T'KGT, SIX ' jrroroKD watt: tribune. rroroRD. Oregon. Sunday, way 26. 1940. Sterling Mine Loop Is Suggested as Sunday Outing for Valley Folks APPLEGATE AREA SCENE OF EARLY Modern Mining Activities of Interest Sterlinn Operated Since 1852 Everyone In the Rogue River Valley knowi the route to Jack sonville and even the strangers in our midst can find this his toric center of Southern Oregon with very little difficulty, so we will start our log this week end driving down the Main street of this oldest community In the territory. As you reach the far side of the town and at the last crow road on Main street, better de scribed as the corner on which The Nugget la located, you turn sharply to the left and drive but one short block. There, In order to develop the proper at mosphere for the trip you will leave the car for Just a few momenta In front of a one-story brick building called the B run ner Building, erected In 18SS. It was In this building that the women and children of the then mall frontier settlement con gregated to protect themselves against the last Indian attack on the white people of the Rogue River valley. The year was 18S8 and bullet holes still no ticeable in the bricks of the building are mute evidence of a very trying struggle. This building is now used as a mu seum and you will see there In the .window the original gold scales used by the Sterling Mine in I860. In the time these scales were used they weighed over two million dollars worth of gold from that one mine. As you return to your car you will notice directly across the street the Odd Fellows Lodge hall erected In 1860, and we want you to notice that all the doors of this building are constructed of iron as a further precaution against Indian at tacks and rowdyism, which were quite prevalent in that day. After yoa have driven west a few blocks through the old residential district you will come to an unmarked Y In the road. Be sure and remain on the oiled highway by keeping to your left at this point. How ever, Just one block past this junction you will find a second Y and here you will leave the main highway and turn to the right on a well maintained mountain road. This road, inci dentally, Is In excellent condi tion and the grades are not steep. From this point on If the motorist will only remem ber that he Is on a typical narrow road and drive with reasonable caution, he will ex perience no trouble whatsoever. By driving only a few min utes from Medford In any di rection one Is sure to encounter roads which afford excellent views of our valley and the mountains around it. and this particular road Is no exception. To the left as you slowly climb into the foot-hills, the floor of the valley unfolds and with the recent rains which we have en joyed the traveler is afforded a beautiful panorama of greon. backed by the blues and greys of clouds and sky. Approximately eleven miles from Jacksonville, the starting point, you come to a well marked road turning sharply to the left with signs directing to sterling and Poor Mn Creek and in two more miles, after wending along shrub and tree frtnged road you arrive at Toor Man s Creek and this point csn be easily Identified by the sight of a large gold dredge working 10 me right of the hiahwav which. Incidentally, had within a few weeks plowed Its wav from the main Jacksonville Ruch highway to this location far up Into the mountains. Here at Poor Man's Creek another Sight will meet your eves which is neither attractive nor Inspir ing, lor from this point you will see for thousands of acres around, stark black snags, mute evidence of the disastrous for est fire which occurcd only about six years ago. Here be fore you are the works of nature and our Creator, developed ov er many decades, but destroyed within a few days through the carelessness of man. Where once stood wealth and beauty, now stand desolation and de struction. I know this Sight will again remind you to be careful with your cigarettes, matches, and ramp fires. However, with in a very short time you will have passi-J this hideous view and at approximately nineteen miles from Jacksonville will rise to the top of the grade and bring Into full view Whiskey Peak and the Siskiyous directly JACKsotwiUj E D FO R D IpV zo MILES flj A Applegata Mining District; (A). Buncom. 39 miles from Medford. An old time trading can far, now nearly deserted. (B). Big Applegata road. 19 miles. If an excellent picnic area Is desired, turn left here and travel south past the Star Ranger Station to McKee Bridge camp ground. in front of your car. If It were possible to frame this picture and move It to your home you would have a master-piece that no human master could possib ly paint. You will notice with as much Interest as those who have trav elled the route before, the wealth that is being developed here and there on both sides of the road by men who still have the will to grub their lively hood from the soil of a moun tainous country. Every little valley is developed with farms of various size and description. Each using his own Ingenious type of irrigation system in or der to make the little place pay Just a few more dollars each year. But you won't have much time to ponder on these scenes for you will soon pull Into the little settlement of Sterling, near which la located one of the largest gold mining opera tions In the west. In order to further stimulate your Interest it might be well for you to know that this large placer de posit has been operated since 1852 and although no-one has the least Idea how much gold has been removed from the dis trict it is roughly estimated in excess of $4,000,000.00. There Is very little left of this once thriving community today but it is rumored that at one time 600 votes were cast in the Ster ling precinct for Abraham Lincoln. For years after its dis covery It was operated on com paratively small scales through sluice boxes and small hydrau lics. Within a few years the larger operators headed by Mr. Ankeny worked the same dis trict and, of course, at that time there was ever present the Chi nese who gladly took what the white man had left. Please bear in mind that this particular dis trict has seen continual gold mining operations for eighty seven years and there are still visible from your car as you drive along the road giant hy draulics gouging out the depos its of centuries In order that man cr.n enjoy the wraith of the earth. As you turn right at Sterling please drive slowly in order that you can view and understand not only the present workings visible from the car but the workings of decades past which are now moss cov ered and almost overgrown with new trees and brush, for from this point to Buncom, which is only 24 miles from Jacksonville, there has been one continual gold mining op eration. Buncom Incidentally, is another one of the old time trading centers, and Is now nearly deserted. You meet the Ruch highway at the Buncom corner and turn right on your return trip home, still parallel ing the old gold workings of the days gone by. Within a few miles drive you will notice a white school house which Is the only remaining evidence of what was once I'nlon Town. I another of the thriving and I boisterous gold camps In this vicinity. j Shortly after passing the school you Intercept the Big Applegate Highway and if your family is with you for a day's outing turn left at this point and drive past the Star Ranger Station to McKee Bridge, where the three C's have developed a picnic ground and recreational center, enjoyable to young and I old alike. Here you will find camp stoves, tables, running water, a bathing beach, and every other facility with which to spend an enjoyable day. Your return trip will bring you back to Ruch, and from Huch All Mileage from Medford to Jacksonville on the paved highway. NE TOLL SET Public utilities commission hearings will be held Monday and Tuesday at which the Pa cific Telephone and Telegraph company will be called upon to Justify the changes in rates or the schedule of rates on traf fic between Jacksonville and Medford. First hearing will be held In the Commercial club at Jack sonville on Monday at 10 a. m. Second hearing will be held In the Jackson county courthouse at 10 a. m. Tuesday. Jacksonville citizens have protested the Pacific Telephone and Telegraph company's pro posal to place a five-rent toll on traffic between Medford and Jacksonville. TOLD TO POLICE An automobile driven bv Cliff Bishop of 4.M Ross Lane leaped the curb In the 1300 block on North Riverside ave nue Friday evening and struck an electric light pole Just south of the Medford Concrete Con struction company office. No body was injured. Bishop, according to Investi gating city police, was driving north on North Riverside ave nue. Clyde W. Lees of route I. Central Point, pulled into North Riverside avenue and headed north, police said. Bishop skid ded 69 paces to avoid hitting Lees, according to city police. Amy Bradley of 110R South Oukdale avenue and Harry W. Young of route 1 drove cars Involved in a minor accident on West Main street In front of the Liberty building Satur day morning, according to city police. Central avenue and Fifth street was the scene of a minor mishap Saturday afternoon be tween cars driven by Raymond II. Taylor of Ashland and Bess A. Harnish of Arnold lane, a report on file said yesterday. Winifred Short of 622 West 'Second street and August II. j Singler of the north Pacific highway were operators of ma- j chines colliding with minor damage at Haven and Summit I streets Friday afternoon, ac cording to a r. port on file in I city police station. Tall la On tour I let.tr... i fnMemi W hen Olheri fml tlx Them Medford Electric Basement Met! ford nidi Phone TM1 POISON OAK? Trr bettU of ZEMACOL Yah rnnt he MHfie1 or vnnr monrt 4 h?rrtl1l f6f IIMflrrl ,,f h.ft t f twlaj at H turtle. I U kill. TO SPEAK JUNE 6 AT HEALTH MEETING Dr. Wendell Hutchens, M.D., of the Oregon Mental Hygiene society, was announced yester day by Mrs. I. E. Schuler. pro gram chairman, as speaker for the annual meeting of the Jackson County Public Health association, June 6. Dr. Hutch ens comes from Portland and will be the first speaker in this particular field to be presented the public by the Jackson County Public Health associa tion. The annual meeting will open with covered dish luncheon at 12:30 o'clock under chairman ship of the Ashland and Med ford health groups. Luncheon and program will be conducted, as usual, in the auditorium of the county court house. Annual election of officers will also be held and an annual report of the association's major accomp lishments for the past year will be presented, Mrs. J. C. S. Weills, president, stated yester day. Plans are being made to care for a record crowd with repre senation from every health group in Jackson county. A new group was recently organ ized at Butte Falls and will be welcomed at this, the first meet ing of the whole association since that date. L Mabel Heimroth, 65, a resi dent of Medford for over 20 years, passed away suddenly at her residence, 328 North River side, at 7:40 a. m. Friday. Mrs. Heimroth was born at Center, Kentucky, June 6, 1874. She spent her early life in Kentucky, coming west when she was 25 years of age. Her husband, Charles Heimroth, passed away lit ' this city in 1930. She is survived by two daughters, Mrs. Stella Grove, of (Grants Pass, Ore., and Mrs. Helen Wagner, of Klamath Falls, Ore., also one sister and four brothers, in Illinois: also one granddaughter. Bobbie Grove, of Grants Pass. Funeral services will be con ducted from the chapel of the Perl funeral home Monday at j 2 p. m Rev. W. A. Dawes of the First Baptist church offic iating. Interment will take place In the Medford I.O.O.F. cemetery. She had been a member of the Pythian Sisters for many years and they will have charge of the services at the grave side. Honor Roll I j, The following pupils of Roosevelt school were on the honor holl for the third six weok' period: 1H Ehznbeth Collins. Shir ley Seekati. Mary Ballew. 1 A Luella McConnell, Myr na llannnford, Corinne Wing. 2B Susan Drummond, Har riet Overbeck. 2A Margaret Bown, James I Collins. .113 Hilly Hess. I 3A Marilyn Anders. Lovelle Davie. Tommy Frey, Nancy l.nucson, Fugene Ritfscrt, Pat Srtlu-r, Beverly Young, Jimmie Moore. 4A Jocelyn Bauer, Mary Sue (Jrecne, MariHnne Hutch ison. Mary Virginia Wait, Helen Winter.. ! siV-Marlin Pierce. 5A Unmet Wnlker. Nicholas! Greene, Billy Moffat, Philip Phipps, Rorella Chinn. I HA Walter Bown. Robert Znndel, Mark Vimont. Billy i Toild, Bud Nutting, Arlene ! Hclvey. I BARKERIZE itnd Feci Wonderful . . . . Wrinkls Proof Slack Suits $ 1.95 to $9.95 BARKER'S "Mi-tUiMir. rrn ?hlrt M.re" ELECTRICAL CONTRACTORS OLSON ELECTRIC i 1 fn.llMt ninoe tIS The following pupils of Roosevelt school made the honor roll for the entire semes ter: IB Elizabeth Collins, Shir ley Seekatz. 1A Luella McConnell. 2B Susan Drummond, Har riet Overbeck. 3A Nancy Lageson, Jimmie Moore. 4A Mary Sue Greene, Mary Virginia Wait, Marianne Hutch ison. BA Nicholas Greene. 6A Walter Bown. Closing tune for Too tHs to Clas sify Ada Is 1;S0 p. m. Too Late to Classify DAIRY RATION Albert Mil-King. S1.4S per sack. Medford reed & Seed, 4th and nr. FOR RENT Modern 4 -room house. 108 So. Orange. Call Sundays or evenings. FOR RENT Modern, new. unfur nished. S-roora houie. Adulta only. S16, water paid. 3M So. Hamilton. MAN experlenoed with stock wanta Job. will work on per cent basla. Box 236, Central Point. Ore. FOR RENT Nice room for gentle man. KJl weal Oln. I OIVE ESTIMATES on whitewash ing your building or cold water paint. Phone 151. COMMERCIAL SPRAYING. If cater pillar or earwlga are bothering you. Phone LSI. FOR SALE Large lot In good resi dential district. Very reasonable 64 Summit. WOOD SOc tier at yard. 623 So Central. Delivered but, double 300 cu. ft. load: Fir 6S.40; Pine S3 75: Cedar 63.80. City Fuel and Lumber Co. Phone 02. ROUTE MAN to aucceed Rawlelgh Dealer in good nearby Locality or District. Pleasant, profitable and permanent work. Producta well known. Experience not necessary. Call evenlnge. See Edw. w. Jones. Rawlelgh Dealer, Central Point. FOR SALE 6-room residence, oak floors throughout, larffe lot, been tlful shade. Five minutes walk from buslneaa center and schools. Paved atreet. Will take small home aa down payment. A18 So. Oakdale. OOOD TRUE WORK HORSE. 818 So Oakdale or Llndley Ranch, Coker Butte road. DO YOU KNOW you can buy a good used car for Sll down. Weekly parmenta on balance. A doren models to choose from. Rtvue Rtver Chevrolet, gth and Bartlett Sta. OUR USED HAVE FUN-- In The Medford Rogue Wonderland In One of Used Cars OUTSTANDING VALUE There tr se many places to go . . . things to see , . . fun to hsre . , . In this vacation wonderland! You can AFFORD to n)oy It ALL If you chooss on of thei good sconomical USED CARS. Ws havs some REAL BARGAINS ready to drive away RIGHT NOW Cars to fit overy purts and tvsry family needl Many of lhess cars we originally sold hairs handled all sorvice work and KNOW their history and true worth. GUARANTEED? Certainly! We give you lhe famous "O.K." tag and thai means EVERYTHING WILL BE EXACTLY as represented! ROGUE RIVER CHEVROLET erricr salesroom service dept. used car lot NINTH AND BARTLETT STS. tCB PRICES B EDUCED I How 60c per 100 Ibt, delivered. torn Boies for Sale or Rent. Valley Fuel Co. Tel. 76 BLOT Part dry, rough, heaping load 63.00. Medford Fuel. Tel. 631. TURKEY STARTER Albert TTip-L- Dutv, 62.40 per ewt. MedTord Feed e Seed Co . 4th and Fir. Call for our new Low Prices. FOR RENT Fully equipped board ing aoQ rooming house. Tenant to buy furniture. Must be sold thts week. 328 No. Riverside. Phone 425-X. BIO BLOX Part dry. heaplns load 63 00. Medford Fuel. Tel. 631. ATTENTION Medford Feed and Seed, authorised Albers Feeds deslers. announce opening of complete Unea of poul try and dairy feed and supplies. Call for our new low prices. Phone 1795. 4th and Fir Sta. Same loca tion aa former Irwin Seed ft Feed. FOR SALE 1 acres, 4-room mod ern house, laiye garage with sleep ing room. Good barn, chicken house. City water. Some fruit and berrlea. S blocka from city limits. Small down payment: bal ance like rent. Phone 1278-J. FOR RENT 4-room house. of an acre, water paid. S15.50. 241 Wabash, near Spring. Phone 436-R. LAUNDRY (I 00 per wash, slit week ly washings 65.00. Tribune Box 667. CLEAN 3-room apartment, 614. 310 Portland. COOL, clean, comfortable quarters for convalescents. aied and In valids. Box 720. Tribune. HIGHEST CASH PK1CES PAID Cot SCRAP IRON AND METAL i all klnda. oatterlea. radiators, alumi num, copper, brass: also bides peita and wool. Medford Bargain House 27 N Grape Phone 1062 FOR PAIJT 14-foot boat and kicker. 916 Whitman. OOOD USFD BMAI.L PIANO, SP5. eauy trm. One rrpowed Cable Nlaon streamlined piano for bal ance dne. Excellent bargain. Bald win Piano Shoppe. FOR 1 WEEK ONLY. n5 Suits marie to measure at 124.95. Made in Medford. Newest styles and wool eiis. KLEIN THE TAILOR, Walk upstairs and save S10. FOR SALE Wild oat hv tn sbock. or trwde for work. Hereford bull or cattle. H. E. Blrdsall, Barneburg Road. FOR RENT 3 - room hou se . new. modem. Also room. 204 W. Jackson. FOR BALE Vetch and grain hay In shock. Prtce ffl.OO per ton. J. G. Love. Snowy Butte Orchard, Cen tral Point. Phone 198-J-l. WANTED Elderly single man to do ll.?rit chores and milk two cows. Oaklelgh Ranch. Central Point. These Exceptional Every One An At A Few FOR CALK CHEAP l-plece dining act. Phone 667-R. FOR RENT Spacious and attractive four-room duwnsuure suits) In tna Holly Apartments. Completely fur nished except dishes and linen. Garage. Second door north of postofflc. Adults only. 640. Avail able June 1. See manager In rear, or phone 1397-R. FOR 8 ALB -30 Summit Ave., five room home. Hardwood floors fire place, piped oil heater, double ga rage with attached servant's room. Beautiful fenced-in back yard with lovelv shrubs and trees. 75-foot lot. Price 64200. With terms. Can be seen by appointment. Charles R. Ray. Room 317 Medford Bldg. Phone 303. OUT OF TOWN OWNER SAYS "Sell my home Immediately." 1030 N. Central, afternoons. FOR RENT on Old Stage road 31 acres, 6-room house, barn and chicken house. Spring water. Csll 1409-J. WANTED AT ONCE 600 or 600 feet 6" galvanized Irrigation pipe. W. F. Martin, I. P. Star Rt., Medford. REPOSSESSED Colson bicycle, out 10 davs. like new, save 610 at Ideal Bike Shop, 411 East Main. SUNDAY SPECIALS 5-room. mod ern, completely furnished house; large lot. plenty shade: sacrifice price 11300. 6300 down balance like rent. Also ft acres, all fenced. Ladlno clover, peach orchard, cross fenoe. city water. Irrigated. 6-room house; 8250 down, balance like rent, 816.50 Including taxes and Interest. A real buy. "DAD ROBERTS" "I ain't mad at nobody" Beat buy In Oregon. DESOTO ONLY ew.ee Ceeee e.bvene' here. Federal us ls sMwL Sttle. kal laeas 'K Bay) are eztran '1058 Humphrey Motors ..mttfiinrn-rf iJeetet!:i!:t"! i Now On Our Lot- 1339 CHEVROLET MASTER IS TOWN This l a en ewntr car) clean as tires. 1931 FORD TUDOR 60 Looks Llks New Low Mileage) excellent condition; good tires. 1937 PONTIAC COUPE New tires new paint You mutt see this en. 1939 PLYMOUTH SEDAN Radio Heater Very Clean Good Tires. 1939 PLYMOUTH I DOOR An excellent buy. Convenient TERMS Generous Allowance For Your Car On A New 1940 Chevrolet Come In! FOR 6 ALB or win trade for late ear my equity In 6-room plastered house, acreage. W. G. Miller, Howard Ave. Selling the Utmost in Used Car Quality The wl of turd rii ! big petit of our buunM aud never deflate from the policy of telling only ran which will pleate the onner and be a con stant credit to ouraevea, 19M Dodge D Lut Redan, small ml leaf e and only one owner. A real buy at .$685 1137 Plymouth De Luxe ftedan. gut ran teed thruout; radio, heater and many extras only )D0D lf lt Dort-e he I mx 8edan, ran hardly be told from new. A beautiful ear $585 for only. Many mora priced from HO Dp. "Com In lako a look that's all wo ask" Pierce-Allen Motor Co. Dodga and Plymouth Distributor 112 S. Rirtrsida Phona 150 BEAUTIFUL BIG , COUPE DELIVERED IN MEUFURU JUST II w -"aisstaaaaaaaiaaaaai " LOOK SEDAN new; sxctptlonsl