i 1 r MEDFOKD MAIL TRIBUNE. METFORD. OREGON. THURSDAY. JUNE 6. 1940. PAGE FIVE Stomch Trouble Cleveland, Ohio W) A coal chute gave way under Patrol man Simon L. Savage. His am ple mid-section Jammed against the sides of the chute, leaving Savage helpless while an amused crowd congregated, was finally hoisted out. He Prsysrful Prospect St. Joseph, Mo. WV- Dekalb county's new oil test has been started with a prayer. A group of people of Greek extraction, financially interested in it, brought a minister from Kan sas City to anoint the well with Cooperative Refinery Phillipsburg, Kans. iP A new oil refinery has been open ed here which sponsors claim is holy water and pray. Then they j the first one in the United States sprinkled flowers on the owned and operated by the con ground. I sumers who buy its products. It has a capacity of 88,000 barrels of refined fuel daily. Freshmen Are Taller. Seattle, Wash. ftJ.Ri Statis tics at the University of Wash ington show that the average freshman student of today is heavier, taller and younger than the freshman of 1908. Thirty-two years ko the aver age freshman weighed s'ightly less than 140 pounds and was 5 feet 8 inches tall. Don't Miss. Reno.' Nev. U Rl The fire department believes it has about the mist sensitive alarm service in the country. Painters using steam to remove calsomine from the ceiling of a hotel room. brought the department. A few weeks previously heat gener ated by slacking lime caused an alarm. Finally, the depart ment replied to a fira alarm call from next door to the fira house. fin ' J ftl 111 Quality for Quality. . . Line for Line WARDS PRICES ARE LOWER! 4! Riverside "Rambler" 6.00-16 size with your old tirt Ward Riverside 6.00-16 six. with your old tiro W Rivertidt Deluxe 6.00-16 size with your old tire SIZE I RlTCTitds Itu I RlrareMt iumblrr Rlterelde DtLave 4.40-21 sTi 85.75 66.95 4.50-20 8.25 5.95 6.65 4.50-21 ) 5.4 i 8.15 6.95 4.7519 8,55 6.35 7.15 8.00-19 5.98 6.90 t 7.20 8.25-18 6.45 8.95 8.30 8.5017 i 6.80 j 7.85 6.7S u othir mu MOfoinomrnr iow-swcid Mm toclw. nm M hi nckwt WARDS WARRANTY Wards warrant every Riverside Tire to give satisfactory service without limit as to months, years or miles. Should any Riverside Tire fail to give satis factory service, Wards will repair it FREE OF CHARGE or replace it, charging only for service rendered. Necessary ad justments at any Ward Retail Store or Mail Order House. As Little as 91 Weekly Buys 4 Tires and Tubes MONTGOMERY BEFORE YOU BUY TIRES COMPARE JET PRICES Yes, compare NET price, the price you are) j actually asked to pay per tire. Do this, and' t you'll find that quality for quality, line forJine, ' Riverside's net prices are LOWER! Just as they've always been in the past. Whether you own a. Model T Ford or the latest model Cadillac, Wards sell a tire for your car higher in quality and lower in price I Let Wards Tire Man show you how Riverside's high quality and low net price gives you lowest cost-per-mile I Don't be fooled by big discounts off "inflated" list prices ("25, 40, 50 and 60 discount"offers)l Don't be confused by "give-away" offers ("2nd Tire; $1" or "3rd Tire Free") based on "inflated" list pricesl Don't be misled when they offer you a cheapened", quality "bargain" tire, masquerading under a formerly reputable brand name ("Former List Price $10.65 . . NOW $6,661")! WARD TELEPHONE 1M 117 SOUTH CENTRAL