MEDFORD MAIL TRIBUNE. MEDFORD. OREGON'. WEDNESDAY. MAY 29. 1940. page seven LOCAL and Visitor Hera Jupe Wallin of Ashland wi visitor la Med ford yesterday afternoon. Oa Business Lewii Ulrich. manager of the Oregon itate employment service, and R. D. Davit of the unemployment compensation commission, trans acted business in Grant Pass this afternoon. Ta Gather All Daughters of Union Veterans of the Civil War are requested to meet at city park by 9:15 a. m. tomorrow to march in a group in the Decoration Day parade. Actor Visits Movie Actor Guy Kibbee and Mrs. Kibbee of Hollywood arrived at Cali-fornia-on-the-Rogue yesterday to spend a short time fishing and boating. L. L. Hall, proprietor of the resort, disclosed today. Driver Tests Examinations will be held here as usual Sat urday for persons desiring li censes or permits to operate motor vehicles. A state ex aminer will be In council cham bers in city hall from 9 a. m. to S p. m. and applicants are asked to report to him. . . To Parade Commander Mer rill A. Beneka today issued a request that all members of Crater Lake post of the Vet erans of Foreign Wars and its auxiliary take part tomorrow in the Decoration Day parade and attend the services to be held after the procession. Mother III Mr. and Mrs. R Joanson and son Wallace of Oakland, Cal., and Mrs. A. V. Hardy and daughters, Betty and Marjorie, of 820 Dakota street left this morning for Spokane, Wash., where they were called by the serious illness of the mother of Mrs. Hardy and Mrs. Joanson, who are sisters. The Oakland residents drove here last evening. The group made the trip north by motorcar. Robertson Home George Robertson, manager of the Rogue Valley Golf club, return ed to his home at the Hotel Medford yesterday afternoon from Flint, Mich., where he took delivery of a new car and drove home. He made the trip east with Mr. and Mrs. A. E Stoehr and Mr. Stoehr's sister, Miss Joan Stoehr, who are con- ' tinuing a vacation in places of interest In eastern states until the latter part of this week Mr. Robertson had been away a week and a half. Minor Accidents Lunday V. Orr of 9 Louis street and Joel Jessel of 540 Holly street drove cars colliding with minor dam age at 10th and King streets Tuesday evening, according to a report on file today. Orr suffered a slight hip injury in ' the mishap, the report said. Harry A. VanAnsdall of 19 Jeanette street and Dr. A. J. Loeffler of the Jacksonville highway operated machines in- - volved In a slight accident on Sixth street between Holly and Ivy streets Tuesday afternoon, a report on file said today. Job Tests U. S. civil service commission today announced open competitive examinations 4 for the following positions: jun- j ior inspector, $2000 a year, wage and hour division, depart-1 ment of labor; associate mer- j chandising specialist (writer), j $3200 a year, and assistant j grade, $2600 a year, utilization representative, $3200 a year, and field home electrification specialist, $2600 a year, rural electrification admin istration. Full information regarding qual-. ifications for the positions may j be obtained at Medford post-l office from Stanley G. Sher wood, acting secretary of the local civil service board of ex-i aminers. Plane Passengers Mr. and Mrs. George Andes left for San Francisco on this forenoon's United mainliner. Miss Stella Hammar and her mother ar y rived from Portland on the midnight Mainliner. Arrivals last night were P. Irwin and J. Lyons, from Los Angeles, and M. D. Field, from San Francisco. L. E. Coffelt and M. Stein left on the same plane for Portland. Arrivals on the early evening southbound Main liner were Mrs. Goldie Taylor, from Seattle, Wash., and R. W. Davis, from Portland. Depart ing by Mainliner yesterday afternoon were F. C. Bash, to Portland, and C. S. Mason, to Seattle. WAKE UP YOUR . LIVER BILE- WitfiMl Cataaal-Ane Too 11 Jos Out J Bed ta th. M errant Reria' ta Ca TV. l!-r BboolS amir out two pints of rhw4 bile lnt roar bow.ll deUr. If tlut til. V! not flowina tmy. your food n! ent It mr u.t dtfay la th. Gee bioeu CP your t toms'h. Yo'l st ermrtl. Cted. Ya feel four, sunk aad the world punk. a It at", tlnee ff. I4 CarOr'a UfH TJer Pjie to art Uwe rwa put ef bile tewiat trly to m... rn-i ftl "up end en " A-nauRf In rr.tkin bi:. flow frwlr. At for f ..... . Lai,. LiW f11l. r name. t aaa lef. tubeanuref'ae SW kias eiea PERSONAL Board to Meet Board of di rectors of the Jackson County Chamber of Commerce will hold a luncheon-meeting in the Hotel Medford Friday noon. No Meetings Crater Lake aerie and auxiliary, Fraternal Order of Eagles, will omit their weekly meetings tomorrow night. Instead, the members will gather at the lodge hall. 42 North Front street, for a nMal a r- V--V H'r.. ner will be served at 7 a. m. and there will be dancing after ward. There will be no charge. The affair is for members of the aerie and auxiliary only. ... Jensen Leaves Dr. LeRoy C. Jensen, Medford physician, left today by United Mainliner for New York City to attend an American Medical association meeting. He is a member of the association. In New York he will greet many friends and classmates of Philadelphia Med ical school and the University of Minnesota where he received his training. En route home he plans to stop in Minnesota to visit his mother, Mrs. Anna Jensen, and other relatives. He expected to be away two weeks. Attend School Capt. Irvin A. Robinson, executive officer of the Medford CCC district, E. J. Brugger, subsistence officer, and Joseph W. Scobey, publicity of ficer, were back at their head quarters offices here today after attending a fire suppression' school at Siskiyou national for est headquarters in Grants Pass Others who attended the school were executives of the Siskiyou forest, state forest department and general land office and company officers, project sup erintendents and senior leaders of Camps Rand, Oregon Caves, China Flats, Williams Creek, Gasquet and Wjmer. To Klamath With a view to organizing a new chapter of the Sons of the American Revolu tion, Dr. Sherman L.. Divine state president of the Oregon society, went to Klamath Falls this afternoon to address a dinner-meeting at the Willard ho tel tonight. He was accompanied by Ralph E. Sweeney, president of the southern Oregon chapter, and the following members: Ray Wilfley, Hugh Hamlin. A V. Muchmore, C. M. Vturd, F. L. Applegate and ii. M. Hus- song. George Pendelton Taylor, county treasurer of Klamath county, has been named orga nizing president of the new chapter. Communications Thanks for Tribute To the Editor: The members of Crater Lake Post 1833, Veterans of Foreign Wars and its auxiliary wish to express our thanks for the Mem orial Day tribute which appeared in Sunday's Mail Tribune. We greatly appreciate the generosity of your newspaper in publish ing this message. MERRILL A. BENEKA. Commander. CLARISSA M. BENEKA, President of the Auxiliary. Uaa Mall Tribune want ads. 'The story that only Zane Grey could write 7 -SJry. ACTION....! I I v7VfTV I ADVENTURE! FrJ for Three Days, ftff II Victor I Lj T 1"7 t"T TTMrS TOMOHTt rjjw FRANK MORGAN I'V!.' The Ghosf Cornea Horn J ' ti3rir3i i- j Plul George Sanders rajNJ 'Saint' Csubl Trouble' ACM CLUB HEARS AIMS OF AMEIiC ASSN. FROM FABRICK Glen L. Fabrirk, treasurer of the Medford Athletic association, addressed the weekly dinner meeting of the local Active club in Hotel Medford last night, ex plaining the purposes and aims of the association and desrrib- mf the operation of the $8,000 lighted fairgrounds field. Where the association stages its sport attractions. Fabrick told of the obstacles encountered by the association in financing the new baseball park through the sale of revenue bonds, and conversely ol the splendid cooperation received from many sources. Following his talk, he answered questions pertaining to the association's program. It was announced that next Tuesday night's meeting would take the form of a dinner at Burgoyne's. Kenneth Tando, U. S. army auditor from Van couver, Wash., was a guest. GENERAL OFFERS IMPROVED FUELS Coincident with the an nouncement of General Petro leum Corporation of a reduc tion in the price of gasoline comes the statement from Don Dawson, general sales manager of the company, that both Gen eral's leading brand and prem ium gasoline are new products. According to Mr. Dawson s an nouncement, these new fuels have higher octane ratings and superior road performance than have been available with any fuels marketed by the company. The price reductions, made public by Grant Bean, local agent, show that the company's leading and most advertised brand which has been selling here at 22V4 cents has been re duced IVic making the new local retail price 21c- At the same time Mobilgas Special. General's newly developed premium, gasoline is announced at a price of 23c as compared with 25lic, the price at which the company's former premium grade of fuel was sold at the pump. "We feel that this further contribution to motoring serv ice will be well received by the public, in that the motorist will not only benefit directly through a drop in price of these Mobilgas products, but will find that the improved characteris tics of both Mobilgas and Mobil gas Special will unquestionably result in a much smoother and more economical performance of their automobiles," Bean said. Seems Characteristic. Vancouver, Wash. OP) A justice court jury of six wom en was chosen to hear a dog theft case. After three hours of deliberation, the six women filed out to report: "We are unable to reach unanimous decision." Merle Oberon In E -ue;.e,jei i v At the Craterian Theatre Sunday will be " 'Til We Meet Again", co-starring Merle Ober on and George Brent, with Pat O'Brien, Geraldine Fitzgerald, Binnie Barnes and Frank Mc Hugh. The poignant romantic tale of a man and woman for whom there was no tomorrow, set against the brilliant background of a trans-Pacific liner, the Daphne du Maurier Novel 'Rebecca' on Craterian' 's Screen Against a background of chil ling mystery and eeriness, the plcturization of "Rebecca", best selling novel by Daphne du Maurier, opens a four day run today at the Craterian Theatre. Directed by Alfred Hitchcock, master of mystery-thrillers, "Re becca" was filmed with Lau rence Olivier and Joan Fontaine in the top starring roles, while the featured supporting cast in cludes Judith Anderson, George Sanders, Nigel Bruce. C. Au brey Smith, Reginald Denny and Florence Bates. The story concerns a young and unsophisticated girl who becomes the bride of the wealthy and socially prominent Maxim de Winter. When they return to live on his vast Tudor estate, Manderley, the second wife learns, to her horror, that her life is being dominated by the past of Rebecca, Maxim's first wife, a very beautiful wo man who fascinated all who knew her. Furthermore, the memory of Rebecca is kept alive by Mrs. Danvers, de Winter's house keeper, played by Judith An derson. Mrs. Danvers resents the second Mrs. de Winter and does everything in her power to harrow her. After an clabor- TWO MAJOR FEATURES ON EVERY PROGRAM 2 Young Favorites in a Story About America! .4 . t'5sV . . wuC.CMU fa'-"-.-...! Q4 Crtr ta ri,wi "" ! TODAY i j and THURS II TWIN HITS Bainter's Best! atV A womai C a no man. no law araww no an awl XX? Ill r zwm at. -A J Jm. II n her Sunday Show J.rjf; jfJS.? ST. lY'.i''? story tells of a shipboard love affair of a girl who knows she has but a few months to live and a man who is being brought back to San Quentin to face the death penalty. Based on the story "One Way Passage", one of the big suc ceses of a few years ago, the new film is said to be one of the season's outstanding shows. screen ate ball given at Manderley, the story moves swiftly to a smash climax, stunning in its surprise, and terrifying in its impact. This scene takes place in an aban doned boat house. RENDER ELECTED LIOM Arthur Render was elected president of the Lions club for 1940-41 at the regular weekly dinner-meeting in the Hotel Medford last night Other officers elected were J. A. McDougall, first vice pres ident, Eston B. Humphrey, sec ond vice president, Iral Nelson, secretary-treasurer, Ole Kesler, Lion tamer, ur. rranK rree- burger, tail twister, and H Zacharisen and R. M. Schlno, directors for two years. Retir ing president was Ray Marti. A motion picture, "Fighting Finnies," was presented by Hal's camera shop. G. W. Tuck er was a guest Lion from Granite Falls, Wash. Other guests were William J. Peck, Hal Carver, F. Cyril Sander and Aubrey Sander. ' p- w. ii n Tomplete Shwa Dillr at Its a is an S IS - wis,... er.-"- a E- ',fv V' ' TO; : V TV; . Vw r Youthful Star Young Treddie Bartholomew rwetrire Jackie Cooper in "Spirit of Culver", a story of loyalty and courage displayed . by members of a military aca demy, which plays today and tomorrow only at the Roxy Theatre. "The Lady and the Mob", with Fay Bainter as the tough est racket-buster on record, plays as the companion feature with "Spirit of Culver". Ida Lu pino, Henry Armetta, Lee Bow man and Warren Hymer sup port Miss Bainter. , Ambushed Confronted with the accuse tion of having killed the brother of the girl he loves, George O'Brien finds himself ambushed in "Bullet Code", coming to the new Rialto Theatre tomorrow for a three-day run as the conv panion Western with Zane Grey's blazing saga of the sage brush. "Liiht of the Western Stars." Victor Jory, Russell Haydcn, Jo Ann Savers, Noah Beery, Jr, and J. Farrell MacDonald have starring roles In the Zane Grey classic. Several hundred Medford res idents too kto the skies the past three days In the 27-pas-senger trimotor airliner at the local airport, according to Alton Walker, manager of the western tour of All-American Airways, r --t:vS 1 r 'iti; I asaaavirwy il raai-l I i immmmmma rfta m ii rnavMaa. e.iea LAURENCE OLIVIER -JOAN FONTAINE tun of "Wuthtrint HtitftU" k lur tmuiHonal tlarrint ithut GEORGE SANDERS whose company is endeavoring to get everyone Into the air. Tomorrow (Decoration Day is the last day the plane will fly here. It will leave Friday morning for Klamath Falls. The huge plane is the largest three motored airliner in the country, according to Walker. Over to per cent of th. capital Inveeted In American hospitals rep ifKDU publie monies, eupplied di rectly from tax funds indirectly by community campaigns, non-profit chariUea and philanthropy. Dm Hall Tribune, want ads. Too Late to Classify loss DODOS' Da Lu Hollywood Be- dan rlfinal blue flnteh like new. very email mileage. The beet buy In town, fully guaranteed and easy to own on our rami PIERCE-ALLEN MOTOR CO. Doage and Plymouth Distributors OPENINO KITE K. P. HALL Satur day. June let. NEW FEED MILL "Rogue River Brand1 Dairy Meal, par cwt. .10 . 3 36 . 3 45 . 3 10 All Purpoee ck. Meal Turkey Starter, per cwt. . Egg Mean, per cwt. Or. Oata Re-cld.. per ek 1.15 Or. Barley Re-cld.. per cwt. 1.35 Medford Fuel-Feed Department Court and McAndrewe FOR SALE Hall or stair carpet. Inquire Vawter Apt. No. 4. TRADE 3 roata for 1 milking goat. Phone 15SS-X. BIO OPENINO DANCE Saturday. June I. K P. Hall, old-tuna dancing. FOR SALE Cord Sport Sedan. straight S front wheal drive, wire wheels. Make tine racer. Priced low. Royal Rogue Kennels. BRINO TOUR FRIENDS to the open ing danca K. p. Hall Saturday, June 3. 1M7 PLYMOUTH Da Luu Sedan beautiful lakeland green finish, many extrea Including SS0 Phlleo radio. Da Luxe heater and defroat era. guaranteed throughout and priced to sell quick on our low payment plan. PIERCE-ALLEN MOTOR CO. Dodga and Plymouth Distributors PRICES REDUCED NOW ONLY $1118 PtUe el naaee tedaa eV (verad aera. Federal tea laeMed. Stale, leeal (If ear! era eaera. TODAY - FOUR DAYS ONLY A Great Motion Picture of a Great Story! A famous bast-seller ... the perfect east directed by the master of mrs'erT a4 suspense . . . io bring you th story of Man derley . . . eerie house ef Impending doom and two lovers who dared io face Its Strang secret to find the happiness they both deserved For Your Complete Enjoyment See It From The Beginning! Feature Daily 2:30-7:15-9:30 Hmrrhg JUDITH ANDERSON DW , ALFRED HITCHCOCK r A MILT WABHINO. called for and delivered, SSc. Phone 452-R-3. WAN1TO Landscape development and mentnenca work; rock and wawr tardena. H. M. Lamb. 73S WW 2nd. TOH RENT Room with board I'llt abla lor two. S20. Phone 1971-J. FOR SALE Young, good milk cow due to frvahea eoon. Aleo 2 doceo heavy breed, pood lavlna; hena. Jeaeen Service Station, Crater Leka Highway. FOR SALE OR TRADE Equity In '35 Terrnplane 4-door aedao. Sea at 33 Almond. CARD READINGS. SI. 830 Jeanette. FOR SALE A-l ch!:4.-r. UlTJZ i pony for email WATCH for opening advertisement In una raper Friday. K. P. HalL FOR RENT 4 -room houae. I"9 Haven. Inquire 319 W. Clark. WANTED Carpentry by day or con tract. New or rfmodellng. Cecil Owen. Phone 1453-J-l. ICE PRICES REDUCED! How 60c per 100 lb.... delivered, loa Boiea for Bala or Rent. Valley Fuel Co. Tel. 1 HIGHEST CASH PKICES PAID for SCRAP IRON AND METAL c. all klnda. battenee. radlatora. alumi num, copper, braaa; aleo bldea. peite and wool. Medford Bargain Houaa, 37 N. Grape Phone 10T53. FOR RENT Spacious and attractive four-room dowuetalra aulta In the Holly Apartmenta. Completely fur nlahed except dlhea and linen. Oarasa. Seoond door north of poatofnea. Adult, only. (40. Avail able June 1 See manager In rear, or phone 1S97-R. STRAWBERRY FESTIVAL Townsend Hall W. Main St. 123V. Friday Eve. May 31 Special Program and Publie cordially Invited. Adm. 15c BIG 122tt" WHEELBASE 6-PASSENGER SEDAN DELIVERED in MEDFORD ' Humphrey Motors St So. Riverside. . Phone 454 ; it Li .-iA.' . ft i Matinees aoe Ereninia ear Kldrllea tee j i 'u