PAGE TEN MEDFORI) MATT, TRIBUNE. MED FORD. OREGON, SUNDAY, MAY 2(5. 1940. ' By Jean YESTERDAY: Laarnlna thai Hugh i tiil in lore with ris toil and wants her back, Brenda promises to help him, too. Mac warns Brenda that interfering with other people's lives is dan . geroua. Chapter IS Explanation "n EALLV the afest friend for 1 you in this neighborhood are the Miisea ronsor.Liy. in formed her. "Sweet, if withered spinsters, rest fully feminine. Not an ambition between "em" he went on dreamily. "No desire to make money, have a career, do anything, in snort, save make tneir men friends comfortable. Gone in a flash was Brenda'a new-found amiability, cone was her docile acquiescence with his opinions. She sat straight in her chair, her eyes sparkling, every curl apparently tigntening in rage. "Just nice comfortable feather bed, in fact; yielding to the lightest pressure, totally lacking the slightest vestige of a back- boner Teatherbeds don't have back bones, my child. If you're going to write, you must learn not to mix your metaphors. "I (hall mix them If I please! And nothing on eartli would in due me to fall back on the Pon sonby sisters for companionship. No ambition save to make their men friends comfortable! If that lan t masculine conceit I never heard it displayed! Mac, I do really think He sighed. "My fault! I apolo gize! I'm sorry I ever said it- whatever it was! Brenda, do we always have to fight? Couldn't we spend just one peaceful evening now and tnen7 1 11 tell you, ne proposed. "Say on alternate Thursdays and Sundays we agree to dwell in love and harmony well, in harmony, at all events." "I am very easy to get along with," she informed him loftily. "At home I have the reputation of being a very agreeable per son " "Cal, you lie, and you know it. A spitfire you were born, and a spitfire you'll die unless you marry a brute who will club you Into submission." "Perhaps you'd like to under take the task?" Her voice was as aweet and cold as lemon ice. "God forbid!" He spoke in gen uine alarm. "I'm a hard working man with neither time nbr (trength to discipline a small whirlwind like Miss Brenda Burn ham. When I marry " "Yes?" she prompted as he paused. He shook his head. "I shall never marry!" "Oh. but you will. Mac! You're exactly the sort of man who needs to Become a domestic drudge in order to be happy. I can see vou tinkering with the leaking faucet on Saturday afternoon, taking the two oldest out lor a walk on sun ny Sundays, leaving the office ten minutes early to buy the loaf of Vienna bread your wife couldn't get at the neighborhood baker's." He smiled at her. "It's not such a bad picture you paint, my dear. I can imagine en joying all those things with the right woman." She maintained a self-righteous alienee. Not Brenda would ques tion him coquettishly about fhat "right woman." The front door slammed and bobel came in. She looked gay and rather smart in her new taf feta evening frork with its jacket of silver brocade. Her eyes were dancing. "Oh, dears, what do you think? I'm going on the Matinee Hour! Every afternoon except Sunday; and scads of money!" Mac's voice was warm with pleasure. "Good for you! You de serve every bit of success that comes to you." He was -.n his feet, holding out both hands. "Here, sit here and tell us about it!" She was still telling Mae about It half an hour later when Brenda lipped away to bed. ThoiiRh they bade her a polite good nieht. she was convinced that neither of them really knew she had left the room. Single-Minded N'ED BARROW arrived on Frl I day and promptly telephoned Brenda. There was a peremptory note in his voice which she met In her own direct fashion. "I've got to see you, Ned," she told him. "About something im portant." "You bet vour sweet life vou've got to see me! And 1 11 tell the world it's Important!" "When?" "I'll have the ear In front of your house in ten minutes." She chuckled as she took off her smock and put on a scarlet crepe gown, pulled a small match BIT OF A RALLY I. New York. May 25. Wr gloom lilted a trifle In the stock market today without any special news to account for it, and leading issues stepned out of a generally disappointing week with a fuir-sized rally. Steels, aircraft and coppers came to the fore for gains run ning to 3 or more points. The Associated Press avcrnne of 60 stocks held a net advance of .3 of a point at 38 1 but for the week showed a net loss of 2.3 points. It was the fourth consecutive week's decline In this) composite. Today the bar ometer was .4 of a point above Its two year low established Tuesday. The 1940 high was 12.2 Randall ing felt hat down over her curls and caught up a light coat. She iiked Ned's single-mindedness. He wanted what he wanted when ha wanted it! She found herself hop ing that in spite of the mysterious girl with her child and her ap parent claim on the young mil lionaire, ha would win Alain Abernathy. He barely gave her time to get settled beside him before he be gan. "Well? How do matters stand with Alaine?" She was not to be outdona in forthrightness. "Ned, who was the girl you met in a downtown drugstore and paid money to? A girl with a baby named for you. "What!" he shouted. "Who the devil has been telling you " "It's true then?" siic questioned sorrowfully. "Of course it's true. But how anyone found out, or what busi ness it is of theirs " "It might be Aba business, don't you think? And Alaine's? He stared at her with puzzled eyes which slowly cleared into angry comprehension. "So! That's what they think, is it Ab and Alaine?" "Alaine doesn't know a thing In the world about it." He sighed with relief. "Well, thank heaven for that! I don't think I could have born it if Alaine had so misjudged me." She seized gladly on the last two words. "Misjudged you? Hal I thought so. Suppose you tell me all about it, Ned.'1 "Suppose I don't." His Hps et in a stubborn line. "It's nobody's business but mine and the girl's. I'm not under obligation to go around explaining every foul idea some evil-minded idiot has about me." "Don't be so wholesale about It, Ned," she bade him. "It's only on idea hardly that. Put yourself in well, in the place of anyone who is a friend of Alaine's. If you were witness to the sort of scene we're talking of. wouldn't you feel justified in requiring an ex planation from the hero of it or the villain, as the case might be? At least before you advised Alaine to elope with you I mean with the villain?" , Half-Sister HE TURNED the car around in the middle of the block, caus ing a traffic officer to blow a warning whistle after him. "Ned! Where are you going?" "To lick the tar out of Ab Aber nathy." "I would," she Jeered. "It will make Alaine welcome you with open arms, and promote a nice family feeling all around. Ned Barrow, you behave yourself if you want me to help you! I've no time to waste on ridiculous boys." He simmered for five blocks, then unwillingly slowed down. "All right What d'you want to know?" "Who that girl in the drugstore was, Ned." "You consider that's a fair question? One I ought to an swer?" "Most certainly I do." And then as he seemed unable to break his sulky silence, she said despair ingly: "Oh. why will men act like such idiots! Here I am. leaving my worx in tne middle 01 toe atter- noon, doing my very best to fur ther your cause with Alaine, and do you help me the least bit in the world? You do not You brace your forefeet and roll your eye and heehaw to the setting sun. All rignt. my dear, all rtoit; It s nothing to me whether vou ever see Alaine again rr not. She's nothing to me; you re nothing to me. I'm sorry I ever interested myself in the affair. Take me nome. please. Id like to finish a chapter before dinnertime." He smiled at her crookedly. You win! Gosh, what a hard- boiled little tartar you are, Bren da! I sure pity Mac!" She stitTencd in the seat beside him. "Will yon kindly explain that last remark, Ned Barrow?" "No offense golly to Moses, Brenda, no offense at all! It was merely a passing thought It has passed." "It had better pass." she in. formed him sternly. "Now if you can keep your mind on your own affairs long enough to ex plain " "The girl is my half sister." ha said hrieliy. "What! But Why ? Does Alaine ?" "No. Nobody knows. Mv father was married twice. His first wife ran off, taking Cynthia the girl in the drugstore with her. There was a divorce. When Dad mar ried my mother he came to live in this part of town. I suppose not even An wouia expect mm to get out rnsraved announcements to say that he had been married be fore?" Continued tomorrow WHEAT PRICE UP; Chicago. May 15. . (Pi Wheat prices marked up net gains of I to Pa ccn.s; a bushel today, July closing at 847sH5c and September at 84,.'c. as the wheat reflected a rally in securities and sharply higher prices at Winnipeg. After the close private re ports Indicated export sales amounted to 3 000.000 bushrU, mostly to Great Britain. Closing wheat prices at Win nipeg showed gains of 4 4 3 8 cents from Thursday's finish after a holiday there yesterday. July wheat rose to 72 cents, or about 11 3 8 cents below the corresponding Chicago contract Clunm t m for Too tote to Claa tllj Adt is 40 p m. On the Radio Chains STATIONS Where to rrnd Thm oa the Dial: Ut. 1160. Portland; k.l. 810. LH Ungeimi Ktis, M70. auufcaiw: kuo. iwt. rranriwo: Ki.w K; Portland: KJK. 7V. Keallle: KNX. I04O. IM ancrlrai HOI, 130. Oenter; KOIN. Mil. Portland: HOMO its aeaitle; KPO. mo. Han rrinrUeo: K.. mo. "! lake. ftunday S CO Manhattan Mmtt-Oo-Round. KPO. KOW. KPJ; Bummer Hour, KNX, KSU KOIN; S. 8. Pleata, KOO, KJR. I SO Album of Familiar Muale. KPO. KOW. KPl: Lifelong Planning. KOO. KEX. KJR. 00 Vocala. KSL. KOIK: . Good Will Hour. KOO. KEX. KJR; Hour of Charm. KPO. KPl. KOW. 6:30 Carnival. KPO, KPT, KOW; Columbia Workshop, KSU KNX, KOIN. T:0O Bookman's Notebook. KOO; Regal Amblings. KPO; Johnny Pre sent. KNX, KOIN; News, KOW. 7:0 MalMck's Orch.. KOO. KJR; Jack Benny, KPO, KOW, KPT; Ky aer'a Oreh.. KNX. KSU 1:00 Noblt's Orch.. KOIN; Fields' Orch, KOO, KJR; Walter Wlnchell. KPO, KPT. KOW; News. KEX. 8:0 Take It or Lean It, KNX. KOIN; I Want a Dl force. KPO. KPT. KOW; Burn's Newiroel, KOO, KEX, KJR. 9:00 Night Editor, KPO. KOW. KPl; Courtney's Orch, KOIN; Ten Disciples of Rhythm, KOO. 8:30 Freeman's Orch.. KOMO Me dina's Orch, KSU Belaaco's Orch, FIRST AID JllrllOR APPEARS WilH A WotWOED Mtt REQUIRW6 FIRST MD-lfeEAIMEHf PrtHER -TAWS HM OW KNEE AND 1WK 10 tXf ADHESIVE TAPE oUf. While jokior t5cffW6 rared 1RIE5 1b WR166IX FP-EE 5-Z7 TAILSPIN TOMMY Another AurtTUIB . SAIklT UfAO.Bl MYSTERIOUSLY CRASHED.' HI5 rifcT ntN ' I I'M SATIS ..FROM VOU n. REPORTS TMO.T THOSE CRASHES WERE NOT DUE TO STRUCTURAL FAILURE. i IM u BEN WEBSTER'S CAREER-Expl.nionT By EDWIN ALGER mW Is M l-i?$ZX 1 1 f S&leZSS I Iis.howthat.pecollectA 1 ATaaVVM WHEN Ht SAW OUR IITTLB 1 A VoTwAft .vrMTcrT JZ I J1 , AT ALL 6IT-OUT I DIO HAVE A TINY TETCH OP 4 Xi M MAPPV'S BTHMABK? J A V IS? "TTmoT 1 V 222LJ?i;KSARe I INDIGESTION JEST WHEN I WAS V L ooeeoNB?T, lL ASKli,- L l' ben? J molloy- V FOREVER RIOIN- IN ITHB J I HOLDIN- THE LITTLE DARUN'- Xl V r - HIMl AyVT 5 T'-TT,TT clouds? V heh! hehi heh! thatmaryS T THE NEB BS Anything Can Happan By SOL HESS LJ TUIS GUY EM&ERT YOO CAXTT EXPECT 'I CAMT &EZT J.'1t WAS A. GREATV jjKANO SOPHiE.1 VOUQ s &Ci . W I KPO. XOW, KFI. 10:00 Cbaruotwtte. KOO. KJK I KEX; Pearls Oreh., KNX; Reporter. I KPO, KFI. XOW. I 10:80 Dancing with Clancy. KOO, , Pastor's Oreh.. KNX. KOIN. i 11:00 News, KOO; Nottingham's Orch.. KPO. KOW; Nobles Orch, KOIN; News. KPl, KNX. Mmidur S 00 3ren Hornet, KOO, KEX. KJR: Radio Theater. KSL, KNX. KOIN: Dr. p.ill. KPO, KOW, KPT. SO Martin a Muale. KOO, KJR. KEX; Teropleton Time. KPO, KOW. KPt. (00 Hour. KPO. KOW. KPT; Lombardoa Orrh, KSU KNX. KOIN. :SO Seniattone and Swing. KPO. KPT. KOW; Blond;. KNX. KSU KOIN. 7:00 Fred Waring. KPO. KOW. KFI; Amos and Andy. KNX, KOIN, KftL; Black Velvet, KOO. 7:18 Dance Orch, KOW. KPT; Lanny Bom. KNX, KSU KOIN; Tune Termites. KPO; Newt. KFI. 7:30 True or False. KOO, KEX, KJR: Opera Serlet, KPO. KPT. KOW; Smoking Time. KNX, KSU KOIN. 8:00 Doriey'a Orch, KOW; Pass ing Parade. KOO. Tune-Up-Time. KNX, KSU KOIN. 30 Hawthorn House. KPO, KOW. KFI: Kent's Orch, KEX. KJR; Hlmber Orch.. KSU :0O Little Ol' Hollywood, KEX; Paul Bulllvan. KSU KNX. KOIN: thenar's Orch, KPO. KPT. B:1S Week In Sports. KOO; Cof fey't Oreh . KOIN. 0 :30 University Explorer, KOO; Duffy's Oreh, KNX. KSL; Molina's Orch, KPO. KFI, KOW; News. KJR. ffliK -ft SWAB AN S&ME AN TISEPTIC, WHICH IS flLMOil IMPoSSlBlE 0WW& fD JUNIOR'S W;6oUrM AROUND 1RVIH6 10SEE WHAT'S IN THE BOTTLE Father immecia-tely crfe en meshed iM ADHESrvt -foPE, OUNiOB MAKIKG MATTERS WORSE &i TRxIKQ lb HELP FREE HIM (Balwd by Tli tun Wynabw. rgp Warplan. Slated For Destruction! tUC ENR.OUTE TO PAUL SMITH . TBST- I CHIEF.' ICAVi EM V GUNS THtfN QUESTION THE PROM ...THREE I RlOVttt WANK I CALLS MOPPerA GREATER. STRESS THAU THEN MOW p I ABILITY.. .OF POINT...NO MERf IS SOME I 5-li-iio THOSI ( WIND-TUNNEL SPECIFICATION I COULD TwOSP YOUR, PILOTS, f ROM JOPITER. VmoOE WORK FOIU CONFERENCE I TOMMY.' V INSTEAD OF NINE R CRASHEO ? J TOMMYS REPORT kCLEARlNG FOR, V T-i - ' i i . i - r.ViX, x ill &m i v- 1 1 u i i nv i 10.00 Vocalist. KSL: Reporter, KPO. KFI, KOW: Radio Forum. KOO. KJR. 10:30 Muale by Woodbury. KPO. KOW. KFI: Relehman's Orch, KOO. KEX, KJR; Noble Oreh, KSL. KNX. 11:00 Draper's Orch, KPO. This Moving World. KEX: Noble's Orch, KOIN. KSL; New. KOO, KFI. KOW, KNX. Radio Highlights By Associated Prats (Tim Is Pacific Standard) New Vork.'May 25. The war and its repercussions in Ameri ca will have an important place in weekend broadcasting. Both President and Mrs. Roosevelt will be on the net works Sunday, the former in a fireside talk on defense needs and the latter in a special Red Cross war relief appeal hour. Former president Herbert Hoov er, who was to have spoken Sunday night on defense, has postponed his broadcast until 9:30 Monday night. The Red Cross program Is scheduled for 10 a.m. on WJZ NBC, CBS and MBS. besides Mrs. Roosevelt and talent pre viously announced, it will in clude Edgar Bergen with Char lie McCarthy, Lynn Fontanne and Alfred Lunt and Fibber By GLUYA5 WILLIAMS WaxSSt, fEUS HIM 1b STAND Still, JUNIOR. IMMEPIAIEW LEANING ODER. 16 WATCH, SO -fHrTf FATHER HAS RL MOil 1& LIE FlAf'sb SEE WITH A SXH OF RELIEF FAIMffi EvfENIUAUY APPLIES BANDA&E. WHICH WrtWlN HftLFA MINUTE WILL HAVT WORKED WWN A" WUND JUNIOR'S ANKLE 1 YOu (THtrwfcR.6 PERF6CT.M I lLEVEr"G'S.''.'.&R,f M 1 DON'T LIKE TO I lANOTMER BOMrER GOOD'... All 1 McGe and Molly. Tha president's fireside chat ii set for 6:30 p.m. over the combined NBC, CBS and MBS chains. Sunday brings: WEAF-NBC. CBS. MBS 7:30 p.m. Salute of Americas from Panama. WABC-CBS 4, Rep. Hamilton Fish on "A Republican Peace Program." MBS 7:15 a.m. Reviewing stand. Drs. Glenn Frank and Wallace McClurg; 2 p.m. James L. Fly on "Radio in a Democracy." STRANGE AS IT SEEMS HVX.Ut ft WIKS A floif BALL 1H6N MP b FSETTo EhCH.., " HoWfihR WILL EACH WIRE 5E RfitGED FROM THE SURFACE? 'tit. nra( Vtflrfita &EHJAMIN fRMKUN WAJIfe, Johnson 'City, MX, At HI YEARS Of AGE. S'Z IM fry l'aH4 raise i.twml taw. T Bag. U . rtu. OtTAU tlfttt rni BAR HOUND Patrons at tha tavern of Ernest Thtarsteln of New Glarus. Wis., frequently saw a blac'a Belgian police dog twist his head and lift an empty bottl from a table and carry It behin .' the bar. Fido had a bank account of tips patrons gave him. When h died last Februar", he was able to pay for bis own funeral. OLDEST PRINTER Winner of a recant contest to choose the champion Old-Time Printer of Ih United States was Benjamin Franklin Wail. 97. of Johnson City, N. Y. "I am the oldest member of tha International Typographical Union." he says. "I still work every day." Monday: Wire mystery. APPLEGATE GRANGE AIDS 1 4 u crum dcuid di am -r 1 1 gui iwuniinii i unn Big Applegate, May 25 (Spl) Through efforts of Upper Applegate Grange, tome 4 H youngster of the Beaver creek school will receive a scholar ship to 4-H summer school at Corvallis this year, it has been announced. Upper Anplegate Grange was one of three Granges in the county awarded scholarships by the Grocetiyia Markets in Medford througH a sales slip contest sponsored by 0? OLE LEE, teshton, M'z., Gpell His name WH&N HELP UPSIDE f mm xfc .. H 8 pi " " f?'--; 1 the Oregon Grange Bulletin. I Other Granges winning were ' Eagle Point and Griffin Creek. Canada Spends Ottawa. Ont, May 24 (U.P.' The department of munitions and supply announced today the awarding last week of 195 con tracts amounting to $8,261,425. The orders placed by purchasing boards now total $289,000,000 of which $73,000,000 was for Brit ish account. Clou tic tint lor Too Let to Claa- tlfy Ad 1 ":30 p. m. by JOHN HIX f DOWN f 'the fcAsHDLiW Belgian police JoA, mm his MA-sreR mm HIS I fNt?2AR,- CARRY BoTTLK FROM TABLE'S. MAKSCr!AN6,TC. Ernezilhiereieiti, By HAL FORREST "USB