I PAGE FOUR MEDFORD MAIL TRIBUNE, MEDFORD. OREGOIC, TUESDAY, JUNE 4, 1940. toDTORDl&TRIBlINI I Daily ft Satwttar. pttbhihoS r MBDruRD PRINTING CO. W-IT-SI Nrth rr St. ADHKRT W. HUHU B4itor. UN RAT H- GILSTRAP, UniW. A Indpndnl Nwappr. ir4 v weond-ciaM matter at 114 farS. Cro ttntUr Act f Mre ft, lilt l.HacRtPTION R1TEI By MU la Adaact ZtaUy and Sunday ana rar Daily aad 8ubdriB moatha... 1 1 Dally and unday 4hra moniha. Daily and Sunday n month... fa By Carrier la Ado Mad for 4. Ai land. Central Paint, JakaoHTllla. 0ld Milt. lUcu htvar, Pboasia. Ttitat, and b motor rouiaa; Dally aad Sunday ana yaar ft.SS Daily and Sunday on month... ,T AJ1 frmm caab la ad vane. Official Papar af tba City a Mrdfar Official Ppr l Jarkaoa Caaaly. Hr.MHFI Or THE AriHon A I Fll fHLMS Haaaltlat Pall Laaaad Hlra IVrvlca. Tia Aaaoeiaitd Hraaa xclaaivaiy atltlad ta tha for puklleatiea af all diapatehaa cradltad ta It or trior wlaa eradltad ta this papar. and alaa I laa laeal iti publlahad harala. ' All ritnia for publication af apaaial Sltpatahaa barala ara alaa raaarvad. member or united press MCMBKR OP AUDIT BUREAU or circulation Advartltln Rapraaantatlvap rXST.UOLL.IDAY COMPANY. INC. Offtaaa la Nw York. Chlcaso, Da trait, an Francisco, Loa Angalaa, Saattia. Portland, St. baala, AUaata, Vancouver, n r. Ml i ati aa Ye Smudge Pot Br ABTHUB PIMT Cities have started showing up with census count of 4,954 souls, or 8,000 in round number!. ... A number of columnist, In eluding Hugh (Crackdown) John ton, intimate Secretary of Agrl- culture Wallace if not qualified to act ai an aviation expert. They hint he can't tighten up a nut on mowing-machine, let alone atari plane engine. ... "I number among my friends an actress who retired to rear four children, two schoolteach er! and the proprietor of a amall grocery itore." (Readera Di gest) No wonderl ... An Astoria convention friend ly to, and incidentally dominated by him, voted In favor of H. Brldgea of Australia being made n American citizen by an act of Congress. At the same time there Is a bill before that August body to deport htm. There are two ways for current Congress men to flirt with political sui cide. The first is to vote against tending Harry home, and the second is to vote to make him a citizen without asking for it. ... The high court holds a regu lation requiring school children to salute the American flag is constitutional. The decision in no way affects the hellraising activities of adults belonging to organizations of foreign origin with the avowed purpose of dynamiting the American form of government. . . THAT' WHAT YOU THINKI (Eugene Register-Guard) "City police and state po lice have made some Inquiries about the accident, and while there is some evidence that the young man was traveling far beyond the 'indicated city speed of 25 miles and hour and beyond "reasonable cau tion' after he left the city limits, nobody wants to get nasty, the presumption being that the young man's common sense may mend along with hit scalp." ... This was the day Italy was scheduled to plunge headlong into the European war, and has fulfilled all the predictions by not doing so, though flambuoy antly going through all the mo tions of going to war. No such national diffidence was display ed in the cases of Albania and Ethiopia, and no son of II Duce thinks it woUd be "glorious' to drop dcat'i from the skies upon France, as were his emo tions In the case of a tinier land than his own. With a nation of their own size, there Is no unity of the national ferocity. SATAN IN FOR IT! "When all the HIrohitos snd the Yosefs And Benilos. With Molotoffs and Himmlers. And the Goenng-Goebels clan Are convened Satan's furnace, There will be a rising clamor For the devil will decree it time A hotter place brnn. The bailiwick of brimstone Was designed for normal mean ness. And provision was omitted For the proper recompense Of men who slaughtered nations, Who out-deviled kindly Satan He will probably call a sit-down And a parley will commence; I feel sorry for the devil When he faces that assembly For they'll liquidate his forces And they'll shame his ruddy hide They will confiscate his ovens And play hell with ancient bor ders And he'll either heii and Hitle Or they'll take him for ridel" KC. Star) Baa Kail Tnbuae nil eaa, He i on 1I7E see no reason for chafiging our original opinion regarding Italy, Musselini is still playing the role of the jackal, making a great howl about what he is going to do to the British lion, but with no inten tion of doing anything until all danger to himself has passed. When the death rattle in tha throat of the badly battered king of beasts is heard, if it ever is, then II Duce will jump in with a great blare of trumpets, and claim his share of the corpse. It certainly is the most sordid and ignoble role ever played by a civilized nation in the memory of modern man. DUT there is no doubt it has been extremely useful to Hitler. Because of Mussolini's attitude, the French and British fleet had to be concentrated in the Mediterranean, and hundreds of thousands of troops kept along its shores, when they were acutely needed along the western front There seems little doubt that when Germany claimed a million British and allied troops were caught in the Flanders trap, and couldn't possibly escape, Mussolini decided had come, and prepared to But by one of the most rear-guard actions in all military history, a large pro portion of that lost million like a knock-out blow proved to be merely a stag gering one. CO the old Buzzard in waiting to see the result of the next Nazi on slaught. This degrading spectacle is going to continue, ap parently, until on one side grace has. has been delivered, In either event, we fail to get anything but grief, which, unless disgrace and dissolution are added, is more than he will deserve. pERTAINLY if the allies w be anything but friendly, while if Der Fuehrer triumphs Good Lord! what can Mussolini expect but the grand and glorious So, our 20th Century Caesar, whether he knows it or not, is on a spot, and we can recall no figure in history, ancient or deserves to be there ! The Spy Mania Lord deliver us In mercy and wisdom from tha hysteria and folly that descended upon this nation when we entered the World warl In those days suspicion and hate were in the air. Many a sturdy, thrifty German with slightly broken accent was suspected and treated cruelly without that Justice and fairness which should have protected him in America under our free institutiona. In the spy hunt that now is gathering, let us remember the follies, the madness, the wickedness and the injustice we visited upon Innocent men and women 20 years ago and more. War is hell, but is hell necessary behind the lines? Can't we remember that after all, every man la entitled to fair trial by a Jury of his peers? Can't we hold our in dignation until a man has been indicted and faces his ac cuser in open court? Why should we wipe out, when war is even a thousand miles away, those kindly, neighborly guarantees of tolerance that are written in the Bill of Rights? "HE above is from the pen of William Allen White, distinguished editor of Emporia. Kansas, head of the recently formed "Committee for the defense of America through aid to the allies," and like every thing that Editor White writes, is extremelv timelv and to the point War lb hell, but that is any more hellish by yielding intolerance ana nystena, wmch war breeds, and thus rendering our nation less, rather than more effective, in combatting it riGILANCE is the price of liberty. It is also the price of security. And this is no time to tro asleeo at the switch, or lull ourselves into any sense of false security. But it is ALSO no time looking under the bed. or to a a CO. let's keep cool, ladies aJ J..: - mm, cAt-triirnt auvice m our ioreiainers, noi to shoot until we see the whites of their eyes. The One Great Need WHEN H. R. Knickerbocker, the well known war uiiio'vnuiiLi v,tic in ago, he declared it was a 60 win the war. Since then he has been the western front, and what he has seen there has apparently changed his mind. e quote from his latest dispatch: Nobody can deny that the Germans have won successes, but it is necessary to come here to the front to realize how costly they have been and that if the French could only get the essentially necessary planes and tanks, and if they can hold out until it is possible to get them. Chancellor Hitler s gigantic gamble of the destiny of Germany, Europe and the world upon one vast battle may lose. The next two or three weeks msy determine whether the Germans, with their vastly heavier masses of plsnes and tanks, csn crush the French to such an extent that any Amerlran assistance proffered later would be futile. One high French officer said to me Monday: "One American airplane sent now would be worth ten sent In six weeks or 100 In six months." Nothing need be added to that to show that the first imperative need in America's defense program is not to rearm ourselves, but to somehow, somewav. get planes to France BEFORE it is too late I a Spot! the psychological moment strike, brilliant retreats and heroic escaped and what looked Rome backed down again, or the other the "coup d or Mussolini thinks it to see how II Duce is going win, their disposition will double-cross! modern, who more richly no reason for makinz it to the passions of hatred, to vield to panic, to start seeing things in the dark. a . and centlemen. and follow e t r.n . . . i vi uailll, I11UI1U1 ur SO to 40 bet Germany would with the French armv on Personal Health Service By William Hgnce' tattm peRaielni to personal health aad hjgt.n. mot ta llms dlagnoels ee trt.tm.nl, wtu k. nnmM St Dr. Bra; tf a stamps eehT addressed envelop is enclosed. Latter .borne b. knef aa wnttea la lak. Oalng t. (bt bug. .am tors of tetter recited only . few eaa be aaewereel. No reply eaa bo made to queries aot conforming to Instruction, address Dr. Stllllam Brady, MI II Crams, Beverly Hills, Calif. HYGIENE Or EATINO Bacteriological testa made by. their scalps. A fat chance of health authorities showed that efficient protection of the pub utensils used in public eating " ne,lth nd ,ln ,own iri ' W"''re permits are issued for (i ail m Tva 1 ",nt pr,p n;lunclvtK,ms, soda fountains and . tH pI,CM' w1n,"the like, with the sanction of ready for the next custom er, still har bor such germs as strep tococci, pneu mococcl, colon bacilli, dip- theroid bacilli. In the rush hours when customers cla mor for quick service, plates, cups, spoons, knifes, forks. glasses too often get only hssty dip in warm or hot water or in a "sterilizing" solution which fails to sterilize. Investigation In a great many such places for dispensing foods snd beverages has shown - that the essentials for reasonable cleanliness and safety are, first, washing such utensils with hot water and soap, second rinsing in fresh clean water and finally rinsing in a solution of 100 parts chlorine per million of water. If the first essential Is neglected, the utensils are quite likely to carry harmful bacteria to the mouths of unsuspecting customers. In many of the quick lunch places and beverage dispensing places Investigated it was found that the provisions for cleanliness and safety failed to come up to the minimum re quirement. Particularly unsani tary in this respect were eating and drinking places where the dishes, knifes, forks, spoons, glasses were washed in a single sink. It is necessary to have double sinks, one for soap and water washing, the other for rinsing, in order to maintain a fair degree of sanitary clean liness in such public eating and drinking places, These minimum essentials of cleanliness and safety ahould be familiar to everybody who pat ronizes public eating or drink ing places, Anyone who tours about the country can scarcely fail to be uncomfortably Impressed by the extraordinary lack of decent fa cilities for cleanliness, not to mention comfort, provided by many eating places in the smaller communities and In the larger cities, except the great hotels. The blame for this be longs largely to that portion of the traveling public which re gards washing before eating as mere formality and to the many public health authorities who hesitate to enforce sani tary regulations lest local busi ness interests decide to have THE CAPITAL PARADE By JOSEPH ALSOP and ROBERT ICINTNEP- Released by the North American Newspaper Alliance. Ine. Washington, June 4. If the opinion of responsible members of the administration is any test, the danger of fifth column activity in Central and South America is both real and im mediate. Genera? George C. Marshall, telling congres. 'ha1, the president night have to call out the national guard because of the "recognized possibility of dangerour. developments In this hemisphere," was using very ' mild language Indeed. Th. truth la lhat trading officials na.e loos tw.ii talking in tha most matt.r of fatt tone of sending mili tary expeditions to qurll nasl-ln-plred putarhes In serrral natlnna to th. southward. The. hop. th. nrd will not arts., but thry fetu- that It la llk.ly to In aa short a time aa nlnetf days, and In mops than on. place. Tha stata. wsr and narr At psrtmrnta ar. all In th. asm. sfsf. of arrtoua alarm, although In Tary lnf dgrea. The alarm la caused, quite simply, by thhe extraordinary intensification of German prcpecandul efforts In J th. Americas In thev last montha The ft-uree 1.11 th. story. The Ger man embassies In the Argentine snd Rraell. and the German legation In Mrxloo. are each supr.'Med to have staffs of more than Iflo m.n of of ficial rank, not counting Innumer aM. clerks and less Important work era This was the meet modest estimate obtained in a canvas, of reliable ourc cohere wrnt far hvrh.r. one actually living tha German I. gallon In klrtico s staff of mora than 100. .... ,k. .k .. , u . a staff of lo of course the Italiana i are alio laboring more intensively in I the South American nnevard. al- though to a leaser degree. Brady. M. O. the so-called health department even to places where double sinks are not installed. The weak chlorine solution for rinsing utensils after wash ing is itself a compromise with cleanliness. It does NOT steril ize or make safe utensils which have been used unless they are first washed with HOT WATER and SOAP. Indeed, if the wash ing is thorough, with plain soap and water hot enough, there is no better disinfecting or steril izing solution and no better as surance of sanitary safety. QUESTIONS ANftWEKS Modern Method I am fifty yaars old. Dr. tx- tlrpsttxl my tonsils with slectro coagulition or diathermy, first fin la hi nT ont, then tha other. Other doctors hsv examined by throat snd pronounced It ss lean s Job ss they hsvt srer seen. As T depend on sing lng for my living this was tha only method I could eonalder. f never missed s dsy or s meal, snd the dis comfort of the treatment wss smstl. K. L. H ) Ana: Thank you. It would mak very little dlfferencs If I could never alng another note, but still t'd se lect thla modern method If t had bad tonsils. Of omira the operator mint have th skill gained from pro per training snd experlenc with the difficult technique. Beware of char latans who canvass for customers for such treatment. Reliable doctors nev er do so. Calm Toumetf 1 auppoee you are familiar with the mental effects of belly breathing. When performing In public. If I make any kind of atlp or feel any degree of stagefright or nervousnees I try to tsk two or three lnflstlons snd find the upaet Is gone. It seems to cslm excitement or steady the nerves. It that's the way to express It. (A. W. M. Ana. Tn the primrose monograph "Belly Breath 1 rag "for copy send stsmped envelope bearing your ad dress I ssy this: It appears to have a calming sooth ing Influence snd helps restless folk get pleasantly relaxed and fall asleep. After one has learned, by long practice, how to breath naturally probably two or three natural breaths at times of etreas or ancHty, will relieve the tension, u A. W. M. has observed. Bronx Cheer Now who gets the Bronx cheerf R. H. M , M D.I Ana. Well, who do you think. Doc tor. The clipping you Inclose sppesrs to be part of a form letter from a vendor of a fancy nostrum which purports to penetrate the akin. It must be nice to be so credulous. (Protected by John F. Dills. Co.) Cd. Note: renons wishing to communicate with Dr. Brady should send letter direct ta Dr. William Brady. M. D. MA CI Csmlno, Beverly Hilts, Calif. ! These hUe ataffe are Dot appoint ed and paid for nothing. They ara not hired merely to drink tea and make pout eon vernation with tha mora prosperous Inhabitants of tha nations which harbor tham. Again tranamlttlrut the considered opinion of responsible American of- , flclala, their purpose is to arrange tha nssl-lnspirMl putsches which are now feared. They are believed to be subsidising the more purchasable members of opposition parties; to be att.mpting. oftrn successfully, to tn fluenre the press: to be Infiltrating army and nary officers with their doctrines, and shore all to ba or- ranlatng the German and Italtsn minorlues for tha time when they may be needed. They stem to hare dona their Job well. Tar attempts to overthrow tha .stating governments are now thousht possible, during this sum mer, in the Argentine and Unuay. Brazil. Chile, perhapa Colombia, and of course Mnlco. The general public Imagine that the fifth column ha been busiest In Meslco. where tha oncoming presi dential election will offer an escel lent opportunity for trouble-maklna ,n"Tmra omciaia tnina the prob- ivm awincuy more acute in ine rour southernmost natlona. Argentina and Pruguay. Chile and BraWl. In Brasil stepa have already been tsk.n to bring the potential piltarh Isui under control, yet even Brasil. with ita hue German population In the aonthern provinces, cannot ba ruled off the danger list. And In Crugusy. where the situation ta worst of all. an eicellent authority re marked bleakly that -they could overthrow the government tomorrow t th.y chose." The next question. Indeed, la whether "they" will choose. Probably the ignal to attack will not be g iren bT Brrlln. at least In the nstlons where the existing government la fstrty strong, unless the alllea are de feated in the Furopran war. tf the alllea are defeated. It Is h.rdly doubted in inform elrclw ! .l""' " pmwso that th. .wjnai win roma. Th.re will ' Ph,"n; presumably not far from b. uprisrnce. perhaps in onl. two or 'lven shades of his own thr snd rrhsre m all of tha mm- "hamburger stsnd." With a tri.. above-named. Aa matt.ra now j European war shattering every stand, th.re is a pett.r than fair ! one s normal peace of mind ad-chan.-e that the uprising, will balded to the high lemoo and In. successful wherever they oceur. The ! Areentlne. for .lampl.. hae alwavs bn regarded aa havirar ooa of the ! it. .... svu:h Am.ri,-a Aiwenune ofnciais tend to pooh-pooh the American fr- But the man here. wlMwe K It la to know what goes on, nit toe i I Arftntlna as eaa or th. ml danger points. It may aurprua tha country, but ; thoaa vho do not doubt tha putsches ara a substantial dansr fott aqually : aura that tba United atau. trill end mllitofy and naval eipaditlona to put them down. In the and. If Oar many win., tha rat. of moat of South America will turn on tha 1st. of the BrltUh nary. If tba Brttlah nsry falla Into Oarman hands. Barlln ean support Ita Inspired putachlata. at laaat la tha mora aoutharly naUons. If not, tha putehlata will bo without support. But while it Is still possible for the Vnltad States to lnterr.no effectively tha general determination Is to do ao. Communications "Kidding Ourselves." To the Editor: Your editorial of May SI was timely. We Americans are en gaged extensively in "kidding ourselves." In the days of old-fashioned war, we conquered decadent Spain. In the days of partly modernized war, we helped con quer Germany. Now, therefore, we are prone to assume that America is invincible: able even to defend a hemisphere, with a miniature army, air force ditto, and navy just fair. Uncle Sam's frowns and warnings no longer have much effect on ag gressor nations. In fact, the world now realizes that Amer ica is running some gigantic bluffs. The most amazing was our assuming authority over a 300-mile belt of both oceans from Canada to Cape Horn. International law? Hardly. True, 21 nations joined in that bluff; but whose navy is sup posed to enforce It? Uncle Sam's, of course. If Hitler seizes the Bahamas, we will probably send him another "pro test" to paste In his joke book. But our pet bluff is the Mon roe .Doctrine. It was a good thing when promulgated, and for a century thereafter. And now we "kid ourselves" that It is as good as ever. But like the powder-horn, its day Is past. In April, 1939, we urged that It be junked. We now urge It with redoubled emphasis. We then said that It might involve us in a gigantic war within ten years. We now say within five, maybe two, years. America could not deliver the goods. Furthermore, why should we? Argentina is al most twice as far from us as England, and not one tenth as important to us. We spend many billions getting ready to defend Brazil. Argentina, Chill, etc. How many billions are THEY investing In battelships and bombers, for self-defense? Their main reliance will be Uncle Sam's ships and money. If Hitler now wins, he will doubtless take the English navy. Then he could quickly land a huge mechanized force In Pata gonia, and with a "blizkricg to the north could overwhelm Ar gentina before we could get halfway there with the first division. Our big promises to South America would prove as humil iating a fizzle as England's promises to Poland, Norway and Holland. If real war hits this hemi sphere, the good strategy of Monroe's day would spell dis aster in our day. Junk it, and JUNK IT NOW. Edwin Deacon. Talent, Ore., June 3. 1940. Book Reviews A brand new type of highway man emerges from the pages of a brief book of essays entitled "Horse and Buggy Essays", writ ten by Charles A. Brand, of Roseburg. and published by Bin fords and Mort of Portland. This is the highwayman-de-luxe, who conducts such a "Wayside Inn". as Mr. Brand has conducted for reveral years, on Highway St) 1 near the banks of the Umpqua 1 and the interesting and amusing experiences he has had with those who stop to "bide a wee" for purposes of refreshment and otherwise. As the publishers observe on the cover, books of essays are not common these days, and these unpretentious but amusing and original comments, by a for mer state representative and veteran member of the state board of higher education are all the more refreshing because of that fact. Many of the "older boys and girls", fortunate enough to se cure a volume, will undoubtedly give a sigh of nostalgic regret as they come to the close, thst the author had not continued for at least 79 pages more. In addition to the Highway man there are eight other essays ranging from experiences of the author s youth in N cw England and the college town of Oberlm AkA a.il crasing strain, of this machine Horse and Rli.tv F.uv." . r , , . . " relief. One wishes nior ' 'he same soothing and assuring "Brand" might be louna inese days on our book stands. R.Vi Jt. AT THE National Capitol WITH John W. Kelly posals to fingerprint and regis ter aliens; would have cried out against military tiainin? (even noncombatant) for CCC enrol lees, or RFC lending mor.ay to build munitions plants which in turn, will reap profits from government contracts. ... RCADT to reach Into tha pocket book of tha people are the rat Cau. who have not lost their beada In tha prevailing eiclttment. nor tha prapajrandtate prodding this country Into tha hell'a broth of Burope. These two group, are of one mind and ara working together In tha eorrtdore under the capita! dome; they fre quent the offices of aenatora and representatives: argue their case In the ornate, eupld-deeoreted walls of tha eenat reception room. Senators there ara who are eloee to fhe pat Cata and plead their ease with colleagues. The Pat Cau ara arriving to pre vent a war profits tax: they favor a 10 percent horizontal tax on the In come tax not an 80 percent tax on their profits. They explain that If they do not have to share their prof its with the government they can afford to sell munitions cheaper to the allies. In other words, the Amer ican taxpayer will be subsidising munitions for the allies. As proposed, tha to percent tax superimposed on the Income tax makee the poor man pay for tha de fens, bill. A 10 percent tax on a million dollar Income ta scarcely an noylng. but on amall Inoomea tt Is a aacrinoe. ... SHOCK troop, for the warmongers are a half dozen columnists whose artlclea reach several million people, especially In the east, and are read by members of congress. They are becoming Increasingly bold in asserting the United statee Is not doing enough to aid the alllea: they are urging- active participation In the war. Several who circulate In Wash ington are personally asking mem bers why there should ba further delay tn "cleaning up Hitler". In thla group are trained seals who have been apadallslrxt In being eith er pro or anti-new deal, but for soma reason they are In accord in trying to Inflame th people Into a war like attitude. Other atrange thtnga are cropping to the aurface to Increase the respon sibility of the United States In the foreign conflict and to shoulder a targe share of the costs upon tha poeketbook of the American citizen. Think of the British ambassador pro posing to the President of the United States that the bars be lowered and this country ba offered as a sanctu ary for million of refuxeea In west em Europe whose homes have been destroyed by the Germans. Another assertion that It la the duty of the people of the United States to feed, cloth and shelter all of tha Tlctlma of the war overseas; not by contributing to the American Had Cross, but by an appropriation of a few billion dollars voted by con gress. Thla propoeal baa been made In all serlousneea. ... IT IS while tha people are atllt under the emottonat nn. ftt... will cool off and have their feet on the ground later), that th. era. i. fort la being made to eonvinoe them mat mis is our war-. Green Pine Slab DtVecf horn the "Big Mill" Big Double Load A Cord and a Half SS IN CITY LIMITS Valley Fuel Co. 31 W. MAIN 1 s?v ojoras guesit a ifiamoroiu new of Treasurt 111 ami. hflmr in th i VA,..,-., - P-.. ri i gecgraphtcal accident, it offers a most thrilling introduction to the World" t Fair. But no accident, tha tit id luxury of this hotel . . . exouuie aWnr in tha Venetian Dining Room, the glittering Circus Lounge, the Terrace fximrmng root, and sen-ice approved br even fanFrancuco'scrmcaleye. These are tradition. F our minutes away art all the shops and then. 0 -" tres, and the Fair's rapid transit facilities. r- ar Rates from ti per day. Garage in the building. los We, Rfreeueri,; Ctaw T. r.wcirr.510 T. ek Street. TRinity 371 Flight 0 Time Mafjrortf an) Jstrliasa Cod 17 Hi. tor? from tha flic f tba Mall Til bona 10 and IS srs TEN YEARS AGO TODAY June 4, 1930. (It was Wednesday.) State Grange comes out for enforcement of dry laws. Gang war causes bullets ta pierce couch of Chicago lady. Garden club annual flower show is a thing of beauty. High school commencement exercises to be held Friday. Edison Marshall, author, to address Commercial club June 13. Mail Tribune team leads In kitten ball league. Diamond lake resort opens for season with large crowd. TWENTY YEARS AGO TODAY June 4. 1920. (It was Friday.) The senior class commence-' ment exercises are held at the Page theater, and 59 receive diplomas. The address was given by Prof. Vining of Ash land. Among the boys gradu ating wore Stanley Sherwood, Justin Smith, Leland Brophy, Harold Woods, Wilbur Godlove, Edward Kelly, Jr.. and Everett Brayton. who executed a tenor solo. Some of the girls were Evelyn Dew, Martha Bateman, Margaret Brown, Maude Cant rall, Libertra Gore, list Walker and Louise Hodges. Wally Reid in "Excuse My Dust" at Ihe Rialto. Filliam J. Warner slated to be named postmaster, to fill vacancy caused by death of Col. George P. Mims. Gasoline shortage In state acute, and hits industry. Radio Highlights By Associated Press (Time Is Pacific Standard) Discussing American aid to the allies. Mrs. Dwleht W. Mnk row, widow of the late ambas sador to Mexico, speaks In a special broadcast on WJZ.Nnr at 6:15 tonight. Col. Charles A, Lindbergh, her son-in-law, re cently broadcast over CBS on defense, in which he contended that America had nothing to fear from the European war. ToniffM- Furnna TJC 6:30: MBS. 6: WJZ-NBC 6; NBC chains 8. WABC-CBS, 6:18, Sec. Wallace talk. Wednesday: Europe. Nnr a a. m.; CBS 4 a. m 2:45 p. m.j wtAr-NBC. 7:30 a. m. CBS chain. 1:30. aovernnra1 conference, topic "defense." POISON OAK? Try a bottle of ZEMACOL Too must be satisfied or Venv mnnM cheerfully refunded. Get a bottle way at WESTIRN THRIFT. TEL. ? mnnont HOTEL SA1V FIIAXCISCO PerrW ,Vl .7f ,1- r -. .