PAGE SEVEN Want to Bay, Sell or Exchange? Read th e Ads on This Page! It's Filled With Opportunities! r MEDFORD MAIL TRIBUNE. MEDFORD. OREGON. MONDAY. JUNE 17. 1940. ttMd iv.rv ad on thl peg Tou wtu probably ttnd auctly .... things vou bav dhd took Ing ( or i a, a or trad tot unused wuelM tuu may bit (rcl your aitloo. tor-roon you oui r.ud man; things Others ar nin ud o aol to nUa unMUU curt U tut ou ni lent Mr, advertise tor it Tribune des tined Al ar Inexpensive ffectlv.1 RATES rtr word Hrit iDertlont (Miolmum tAc) Kacb additional lowrtlon. net word ... i. Ic (Minimum ioc) fer lln pr month without copy ctungt - - fltt CASH or monif order muil ac company all mall order classified ads. LOST AND FOUND tOST eaturdaj morning Rao pig Finder notify M. A Williams, Rt 1 Bog 477 or C. M Medcalf. Phuenls REPORT lost ooga. animal crulty Cftaes Humane oocietv. rnoa. toiq WANTED MALE HELP RELIABLE PARTY, seeking a perma nent and secure future, to service (In your apare time) chain of new automatic machlnee. dispensing World Famous lc and 6c Herahey Bare. Nothing else like It In Amer ica. No selling. 50 unit pay up to 6300 month. 6378 cash required, secured. To qualify for this bona fide opportunity, state if now em ployed, married or single, age. na tionality, phone, address and ad ' vise If required cash la available. Box 313 Tribune. ESTABLISHED W ATKINS ROUTES available In Jackson county. No experience required. Must have car. For complete Information write O. H. Waterman. 4513 Hollls St, Oak land. California WANTED FEMALE HELP WANTED Girl or woman for gener al housework. Phone after 6:00 pm. 1794-J. WANTED MISCELLANEOUS WANTED TO RENT Small piano. Phone 1074-H. WANTED Partner with capital to help equip placer mine. For par tlculara writ Box 1638, Tribune. WANTED To meet a lady not over 38 of refinement. Confidential. Box 1485 care Tribune. WANTED Young 571-R-4. calves. Phone WANTED Ford Model A car chassis for rebuilding, any condition. Box 306 Tribune. WANTED Livestock. dairy cow, heavy springers unfresh; also buy beef cows. Oscsr Gvsln. Route 3. Box 136. Medtord. Phone 314-R-6 COMMERCIAL SPRAYING Phone F. E 8amon. 833. McGonagle. WE WELD ANYTHING: pot metal, aluminum, brass, copper, csst Irou Msc Floyd s. 333 N. Riverside BODY AND FENDER WORK done by L A. Porter at Msc At Floyd Phone 320. WANTED Cow to pasture Clarence Arnold Rt. 4. Box 484. Buckahot Hill road. WE" LL DRILLING-! 60 per ft. first 60 ft., eto. J M Dodge. 619 King WANTED Wool, mohair, bides and pelt Medford Bargain House, 37 North urape Bt rnone ium. IVE PAY MOKr. CASH For Your Furniture BAKNFHl HO & ANDREWS 6th and Front Phon 847 WANTED Dreearaaklng. alteratlone Katharine SatterUe. Singer Shop 33 South Grape. REST PRICES PAID For Your rnlture. CADS FtKNITlRE Phone 1191-J HIGHEST CASH PRICES PAID For Your Furniture MEDFOKIt BARGAIN HOISE 37 N o-ape St Phone 10CT FOR hENT HOUSES FOR RENT Houses of all kinds from 610 up Edwin P. Hwhes. Resl Ea ' tat agency. 709 North Riverside. FOR RENT 3-room modern house, furnished. C. R. Reynolds. 36V N. Peach. FOR RENT Modern, unfurnished 6-room houae, 3 bedrooms, near schools. See owner, IS So. Central. FOR RENT Modern 6-r house close In. Electric range and oil heater furnished, water I aid. 326 00. B. J. Palmer. Tele. 199 Central Point 1-Roora and 2 -Room Cabin for rent 634 McAndrews Rosd. FOR RENT 4-room furnished houee Inquire 303 Clsrk St. FOR RENT Modern 3-room house, close in. stove included. Phone 1227. J HOUSE Nearly new. redecorated. 3 bedrooms, basement furnsc. wster heater So Oakdale. Hohlweg, 8th and Bartlett FOR RENT 5-ruora bungalow, clean and pleasant. Inquire 34 North Peach St. SMALL FURNISHED HOl'SI also furnlahed apar.ment equipped Inquire 305 So Oakdale FOR RENT - 6-rooni unfurnished bouae 535 Per.n Ave Inquln Ct-.y Cl-anin? snd Dyeing Co FOR RENT 8 -room modern bout at I 321 No. Hoj. fhos 13. 1 TOR REN-J APARTMENTS FURNISHED 1 - room Adult, a Laurel. apartment. FOR RENT Attractive 4-room du plex apartment, nicely furnlahed. Inquire 306 Beatty. NICELY furnlahed apartment. Elec. trie ranee and frl-lJelre. 1 large roomf. kitchen, bathroom. (Ire place. Newly renovated. Hot and cold water furnlahed. Mall Tribune Bid. Call at Tribune office. FOR' RENT Furnlahed apartment. 417 King. 3-ROOM furnished apartment. Adult only. 9 East Jackson. MODERN furnlahed apartment. Qutno St. NEWLY renovated furnished apart ment In Mall TriDune nuuaing. Shower, water paid. Very reason able rent. Apply at Tribune office OE BAUER APTS th at Oakdal. Preetige, courtesy, with comfort able modern home. Furnished or unfurnished. Moderate prlcea. By day, week or month. Phone 713-Y. COOL furnished apartment, private bath. Frl;!dalre. 80S W. Main. SMALL furnlahed apartment, elec trically equipped. Inquire 305 So Oakdale. FOR RENT Furnished apt. 51 Oakdale. VAVVTER APARTMENTS 6 rooms unfurnished. Heat, bot water complete electric kitchen. $43.60 lease. Phone 1108. FURNISHED, cool lnaulated apt Adults only, no dogs. 603 S Holly FOR RENT Furnlahed apt., adult only. 344 So. Grape. PRUITT Apt., over Rolloway'a Groc ery II N Central Ph 1416 or 33 Prultt'a Mualo-Radto' Center FARMERS At Fruitgrowers Bank apartment 3 rooms and bath. gas heat Inquire 217 West Cth FOR HENT Furntihed Rooms CLEAN housekeeping room, light furnished. 68.00. 325 S. Ivy. FOR RENT Pleasant sleeping room, breakfast If desired. Phone 334-X. NICE COOL ROOM. 153 N Oakdale FOR RENT Weu rurnianed sleeping room: garage If desired. 325 South Riverside. FURNISHED room lor rent, hot and cold water In room. Garage. 11 S Orange. ATTRACTIVE ROOMS. 404 S Grape FOR RENT Room, 63 50 week, vate entrance 408 Edwards FOR RENT BOARD. ROOM ROOM AND BOARD 716 E Main 61 per day FOR RENT MISCELLANEOUS FOR RENT Store funding and two of floe rooms See Al Lltuell or Roland Hubbard. FOR SALE LIVESTOCK FOR SALE Welner pigs. mile from Phoenix Packing house, weat Fort Baker road, S. O. Stearns. FOR SALE Young heavy springer cow end Guernsey bull. Fred Lewie, Butte Falta Road. FOR SALE Fresh Guernsey heifer. Crater Lake Hl-way between Ante lope Creek and Little Butte Creek. A. V. Wyatt. FOR SALE Brood sows, ready to farrow soon. Rogue River Ranch, Trail, Oregon. FOR SALE Fun-olooded Duroc Jersey weaner pigs. C. J. McCay Spring street. Box 126'$. FOR SALE POULTRY HATCHING EGGS for aale Pearl guinea, pekln ducks, barred rocka. Ca 11 Covered Wayoiv FOR SALE REAL ESTATE MEDFORD REALTY BOARD Your real estate deal Inga are safeguarded when you deal with a Realtor Member Brown ex Wnlte. 104 W. Main St. Harold H Brown. 123 E Main St Mark A Ooldy. Inc.. 109 E Main St W J Robert. 720 W 2nd St So. Ore. Realty Co.. 118 N Rle Carl Y. Tengwald. 133 W Main St, FOR SALE OR LEASE Modern 5 room clean, partly furnished house; 3 lots. 351 Avery St., Ashland. FOR SALE OR RENT Have two east side home In excellent condition, five rooms and bath. Sell or rent. ALSO FOR SALE Acre tracta. Join ing city limit. Cltv water and Ir rigated. Will finance new homes. Elmer Herrled. No 7 N. Bartlett St. Phone 1498 or 1513-J. FOR SALE 15 acree. all or part. Water, school bus. Ashlsnd 2 miles. Reasonable. Write owner. Box 1411 Tribune. FOR SALE 8-rm. houae with bsth. nice shade. Close In. on, paved atreet. corner propertv. price re duced from 62100 to 61300 Owners must sell. Income 622 50 per mo. L. O. Plckell. 18 So. Bsrtlett. FOR SALE OR TRADE Oolne placer mine, close in. Box 1425 Tribune Grants Paaa sacrifice 61250. 6 room furnished, fir place, hot water 4 piece plumbing. 3 tanwee. store room, cor lot. 413 Clark. FOR SALE to Close estste of J W Brbee 675 acres Isnd well Im- proved. 136 head cattle. 300 head ewes and lemba. also luv acree land near Jacksonville. F E Bynee, Medford. Oregon. WHEN vou think of real estat thick of Brawn White ' - 64 ACRES 54 cultivated and In al- falfa and grain. 7-rocm plaatered bouae, good well water, native ehade creek runs thru place, barn snd other out buildings near Med ford. Price 65600. lnc.uding l cow. 3 horses, farm equipment consider exchanging :or nous in town. L. G. Plckell. 16 8 Bartlett j FOR U-!'-J';n colo.n '!,,"? ldenc Hardwood floora through. out shade psved street 6 mlnu-es wslk from business center and schools. M.sht take small hums a nan prst. 616 So. Oakda-a. FOR SALE REAL ESTATE CITY and country properties. RENT ALS LOANS INSURANCE C 8 Butterfield. 40 Medford BulldlLg FEDERAL LAND SAKE, FARMS Convenient terms Ust available at National Farm Loan Office Holly Theatre Building Uedford Mor1 4 acre Irrigated. 4-rooma VtCudU bath tawdry trays, barn. chicken house, woodshed, store room, garage, pasture, alfalfa, bear ing fruit, walnuta. almonds, straw berries. Cow. heifer, wood, furni ture, tools, Jars, separator 3 m'le from court houee. Writ Box 073, Tribune. HOUSES FOR 4A1.E in Med ford and aurroundlng towns Eaay sens. Jscksoo County Federal Savings and Loan Association FOR EXCHANGE Heal Esfata FOR SALE OR TRADE Cattle ranch, free Irrigation, modern bulldlnga In Klamath County. 708 Weat 4th. Medford FOR EXCHANGE TRADE Sedan and cash for Model 'A" Ford or Chevrolet. Phone 417. TRADE Reconditioned 3-ton Cater pillar for what have you. Phone 381. FOR SALE AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE a; GMC Truck, nearly new rubber, spare. First-class con dition. Will sell for cash, terms, or trade. E. P. Brook. 843 East Msln. FOR SALE 1938 Chevrolet XV, ton 167" wheel bsse truck. 20x74 duals on rear. Will take two cow a part payment. C. T. Freemantle. Route 3. Box 645. Leonard Road, Grant Pass, Ore. FOR SALE '35 Ford V-8 Deluxe Coupe. Must be sold by Monday eve. Phone 119-L. Address, 36 Cot tage St. FOR SALE Big Six Marmon. Eight 700x20 tlrea and rtma. Average oo good rubber. Phone 588-R. FOR SALE "39 model A pickup. 665. Enamel wood range.. C. E. Rose, Losler Lane. 1939 Chrvsler "6" Royal sedan. 6750 1938 Olds "6" sedan, 8700.00. 1704 N. Riverside. FOR SALE "31 Roadster, good con dition, six good tires and tubea, 635 down, 7 payment at 610 a month. 414 So. Rlveralde. 1933 Pontlao Sedan -1930 Graham Sedan- 1929 Ford Coach 1929 Ford Sedan 1929 Ford Sedan .8145 00 96 00 65 00 89 50 8950 nd LOAN AUTO SALES 4th and North Riverside FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS BINDER TWINE for aale new aup ply now on hand at right price. F. E. SAMSON Co, 4th & Front St. FOR SALE Cheap aaddle and forge. Kenney, J'Vllle. GRAIN SACKS and TWINE almost any kind you want. All good No. 1 used sacka at less than market price. See our sacka before you buy we will save you money. F. E. SAMSON CO., 4th 44 Front Sta. FOR SALE, or general hauling. 1934 Dodse L. W. Base, with or without dump bed. 440 Benson St. FOR SALE Strawberries, 35c gallon: you pick them. Vaughn rancn, Laurelhurat road, above McLeod. FOR SALE Electric lroner. 1447-R. 610 00 Cash biiye Dinette table, two chairs. 3 other tables, large cup board, rocking chair. Stewart Ave., at Dixie Lane. A-l BREWINO CO.. Successors to Gold Seal Creamery, price of Ice delivered. 80c a hundred. Ice boxes for aale or rent. Phone 373. COMPLETE SET of Golf. Club and bag for aale. cheap. Phone 831, Jacksonville. Complete set of gardening tools, costing 635.00 for 615.00 caeh. Stewart Ave., at Dixie Lane. FOR SALE 14-ft. Sailboat. 3 yeara old, matnsall and llbaall, excellent condition. Purchaaed In San Fran cisco, professional aallboat builder. Inquire Bear Creek Orchards, phone 1190 or see at Lake o' the Woods. David Holmes cabin, thla week. FOR SALE Black republican cher ries, lc on treea, V. ml. east Owen Oregon Lumber Co., office on old airport road, J. E. Lester. FOR SALE CHEAP 18-h.p. Fairbanks-Morse fuel oil engine. Case Auto Wrecking. FOR SALE May Duke pie cherries. Sc lb. 4 mile peat Oak Orove echool. Look for algn at flrat new grey house. REDUCED PRICES ASSOCIATED FUEL OIL Burner 7c Stove 8Me MEDFORD FUEL Telephone 831 FOR SALE Blng Cherries. 833 East Main. 'mm ninllni .nvlns raahe nnlv 4 month old, bargain. Lee'a Radio and Electric. FOR SALE Electric lroner. Has been used very little. Phone 779-H. PIE CHERRIES 8c: Roysl Ann 4e. You pick. Blankenahlp. Central Point. TRAILER 3-wheei, good urea. Reaa onable. Pierce Allen Motor Co. FOR SALE Oram sacka at reason able pricee. Hilton Hop Yard. Grant Paaa, Ore. 1 0LD ,ro-,th f.ri length. very reasonable. Tel. 3071. REAL BUYS In used clothing 1406 No Riverside, acroaa from Beck' Bakery , PHONOGRAPH Recorda, on. 413 East Main. need, 61 FOR SALE I motor out of Holt 76 In flrst-clase condition. Rough, oar lumber 14 to 1x13 and some ssw mill machine rv. Central point. Rt. l. Box jsa ILOOCE AND BALED ALFALFA HAT I Ed Hanle) Ranch. Roea lane. FOR SALE I Case 8 ft combine harveater used 1 year: also used mower, binders and other farm machinery W Aieaandera Central Pwt, Or. FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS MYERS JACUZZI guaranteed water pressure systems. Flck Hardware YATES AMERICAN wood making tool. Reasonable Flck Hardware NU-WAY Mattress and Upholstering Co Phone 33 309 West 6th t PANSY, ZINNIA. ASTER, etc 10c doa Vegetable plant 30 Laurel USE 100 GENERAL PAINTS Paint -contracting. Pick Hardware. JACKS and Hana store, the House of a Thousand Bargalna Harnesa aprlng tooth, pump, ahlnglee fur niture, stoves, at 108 S drape SONQ BIRDS 1137 Weat Main St PIPE Pip and Fittings New and Deed Large stock. All size a oat out prlcea UEDFORD BAltOAIK HOUSE 37 N Grape Bt Phone 1083 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES FOR LE Medtord Suburban groc ery. Building, atock. fixtures. Oood a location. Living quarters. P. O. Box 831. Medford. MUST SELL toe cream and confec tionary business, giooo handles. See Hansen, 134 N. Riverside. Also other choice lutings. FOR SALE Meat raar'i-t, grocery, fountain: doing good bualnes Box 263 Tribune. PbRSONAL PALMIST Crystal reading. 480 Mountain Ave. Phone 3446 Ash land. Oregon. MISCELLANEOUS Electrolui Cleaner Service Pb 1058 EI.ECTROLUX Af'KNCY Phone 1056 BUSINESS DIRECTORY Auto Loan ADVANTAGES OF OUR CAR LOAN PLAN 1. No interest charged In advance 3. Your own Insurance accepted $. Car doe not have to be paid for. 4. You get the money In ten min ute. 6. Special low apnng paymenta 6. Tou deal direct and aav money See W E- THOMAS. Manager OREGON FINANCE CO. At Our Main Office 45 South Central Phon 139. License No M-31T. S20 TO $1,000 On Your Car. 1932 to 1840 Model earl and light trucke I to 18 Montha to Repay CONSUMERS' CREDIT CO. HAROLD H BROWN AGENCY Agent 133 Eaat Main M-33S Phone 607 CAR LOANS Solve your financial problema by refinancing jr borrowing LOANS ON CARS 1933-1939 Trl-State Acceptance Corp. License M-253 MARK A. GOLDY 109 E. Main. Phone 738. AUTO LOANS Tou get chock at once CARS BOUOHT and SOLD. P. T. "Jerry- YOUNO Motor Investment Co. License M-274. Tel. 159. 334 Esst 3th. Mail Tribune Daily ACROSS U Cistern 4. Corner . Paid public announce menu it. Trouble tt. Bui tor 14. Know archale la. Strings of cars 17. Arched passage was It. Religious song to. It IS' eontr. II. Hindu peasant Zt. Ch.KjrerV room I Gon bf !. Vow dialect id Think 14. Evcrgreca trtt If, Oiumbts or growl IT. Upright IS Cudgn I tncrtna 10. Complains U. Compound of y I u m U. Conjunction IT. Employed 11. Pass 14. Com tnte view II. Came to rest 4. Adhealv Solution of Yesterday'r PuzjI AlMll DpRETEBl' 1- wTn ea p a rneo tIX T E MiPiO Pll ZTNG A N NE rR,S;EggET QN S TA.BflE5jNIslA G A TQTe J A 'N'T sH b!e g SCpjOiTpT ID.E A lO ClONiftgO.V i E ' R Slj AIL A R A ffiA;N.MET TiE St Mksrultn name 19. Advcrsarr (0. South Ameri can moua tains IL Limb DOWN t Cleansing t- Ether ftl I SbellAsb v p uty J " 7 fl tiif'r " a SL- is X "'7 ,' .' . ' ' WW -MM. 2k VI 38 ;,,l2? ;: 3o 31 3Z 3i m 57 T,3t I -; . 7T 4o ' ' v ;; 7T T" 45 4J 43" "f So 7s si 7f "sa " BUSINESS DIRECTORY Dressmaking THE FASHION BHOP- Dressmaking Fur Remodeling Buttons and Buckles covered Room 803 0 S Nit mm Blast ti iibi Expert Window Claaner LEI JOE DO rr Expert Window Cleanera General bouse cleanera Floor waxing Joe Srence Phone 1173 Floor Sanding FLOOR SANDINO Phone 1733 or 1732-J-3. INSTRUCTIONS INS ("RUCTION Piano (modern and classical I violin cello, (lute, trum pet, trombone Compose, arrange tSH HENDRICK Bci 4995 Tribune PERSONAL LOANS YOU CAN BORROW 1100 If You Can Set Aside 11.68 A WEEK Other Amount In Proportion We Are Friendly Confidential Prompt. OREGON FINANCE CO. W E Thomas. Mgr. Lie No S-311 45 so. central. rnon ish Painting FRANK M SKEEN Painting and Paperhangtng. Flrst-claaa workmanahlp on all Jubs. Call at 1103 W. 10ih oi Phone 19 Radiator Repairing HOOPER'S RADIATOR SERVICE 33 South 3artlett Roofing WB REPAIR or apply any type of roof Pabco Rooflnga. Shlnglee. Coatings and Paint. Wall Paper Ekerson Pslnt nd Roof Co. 38 So Bartlett Tel 243 Stocks and Bond ONLY STOCK TICKER service In Oregon outside of Portland -continuous quotations during market hours M N Hogan el Co.. 31 E Main 8U Medford. Cloaing time (os Too Law to Clas sify Ada le 1:80 p m Transfer CITY TRANSFER as STORAGE CO Houaebold moving and general hauling 39 8 Grape Phone 3050 day or night. DAVIS TRANSFER AND STORAGE 40 8 Fir Street Insured Carriers Local and Long Distance Hauling Phone 644 EADS TRANSFER ex STORAGE CO Offices 18 South Fir Phone 816 Prices right. Service guaranteed FURNITURE MOVINO AND STOR AGE We have Van moving equip ment (or local and long distance hauling. Dry and clean atorage (concrete building) with epertal locker rooms at low rates. SAMSON lTORAGE WAREHOUSE Phone 833 LEGAL NOTICES Notice To Creditors In the County Court of the State of Oregon for the County of Jackson. In the Matter of the Eatat of Nora D. Bryaon. deoeaeed. Notice I Hereby Olven that I have been duly and regularly appointed Admtnlatrator of the above entitled estate under and by virtue of an order of the County Court of Jack son County, Oregon, duly made, ren Cross -Word Puzzle SI. Deotnne 14. Onp ore serve It, Course of travel ?H It- former Presi dent s DICK' name ST. PI k el I He Osb St. Palmyra palm leaf IL Pronoun IS. Denoting th maiden name St. Before Si. Uiscard as worthies St. Order IS. Receptacle for coaj 4L Horn of KT or prate IS. Take th eve nlng meal IS. first consid eration of th egolet 44. Part of mta strel show 4S Point of Urn 41 Ratify o Relieve S0 Haul 43 Mineral sprlrg 64. Foot I lite part t7. Northwest state: abbr. 4 Beard of grala S. (j use medicine v T. Ben tin contract I. Blunder 9. Off ln Extinct bird 11 Let It stand 14. Tavern 11 Vault under a eh urea dered and entered en June 10th. 1940. and all creditors having clalma against said deceased are hereby notified to present the asm duly vended to m at Rooms 301-5 United State National Bank Bulldlrar. Med ford. Oregon, within alx months from the date o( thla notice. Dated at Medford. Oregon, this 10th day of June, 1940. Wm. M. MCALLISTER. Administrator of the Estate of Nora D. Bryaon, deceased. Notice To Creditors In the County Court of the State of Oregon (or th County of Jackson. In the Matter of the Estate of Lester W, Irwin, deceased. Notice la Hereby Given that I have been dulv and regularly ap pointed Administratrix of the above entitled estate under and by virtue of an order of the County Court of Jarkeon County. Oregon, duly made, rendered and entered upon May 16th, 1940. and all creditors having claims aislnst said deceased are hereby not ified to present the same duly veri fied to me at the office of -iy attorneys. Roberts ca McAllister. Rooms 301-303. United State Na tional Bank Building. Medford. Ore ion, within aiv month from the date of thte notice. Dated at Mrdlord. Oregon, tnu 30th day of May. 1940. ELIZABETH A. IHWia. Administratrix of the Estate of Lester W. Irwin, deceased. Nolle To Creditors In the County Court of the Stat of Orton for Jackson county. In the Matter of the Estate of Henry A. Gray. Deceased. Notice la Hereby Given that th county court of the aut of Oregon, for Jackson county, haa appointed the undersigned. Porter J. Neff. ad mlnlstrator of the eatat of Henry A. Gray. Deceased. All persona having claims against said estate are required to preeent them with proper vouchers within six months from this date to Neff U Frohnmayer, 203 Cooley Theatre Bldg.. Medford, Oregon. Dated: May 37. 1940. PORTER J. NEFF. Administrator. Nntlr To Creditor-: In the County Court of th 8Ut of Oregon for th County of Jack son. In th Matter of the IsUt of Prtuik O. Anderior. lceied. The underMirnM hevlnf oeen ap pointed hv the ebove entitled Court of the Stete of Orenon. for the County eforetuld, Eieutiii of the Ettatt or Frank o. Anaereon. a ceased, and having qualtfted. notice U hereby given to the creditor or. and all persona having claims M'nt said deceased, to present them, eert fled u required by la, wtthln all months after the flrat publication of this notice to O. H. Bentaon. Attorney for Executrix, at 130 Eaat Main Street. Medford. Oregon. ELLEN ANDERSON. Executrix of th Eatat of Frank G. Anderson, Daotaaed. Dated June S. 1940. O. H. BengUon. Attorney for Executrix. 136 Eaat Main Street. Medford, Oregon. Nntlre of Sheriff's Hale On the 18th day of June. 1B40, at the hour of 10:00 o';lock, A. M I will sell to the highest bidder for cash the following deacrtbed personal property located tn Josephine County, Oregon: Assay balance and weight Polp balance and weight Braun melting furnace Montgomery Ward gaaoltn engine and hand crank 1 Bucking board and muller 1 Industrial 3 -gallon grease gun for Caterpillar t A le mite Hydraulic hand grease gun 1 Plain end wrench I RD4 semi-Die! Caterpillar. motor No. 87AE5084, and aerial No. 43440. Bids for said property must be submitted In writing to th County Clerk of Josephine County. Oregon, prior to said date and hour, and a separata bid must be made each article. The right la reserved to reject any and all blda. and said aal Is made subject to confirmation by the Circuit Court or the Btste of Oregon for Josephine County. Thla uie is maa under r n order issued out of th circuit Court of th Ctat of Oregon for Josephine Coun ty, in th case of Victor o. Hugh and John B. Fanchlnl. plaintiffs, vs. I. e. Kiumpp. defendant. Dated this 3rd dsv of June, 1040. A. DONLEY BARNEfl, Sheriff. NOTICE OP TIVAt aRTTl-KMENT IN THE COUNTY COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON FOR JACK SON COUNTY. IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF ALICE E. CHASE, Deceased. The undersigned haa filed In th County Court of Jackson County, Oregon, the final account of hi administration of th Eatat of Alio E. Chaa. deceased, and said Court haa flied Saturday, July 16. 1040. at the hour of 10:00 A M . of aald day. at the courtroom of aald Court, at the Court House In Medford, Jsca eon County, Oregon, as the time and plac for the hearing of objections to aald final account, and for th settlement of aald eetat. All person Interested In ald es tate sre hereby notified and required to make or file their objections to aid final account. If any they have, on or before the time aforeaald. filed for the hearing and settlement there of. Date of this notice and th first publication thereof. Is June 17. 1940. O. H BENOTSON, Admlnlstrstor. 136 Esst Main Street, Medford, Oregon. NOTICE OF Ft'm.ln HF-tMIVO Th. OREOON MIIK CONTROL BOARD will bold public hearing on Wedneaday. June 19th, at 9:00 am. 1n the Coui ty Cojrt Houee. Medford. Oregon, to receive evidence and testimony on estebllehment of market areas, quotas, wholesal and retail prices to dlatrlbutors and con sumers, prices to producera and such other matters as will bear on these aubiecte. OREOOM MILK CONTROL BOARD C. E Orel!, chairman, A E. Fngbretaon Ol.nn B Marsh Fern Valley, June 17. (Spl.) Mr. and Mrs. Allan Busey are the parents of an eight-pound baby girl born June 12 at the Community Hospital In Ashland. She has been named Kathleen Anne. Mr. Buasey Is expected home soon from the Hawaiian Islands, his enlistment In the U. S. navy expiring June 15. alias rruul Porter of The Dalle Fern Valley visited Mrs D. K. Fuhl arid family Friday. Walter Hushes left to return to San Diego Tuesday and Mr. and Mr. R. L. Hughes to Albuquerque. M. M.. Wedneaday after being her several days, coming to attend the funeral of their brother, T. R- Hughes, Tues day. Josephine Kantor. Aurtol John- eon and Norman William are attend ing 4-H summer echool at Corvalll. Mr. Lewis suffered an arm injury Friday. Mrs. Kantor'a nelc la visiting her from Chicago. An open meeting waa held at the school house June 14 to due use con solidation with Phoenix or the bet terment of th condition of the school here. Th grading toward standarlcation waa lee than fifty per cent, beginning last year and a num ber of the parenta are working dili gently to correct condition, eapectal ly towards sanitation Further dis cussion will b held Jun IT, which I thh snnual school meeting. Coun ty School Superintendent Bowmaa assisted with bringing all th finan cial data of present standing. Ed Marebal! Injured his back last week and 1 confined to bed for sev eral day. Mr. L. O. Penland waa a Medford ahopper Friday. Nichols Branch Nichols Branch, June 17. Spl. A birthday party was held June 12 at the W. R. Hoi man home for Henry Holman, Verna Mathews, Mrs. G. H. Pur tel and Mabel Harnish. Four beautifully decorated birthday akes were served and all hon- orees received presents. Attend ing were Mr. and Mrs. Jack Dronhy and family, Mr. and Mrs. Bertland Stanley, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Stanley. Mr. and Mrs. E. Noble. Mr. and Mrs. G. H. Pursel and son, Donnle, Mr. and Mrs. L. H. Tibbitts and family. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Harnish and daushter. Helen. Jackie Ross, Rill ShouD. Henry. Bill ana Mury Ellen Holman, Vic Da hack. Mr. and Mrs. Verna Ma thews, Anna Brophy, Margaret Hannaford and daughter, Phyl lis, and the hostess. Mrs. Hoi man. . Henry Holman pnt Sunday urlth Glenn Hobbf. Recent Kuestl at th V. K. Mathewi home wer Mr. nd tlrg. Llndaey TibbitU and fm ily. Mr. and Mri. G. H. Furaell and Donnie, and Bill Shoup. Neva and Mary Ellen Holman and Nora Mathewi shopped ln Medford Tuesday. Mr. Bennie Boren and chil dren spent Thursday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. uiu not man. Denies Obligation Butte. Mont. W) A manicur ist accused a customer of walk ing out of the shop without pay ing for service on his nails. When police caught up with him ha said he didn't think he was morally obliged to pay." I went to sleep ln the barbers chair and she Just went ahead and worked on my hands, he said. Baggar'a Pockets Butte Mont. OP) When some one made a wisecrack about his Income tax, a crippled man hold ing a tin cup on a West Park street corner became enraged Patrolman Del Rodda overheard me argument, became suspici ous and led the beggar to Jail There police found 31 pounds of silver coins In 11 bags amri buted through his pockets, plus $15 in currency. The coins wero taken to a bank for machine count. Loat-AndTound Week Kansas City, Mo. UP) It must have been lost-and-found week in Missouri. At Hamilton, a wo man was digging ln her flower bed and uncovered a cuff link button her sister lost 40 years ago. It was in as good condition as Its mate, kept In a jewel dox all these years. At Cape isirar drau highway patrolmen, noti fied Mrs. Laura Daum they had found the purse she lost a year ago. It contained her rings and address but 175 was missing. Pocket Shot CK-.n nlrle was sort of a side pocket shot that o.n P.nner made en the Owen Panner made on the Shawnee golf course. Blasting from a sand trap, Panner shot wild one high into the air. It came down 2S yards away ln Jeff Bozarth coat pocket. Bo zarth wa unaware of th ball' presence until another specta toi told him what had happened Swell Tim CoffeyvUle, K. 0P It w commencement week t St. Paul' Evangelical Lutheran scnool commencement of the mump. Just befor the cere monies, all five students sched uled to be graduated came down with the mump. Shoe Traded Walhalla. S. C. 0P Arthur Srown sold" an automobile th down payment on which In cluded: Cash. 28 cent; old shoe $1; one rooster, 74 cent. Or new pair of trousers, a spotted d-g and two overcoats were listed as security. The automo bile sold for lloJ. LODGE NOTICES CRATER LAKE CHAPTER, No. 33. R. A. M. Stated convocation Tueeday, June 18U. R. L. BARTON. H. P. SCOTTISH RITE Special Chapter meeting 7:30 p m. June 17th. Work In fifteenth degree. I K. William. Beety. CARPENTERS LOCAL, J067, meet A. F of L Hall (tret and thiid Friday ach month. Vial ting member wel- Meteorological Report Forecast Uedford and vicinity! OenerallT (air tonlcht and Tuesday, UtUrs chani In temperature. Oregon: Oenerally lair toBbrnt an Tueeday with fogs en th coast, alajhtly warmer nortlveut portion to night, moderate northerly wind on the coast. Local Data Temperature a year ago today: highest el. lowest 44. Total monthly precipitation, .41 Inches; deficiency for th month. Inch. Total precipitation alnc Aeptem ber 1, 193. 33 35 Inche; exess for th season, 8.00 lnche. Relative humidity at p. nv yee Urday 30 percent; h a. m. today 79 pront. Tomorrow: sunrise 4:15 a. m. .sun set T:4( p. m. Observations Taken al 4:10 a. saw ItO Meridian Tim. irmmr hS 2 K ? CITT H h f 69 S9 69 60 51 U S3 S4 6 6 TS 66 61 61 64 67 T 66 71 jOO P Cloudy AO Cloudy 40 Cloudy .00 P Cloudy J00 Cloudy JOO Cloudy .00 Cloudy .00 Clear .00 Cloudy .00 Cloudy JOO p Cloudy JOO P Cloudy JX Clear .00 Clear JOO P Cloudy .00 Cloudy 4K P Cloudy JOO Cloudy T Cloudy JOO P Cloudy Boston Chicago Denver . Kureaa -Havre Lo Angcle 71 Medford . 94 New Tor 1 a omah . Phoenix -ii - 71 -104 Portland , Reno , Roeeburg S4 Salt Lake 100 San Franclaoo 70 Seattle 71 Spoken ! Wean., D. C 19 Wena tehee . 84 t Travel Table ark planes Northbound Leav. Man Close 4:37 a. m. t:Sl a. m. ' 13:03 p.m. 11:17 a.m. 1:43 p.m. (Flag stop) No Mali S:13 p.m. (Flag atop) IM p. as. atkkoea Use Mails Close 1136 a.m. 10:40 am. 6:16 p.m. (Flag atop) t-M p. as. 11:00 m. 11:1 p. av TRAINS Kortnkoea Leave 10:4 am. S 4 aaa. 6:06 P. m. 7:0 p. m. oathboand Lure tun Close J0a.m. TJOam. :40 p. m. : 161 torus 1:30 am. 7:60 am. 19 a m. 10 P. DL 6:46 p m. 10:40 p m. South 11:1 am, 6:60 a. an, Mia. "M p m. 6 oo p m. M p. as. T Kleaaau rail 4 a and p as. () To oraata Pa only. () To Ashland only. Leaded Hea Seguln, Tex. (") Th bat tling brethren ln Europe might be able to find use for a Guada lupe county hen owned by Mrs. B. A. Heyer. Mr. Heyer found a JB-caliber pistol cartridge In side an egg. lick Together Aklahoma City 0P Tha II children who war promoted this year from the -A grade at Gatewood school to Junior high had an unusual record. They en tered kindergarten together and remained together throughout their grade school careers. Cloeing tun for Too tue to Clas sify Ad 1 M p a. Cart-' VV1rWwwMrf.rTactle Oosy eoneea. fitted ta yaye w cawss. Ywr cor need not b ruAy paid few. .)vce yeer presevw peyaaenrs. Why mot esk est CcaCisncsreltal llwsiiiMCaryatattvWi ItlH 6L Stais, street. Mewfasv) 11. Urea M-IM mm ase-se-w a