PAGE -SKiEN Want to Buy, Sell or Exchange? Read the Ads on This Page! It's Filled With Oppo rtunitiesl ! MEDFOPeD MAIL TKTBUNT. MEDFORD. OREGON. TUESDAY, MAY 2S, 1910. RMd every d on P8 tou will proboly nod eiectlj th things rou oaf oeeo look leg for w a sale ot trad lot "unuaea aruci ruu may oat Search four tuoot store-room you msy r.ud msny things others era aeeting and M able to nana Immediate eaah U what ou want unt , here, advertise lot it Tribun Clas sified Ada ara Inexpensive affective I RATES Per word nrtt lnrtlon (Minimum S5c) Bach dd.t.unal tntertlon. per word (Minimum Ifle) Per line per month it hoot copy ctunt CASH or money order mutt at company all mail order clauiiied ad. LOST AND FOUND L06T 3 fish pole. between Dead Indian Soda Springs and Flab Lake. Phone 699-R-4. REPORT loat dogs, animal cruelty cases Humane Society. Phone 1818. WANTED FEMALE HELP WANTED Unincumbered housekeep er for family of three; borne and wages. Reference required. Phone) 1222-R. 19 Chestnut, after 1 p. m. or Thursday morning. WANTED Nurse girl for child, I years old. Phone 1101. BTRONO ELDERLY WOMAN wants position caring for Invalid lady. Patient with children. Marthena Cutllp, co E. M. Wllklna, Drain, Ore. WANTED SITUATIONS MAN experienced with stock want Job. Will work on per cent basis. Box 525. Central Point. Ore. WANTED MISCELLANEOUS WE WELD ANYTHING; pot mewl, aluminum, brass, copper, cast Iron. Mao Floyd's, 233 N. Riverside. WANTED AT ONCE 500 or 600 feet 8" galvanised irrigation pipe. W. F. Martin. E. P. Star Rt., Medford. I GIVE ESTIMATES on- whltewaeh lng your building or oold water paint. Phone 151. COMMERCIAL SPRAYING. If cater pillars or earwigs are bothering you. Phone 151, WANTED Best car or pickup for 3350. Box 608 Tribune. COMMERCIAL SPRAYING of kinds. Phone 151. Wlthrow. all WANTED To rent ranch with option to buy. Tribune Box 839. BODY AND FENDER WORK done by L. A. Porter at Mac At Floyd'. Phone 320. WANTED Cows to pasture. Clarence Arnold Rt. 4, Box 484. Buckshot Hill road WELL DR1LLINO-4I 50 per ft. first 60 ft., etc. J. M- Dodge, 519 King WANTED Wool, mohair, hide and pelt Medford Barealn House. 27 North Orape St. Phone 1063. WE PAY MOKfc CASH For Your Furniture. BARNRKIRQ ANDREWS 6th and Front. Phone 547 WANTED Dressmaking, alteratlona Katherlne SatterU. Singer 8hop. 32 South Grape. BEST PHirES PAID For Your s rnlture. EADS FURNITURE Phone 193 -J HIGHEST CASH PRICES PAID For Your Furniture MEDFORD BIRUAIN HOUSE 97 N Orflr St Phone 1063 FOR RENT HOUSES FOR RENT Very nice house. Ideal Court, corner Myitis nd Taylor Sta. Geo. Iverson. FOR RENT 4 -room house. a, of an acre, water paid, I13;50. 241 Wabash, near Spring. Phone 435-R. FOR RENT Modern 4-room house. 103 So. Orange. Call Sundays or evenings. FOR RENT Clean, well furnished, 4 to 6-room house with sleeping porch. 117 Laurel. FOR RENT 7-roorn house. 3 bathe. Downstairs completely renova jd. On paved street. Phone 1936-J. FOR RENT 6-room furnished En lih stucco, hardwood floore. elec trlc.l'y equipped. Summer month References. Phone 1555-J 119 Lin coln. FOR RENT 4-room house, sleeping porch. Inquire 708'j West 4th. FOR RENT 5-room modern house. 125 Columbus. FOR RENT New five-room fur nished duplex: electric stove, Frier Idatre. garage, laundrv room, lawn P.eaaonasle 308 S Ivy or Inquire 711 King St. FOR RENT 5-room furnished house Haver) FOR RENT APARTMENTS FOB RENT Attractive 3-room up-e-ain arartmetat, newiv furnlahed. 115 N. OarSai. Write Wm. Isaac Central PWr.t. FURNISHED - ANrAfiTVENT. private bath. FrtglAalra. 806 W Main rOrTKT--Tw 3-room apartment. M unfurslsnod. 313 furnished, csu at 318 Phoe 43J-R. CLEAN furn'-mnwl s-rartment. ground f:ocr. CHI 117 W. Snd between 1 30 nd V 8 an. or phoc morn Inge. 8S7-L, FOR RENT APARTMENTS FOR RENT Clean, attractive, furn lehed apartment: contlnuoua hot water; raaonabl; adulla only. 344 So. Central. FOR RENT Furnished apt, adulta i only. 344 60. Ormpe. I OE BAUER APTS tb at Oakdale Preattge. eourteay. with oomftirt able modem borne Furnished ot unfurnished Moderate pncea By 1 dev. week or month Prnn vis-Y PRUITT Apt., over Houowejt Groc ery ill N central pn 1419 or a Pram's Music-Radio Center FURNISHED 3 and -room apart ments: also house. Adults. 604 West 10th. MODERN furnisneo. apartment, beat. hot water, Electrulux, garage. 10 Quince St. FARMERB At Fruitgrower Baok apartment. 3 rooma and batb. gas beat. Inquire 311 West 6th APARTMENT FOR RENT Bmall furnished apartment. Slower. Hot and cold water paid. Steam heat. 3 closet. Cabinet space. In Mall Trib une Building. Apply at busi ness office Mall Tribune. FOR RENT Furnished Rooms FOR RENT Nice room for gentle man. 331 West 6th. FOR RENT Well furnished sleeping room: garage If desired. 323 South Riverside. FURNISHED ROOM, near house. 120 8. Laurel. FURNISHED room tor rent, hot and cold water In room. Oarage. 11 fl Orange. ATTRACTIVE ROOMS. 404 8. Orap FOR RENT Room. 33 50 week. Pri vate entrance. 40B Edward. FOR RENT BOARD. ROOM CLOSE IN, MODERN, congenial borne for business people. excellent uveal. Phone 1S89-J. ROOM AND BOARD, private home, quiet, cool, good meals, bis Beany. Phone 1971-R. COOL, CLEAN ROOMS Large shady yard, special diets for elderly peo ple; reasonable. 835 West 13th. ROOM AND BOARD 718 I Main 91 per day. FOR RENT-MISCELLANEOUS FOR RENT on Old Stage road 31 acres. 6-room house, barn and chicken house. Spring water. CsU 1409 -J. FOR RENT Store ruUdlng and two office rooms see Al utlreu or Roland Hubbard. FOR SALE POULTRY FOR SALE Bronx) baby turkey ready Friday, 35c. Four weeks old straight run Rocks and Red chicks 15c. White Muscovy duck lings 30c. Fat hen and new-laid eggs. CAR LEY POULTRY FARM North Big Y Market FOR SALE LIVESTOCK COW FOR SALE. Phone 1283-R. FRESH COW and heavy springer for ssle. 1600 N. Riverside. POR SALE Extra fine pig. Orant road, off Beau Lane; sign on gate. FOR SALE AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE CHEAP 1940 Cbev. truck and Van air brakes, 3 apeed axle, good 8 35-20 tires. Terms. Phone 933-J. FOR SALE 1936 Ford tudor deluxe, motor Just re bo red, 3125.00 cash, balance 3130 00. 313 30 month. Richfield Station. Jacksonville Hlrhway. FOR SALE REAL ESTATE INCOME RANCH. CLOSE IN 146 seres, 36 cultivated. Irrigated: out side pssture; fifteen good milkers, four heifers, six hogs, one tesm. Implement, two houses, two barns, good spring, other buildings. Priced low, sickness: sell, trade home with garden. Owner Box 488 Tribune. OWNER will trade new 80. California beach Income duplex In high class neighborhood for sereage on Rogue River. My equity 33.250.00. Mort gage 82.500.00. Income 8800 to 31.000 a year. Clifford A. Oreen wood. 3320 No. Highland Ave., Hol lywood, California. FOR SALE 4-room house with sleeping porch, furnished; shrub bery snd flowers, 81000 00, 8150 00 down. See H. N. Lofland, 225 So Oakdale. 5-ACRES. 6-room house, family or chard, clover pasture. Also 6 seres. 4-room modern house. Trade equi ties for good truck, livestock, firm mschlnery, etc. Box 538 Tribune. fjifnrt Owner leaving town and sP'lOUU will sacrifice this beautiful suburban home, witn six rooms, batb. sun porch v-hlch can be used for extra bedroom, service porch, lartre new garage, barn. Large shade trees, snaclous grounds, shrube, fruit, city water. lo Irritated, paved road close In and in an excellent district Taxes snd Irri gation spprox. 850 per year. Com pare this with your city taxes. This property was Just remodeled at a cost of 32eoo Price Includes 6500 worth of floor carpeta. ELMER HERRIED No. 7 N. Bartlett Rt Phone 1496 or 1513-J. Exclusive agent. FEDERAL LANK BANK FARMS Convenient terms List available at Nstlonsl Farm Loan Office Holly Theatre Building Medford HOUSES FOR JALE tn Medford ard eurraundlng towns Easy tern. Jackson County Federal Savings and Loan Association. CITT nd eountrv propemee. RENT AL LOANS INSURANCE C Buttmld 408 Med lord Building POR SALE 8-cre tract. 3-room bouse, screened-tn porch, chicken house. 33 chicken go with place: good concreted well. A bar ram for cash. Wm Btucker, B.jut 4. Box 30. Medford. .i:m. Cow creek mmirg dutnev W. B. Ferguson, Oo.d HUL FOR SALE REAL ESTATE MEDFORD REALTY BOARD Tour real estate deal Inge are safeguarded when you deal with a Realtor. Member Brown At White, 104 W. Main St. Harold H. Brown. 123 E Main St. Mark A. Ooldy. Inc.. 109 E. Main St. W. J. flcsc;u. 72u V,'. -So. Ore. Realty Co.. 113 N. Rlv. Carl y. Tengwald. 135 W. Main St. FOR SALE Modern 6-room home. 629 8. Holly. Bee oaar, ni o. Holly. WHEN you think of real eatai think of Bn-wn At White FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE Household furniture. milk cow. turkeye ana cmcarna. Morris Scholten, Rogue River, Rt. 1. Box 101. FOR SALE Modern stove and re frigerator. Phone 940-R. FOR SALE 1938 Zenith Radio, auto matic console style, like new. half price. Also, set of chllds Wonder World books, perfect condition. Phone 820. CUT FLOWERS for Decoration day, Phone 314-R-3. Mrs. Walker. ATTENTION Medford Feed and Seed, authorised Albera Feeda dealers, announce opening of complete lines of poul try and dairy feed and aupplles. Call for our new low price Phone 1795. 4th and Fir Bt. same loca tion a former Irwin Seed it Feed. FOR 1 WEEK ONLY, 335 Suit made to measure at 324.95. Made In Medford. Newest styles snd wool en. KLEIN THE TAILOR, Wlk upstairs and save 310. JACKS Snd Hand Store, the House of a Thousand Bargains Harness spring tooth, pumps, shingles fur niture, stove at 10 8 Orape DAIRY RATION Albert Mil-King. 30. 31.45 per sack. Medford Feed & Seed. 4th and Fir. TURKEY STARTER Albert Trtp-L-Duty, 32 40 per cwt. Medford Feed Ac Seed Co.. 4th and Fir. Call for our new Low Price. FOR SALE Westinghouse 4-bumer and oven range. In good condi tion. 38 Geneva. FOR SALE First crop alfalfa hay, 37 ton In shock. E. L. Walt. Phone 447-R-l. FOR SALE Oat hay, 6 ton. In field. Second place on right across bridge In Fern Valley. E. D. Beery. ItDIANA BALTIMORE tomato plant 20 Laurel. NEWTOWN APPLES at Medford Ice ex Storage. Dolph Phlppa NU-WAY Mattress and Upholstering Co Phone 393 309 West 8th t BONO BIRDS 1127 West Msln St 2 BRAND-NEW SPARK oil beater Bargain price. Pbone 13. PANSY, ZINNIA, ASTER, etc. lOe do, vegetable plant. 30 baurei PIPE Pipe and Fittings New and Ued Large stock. All sue uet our price. MEDFORD BAROAIK HOUSB 37 N Orape St. Pbone 1063 GOOD used 7-ft. SUPER-COLD re frigerated display case. Bargain Phone 12 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES FOR SALE Meat Market, grooerlea. fountain. Doing good business. Box No. 716, Tribune. FOR SALE st half value, on account of sickness Will sacrlllc the Riverside Apartment. 38 rental apartment and 4-room apartment for manager. Beat buy in uregon. and a money-maker. Completely furnished; clear title; good bust ne Phone 457-J. MISCELLANEOUS LAUNDRY 81.00 per wash, six week ly waahlnga 85.00. Trlbun Box 657. ELECTROLUX AGENCY. Phone 1056 SADDLES Made to order. Olbson 8addle Shop, Grant Pa 312 So 5th. Electrolug Cleener Service. Ph. 1068 LAWN MOWERS machine (round 979-T PbRSONAL PALMISTRY and crvstal reading. Phone 3446. 480 Mountain Ave Ashland BUSINESS DIRECTORY Dressmaking THE FASHION SHOP Dressmaking. Pur Remodeling Buttons and Buckles covered Room 802. 0 . 8- Nst Bsnk Blag Tel 1181. Expert Window Cleaner LET JOE DO IT Expert Window Cleaners. General bouse cleaners Floor waxing. Joe epence inr,ne 117J INSTRUCTIONS INS raucnON Piano (modern and classical 1. violin cello, flut. trum pet, trombone Compose, arrange IH HFNDPirK Boa 499S Trburie Loans MONEY TO LOAN on modern dwell Ings of late construction 89 76 per month pet thousand Low Int erest rate. BPOWN WHITE 104 W Main Transfsr CITY TRANSFER at 8TORAOE CO House bold mono and general hauling 38 8 Orape Phone 3050 day or night. DAVIS TRANSFER AND STORAGE 40 S Fir Street Insured -Carriers Local and Long Distance Hauling Phone 844 IADS TRANSFER At STORAOE CO Offices 18 Suutb Fir Phone 318 Prices rlgrtt Service guaranteed Blocks and Bonds ONIT STOCK TICKER service In Oregon outside of Portlsnd own- 1 " I hour M N ricstan Co, 314 I Sv. Main St, Msdlord, BUSINESS DIRECTORY Auto Loans ADVANTAGES OF OUR CAR LOAN PLAN Mo Interest charged in advance Tour own Insurance accepted I. Car does not bar to be paid for. 4. Tou get the anoney In tea mm- I. 8pectI low spring payment . Tou deal direct and sav money See W B. THOMAS. Manager OREGON FINANCE CO. At Our Main Office 45 South Central. Phone 139. License No. M-317. DRIVE IN AUTO LOANS and REFINANCING SERVICE Deal with a southern Oregon owned Independent finance com pany wher your needa will receive PERSONAL CONSIDERATION at all Immediate action I No red tape! Our year of experience Insures you ot the best service DRIVE IN for YOUR confidential loan Used CARS BOUGHT AND SOLD "DRIVE IN" P. T. "JERRY" YOUNG Motor Investment Company Llo M-374. Phone 169. 8th and Bartlett. 120 TO $1,000 On Your Car. 1931 to 1940 Model ear and light truck 1 to 18 Months to Repay CONSUMERS' CREDIT CO. HAROLD H. BROWN AGENCY Agent 133 East Main M-336 Phone 801. CAR LOANS Solve your financial problem by refinancing or borrowing LOANS ON CARS 1931-1939 TA-State Acceptance Corp. License M-iSS MARK A. GOLDY 109 F. Main. Phone 138 PERSONAL LOANS YOU CAN BORROW $100 It You Can Set Aside S1.6t A WEEK Other Amount In Proportion. w Are Friendly Confidential Prompt. OREGON FINANCE CO. W. Thomas. Mgr. Lie No 8-211 5 so. central. Phone 139 Painting TOM FENTON Painter and recorator Plrat class work guaranteed. Phone 1749-Y. IF TOU ENJOY tint elaas painting and paperhangtng in your home call Frank Skeen. 1103 W 10th St No Job too large or too small phone 1963 Roofing WE REPAIR or apply any type of root psoco Koonngs, sninxin. Coatings and' Paint. Wall Paper Ekerson Paint and Roof Co.. 88 So Bartlett. Tel 243 Radiator Repairing HOOPER'S RADIATOR SERVICE 83 South Bartlett. Mail Tribune Daily ACROSS t. Boys I. Fa.itenr I. Crony It. Moldlnt. U. glrctiittctunl pkr 11. Reclln IS. Critd It Rceptton rooma 11. Amcrlcan Indtatn N. Fodders stor) to Hot tl. Jut fabric 14. Favor. ta U. Break th con tinuity ot IT. Self 50. Uenaa of th maple tree 51. Malt bevtrage 12. Heart, acrou W. Turf 14. Bender fre from bac teria t. Likely 17. Neck pieces IL UaiMrf cards bearing printed stamps It. rem In In, nam Solution of Y s RiAlvHQiAifr'ElSHMl. ' A I RJAIDIA IBS RE B Aif E S Lb. OggA W 43. Evident 41. Engllsn school 43. Turn to th right 49. Largs plsnt 64. tyrant il. rinllh 82. On th eceaa S3. Paradlae 'l 12 13 4 V'5 17 18 -y W o it I W; ' M'" W 'Lr -l Z.-l.ZZZ ZZZZZZZZZ!L 3) ,, . , W 35 iWJlZZ g4a WW LEGAL NOTICES Citation In the County Court of the Stat of Oregon for Jackson County. In the Matter of the Estate of Mae Baglow Rankin, deceased. To Alice Woodward, Ida M Mllll san. Mildred Shlnno and Wayne Bigelow, and to all other devleeea and heirs unknown. If any such there be. of the above named Mae .Baglow Rankin, deceased lue Name of tne State of Oregon: Tou are hereby commanded to appear before the County Court of the State of Oregon for Jackson County within ten days from the date of the service of this citation upon you If served upon you per sonally In Jarkson County. Oregon, or If personally served upon you within any other County of the State of Oregon, then within twenty daye from the date of the service of thia citation upon you. or If aerved by publication then within twenty-eight days from the date of the first pub lication of this citation, which date ot first publication of this citation la the 1th day of May. 1940. and then and there show cause. If any exists, why an order should not be made authorizing and directing the administrator of the sbove estste to sell sll the following described real property belonging to aald eatate, at prlvate'ssle, to-wlt: Lot One (11 Block Seventy-five (751 original townslte ot Medford. Jackson County. Oregon, and the following personal property located on the above described real property : 1 dresser. 1 small table. I neater. 1 rocker. 1 couch. 1 Monarch stove. 1 small kitchen stove. 1 bedstead. 1 old dresser, 1 bedstead and serines, 1 deer hea. , 1 goat, 4 rhalra. 1 rocker, 1 bedstead 1 dresser, 1 dsy cot, 1 brass bed and springs. 1 mantel clock. 1 dining table, 3 ehalra. oil panting and frame, 3 unpalnted chairs. 1 heat ing stove. 3 Ironing boards. 1 lawn mower. 8 shovels. 1 hoe. 1 ax. 1 saw Wltneas. mv hsnd and the sea) of the above entitled Court altlxed this 6th day ot May, 1940. (SEAL) O. R. CARTER. County Clerk for Jackaon County. Oregon. O. H. Bengaton, Administrator. ATTENTION HANDLERS Notice of meeting of handlers of fsll and winter pears for election ot nominees for member and slternste member of the winter pear control committee, pursuant to the market ing agreement and order regulating the handling or tne Beurre 0 Anjou. Beurre Bosc. Winter Nells, Doyenne Du Cornice, Beurre Easter, and Beurre Clalnreau vartetlea of pears grown In the ststes of Oregon. Washington and California. To all handlers of fall or trlnter pears In the Medford District: Take notice that a meeting of handlers of pears In the above named District, for the purpose of electing two nominees for a handler member snd two nominee for an alternate handler member of the Control Com mittee pursuant to the provisions of the sbove nsmed Marketing Agree ment and Order regulating the handling of the Beurre D'AnJou, Bsurre bosc, winter Neil, oovenne Du Cornice, Beurre Esster, and Beurre Clalrgeau varlettea of pears grown In the states of Oregon, wsshlngton. and Callfornl, executed by the Sec retary of Agriculture of the United States snd now in effect, will be held at ons P. M- o'clock on th 39th day of Mav, 1940. at the Jack son Hotel. In the city of Medford, County of Jackson. State of Oregon. Each handler of peara of the afore said varieties within the above named District will be entitled to attend and participate In aald meeting and election. Cople of said Marketing Agree ment and Order may be obtained from the Chief Hearing Clerk. Agri cultural Adjustment Administration. Washington, D. C or from the undersigned. R. O. BARDWELL. Manager. Winter Pear Control Committee. 419 Liberty Building. Medford, Oregon. Dated May 33. 1940. Notice of Rale of Real Property. In the County Court of the state of Oregon for Jackson county. In the matter of the estate of Enos Emll Post, Incompetent. Cross -Word Puzzle ft r day's Pun I t. Devices for peeling barb 3. Red of atraw 3. Stopper 10. 1: 1 . k ) 1 n river 11. Not ao much IT. Cereal grase 18. Rowing Im ptement 31. Diagonal 31 Extremely! Scotch 33. Chlinish talkers 19. tree 17. Eradicated hair 31. Look ateadlly . Units 33. On ef a Slavic people of Europ 34. Oreek eltr 18. Adherent of! sum 88. Member ef a Luton tribe 88. Summon In a publle plac 88. Accessible 40. Hastened 41. Ijre. knife 44. Afternooo function 48. Cnrennad metal 41. N-lMlv. pre tlx i e'e u e .bite I A I Tgmc-O DOWN L Near the hortsoo 3. Epoch 3. Sent out of th country 4. Pioneer 8. Chenc 8. Genus ot duck Notice 1 hereby given thst the un derpinned guardian of the estate ot Enos Emll Post, incompetent, pur suant to an order and license to sell the real property belonging to said incompetent, which order snd license was duly entered In the above en titled court and cause on May 37th, 1940, w.ll from and after July 8th, 1940, proceed to sell at private aaie for cash all the Interest of the said Incompetent in and to the following described real property: b'.v-4 oecium .4. ibwnantp 338. Ran,; 3W. containing 160 acre, more or lesa: situated In Jackson County, Oregon. Bids for all of said real estat or any part thereof will be received by the undersigned at his office at 306 Liberty Bulldtnr. Medford. Oregon. HARRY O. NAUGLE. Guardian of the estate of Enoa Emll Pr,t. Incompetent. In The DayV NewT By Frank Jenkins. DAUL SATKO and his "ark" bob into the news again this time at Nanaimo, on Van couver island, where he seems to have arrived without mis hap. Satko and his family (wife and seven children) ara headed for Alaska to take up a home stead. Their "ark" is a home made ship, powered by an old automobile engine. They had to sneak away from the American cities on Puget Sound, as the authorities wouldn't let them leave said the trip was too dangerous. TTHE American authorities were doubtless right about the danger. Queen Charlotte Sound, with a storm blowing tn, is far from safe for a home-made tub powered with a flivver engine. Still, where would the Pacific coast be now if authorities in Missouri a century ago had re fused to permit ox-team trains to leave for Oregon and Cali fornia on the ground that the trip was too dangerous? PRESIDENT ROOSEVELT, In his Sunday night "fireside chat," calls for an end to "fear. illusion and calamity howling" in connection with the present trend ot the war in Europe and American preparations for de fense against whatever may threaten us. He is right. Fear, Illusion and calamity howling will get us nowhere. Only courage, de termination and patriotic co operation will get us where we want to be. AMONG tha illusions that need to be destroyed Is the panicky idea that tha world will end so far as the United States of America is concerned If the Allies are defeated. When the war ends (no mat ter who wins) the world will still need American goods, ma terials and services. We may not like Hitler, but that will be no reason for not trading with Germany. We are supposed to look upon Japan as our prob able enemy in tha event of trouble, but for years we have been Japan's best customer and Japan has been one of our best. (Britain and France aren't de feated yet, and every day they hold makes It less likely that they will lose disastrously.) PRESIDENT ROOSEVELT adds: "American defense requirements will be built up to whatever heights the future may require. That Is true. We have the time. We have the materials. We have the Ingenuity and the skill and the ABILITY TO WORK HARD that are re quired. There Is no occasion for panic. It may even do us good to have a national goal we are all agreed on. We have been working at cross purposes TOO LONG. AT THE National Capitol WITH John W . KeUy CONTINUED FROM PAOE ONE The file tells of 10,000 or 13,000 Spanish refugees (com muniits), who are In Mexico, with the United States as their objective; of some thousand Germans who have also gone to Mexico within tha year, pre sumably as members of the "fifth column. Senator Holman has sought an Investigation which would have been. In Its way, as sensational as tha ex pose of un-American activities by the Dies committee, but the Oregon senator has been sty mied. . e THE Holman data and the Die t""H"a;t were belittled and ndl euled until quite recently when Die received some confident! state menu of such startling nsturs that when they were revealed to the department of Justice and re layed to the Whit House, the re orgntsatlon order wae promptly Is sued. Secretary of Labor Perkins h been so tolersnt of alien thst not only members of congress but of ficials of the state and other branches of government have ex pressed concern. Miss Perkins he taken the aide of alien agalnat experienced rfficlal ot th Immigra tion service end refused to act on report which under other secretaries of labor meant prompt deportation of undeelrablea. Although It ta known th patrol force along the border Is Insufficient. Miss Perkins ssked for Increased appropriations for other activities rather than for more money for more men for th patrol. ... IN HIS message to congress making the transfer, th president said. In so many words, thst control of aliens now Is a man's Job, and gave a slap at Madam Perkins by ststlng Immigration and naturallxaUon can be more efficiently enforced by th department of Justice. Which I what Oregon's Holmn has been trying to say sine early in 1838. ... TIERS 1 what administration exec tautlve are discussing: What If Hitler Invadea England and demands surrender of the British fleet; threat. enlng to lay waste the tight little Isle If the fleet Is not turned over to him? with Hitler In possession of the fleet It gives him. perhsps. con' trol of the Atlantic and the British Island In the Weat Indies. It would snsbls him to attack Canada and would th United State stand tor thst? Mr. Roosevelt' ha said that th United Bute would never stand Idle If a foreign nation Invaded Can ada. All speculation, of course, but tt gives an Idea of what 1 running through minds in th national capi tal. e e A GERMAN officer, stationed tn the capital, drop a In on Amert can army officers every few days sometime every day. He ha in formed the American of every step Hitler tskes In his wsr drive, pre dieting to a day when this or that would occur, and his record of pre dictions la 100 percent. Th German I cultivating th friendship of th army officers. What th American have not discovered Is how th Oer. men receive hi Information of th Nan movement so fur In advance. Big Applegate, May 23. (Spl) Student reporters from Apple gate school summarize accomp lishments of the school term just closing in the following report: Seventh and eighth grade visited n art exhibit la Medford In Feb ruary. Following the afternoon ex hibit, we visited the Jail, library, and mineral shop. During th sama month th upp room put on a radio play over KMED. Th upper room attended th music festival in Ashland May 10. The fifth and sixth grades sang In the choral ensembl led by Mlas Louise Woodruff, some of th girl and boy danced In the folk dsncss. Five couple of girls putting on a Ruaslsn dance included Georgia Benedict, Dorma Cox, Jean Brown, Bueleh Brock, Beverly Mee, and Carolyn Benedict. Three high school girl s'.so part1c!pted, Barbara Bentley, Virginia Cox and Mildred Wright. Eighth grade visited Medford Ju nior high school May 8. teacher, Mrs. Bertha Heekln. went with us. W saw part of th operettta. April 17 we went to Ruch and played a game of ball. Ruch winning 3d to 3. Upper room puptla ara sending a box to Alaska. Thia project la car ried on under Junior Red Cross. Th school was represented at play dsy at Ruch this month by Mr. Helen Davis' claas tn acrobatic. Th following pupil won ribbon In th track meet: Beverly Mee, second, 76-yard dh: Raymond Corbln, first, 50 yard dsb;thlrd. running high Jump: third, rslay; Bobble Wsllls, second, 76 yard relay: Elinor Mee, eecond. baa ball throw; Norman Kub II, third. 73 yard relay; Beulab Brock, first, baa ball throw; Clifford Pow ers, scond, relsy; Oeorgla Benedict, second base ball throw; third, nfty yard dash; Jck Rlchey, second, high Jump; Stlae Davis, second, high Jump; second, relay; second 60-yard dash; Donald Christie, first, rlay; Richard power, first, running broad lump; third, 60-yard dash; third, re lay. Th following pupil were en th honor roll this spring: Csrolyn Benedict, Jean Brown, Bill Wright, Beverly Me. Dorma Cox, Robert Wei ll. Silas Da via. Jack Rltchey. Elenor Corbln. Betty Rock, Georgia Bene dict. Temple Rose. AU pupil re ceived other final certificate In writing or certificates for their gra. Tempi Rosa ra th meet books In the last year, 34. Carolyn Ben diet ranked second In reading. Nor msn Kubll received an award for perfect attendance. Beverly Mee, Carolyn Benedict snd Melvina Row den recelvd awarda for th beet scrap books en phase of their school work. Mrs. Raskins, who Is returning to the upper room next term, plan to spend LOsfUlS ON HOMES MEIirORU DISTRICT Variable Interest FIRST FEDERAL AVINOI a) LOAN ASSN Of MailMMD 27 North Molly I Biff ADoleirate li L- --r LODGE NOTICES CARPENTERS LOCAL. 8CK7. meet A. P. of L Hall first and Friday each month. Visiting members wel come. CRATER LAKE CHAPTER, No. 33. R. A. M. Special convocation May 38. Work In th Royal. Arch detre. Refresh menu. R. L. BARTON, K. P. her vacation In Illinois, visiting bar parent and other relative anal friends. Mr. Leora Peas, primary teacher. Is leaving to teach at Agate. Miss Margaret 8 tames of Ashland has been secured to fill her position. Meteorological Report Forecast Uedrord and vicinity: Partly cloudy tonight and Wednesday, slightly warmer tonight. Oregon: Partly cloudy tonight and Wedneaday, with scattered thunder storms over the mountains, fog on the coast, slightly warmer In eouth west portion tonight, gentla north, erly wind off th coast. Local Data Temperature a year ago todayi highest S3, lowest M. Total monthly precipitation, .4 Inches; deficiency for the month, M Inches. Total precipitation sine Septem ber 1. 1S38, 33.33 Inches; excess for the season 5 Inches. Relative humidity at I p. tn. yes terday ss percent: 1 a. m. today, 77 percent. Tomorrow: sunn 4:33 a. at., sun set 7:37 p. m. Observations Taken at 4:30 a. 1 130 Meridian Tim. jTTTjjTT - ijlfii Boise Boston . . 75 , 78 . 88 . 86 . 68 . 75 83 68 S3 61 SO 60 68 66 67 48 63 63 46 43 60 8 44 41 64 .00 Clouds' 00 Cloudy Jit Cloudy .34 Cloudy jOO Cloudy aa p Cloudy & Cloudy JOO P Cloudy .84 Rain JOO Clear JOO P Cloudy JOO Clear JOO P Cloudy .00 P Cloudy .00 Cloudy JOO Cloudy JM Clear .00 Clear .06 Clear JM Clear - Chicago I Denver . I Eureka - 1 Havre Lo Angeles. eg Medford 77 New York 67 Omaha 70 Pboenlx 100 Portland 74 Reno ,, 83 Roseburg 75 salt Uk 76 8n Franclaoc 89 Seattle S3 Spokane 74 Wash., D. 0 74 Wenatche 73 McLeod McLeod, May 28. (Spl.) H. E. club of Upper Rogue Grange) held a buffet meeting In their hall May 21, with 13 ladies present. This was tha last meeting until September. Pres ent were Mesdameg Helen Ax tell, Gay Chamberlain, Merle Carlton, Ethel Casey, Carolina Harding, Jennie Hutchinson, Alma Mallery, Veda Neville, Lois West, Erma Beddingfleld. Lillian Moore, Velma Chapman, Gladys Robertson and Graea Horton. Harry Harding, Jr. has bam chosen delegate to urnm-v school ta Corvalll in jun 10 to Juo tl. la will represent Elk Creek 4-H club. Upper Rogue Orange will hold a dsnc In their hsll Saturday even ing, Jun 1, Attending graduation xeercl tn Medford senior high school May 34 were Mr. and Mr Harry Harding. Sr. Mrs. Sella Tunis. Mr. and Mrs. Leo Hoesj. Walter McEwan, Steward Week. Hank Sweet and Lawreno Trlbbett. Mis Joan Edler and Barbara Fry have gone to Suaauvtue, Calif, to visit relative. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Ryan, Nora Hastings and Mrs. Zella Tunis mo tored to Hotoomb Springs My 13. Visiting at tha horn of Mrs. Tul 11a May 33 war Mr. Diets and chil dren. Mr. Audrey Collier and tarn, lly and Mrs. Caroline Harding and son Harry. Mrs. C. E. Cloee 1 now at boms after spending several days In th Community hospital In Medford. Mr. and Mrs. O. B. Amldoo and Mr. and Mr. Don Smith and eon. all of Medford, were guest of Mr. and Mra. Harry Harding, tr. May 36. ' Closing time for Too Late to Cl slfy Ad la 1 30 p. m. OH imoawaM- raw - - -.-.B SNI.B Itrsst uwterd at