MEDFORD MAIL TKTBUNE. MEDFORD. OREGON. SUNDAY. MAY 25. 1941. PAGE FIVB Society by Betty First Booster Club Dinner Held at Academy . The first annual Booster Club dinner at which 1941 Boosters were dinner guests of the fac ulty of St. Mary's academy was one of the outstanding events during St. Mary's social year The affair held during last week was given in the resident stu dents' dining hall where the tables were set with floral pieces, blue and silver candles, place cards and favors. During the evening the gold medal to the "Biggest Booster" was awarded to Joan Neil, 1 daughter of Mrs. Kate Neil of Ashland. The award was made by Sister Superior. Booster letters were given to: Joan Neil, Margaret McNamee, Patricia Collier, Dixie Brown, Leslie Corey, Bill Bauman, Norma Marion, Barbara Leon ard, Mary Theresa McNamee. Eleanor Lemire, Beverly Malone. Jeanne Swayne, Louise Lemire. Ruth Middendorff, Patricia Fisher, Mary Widmer, Mildred 4 Karns, Shirlee Crawford, Monica Wilcox, Barbara Ann Brayton, Joan Cox, Neil Iven, John Dar land, Margaret Ann Dallaire. Rose Widmer, Doris Clark, Ger aldine Sullivan, Wendell Clau sen, Ethel Bobbett and LaVonne Newton. Card Tournament To Close Monday The card tournament spon sored by the Odd Fellows will come to a close Monday even- lng at 8 o'clock at the I.O.O.F. hall. George Wimer, Bill Dyer and George Howard are in charge of the tournament which has been in session for several weeks. All Rebekahs, Odd Fellows and friends are invited. A so cial hour will follow an even ing of cards with refreshments being served by Carl Pearson, Bud Aldridge and D. M. Mc Dannel. 1 C"1" Hi1 aaA FRESH CLEAN Minium 1 Fleecy Soft BLANKETS WITH DEFENSE AGAINST MOTHS Dust r-S Exclusive Domestic Service! proa bag for small added charge. Medford Domestic Laundry PHONE 2186 and Qubs Shoemaker Delegates Home From Pro-America Semi-Annual Meet Jackson county delegates to the semi-annual convention of Pro-America held in Portland May 21 and 22 report an out standing program during the two-day session. Among those in attendance was Mrs. Charles weiss, Jr., of Rochester. New York, national president of the National Federation of Women's Republican clubs. Attending from this county were Mrs. Neil Davidson, repre senting the Medford unit; Mrs C. M. Hurd, chairman of the county council and Mrs. Schill ing of Ashland, vice chairman of the Ashland unit. The group attended an eve ning banquet given by Pro- America for Republicans with Mrs. Weiss, Jr., as guest speaker. Mrs. Roy T. Bishop, state presi dent of Pro-America of Port land and first vice president of the National Federation, pre sided at the meeting. Among those in attendance were state officials including Governor and Mrs. Charles A. Sprague, State Secretary Earl Snell and Mrs. Snell; State Treasurer Leslie Scott and Mrs. Scott; Republican National Committeeman Ralph Cake and Mrs. Cake and other prominent Republicans in Ore gon. Mrs. Weiss emphasized the fact that after church affiliation the most important affiliation for women was the political party of her choice. She also stressed the importance of the two-party system in order to maintain democracy. The second day included busi ness sessions at the Masonic tem ple, followed by a luncheon and an address by Mrs. Weiss. At the close of the meeting Mrs. George T. Gerlinger invited all state delegates outside of Port land to tea at the Town club. Alyce McCartney Weds Cecil Bell Miss Alyce Marie McCarthey of Gold Hill and Cecil Joe) Bell of Medford were quietly mar ried Saturday morning at 10:30 o'clock in the office of County Judge James B. Coleman in the courthouse. The bride wore a yellow sharkskin dress and was attend ed by Marie Logan of Sams Val ley. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Ly man, parents of the bride, at tended the ceremony. The couple will make their home at 310 Maple street in this city where the bridegroom is employed. Glass Wa sell glass, reglaze vour nroken windows reason ably Trowbridge Cabinet Works !r?T'.fJ ,aBaaaawaaaaaaaaaaaaaawaaaaaeaw,wf. Fat " " rTTZ f Cleaned Y and MOTH PROOFED for nl V SUMMER " A V STORAGE 4 2 J LET u wash your blankets and other woolens for you. They will come back to you fleecy-soft, sweet-smelling and beautifully clean just the way you like them. Our special Erustocide Process also makes your blankets and woolens as highly resistant to moth-damage as it is possible to make them. Send your blankets to us today. SAHITONE DRY Play Presented At Thursday Morning Study Club Plans were made at the meet ing of the Thursday Morning Study club at the Girls Com munity clubhouse for the an nual picnic to be held June 12 at the home of Mrs. R. W. Frame. Phoenix. New officers will be elected at that time. Members of the nominating committee include Mrs. Mar garet Fabrick, Miss Vera Humphrey and Mrs. L. P. Wil cox. In charge of entertainment at the picnic will be Mrs. Leland Mentzer, Mrs. Rawles Moore and Mrs. E. A. Moore; refreshments. Mrs. A. O. Eden, Mrs. M. N. Hogan Mrs. H. B. Murphy and Mrs. J. R. O'Conner. The program for the morning was the presentation of the cur rent Broadway hit, "Arsenic and Old Lace." Taking part were Mrs. Karl Janouch, Mrs. Ken neth Wells. Mrs. H. C. Obye and Mrs. Eugene Thorndike as commentator. A large drawing of the original scene of the play was made by Cordy E. Sunder man and attached to a screen showing placement of furniture and doors, helping to create a graphic effect. Each member of the cast play ed several parts, changing her voice for various characters. The play was presented in the mod ern manner now being followed in the east with the entire cast hidden by screens and only the voices heard with the com mentator filling in where need ed. The effect is much the same as a radio play. The story concerned two be nevolent old ladies and their demented nehew. One of the charities of the old ladies is to quietly murder and bury in their cellar any one they con sider lonely enough to die. Un suspecting victims are hospitably given a glass of poisoned elder berry wine. The funeral service is read in fine style and fresh flowerr are placed on the graves in the cellar at intervals. Some of the predicaments and subse quent results arising are indeed humorous. Visitors at the meeting In cluded Mrs. C. M. Starnes. Mrs. E. P. Vilas, Mrs. Dwight Finley, Mrs. Robert Miksche and Mrs. G. O. Humphrey. Alumni Hold Spring Meeting St. ary's Alumni association held its spring meeting during the past week. President Larry Schade presided and formally welcomed into the ranks of alumni the members of the 1941 graduating class. Warren Lof- fer, treasurer, presented Sister Superior a check to be used for high school scholarships, a gut of the alumni association. The class of 1941 entertained the alumni with a very inter esting program. A social hour with refreshments served in the resident students' dining hall concluded the activities of the evening. CLEANING & Cleaners 30 HO. RIVERSIDE AVE. Plans Program a Miss Isola Jensen, extension specialist in Community Social organisation from Oregon State college, who will be in Medford tomorrow. Recreation Held Vital to Nation As Nerve "Tonic" Recreation to calm titterv nerves created by the present war situation needs special at tention these days, says Miss Izola Jensen, extension special ist in community social organiz ation at Oreeon State cnllece. In her work throughout the state Miss Jensen is stressing the val ue of active recreation whirh requires "doing." as a means of relieving tne tensions brought on Dy everyday news of de struction and terror. and nith. less murder unloosed upon help less Deome. Miss Jensen will be In Med ford tomorrow to plan with local leaders the recreation nrnvrsm for Jackson county for the com ing year. Club Surprises Mrs. L. D. West Mrs. L. D. West wa anrnrlced Friday afternoon when members of the Jolly Stitchers club call ed at her home in Ross Lane to celebrate her birthday. A pot luck luncheon was enjoyed, fol lowed by an afternoon of pin ochle and bridge. The crniin nreeentot Mm West with a gift. High score in Driage was held by Mrs. Ralph Atwood with Mrs. John Grin- stead holding high score at pin ochle. Honoring Mrs. West were Mrs. tlfler Conser, Mrs. Atwood Mrs. Georee RevnnMa Mn Frank Ovelman. Mrs. Grinstead, Mrs. Harry Barneburg, Mrs. Ida Hollers and Mrs. Gordon Stagg. The croun will mppt .Tun A at the home of Mrs. Barneburg at i:au o clock. D.A.V. Melting To Be Tuesday Jackson cnuntv rhaninr Nn 8 and auxiliary of Disabled American Veterans of the World War will meet at the armory Tuesday evening at 8 o'clock. Final arrangements will be made for the state convention to be held at Newport. Lile Dailey, state adjutant. In his report to the local post, stat ed that a large delegation is planning to attend the state meet. Prizes will -be awarded to the chapter commander who presents the outstanding written report of chapter activities. Al ternates will be selected to at tend the convention and the commanders request all mem bers to be prompt. The adjutant and treasurer will be at the armory at 7:30 p. m. to take care of business affairs. A social hour with the auxiliary serving refreshments will close the evening. Members are requested to bring sandwiches. P.-T. A. Activities Prospect P.-T.A. Prospect, May 24 (Spl.) P-TA. met May 21 for the last gathering until autumn. Mrs. Frances Pearson, past presi dent, served as installing offi cer In the seating of Mrs. Elmer Clemens, president; Mrs. Berton Broomfield. vice-president; Mrs. David Neville, secretary, and Mrs. Lee Merriman, treasurer Mrs. Frank Holzgang, outgoing president, was given a presi dent's pin by the association. Pupils of Miss Norma Ebnother and Mrs. Carol Whitstone gave I an interesting 30 minute pro- i gram. Mrs. John Aune. Mrs. Frank Holzgang and Mrs. Richard Gray served refreshments. GRADUATION CARDS Congratulation cards to send the graduate and Thank You" cards for the graduate to send. SWEM'S GIFT SHOP Informal Parties Scheduled By Sojourner Club An innovation for members of the Medford Sojourners club will be the neighborhood parties which will be given next Thurs day afternoon. Planned as a means of acquainting each mem ber with others in her imme diate neighborhood, six parties will be given in different sec tions of the city. In charge of the various neighborhood gatherings will be Mrs. O. R. Fritz and Mrs. Wm Clung; Mrs. George Albright and Mrs. E. J. Davis; Mrs. Merle Muncey and Mrs. T. T. Bennett: Mrs. Jack Evans and Mrs. Don McFadden; Mrs. Harold Hopps and Mrs. Ernest Howell; Mrs. Ed Hoppe and Mrs. Robert Col burn. Last Thursday afternoon the club held its regular meeting at the Medford hotel, with Mrs Alex Kuehltau as chairman of the hostess committee, assisted by Mrs. Louis Sauer, Mrs. R. L. Wright and Mrs. Raymond Stick ler. Dessert was served from tables appointed In the patriotic red, white and blue colors. At cards honors went to Mrs. John McCabe, Mrs. Royal Clare and Mrs. Fred W. Rehling. Mrs. Clare and Mrs. Ernest Howell won other prizes. A guest was Miss Lois .Aldrlch of Minneapolis, who Is in the city visiting Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Aldrlch. Prospective members present were Mrs. M. E. Rittcr. Mrs. George Allman, Mrs. Robert Henry, Mrs. Robert Mercer, Mrs. G. W. Cushman. Mrs. J. T Walker, Mrs. C. Worth Cheney and Mrs. Owen Jones. It was announced that during June Mrs. Robert Colburn would act as chairman of the calling committee and information con cerning newcomers to the city should be given her. Society Hears Talks On South America Mrs. D. D. Roberts entertain ed the Women's Missionary so ciety of the First Presbyterian church at her home, 32 Rose avenue, Tuesday afternoon. De votions were led by Mrs. Jen nie Thompson. Mrs. A. J. Hanby, program chairman, presented the speak ers of the afternoon. An in teresting talk on Chile was given by Mrs. Chet Guches, who point ed out that the Chileans form erroneous Ideas of Americans through observations of sail ors and American movies. Laura Bailey spoke on Brazil and the influence of missions in that country. Later a social hour was en Joyed with Mrs. A. J. Hanby and Mrs. L. N. Younger assist ing the hostess. - Rebekah Lodge Elects Officers Noble grand for the coming year for Olive Rebekah lodge will be Mrs. Marie Hanson. Of ficers were elected at a meeting held Monday evening at -the I.O.O.F. hall with Mary Cave presiding. Mrs. Hanson's officers will Include Mrs. Elva Biden, vice grand; Mrs. Mary Wiley, record ing secretary, and Mrs. Kather- lne Satterlee, treasurer. Plans were made to initiate several candidates at the next meeting to be held June 2. W. H Dyer, degree staff captain, announced that a practice will be held May 28 at 8 o'clock. Elsie Millard, a member now living In Ventura, Cal.. was In attendance and spoke of visiting other Rebekah lodges In Ore gon and California. A social hour In charge of Mrs. Maude Daugherty and her committee will serve refreshments at the June session. DeMolay Mothers to Meet at Wlmer Horn Mrs. G. C. Wlmer will be host ess to the DeMolay Mothers at ner home, 410 North Ivy street, Tuesday afternoon at a 1:30 o'clock dessert luncheon, assist ed by Mrs. Carl Bennett and Mrs. Lyle Thurman. 35 BIRDS EYE Frosted Foods am Vi! always in mm, lha? ar mmj . . . ana now pi' has a iprrlal lorurr for tk tnraie of thai eM food , . , thnr-t a !! srimioa f fnodi in this Nandr parkafrd fofm an ;a mar Mara thrai a war In Ihr sprrlal lerkrr an aara thrio for montha that la. if Ihr famllr rmat INSIST aaon harms then arrrrs at mn they're always frrah, rrla aaS Iwartoaa. Buy your favorite BIRDS EYE FROSTED FOODS fiom your favorite dealer . . . Remember, they're ALWAYS IN SEASON and quickly and easily prepared for the table. CALENDAR Monday. 1:00 p. m. Kiwanlan Dames, home Mrs. F. C. Reimer, South Pacific Highway. 8:00 p. m. Zonta, Effie Kurtz' studio. Tuesday. 12:30 p. m. Executive meet ing of Woman's Society of Christian Service of Methodist church in ladies parlor. 2 00 p. m. Woman's Society of Christian Service homecom ing in Methodist ladies' parlor. 2:00 p. m. Missionary meet ing of Ladies Auxiliary uf First Baptist church, home Mrs. Ev erett Finley, Ross Lane. 6:00 p. m. Medford Musical Society picnic home Mrs. Porter Neff, Berkeley Way. Wednesday. 1:00 p. m. Get-Together club at Eagles hall. Public card par ty. 1:30 p. m. Mistletoe club, Girls Community clubhouse. 2-4:00 p. m. Jackson County Art club, home Mrs. Nellie Mc Cormick, 1318 Reddy avenue 7:4S p. m. Social Welfare department of League of Women Voters, Room 4, high school. Former Residents Wed April 30 In Honolulu Word has been received of the marriage of Miss Aline Fowler, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Fowler of Los Angeles, Cal.. to Adolph F. Binder. Jr., son of Mr. and Mrs. Adolf Binder of Calexico, Cal., In Honolulu, T. H., Wednesday, April 30. The ceremony was read at 5 o'clock at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Hans H. Harders, 220S Hyde street, Monona valley with the Rev. Horace H. Leavltt pre siding. The wedding party entered the parlor to the wedding march played by Mrs. Lester Fishel and stood before an alter banked with white calla and Easter lilies and maiden hair fern. The bride wore a beige redlng ote with white accessories and carried a shower bouquet of gar denias with white pikake lei strands. She was attended by Miss Alice Harders who wore a chartreuse dress with white accessories and a bouquet of pink Cecil Bruner roses. Chris Sor renson was best man. About 40 guests were present for the ceremony and reception which followed, A five-piece Hawaiian band played during the reception. After wedding trip the couple returned to Hono. lulu and are at home at 2137 Atherton Drive, Monoa Valley Honolulu. Mrs. Binder, a former resi dent of Medford, left April 15 for Honolulu. Mr. Binder, also a former Medford resident of Medford. left April IS for Hono lulu March 9 where he is em ployed as brewmaster with the Hawaii Brewing Corp, Ltd, Shower Honors Mrs Henry Dahlke Mrs. A. C. Floyd and Mrs E. S. Stillwell invited a group of friends tot the Floyd home on West Main street Thursday evening to a shower honoring Mrs. Henry Dahlke. Pink and .blue decorations were used with spring flowers. Visiting and games were en Joyed and later refreshments were served to Mrs. Florence Drake, Mrs. Ethel Yost, Mrs. Margaret Mathls, Mrs. Ethel Lacey, Mrs. Cora Tingley, Mrs Grace Bohls, Mrs. Bea Marrl man, Mrs. Alice McNeal, Mrs. Edna Raymond and Mrs. Martha Bittle. Missionary Group Schedules Meeting The regular monthly Mission ary meeting of the Ladles auxil iary of the First Baptist church has been scheduled for Tuesday afternoon at 2 o'clock at the home of Mrs. Everett Finley in Ross Lane. All ladies of the church and congregation are In vited. Mrs. Opal Finley and Mrs. John Lewis will assist the hostess. ALWAYS IN SEASON DELICIOUS FRESH rnjn;ltif fmtrr popul: Study Club Selects Officers At Meeting Meeting at the home of Mrs. T. W. Miles, members of the Wednesday Study club elected officers for the coming year Wednesday afternoon. Mrs. M. M. Morris will serve as presi dent, assisted by Mrs. H. L. Brown as vice-president: Mrs. R. A. Work, secretary, and Mrs. W. J. Warner, treasurer. Routine business was conduct ed during the business session, followed by a social afternoon. Retiring officers of the club in clude Mrs. N. T. Hodges, presi dent; Mrs. M. M. Morris, vice president; Mrs. A. W. Aya, sec retary, and Mrs. W. J. Warner, treasurer. Mrs. Hodges presided at the tea table with Mrs. Miles in charge of the social committee for the afternoon meeting. The group adjourned to meet June 4 at 2:30 p. m., with Mrs. Morris. 4 Mrs. Henry Andrews To Entertain P.E.O. Chapter AA, P.E.O. will meet with Mrs. Henry Andrews on the Old Stage road Wednesday for a 1 o'clock luncheon with Mrs. L. E. Williams as assistant hostess. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. If You Have To Defrost Your Refrigerator. If You Have To Cover Foods In Your Refrig erator To Keep The Food From Drying Out If Onions Completely Spoil Butter In Youi Refrigerator. If You Do Not Have Ultra-Violet Rays (Start lamp) To Combat Bacteria and Mold. If You Do Not Have a Separata Freezing Locker With Temperatures Near Zero. If You Cannot Keep Meats, Poultry, Vege tables and Fruit Fresh For Several Months. If You Cannot Store or Home Freeae 80 Pounds of Frosen Food. bon't Rutf, ANY REFRIG ERATOR UNTIL YOU HAVE POSITIVE PROOF OF THE ADVANTAGES OF DUAL-TEMP lif STEWART-WARNER m YOUNGER 31 No. Bartlett FEES! Efi&EEJ COMPLETE ASSORTMENT Of fek tn, than ram? what are are tola ta aw Ml the ar para la rranlaf lorker af Vol new Dl AL-tlMr with a ramplrte aaaortnwnt at laa rloaa HIRIis-l vr IRnaTiO rooD and kara's lk awnrtmeali a. inraiDi tips. aparaco rat, irra aeaaa, aaky (ropn Llata, wai ktaaa, tram-all, Brawn ftproata, nall'lewrr, earn ea the cwk t. earn cat. praa, praa and rarrata. aplnark, aqoaafc. svarhea, raaperrrtea, rtia kark, etrawlwrrlas, reunrBerrtra. rhonat ywar arw M'AL-TEHP flfht NOW win nt aaanrtwwnl af BISKS-tYI yaOPTCD roort. aaM and dlrtrlfcntrd nrre kj Pnlder. Docfor to Talk At League Meeting Dr. R. E. Poston, Ashland physician, and Dr. E. R. Durno, Medford physician, will speak at the final meeting of the study series being conducted by the) social welfare department of the League of Women Voters. For the past several weeks the group has been studying "federal re sponsibility in public health." The meeting will be in room four of the senior high school Wednesday evening at 7:45 o'clock. Last Wednesday three mem bers of the group presented ma terial from a recent broadcast of the well-known University ot Chicago Round Table. The sub ject was "Defense and America's H e a 1 1 h," and Mrs. Raymond Fish, Mrs. Jack Spalding and Mrs. W. A. Thompson presented the material. Mrs. F. G. Hughes, chairman of the department, has been la charge of the study series. Zonta To Elect New Officers Monday Zonta will meet Monday at Effie Kurtz' studio at 8 o'clock for election of officers. (Continued on Page Ilaran) Uas Mall frluuua want ads. YOU STILL HAVE AN OLD FASHIONED REFRIGERATOR z & LANGE 1 Phone 2411 FOODS