PAGE FIVE Radio Highlights the Red Cross war relief fund drive. Speakers will Include Mrs. F. D. Roosevelt and Norman D. Davis, Red Cross chairman, while entertainment will be supplied by Jack Benny, Eddie Cantor. Bob Hope. Jimmy Dur ante, Vivien Leigh, Gertrude Lawrence, Dr. Frank Black's concert orchestra, the Lynn Murray chorus, and ethers. Tonight: Europe. CBS 4 9S; MBS 4:30. 6; WJZ NBC 8:30. 7; NBC-Chains 9. WE AF-NBC T:l S Rep. J. E. Van Zandt on "national de fense." WABC-CBS :4S Lewis H. Brown in Red Cross appeal. WJZNBC 5:30 Assistant Sec. of War Louis Johnson on "Lesson from Scandinavia"; 6 middleweight champion ship fight. Ceferino Garcia vs Ken Overlin. WING GUERNSEY SETS NEW RECORD FOR MILK Peterborough, N. H. (Spl) A new record, exceeding the average of the Guernsey breed for her age and class has Just been completed by a one and one-half year old cow Cloverhill Alisa 571334 of Medford. Ore., tested and owned by Charles A. Wing. Her official record supervised by the Oregon State college and announced by The American Guernsey Cattle club is 7847 8 poundc of milk and 378.4 pounds of butter fat in class GGG. tion increased by two millions, the census count revealed. Mr. and Mrs. R. Million had twins. Former President Herbert Hoover will discuss 'national defense" In a special broadcast Sunday at S30 via WJZNBC. That network on Saturday at 4 will have a talk by Rep. Martin Dies, chairman of the house committee on un-Ameri-canism. on "fifth column." Br Associated Press (Time is Pacific Standard) New York, May 23. An hour special broadcast, aug mented by talent from stage, movies and radio, will be pre sented by three networks at 10 a.m. Sunday, on behalf of POISON OAK? Try bottle of ZEMACOL Yee win f be Mtlffl4 or Tonr monr? cbiwrfully refund. Oft a kutu toeaj at wtm.iiN thiiit. MBS 5:30 Herbert Hoover before Boys' club conference. Friday: Europe. NBC 4 a.m.: CBS 4 a.m.. 3:30 p.m.; WEAF NBC 9:30 a.m. Borup, Minn. In '.930 this village of 200 saw its popula MONTGOMERY WARD MEDFORD MAIL TRIBUNE. MEDFORD. OREGON. THURSDAY. MAY 23. 1940. m WMfflM im a rmn n ttt m CI g. rl L. f my stiff irffngi. 1 lef Wards Outfit Your Whole Family for the Summer... and You'll Savo Money! yes 'U6i! 1 Sptcfof Purchase of Style and Fabrics. Outstanding Values! Slacksuits for the HOLIDAYS Value Scoop New "ln-and-Ouier$" Reduced I Sale! Sport Shirts Talk about quality fabrics! These slub weaves would be front-page news even at 95c! Quality-tailored, too, with titchless front and new 2-way collar. Worth 1.391 New Patterns, Colore ....98c Price Slashedl Gei Bigger SaWngi BetierValuesI Sale! Sport Slacks Who ever heard of a price as low as this for pleated slacks? Cotton gabar dines, tropical weights 99 shrink proof. In smart new colorfast fabrics. Actual 2.50 Slack Valuesl 1.98 33ES3Sr355aS53SHWXi P KSsSwT '3 weaves would be front-page news even i J A I 1 iTTTftVrffJV A tf 9Scl Qy-tailored. too, with jfll V, jJ tfL.... atitchless front and new 2-way collar. ft t- Y- r, . N ; .....$v.vv vw IJF TstaIr X l ) vtrm'zz ew- B aiSS U "J & 3 : ' f ill y i h r (. r i' t 1 BT0 "t L- W-- n -m n , ' I V,Sff. A J cations. Real -Fruit of the U ri A - t---T , !! llJgisfl 3 f f'(W'i ! V A-jfs3.S0 6T)Oll i ftf lrAeyVeSanfcWxeT! I 1 !- I"' IkX : SI,,cks Whstcvsr you do for fun ' . I kT , . ' - fr 1 k - It' i ,hi wnnner, ttkt our tip I I ff 1 J 4v doiit-th..,.yw.y", ?( A -kwi JLUU 1 & Weir these cool, full-cut tMlJ ! VV. ' I V slacks top 'em off with f. 7 H W. think th... slicks art 1 S a matchmg -In-and-Outer." ' ? worth 1.191 And. Mother. S -: vllVV4 Siddle-stitched colUr and , -A , 1 we're sure you'll agree when 3 J pockets. Zipper fly front i- ; ) . : ;! yuu see how smart and sturdy 5 Some suits with riyon. I'll' lL:i' ;yi 'i theie fibrics ire feoorart. 3 me av iim . sua a, n " at , . .i tm ii fomous "Fruit o tie loom" Girls9 Play Suits 59c Midi by a leading manufac turer to pretty fussy specifi cations. Real "Fruit of the Loom" fibrics in attractive, tubdet sty lest All with pleated shorts I RAYON TAFFETA A sturdy, tailored or lace trimmed slip. Full cut, bias and 4-gored. Secure double stitched scams. Tearote. Some lace trimmed. Sizes 32 44. KY7 1 M Brano Kew "In-anJ-Oufrrf Boys' Fine Sport Shirts c JVcW to 5tiv Button-front coat style just as smart as Dad s I In crispy-cool cotton crash, new slub weavei. He can wear the "California'' collar closed for dress-up days I CeWWene'GeW Sports Socks jyc Lively fur-coMr eontrtiting bluer stripes of fine quality nercerired cotton. Irtfh Stneei' SeMCebnl Sport Shirts WsiAeehi ik8 Evenrthlrg he likes: Cool ecttoo in nw. fancy weawe; crew or ripper styles; some with pockets! A brand-new selection . . . truly outstanding! See them now while assortments are complete! In-and-Outer or Boxy Outer styles. Interesting novelty stitching, expert tailoring and workmanship throughout. Slacks have tipper side closing. Stripes or solid colors. Sises 12 to 20. Croup One, BIS SELECTION IN DENIMS, SPUN RAYONS, GABARDINES. Croup Ttrox BETTER QUALITY SHARKSKINS, RAYONS. GABARDINES. 298 398 Playsuito and Slaeksnifs Play clothes you can wear from sunup qj. to sundown. Largs selection rayons ana I "O cottons. - Dovbk Stitthod Seomif Girls9 Gay New Slacks SMART FOR ANYWHERE Tohree tulhl M 89 They look rnotw xpntr than they ire I Navy, cotton twill, rut o -ll thry look tJlord. Sipp at aid no buttona. Sh could waah 'em hrlfl l Jkm Ail, ...aVAT' WW (As Shirt In or out IVew! Girls9 Slack Suits ssssfflaissseTj 159 It h hard on eIothaf Thla oft, but sturdy, cotton craah will tak lots of war and tubbing and look well doing It I Cuffed trout ri. Well cut! B-14. New Rayon Fashions Thrift Prkedl D 98 If you're rand of rayons (and who Isn't?) dont mlas theaa thrilling new valuesl Keat-ea-a-pin little drawee ltri slppers. turks, and pleatal Strlpu, Florals and Plains. Sices from 13 to 30. o&naR Lott one lots of colon I Fine Cotton Anklets ASvymt Oay tiger stripes, sober mono tones, we have them all -end all with star-up tops. Whites, too. Save at this low price! RELAX . . . HAVI FUN I OIT INTO COOL bweVSenrVteetreiraf Ooys Sliponn Stseeflst 44 Tough enrag1i (or baseball I Neat for dress! Lfitti back. Double-stitched mun seams. as'SOtaH'.'SSi. v aere1 y it vewifiten . . Ilnrcfoot Saudals 00 4m Printed eoen-toe tlee! Smart at a ernes eg kmt Save their regular shoes, ksep their busy (eet cool and comfy all Summer! White, brown. Printed open-toe ties! Smart sport eifords with cabas or college heels! And all made of (abric, cool as a Illy. asfyosM of Q38 Colorful open-toe esforda In white trimmed with ted or blue . . . with amusing polka, dot platform soles for spies! MONTHLY PAYMENT PLAN moy be uted on eny purchoiei totolirtg $10 or more' Enjoy the thing! you wont . . . pay later! MMTffiMEIffiY WAn&UD 117 SOUTH CENTRAL TELEPHONE 311 CATALOG ORDER SERYICE brings you thousands of Hems not carried in our i lore. Ivy everything you seed of Ward J