MEDFORD MAIL TRIBUNE. MEDFORD. OREGON, FRIDAY, MAY 31. 1940, PAGE THREE HITLER TO MM v (Continued tram Pat On.) ish and French authorities said the Germans had lost 500,000 men in the 22-day-old war in the wtt. Wholesale slaughter of Hit ler's conquering warriors was Indicated in Berlin dispatch which said that 100 huge Junk-crs-52 type planes each carry ing 20 soldiers sitting, eight lying on stretchers were used in one day in single section on the western front to trans port wounded troops to base hospitals. Hiyuh, neighbors, ive'll be seeing yuh-in droves IF a visitor went to Portland's first Rose Festival in 1907 , he went behind a horse over ' execrable roads or behind a big stack locomotive. He bad his choice of one "hay-burner"' or the other. Later one might go n his VTinton-Six or Pope Hart ford. But the Rose Festival remained primarily a carnival time for the home-folks. This is what makes Portland' annual fiesta of roses the most neighborly of all such celebra tions world-famous though it may be today. When it comes to gifts of roses, Portland has always been Nature's Best GirL. So, when Portlanders invite you to attend their Festival, it' really an invitation to share their good fortune. Throughout the era of good toads, Portland's Festival slo gan has been "For You a Rose in Portland Grows." Meaning thousands, millions of them. Meaning ceme and revel in their beauty. Meaning we'll en joy things more if you enjoy them too. This Is the sort of neighbor lines which merits reciprocity. Hence this Company is happy once more to remind the entire 'West that Portland Rose Fes tival will await you this year June 5-8. Lay your plans now. These days it is but a step to such beauty as would not be duplicated if some miracle worker brought over the orig inal Alhimbra and Taj Mahal. Standard Oil Company of California - A regular air ambulance serv ice for the German army has been established, the dispatch said. Now "On To Parisl" ' Meanwhile, German radios blared a new "On To Paris!" song instead of the popular "We Are Sailing Against Eng land" hinting that the next Nazi blow may be directed against the French capital. In the flight from Flanders. British tommies fought to hold the allies' "escape" port of Dunkerque and stem the N:zi advance to the' sea. Dunkerque itself was a kettle drum of dinning anti-aircraft fire. Naval guns cooperating with British pursuit squadron operat ing from bases in England a few minutes away made the air "literally forbidden" to Nazi bombers. Thousands o f battle-weary troops, both French and Eng lish, streamed into the port through a pass between muddy sea water, several miles wide, which girded the city like the moat of an ancient fortress. Canal locks opened by the al lies spilled deepening water over the flooded defense area. Pocket Wiped Out The Germans reported wiping out a British pocket near Cassel, 20 miles south of Dunkerque, when the Tommies attempted to break through to the north to reach Dunkerque and em bark in the great retreat from Flanders. Trapped French force in the Lille area were said in Berlin to have "practically ceased to exist. An early attempt by Adolf Hitler to split England and France with separate offers of peace under threat of calling Germany's axis partner, Italy, into the war was forecast in London today as the nazi leg ions struck harder to crush al lied troops retreating from Flanders. Nazis asserted that 1,000,000 French soldiers alone have been killed, taken prisoner or are facing imminent annihilation since the real war in the west began with the smash through the low countries 22 days ago. and it was declared that the allies in Flanders were falling back "not in orderly retreat it is pell-mell flight." Airplanes Needed British soldiers en route to rest in England's flowering countryside declared grimly that they had inflicted five cas ualties to one on the Germans in Flanders, but the cry on nearly every man's lips was: "For God's sake, give us more airplanes!" A British officer said allied losses were far loss in the last few days than might have been expected. "But the slaughter among the Germans has been incredible. The German commanders seem ed to be throwing away their men's lives," he said. The battle of Flanders ap peared nearly ended in favor of the nazi legions yet the al lies, seeking to salvage all they could from the German trap in Belgium and northern France, claimed a new success for the French army of General Jacques Adolphe Prioux. Germany already had report ed capture of General Prioux. his staff and hundreds of men. But a French military spokes man declared this morning that "important elements" of Gen eral Prioux's army had batter ed their way through the nazi lines to the neighborhood of Dunkerque, chief embarkation point for the allies withdrawing from Flanders. England, fearing the next major German assault would be aimed at her rather than Paris, was ready for an "early call on the civil defense," and prepared to start moving 39,000 children from southeast coast towns. SEEN FOR to S4.1t; heavy roughs to around M00. Cattle: 1.600: ealrea 400; most nor sold at S10.00 down to S8.50: cowa at sa.SOeSM. oorsalonally 10 15c lower. hoarr cutter eon up to SIS; very tew eanners under MM: heavy sausage bulls to S7.00; most Testers (10.00 to 610.50. SKeep: 000: fist netIT springers early S1J 00: clipped California sprint ers" 410 80; mast (cd dipped lamb SjStTS: on load seas; thorn California ewe 64 36; most nauree S3 JO down. The Red Cross campaign for war relief funds Is progressing satisfactorily in Jackson county and an excess above the original quota of $2400 will result if everyone is generous in accord ance with his means, it was stated by Ben E. Harder, cam paign director. The original quota will not h formally doubled. Mr. Har der said, explaining that it was -n. lamba 6S.46.7: Sou Til Ma Franehro South San Prmncuco, Mar ' ! (AP-USDA) H OS s: 76: fenfrallT truly- nxvrad 44 ties California 3M-lb. butchers 66.00; good to chotc ISO to 330-lb. nominally quoted up to M OO: week's cloiinf top: two dona S41-lb. packing sows M 10a 436. Cattle: 96: desirable J.OAO-lb. (rata ten quoted 66 00: desirable grass hrtren absent, for week mostly 67.10 7 50; few rood S87-lb. grass cowa 66 SO. quoted top S8S8; fat weighty dairy cowa 5 50 down: odd head 1.100-lb. bulla S5.00: calves none, nominal: good to choice 160 to 300 lb. vealer quoted to 610.60. Sheep: 400: lamba fully steady: about 100 head medium to good late Al. Chetn. Am. Can - not feasible to change the goal after a campaign had been in progress. Finding it was facing the "greatest catastrophe in all history," American Red Cross national headquarters a few days ago doubled the nation's quota to $20,000,000 and asked all chapters to consider the original quotas as "absolute minimums." Medford over-subscribed Its share of the county's quota and if other communities do like wise a sufficient sum for the present will be raised here, Mr. Harder said. IIMllK F A Southern Pacific refriger ated freight car, spotted near the auto loading platform Just south of Main street Wednesday night, was broken into and two cases of baby Alpine milk stolen, according to Fred G. Morris, freight agent here. Mr. Morris said the seal of the door was broken to effect entrance to the car, and that nothing else was taken. The car contained a mixed shipment of canned milk. Navy Yard Speeds Up Bremerton, Wash., May 31. (;p) The Puget Sound navy yard, now employing 6,400 men, started gearing itself to capacity today when 70 men, most in one day in many years, were added to the force. Wednetday 100 head 64-lb. choice lamba (9 36 straight; today load shorn lOJ-lb. yearlings 68.76; around 120 head 1 lS-lb. shorn ewea SJ.78, sorted 38 head at 1130. ateady. Portland Produce Portland. May SI (API Butter, butterfat, cheese, eggs unchanged. Country Meata: Belling price to retailers: Country-killed hogs, best butchers 136 to 150.1b. 8ic; vealera. fancy 13i4le lb.: light thin 10i13c; heary 10110 lb.: lamba. spring lS17c: yearlings 10fl3c; ewea 4t7o lb.: good cutter cows Be lb.; eanner cowa 8i,c lb.; bulla tie lb. Live poultry, dressed onions, peaa unchanged. New Potatoes: California, white 60a. 6135: 100s. .9. Potatoes, hay, wool, mohair unchanged. provided the main bullish lead ership In today's stock market It was far from a one-way trend, however, and gains run ning to 2 or mora points for favorites In the forenoon were reduced at the close and numer ous Issues were about even to down shade. i The final session for May was one of the slowest of the month transfers for the five hours ap proximating 950.000 shares. Today's closing prices for 33 se lected slocks follow: Dye 141 SOU, Ii 148H 311, 14 371. 711, 46 8'i 'i 1M' 30 S8S 40 41 avi 60 SS 16 4 . 74 '4 . 30', . 4V4 . 74 . . 18 ; . 30 ; . 64 , 43 14 Am. at Pan. Power... A. T. A T. Anaconda Atch. T. Bj. F. Bendlx Aela. Beth. Steel Caterpillar Tract. Chrysler , .. Coml: Solvent . ,, Curtiss-Wrlght DuPont Oen. Electric . Oen. Poods Oen. Motors Int. Harvester I. T. At T Johna-Manvllle , Monty Ward -North Amer. Penney j. c.).-. Phillips Pet. Radio Southern Pactflo . Std. Branda Std. Oil Cel. Std. Oil N. J. Transamerlca Union Carbide United Aircraft U. S. Steel 46H turkeys. Portland Wheat Portland. May 81. (AP) Grain: Wheat: Open High Low Close Sept ,73ft .73V4 .73Vj .71 Cash grain: Oats No. a. 88-lb. white 833.80. Barley No. 3. 45-lb. B. W. 833.00. Flax No. 1, 8141. Cash wheat (bid): Soft white 73c; western white 73c; western red 73c. Hard red winter: Ordinary 73c: It per cent 76c; 13 per cent TSc Hard white-Baa rt: 13 per cent Sac;. 18 per cent 88c; 14 per cent 61.01. Today', car receipt: Wheat 16; barley 0; flour 14; corn 8; oats 8: mlllfeed 5. Livestock Chicago Wheat rUlMUOiwIMHIiH Gentlemen, we believe that if you wear Hanes Crotch-Guard Short for just one day, you'll experience new underwear comfort you never dreamed was possible. They're knit to fit... and help you teel fit. The Hanesknit Crotch-Guard give you gentle, athletic upport without binding. The wider crotch doesn't crowd and cramp. The leg fit " nu8 88 your akin. And an all-round Lastex waistband follows your every movement. Try a pair. Buy a Hanes Undershirt, too. See your Hanes Dealer today. (Hlttf AND tlOAOttOTH sHoro Portland Portland. May 31. (AP-USDA) Hoga: 850; market active, ateady to strong; good-choice 166 to 310-lb. drlve-lna 8800 to mostly 46.10; few point standing lota S6.166.3; 350 lb. butchers 66.50: light lights sal able 45 00 5.50; few packing sows 64 00 4.75: feeder pigs salable around 64.50. Cattle: 300: calves 60: market ac tive, fully ateady: ateera scarce; me dium-good (ed ateera salable 88 50 10.00; few common-medium heifers 66.35 8.00; cutter-common cows 64.503 5.50: cannera down to 64.00: fairly good 1.100-lb. beet cowa 67.15: ' few bulla 66.00 7.00: good-choice' vealera 68 00 9.00: common gradea down to 65.50. Sueep: 1.600; market active, ateady: good-choice 75 to 80-lb. spring lamba , 68.75 8 85: few medium-good ewea 83.00; some unsold. Chlcsgo, Wheat: July Sept. - Dec. May 31. (API Open High Low . 83ii, M tl . Mt, M'i Jl) . JM'i M'i Xl'i Wall St. Report New York, May 31 UP) Steels and aircrafts, buoyed by prospects of growing domestic and foreign armament demands, 'I ruu uunsi 90' Chicago Chicago. May 81. (AP-USDA) Hogs: 11.000: heavier welghte and so a. slow, steady: top 65.65: bulk 180 to 370-lb. 65 35 9 5.80; 300 to 350-lb. 35.00isS20: bulk 400 to 600 lb. sows 641634.50: light weights HANES e0TCM-S0 SHORTS 35; 3 Jl Irtr Quality, W Mtt. Hanks Blw Lbt Shirt nJ ivMt(tfth fchtjrtt M torn 4M 27. 50' DtjrtMM ftm t. H. HANES KNITTING COMPANY WINITON-IAIIM, NOITH CAROLINA m COME HERE FOR SPORTS M. M. Dept. Store roil nut suirt wtae, meiuom. Masirs SHisrrs Sriaitrs, am. union suits TAYLOR-TOT CAN BE USED AS A STROLLER BABY WALKER COASTER OR PEDAL CAR (D.lux. Models) $6.95 to $9.95 HANSEN HARDWARE PEERLESS MARKET U NORTH BARTLETT PHONE 603 ANY SIZE ORDER DELIVERED FREE All of Our Meala ar. Either State or Government Inspected TURKEYS lb. 14c COTTAGE HAMS lb. 18c Mild, Tender sa isfsaBsSjS mm Shoulder Roast, lb MUTTON ybzz:r3 More of that young, a"1" and rib tender mutton. Less, lb 14C LUNCH MEATS lb. 23c Assorted BEEF HEARTS lb. 12c PIGS FEET lb. 12 c Pickled, fresh pack. Tender but firm BOB GAIL'S PEERLESS GROCERY PHONE 603. TREE DELIVERY LOCAL LETTUCE 3 heads 10c LOCAL SPINACH 2 1b. 11c SUNKIST LEMONS each 1c Bob's Fresh Roasted COFFEE lb. 19c Erary pound sold with money-back guarantee PORK and BEANS large 2i can 9c WE FEATUHE 4 FREE DELIVERIES EVERY DAY FREE DELIVERY ON ANY SIZE ORDER CORN FLAKES 3 packages 11c Holloway's Reliable Grocery N t .. KaJ Be Wise Bay Wise and Economize at Holloway's How To Get A New Lease On Life "day oil" from in. kitchen and hare . picnic. Get eut your big-' gsst lunch basket and till It to th. top with loads oi sandwiches, plcklea, olWea, cookies. Forget about dish washing usa paper plats. Forget about doorbells, telephones and TlsU tors get aut of doorsl Choos. From Thess Specials T. Mak. Y.ur Picnic A Sueess Olives, fancy ripe...,.,.,.;, .tall pint can 15c Dill Pickles ,. . . .quart glass jar 17c Chipped Beef, 2j-oz. jar .2 for 27c Prem, new lunch meat, can 28c; 2 cans 55c A Swift Premium Product Corned Beef .,.,.,. ...... ,.can 17c Ice Tea Time Is Here! BCHILLINQ TEA Black . . i lb. 35c Green . 1 lb. 25c SCHILLING COFFEE 49c lb. Can i, i . Tw kjn6 r.rcolajtor and Drip .7,,, Tomato Juice, Knight's. ...3 cans 23c Slight Seatoned 1 pkg. Blrdaey. Frosea Paa.. 1 can Tiny Whol. Potato.. Both for 35c Potato Chips Psrker's larg. package. 2 pkgs 25c Mazda Lamps W. always hay. larg. assortment of sis. Sunahln. Krlspy Grahams r Smacks pkg. 15a Sunshln Marshmallews - lb. cello, bag 15a Crtaco, super creamed ahorlenlng. -lb. can 53a Honey, pur. -S-tb. can 37a Peaches, Royal Club.. Grapefruit, Royal Club, icy. Florida.. String Beans, No. S can. . - Nu Bora Soap.. Flour, Kitchen Qumsu. No. 1 can lOa a can 25 S for 25 giant sis. 49 ..4Mb. sack 91.49 Certo 1 Bottles 48c Sure Jell 3 pkgs. 27c 0$ "Ms, M Strawberries Are At Their Best CAN NOW Get Our Crai. Prlc. On Quality Barrl. Local Lettuce. ..... .2 for 9c Lemons. dozen 19c Sunkitt M0 sis. Oranges, 176 2 dozen ,39c PHONE 20 ANY SIZE ORDER DELIVERED FREE MEAT MAIUXET 1I2N. Central PURE PORK Sausage 2 lbs. 25c The Home of Good Meats PHONE SJ4 Any Sis. Order DelWarvd taw SHOULDER Of Spring LAMB n)Ac Pork Roast lb. U gc HAM Vt Whol. Lb. 20c TECH BEEF JSJ Short Ribs lb.