MEDFORD MAIL TRIBUNE. MEDFORD. OREGON. FRIDAY. MAY 23. 1941. PAGE ELEVEN LADIES' BOWLING Tl Fiv of Medford's best fem inine keglers will leave here Saturday morning for Los Ang eles, where they will compete III the Women's International Bowling Congress tournament next week-end. The ladles, who are being sponsored by the Hotel Jackson, will be driven to Los Angeles by Roy Pruitt. The five-woman team will bowl in the tournament at 9:30 p. m. Saturday, May 31, and Will roll their singles and doubles matches at 11 a. m. Sunday, June 1. Those making the trip wjll be Mamie Pruitt, captain; Zola Sims, Audrey Swoape, Mabel Bherwood and Ruth Cougle. They recently received checks totaling $30.67 for their per formances in the Women's West ern Bowling Congress tourna ment held in Portland. LESNEVICH IS New York, May 23. VP) Gus Lesnevich had half a hold on half a title today, obtained by half-hearted victory before half a house last night at Madis on Square Garden. The sturdy Cliffside. N. J., fighter outpointed Anton Chris toforidis of Greece, recognized by the N.B.A. as light heavy weight champion, in a battle of scrambled titles and now needs only two items to make him un disputed king. Lesnevich weigh ed 175, Christoforidis, 166. E TO VIE SATURDAY The annual Medford grade school track and field meet will be staged at the senior high school stadium at 2:30 p. m. Saturday, with teams entered from Roosevelt, Washington, Lincoln and Jackson. The meet will be divided into four classes. Events in each class will be three dashes, one hurdles race, one relay, the baseball throw, broad jump and high jump. 21 OF LEI'S CM CITED IN SABOTAGE Portland. May 23. UP) A federal grand jury indicted 21 officers and crew of the dam aged Italian motorship Leme yesterday on charges of sabo tage and conspiracy. Captain Giovanni Polonio, most of his officers, two ships radio operators, the ship's car penter and a large portion of the engine room force were named in the indictment. Coast guardsmen who seized the vessel here found engines, navigating instruments, the ra dio and other equipment badly damaged. WHITMAN WINS FIRST OF PLAYOFF CONTESTS Walla Walla. May 23. P Whitman college defeated the defending champion, Willamette university, 8 to 3, last night in a pitcher's duel to capture the first of a three-game series for the northwest college con ference baseball championship. The series will go three games even if one team wins the first two. The teams meet tonight and again Saturday afternoon. R. H. E. Willamette 3 7 4 Whitman 8 9 1 Toolson and Robertson; Forsyth and Gross. EGG SHORTCAKE EACH FOOD ii at its best and most economical at the height of its own season of abundance. This is the season for eggs. Not only are they plentiful and cheap, but they are quirk and easy to prepare, leaving time free for sunny hours out of doors. Hard cooked eggs in a creamy cheese sauce are so good served on flaky hot biscuits that one can hardly believe such an Egg Short cake is chock-full of vitamins and minerals. With baby lima beans or new peas, this flavorful dish makes diningas easy on the palate as it is on the budget. The biscuits, of course, are made with enriched flour, for extra value. EGG SHORTCAKE Filling: 3 tablespoons butter 8 tablespoons flour J$ teaspoon salt 1 I'i cups milk 4 to 6 hard cooked eggs, sliced 'i eup grated nippy cheese . Melt butter, stir in flour to form a smooth paste. Add salt and milk and cook over low Are until slightly thickened, stirring constantly. Add sliced eggs and cheese. Place on biscuits and serve. Biscuit Foundation! 2 cups sifted flour 8 teaspoons baking powder 1 1 teaspoon salt 2 to 4 tablespoons shortening JS to ii cup milk Sift flour, baking powder, and salt together. Cut or rub in short ening. Add milk to make soft dough. Knead lightly H minute. Pat or roll out H inch thick. Cut with biscuit cutter. Bake on un greased baking sheet in hot oven (460 F.) 12 to 15 minutes. Split each biscuit, cover with Filling, replace top of biscuit and serve. Allow at least 2 biscuits per serv ing. Yield: About 6 servings. BOWLING City league result list night: Hohlweg's Top Shop S. City Clean ers 1; Valentine's 3. Lewis Super 1: A-l Brewery 4. McDonald Candy company 0: Llttrell Parts 3, Snlder'a Dairy 0 (forfeit). Scores follow: Hohltrrl'i Top Shop Handicap lea 180 188 17 Anderson 185 J73 157 MS Reseppa 149 148 1 54 151 Elcereon 143 143 134 430 Hohlweg 337 177 168583 Totals .. 903 841 City Cleaners 189 181 133 171 .166 133 .166 166 .178 144 ..811 785 854 3450 J. Runts ..... E. Corley . B. Holberton J. Murray E. Sims Totals Valentine's Handicap 43 11 Hltzler 153 198 Pederson 147 1 1 1 Mor 145 174 Bush 137 165 Reltsma 195 304 803 3545 181651 151444 177466 170493 175 497 11 64 149 490 136394 153471 126 438 334633 J'VILLE SENIORS E, Jacksonville. May 23. (Spl.) Senior week at Jacksonville high school will get off to a good start this week end when the juniors entertain the seniors at the annual Junior-senior ban quet, at Hotel Holland. Gener al Chairman Merton LcRoy will also act as toastmaster. Following the banquet will he the senior sport dance at the local gymnasium. Peggy Daley is in charge. Sunday morning the seniors will attend Bacca laureate services at Jacksonville church. Special numbers will be given by the high school glee clubs under direction of Miss Barbara Holt. The baccalaureate sermon will be given by Rev. E. M. Mallory, local pastor. Tuesday afternoon the seniors will be honored at an all school picnic and supper at Jackson Hot Springs and Wednesday eve ning Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Beck will be hosts for a dessert and bonfire party at their home in Jacksonville. Senior week will be climaxed on Thursday when the twenty-first annual com mencement of Jacksonville high school will be held in the school auditorium. R. W. McNeal of the Southern Oregon College of Ed ucation will be the speaker. Class valedictorian is Dan Wy ant and salutatorian is Gene vieve Kent. The following 19 pu- and more extensive blackouts after last night's first major test was successfully carried out. Inspector S. F. M. Moodie. chief civilian protection officer, estimated the blackout 95 per cent effective. Traffic halted, pedestrians i stopped and lights went out or ! were curtained off from outside ! view as screaming sirens sound ed the "action warning" through-! out the lower mainland and lower Vancouver island. Four; hundred thousand persons ex perienced the blackout. i Wins Drill Contest j Corvallis, May 23 (P) Jack ! Michels, San Gabriel, Calif., proved to be the best drilled soldier in the annual drill-down competition at Oregon State col lege. He was last remaining among nine finalists picked from preliminary drills. 1 ORANGE PINEAPPLE RIPPLE ICE CREAM A delicious new brick ice cream that Is sura to de light the whole family. pill will be graduf'.d: Norma Arnold, Leroy Boyd, 'Frank Brown. Peggy Daley, Lawrence Fick, Rae Forbes, John Hamak er, Genevieve Kent, Mary Kent, Clifford McGinty, Kenneth Nor ris. Charles Offenbacher, Gerald Pearce, Martyn Pearce. Betty Pawlowski, Kenneth Thurston, John Woodward, Dan Wyant, Lawrence Youmans. Special music will be given by the band under direction of Ralph Cooke and Glee club numbers under the direction of Miss Holt. NINE MINERS KILLED AS EXPLOSION TRAPS MEN ON NIGHT SHIFT Bicknell, Ind., May 23. (Pl The number of known dead from an explosion in the Bick nell Coal company's Panhandle mine near here grew to nine with the announcement early to day that seven bodies had been found in the workings In addi tion to two already brought to the surface. Jack Ogilvie of Bicknell, in charge of the professional rescue squad on duty, said the seven corpses, badly burned, were dis covered about S00 feet west of the first two, which had no burns. They could not be identi fied immediately. Hours earlier, his crew had carried cut bodies of Charles Wright, 42, of Bicknell, the night boss, and James M. Smith, 65. of Johnstown, a loader. Five other men also were trapped with the nine and were believed dead. Ogilvie expressed belief gas or a mixture of gas and dust had caused the explosion. He said part of the mine was badly torn up. Portland. May 23. P Lyle G. Perrlne reported to police early today that burglars enter ed his house last night and ob tained Jewelry valued at $2850. Xaraerymea Mf. Corral lit. May 33. (AP) More than 40 delegates to the spring meet In of the Oregon Association of Kunerymen toured Oregon State College experiment station plots today. 3 39 For a quart brick at your grocer, fountain or at our own spic and span retail store. Totals. ...819 - 863 808 3480 Lewis Super Lounsberry. P. 150 186 136 463 Loumberry, O. 149 140 155444 Oreene. D. 140 136 116383 Bovle. J. 116 164 155 435 Pruitt. R. 367 194 310671 Totals.. 833 810 763 3394 McDonald Candy Co. Handleap L. Mora . Witter Fairfield . Penney Tollefaoa Totals . Lyons Slead Boone Johnson -Newland - Totals 16 -187 147 143 164 ...153 808 813 A-l Brewery 168 168 181 133 164 IBS 165 154 161 179 IS 45 306 873 158 478 167 457 130463 307 488 883 3503 305531 169 483 315 568 166475 166 506 839 813 S36 3663 TEST BLACKOUT FOR VANCOUVER Vancouver, B. C, May 23. (CP) British Columbia's most thickly populated areas looked forward today to more frequent JOHN B.NESBITT mm n uppniTT junn d. n uu dm i xt ON THE AIR FOR MONDAY WEDNESDAY KMFQ AND OREGON STRAWBERRIES GRANULATED j SUGAR j make strawberry jam you can't pass up ! Taste Oregon strawberry Jam or preserves made witH Oregon's own and only Sugar, and you'll agree that you'd never let this combination get by 'you at the dinner table! Strawberry jam or preserves are always a favorite for breakfast toast, for hot junkets or for hot cake. Perfect, too, for ice cream sundaes, for fillings or toppings for layer cakes, and for many other combinations. Strawberries are Oregon's larg est berry crop. Oregon produces 58 of the nation's canned strawberries. Strawberry season is now here! Get ready to put up a good supply of them, and remember, Oregon's own and only Sugar is the sugar to use. It's guaranteed for canning and for every sweetening purpose ... and every bag you buy helps the Oregon farmers, farm and factory workers, and , promotes prosperity in all Oregon. Buy Oregon products and buy the best! 1 - at i 1t w ns Own 'OnA, 50 Oregon's Own UGAR attune i SUGAR GUARANTEED FOR CANNING New Gleaning Prices L COATS, DRESSES CJ SUITS Acme Cleaner Camelo Cleaneri City Cleaner Coleman Cleaners Modern Cleaner Nu-Way Cleaners Star Cleaners Unique Cleaners Wet Side Cleaners 1 PRICES NOW TIL MONDAY NIGHT You will alMAi rind It a pleanur to shop at the Big Food Tenter. Here all your purchases may be made without lrarlnf the store. The fluent of Fruits and Vete tables, Mrats, Groceries and Bak ery Ctnods are always obtainable at the most reasonable prices. We'll look for you In. For Free Delivery Service Dial 1139 It Always Pays to Buy at Lumans' Wesson Oil For Salads. Veietablea, Waffles, and Frying. qt.49c-pt.25c SARDINES Royal Club, large oral tins. 3 tins 25c i SPINACH Hoysl Club. No. l4 tins 2 tins 29c Royal Club Corn Whole kernel 2 tins 25c FRYERS Milk It Corn led R. I. Red and OCm Barred Rock. lb. OC LUMAN'S MEATS Sold to You Fresh When Flavor Is Best TURKEYS b. 25c Fresh Dressed Turkey hens. Beef Short Ribs. . . . .lb. 1212k All Steaks, choice cuts. .lb. 25 SWISS BEEF POT PORK STEAKS . lb. 25C ROASTS lb. 17iC ROASTS lb. 17iC Cut from Tender Beef Choice Cuts Lean and Tender Freih Side Pork lb. 15t Home RendVd Urd, 3 lb. 29t PORK COUNTRY STYLE SPRING STEAKS lb. 1 7C Sausage lb. 1 5c LAMB . lb. 25c Or Loin Chops Seasoned Just Right Chop or Steaks Nice Variety of Cold Lunch Meat for the Picnic MILD CURE BACON . lb. 25C Medium Thlrk NO. 1 GRADE HAMS., lb. 28C Half or Whole COTTAGE HAMS . lb. 25C Lean, Tenderlsed FLOUR (In 4S lb. sacks) Klamath Bouquet Fishers Blend $f 09 $-83 Two Hemmed Diih Towels Free Oris Brand Kitchen Queen S29 $149 REX LYE ... 3 cans 25c 0. K. SOAP ... 5 bars 19c MILK . . 4 Tall Cans 30c CORN FLAKES . . pkg. 5c SNOWDRIFT With Its Goodness Packed lc 3 lb. pail 53c 6 lb. pail S1.05 SUGAR 10 lbs. 58c 100-lbs. $5.60 Ho More Flat SALADS rot Tasty. Zestful Salads Us TANG The Perfect Dressing pints 18c -quarts 29c Hamburger Relish 12 oz. jar 14c NALLEY'S MUSTARD Wonder Pickles Treasure Pickles Prepared or Half Pint Q Horseradish Fruit Jar JC SHRIMP - Royal Club . TUNA FISH - Large Tins TOILET TISSUE - Gem , HONEY - Local - Ho. 1 . LUX or LIFEBUOY . . MARGARINE - Gem Nut 2 tins 29c 2 tins 25c 6 Rolls 25c lb. Pail 39c 3 bars 19c , 2 lbs. 25c Fresh Candy Old rashloa Chocolates 2 Pounds 25c Jelly Beans or Gum Drops 2 Pounds 25c All Be Candy Bars 3 for 10c All Se Chawing Gum 3 Packages. . . .10c Grapefruit --.r doz. 30c Sweet Potatoes . 4 lbs. 23c ORANGES -r- 2 doz. 35c Medium atae. hi of Juice. APPLES, Fancy Newtown lb. 5c WEEK-END SPECIALS ASPARAGUS': 2 lbs. 19c FRESH CRISP LETTUCE l" I m ....... - ..... FRESH STRAWBERRY PIE Mad. with Irash. delicious rod strawberries with rich stripped flaky crust top. 29c BAKERY GOODS FRESH DAILY S3 S I s c Ii 5 t if man 3 i & FRIDAY 5:15 P.M. w,o jcc ii fiiiiu:i lliililliiihli. tii iitn llliLiiilliillllllllllillillllllllllllllllilllllllillllillllllllllllillllllllH Itssi, null