PAGE NINE Wallace Beery In Saga Of Death Valley Pioneers On Craterian Bill "If I Had My Way" Coming To Craterian Wednesday Another "Lone Wolf" Show Coming I How They Grew", starring Edith Fellows and an all star cast, plays as the added feature with "Geronimo". This engage, ment is the first time the "Five Little Peppers" feature has been shown in Medford thua making It a first-run feature. ORIGINAL LOCALE Si. DEATH VALLEY I E MEDFORD MAIL TRIBUNE, MED FORD, OREGON. SUNDAY. JUKE 9, 1940. "Geronimo" " ' '; anna mai l ';l ' '. . ' " - ' , jc-W - t, 4 - TaJ ; Leo Carrillo and Marjorie Rambeau in Brilliant Roles Many in Cast. Wallace Beery and Leo Car rillo who teamed sensationally as Pancho Villa and his lieuten ant in "Viva Villa!" Join forces for the first time again in "20 Mule Team." saga of the pio neers of Death Valley, which opens today at the Craterian Theatre. Beery is seen as Bill Bragg, veteran muleskinner of the des ert trail, driving back and forth through blistering heat to the railroad at Mojave, 162 miles away, while Carrillo appears as his faithful "swamper , the In dian Piute Pete. Completing the trio of leads is veteran charac ter actress Marjorie Rambeau as Josie Johnson, owner of the hotel and saloon where Beery is in the habit of "undehydrat ing" himself. Filmed in the original locale among the sand dunes, sun baked canyons and salt pools of Death Valley, "20 Mule Team" tells of the fight to find a new "mother lode" of borax and of the efforts of Josie to earn enough to give her daughter, Jean, an education. Jean is played by Anne Baxter, new comer from the New York stage, who jilts the young company paymaster and tries to elope with a gambler. Stag Roper. Noah Beery, Jr., joins his uncle for the first time, playing the paymaster, Mitch, while Doug las Fowley is seen as Stag. Typical Western gunfights and desert battles highlight the action which involves such ' other popular character actors as Clem Bevans, playing the prospector, Chuchawalla; Ber ton Churchill as "Jackass" Brown, head of the Desert Bor ax Company, Arthur Holil, Clem Bevans, Charles Halton, Minor Watson, Oscar O'Shea and Lloyd Ingraham. Liberia, with a population of 1,500.000, almost entirely African, baa so railroads. 11 i7 I Like an old "tin-type", the main leads of "If I Had My Way", which comes to the Cra terian Theatre Wednesday for a four day run, put on their best "sour-cusses". Bing Crosby and Charlei Winninger are the pessimistic looking gents, while little Gloria Jean and El Bren del can't help but "smile at the birdie". '' i New songs performed In the irresistable Crosby manner, the second appearance of the gifted songbird, Gloria Jean (of "Un derpup" fame) and the addition of five of the most famous of old-time vaudeviluans, promises some outstanding film fare. Old timers who appear In the pic ture, are Trixie Friganza. Grace La Rue, Julian Eltinge, Blanche Ring and the great minstrel man, Eddie Leonard. Eight song hit are included in the picture. Edward Robinson In Dramatic Role On Rialto Screen "The Story of Dr. Ehrlick's Magic Bullet", a film construct ed along the same lines as "The Story of Louis Pasteur", opens a three day run today at the New Rialto Theatre with Ed ward G. Robinson in the star ring role. Robinson has his greatest role to date as Dr. Ehr lick and is said to give a per formance equal to those which Paul Muni gave in "The Story of Louis Pasteur" and in "Emile Zola". William Dieterle, Holly wood's most famous maker of biographical pictures Jncluding both "Pasteur" and "Zola", di rected the new screen master piece. "Louis Pasteur" paid tribute to Dr. Pasteur, eminent French scientist. "Dr. Ehrlick's Magic Bujlet" is an entertaining and dramatic picturization of the life and work in the medical field of Dr. Paul Ehrlick, win ner of the Nobel Priie for his scientific discoveries. 1 art the itath-1 -. VNiJCkLN i1 J 1 :dcvi'.i l mmmt elun drew akdt bevbce j hsjss TODAY-For 3 Days! I kt h I n rk wifm Flrtlon'a Moil First Mtdford vA.f .C-'ti Showing... mPl It so happens that Ehrlick was a friend and disciple of Pasteur, and carried on some of the work that the French sci entist started. Like Pasteur, Dr. Ehrlick sought constantly to es tablish an ever closer relation ship between medicine and chemistry. He named and sought that recurrent dream of every sincere microbe hunter, a "ma gic bullet" which would kill mi crobes, just as a cartridge from a rifle will kill big game. For Dr. Ehrlick, this dream came true, to the infinitely great benefit of all mankind. And un like most great men Dr. Ehr lick lived to see the glory heaped upon his head by a wor shiping mankind. A picture that is truly dif ferent, amazing and true, "Dr. Ehrlick's Magic Bullet" also stars in a large cast Ruth Gor don as Mrs. Ehrlick. Miss Gor don was recently commended for her portrayal of Mary Todd Lincoln in Raymond Massey's "Abe Lincoln in Illinois". Others include Donald Crisp, Donald Meek, Maria Ouspenskaya, Otto Kruger and Sig Rumann. "The Crooked Road", Featur ing Edmund Lowe. Henry Wit coxon and Irene Hervey, plays as the added feature with the Robinson opus. El Air Research Grant Corvallis, June 8. (P) The national advisory committee for aeronautici has offered a $1000 research grant to the Oregon State college mechanical engin eering department for study of aircraft structure stresses this summer. Ruppert Esiata 7 Million New York, June 8. OPl Col Jacob Ruppert, the baseball and brewing magnate; left an estate of only about $7,000,000 instead of the $30,000,000 to $70,000,000 with which he was popularly credited, the executives' tenia tive accounting disclosed today. When "The Lone Wolf Meets! A Lady", anything might hap pen and in the comedy-drama by that title which comes to the New Rialto Theatre for Wednes day and Thursday events which follow the meeting in clude two murders, a hue and cry for a stolen pearl necklace.! dcsDerate battles with both the! police and the underworld and' Ashlanders Wad In Reno sundry other adventures includ-l Reno, Nev., June 8. UP) ing romance. Warren William I Marriage licenses issued here again portrays the sly Lonej today included Jack Conner, Wolf and lovely Jean Muin21, and Dena Sollee, 18, both plays the lady in the case. Oth-' Ashland, Ore. ers In the cast include Eric Blore. Victor Jory, Roger Pryor and Warren Hull. "The Crooked Road", featur ing Edmund Lowe, Henry Wil- coxon and Irene Hervey, Is scheduled to play as the com panion action feature with "The Lone Wolf Meets A Lady". The title role of "Geronimo' most feared and ruthless Apache savage to spread havoc in the great Southwest, is played by Chief Thunder Cloud in the film which opens a three day run today at the Roxy Theatre. The stirring story of the vengeance-driven savage who mas sacred, plundered and burned a trail of terror through Arizona, New Mexico and Texas is told with an all-star cast Including Preston Foster, Andy ' Devine, Ellen Drew, William Henry, Ralph Morgan and Gene Lock hart. Thousands of extras are added to the cast as Indian braves and members of the Uni ted States Army sent to the Southwest to curb the horror reign of Geronimo. "Five Little Peppers and EGG, ILK ROLES Salem, June 8. Ore gon's milk-control law, egg grading regulations, public util ity districts and taxation all will go on the griddle Monday as the state Grange opens Its 67th convention. Eighty-seven resolutions will be offered the delegates. Grangers will discuss farm mortgages against a background of the Frazier-Lemk bill. ..rinatn7 7, . - - - wive,"'"- I Alexandria, June 8. The Egyptian government today suddenly sent 6,000 children and aged men and women from Alex andria to the interior as all Ital ian ships in the Mediterranean were reported to have receiver' orders to return immediately ! Italy. A widespread war move the Mediterranean was belitv imminent. Soldiers and police visits hundreds of homes here short ly after dawn and ordered an immediate evacuation by special trains. Italian shipping agents an nounced the orders for all their ships to go back to Italy. At the same time, the steamship com panies refused to accept further bookings for passage to Italy. LOSES LONG HAIR Hollywood, June 8. OP) Dorothy Lamour has won a va cation from her sarong but it cost her her long, coal-black hair. The actress wept a little as a studio makeup man snipped off her locks in response to an or der from executives that the ac tress try a new style of hair- dress. Miss Lamour submitted to the shears only after being assured she would wear sports clothes and evening gowns bull no sarong in her next picture.! TODftY - for 3 Days! .. The Greatest Adventure the Screen Has Known..'. , He cam from nowhere . . a brave young "man In ' white" , . to defy convention . . io flout tradition . . to do what other men dreamed of dolngl . . Here Is drama! . . High adventurel . . The more thrilling because it Is truel Edv.G. erttk RUTH GORDON 0H0 KRUGER DONALD CRISP In (he most mazing, different plcturt ever filmed liAT With th lam deftneu that h martn "Th Ml TN 1 fmltlve" Into "Pasteur" and "Zola" m Wm. lit " A Dieterle, famoui director, turn "Little Caesar" if taaw. - y made "The "Zola" m Wm. Dieterle, famoui director, turn "Little Caesar" 4 Into one of the creatett characterliaUons the V screen will ever see 1 1 THE STORY OF DriHRLICHS MAiDS mWif "GIRL IN SIS" plays today at t:oo -'. :U III 8be'tl-0"'T fU DR. EHRLiril" playa W mL - VhSi "B ' 'lo,,, CSl nmiikli- M Hurl ToiIuv at l:ts aim .l:im J:o and :1S Mallnn-s nc - 30c Etruluia k"K - 4llc e Kiddles lor Anytime MM OUT OF THE "HELL.HOI.E OF rnRHTTOr? HOARS DEERT'O GREATEST DRAMA! - : Ct" k whln.tolln' . . aun.hlaaln' eavata fnia the badlands . . snakln' 20 lop-eared Jeckrabbils across the bllslarln' desert . . and eussln' every foot of the wayl . , Here's Beerf as you like him best . . in the dramatic saga of Death Valley . . land of fabulous fortune . . in the lusty deys of early California! 4 1 ' early Californial . " US mm t 1 .esatseiawT .LKi.mmo loua, at s:w-4:ie-;e.l:ie e fl-ITtBt- I o-;:IOl:Oe Mat, int.j I rnYTCTJCrXil I r,r I1LMED HI RK th SIS MrfT th rE.BT IN COI.OKHU. SCENIC DEATH VALM.Y1 TODAY - 3 Days Only. PLUS THESE ADDED HITS: 'Night Descends on Treasure Island' The Fair at nltht . . eotorful, pTla-alar . u seen by the ma fit of the motion ptrt ore ramera "The Old South" News Events Miniature of World Affairs 03DflESQ 0 MARJORIE mNN DOUGLAS TJlC P I UAMKILLU nADtAU DAAItK rUWLLT VWl m L 1 a Cemplfie ehowa Todar 1S-I:IS-7:(K)-:15