MEDFORD MAIL TRIBUNE, MEDFORD, OREGON, FRIDAY, JANUARY 12. 1940. PAGE ELEVEN ijiju.wai:M.ui'i,wN m Read every ad on this pagr. You will probably find exactly the things you have been look ing for or a sale or trade for unuaed articles ycu may have. Search your attlo or store-room you may find many thlngt others are seeking and be able to realize Immediate cash. II what you want Isn't here, advertise for It Tribune Clas sified Ads are Inexpensive effective I , RATES Per word first Insertloi (Minimum 8c) Each additional insertion, per word 1c (Minimum 10c) Per line per month without copy change 81.26 GASH or money order must ac company all mall order classified ads. LOST AND FOUND LOST Keys on ring with metal tag stamped 1 West. Finder kindly return to Tribune office. REPORT lost dogs, animal cruelty cnws Kuirsne Society. Phone 1516. WANTED MALE HELP OLD ESTABLISHED GARAGE hHB opening for A-l mechanic. All replies strictly confidential. Earn ing will average 30 per week, or over. Write Box 576 Tribune. WANTED Woodcutter, on shares. Cabin and tools furnished. P. A. Henry, Brownsboro. HELP WANTED aalesman. Pull or part time, representing large east ern tailoring firm. Big opportun ity, no experience necessary, we train you. Write for detained In formation. Sherman Ackerman, 110 N. 8th. Klamath Falls. Oregon. WANTED FEMALE HELP WANTED Experienced housekeeper.' References required. Dell Vineyard. Rt. 2, Medford. WANTED All-around woman cook. Must be good on pies. None other need to npply. The What Not. WANTED SITUATIONS EXPERIENCED GIRL wishes work as sales clerk or waitress. Refer ence. Phone 69. J. Green. MIDDLE-AGED widow. American, desires position as housekeeper for elderly couplfi, companion, or care of Invalid. Call 386-J. WANTED Hour work. Mrs. Lewis, 520 So. Fir. GRADUATE NURSE will care for elderly couple or chronic invalid In her modern, suburban home facing Rogue River and Pacific highway, 4V4 miles north of Gold Hill. Mrs. R. O. Lovell. Pnone Gold Hill 478. WANTED Bookkeeping or any of fice work. Phil Lounsberry. Phone 1194-X. WANTED MISCELLANEOUS WANTED TO RENT Farm with milk cows and stock. Will pay cash rent. Write full particulars In first letter to Box 2390 Tribune. WOMAN WISHES to board child or children. Best of care. 149 South Riverside, Apt. 8. WANTED TO RENT with option to buy west side 4-room modern house with enough furniture for housekeeping. Rent to apply as down payment. Purchase price to be paid off at not over 25 month ly, Including Interest. References. Box 2393 Tribune. WELL DRILLING 61.50 per ft. first 50 ft., etc. J. M. Dodge, 519 King. MARKET HOGS WANTED Poyer Brothers. 166 Welghtman St., phone 5551, Ashland. WANTED Dressmaking, alterations. Katherlne Satterlee. Singer Shop. 22 8. Grape. tVE PAY MORE CAMH For Your Furniture HOIBROOK ANDREWS 6th and Front Phone 547 BEST PRICES PAID Vr.r Vim i CMrntriirs EADS & OHRN. Phone 1192-4. HIGHEST CASH PRICES PAID For Your Furniture MEDFORD BARGAIN" HOt'PE 27 N. Grape St. Phone 1062 CINNABAR, Ore. for paints. 1 have a ca-h market. Black sand cash market for the heavy sands as It eom?a from the placer. W. G. Wright, assayer. 614'4 West 11th St., City. HIGHEST PRICES PAID for Junk batteries. radiators. aluminum, copper, brass, all kinds of metals, also hides, pelts and wool. Med ford BarKaln House. 27 N. Grape Phone 1062. WANTED Dead and worthless ani mals. We will pK-k up free if you win phone nromptly at our ex pense. Southern Oregon By-Prod-ucta Company. WANTED HORSFS. cows for fed Eiel Point Fox Farm. Phone 57-X-7 FOR RENT HOUSES FOR RENT Modern 3-room log cabin, furnished Fireplace and e:erric f'ove. Inquire Dark's Gro cery. FOR PENT 4-room house, partly r.irnuhed 922 50. Phona 720. FOR RENT 4-room furnished house In rar. 3i6 N. Central. w . . ... FVRM.SHM) h for rent. Gal Tippd M4 FOR RENT HOUSES SMALL UNFURNISHED HOUSE. Ber rydale. H. L Cook. 10 Quince FOR RENT 5-room boose. 1039 West 10th St. FOR RENT 6-i'Oom modern house 8 lots 2107 Capitol Ave FOR RENT APARTMENTS MODERN 3-ROOM furnished apart ment. 8 La'Tel. SMALL NICELY FURNISHED apart ment, 128 8. Holly. Call after 5:30 p. m. FURNISHED APARTMENT Heat, private bath, Prlgldalre. 806 West Main. FURNISHED APARTMENT. Hot and cold water, lights, private bath. Adults. 813 So. Oakdale. DESIRABLE FURNISHED APART MENT, heat, hot water, Electrolux. garage. 10 Quince St. DESIRABLE apartments, 3 rooms and bath; gas heat. Inquire Farmers & Fruitgrowers bank. APARTMENTS for rent. 3-rooms. 334 Apple. FOR RENT 3-room furnished apart ment. Heat, garage. 834 N. Bartlett. FURNISHED HOUSE and apartments Adults. 804 W. 10th. FOR RENT Nicely furnished 3-room apartment, $15 per month. 317 E. Jackson St. OE BAUER APTS. 6th at Oakdale. Prestige, courtesy, with comfort able modern home. Furnished or unfurnished. Moderate prices. By day, week or month. Phone 713-Y. FOR RENT Furnished Hotel Hol land apartments. Frlgldalre, elec tric range. PURNISHED APARTMENT. 8 rooms and bath. Electric range and refrigerator.- (25.00. Adults. 128 Mistletoe. FOR RENT 2 -room furnished apart ment; ground floor, electricity, tele phone, hot water, garage. 11 Tripp. FURNISHED APARTMENT; heated. hot water, Frlgldalre. Close In. ' 51 N. Oakdale. FOR RENT Furnished Roomt ROOM for gentleman. 231 W. 5th. ATTRACTIVE ROOMS. 404 8. Grape. ! PLEASANT heated room with private ; entrance. 220 N. Oakdale. i FOR RENT Room, 2.50 week. Prt i vate entrance. 408 Edwards. 1 HEATED, CLEAN, upstairs room Private entrance. Maid service i 810 So. Central PRIVATE ENTRANCE, warm, cheer ful rooms 504 Pennsylvania FOR RENT BOARD. ROOM ROOM AND BOARD. 163 N. Oakdale. I BOARD AND ROOM 716 E. Main. 81 per day. FOR RENT-MISCELLANEOUS FOR RENT 10 acres. Buckshot Hill road, 3rd house on right. FOR SALE LIVESTOCK FOR SALE Shoats; also A-l ham mered alfalfa and barley hay. 12 ton. D. P. Duggan, Sams Valley. YOUNG pedigreed buck for service , and bred does for sale. Typewriter I like new. to trade for weaner : pigs or alfalfa seed or hay. Call Route 1. Box 10R-A. South Ppurh street, nenx Stewart. FOR SALE POULTRY FOR SALE: Three Barred Rock cock erels, extra nice, tested. 617 West ern Ave. GENTS Poultry Farm. New 1940 low prices on baby chicks. Send for catalog and prices. Gent's Poultry Farm. R-l. Eugene. Oregon. 100 year-old Leghorn Hens for sale. Klmber strain. W. F. Martin, E. P. Star Rt.. Medford. FOR SALE AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE 1930 4-door Ford sedan, C100 cash. Call 1571. ! 3 MODEL "A" FORDS, one coach, i All In good shape. See "Tom," j 206 N. Riverside. I FOR SALE- -1B34 Chevrolet Truck ! Price 9150. Will trade for stock or groin. 4 Corners Service Sta I tlon Midway road. '34 PONTIAO COUPE, way above average, bargain if bought before January 15. Inquire Texaco Sta tion. Ea-t Main. FOR SALE RfcAL ESTATE FOR SALE OR RENT Unfurnished apartment house at IOCS W. Main. All newly refinished and renovated. Owner J. C. Cass, 1112 So. River side, Medford. LEAVING valley, sacrifice everything. Two acres, five-room modern house, plenty out buildings and shade; two excellent young cows, and hay. 30 laying hens, Bulck, good con dition, furniture and wood. Con sider truck or pickup. P. O. Box 245. Central Point. FOR SALE 2 lots and small houw. (650 cash. Ask the gardener. 242 N. Front St. HOUSES FOR SALE In Medford and surrounding towns. Easy terms. Jackson County Federal Savings and Loan Association. 2500 I HARDWOOO FLOORS - FIREPLACE LARGE HADE TREES Especially good 5-room modern bun galow, laundry trays, garage, paved street: a home with $500 profit poMiblltty. Priced only 2500 on t-rms you can handle. AIo 3150 JACKSONVILLE HIOHWAY 15 seres. Anjou and BartlMU: ffood 4-room modern house: elderly man alone and must sell at once. 10 down to responsible psrty. A good hjme and a real buy. MARK A. GOLDY Phone 728 109 E. Main St. FOR SALE 21-acre farm. 5-room house. 2 acres grapes and other fr.Mt. OotTd w!l. Ftd ?rm Home mornlri ;s and " nirx M. K- Clarkson, O'.d B'.agt road FOR SALE REAL ESTATE For Sale SMALL EAST SICE HOME, Juat remodelled and decorated Oood locstlon. Reasonable. Call 108. FOR BALE 7-room home. 4 bed rooms. Oood location. Sacrifice price of S1900 Very unuiual terms Also have 159 acres on Elk creek for Just S250. Lots of timber Log bouse. Pierce. Room 1. Palm Build ing, Medford. FOR SALE OR TRADE A splendid 84-acre farm, well Im- ; proved. Including crop and equip ment: located near Medford. Would j consider trading for clear property 1 In Medford. L. O. PICKELL. 18 S. Bartlett. FOR EXCHANGE WANTED TO TRADE CORN for about 8 feeder hogs. Arthur Win ter, Ruch, Ore. s FOR TRADE Alfalfa hay for one or two good milk cowa, Jersey or Guernsey preferred. Will deliver hay and get the cows. J. A. Thompson, Rt. 1, Box 893, Klam ath Falls, Ore. FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS ORCHARD1STS ATTENTION USED BOLTON HEATERS I have 14,000 10-qt. Bolton orchard ! heaters for sale at a bargain. Also ; torches, filling buckets, etc. This equipment used one season only. ' Will sell as a whole or In small amounts. Write for prices, etc. Law ton D. Parker, Route 2, Yuba City, Calif. FOR SALE: Table cream separator, 12.00; gallon glass churn, 2 00; used four months. W. E. Rowley, Rt. 2, Ashland, two miles south Phoenix on Anderson road. FEDERAL LAND BANK FARMS Convenient terms. Lists available at National Farm Loan Office. 202 Liberty Building, Medford. CITY and country properties RENT ALS, LOANS, INSURANCE. O, S. Butterfleld, 409 Medford Building, WHEN you think of real estate think of Brown & White. FOR YOUR BEST TREES see Lafette Nursery, across from Beck's Bakery. Phone 1201. HAMMERED HAY at Davis Feed Stores Medford, Ashland. FOR SALE Washer service. Full line genuine Maytag parts. Service on all makes. Medford Maytag Co. 31 No. Bartlett. Phone 38. DELICIOUS and Newtown apples, 35c box and up. Bring containers. Independent Packing Co., Phoenix, FOR SALE Hydraulic pipe and giants. Box 3376, Tribune. OLYMPIC EGG MASH with milk, 2.25 per sack. Davis Feed Stores. FOR SALE Best wood In town, guaranteed dry. 223 N. Riverside, Phone 615. Hawley Fuel Co. CUT-RATE PRICES. Nu-Way Mat tress and Upholstery Co. Phone ay 3. auB west utn st. FINAL CLEARANCE of OAS RANGES AND OIL CIRCULATORS Special Terms on Gas Ranges 5 Down; No More Payments Until March 1st. One fully automatic Gas Range, was 102.95. now 73.95 One all porcelain Gas Range with automatic burners, was 62.95. now 37.95 One all porcelain Gas Range with automatic burners. chrome base, was 78.95, now. ...61.95 One 3-burner Gas Rangette, was 38.95; now 2805 OIL CIRCULATORS All Ripple Finish One 13" BunlUht Clriulntor with radiant doors, was 72.95,now....49.05 One 10" Sunlleht Circulator with radiant doors, was 57.95, now ...42 95 One 10" Deluxe Sunlight Cir culator with radiant doors. was 69.95. now 54.95 Two 10" Sunlight Circulators with radiant doors, was 54.95. now ....39 .95 MONTGOMERY WARD FERTILIZER for lawns and gardens. Team work. 618 E. 9th. FOR 8ALE Redwood tank, cider press, harrow, bone grinder and other tools. M. E.Clarkson, Old Stage road. FOR SALE 7b tons hay. feed lots, racks and good water. Phone 31-F-I3 Jacksonville. MUST MOVE 1000 cords of 12 and 16 Inch tier and cord wood off ground at once. Will exchange wood for what have you. A. Powers, Applegate, Oregon. FOR SALE Dry wood, all kinds, cheap: Immediate delivery. Phone 116, or see at 215 E. 8th. FOR SALE Drag saw In A-l condi tion. 680. Will take wood as part pavment. Wltham Magneto At Parts Co.. 216 E. 8th. FOR SALE Alfalfa hay. Phont 447-J-2. Jessie M. Ml near. BODY FIR. 15 cord. Phone 452-R-2. APPLES Oebnard's. half mile north Bear Creek bridge. Central Point FOR SALE Electric range, A-l work In condition, 16 50. 22 Keene Way Drive. j SONO BIRDS 1137 West Main Bt. FOR SALE Baled and loose iirolfa hay; also dry apple wood Ed Han lv Run'-b 201 Inne. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES COUNTRY GROCERY and post office equipment (civil service). In view of pacific ocean. Gross receipts last year over twelve thousand. AH-Mr: -hro-1-, Orhir. Ore j STOCKS AND BONDS ONLY STOCK TICKER service In i Oregon ouipM of Portland con tinuous quotations during market hours M N. Hozsn k Co., 214 E Miln 9r . Miford Closing titr.e tn Tm Late to Clae ur; Ads is 1 30 p. tn. BUSINESS DIRECTORY Auto Loan DRIVE IN AUTO LOANS and REFINANCING SERVICE Deal with a southern Oregon owned Independent finance com pany where your needs will receive PERSONAL CONSIDERATION at all times. Immediate act Ion I No red tapel Our years of experience Insures you of the best service. DRIVE IN for YOUR confidential loan. Used CARS BOUGHT AND 80LD "DRIVE IN" P. T. "JERRY" YOUNG Motor Investment Company Lie. M-274. Phone 159. 9th and Bartlett. CAR LOANS Solve your financial problems by refinancing or borrowing. LOANS ON CARS 1033-1939 Tri-State Acceptance Corp. License M-253. MARK A. GOLDY 109 E. Main. Phone 738 ADVANTAGES OF OUR CAR LOAN PLAN 1. No Interest charged In advance. 3. Your own Insurance accepted. S. Car does not have to be paid for. 4. You get the money In ten min utes. 6. Special low winter payments. 6. You deal direct and save money. See W. E. THOMAS, Manager OREGON FINANCE CO. At Our Main Office 45 South Central. Phone 139. License No. M-217. $20 TO SI, 000 On Your Car. 1930 to 1939 Model cart and light trucks. 1 to 18 Months to Repay CONSUMERS' CREDIT CO. HAROLD H. BROWN AGENCY Agent. 123 East Main. M-236 Phone 807. Commercial Tax Accountant INCOME Tax Returns made and notarized. Victor C. Set her, Jack son County Bank Bldg. Phone 796 or 1193-J. Custom Butchering HAVE YOUR HOGS CUSTOM KILLED AND CURED by CRATER MEAT CO. Phone 1012 Dressmaking THE FASHION SHOP Dressmaking Fur Remodeling. Buttons and Buckles covered. Room 320, U. 8. Natl. Bank Bldg. Tel. 1181. Expert Window Cleaner LET joe do rr Expert Window Cleaners. General house cleaners Floor waxing. Joe Phone 1172. Radiator Repairing HOOPER'S RADIATOR SERVICE - 33 South Bartlett Mail Tribune Daily ACROSS L Outdoor game ft. Spring I. Caroled II. Metr.e land measures It. 1.000 pound 14 Small wild ox 16 Marine plants 17 Encamp 18 Before It. Pens It BlanK part of a page at ths side of tha text 24. Attention 25 Constellation 24. Place, for mak ing or st or Inn military equipment 10. Drink little by little 11. Twice 13 Room In a harem II. Mure umooth Solution of Yesterday's Puxzle HMarBSHI A DOPE TFO BASg5HEIAPS IliY 1 EMSjRI I MgasTET UAH DjjAjB E AqiTCgE MjA ifc AIKIEW AltjL ElfFs BjR I AIRMf iElE rMl e a p 46. Sloping banks of earth (0 Satellite fit, Ouino's highest nots St Talk wildly 62. Opposite of aweathar 64 Immerse 66. Worry: colfoq. DOWN L Dance step nd glossy it. Opprinite of a iiaomry Tin of a baronet Globe Zoroaatrlan acrlotures 41. Mark aimed at In curling 44. Charged with let-Uicitr ' I3 I4 l f I7 IW lf I" If Ilf 25 m 27 u ', Z 41 A2 43 WWW 44 mr i i 35 S5r" 7Wl S3 ""j54 IS lilt ' I ' ' I ' ' BUSINESS DIRECTORY Loans MONEY TO 1X5 AN on modern dwell. Ings of late construction. 9 .'6 per month per thousand. Low int erest rate. BROWN A- WHITE, 104 W Main. Nursery Stock CARLTON NURSERY COMPANY Fruit, Nut and Shade Trees, Berries and Shrubbery. Finest Oregon Grown Roses. , Sales yard three miles south on Pacific highway. W B Barnum Phone 8M-R-3 Personal Loans READY CASH for any purpose can be secured from us promptly, confidentially and at LOW C09T OVER IX YEARS tn Medford and thousands of sat isfied customers, assures your complete satisfaction. OREGON FINANCE CO. 45 South Central. Phone 139. Ground Floor Craterian Bldg. License 8-211. M-217. Roofing WB REPAIR or apply any type of roof, pabco Roofings, Shingles, Coatings and PaWt. Wall Paper One-third off. Ekerson Paint and Poof Co.. 38 So. Bartlett. Tel 243. Sanitarium WE CARE FOR THE SICK ROGUE RIVER SANITARIUM TRAINED NUR8FS 24 HOURS PHONE JACKSONVILLE 82 Transfer CITY TRANSFER & STORAGE CO. Household moving and general hauling. 29 8. Grape. Phone 3060 day or night. DAVIS TRANSFER AND STORAGE 40 8 Fir Street Insured Carriers Local and Long Distance Hauling Phone 644 EADS TRANSFER & STORAGE CO. Office 36 South Fir. Phone 816. Prices right. Service guaranteed LEGAL NOTICES Call for Warrants. Funds are on hand for the re demption of School District No 20 warrants Nne. 89 to 106, inclusive. Payable at Farmers & Fruitgrowers Bank. Interest ceases January 11, 1940. 8. 8. ABBOTT, Clerk. Notice To Creditors Notice Is hereby given that X have been appointed by the County Court of Jackson County, Oregon, Executor of the Will of Minnie Dunlap, de ceased, and have qualified. All per sons having claims against said estate are hereby notified to present them, with proper vouchers, and duly veri fied, to me at the office of Harry O. Skyrman. Attorney for said eatate. at Room 409 Medford Center Build ing, In Medford, Oregon, within alx months from the date of this notice. Dated and first published Decem ber 29, 1939. HARRY E. CAMPBELL. Executor. Notice In the County Court of the State of Oregon for Jackson County. In the Matter of the Eatate of J. D. Bell, also known as James D. Bell, Deceased. Notice is hereby given that the undersigned has filed his final ac count In the above entitled matter Cross -Word Puzzle 10. Not any U. Channels from the shor Inland IS. Ireland 30. Oriental com mander IL Uw tufted olant Deed covering Mature 28. Manni. 27 Olfactory or gan it, Une of Benja min's chief men 29 Tardy It Scolded ve hemently 14. Ancient Jew lih asrello ti. Outfit 16 Imitator 27 Clips 39 Thong 40. Egyptian sing Ing girl 41. Stringed In strument 41. Cry or the snclent de votees of Bacchus I. Metal before U is refined I. Pasture 4. City in New York state 6. Lining of a are li 4. 47 Tale Domestic ant mal Night before (. Legume 7. Replies I. Ca untie i pry sure to ridi cule t. Dill seed 41. a noimay 41. Oas needle and thread end the above entitled Court has fixed January 37, 1940. at 10:00 o'clock a. m. In the County Court Room In the Court Houm In Med ford, Jackson County, Oregon, as the time ana piece lor nearing oojectiona to said final account and the settle ment thereof. HARRY C. 8KYRMAN. Executor. Notice To Creditors In the County Court of the Stati of Oregon for the County of Jackson In the Matter of the Estate of Martha J. Hosmer. Deceased. Notice Is hereby given that the undersigned has been appointed Ad ministratrix of the Estate of Martha J. Hosmer, Deceased, by the County Court of the State of Oregon for Jackson County, and all persons hav ing claims against said Estate shall present the same, duly verified, aa required by law. to Bessie O. Ander son at Route 1. Murphy, Oregon, or io vrvai j. Miuara, ner Aiiorney, at the Courthouse In Grants Pass. Oregon, within six (6) months after the date of the first publication of this notice. Date of first publication Decem ber 20. 1939. BESSIE 0. ANDERSON, Administratrix of the Estate of Martha J. Hosmer, Deceased. SUMMONS In the Circuit Court of the State of Orepon for Jackson County. H. Rice Emlson and Velva Emlson, husband and wife, Plaintiffs, vs. John Stewart, the sole and only heir of P. M. Stewart and Susie Stewart, husband and wlf deceased; Ce cilia Holmes: J. F. Brown and Amv Brown, husband and wife; William Wright Von Dcr Hellen and Doris Von Der Hellen, husband and wife: Florence B. Hoffarl. for merly Florence B. Von Der Hellen. and Paul Hoffard, wife and hue band; Nettle Orover and J. W. Orover, wife and husband; Wini fred Jean Adamson, Leonard Ger ald Adamson and Melva Irene Adamson, the sole and only heirs of Oren R. Adamson. deceased; Lois Conrley, formerly Lois Adamson, and John. Doe Cearley, husband, and wife, the unknown heirs of each and all of the defendants; also all other persons or parties unknown claiming any right, title, and Interest, or estate tn and to the property described In the com plaint. Defendants. To each, every and nil of the follow ing named Defendants: jonn otew art, the sole and only heir of F. M. Stewart and Susie Stewart, husband and wife :eased; Net tle Orover and f. W. Oicer, wife and husband: the unknown heirs of each and all of the Defendants: also all other persons or parties unknown, claiming any right, title. interest or estate, in and to tne prone rty described In the com plaint: In the name of the State of Ore gon, you and each of you are hereby required to appear and answer the complaint filed against you In the above entitled suit on or before the last dav of four weeks from the date of the first publication of this summons, and If you fall so to annear ana answer sain comnuuni, for want thereof, the Plaintiffs will apply to the Court for the relief demanded in tneir compiaim, sue- clntty stated as follows, to-wlt: That a decree be entered adjudicating any and all rUht, title, estate, Hen or claim which you or any of you have or claim to have in. to. or upon the real property situated In Jackson County, Oregon, described as follows, to-wlt: Lots One l) Two (3) Three (3) and Four (4). Block Six (), of Central Addition to the City of Eagle Point, Oregon, and declaring any and all such claims to be null and void; and decreeing that the said Plaintiffs are the owners tn fee simple of said premises; and of the whole thereof, free end clear of any and all right, title, estate, Hen or Interest of said Defendants, or any of them and that each and all of the Defendants here in, and each and all persons claim ing, or to claim by, through, or under them, or any of them be forever enjoined, restrained and barred from asserting, attempting to establish or claiming any right, title, estate, lien or Interest in or to said property, or any portion thereof, and that Plaintiffs title to said premises be forever quieted and set at rest. The date f the order for publica tion of this summons Is January 5th, 1040. The time prescribed for pub lication of this summons Is once ench week for four consecutive weeks. The date of the first publication of this summons is Januarv B. 1940. O. H. BENOTSON, Attorney for Plaintiff. Pot office address: 12fl F. Main St . Medford. Oregon COURT HOUSE NEWS Deeds Route A. Petty Jr. et ux to Irl Droves et ux, Q. C. D. In Sec. 30, Twp. 37 8., R. 1 W., W. M. Minnie A. Clsrk to Sllss N. Fleming et ux, W. D. 80 acres In Bee. 86, Twp. 36 8., R. 4 W., W. M. State of Oregon to N. Rltter, Deed. 40 acres In Sec. 36, Twp. 36 6., R. 4 W., W. M. Harry McFadden et ux to Charles A. Rlghtmler et ux, W. D. In Twp. 37 8., R. 3 W., W. M. Ssrsh Elisabeth Edmondson to City of Medford, Q. O. D. In Medford. Stella Payne et al to Talent Irri gation District, Q. C. D. 16 acres In Sec. 19. Twp. 80 8., R. 1 E W. M. Besuford R. Keeling et ux to Ken neth Howard, W. D. In Medford. Elbert M. Blgham et ux to Henry Banks Connel et ux, Q. C. D. lend In Sec. 16. Twp. 86 8., R. 1 W W. M Dee Hendrlckson to Harriet M. Hendrtckson, Deed, lend In D. L. C. 46 In Twp. 37 8., R. 1 W., W. M. Msttle D. McOlmpsey to H. 0. Brsdford, W. D. 30 seres In Sec. 36. Twp. 84 8.. R. 4 W W. M. Oliver P. Mann et ux to Jesse F Dressier et ux. W. D. In Cornwells addition on Crater Lake highway. Sylvester 8. stevene et ux to An drew E. Stevens, W, D. In D. L. C. No. 43, Twp. 38 B R. 1 W., W. M. L. A. Robert et ux to Lucille V. Smith, Deed, 80 acres In Sec. 36, Twp. 88 8., R. 8 W, W. M. Lucille V. Smith to L. A. Robert et ux, Deed, 80 seres In Sec. 86, Twp. 38 8., R. 8 E., W. M. Sheriff 8;d I. Brown to Eag'.e Point Irrigation District, Deed, Ala Vista Orchards. A. O. Wright et ux to Fred Molt, Q. 0. D. In 8M. 36. Twp. 89 6 R. S E., W. M. Donna Ahpol et vlr to Ins. Radar Stanley, W. D. one-fourth Interest In property In Sections 8, 11 and 12 In Twp. 36 8., R. 1 W., W. M. I. J. Hanson et ttx to Ralph W. Elden, W. D. 61.03 acres tn 28. Twp. 36 8 . R. 3 W.. W. M. Ralph W. Elden et al to John W. Elden, Deed, 55.19 acres In See. 28, Twp. 36 8.. R. 2 W., W. M. John W. Elden et ux to R. W. Nichols et ux, W. D, 6 acres In Sec. 27, Twp. 86 8 , R. 3 W., W. M. I. J. Hanson to Sarah Louisa Han son, W. D. 87.67 acres in Twp. 86 8., R. 3 WF W. M. Bellv lew Bellview, Jan. 12. (Spl.) Upper Valley Community club held Us January meeting Wed nesday at the Community hall opening with a covered dish luncheon at 12:30. Mrs. S. S. Heydenburk, Mrs. L. D. Bryan and Mrs. A. R. Hershberger from Grants Pass were special guests. The business meeting was presided over by the presi dent, Mrs. Geo. Helm. Mrs. J. M. crow 1M a bidis issson and roll call was answered wiu Blblo vereeit. The d resident appointed a com mittee to secure road signs tor tn, Bellview district. Mrs. . B. Heyden burk, vice president of the southern Oregon district of Federated Clubs, brought the message "Why Join the Federation" from Mrs. T. M. Scott, president of the district, who was not able to attend Because 01 uiueo. Mrs. John Hellmeyer, Mrs. John Moy and Mrs. James Chamberlain acted as hostessea for the day. Annual meeting of the Bellview Telephone company was held at the schoolhouse Friday. Reports of the past year's work was given by Mr. Joy. showing that all 10 llnei had been worked over and put In proper ahane to handle the dial system, which Is operating very successfully at this time. The annual assessment wsa placed at 13.10 per subscriber, so that a reserve fund could be started as well as a maintenance fund. In the absence of F. C. Homes, w. L. Moore acted aa chairman Mr. Homea was re-elected president; Albert o. Joy. eecreUry-treasureri w. T.. Moore. 0. N. atllmore and I. B. Deadmond. dlreotore. Bellview Home extension unit met t the community clubhouse rriaey. Mrs. B. L. Brantley and Mrs. Val inlow acted aa hostesses for the nnvMreri-diah luncheon served at noon. Mrs. Carl Henry and Mrs. Laura Montgomery, local leaders, gave In structions on "How to Care for the Hair." Mrs. Walter Hash, chairman of the unit, was "elected delegate to attend the home maker's conference at O. 8. O. In February. Next meeting will be February 10. on "Proper uare oi vn, -ov. Mrs. George and Mrs. Monroe in charge. Mrs. Vincent Lonlnl. wno nas oeen 111, la reported to be recovering satisfactorily. Mrs. B. H. Chrlstlleb entertained the Friendly class of the Presby terian church of Ashland last Thurs dsy. Mrs. Homer Moore, also of Bellview, as president of the olass, presided at the business meeting. A group of fcellvlew frlende en Joyed a party at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Davis In Talent Sunday. Attending from Bellview were Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Klncald, Mr. and Mrs. Louis Psnkey. Mr. and Mrs. J. S. aowland, Mr. and Mrs. Wade Wallls, Mrs. Ella True and Miss Marie Walker. Mr. and Mrs. Donald Korth made a business trip to Burney, Csllf., last Wednesday. Jackson County T. O. A. net here Wednesday evening. Young people of Bellview who belong to the T. O. A. acted aa hosU for the meeting Mrs. Walter Hash. Miss Edna Hash snd Mrs. Mae Harris went to Med ford Wednesdsy, where Miss Edna nlaved in the Junior ovmpnony orchestra. Miss Hash .teaches In Medford and Ashland. 'cello Rogue River Rogue River, Jan. 12. (Spl) Ladles Aid met January S at the home of Mrs. Elizabeth Fowler with 16 ladles present. Next meeting will be January 18 at the home of Mrs. Cloyd Dick with a covered dish lunch eon at noon at which time the annual plates will be turned In. The hostess, Mrs. Fowler, served dainty refreshments at close of meeting. Mr. and Mrs. Reed Carter and Charlotte were dinner guests Sunday of Mr. and Mr. Dick Rlchman at Central Point. Mrs. Fred Oengler was hostess to the Royal Neighbor club of Edith Btype camp No. 3000 at their meet ing January 0 at her nome. At this meeting th new officers for th coming yssr wer elected as follows: Mrs. Frsd Dengler. president; Mr. Bell Hsrt, first vie president; Mr. Jennie Mathes, second vice president; Mrs. Louisa O'Neill, secretary-tree s- Loda 'Notices Lodges wishing to have no tices of meetings appear tinder the regular heading. "Lodge Notices" should ar range with tht classified ad vertlslng department of the Mall Tribune, Phone 75 or 74. before 8 a. m. of the day of publication Meteorological Report Forecasts Medford and vicinity: Unsettled tonljht and Saturday with fog to night, temperature below normal. Oregon: Unsettled tonight and Saturday with temperature generally below normal, local snows In the mountains, considerable valley foga tonight, moderate northerly wind off the coast. Loral Data Temperature a year ago today: Highest, 36: lowest, S3. Total monthly precipitation, I. IS Inches. Excess for the month, .OS Inch. Total precipitation since Sept. t, 1030, 10.25 inches. Excess for tha season, 1.00 Inches. Relative humidity at t p. m. yes terday, 80; ft a. m. today, 84. Tomorrow: Sunrise. 7:37 a. m-1 sunset, B:0S p. m. Observation Taken at 4:30 a. la, lto Meridian Time. If si n 5 CITY Boise 80 30 .01 Snow SS 30 .18 Snow 87 38 .01 Cloudy 88 U Clear 54 4S .08 Pt.Cldy. 30 10 Clear 03 SB .30 Rain 44 86 T. Rain 83 31 .11 Rain 81 -8 T. Foggy 66 46 Cloudy 43 83 .11 Foggy 88 38 .41 Clear 43 88 .03 Foggy 43 S3 .08 Cloudy 60 83 .07 Cloudy 40 33 3t Cloudy 80 33 .08 Snow 88 80 .01 Rain 30 31 JOl Clear Boston Chicago Denver Eureka Havre . Los Angelea Medford New York. Omsha Phoenix Portland Reno Roseburg Salt Lake. San Francisco. Seattle Spokane Wssh., D. C. Wenatchee . urer. A pleasant hour was spent exchanging birthday cards and an niversary greetings among tne seem pals." A Vslentlne party la to be held at the home of Mrs. L. O'Neill In Grants Pass. Ths new officers win be Installed January 38. Delicious refreshment were served by the hostess, Mrs. Dengler, and her daugh ter. Bell Hart. Miss Parrlsh and Dr. Merkle wer on official business at the school here Tuesday. The Christmas seal committee re port!) about 060 has been received already and request that all who have not reported on their seal please do to at one to the com mittee. Sale of the modern home of Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Whit to Mr. and Mrs. Walter V. Dennis hae been reported. The Whites will move to the house owned by Carlo Magerto on Cedar street. It Is also reported that Will Moor has purchased 40 acrea on the Evans Valley road and will build there tn the near future. Mrs. Percy Thomas et lone, near Sacramento. Calif., was a recent guest of Mrs. Sam Sandry. Mr. Thomas, who Is msster of a dredge at lone, cam to southern Oregon on busi ness for his company. He was for merly a pilot on the Rogue River Oold company dredge on roots creek and Orove creek. The coupl left here about three years ago, Mr. and tin, Harry Older of Olen dale were New Year's visitors at th Harold No'L'se home. Mr. and Mrs. Older were former residents here, at whloh time Mrs. Older was a teacher In our schools. A marriage which was solemnised at Christmas In Fresno, Calif., Is of Interest to Rogue River friends. Hie Evelyn Orlmmelt became tlw bride of Francis Emmert at th horns of of Miss Orlmmelt' parents, Mr. snd Mrs. Bob Orlmmelt. Evelyn spent ber school .yt her and later at tended and graduated from O. S. C. at Corvallls. Since then she ha worked In the office of her father. Mr. Emmert Is associated with th Edison company. They will mak their home In Fresno. The Grange Talent Grange Talent Grange entertained th County Grange council Wednes day evening, with a large at tendance. An interesting meet ing was followed by demonstra tion of Grange floor work. Talent Grange H. E. C. club met at the home of Mrs. Garl Tuesday and made plans for the coming year and for tha Grange dance Saturday, Jan. 13. Next meeting will be at Mrs. Robson's In Ashland. Use Mail Tribune want ads. c 3 NEE?) CASH? BORROW OH YOUR CAR bet us sxplain now easy It a to bat reaay easb with your ear as security P'.iune 81 for full Information Commercial Finance Corp The rrienaly Ptnsnce Company W w Walker Praeldent First Nstl Bans Bids Phone tl License Number 134 9