JL MEDFORD MAIL TRIBUNE. MEDFORD. PRECOX, SUNDAY. MAY 25. 1941 PAGE SEVEN Fueling an R.A.F. Bomber RESIDENT EAGLE invasion of his native land and will be able to give a first-hand picture of war consequences. He knows Quisling personally. A small admission rhar la to be made for the lecture, and T tickets will be placed on gala in the near future. TO in in nnrn 1 in n i I . , . IVIAU unttn tltLU LIFE OF RULERS Rome. May 24 IP) A Greek, declared "affected by poeuc maaness. emptied a pis tol at the motor car in which jiing vmono tmanuele was riding with the Albanian pre mier during the monarch s visit to Albania May 17. official Italian dispatches from Tirana disclosed today. All the shots went wild. The assailant, whose name was given as Vassal Laci Mi hailoff, was arrested, the dis patches said, "and saved from lynching by the people so as not to complicate investigations begun to run down his possible accomplices." In the motor car with the king-emperor was Shefket Ver laci, who has been premier of Albania since the Italians first "PERFECT FIT" Seat Covers Offer Modern Individual Styling. Long Life Construction. New Summer Colors. Priced from $920 Cm up Hohlweg'sTop & Glass Shop Sfh ant Bartleit rhone 305. i 3 J3 ' u inrr ET V", 5 The 3-ton Dodge Unit truck pictured above tup plied (aaolme for thii new Lockheed bomber jutt before Jtws flown to England for service in the R.A.F. These bomberi are being turned out in mass production at tha Lockheed olant in Bur ban It. California, and reach England within a week after they leave the factory. The Dodge truck hat a tank of 2300 gallons capacity and each plane is equipped with two special fuel tanks for a flying range of J 200 miles across the Atlantic, rlichta are made regularly. invaded that country early in The official announcement described the affair as an at tempt on the life of Verlaci. News of this "criminal act." said the Tirana dispatches, was witnheld until today, pending questioning of the prisoner. King Vittorio Emanuele re turned to Rome by air from Tirana on May 17 after a week's tour of the Albanian battle fronts where the Italians first fought the Greeks, then march ed against the Yugoslavs. 10 VISIT VALLEY i Salem, May 24. (J1) Thirty graduating seniors from the en gineering department of Utah I State agricultural college who I inspected the state capitol today expect to stop in Medford at mid-day Sunday after touring the coast highway to Marsh , field. Prof. A. C. Jacquot, l leader of the party, said. STOCKS ADVANCE FOR WEEK SMALL New York, May 24. (IP) While the stock market regis tered a small net arlvanra nn the week, minus and plus signs were about evenly split in to day's brief session. A few aircraft, steels, utili ties, coppers, motors and spec ialities managed to attract a fair amount of bidding but many leaders were left to slum ber on a lower shelf. A hand ful of isolated stocks lost 1 to more than 2 points. The usual week-end apathy prevailed In boardrooms as many customers again took a lengthy holiday. Transfers of 160,260 shares compared with 140.540 last Saturday, both turnovers belne the mallof since last August. The Asso ciated press average of 60 stocks was unchanged but up z of a point net on the six-day stretch. T T A wheat quota meeting will be held in the court house audi torium Tuesdav. May 97 it a i p. m. Fred Homes, chairman of me Jackson county agricul tural conservation committee, announced yesterday. A representative from the state AAA office and a .repre sentative from the Eastern Ore gon Wheat League will be present to discuss wheat quotas and the referendum. Homes said. Voting on the refrrenriiim will take place at the end ofi me meeting. Any person who produces 200 bushels of wheat or more in 1941 is ellelhu tr, vote. Homes stated. SURVEY HERDS HERE Hereford breeders of Jackson county will be joined Monday ty a group from California to visit Jackson countv herds. The tour from the south which start ed at Los Angeles on May 17 and has been covering prom inent ranches in California and Nevada will arrive in Medford tonight. The schedule for the Jackson county tour follows: 7:30 a. m John Day's Blue Moon ranch. Central Point. 8.00 Gene Cameron's, Roxy Ann district. 8:30 Henry Conger's. Crater Lake highway. 915 Vern Brophy's, Crater Lake highway. 9:45 Marsh Garrett's, River road. 10:45 Charlev Bros.. Browns. boro. 12 30 Rogue River Lodge for lunch. 2:00 p. m. Flounce Rock Ranch, Crater Lake highway. The entire party will have lunch at Rogue River Lodge at 12:30 and livestock men nf the county are invited to Join the Hereford breeders in this tour which has become an annual event. FARM, LABOR, AGE MMI 111 liMI HOW DO Wl MIAN DOUSII YOUI douait VTelU look at all other price and other values In the Fluid Drive field and then put down this fact Yon bu- Dodge Fluid Drive for $25 and yon get the great est motoring sensation of the decade, and by far the great est value of the rear. For Dodge give yon much more than TWICE AS MICH a your Fluid Drive Dollar will buy anywhere else. Yes, yon can double your dollar with Dodge Fluid Drive, and yon should by all mean talk with your Dodge dealer about doing just that Go Fluid Driving with him today. in m Jl'UJ MM cUo thett Dodge-Famous Ftatura SAFETY.RIM WHEELS FULI.UOATINO RIOI HOATINO POWER MOUNTINGS FINGER.TIP STEERING SAFETY-STEEL BODY MASTER HYDRAULIC BRAKES DODGE FLUID DRIVE HMD DRIVE Births Eugene. May 24. UP) The annual state convention of Town send clubs was told here today by Monroe Sweetland that po litical co-operation between la bor, farm and pension groups is needed to effect a sound pension system. Sweetland is executive secretary of the Oregon Com monwealth federation. I Some 200 delegates are regis tered for the convention which opened here this morning. 1 Roseburg, Ore.. May 24. (Spl) Mrs. Taylor (Jane) Goade. 86, resident of Eagle Point, Ore gon, died suddenly this morning while visiting relatives at Ten mile. For the past four weeks she has been visiting grandchil dren in Douglas county. She was born in Arkansas April 25. 1855, and came to Portland, Ore., about 1900 from Oklahoma, and later moved to Eagle Point, where she made her home for several years. Mr. Goade died in 1908. Mrs. Goade was a mem ber of the Baptist church. Surviving are a son, Barney Goade. Eagle Point, Ore., and a daughter. Mrs. Sophronia Mc- Dow, Yakima, Wash. The body has been removed to the Douglas Funeral home and funeral arrangements will be an nounced later. NORSE REFUGEE LECTURE JUNE 4 Speaking on "Europe Under Nazi Rule," Brynjolf BJorset, Norwegian refugee, will lecture In Medford June 4 at the high school auditorium. Mr. BJorset is being brought to Medford by the Jackson County League of Women Voters. The Norwegian, a man of considerable importance in his own land before the nazi in vasion, is reported as making a most favorable impression In his various appearances in the west. His recent talk before the Commonwealth club of San Francisco was broadcast over a state-wide hook-up and his im mediate audience was reported to be most enthusiastic. Mr. BJorset, both a business man and a reserve officer In. the Norwegian army, was in the midst of events during the SAY IN THE MODERN MANNER WITH A NSW mi tl PRECISION WdcAjjjp fSff Hiipiwwlfy t?i U riifwY.ifj I III 1 fM VtM-TNINJ0N $2473 15 wii, pint r yltow gold filled cat. Cwildil bock. DOWNING S297S tf UwU, pn or yellow oold filled "IB, Cwildti boclu VIM-THIN MANNEQUIN 3375 15 fwW, pink r yellow geld lld - cat. VTll-THIK" SQUIRE $37so IS Irnlt, plk r vallow gold ll.d. WMB(II Bill. wvmbiii HOCK We have a comoleta aalaettan nf l..n.i ur..v. . , . Sheaffer and Evarsharp Pen and Pencil Sati and other gifts for the graduate. Harvals priced from .. I12.7S Hamilton 137.50 Elgins S24.7S Also Large Stock of Gruan and Harvel Waterproof, shockproof dustproof watches. from!! $27.50 JEWELERS Personalised Credit Arranged to Suit you at Mo Extra Cost. Remember A Gift From Brophy's Is a Gift at Its Bestl II Born to Mr. and Mr. H, man Rosenberger, 1114 Steph ens street, a girl weighing six pounds and 15 ounces In Com munity hospital Tuesday, May Born tO Mr. anrl Mn tt-rit J. Halaar, Chateau, Ashland, a girl weighing five pounds and three ounces in Community hospital Thursday, May 22. Born to Mr nnH Mr, a r Neimoyer. 617 North nari., street, a boy weighing seven pounds and six ounces in Com munity hospital Friday May 23. Born to Mr. nnH Mr. U7 T Rich, Route 1, Box 274, a "girl signing six pounds and three Ounces in Cnrnmnnltv hn.mt.i Friday, May 23. Born Mav 24 to Mr anrl Mr. Harold L. Well, nf 91 n ur.i Jackson street, a boy weighing five pounds, at the Osteopathic Clinic and Hospital. Born to Mr. and Mrs. Law rence Leonard, Route 3. Med- ford, a boy weighing six pounds, ftJay at the Stanley matern ity home. 7B XT Ft A vm m aus seam. . s. a. TNWnarS..S rMtLS.LT. FASTEST SFUYfr MUST-PRICED OR MTH FllW DRIVE! a - Opium Poppy Bill Washington, May 24. (IPt Senator McNary (R-Ore.) intro duced yesterday a bill to permit growing of opium popples under regulations prescribed by the secretary of agriculture. Seattle, May 24 IIP) Leo E. Morland, former Australian and New Zealand gold mine em ploye, pleaded guilty in federal district court today to charsm of smuggling about .sn nnn worth of gold from Canada. mm MORI FUN MR GALLON OF OAS Pierce-Allen Motor Co. 112 South Rivet-tide Phone 2965 1 i MOE ATTERBURY NOW IN CHARGE Sixth Street SIGNAL Super Service i trjmi LvbrlratlAii Tnhlnf -j Foltwhlfiff fetttnc A rail tin! f BlfTtAl PrndJartt Lt Tlr. I .'1941 IIFT up the bonnet of this darling J Buick and you tee only on engine - a big, efficient valvein head straighNeight Look again and you note that Compound Carburetionf gives it two carburetors and what amounts to dual personality. One of those carburetors does all the work in casual, about-town, everyday driving, giving you a car that's easygoing on every thing, from the way it handles to its consumption of gasoline. BUICK PRICIi BIOIN AT for the Business Coupe dtKvrrri at Flint, Atki. Siatt tax, tptnnal tquipntnt aW mtcinurut tlr: Pruti tnj iprtifiunitnl luhjtd thant xuiiMut mnct. But thai other carburetor hooked up to go to work any time you want top power and pull -that extra energizer steps up this nimble sweetheart into a regular giant of power, punch and ability J It wings you lightly through tough going -because having that second carburetor is almost like having an extra engine to call on when you want it The net result? Well, see for yourself. See what it means in life and lift and un- failind rt.anAn.A C .11 . 1. ! - L.. O - ("J . 1 1 una It J putting a Buick through its paces for a brief half hour. ! As to what it means beyond this -the records show that Com pound Carburetion gives this Ml Buick 10 to 15 edge in gas economy over its predecessors of the same size I Important? Sure is - especially when present prices on Buick make it the Number One all. round bargain of tho year. Just ask your dealer what on will cost delivered and get two. in-one performance for your; money. 1ArTuM at alight estra com oa torn Buick Sncul modelt, talard oa all otto Scrlta. 7? 1 - 'j if .. ' "7 rr i i EXEMPLAR OF GENERAL MOTORS VALUE SErlinNEE'S GAE1AGE 143 South Riverside Phone 2740 WHIN BITTER AUTOMOBILES ARE BUILT BUICK Wilt BUILD THEM J