MEDFORD MAIL TRIBUNE. MEDFORD. OREGON. FRTDA7. MAY 24. 1940. PAGE NINE SPy SUSPECT HAD SCORES OF MAPS OF ATLANTA AREA Key Highways, Gas Lines, Railways, Mapped for Practice, He Tells Officers Menus of the Day , Atlanta, May 24. (Ft Ar rest of a spy suspect possessing maps of potential military value was disclosed today by Atlanta police. Detective Chief J. A. McKib ben declined to give the pris oner's name but said he was being held "for investigation" and described him as a 65-year-old man who speaks with a heavy German accent. McKibben said also that: " The suspect described himself as a bricklayer but his hands showed no signs of such manual labor: found in his quarters at a rooming house were scores of maps of key highways and natural gas lines leading into Atlanta, railway lines and yards in and around this city, floor plans of big Atlanta buildings: the prisoner admitted making the maps but said it was "for practice;" also in his room were numerous engineering text books, radio manuals and other technical works; he claimed to have been in the United States for 39 years, despite his accent, but could produce no social se curity number or naturalization papers. He was arrested on an anonymous telephone tip. y Mrs. Alexander Georre) The Tea Menu Bardln Rolls Tasty Tidbit Nut Bread Squire Spanish Sandwiches Tm (hot and Iced) Lemon SUeea Candled Cranf Btrlnga Saltad Almonda Umi Sf.erbet Sardine Roll 11 slice rreeh white bread (cruet dlecarded) H cup aardlnea 4 cup minced sweet pickle 1 Ublecpoon minced plmlentos. I tableepoon lemon Julc S tableepoona mayonnaise hi teaapoon paprika taaepoon celery salt Arrant bread slices on flat sur face. Spread with soft butter and then with blended Ingredient. Roll up each allc and wrap In waxed paper. Roll In damp cloth and chill until eernn- time. Tasty Tldblta II sUoaa Graham bread, buttered cup cottage eheeae 1 teaapoon minced chly.e t t teaspoon minced parsley t teaapoon finely chopped olives 1 tableepoon aalad dreaelng t teaapoon aalt teaapoon paprika Toaat bread on one side, butter It and then spread with other in gredient. Arrange sandwich fashion. Cut into two-inch squarea and brown the untoasted sides. Serve freah. Spanish Sandwiches (Hot) 1S cup chopped bacon V cup chopped oniona cup chopped green peppers 1 cup tomato Juloa 33 cup grated cheee 3 egg yolk (or t egg) 4 teaspoon paprika a tablespoona buttor la altcea hot toast Cook bacon In frying pan, aid oniona and peppers and simmer four minute. Pour In Juice, and cheese. Cook slowly and stir constantly until thick and creamy. Add yolka. paprika and butter. CooU one minute. Stir constantly. Quickly apread on the not toast. HE SUMMER SCHOOL FOR YOUNGER PUPILS PLANNED IN ASHLAND Southern Oregon College of Education, Ashland. May 24. (Spl) Dr. Walter Redford, pres ident of the Southern Oregon College of Education, an nounced today that the Lincoln school in Ashland would again offer free summer instruction to boys and girls of southern Oregon. Children in primary, intermediate and Junior high school grades may enroll from June 10 to July 19, inclusive. School will last one-half day, beginning at 9 a. m. and closing at noon. A selected gioup of children between 4 and 5 years will be permitted to attend the kinder garten conducted by Miss Lil lian Nicholson, assistant profes sor of education at the college. Parents who have children who will enter school this fall are urged to enroll their chil dren in the first grade during the summer session, as an in troduction to school work. Chil dren who will be able to enter school in the fall must have reached 6 years of age by No vember IS, 1940. V. F. W. GUESTS OF DEL ROGUE POST The members of the Veterans of Foreign Wars and their aux- ilaries, of south Oregon, had an enjoyable evening May 21 as guests of Del Rogue Post No. 2023. A banquet was served by the Del Rogue auxiliary. An abundance of flowers decorated the tables. Honored guests were Com mander-in-chief Otis N. Brown and Mrs. Brown. Previous to an Inspiring speech by Com mander-in-chief Brown, . short talks Were given by Department Commander John Schum and Department Senior Vice Com' mander Ira D. Canfield of the Veterans of Foreign Wars. Niel Allen, department commander, American Legion, also spoka. Among those present were commanders of Brookings, Ash land, Grants Pass and Klamath Falls and the commander, Mer rill A. Beneka, of Crater Lake Post 1833. The commander-in-chief and Mrs. Brown had many compli mentary comments to offer about the west and particularly "good old Oregon." IRISH PAPER HANGER MAULS FOOTBALLERS 10 PICKED A FIGHT Omaha, Neb.. May 24. U.B Two Creighton university foot ball players wish they'd never seen a certain 160-pound Irish paper hanger named Clyde u nrien. The bis he-men nf th srM iron, in a badly battered condi tion from the effect of rvnrion'. fists, are being held on charges of drunk driving and resisting arrest. School authorities said they will investigate police charges against Johnnv Knnlla rhi. cago halfback and winner of me scnooi s award for outstand ing athletic prowess; and John "The Brain" Powers tar tarlrle After an automobile accident last night, police said the two atnieies annoyed o Erien and an older companion. O'Brien said the two men became of- tenslva toward his companion so he cleaned them up. Upon Mr. Powers he bestowed frac ture of both jaws, brain concus sion and two fractured ribs. Knolla received a pair of black eyes ana mv'.upie cuts and bruises. O'Brien received no injuries. $25,000,000 DAILY Portland, May 24. (JPl The war with Germany is costing Great Britain $25,000,000 a day, Sir Louis Beale of the Anglo French purchasing board said today. He told an Interviewer the board already has ordered $1,000,000,000 worth of goods, mostly aircraft, In America and has between $300,000,000 and $500,000,000 yet to spend. "I think it will be a long war: I don't see how it will be cleared up quickly," he said. PRO-AWES RALLY Louisville. Ky.. May 24. A half-page ad in the Louis ville Times today, signed by 21 civic leaders including Mark Ethridoe, general manager of the Louisville Times and Courier-Journal, annpunced a "pro allies rally" for Saturday night. The notice read in part "The crisis in Europe calls for immediate action upon our part. We believe that congress should repeal all neutrality leg islation that stands in the way of giving the allies all the help in our power, short of involving us in war or in declaring war. We believe that congress should consider what is the quickest and surest way of helping the allies and should give them such help (other than sending men to Europe and declaring war.)" Kills Wildcat , Cecilville. Cal. (U.P Alex Gibson was walking through the woods when he encountered a full grown wild . cat. He picked up a stone and hurled it with enough force to kill the animal on the spot. FEATURES 0F6-A AT Wabash, Ind. (U.R) Police here are on the lookout for a gang of robbers with sweet tooth and slight stomach ache. Thieves broke into the Sunrise Dairy and took between seven and ten gallons of vanil la ice cream, but no money. Lincoln school 6-A class pre sented an interesting program the first part of the week un der direction of their roll-room teacher. Margaret Cantrall. Following graduation exer cises a party was given by the 6-B class mothers. The program was: Greeting. Marian Sutherlin; accordion solos. Marian Sutherlin. Ronald Brittson; tap dance, Jeraldyn Jerome; piano solo, Beverly Wright; reading, Sally Lee Rus sell; saxophone solo, Bette Ann Shaw, accompanied by Mr. Whipple; trombone solo, Joe Parker; violin solo, Billie Ivie; songs. 8 A class; farewell, Sally Lee Russell. Members of the graduating class are Nellie Baize. Dolores Bismark, Ronald Brittson, Win ifred Brock. Ellen Brown, Don ald Great, Delete Guches, Joan Henselman, Elmer Hinkle, Bil lie Ivie. Jeraldyn Jerome, Don ald Johnson, Irene King, James Loonie. Fay McCallister, Ker shaw Miller, Jerold Morgan, Bobby Parker, Joe Parker, Jerry Ross, Sally Lee Russell, Bette Shaw, Fannie Sullivan, Marian Sutherlin and Beverly Wright Pupils Swim The 4B, SB, 6B and 6A pu pils of the Lincoln school en joyed picnic Saturday at Elk creek swimming hole accompan ied by their teachers, Lawrance Kaiser and Mrs. Margaret Can trail, Mr. and Mrs. M. C. Wright, G. S. Loonie. Mr. and Mrs. A. D. Wright, Mr. and Mrs. H. Brittson, Mrs. Verna Thatcher and Mrs. R. Ivie. Closing time tea Too Late to CI- I Closing tun foe loo Lata to Cla alty Ad to I JO p. m. ! airy Ad to I JO p. m. A dlicfov$, llg-tim mttal, xn and conofnca Von Camp't fork and tUons Ualihful and zcstfvl Gives you time-out from kitchen family. The balanced meal-In- work.. .wholesome.. .nourishing a-minute . . . liked by millions or cold.. .rich in Vitamin at be-lund-to-your-budget cost, B . . . a feast for your friends and Order today from your grocer. Newton, Mass. (U.Rl A post man may always ring twice, but a careless driver who has received one ticket most likely will not be a repeater. A survey conducted by police show that out of 1.500 "courtesy" traffic tickets issued as warning only five motorists incurred prosecu tion by getting two tickets. 0130 OE IOE30 LUMANS' Our Free Delivery at Your Service Telephone 353 or 354 LUMANS' A OF MICE AND MEN r; -zgy o J tsjsI ISsWa I L U y f VvX-- ) I a -In m D Ml 03 GRAPEFRUIT (Florida) lckxj la hear? rich ftVTUp No. 2 tins ea. 10c HILK3c"a 19c Llbby's or Oregon Case tall cans $3.02 anMH Florida Orange Juice A delicious, healthful BTrag No. 2 tins ea. 10c SALAD DRESSING or Sandwich Spread (Dinner Ball) Quart Jar . 25c 0SC RESERVE OFFICERS RECEIVE COMMISSIONS Corvallis, May 24. (Pi Members of the Oregon State college reserve officers" training corps received 21 special awards and 103 second lieutenants com missions in the United States army reserves today. Commissions Included: Infantry: Leslie Kincaid. Ash land; Robert Phelps, Grants Pass. Field artillery: Willard Wil n. Grants Fass. TM MAE..." "Yeah I got a husband . . But he ain't never home . . I got nobody to talk to . . I got nobody to be with . . Yeah I got a home . . Think all I want to do is sit in that two by four and just cook . . Sure I hang around . . I want to see somebody; just see 'em and talk to 'em . . I like a good time but Curley never takes me . . I never hurt nobody . . I come from a nice home . . I was brung up by nice people . . I'm straight I tell you . . NOBODY'S GOT NO RIGHT TO CALL ME NAMES!" John Steinbeck's "OF MICE AND MEN" Starts Sunday CRATERIAH THEATRE Oregon's Otcn and Only Sugar the Best Sugar You Can Buy for YOUR CANNING There Is "menu mafia" awaiting very heusewif wilk (enwlaa MIL-UTS. Richly nrarisiiiig, tasty dithea need nly a minimvm time of preparsrien. Cellophane wrapped, at your grocers. St ft 9 15 POUT? tAttLS and receive Og I , tnree-ausrt fin- Vli ' f aire hard-alamU sum macaroni strainer and .eg. table colander postpaid. AT It's Berry time in OREGON Oregon houti cm mora fruits par ear than any ether state Why? Perhaps becaua Oregon's traits arc so excellent and to lew in cost. Commercial eannirg is also important; (or instance, Oregon produce 7 o( the na tion's canned loganbcm and St'& of k can ned strawberrie. Fortunate, too, that Oregon sugar . . . aoM only under the "White Satin" brand ... is the beat sugar you can obtain FOR YOUR CANNING . . horaua its quality is unsurpassed and be caua you build Oregon whea yoa uh Oregon sugar. It's guaranteed for canning, jelly making, or preserving: or your money back. Absolutely! Buy it in 100-pound doth, burlap, or paper bags, and . Aio sold m smaller sires. PITIE BEET SIGAR Use beet sugar and sava. Endorsed for canning by the U. &. Government and by leading Ore gon boiswwivt and home econorniat. sett If GaaNulATID ml p o IVORY SOAP Large Slse 3 bars 25c FEED ?nU4U Approved by AAHA-AVMA tint dee te.a la eparered ky American Anlmel HM.Itel AisKietMM rn ceepertten with Am.rke Veteri aerien Medical Aawcfat!.. 2 lb. 23c 4ilb.45c -rnvi.S NOW "sU. MUiiUAl MllirsT from our large stuck ot roods you may select Just the right things, to tempt the appetite of your family when the first warm days seem to dull them: Remember Luman Value mean a saving. HONEY LOCAL CHEESE. KRAFTS 5 lb. pail 37c lb. 17c FULL CREAM 1lb.pkg69c 1 lb. pkg35c r- S. & W. Mellowed COFFEE TO V 1 lb. tin.,...,., 24c H 2 lb. tin 47c Gl-ARAXTEE WWu Scrm gvfac si bc4iit.ty goaraa- e"g pursea. Try . atearr Utk tat eu6e4, .t 7 a esttatM. Ice ri 1 1 M a 9 SUGAR h ft KwiU-KASPUU MCMINN M. rtSIUN HI WHITE SATJI SUGAR O n o : o Lumans' FLOUR Prices t lb, sack 4 lb, sack FISHER'S BLEND KITCHEN QUEEN ORBIS BRAND It la guarantaad to plassa yeu KLAMATH BOUQUET:: M. 19 1.79 1.49 sack IEFRI6EMT0I 1 GIVEN EACH i 1 WEEIfj TajM frsM AJWa Cora FU1 ) hi ? As .... lot f.. turf fciMtv Albert CORN FLAKES 3 for 20c Large Sls. OXYDOL -19c ToiletTissue -25c Gem rolls Two Phones 9S3 oi 354 LUMAN81 Fro DallYer? 20 DrtlurlUAY bPtXit... Lumans' Meats ars sold ie you FHESH whan tba flaror la BEST. R. I. Red Hens, No. 1 grade, lb.. R. I. Red and Barred Rock Fryers, Milk and Corn fed, lb....... Young frying also Rabblis, lb... Swiss Steaks, cut from Prime Beef, lb., Beef Pol Roasts, choice cuts, lb... Boneless Beef, cut In cubes, lb..-, Pork Roasts, lean and lender, lb... Pork Steaks, lb Fresh Side Pork, lb.. . Veal Roasts, boneless, rolled and tied, lb.. Tenderlsed Picnics, lb Bacon, mild sugar cured, lb. Home tendered Lard ." mu 25s 2oe 14d 15t? 15 15e 12' 20c 17f 15 3 lbs. 290 Peaches -Apricots Packed In Rich Heavy Syrup No. JVi i o D IB AT LUMAN'S The Finest of All Bakery Goods Daily Fresh from the Ovens Fresh Danana Cake Mad with fresh ripe bananas all through the cake and Icing end It's new type of Icing a most delicious cake. Each 49C A delicious dessert for any occasion LUMANS' Fruits and Vegetables WEEK-END SPECIALS Grapefruit doz. 35c Fresh localbu.Veg.3for 10c LETTUCE IT""' each 5c Fresh RHUBARB . ' CABBAGE ... lb. 3c ORANGES . . 2 dozen 35c Medium slse. FuU of Juice Fresh Local Spinach 4 lb. 19c SUGAR 10 lbs. 54c -100 lbs. S5.40 S 2 tins 29c 301 IOE30J iioeoe o D o i o o n i i