatt porridge mn4 It m 4ms Im prove ell battlne. Serve this whole wheat and rye, toodnett for ire delicious flavor and as m real vitamin treat. Buy package from your frocer today. fotrROMAN MEAL SO Ml WAV EVERY DAY FREE Vacation BIBLE SCHOOL CHURCH of the NAZARENE 9 a. m. to 12 JUNE 2 to 18 Inclusive Bible Character Training ... Released for Wood Carving. Basket Weaving, etc. Painting at Junior high school shop. Remember! ... For ANY and ALL children! Holly at First Street. FOR ALL CHILDREN Ages 4 to 14 Year Crater Lake Guild Meeting Is Postponed Announcement was mad? to day that the meeting of Crater Lake Guild which was sched uled for Monday, June 2, has been postponed until Monday, June 9. The meeting will be held at the home of Mrs. Verl Walker on the Central Point highway. FAVORITE With Everbody CREAM CONE! Golf Instruction Class Well Attended A class of 30 women are par ticipating in the free golf in struction given each Saturday afternoon from 2 until 4 o'clock at the Rogue Valley golf club under the direction of Laddie Selkirk. Others who are inter ested are invited to join the group. Navy Mothers To Take Part In Parade All members of the Navy Mothers club are requested to meet at 8:45 a. m. Friday at Ivy and Main streets to partici pate in the Memorial day par ade. Daughters of Job To Hold Initiation Daughters of Job will hold initiation and election of offi cers at the meeting Wednesday at 7:30 p. m. at the Masonic temple. Honored Queen Patricia Dippel will preside. Book Club to Hear Play Read Wednesday The Contemporary Book club will meet Wednesday at 1:30 p. m.. with Mrs. B. L. Lageson, 34 Glenn Oak court. Mrs. Ben Trowbridge will read a play. Pictured above Is Miss Delia Ryan, who presents her trick horses "Wonder" and "Spitfire." in an act that has been the fea ture of all largest circuses in America and also in several ol the Hollywood motion pictures. Miss Ryan is one of the ten tea. tured circus acts appearing all this week with the Mighty American Circus Shows, opening Tuesday night for a week's run at Central Point. t'epartment of League of Women Voters, Room 4, high school. 8:00 p. m. Public cp.rd party Catholic parish hall. 10THY11 RITES CALENDAR For Bnider's Dairy Products DIAL 2168 Try one made with delicious Bnider's Ice cream it's extra good! Everybody likes Ice cream cones and everybody likes Bnider's ice cream, so the combination of the two goes to make up a mighty tempting morsel. A Bnider's Ice cream cone tastes espec ially good on these warm summer dayt when you've ust got to have something cooling. Only Se for a large scoop of your favorite flavor Bnider's at most soda fountains. htk For Bnider's Ice Cream At Your Favorite Fountain Tuesday. 6:00 p. m. Medford Musical Society picnic home Mrs. Porter Neff, Berkeley Way. 6:30 p. m. Nevita Chapter. No. 93, O. E. S., Masonic tem ple, Central Point. Wednesday. 1:00 p. m. Get-Together club at Eagles hall. Public card par ty. 1:00 p. m. Chapter AA. P.E.O., home Mrs. Henry An drews, Old Stage Road. , 1:30 p. m. Contemporary Book club, home Mrs. B. L. i Lageson, 34 Glenn Oak court. 1:30 p. m. Oak Grove Neigh borhood club, home Mrs. Ethel I Root. Jacksonville Star route. 1:30 p. m. Mistletoe club. Girls Community clubhouse. 2-4:00 p. m Jackson County Art club, home Mrs. Nellie Mc Cormick, 1318 Reddy avenue 6 30 p. m. Christian church covered dish dinner at church parlors. 7 3(1 p. m. Daughters of Job, Masonic temple. 7:45 p. m. Social Welfare SACRED HEART CHURCH Funeral services for Timothy Charles Dugan, 74, will be con ducted from the Sacred Heart Catholic church Thursday at 9 a. m. with the Rev. Father F. W. Black officiating. Interment will be In Jacksonville cemetery. Recitation of the Rosary will be held at Perl Funeral Home Wednesday at 7:30 p. m. Pall bearers will be Robert and Law rence Duff, Joe Marshall, Joe Barrett, Clarence Schmidt and Warren Loffer. Mr. Dugan, who had lived In Jackson county for 70 years passed away at a local hospital yesterday as a result of injuries sustained in a tractor accident. Mr. Dugan was born in Grass valley, Calif., March 28, 1867. He moved to the Eagle Point dis trict with his parents when he was 4 years of age. He lived with his aunt and uncle. Mr. and Mrs. John Young for many years, and attended the schools of Eagle Point and Jacksonville. He was united in marriage to Miss Mary Sidlry at Ashlai.d in November, 1903, and six chil dren were born to this union, four daughters, Mildred, Helen and Margaret Dugan, all at home, and Mrs. Willard Whit man of Central Point, two sons. Joseph of Talent, Ore., and Rich ard Dugan at home, one sister, "Sister Mary Mildred," who Is at Marylhurst, also 7 grandchil dren. He was a member of the Sacred Heart Catholic church. A 65-foot bus with 120 seats has been built at Frankfort, Germany. One-twelfth of Australia's rub ber is coming from the island of Papua. Australia hat a new 600-mll de- I fenao highway whlrh complete t ; r&ll-highway-rall route to give, the , country lta flret modem north-south tranftrontlnental ayafm. Complete Feminine Hygiene demands: SNIDER DAIRY k PRODUCE COMPANY GRADUATION CARDS Congratulation cards to send the graduate and Thank Yon" carda for the graduate to send. SWEM'S cirr shop Feminine hrrien in the REAL seme of the word dmimt im -ir . m. .ImI.u, and tweemets. You cannot be attractive with armpio mont. turned and ameilr. L'ae Artid, the new cream deodorant. 1. Art dnea eat col dreeeee, doaa mat irruaaa akia. 1. Ne. ainrii ee try. Cm be vad rlffee f ctt .bavins. IfiwawrlT cherka pmptnrlmi r) rf,n mme ndoe tram ewroiratioa, 1mm arvfataerr. tH '.i "" tfeaeeleae, ma- 0. Award Anrrjm Seat America tnwj. ei Lar-- aa fcaralaaa ra fabric Women ae men Acrid than any ethot deodorant Try a u todayl ARRID Ijj . AlMtl(rnlIMN4 1 313X2 XTCZIi 3 Q u'lHUtU "A MP LION It wot tough to get . . . such mileage In the world's 600 mile stock cor clonic. Where legal -speeds were often In excess of 65 MPH over a tortuous mountain route. And yet todoy a finer Red lion It available than made this record possible, it's a new, vastly Improved Red lion ... the greatest in Gilmore history, . . offering the smoothest power you have ever known! Try a tankful today I Um Hit Only Gat with This A. A. A. Proof of PorformaiKO (3 Jtk&zzzdizS Gnafe s Let's go through the ads, dear THUS the Committee of Two for Baying swings into action in many a Medford home. After dinner the dishes are cleared away . . . it's time for relaxation, for rest for talking and planning. So out comes the Mail Tribune and the huddle begins scan the ads, one by one, look for that new rug or dinette or crib for baby. Yes, when you need new things for your home . . . furniture, kitchen equipment, draperies ... the Mail Tribune is the first shopping center you should go to The town's best and most reliable stores bring you news of their merchandise frequently in Mail Tribune ads! The MAIL TRIBUNE