PAGE FOUR MEDFORD MAIL TRIBUNE. MEDFORD. OREGON, FRIDAY, MAY 17. 1940. Society d Clubs Clara Mary Davis and Mn. Leonard Carpenter, delegates. Election of officers and reports by committees and department heads on the summa tion of the year's wo.k will also take place. All members are asked to at tend the session. Garden Day Tour Starts Saturday Morning from C. C. Heading the week's calendar for interesting events is the Medford Garden club's Garden Day scheduled for all day Satur day. Persons may start from the Chamber of Commerce as early as 8 a. m. Below is the suggested order of the morning itinerary: Albert Burcn. Bom lane; the lllseee Carlton. Old Bug road; Raymond Driver, Old Stage rod: John Homer. Old Btage road; Mrs. H. O. ssctaesej (Bora Dm Orcnard), Old Btapn roed: John Tomltn. Old Stage road. Luncheon will be served t 11:80 at the home of Alfred 8. V. Carpen tar (Topeldee Orchard) Old Stage roed. Suggested tour for afternoon: Mlie Anna Livingston. Old Stage road; the Brltt Oarden. Jacksonville: Paul Jan ney. Perrydale; Joe Thomaa, 332 S. Holly; Ouy W. Phetteplaoe, 336 B. Holly: P. Corning Kenly. Jackaon-TUle-Phoenlx highway (turn south at blue flag beyond King's highway): James H. Owen. 181S Main; T. I Daniels. Main and Berkeley Way; Ollbert Stuart. Modoo between Main and HlUcreat; D. R. Wood (flrat left turn off the Hlllcreet road after passing the golf ceurae); Leonard Carpenter (Verltaa Orcherd). Hlllereat road; Oeorge M. Roberta, Crown Hill road. Tea will be aerred from 1:30 until M at the home of Porter J. Neff, Berkeley Way. These gardens will be open for the public's pleasure and each will ha marked with a blue flag. Mem ben of Boy Boout troop 3, sponsored by the Lions elub, will be stationed at entrancea to the various homea and gardens to offer assistance In guidance. Mrs. Fiero to Visit in City. Mrs. Conro Fiero is expected to arrive in Medford tomorrow from Klamath Falls to spend the week end visiting her mother, Mrs. William Andrews and her sister, Mrs. James Stevens at their Cargill court apartment. Eagles auxiliary are enter taining with a dance Saturday evening in the hall at 42 North Front street for Eagles and their Invited guests. Refreshments will be served at midnight. Monday Concert Is Anticipated Solo artists participating In the Medford Musical Society's concert program Monday eve ning in the Medford high school auditorium, held a rehearsal at the high school last evening. According to F. Cyril Sander, chairman of the program, the local public has much to look forward to in hearing Utee artists. A well balanced pro gram including both classical and popular music is to be pre sented. Others participating in the program include a trio composed of Margaret Huson, Catherine Wendt and Jean McAllister; Rogue Valley vocal ensemble; boys high school octette and a 30-piece string ensemble under the direction of John R. Knight. The public Is invited to attend.- There is no admission charge of any kind. Monroes to Visit At Roberts Home Mr. and Mrs. Allyn A. Monroe of Beverly Hills, Cal., are ex pected to arrive in Medford on Saturday's early morning United malnliner, to visit until Monday night, at which time they will return south by plane. The Monroes will be the house guests of Mrs. Monroe's parents, Mr. and Mrs. George M. Roberts, at their home on Crown Hill. Mrs. Monroe Is the former Miss Dorothy Roberts. This will mart her first visit home since her wedding last year In the east. Other guests of the Roberts over the week-end will be their daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. George Rasmussen. The group will be greeted here by their many valley friends. Leasrue to Name Officers Monday Jackson County League of Wnmn Vntir will convene for It's first annual business meet ing Monday evening at 8 o ciock In the Girls' Community club house. Ttannrt nf thff etflte Convention recently held in Portland will be presented by Mrs. Justin strain Delta Gammas Meet At Byrne Residence Members of Delta Gamma, na tional social sorority, gathered last evening at the home of Mrs. Gordon Byrne on South Oak dale avenue to formulate plans for various' activities of the sorority here. Those bidden to the affair were Miss Esther Wilcox, Miss Lois Beth Scoffern, Mrs. W. H. Fluhrer, Mrs. Mark A. Goldy, Miss Isobel Stuart. Mrs. Fred T. Haiin, Mrs. D. H. Ferry and Mrs. Russell D. Davis. Miss Wilcox presided at the meeting and refreshments were served by Mrs. Byrne and Miss Scoffern. Mrs. Preston Is Visitor in South Mrs. Frank Preston returned to Medford and her ranch home in the Applegate Wednesday by plane from the Bay District where she vacationed for sev eral days. She spent some time in Beil- mont Park visiting her son, Charles Braley and viewed the ceremony in which he received his commission as lieutenant In St. Joseph's boys' school. Mrs. Preston also visited Mr. and Mrs. William Vawter, for mer well known local residents, at their home in Redwood City. Phi Chi Theta Pledges Group Phi Chi Theta, commerce honor society for women, held spring term pledging last week at Oregon State College in Cor vallis. Carolyn Cook of Medford and Wanda Howe of Trail were among those pledged. Others in cluded Betty Anderson, Bette Balsiger. Helen Bergstrom, Helen Prcding, June Fuller, Harriet Hager, Maxine Harris, Jane Honk, Dorothy Kibbl, Gene Maloney, Carolyn Means, Jean Noel, Marion Tatum and Jo Woolsey. Calendar JUST RECEIVED A LARGE SHIPMENT OF Children's Play Suits Popular Materials Including Denim anc? ersucksrs. Priced 49c to $ 1 .95 Also a Table of Odd Lots of YARN, el Q Specially Priced Ball 9 C Needle Art Shop 130 North Central Friday 8:00 p.m. Navy Mothers, home Mrs. R. R. McConochie 1015 West 12th street. Saturday 3:00 p.m. D. A. R., Girls' Community clubhouse. Radio Highlights FRENCH ORDERED 10 'DIE ON SPOT' BEFORE REIREAT (Continued from Page One.) rectly facing Germany's Sieg fried line.) Fight All Night All-night fighting, officially described as "extremely vio lent," raged south of Sedan. Vil lages changed hands as many as five or six times. While from Paris came word of a meeting of the allied war council yesterday to make plans to cope with the intensive nazi drive. Berlin claimed its com manding officers in all sectors were reporting: "Engaged in pursuing the enemy." On the eighth day since Ger man legions smashed through the Netherlands and into Bel gium, French soil was a roaring battleground of modern war ma chines. The French high com mand said that all night long the battle raged from Rethel north to the Sambre river, which flowi eastward out of France, Joining the Meuse at Namur, Belgium. It was apparent that the nazis were making a mighty effort to flank the Maglnot on the north. While the bloody struggle foamed on in France there were increasing indications that Hun gary soon might be the route of Adolf Hitler's legions storming south to get at Rumania's oil. Drive to Rumania Near While divisions of the kind of lightning troops Hitler has used before were reported concen trating on the Slovak frontier of Hungary headed toward Ru-, mania, 140 miles away. Out of Vienna came uncon firmed reports that German army officers there said all was in readiness for a blitzkrieg through Hungary and they were waiting only for the date of the takeoff. These reports threw further fear into the Balkans which have been Jittery ever since the war broke out lest they, too, be come a battleground. Great Britain further prepared herself In the near east for war that might come into the Medi terranean or the Balkans. A second large contingent of Aus tralian troops debarked in Egypt. Weather Northern California: Fair to night, Saturday and Sunrlav considerable cloud or fog on coast; little change in tempera ture; gentle variable wind off coast. SILICOSIS FIGHT Boise. Ida. U.F The latest in modern medical equipment, housed in 6,000-pound trailer, is cruising throughout Idaho to gather statistical material on the extent of silicosis. This Is Idaho's answer to the nation's silicosis problem. Dr. A. F. Galloway, director of the bureau of industrial hy- giene, and H. C. Claire, engin eer for the bureau, are in charge of the hospital on wheels, of ficially known as the Idaho in-1 dustrial hygiene mobile X-ray unit. The unit with Its built-in equipment was designed so that it may be towed to various sec tions of the state and used by doctors in making physical ex aminations and taking X-rays of industrial workers. Still Perilous Oroville. Cal. CU.R) Z. H. Smith forgot that his car was still in gear, when, with both feet planted firmly apart, he started cranking it. A house on the opposite side of the street stopped both him and the car. House, car and Smith were damaged. Alaska's wettest spot la Utile Port Walter, with Jit 33 Inches recorded In 1B3. and SUGAR 1 Cartons P- It means put Sf y'V Can Sugar, - PTJMk very line, CANEM very uniform, B 0tA" jpl f voiy whit. g, CM u n Auto Races Start at 1:30 P.M.Sharp Sunday No Time Trials No Delay By Associated Press (Time is Pacific standard) Tonight: Europe CBS 4:35; MBS 6. WEAFNBC 6:30 Alfred M. Lansdon on "Foreign Policy of the Republican Party." 'WJZ-NBC 6:30 Sens. Capper and Clark on "Against Interven tion In the War." MBS 6:4S Talk. Wendell U Willkle. Saturday: Europe NBC and CBS 4 a. m. WJZ-NBC 10:30 a. m. Sec. Ickes on "Labor's Stake in Free Government." Closing urns lor loo Lata to Clas sify Ada Is 1:30 p. m. IN TKE NEW lias- m NORGE 1940 TTi ttilnf ya wmnt him, ef all In ynt rfr1jr,rlor ft plrntT of apar. And her th rrfrtifrator that glm It to you. SEE NORGE BEFORE YOU BUYI ilJllLu- i ; FELBMAN iroK moke rrr w the ceiumt tr.T. XT-sH'S H If Here's a big pentryette where you store canned and bottled goods an extra cupboard in your kitchen. 237 East Main at Barllett Annual May Sale 7.5 Actual It.SO and 17.50 Valuesl BEE OUR WINDOWS Sensational Summer Fashion?! These beautiful Genuine Leghorns srs Ihe finest we've ever offered at this extremely lew price. . . Fine tailored trims and georgeoue dressy hats. . . But you mutt tee I hem to really appreciate what wonderfjl styles and values they actually are. ADRIENNE'S SHOP THIS HOME-OWNED STORE FOR GREATER VALUES plus the extra saving of S. and H. Green STAMPS. Remember, we give DOU BLE STAMPS every Wednesday on purchases of 12 or over. Meat De partment SI or over. 528 South Riverside FREE DELIVERY Phone 9 SAVE ON Toiletries-- Remedies CREAMS - LOTIONS 35c Italian Balm.... 2D? 25c Jergeru 20 50c Pacquint .. ..;..39 55c Lady Esther 39 HAIR TONIC 50c Fitch 44 60c Kremel 49 50c Lucky Tiger ...39 40c Vaseline 37 SHAVING CREAMS 35c Burma Shave... 29 35c Lifebuoy 23? 50c Molle 43? 35c Ingram' 29? SHAVING LOTION 4 oz. Bay Rum 10? 50c Williams Aqua Velva 39? 50c Santiseptic . . . .45? IN OUR MEAT DEPARTMENT Shop your Piggly Wiggly Meat Market for quality i Ms that your family can really enjoy. SPRING FRYERS Grain-fed. plump, meaty and tender. Healthful and satisfying meal. 2Vi to 31b. average. PORK SH'LDER ROAST, .lb. 15c Lean, sweet and meaty, cut from young corn-fed porkers. Flavorful and economical. MOCK CHICKEN LEGS, 6 for 25c Choice Graded POT ROAST of BEEF Economy cuts, lb. 17ic Fancy select cuts lb. 19c Carved from soft bone, white fat steer beef quality. PORK CHOPS per lb. 19c Lean and meaty, tender small chops cut from young porkers. SLICED BACON. . . . i-lb. pkg. 10c Morrell's Superior sugar-cured quality! mild, sweet flavor. LUNCH MEATS per lb. A large assortment to select from. MEAT SPECIALS SATURDAY ONLY 23c MILK Tea Cup Brand, Tall Cans 6 for 35C FIG BARS 3a 2 lbs. 19c SWEET PICKLES 25 oz. jar 25c MAXWELL HOUSE COFFEE m&y 2 lb. 49c Radiant Roast 1 lb. 25c NU-BORA. . .giant 66-oz. pkg. 49c An ideal soap for hard or soft water. LIFEBUOY SOAP 3 bars 17c The health sosp, stops B. O. PALMOLIVE SOAP. . .3 bars 17c Keeps complexion soft, smooth, young. FELS NAPTHA SOAP. .5 bars 23c Extra laundry help. PUREX The Master Bleacher and Purifier. Quart! 2C Gal. 20c POTATO CHIPS 2 pkgs. 23c Blue Bell, 15c sise. Always fresh and crisp. SLICED BEEF, 2-oz. glass, 2 for 25c Fidelity brand. Chicken and Noodles, 16-oz. jar 23c uennnon s. Lots of chicken. CLAPPS BABY FOODS 3 strained 2 1 C 2 chopped 21C SPAGHETTI afrifa-s 3 for 25c CO I ID Campbell's, all kinds except t 0 H OUUl Chicken and Mushroom. J -ZIlC ROLLED OATS 9 ib. bag 33c FISHER'S BLEND FLOUR For best results in all your baking. 491b. bag 31.83 No. 10 bag 45c PIGGLY WIGGLY FLOUR Quality Hard Wheat Blend -lb. bag $1.43 CHHI Bcn- ! Q eloth bag.. 53 C ' SNOWDRIFT Pure vegetable shortening. 3 ibs. 48c 6 ibs. 95c TANG SALAD DRESSING FRUITS and VEGETABLES Makes good salads better. Quart 27c BANANAS 4 lbs. 15c Firm, rips fruit. LEMONS 2 doz. 25c Medium sise. thin skins, juicy. New Tender mm. rn CARROTS vtt with frh nw pra. 2 bun. 5c 1 3 Ibs. 13c PRODUCE PRICtS SATURDAY ONLY Frrh. riiup SPINACH Tender oon Iftiree. Washed. Pancake Flour. .bag 45c Fisher's. No. 10 bag. Higher quality at a modest price. Apple Butter . . .can 10c Kerr's, ll-os. cans. Gape-Nuts, Flakes 2 pkgs. 25c New giant sise packages. Diamond brand Pure Honey, 5-lb. pail,35c Del Mente -' Catsup 2 bottles 29c Largs H oi. bottles. Dlnty Moore Corned Beef Hash 2 for 29c Mb. cans. Fine for breakfast, lessen or dinner and 'real bargala ' in good food. SPECIAL PRICES EFFECTIVE SATURDAY. MONDAY: Except as Otherwise Noted