MEDFORD MAIL TRIBUNE. MEDFORD. OREGON1. FRIDAY. MAY 17. 1940. PAGE FIVE Thrifty Wine That's Blowing the Crowds To Western Thrift Follow the crowd! tomorrow and you'll follow them to Western Thrift. Many people 111 u they've been waiting for this groat talo to they can ilock up . . . and we promised them It would ba the greatest sale of tham all! It'a iha ama merchandiie. same quality, but not tha aama prices! You'd battar coma aarly hundradi of othart ara. 43 Inch jr Fait Color I LUNCHEON Y I CLOTHS g STOCK 1 Da a xvp ' wu ca. KLEENEX 25c LpKlEN'S COTTON j . J SOX A WHITE OR I SOLID COLORS i 5Cpr. 50c.doz j GURTISS 2 for be V'COTTON J MESH DISH J CLOTHS l GOOD ONES ( 2 for 5C - Mil .!" . 8 Marshmallows 13c CRIB SHEETS 12c GIANT 0 K SOAP 3 for 1 Qc CANVAS GLOVES pr. 1 0c 10 ounca Rad Top Calcium Lactate ; 23c DR. WEST WATERPROOF TOOTH BRUSHES 25c IVORY SOAP sr 2 b, 15 LIGHTMORE LAMPS For Battar Illumination. Guarantaad For 1000 Houra. 40 Watt SO wait 60 watt 75 watt 100 watt. 3" 25' Woodbury's .a? 4 for 18c Pot Cleaners E: 2 for 5c ASPIRIN Pura 5 Grain Tablata Bottla of 100 8c CHEWS Southarn Molanaa Peppermint or Assorted bag 1 2c SODA MINTS Flask of SO Tablati 4c OXYDOL Ma Parkins Favorite 2 for 35c BABY FOODS HEINZ OR CLAPP Slrainad Foods in Full Assortmant Saturday Baby Nursers: . 2 for 5c JMECHANICS' I FRICTION V J TAPE jl GIANT SIZ- ROLL FULL HALF POUND .They Are New 495 5naroll Sweep Sacond Pockat I tYafehes ara a swall Graduation Gift. THUMB TACKS Box of 100 5c Cannon Wash Cloths 2 for 5c OLD DUTCH Household Cleanser can 5c Waxed Paper-R-r.2fori5c CLOROX Half Cation Jugs For 19c TOILET SOAPS LUX CAMAY LIFEBUOY YOUR CHOICE 3QJNORTH CENTRAL PHONE 274 ORIGINATOR OF CUT PRICES IN SOUTHERN OREGON Livestock Portland Portland. May n (API (O. 6. Dept. Agr.t HOGS. J40: market about stead;: good-choice 170-300 lb. drive Ins mostly 6 SO: outstanding klnda quotable to Thuraday'a top ol 6.60; .30-260 lb. butchers salable around 6-0O: few light light 8.76 0 00; odd head packing; sows 4JS; feeder plga scarce, salable around t 00-60. CATTLE. 39: calvea Si: market slow; tew sales steady but moat classes nominal; week'a sales medium good fed steers 8 75-10 OO; common medium heifers salable sround 6-3--8.2fr; canner-common corns 4.25-6. -A; grasa-fat dairy type cows salable around 6 60-8 00: good beef cows sal able upward from 7.33: sausage bull salable 6.6-7.00: odd head choice vealers stesdy at 0 00. 8I1EEP. 73: market quotable steady: sorted lota good-choice spring lambs sslsble around S.7B; common grades down to 7.00: medium-good ewes sal able 3 60-3 35. South San .Francisco South San Francisco. May 17 I API D. Dept. Agr.l HOGS SO. Around ateady. Package 317 lb. Cali fornia 6.30. top: package 353 lb. 6.00: for week, butchers 30-63 lower; pack ing sows 60 lower. CATTLE 10. Largely nominal: few low grade cowa 4.30-5.33: for week, two-way market; fed steers and hrlf era 15 higher: young cowa steady; medium grades and below 35-33 low er Calves, none, nomtnsl: good to 180-300 lb. realera 10.60-1 1.00; good 330-300 lb. calves 8 60-8.00. SHEEP, none. For week, lambs fully ateady: good to choice 70-80 lb lambs mostly 9.00-30. The turnover was around 2.700.000 shares. Todsy s closing prices for S3 select' ed stocks follow: Al. Ch.m. & T) us Am. Csn , , 97 Am. At Fgn. Pow , , ,, 1 A. T. ft T 168'i Ansconda 334 Atch. T. 81 8. f 1S; Btndlx Avta. , . , jot, Beth. 8tcl 77 Caterpillar Tract. 43 Chrysler ei; Coml. Solv ei4 Curtlss-Wnght DuPont .lfll Oen. Eire. Gen. Foods Ocn. Mot. Int. Harvest. , I. T. & T Johns-Man. Monty Ward North Amer Penney cj. c.).. Phillips Pet Radio Sou. Pae , Sid. Brands St. OH Csl. St. Oil N. J Trans. Amer. Union Csrb. Unit. Aircraft U. 8. Steel , 30i ... 40', 431 . 47', 3'4 31 1, 39 , ... 17 78 33'i 4', - 81, . 30 33 i 4-, . 68 45'i 30 V ftan Frunclro Hulter San Francisco. May 17 But ter, unchanged. Sacramento. May 17 ifln Churn ing cream butterfat, first grade 39', c; second grsde 37V,e. E Chicago Chicago. May 17. (AP-USDA) I Hogs: 10.000: moderately active and I 10(3 13c higher than Thursday's sver- se on 350-Ib. and down: heavier weights less active; sround fits 10c up; good and choice 180 to 370-lb. largely 83.90i6.30: top 86.35: good 400 to 850-lb. welht sows 84 .900 635: best light weights to around 85.40. Cattle: 700; calvea 300: practically all killing classes steady with some strength on meager supply cows; steers largely medium to good gradw at 68.76 4 9 85. Sheep: 6.000; few loads best fed clippers around 610.00 or stesdy with Thursday: bidding generally un evenly lower. Portland Produce L Portland. May 17. (API Country Meats: Selling price to retailer Country killed hogs best butchers 135 to ISO lbs. 99',c; vealers fancy 3I'414c lb.; Hght thin lOsjllc; heavy 10 utile lb.; lamba spring 16 17c; yesrllngs 10 13c; ewes 4 m 8c lb.; good cutter cow, 9 Via 10c lb.; canner cows 8i9c lb.; bulls 1313'ic lb. Onions: Oregon No. 1 S2t-10 80-lb. bsg; sets white evje; brown 6l4e lb.: new California wiv A ih Texas wax 6c lb. Other produce prices steady, unchanged. Chicago Wheat Chicago. May 17. (JPtA fresh wave of selling swept over the turbu lent wheat pit today driving prices down more than 8 cents from yes terday's close end putting ths mar ket near the Iowa reached yesterday when the week'a sensational collapse of values ws halted. Wheat: Open High Low Close May .89 .90 'i M M July m .89 .84 J414 Sept. ,68H J9'4 4, AS One of the valley's most at tractive Informal gardens Is lo cated at the Humane Society grounds on Midway road and particularly at this time of year is a splash of beautiful hues. Nucleus of the gardens Is a half block, square of sround containing masses of German bearded iris of pale bluish lav ender hue; salmon Sweet Wil liam, bronze snapdragons, rose colored stock and mi m 0-111 1 . other blossoms. Bordering the square like a tall hedge are Paul Scarlet climbing red roses, masses of sweet smellmg Spanish broom and ahrtihrwrv of varying kinds. The red roses intermingled with yellow broom make a truly exquisite picture. Surrounding the bulletin.- and other parts of the yard are nuge old lilac bushes, wisteria and towering blrcn, locust and apple trees. An Invitation Is extended to the general public to view the Humane society gardens at any time. Off Wall St. Report New York, May 17. (VP) Leading stocks crashed through support levels today for losses of 2 to more than 9 points as trading forces were seized with another attack of "war nerves." Steels and aircrafts, up at the start, were among the first to tumble and from then on were the worst. Quotations were at or near the bottom at the close. Coma and Saa tha BigCarRaces at Daily's Speedway SUNDAY Indianapolis Big Car Races draw iha largest crowds of any sporting event In tha world. 1 : Sewn LUGGAGE FOR GRADUATION Luggage makaa tha Ideal graduation gift. A gift that will ba enjoyed for yaara to coma. Let u show you tha new airplane luggage for 1140. It la serviceable, stylish and very Inexpensive. Com In and saa our showing. Overnight Case $2.98 to $6.85 Wardrobe Cases $6.85 to $12.85 Pullman Cases.. $9.85 to $16.85 Gladstones $6.95 to $12.95 M. M. DEPARTMENT STORE PAY LESS and PARK EASIER" at the E.IVEI.SOPE ET U k R K HOME OF BATTLE CREEK HEALTH FOODS 313 315 No. Riverside. WE NEVER CLOSf, Phone 838 OPEN 24 HOURS A DAY FOR YOUR CONVENIENCE 1 lOt'L, RAISINS CATSUP 3 bottles 25C ROOT BEER EXTRACT Hires regular 23s Bottle 15c Make your own wholesome summer beverage. TOMATO JUICE Dal Rogue 46 oz. tin 15C 2lb.pte.10c OYSTERS. Waigant fancy medium . 3 cans 25 WAX PAPER 40 ft rolls 5c PANCAKE FLOUR. Triangle 20-os. pkg... 2 for 25 SALAD DRESSING qt 17c TASTY STRING BEANS, Crater Laka No. 2 can. 43 for 25e POTATO CHIPS ' pk&iic PANCAKE FLOUR. Flapjack.. .10 lb. bag 43e CRUHCHIES'"a-2lb.nkg. 1 9c Garden Hose V. 8. Come, with eonpllnp 50 ft S2.98 Extra Heavy Grade o ft, -fJ4.49 BONNIE DOG FOOD.. --6 or 25 FLY SPRAY bif dL 20c qt. 39c SYRUP, cane and maple.. .M gallon 39e DIIIAMITE Rad Label Large package 19c SATURDAY AND SUNDAY ONLY WE ARE FEATURING THE FINEST GRADE LOCAL STEER BEEF YOU CAN BUY Be ariert the live steers, (he best In the herd, and suprnlse the kllllnf ant aftlnr. BACON Vary choice home cured Lb. 15c Fancy Milk Fed VEAL Chops, lb... 21c Loin or rib Roast, lb. 14. c Shoulder. Very nice Breast, lb.. .He Fancy Pig PORK Roast, lb. . . 15c Choice center ahou. cuts Chops, lb. 13c Lola or rib BACOII SQUARES lb. 10c Not fat backs. Extra nice for seasoning or frying HEW POTATOES 8 lb. 15c HEW PEAS BSC' 2 lb. 15c BAHAMAS St-a 3 lb. 14c CELERY u1:. bunch 9c LETTUCE - 2 for 7c CARROTS 2 bunches 5c