PAGE SIX 1 MEDFORD MAIL TRIBUNE, MED FORD, OREGON, MONDAY. MAY 27, 1940. Mitt sHMHhM By Jean Randall' YSSTBRDAY: kn Ktd re turns. Breads dlmiodn Mm from knocking the lar out of Abiwr. Th girl Nsd it support ing If hit half lltr. Chapter It 'Dignified Baby" BRENDA u weak with relief, and with Uufhttr. What a (rand Joke this wai on the em niscient MacI "Did you know your halt sis ter? an asked. "Never heard of her until a year before my lather died. Hit conscience bothered him. exoecL And anyway, he wanted her to have tome money without making it public in a will." He shrugged hit shoulders. aDDar ently confident that he had aaid the last word on the aubject And indeed Brenda'a quick wits filled in the gaps witnout aimcuity. ' "She made a bad marriage, loat her money, and applied to you for more. She named her baby after "No. For Dad." "You're (till supporting her, Ned?" He flushed resentfully. " "It's my money, isn't it? I've got right to spend it as I like?" ' "You have indeed." She patted his arm. "Good for you, Ned. Heavens, I didn't realize how much I'd worried about that story." "Urn. But how is all this going to help me with Alaine? You aay she doesn't know about Cynthia. Then what " Let me think. Everyone has a dominant trait a dominant weak ness," said the young atudent of psychology, "What would you say AOI 1ST "One and the asms: his nutti ness over his farm." She looked a little baffled. That doesn t seem to get us anywhere, does it? Unless , . . Doea he have everything for it that he wants, Ned?" "How the dickens do I know? He never aiks me out there. But waitl Alaine did aay that they're both simply frantic to have a little greenhouse so they can keep on with their experiments all the year around. What about it?" Since she did not answer ie wept her a quick glance: saw the dimples in full play, aaw stars lighting her eyes. "Well, out with It!" 'ha com manded gruffly. She shook her head. "I want you to be able to aay It waa your idea. Nedl Think think hard!" "You mean I could build 'em a greenhouse or a flock of green houses? But Ab Abemathy would have my heart'a blood before he'd give hit consent." "Ab, yes: but the farm's only half his, isn't it?" His tired young face brightened. -i get youi "I hope you do, for it's the last word I'm going to say on the sub ject. I," said Miss Burnham virtu ously, "believe in tending strictly to my own affairs. Not for the world would I counsel you to sn action which might be construed by the finicky as rank briberv." He wrinkled his forehead In thought That's all very well as far as It goes: but it takes time to build a greenhouse, even more time for it to exert a beneficent Influence en the amateur botanist's heart And I want to marry Alaine right now! Next week!" "It's not to be considered. You mustn't think of rushing matters like that Concentrate on imagin ing how many limes you and he can drive out to aee the green house going up consult over the plants to go In It." ' "And if Ab raises the devil?" "Show him the blueprints. Get Alsine to give you a list of cacti all botanists seem to go mad over ractl, I can't imagine why and flash It before his eves. That'll fx him," ahe predicted confi dently. Blank And Defeated THEY drove for an hour longer, perfecting their plana. He helped her out at her own door just as Mac's shabby car drew up. "ITl wait until he warns me against Don Juan Barrow, and then I'll give him the surprise of his life." Brenda assured heraelf, with relish. But Mac did no warning. He merely greeted them both pleas antly and held the door open for her to precede him into the house. She felt oddly blank and some how defeated. Adelaide came out into the hall to greet them. "There's a man been telephon ing you. Brenda." ahe said. "A friend of yours from New York. He wsnts you to csll him at The Shelton. Graham's his name." "Phil UrahamT There was genuine pleasure In her voice "Oh, I hope it's Phil! May I ask him out to dinner. Adelaide? But when she got him at the big hotel where he waa staying, it seemed he had plana of his own lor the evening. "We're dining and dancing here at The Shelton," he Informed her, "Good food, special orchestra to night everything. Jump into your prettiest frock and I'll be out in an hour. And ask your landlady for a key. It'a likely to be the wee mi' hours before you get back." It waa fun, di easing for a party again. She waa glad she had brought along the rose brocade with its matching evening coat Aunt Anne had considered it too old for lief iml Eiemia herself reveled in the lustrous folds of the lovely gown, in its smart lines, and the small crushed roses which held it on her white shoulders. When she had brushed her black curls until they shone like satin, snd fastened on the long swing ing earrings of rose cortl. she gazed with satisfaction at her self In the mirror. "I look at least twenty-seven, and dangerous!" Not for the world would she have admitted her real reason for coming downstairs to await Phil's ring. Nevertheless It did not dis please her that Mac and Eric were spending the last ten min utes before dinner in the living room. trie looked ud with a low whistle of astonishment. 'Holy cats! Whom have we here?" I m going out to dinner." aha explained carelessly. Her cost was over one bare arm. She refused Eric's proffered chair with a shake of her head. "No use to sit down, I have only a minute or two." Isobel waa frankly envious. "What a dress. Brenda! I'll bet It came from Paris. It's too old for you but that's all to the mod. It makes you look like a dignified baby. Doesn't it Mac?" "It's very becoming." He spoke quietly but the girl observed with satisfaction thst his eyes had not left her aince she entered the room. She had hie at tention at last ahe thought with some excitement; not necessarily his approval, or admiration she assured herself she had no desire to impress him: but she did want to have him take her seriously! When Phil Graham came, ahe bade them all a radiant good night and departed for an eve ning of high festivity. ' 'No Use To Argue "TJAVE fun?" Mac inquired at 1 1 the breakfast table. "I really didn't expect to see you down this morning, it was so late when you got in." She lowered her lashes demure ly. So Mac had been awake when ahe crept in a little before four! "Heaps of run! Phil s a grand dancer and a good friend. The floor and the orchestra wer j both good." "Is he staying In town long?" asked Isobel. Brenda looked at her wrist "Hi's on his way south by now. Yes. what is it Grenadine?" "Telephone," announced tha dusky damsel. It was Hugh Saltus. "When are you coming to see me?" he de manded. "You haven't been near me since the day you shattered my peace of mind about You said you'd try to think out a way to to help. Have you thought?" "Not to any purpose, I'm afraid," ahe admitted. "But I'll run in for a few minutes bpfore I start writing this morning and we'll talk it over. That do?" He assented and Brenda re turned to her breakfast When, half an hour later, she started down The Street Mias Ormond came grimly forth from her house and loined the girl. No use to ariue." ahe said. "I won't interfere with your visit I won t open mv mouth if vou'd rather I wouldn't: but let you go alone to that married man's studio I will not!" So Brenda. her 1 ns aet demure ly but the betraying dimples denting their cornera, paid her nrat chaperoned cail on the car toonist. Hugh looked amazed at sight of her companion, but he welcomed her courteously, seated her in the most comfortable chair. He and the eirl exchanged casual pleasantries for fifteen minutes while the grim figure of the ex-teacher kept watchful ward. Will vou tell me the meaning of this, Brenda?" he inquired over the telephone when the call waa over and the callers back in their respective homes. "Whv did you bring the Ormond along? Did you think I might weep on your shoulder, or make love to you or what?" I wasn't my Idea. 1 assure you! Brenda told him. 'She told me that the next time I went to the studio she was coming with me to chaperon me, you know." Hugh swore disgustedly, and she chuckled. "It's no laughing matter." he Insisted. "I hsve to see you: I want to talk to you about Linda. Have you heard again from your friend?" "There was a letter waiting for me when 1 got back a few min utes ago. I haven't had time to read it yet." Continued tomorrow SLAIEDJT SOCE Southern Oregon College of Education, Ashland, May 27 Spl Pre-reglstration for the first session of the summer term began here May 22. This session will formally open with registration on June 10 and will last until July 19. The second session begins July 22 and ends August 23. Subjects required for certification for out-of-state teachers will be of ftred the first session. These courses are Oregon School Law and Oregon 8ystem of Educa t,oo. and Oregon History. A wide variety of courses for teachers of art, music, and physical education will be of fered. A large number of ad vanced courses In education car rying upper ' division credit transferable to any upper di vision institution are also sched uled. Many courses are avail able for high school students wishing to begin their training thia summer and for graduate students in both the teacher education and Junior college curriculum. Weather. Northern California: Fair to night and Tuesday but genera, ly overcast on coast: little change in temperatrre: moder ate to fresh northwest wind off coast On the Radio Chains STATIONS There te Una Thm the Dial: kex. iis. fortune: ki. mo. loo aoielees kOA. 1410. Spokane: KUO. 5SO. San SroBrttro; KOW. P.O. Portland: BJK. S7. Sea I tie; It NX. I DM, Loft Angeles) KOA. SJO. tenter; COIN, M. Port la no": OMO. rt Seattle: KPO. SSO. San rronrlftfo; KM,, 1IJO. Mlt lake. Monday a 00 Oroon Hornet. KOO, HEX. KJR: fUdlo Theater. KSL. KNX. KOIN: Or. Quia, KPO, KOW. Kit. S SO Martin's Music. KOO. KJR. KKX; Tomploton Tim. KPO, KOW, KPT. eoo Hmir KGT. KPI. Lombardo's Orch., K8I KNX. KOIN. :30 elensatlons and Swing, KPO, KPT. KOW; Blondlo. KNX. 181,, KOIN. 7:00 Prod Warln srpn wnvt KPT: Amos and Andy. KNX KOIn! KSL; Black Velvat. KOO. 7 : Ifl Dance Orrh tenw wen- Lanny Root. KNX. KSL. KOIN: Tuna Termites. KPO; News. KPT. T:0 True or Palae. KOO, KEX, KJR: Own aort-a kpo ten vnuj- Smoking Time. KNX. KSL. KOIN. o .uu uoracjr's orcn.. KOW; Paae- lnS PanUlO. KOO- TuM.tTn.Tlma KNX. KSL. KOIN. I :S0 Hawthorne Reuit, KPO. KOW, KPT; Kent's Orch, KEX. KJR: Himbors Orch., KSL. 9:00 Llttlo Of Hollywood. KEX: Paul Sullivan, KSL. KNX, KOIN: Kbenor-a Orch, KPO, KPI. :IS Week In Sports, KOO: Cof fey a Orch., KOIN. t SO University giploror. KOO: Duffy Orch.. KNX. KSL; Molina's Orch, KPO. KPT. KOW; News. KJR. 10:00 Voesllat KH.: Reporter. KPO. KPT. KOW: Radio Porum. KOO. KJR. 10 SO Muale by Woodbury, KPO. KOW, KPT: Relchman'a Orch, KOO. KEX. KJR: Noble Orch., KSL. KNX. 1 1 00 Drapers Orch.. KPO: This Dotting World. KEX: Noble's Orch.. KOIN, KSL; News, KOO, KPT, KOW. KNX. Tueedav. :00 Cavalcade of America. KPO. KPI. KOW: Time and Tempo, KOO. KEX. KJR: Vocalist, KOIN. S30 Aurandt'a Orch.. KOT. KNX: Teeterdaye Children. KOO. KEX. KJR; Plbber McOe. KPO, KPI. OKW. 8:00 Bob Hope. KPO. KOW, KPI; Mllor'e Orch, KOIN, KNX, KSL. 6:90 Euy Aces. KOO. KJR, KEX; Dog House. KPO. KPT. KOW. 7:00 Amoa and Andy. KNX, KOIN, KSL; Pred Waring, KPO. KPI. KOW; Information Pease. KOO. KEX. KJR. 7:16 Lainy Row, KHU KNX. KOIN: Cummins' Orch, KOW; Ex position Speaks. KPO. 7:30 Aldrlch Paml';, KOO. KEX. KJR; Johnny Preaem , KPO, KPT. KOW: Bl Town. KNX. KOIN. KSL. 8:00 We, the Pope, KNX, KOIN, KSL: Byrne's Orch, KPO, KOW, KPT: Judy Deant. KOO. 8:30 Battle Of the Seies, KPO. KOW. KPT; Professor Quia, KNX. KOIN. KSL. 9:00 Paul Sullivan. KNX. KOIN. KSL; Hlmber'a Orch, KPO. JO Moltna'a Orch, KOW, KPT; Nichols' Orch, KNX; Treasure Cheat. KPO. lO.M-ttepotWf. KPO, KPI, KOW: Dance Orch, KSL. 10 SO Amhelm's Or-ti, KOO. KJR. KEX: pnml'a Orch.. KPO, KPT; Pas tor's Orch, KSL, KNX. KOIN. 11:00 Draper's Orch, KPO; This Movlnf World. KEX; Noble's Orch, KSL. KOIN; Km. KOW, KNX. HULDAH ROSE ELECTED SOCE WOMEN'S LEADER Southern Oregon College of Education, Ashland, May 27 ffipiv-The Associated Women Students of the Southern Ore gon College of Education held annual election of officers May 22. Successful candidates were: President, Huldah Rose, Med ford; vice president. Lela Hen derson, Medford; secretary, Jean Wall, Ashland; treasurer, Betty Dano, Marshfield. and sargeant at arms, Esther Wade, Ashland. Ambulance Driver Hurt Paris. May 27 iVP) Erwln H. Watts of New York, a driver with an American ambulance unit in northern France, was re ported today to have been slight ly injured by a collapsing wall while rescuing a baby in a Ger man air bombardment. The child was unhurt. Closing time for Too Late to Clas sify Ada Is 1:30 p m. SUBURBAN HEIGHTS By GLUT A3 WILLIAMS r 1 I H(SBBBBBBBBBBBal FRED WftlEY SPEKt A WREfCHED l&mb WHEH,L00KlH6 FOR THE HOUSE WHERE "THE MEM'5 CLUB WAS BElh.6 ENTERTAINED, HE 1URNCP IM WHERE ALL THE cRS WERE PARKED, WA RE&OESTCP Xo of SlLErtf BECAUSE THE ADDRESS HAD BE6tM AMP WAS WHISKED INTO "THE MIDST OF A 1ALK ON MODERN ART AND WHAf if MEANS 15-28 f WrteamsaH fry T Wn ttmtyw. fat. 5UVS WtuiArW R. C. JO DIES IN ASHLAND Ashland, May 27. Spl.) Rasmus Christian (Chris.) Jorg ensen, passed away Saturday at 9 04 p. m. at his home. He un derwent a major operation ten weeks ago. Mr. Jorgensen was born in Copenhagen, Denmark, February 1, 1B8P-. and came to this country in 1893. He was a baker, learning his trade in Denmark. His first business venture was in Medford in 1893 on East Main street, in the former Warner, Wortman 4 Gore building. He lived in Ca.ifornia many years, later coming back to the Rogue river valley and conduct ing bakeries in Jacksonville, Medford and Ashland. He was married to Mary Mor gan in 1923. They made their home in Ashland where he has since resided. Besides his wife, he leaves two children by a former mar riar, Mrs. E. B. Price of Med ford, and Harvey Jorgensen of Los Angeles, Calif. Funeral services will be held by the Litwiller Funeral Home Tuesday at 3:30 p. m. The Ash land Elks lodge will have charge of the services and act as pall bearers. Interment will be in Mountain View Cemetery, Ashland. Parachute Precaution Malta, May 27 iPi The gov ernor of this important British naval base today ordered curfew from 11 p. m. to 5 a. m.. effec tive tonight, as a defense pre caution against parachute inva sion. The public was warned violators of the curfew would risk being shot. The warnings emphasized the death penalty for treachery. STRANGE AS IT SEEMS byJOHNHIX f&JSm,x VIUA6&1H f , B L v&v j Johnston ea, 9 foTf til Vn i Jacksonville. Fla aRCf in w months I WooHoiiR$mnN6 1 j5 J u f ir " Pool TABL-t Monument- OE7 t aSrt- fl- I OVeRTrlt 6PAVE OF AN WWk'-haSn ft TAILSPIN TOMMY The Silent Witnessl . " Hi 5"-27 -f-Kiwi,riiiw WIRE MYSTERY Strange as it seems, by adding six feet to a wire stretched tightly around a golf bait, or the earth, you raise the wire exactly 11.46 Inches. Assuming the earth's circumference to be roughly 25,000 miles (132,000,000 feet), its diameter would be 42.016.806.72 feet. Add ing aix feet to the circumference and dividing by pi (3.1416). a new diameter of 42,016. 808.63 feet la obtained, 1.91 feet greater than before. This gives a difference of .955 feet (11.48 Inches) between the radiua of tha earth and that of the wire. Tha same difference occura with any other sphere as long as only six feet Is added. Tomorrow: Backyard Railroad. By HAL FORREST :taoeov MAS Hern op -moss CRASHES OCC.ufe.r-Dl VI dileH 1 .... OVE l kir k Thai' CLEARI NC THIS SHIP IN THtt MORN IN(J, i STRUCK AT J-POiNT.'....TWO f-. VA I Ti. 0BrTT 'Ml .vVSA )) ) JA I . r el l v job tvs A moui t i ix I I v ii QjckH MPiyrsvninnliH" -Bj &f I- I A5 H USUALLY O5 flltr'll .,STR;KtS.;-AH0 TWO MORI 1-P0INT fLVEllS INTO TMI Tt E-Ttlf J TMI (lT Bril WEBSTER'S CAREER Food for Thought " Z Bt EDWIN ALGER k f or? moLSM Ti HI, BM, V OP TO MAPPV " I I ANO SO, BEM RECOUNTED WHAT AtARV I I' I CAN'T f I KlNf THAT " I HgIuSP.'cts J I ( VAH0EM9 I Kl! MOtLOV MA0 SA' ABOOT "ASETT I ..GUR6 IT Y OtO COOTS UP V oe Mly I l V B"N?y1 J.A6J.ME 7 NOTICING l.TTLE HAPPY'S BIRTHMARK, l OUT. RUSTV- TO SUMP'N' I f I V V ' V00 2!3H,NS' AS WELL AS THE EXPLANATION ' V Q SUmp N. I QfFT THE NEBB3 Neat But Not Caudy ' By SOL HESS PUV A OOTPT FOR TOO - MXJE ' i ACfY SARMTThAT MAKESV (TmiS LCOKsl SWELL - flO0 AoTNCWSmIHOUlO HAVE GOTTENJ I KJOT AKI UNDERTAKER. THAT NOU KA.t IpO A 20 "VEa'S A fMT TOO WEU- NOjCs DSGwSiKeS ) KMiCKERS ? VOU COLXO I TO DRESS SAT.,NO? A, OOCTOR TmatJ 1!? A V0UNSER. AND AS 00 SEEvpccy POO ! TAKE IT 'V OUR5ELF&S ME tMTD PLACESAT M $OU HAVE TO DRESS DIGNIFIED AMDVf" J -LOC GuK ME yVT V- VTn maw7 t" L H ALP PRICE A