MEDFORD MAIL TRIBUKE. TEDFORD. OKEGONT. TUESDAY, JUNE 4. 1940. PAGE FIVE LOCAL and PERSONAL Tuffl ie Mnet Rebekah lodge degree team will convene Wed- nessday evening at 7:30 in the LO OT. hall. Mti Away Frank Been, private in the itate police de partment, and Mrt. Been are Jpending several weeks in Pert land vacationing. The couple left yesterday. armlt Home Stuart Y. Armit of Bll Whitman avenue return ed to Medford this morning by train from San Francisco where n transacted business since Saturday. .... New Residence L. C. Dan spoiled at the city building in spector's office yesterday for a permit to build a new residence it 35 Chestnut street at a stated cost of $1,000. I. A. Spencei of 110 North Bartlett street ap plied for a permit to construct a rear porch at a stated cost of $45. M.mbar Here Bernard F. Mambey, assistant regional di rector of the national park ser nice, fourth region in San Fran cisco, arrived in Medford by train this morning from the .north to make an inspection trio to Crater Lake national park- and the Lava Beds na tinnal monument. He was ac- nvnoanied to the park by E. P, Leavitt. park superintendent. Mr. Mambey will stop at Mt Lassen national park en route home. Ai Airport M. Chumbly, an associate of the Troy Flying Service at Troy, Ohio, and a demonstrator of Waco planes, stopped at Medford municipal airport this morning- to have his Waco plane refueled. He arrived from Klamath Falls and left for Portland. A late ar rival yesterday was Hcrschel Laughlin, United Air Lines pilot and a lieutenatit In the U. S. army air corps reserve, who stopped to have his North Amer ican basic trainer serviced. He was en route from Seattle, Wash., to Sacramento, Cal. In Jail Three men. all charg ed with selling liquor to In dians, were brought from Klam ath Falls this morning and lodged in the county jail here by Paul Hanlin, U. S. deputy marshal. The men were listed as Charles DeRocher, 41. Paul Larson, 55, and Reece A. Grif fith. 41. all of Klamath Falls. " They all (cce liquor-selling charges for the first time and so they will be taken directly Into U. S. district court at Port land on Informations, Mr. Han lin said. The men had hearings last night before U. S. Commis sioner Bert C. Thomas in Klam ath Falls and each was held in $2500 bail. Plana Passnnasrs W. B Slack and W. L. Wood arrived from San Francisco by United Mainliner early this afternoon and Gus Newbury left on the same plane for Portland. K. E. Conklin arrived from the north this forenoon and Mr. and Mis. George S. Hamilton of Grants Pass departed on the same plane for Los Angeles. H. Kaplan and O. H. Welch arrived from the north last midnight and D. Feldstein left on the same plane r Sacramento. Cal. M. D. field arrived from the south en the northbound flagstop Mainliner last night. R. Far- mae arrived from Portland on the evening southbound Main liner and Mrs. Nlon Tucker and Pul R. Williams left on the same plane for San Francisco. Emery Brown arrived from the south on the northbound after noon Mainliner and leaving on the same plane were Mr. and Mrs. F. M. Wolford and L. B Coneway, for Seattle, Wash.. and Mrs. R. E. Russell and , Mrs. W. L.. Robertson, for Port land. Higgins Family Released Mrs. Haiel Gllmore was recently released from Sacred Heart hospital where she received medical care for two weeks, and is living at 11 South Orange street. Mrs. Gil more is reported to be much improved in health. ' Visit Ends Coleman Sprague of Spencer City, Iowa, left yes terday for Riverside. Cal , to visit relatives after a brief visit here at the home of his cousin, Frank Howell. 320 North Ivy street. Traveling by motorcar, Mr. Sprague arrived from the north Friday, having toured in the northwest while en route to Medford from Spencer City. V Crass Fire About two acres of grass in a large vacant area on Wellington Height burned yesterday before the fire de partment's chemical crew could suppress the blaze. No property was In danger and no damage was done. Chief Roy Elliott re ported. He said it was thought children had set the grass on fire and an investigation was being made. Firemen answered the alarm at 4:45 p. m. Mm "Lillian Russell" Opens Tomorrow Minor Accident W. J. Rob erts of 720 West Second street reported to city police today that a tire blew out on his automobile on East Jackson boulevard a block east of Cra ter Lake avenue, Monday after noon, causing the car to strike two parked vehicles owned by R. H. Stone of Sblcm and Wal ter Bergman of Medford. Dam age was minor and nobody was injured, Roberts stated. Cars operated by Ray Yost and Joe E. Kingsley, both of Medford were involved in a slight mis hap on Ross Lane Monday after noon, a report on file said to day. MUCH WAR BOOTY TAKEN, IS CLAIM (Contlnud from Page One.) m '4 Tne screen a favorite fun lov ing, scatter-brained. ail-Ameri can screen clan the Higgins Family are at the New Rialto theater for today and tomorrow only in their newest laugh opus. "Grandpa Goes to Town." The fun starts with the Hlg- ginses buying a run down hotel in a Nevada "ghost town irom a slicker real estate agent and their trying to bring business in under false colors by spreading the rumor that gold has been found, after grandpa witnesses the rehearsal of a Hollywood motion picture company on lo cation and takes their picture making for the real thing. The townsfolk try to lynch poppa Higgins, dux oranapa comes to the rescue with the most hilarious climax ever given to a photoplay. James, Lucile and Russell Gleason are starred with Harry Davenport as Grandpa. An ex hibition prize fight is featured in the film between Arturo Go- doy and Maxie Rosenbloom. "Murder in the Air," featur ing Ronald Reagan, plays as the companion feature. ' SfiMir8 Gun Law Harry Carey Keeps Tim Holt at the end of a gun in "The Law West of Tombstone," which comes to the Roxy Theater for tomorrow and Thursday as the companion feature with "You Can't Get Away With Murder, starring Humphrey Bogart. The spectacular production of "Lillian Russell," which comes to the Craterian theater tomor row for a four-day engagement, features Alice Faye in the title role, with Don Anieche. Henry Fonda and many other favorites. Shown with Miss Faye are (from top right, reading clockwise): Don Ameche, Edward Arnold (as Diamond Jim Brady), Ernest Truex, Lynn Bari, Joseph Caw- thorn. Weber & Fields, Una PRESBYTERIAN OFFERS OF ago "I feared It would be my hard lot to announce the greatest military disaster in our long hlatory." Churchill warned Britain that "we must expect another blow to be struck almoet Immedlaely at ua or at the French. and he declared vigor ously: "Britain will carry this war to victory If necessary foe years If nec essary alone. Some observers wondered If the "alone" comment may have been linked with a London report several days efi-o that Hitler waa preparing to offer separate peace to Britain and Prance in an attempt to split the allies. . Both nations have vowed they would not accept Individual peace. The German high command also claimed 400 allied planes ware de stroyed In hangars and on the ground In addition to TV snot down yesterday. "Nine of our own machines are missing," the communique said. Paris said 17 Oerman planea were shot down In yesterday s aerial at tack on the "Trench capital. II Dare Barked Mussolini's cabinet stamped the eral of official approval on Italy a still undisclosed war plans as France signalled "no retaliation" on Oerman civilian populations In the wake of the mass air attack by sow naa war- planea on Pans. Authorised French circles aaio me government would regerd the Bour- lons raid, which took a tou oj -m dead and 8SJ wounded, as aimed at military objectives" not a raid on an open city. TTanca could -jueiuiabiy attaca factories around Berlin. It was said, but not clvUlans themselves. Time bombs dropped by the high flying Natla were still enplodlng In Pans today. Berlin was quiet overnight, al though It hsd been evpected that the allies might pay a -return call" on the Oerman capital. and Mrs. Hughes; H. R. Goold. secretary-treasurer, and Mrs. Goold; Bert Lowry, Jr., chair man of educational committee, and Mrs. Lowry. Mr. and Mrs. Etha Wall, Mr and Mrs. Jack Moran, Mr. and Mrs. V. A. Turpln. Harold Ar cher, Mr. and Mrs. ChetGuches. Mr. and Mrs. Ole Jensen, Mr. and Mrs. M. Hittle, Mr. and Mrs. Ellis Randies, Mr. and Mrs. George Waterman. l-BCWf electric hot plat, slightly used. New (looo, aall. for WOO. Ilia w. Uain St. ELDERLY lady wants housekeeping or ranch eooe'ig. box IBS, Tribune. TOUNO women wants hour work: excellent cleaning and laundress. Phone SSt-X. BACHELOR apartment and 44 So. Front. $1350 Vancouver Ave 4-room. modern bungalow, garage: laundry trays, a real buy. To oloee estate. Phone Mr. Beebe. t-lS-X 101 8. Central Ave. Apt. No. 4. FOR SALS Piano. Ill Elm Street. MARRIED MAN desires work of any kind. 1034 North Central. WANTED Woman for light house work. Inquire at 300 No. Peach. FOR RENT S-room modern bouse, close In, electric range and oil heater furnished, S3S. Water paid. B. J. Palmer, Tel. 1M. Central Point. FOR SALE Deertng binder. MeCor mick mower. U H. Oallatln, Valley View, Aahland, Ore. BERRY PICKERS Strawbemea are readv. 4e per gallon at Vaughn's Ranch. Trail, Oregon. FOR RENT a-car cement garage. so bo. central. U. S. army records show 528, 274 regulars and volunteers fought In the Revolutionary war and 4,057,101 In the first world war. Too Late to Classify O'Connor. Helen Westley, Eddie Foy. Jr., Nigel Bruce, Dorothy Peterson, Warren William, Leo Carrillo and Henry Fonda. Presenting the life, the loves and the songs of the famed act ress who for SO years thrilled threater-goers with her mar velous voice, her masterful act ing and her incredible beauty, "Lillian Russell" has become one of the smash hit shows of 'the year. WOOD 0c tier at Yard. 633 Bo. Central. Delivered Big Double soo cu. ft load. Fir SS SO: Pine S IS; Cedar S3 fro. city Fuel and Lumber Co. Phone 03. Grants Pass, was elected deputy district master councilor. Next district conclave will be held in Grants Pass in Sep tember. V The Annual Church Vacation school opened Monday in the Presbyterian church, with Frank Newton of the Howard school as superintendent, assisted by Mrs. Edith Baker. Mrs. Ida Mur ray, Mrs. Clyde W. Webb, Mrs E. Iverson. Mrs. Martin Sands Miss Patricia Hodgman, and Miss Joan Aya. The school is emphasizing, be sides the usual bible school work, a course in craft and art work under leadership of Mrs. Sands. There are about 25 boys and girls taking this course and manifesting a great deal of in terest. The pageantry work Is being handled by Mrs. Murray, Miss Hodgman, and Miss Aya. Assembly singing Is under lead ership of Miss Clara Daniels, and Miss Helen Webb. The number enrolled to date is about 70, with a promise of many more. The enrollment is still in progress and all are wel come to attend, regardless of creed or religious affiliation. The following Medford boys were initiated into DoMolay at a district conclave held In Ma sonic hall here over the week end: John Court, Louis Thur man. Harper Hamilton. John Burdell, Alvin Reirson, Manfred Douglas, Gene McBee. Business meetings, a banquet and dance preceded degree cere monies. Bob Jester, Klamath Falls, resigned as district mas ter councilor and Jerry Vaw ter, Medford, was elected to fill the office. Hollister- Peake, E LOST Container of keys, vicinity of 4th and Bartlett. Phone sse. Re. ward. COMMERCIAL APR ATINO P h o n F. B. Samon. 838. McOonagle. WANTED TO RENT J-bedroom un furnished house on Eaat aide. Call 1505-W mornings. TRADE Cleer modem city property and amsll acreage. Modern im provementa, for ranch. Give full description. Address Bos IBS, Tribune. FOR SALE Used wood ranges. Priced very reasonable, at California Ore Ron Power Co. FOR SALE Furnished home, SI too. 413 Laurel. FOR RENT Light housekeeping room, pnone oaj-j. sos e. em. 3 LOTS In Oold Hill, fairly good S-atory house, absolutely clear. Will trade for ear. B. W. Cooper, Allen Hotel, Medford. Francis G. Hughes was Install ed as president of the National Association of Practical Refrig erating Engineers at an annual dinner dance Saturday at Rogue Elk on the Rogue river. Members and their guests In cluded S. M. Wade, retiring president, and Mrs. Wade; Mr. LCXTaiNO TRAILER Perfect condi tion. New 8 35-30 tires, complete In every detail, A real bargain S3BDO0. PIERCE-ALLEN MOTOR CO. Dodge Truck Headquarters FOR SALTS Deed let boxes at Cali fornia Oregon Power Co. $1600 W term, 1 ier kt&p. 4-room home, sprlnc wtr; beautiful bulldin-f tit could be sold o-w looking th Tmllfy. Frtcwl only 10O0, A1o $3500 FOR SALE Miniature Photo Studio (4 photoe 10c. Complete with en larger and vleus!Uk.-r. Owner leav ing, must sacrifice. For further partlculara drop a card to P. a Box 83. Medford. RADIO REPAIR-A11 makes, latest equipment, Inweat prtcee. 30 years' experience. Sever! n Electric. Phone 390. 1307 N. Riverside. W11X SELL at once, reasonable, good condition, davenport and chair, bedroom eet. Ideal Court. House I. WANTED To buy 3J. buata-aw. Phono FOR SALE Light Sttldebaker sedsa. might trade for coupe or what hfe you? 136 So. Orape. FOR SALE CHEAP S enws. 10 pigs each; weaner and feeder pigs. Parker Place. mile South Phoe. nix. Pacllle Highway. ICE PRICES REDUCED I Now SOe per 100 it, delivered. Ice Boxes for Sale or Rent. Valley Fuel Co. Tel. 76 FOR RENT Spactoua and attractive four-room downstairs suite In the Holly Apartmanta. Completely fur nished except dlahee and linen. Oarage Second door north of poatofflee. Adulta only. S40. Avail able now. see manager In rear, or phone 13S7-R. HIGHEST CASH PKICE8 PAID for SCRAP IRON AND METAL c all kinds, batteries, radiators, alumi num, copper, brass: also bldea, peita and wool. Medford Barrels House. 37 N Orape Phone 1081. Spring Street 8 -bedroom bungalow, fireplace, basement. laundry trays; city wa ter, garage, 1 acre ground, lota of shrubs, trees, frulK cherries, grapea. Also TtTxceptlonally good farm on the Rogue to exchange for homes In Medford. Also Small rooming house, priced 1-3 the present value plus 6-year leeae. Also 4-room Apt. for living quarter. MARK A. OOLDY Phone 736 lot . Main DIG DANCE Dreamland Hall Wed. Eve., June 5 Townsend Headquarters Houtawarmir.g Merrill's Orchestra. Excellent Floor. All In-riled. Ladles with escort fre. Extra ladles 10c Man SSe IN OREGON J SZrnY font rLe-sv-s Aaverev abetter nus& yf- dint fvr f ae-UiAMv YHiWliketoMitd, Mellow Flavor Xquaut pint THIS WHISKIT It 4 TIAti OlO tO PIOOS Ces. I0, The Old Oe-aer Cae-eanr. towteeieberg. Sidle Although Texas is one of the big sheep producing states of the ration- it never has had a woolen mill. The first one to be established In the state will open this summer. PERSONAL! Will motorist who complained ear handled on trip yesterd af Pl ask nearest Union O.l Vemedv Stop-Wear Lubrication will trouble? Amazement only way to ex press emotion ftlriT.ted thev Step into car freshly lubricated in smooth, quiet opw.tioii car h when returned to you. Three, you j."ouch wiVh as Z IS0" oWwSS;. have Stop. Wear Lubrication 1 TOUE NEIGHBORHOOD CN10N Oil STATION ! E Grandpa Goes On the Warpath in the Newest Higgins Fun Hit! Rip Hip Horrsy! . . for the blmeit latiihi f ow 1lf . . . when Grandpa mlttakn Hollywood mo tion plrturo troupe on location for tho real thlnp . ana in bfi suis ---. TWO MAJOR FEATURES l J I j i I jT VA Yvr j th,"t ,own uk" en b'w "r,", 4 i HIGGINS FAMILY " ' UL' I to LAM IIMKS TONIItl --' ' lateeaaTaTaaaeaaw Ivin llW' llDlMMlIM Orl' " James . Luell. . Russeli UtXVllJ-rttriTJ - GLEASON JJl k V V'JaseWTva' ? 111 1J Ma-ie and HARRY DAVENPORT MrllgJMXflUy Rosen bl'Km " V9Se Plas This ADVENTURE I 2r4 $ e-Sj ' ,b AIH LAN" ' I -. f i 1 Vv v54 Hu,i'n Miti! . . toi. L.WS jgt -eTVal N. en srmrTH! . . a a 0 e n fi tllf f'vJSOM - , tf-k nr A T H 1 . . hat Is this XVj '..j H .na .erTf... And llovY.sthe Screen's Most Glorious Musical Since "Alexander's Ragtime Band"! starts Tom orrow-4 days only lllllan useelll Her ilamoroas Hfel . . Hea4 llneg lorn! , . rahnlous era! , , L'nfnetetleble snnts . . Incladlni "After the Ball Is Orer." Hoale. Tea Are My roele." "The Band Played On," "Mt Crsnlng Slar" and many, many ether old fa forties . . all krenght to the screen In an of the reellr great plttnree of 1M0I 1 nn n n n rvr EIDSSEILIL with superb cast. Including ALICE FAYE as Lillian Russell Don Ameche Henry Fonda Ed. Arnold Warren William Leo Carrillo Helen Westley DOROTHY PETERSON ERNEST TRUEX NIGEL BRUCE CLAUDE . ALL18TER LYNN BARI WEBER k FIELDS EDDIE FOY, JR. UNA O'CONNOR JOSEPH CAWTORN 100s OF OTHERS AM m Tomorrow Night OnlJ On the Slaje at t: RUTH LUY'S rre-Summer Kenos Bense hows Dally at :41.1:0-!l Mats-Wlc Ctes-IOs Blddles-IM BND TO.VKIHT: "Til W Mart AjalB" Mule Oberva Oee. Breat