SIEDFORD MAIL TRIBUNE. MEDFORD. OREGON. FRIDAY. MAY 24. 1340. PAGE FIVE CARTER, SWEENEY ARE NOMINATED ON BOTHJICKETS County Clerk Gets 153 Dem ocratic Votes 276 Re publicans for Sweeney County Clerk George K. Car ter and Treasurer Ralph Swee ney, unopposed in the primary, will enjoy the same condition In the November election, by vir tue of write-in votes, outside their party, assuring them the nominations of both the Republi-, can and Democratic tickets. Clerk Carter received 1 S3 ' Democratic write-in votes, and! Treasurer Sweeney received 276 Republican write-in votes. The official count for con stable for the Medford district shows Nick Young, incumbent, renominated by a majority of i 9S1 over Albert Stevens. Young received 2,037 votes, Stevens 1,086. For Democratic national com- mitteeman, the final count shows Howard Latourette received ! 1.714 and Flavel Temple 1,085 votes. I For Democratic national com mitteewoman. the count was: Emily Edson 982 Nora Hitchman 805 Celia Gavin 560 Tabulation of the vote for other Democratic offices, na tional, state and county, is now underway, and owing to the number of write-ins for every thing from president to precinct committeeman, it is not expected: ; ...ill U MmnUlttl htnr UnnJ day noon. Wheat Loan Chang Spokane, May 24. tfift The department of agriculture plans to transfer the wheat loaning activities of the Commodity Credit corporation from Spo pane to Portland, Joe Ferris, chairman of the advisory com mittee of the Reconstruction Fi nance corporation, said today. FOR BALK Ory Mddlttiort. rounc. LAWN BOTFLIES Vf Llghtminc Too Late to Classify LOOK UP OLD CROW- Now available at a popular price Same fine quality that made it famous! JW! KENTUCKY STRAIGHT BOURBO.N WHISKEY ll LS? IV QUART-$2.2 J l -our GiU to jf m"" . B When buying bourbon A i? 1 iS ask for Old Crow J 100 PROOF Now that there is a plentiful supply of this historic whiskey, there's a welcome surprise in store for you an added inducement for you to "get to know famous Old Crow I" COPR. 1939, NATIONAL DISTILLERS PROD. CORP., NEW YORK UP RIVER BARGAIN 10 irrri, good cabin. I7M. prion 1704-R. NFW ALL PURPOSE MASH. "Rosrue Rivr Brand. Hediord Fuel Co. Peed Dept. Court and Mc Andre. 20 4 -ROOM HOUSE, nicely fur nished, will be Tac&nt June l. 831', 0k St. Tel. 1341-J. call afternoons. gentle, well built, weight 1100 lh. J p. Warren. Rt. 1. Box S3V Central Point, 4 mi lea put Modoc Orchard. 2nd road to left. corrmtT HOME H term. -raom houa. bath, ft rep lira, hardwood floor, lanye acreened-ln back porch, aiao large workshop and garap?. dtr water, ahade and fruit; W 3800 or would exchange for houae In Med ford. Aiao t acre beat of Bear creek bottom lan d , 3 room houae, we II wa ter. 600, term a. Aiao afl acre, irrigated: modern house: jtood barn, large chicken houee. Land planted U clover and. alfalfa. Located 1 mile off tatj high war 400. Including ft cowa and 1 horse. 70 piga and hrm, chlckena and all farm equipment. Atao 5-room house with bath, aiao 1-ronm houae, rock foundation, ahade. cor ner property, cloae In on paved atreeta; price reduced to 1500. L. O. PICK ELL 1 South Bart let t St. Weed Killer and Acme Weed Killer for reaulta. Money back guarantee. Pacific Seed dt reed Co, 4th and Fir. Medford. FOR SALE ftOO turkey poulta. Bar gain if taken today. Phone 14-P-23 after 4 p. m. DANCB. Lake Creek Qrant. Satur d. May aSth. HIGHEST CASH PK1CE9 PAID for SCRAP IRON AND METAL all kind. Da t ter lea. raoiatora. alumi num, copper, braaa; aiao bidea. peita and wool. Medford Bantam Houm. 37 N. Grape Pbcn 1003 FOR SALE Baby crib. 41ft Newtown. FOR RE NT 7 - room houae. 9 bath. Downstairs completely renovated. On paved street. Phone 1B38-J. FOR RENT Furnished apartment. Hot water, bath, lights, refrigerator. Adults. 913 So. Oakdale. BARN DANCE Saturday night, Dreamland. 130 ACRES, nearly all fenced; 60 acres cultivated; 10 acres free water; 6 -room house, barn, garage, other bulldlnjrs; 350O. 00 cash, balance mortgage. H. O. Hill, Rogue River, Oregon. FOR SALE Attractive cottage. Pink of condition. Good location. Large maple trees. 33O0. Terms, In quire ftlft So. Ivy. FOR SALE Oood cow. fresh soon. Adjoining Macs Market, North Pacific Hiehwar. WANTED 3000. Double value se curities and material as collateral. Box 688 Tribune. TEA KEEPS YOU COOL Try Our Ice Tea Blend, 4 lb. 3fte Render Tea te Coffee, 34 N. Bartlett FOR SALE Practically new ft -room modern houae, 1 acre ground, by owner. Terms. Losier Lane. Box 335-B. HRAVT FRYERS. DreaMer's, 1107 East Main. Phone 1303-H. DANCE. Lake Creek Orange, Satur day. May 2Sth. WANTED To bue young 713 Weat 10th St. DOffT FAIL TO SFE the bargains In used clothing at 140ft No. River side, across from Berk's Bakery. REMEMBFR Always a Bam Dance at Dreamland the last Saturday In each month. WANTED Girl to care for child. Inquire SIS Maple St. after 6 p. m. POULTRY and TURKEY RAISERS use Crown Developing Feeds for maximum reaulta. Trade at Pacific Seed A Feed Co., 4th and Fir. Medford. WANTED 1600-1 b. h o r s s. 13-F-3. Phone WE WELD ANYTHING; pot metal, aluminum, brasa, copper, cast Iron. Mao & Floyd s, 333 N. Riverside. RED HENS end White Leghorn. ftOc each. B. J. Palmer. 9 miles north Central Point, Pacific highway. CLEAN 3 -room 810 Portland. apartment, 14. DANCE. Lake Creek Orange, Satur day. May 3Stb. BODY AND FENDER WORK done by L. A. Porter at Mac Floyd's. Phone 330. COOL, clean, comfortable quarters for convalescents, aged and In valids. Box 730, Tribune. ICE PRUTS REDUCED! Now 60o per 100 lb., delivered. Ins Boxes for Sals or Rent. Valley Fuel Co. Tel. 7fl FOR RENT Spacloua and attractive four-room downstairs suite in the Holly Apartments. Completely fur nished except dishes and linen. Oarage. Second door north of postofftc. Adults only. M0. Avail able June 1 See manager In rear, or phone 1397-R. PURE CANE SUGAR In pi filling tka unusually Fin grains bUnd quickly (or uni form goodness. Elf! SI BE "PAY LESS and PARK EASIER" at the MARKET HOME Or BATTLE CREEK HEALTH rOODS 313 SIS No. HlT.nld.. WE NEVER CLOSE. Phona 3J OPEN 24 HOURS A DAY FOR YOUR CONVENIENCE . til w b as ir a r miiiai - 11: FOR SALE 6-room residence, oak floors throughout, large lot, beau tiful shade. Five minutes walk from business center and schools. Paved street. Will take small home as down payment. 018 So. Oakdale. OOOD TRUE WORK HORSE, ft 1(1 So. Oakdale or Llndley Ranch, Coker Butte road. FOR SALE Furnished house. Hard mood floors, fireplace, nearly new electric rartize. Large corner lot. 3850. Inquire ftlft So. Ivy. 40 ACRES. 3 -room furnlohed house. 16 acres cultivated, 3 wells. Small truck. Everything goes for ASO cash. H. Q. Hill. Rogue River. Ore. STRONO ELDERLY WOMAN wants position caring for Invalid lady. Patient with children. Marthena Cutlip. eo E. M. Wllklna, Drain. Ore. DANCE. Lake Creek Orange, Satur day, May 35th. DO YOU KNOW you can buy a good used car for 11 down. Weekly payments on balance. A docen models to choose from. Rogue River Chevrolet, 0th and Bartlett Sta. ORAHAM SEDAN. A-l shape, good paint, new 6-ply tires, bargain. Phone 414. Jacksonville. FOR RENT 3 -room modem fur nished or unfurnished. 41ft Newtown. ENJOY YOURSELF at Dreamland Saturday night. Big barn dance. FOR SALE! Chow pup. 4 months, or will trade for young heifer or calf. Box 3&8 Loaler Lane. I I i I 1 1 Vast U V . . . just for coming in! Famous ring design, crystal glass WATER CHILLER ... shaped to fit in refrigerator. Holds over 154 quarts. Get yours FREE ... just for coming in. No obligation! Quantity limited! This Fine Crystal Glass WATER CHILLER I II 1 11 1 aw w 0 0 1 l ira mm .a 00k -Afc Built-'" Clot" vttf Phllco, the quality name In over 14 million home, offers yon the greatest values) in refrigeration history! New Improvements, ex clusive features, give more serv ices and conveniences than ever before. A tppnratr, fiani-im FROZEN FOOD Compartment in addition to regular lee-cube chamber ... Moist Cold and Dry Cold Compartments . . . the Con. aervador, Philco'i exclusive To ner Door that givea yon 26". more quickly suable space. Plua every other worthwhile feature. Choose from 13 Models 1 995 to S25950 Including J Ymi Protection Plan Radio Cc Electric 41 EAST MAT?! PHONE 1T37 We Practice Systematic Bargaining Both for Ourialvas and for Our Customers. Good Buys Appeal to Us and We OHer Thara to Vou lor Your ProHi. RAYON Table Cloths Beautiful raj on and cotton Clot hi, larjre SO-lnch size, color-fal guarantee, 25c Paper Kitchen Towels roll 5c Sweetheart Toilet Soap . 4 for 15c CANVAS K GLOVES Etra heavy 14-. Red-Top Canvas Gloves. 2 pair 25c AJAX BLADES ;j blufd ttrfl douhle-edxe Raror BUdri. A nsr(altl at 1 4c m FLYTOX SPRAY Th popular Fir Rprar thai reallT kills mont Inieets. 33C Quart MIRACLE AID For rtrllrloua rold drink at home, ftts popular flavors. 2 for 5c Bonnie Dog Food . . .... 6 for 25c Icy-Hot Pint Vacuum Bottle. . . 59c Paper Napkins. . 100 count pkg. 10c Waxed Paper 50-ft. rolls 7c Lightweight Visor Caps . . 25c Swimming Goggles pair 49c Molded Swimming Caps. . . ...25c New Snarol . . 23c and 45c Dr. West's Tooth Brushes 25C Tek Tooth Brushes .... 2 for 43c Brewer's Yeast Tablets. 250 for 49c New Clog-proof Gem Razor I" f 50c Barbasol, and Five fl&jC Gem Blades. All For W W W 43-inch Lunch Cloths . . . 19c Men's Cotton Socks pair 5c Apex Moth Cake or Crystals. . 23c Giant P. & G. Soap. ... 3 for 10c 1000-sheet Toilet Tissue 4 for 19c 25c Teel and 10c Teel, both for 23c 25c Colgate Shav. Crm. 2 for 26c Sta-Way Mosquito Repellent. 35c White Ace Shoe Polish. ... 14c Local View Photographs 2 for 5c Sun Glasses . . ....10c to $1.95 Eastman's Brownies at 15 Discount Phone 274 Western thrifT 32 North Central Medford's Original Price Cutters Fey Large OCp 2 pounds fcvb PANCAKE FLOUR Triangle 20-ot. pkg. 2 packages 25c Riverside Handy Drug Dept. (Oc Alka-Saltser 49 25c Woodbury's Tooth Paita....l9 25c Oralina ShiT'g Crama 15t 10c Aspirin 2 tor 15 29c Poison Oak Ramadr 23 RIPPLED WHEAT pkg. 5c HOMINY GRITS. Quaktr. rag. Me also..... ..pkg. 5? BROOMS Sturdy 4-Saw each 29c DIN AMITE. Rad Labal ...20 os. pkg. 15 LURCH MEAT 2 cans 15c Morrall'a T-ounca can DATES, tha most food valua In tha stora...... .4 lb. 25 HONEY 16 oz. iar 15c Bradihsw's Idaho Mountain. Crystal claar. Flnast flavor APPLE BUTTER. Karr.- 5-ounca can 29 A H a f Diamond Crystal oAL I 1,ln of idi"d 2 for 15c STOCKMEn Wa hsra iha BEST PRICE In Soulharn Oragon en BLOCK STOCK SALT SUIIBRITE CLEANSER 3 for 10c DEVILED MEAT. Swift's Promlum 4-os... -4 tot 15 SYRUP Morning Daw qt. bottle 25c RAVIOLA. Chat's Spaclal.. ..ll-oi. can 10 FLOUR 8 no Drop Klichan Quaan.. 4 Iba. 1.19 ...41 lbs. 1.49 Wa fsaiura Our Own Horn Orown STEER DEEP It Is tha boat local Btaar Baaf U Is possibla to obtain and wa ara not going to chaapan our baaf to maat soma local prices. Our Own Raal Old-Fashionad Cura Tandor Pig PORK Chops 7 for 20c Rib and loins rsally nica Roast lb. 12c Plcnte siyla Sausage 2 lb 23c ton. rnr Pork Cottage Butts Bonad and rollad. Boll and Ilea lor lunchaa Lb, 17c Bacon Squares Not fat back Lb. 10c HENS lb. 17!C Fancy Dry Pickad. Flna for frlcassaa PORK LIVER . . . lb. 10c Wa ara faaluring tha famous Portland Rose Lard 4 lb. 35c This 1 pura pork lard FOR YOUR SUNDAY OUTING Wa hava ona of Iha largast assortmanta ol Lunch Maata to b found anywhara. HEW POTATOES 9 lb. 19c LOCAL LETTUCE 2 for ,9c Extra Fancy FANCY TOMATOES 2 lb. 15c