PAGE FIVE Medford Cooperative Fruit Packing School Proves Value MEDFORD MAIL TRIBUNE. MEDFORD. OREGON. FRIDAY. AUGUST 16, 1940. ADVANCED CLASS 800 BOXES DAILY Students All Residents of Valley Selected by Dif ferent Packing Companies fsaV M "V "1 By Jeunesso ButUr Medford's first cooperative venture in the instruction and training of local workers to pack the Medford pear crop, the Fruit Growers League Coopera tive Packing School which open ed Aug. 7 with a registration of 252, is proving its worth and its sponsors have no reason to re gret the enterprise, according to leaders in the fruit industry here. No school bells rang, no sol emn faculty assembled, no mo tor cars disgorged freshmen, juniors or sophomores, nothing of a startling nature announced the opening of this institution, yet it marked a milestone in the history of Medford's world known industry and the begin ning of a social and economic experiment which may become of even more significance than it promises at present. 7 Graduate Soon The first class opened with 132 student packers. Seven who had had some previous experi ence have now been graduated and seven more called in to take their places. To date, none have been eliminated. Two classes of port of the school. Frequently Medford residents inquire concerning the differ ence between the two Medford organizations concerned only wath matters relating to the fruit industry: the Fruit Growers' League of Jackson Co., Inc., and the Rogue River Valley Traffic association, ine I ruit urowers Auckland. N. 2.. Aug. 16 league is an organization wnoi.y ; .PJNew Zealand was brought AUCKLAND TRIP 1 ft. Students at Medford's packing school begin the course wim cull pears. Ai lhir profici ency increases they are promoted, though grade promotion at this "college" means promo tion to a grader where fine fruit is packed for market. (Courtesy The Oregonian). four hours each, are held each day, one in the morning and one in the afternoon. This week, the most advanced are packing good fruit and 800 boxes a day are going out under a neutral wrap and label. Fortunately, a warehouse not in use this season. Pinnacle Packing company's No. 2, at South Front and Fourteenth streets, was made available. In the vicinity of the Knight Pack ing Co., and the Rogue River Valley Canning company, the school is accessible and easily located. Shippers, growers or anyone else interested are invit ed to call at any time, by Ed P r i n g 1 e, superintendent., in charge. "I consider the results of the We're BOWLING The! Avon O en aawaaa w Every day wilh lower prices, easier parking, better deliveries, better meats, better produce and a more friendly service. jr'' mm LJ LETTUCE W-&jtJW 'ceoarg. is. nA "X 2 heads ..v.v i:otiT'iiniinac E?'4 WHIIlUIVHUbd GRAPES ...4 lbs. 25c Thompson SwlleM, Rlblrrs, Tokav. Muiras LEMONS 2doz. 25c MM Sir GREEN PEPPERS. . .each lc Large smooth one Try thfin Muffed with our pure Ground Beef POTATOES ...... 10 lbs. 25c Ettra fancy Yakima Gems. Thee are really nice. Try I hem baked. CELERY bunch 10c I rah Fancr Large Bunchei CELERY HEARTS bunch 10c Extra Fancy Portland We will tune a ery complete line of CANNING PEACHES Can thpm soon, thrr not Uit long. Our produce department Is bubbling over with Item to ptir that Jaded stimmrr appetite, among them are summer aquaMi, Danish squaMi. radishes, green onions, green corn, egg plant, okra, llmet, fanry honey and lerslan melons. Big 1940 Complete) WEBSTER . , DICTIONARY 10 Alto 32 Paces Full Color Maps I roumrs :. t. o roLOi corru co. FOLGER'S COFFEE Lb can 24c 2 lb. can 47c There will be a Folger's Coffee Demonstra tion Saturday. Coiuo In and try a cup. Pork and Beans VAN CAMPS No. 2J cans. . .2 for 25c 300 tall cans ... 3 for 25c Keep a supply on hand. They are Just the thin for these hny days. Sardines. 3 oval cans 25c Mustard and Tomato Sauce WAX PAPER 2 for 25c Cut Rite, extra heavy 123 foot rolls 100lb.bagS5.09 g TOMATO JUICE Swift's No. 2i can. This U an exceptionally good buy Swift's Deviled Meat 3 cans 10cr FIG BARS Factory shipment Whole Wheat or Real Cake 10c Drifted Snow Flour 49 lbs $1.49 Borene, Ige. size. . . .29c 2 lbs. 19c Although beef prices haTS gone clear out of sight, we are still featuring steer beef at OUR SAME LOW PRICES. VEAL ROAST, milk fed fancy, lb 14'it BREAST of VEAL, nice for pot pie. lb 1 lj VEAL CHOPS, rib or loin, lb LEG of LAMB, real spring lamb, while they last. lb. 22 PORK STEAKS, corn fed pig pork. lb.. ., PORK ROASTS, corn fed pig pork, lb J," BACON, by the piece. Saturday only, lb 10 Tor those cold lunches we feature a large assortment of lunch meats and potato salad. Sill Ex. fancy Ots. 30r P'-Hormels !3 PAY LESS-PARK EASIER EfiSDDE liMtmET FREE DELIVERY CHUCK BATEMAN, Owner DIAL 1117 school especially good consider ing the short time it has been going", Mr. Pringle says. He has appreciated the excellent assis tance given him by committees in charge, and particularly the chairmen of these committees, R. R. Reter of the Rogue River Valley Traffic association, Gor don Kershaw of the Fruit Grow ers league and Dee Hendricksen of the packing plant superinten dents' committee. Mr. Pringle's experience with fruit packing and marketing has been extensive. Associated with the Betz Packing Co., for many years he traveled throughout Washington, California and and northern Oregon. For 12 years he was superintendent of packing schools conducted by the Argentine Fruit Distributors at Buenos Aires, sometimes with 500 students "enrolled". There were no packers in the Argen tine when these schools were started. Experiment with local help has been tried out before in Medford by individual packing houses, some of the companies having had their own schools of instruction during past sea sons under the supervision of packing house foremen. They report that local workers are entirely satisfactory and that they have been employing local people whenever possible. The league's school is the first coop erative experiment. Three-Year Plan Around 20.000 boxes are ex pected to be packed at the school during the Bartlett season. After it is all packed the fruit will then be out of the hands of the school and ready for marketing. An advisory board is looking after the institution. It will be conducted for three consecutive years during the Bartlett season, a revolving fund of $300 was set up at a committee meeting last May, when plans were also made which assured the self-sup- composed of pear growers. It has been in existence for years. It holds an annual meeting every January and its board of direct ors, elected at this meeting, con vene once month at the Cham ber of Commerce building. A standing invitation is extended to any pear grower in the Med ford district to attend any board meeting he desires. As the name implies, the league functions for the purpose of discussing and handling the wide variety of problems of pear growing and to sit in at Just one of these meetings might be a revelation to many Medford residents who might learn for the first time how many and various are the problems of the pear grower. The Rogue River Valley Traf fic association is composed of Medford packers and shippers. It has also been a going organi zation for some time. Members of this organization hold a lunch eon meeting every Thursday. Naturally, it is concerned with matters relating to the packing and marketing of the pear crop and there is much Indeed for this group to consider. Start On Culls Reverting to the packing school, the beginning packers are practicing on culls only. As soon as they become qualified they pack good fruit that will be sold on the market. Each packing house is furnishing some fruit each day, pro-rated on the basis of last year's total packout of the different varieties. The packed fruit, wrapped, labeled and mar kcted under a neutral brand will be sold through a marketing committee and the money pool ed, to be returned pro rata to each packing house. Students, who must be resi dents of the Rogue River valley and between ages of 18 and 30, were selected and are being sponspred by the different pack ing houses and as soon as mak ing good will be given jobs. Registration at the school is now closed. today within 12 days of Lon don when the Pan American Airways' California Clipper slipped down upon the harbor's waters Just before dawn on its first passenger flight from the United States. The Clipper, carrying a party of newspapermen, departed from San Francisco last Satur day and landed at 3:26 a.m. to day, six days by the calendar but five days actual flying time, from the United States. A day was lost crossing the interna tional date line, and there was another 24 hour delay at Can ton Island to repair hole poked in an aileron by the radio mast of a shore launch. Ample Hop Labor Portland, Aug. 16. W) Ample labor is available (or the early harvest in the Oregon hop yards, the agricultural market ing service said in its weekly sur vey today. In summer, one way to heap cooi Is swimming in ocean or pool; Another's RAINIER The drink of GOOD CHEER Th man trying both is no bo BEER ft ALE uimn Mivma ceMMwt . mi nwenoa Snider Dairy and Produce Co.. Distributors. Medford. W.C.T.U. Chicago, Aug. 16. (IP) An anti-conscription resolution was adopted by the Woman's Chris tian Temperance Union at clos ing sessions of Its 66th national convention. The measure asserted that con scription or "forced labor" dur ing peacetime constituted an abrogation of civil rights and said democratic institutions of the nation were "fully adequate to deal with the present situa tion." Another resolution approved yesterday advocated national prohibition of the manufacture of alcoholic liquors as part of the defense program. Uh Mall Trlbuna want ads. OLDSMOBILE Clean Up Time WE ARE IN EARNEST ABOUT CLEANING UP OUR . USED CARS THAT'S WHY WE HAVE SLASHED PRICES ON ALL OUR STOCK. 1138 Buick Special 4 Dr. Sedan 1938 Willys 4-Dr. Sedan 1937 Dodge Coupe, very clean. 138 Olds 4-Dr. Sedan - 1936 Olds 6 Coupe, low mileage, 1938 Dodge 4-Dr. Sedan 1936 Ford De Luxe Coupe 193$ Chevrolet Master 2-Dr. Sedan, radio and heater 1934 Chrysler 4 Dr. Sedan 1932 Ford 4 Dr. Sedan 1931 De Soto Sedan .. 1930 Chevrolet 2 Door Sedan 1930 Hudson Sedan .. 1928 Buick Sedan 127 Willys Knight Sedan -$645.00 345.00 465.00 465.00 465.00 395.00 345.00 205.00 245.00 145.00 65.00 65.00 45.00 25.00 35.00 Medford Garage OPEN EVENINCS AND SUNDAY PHONE 2884 121 N. BARTLETT "Buckaroo Days" ARE HERE AND YOUR "BUCK" STILL BUYS MORE RIGHT HERE AT WESTERN THRIFT STORE "Buck" Stretchers for Saturday WHISK BROOMS Qq A good 25c quality, each. J RAT TAIL COMBS Black, regular size, each J ARMOUR'S DOG FOOD jjj 10c quality, close-out, can w $2 COMPACTS, HUDNUTS QOq Discontinued numbers . J J 75c DOAN'S PILLS TlQc Kidney diuretic $1 .35 PINKH AM'S T Q C VEGETABLE COMP. I U $1.25 ABSORBINE, JR. CQc Antiseptic Liniment J 50c Dr. LYON'S OQr TOOTH POWDER Aw 35c PREP BRUSHLESSQ ...PA. SHAVING CREAM . . .0 F0R OU RUBBER GLOVES Qp Slight factory seconds . . . pair PACKERS WRIST BANDS fc Double strap, leather. . . .each HEAVY WAX PAPER Ws 50-foot rolls O TOBACCO IS ALWAYS FRESHEST WHERE SOLD FASTEST Chesterfields 27c FIFTIES. Flat or Vacuum 15c VELVET -104 18o BIO BEN . -10e ISO CHESAPEAKE . ..10 15c PRINCE ALBERT -10 15e HALF k HALF. 10 CAMELS LUCKY STRIKE CHESTERFIELD West American FOR FATIMA OLD GOLD OLD MILL POLARS SPUDS Sweet Caporal 10c SWEET HEART TOILET SOAP 4 n 1 5" 2 25- Including all taxes 2Se COUNTRY GENT.19 2Se OUR ADV'RTISER 19 80c CORN CAKE.. ...39 SSe HIMYAR KIT.. -29 lSe OIL SILK POUCH.-.5 DOMINOS SENSATION PAUL JONES MARVELS 20 GRAND WINGS 10 c including U iaxea By th Carton.... 95 Book Matches, .ctn. 7? Men's Cotton Socks Mad la China pr. 5C Men's Linen Handkerchiefs Hemstitched Borders 5 Black Tire Tape Vi lb. rolls 9 Bleached Dish Touelss ea. 5c PRESCRIPTION SERVICE Avail yourself of our Complale Proscrip tion Facilities with th assurance thai each proscription will b filled exactly as your doctor ordered, with only th finest of Ingredients. VITAMIN PRODUCTS If you are Vitamin Conscious and Thrif ty, too. It will be worth whll to check ur complete assortment f nationally known, finest quality Vitamin Products. aeaaaBaBaBaBaBaBaBaBaBaBaaasaaaaaaaaaaaaaananansl SCHOOL DAYS Will Soon Be With Us Again, and Again Western Thrift Will Have a Very Complete Line of Neces sary School Equipment at Deep Cut Prices. Wait for Our School Opening Announcement. Western thrift MEDFORD'S ORIGINAL PRICE CUTTERS Dial 3874 30 North Central