MEDFORD MAIL TRIBUNE, MEDFORD, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 10, 1940. PAGE SEVEN WMHWJ ui Ti jj mTrni li Read every ad on this page. You will probably find exactly the things you have been look ing for or a sale or trade for unused articles you may have. Search your attic or atore-room you may find many things others are seeking and be able to realize Immediate cash. If what you want Isn't here, advertise for it Tribune Clas sified Ads are Inexpensive effective I RATES Per word first Insertion (Minimum 25c) Each additional Insertion, per word lc (Minimum 10c) Per line per month without copy change 41.25 CASH or money order must ac company all mail order classified ads. LOST AND FOUND LOST Female wire-haired terrier. Reward. Phone 811-J-5. REPORT lost aoga, emmal cruelty cases Humane Society Phone 1516 WANTED MALE HELP ENGINEERING SALESMAN with car and knowledge of steam boiler op eration to sell watr treatment for established company, commission basis. Box 2416, Mall Tribune. HELP WANTED Salesman. Full or part time, representing large east ern tailoring firm. Big opportun ity, no experience necessary, we train you. Write for detained In formation. Snerman Ackerman, 110 N. 8th, Klamath Falls. Oregon. WANTED SITUATIONS WANTED Housework. 620 So. Fir. WOMAN wants work as housekeeper. Write Mrs. Laura Stout, Rogue River, Oregon. WILL PREPARE DINNERS, do iron ing, stay with children. Phone 247-L. EXPERIENCED middle-aged lady wants nursing In your home or mine, day 'work or motherless home. Reference. 532 Penn. ave. MAN and wife age 30, want steady ranch work with living quarters. P.O. Box 957, Medford. GRADUATE NURSE will care for elderly couple or chronic Invalid In her modern, suburban home facing Rogue River and Pacific highway, 4V4 miles north of Gold Hill. Mrs. R. O. Lovell. Phone Gold Hill 478. YOUNG MAN, 29. attending high school wan's work afternoons and nights. 616 So. Central. WANTED Bookkeeping or any of fice work. Phil Lounsberry. Phone ' 1194-X. EXPERIENCED GIRL wishes work as sales clerk jr waitress- Refer ence Phone 59 J Green. WANTED MISCELLANEOUS CINNABAR, Ore, for paints. I have a cash market. Black sand cash market for the heavy sands as it comes from the placer. W. G. Wright, assayer, 614 WeBt 11th St., City. WANTED TO RENT or lease from owner- 1ft to 20 acres with irri gation. Also living quarters. Can furnish references. Write Box 112, Phoenix, Ore. LARGE, furnished 1-room house for rent, $12.60 month. Call 920 N. Central after 7 p. m. HIGHEST PRICES PAID for Junk batteries. radiators. aluminum, copper, brass, all kinds of metals, also hides, pelts and wool. Med ford Barcaln House. 27 N. Grape. Phone 1062. WANTED Brake and Electrical work on your car. Prices right, work guaranteed. We have roller (tkate tickets. Richfield Highway Service Station, corner 4th and N. Riverside. Phone 269. Martin Webb. Marvin Albert. I WANTED Dead and worthless ani mals. We will pick up free If you will phone promptly at our ex pense. Southern Oregon By-Products Company. WANTED A Hereford or Durham bull, 12 to 18 months old. John Neslon, phone 118, Central Point. WANTED HORSES, cows for feed Battle Point Fox Farm. Phone 27-X-7. WELL DRILLING II 50 per ft first 50 ft., etc. J M Dodje 510 Ring MARKET HOGS WANTED. Poyer Brothers. 186 Weight man St.. phone 5551, Ashland. WANTED Dressmaking, alterations Kstherlne Satterlee. Singer Shop 22 8 Grape. WE PAV MOHE CASH For Your Furniture HOI.flKDOK A AMHKW9 6th and Front Phone 647 BEST PRIC KS PAID For Your pjrniture EADS ft OHKN. Phone 11 92 -J M A BLISS Painting and paper hanging contractor 813 South Grape Phone 646-W IIItlHRST CASH PKK'F.S PAID For Your Furniture MKIU'OHIl RAHfiAIN HOCSB ?T N Qrw gt PNirc 102 FOR RENT HOUSES FOR RENT 4 -room modern house, furnished, electric ranre, 123 50. wtter paid. U O. Plckell. 16 So Bartlett FOR RENT HOUSES FOR RENT 6-room newly remod eled, furnished house; oil circu lator, electric stove and refriger ator: S33.50, water paid. Across from S. O. 8., Stewart Ave., key 238 8. Holly. FOR RENT 3 -room furnished house. 10.00. 1504 Prune. FURNISHED house for rent, equipped. 334 Apple. TWO-ROOM furnished cabin. 110. 718 Welch. FOR RENT Four-room furnish t k bungalow; 2 bedrooms: close in, 413 West 11th St., close to South Oakdale Ave. Phone 917 or 1679. SMALL UNFURNISHED HOUSE. Ber rydale. H. L. Cook. 10 Quince. FOR RENT 5-room house. 1035 West 10th St. FOR RENT fl-room modern house 3 lots 2107 Capitol Are FOR RENT APARTMENTS APARTMENT for rent. Inquire 511 Park Ave. FOR RENT 5-room furnished apart ment. Spark oil heater. Inquire 804 E. Main. APARTMENTS for rent. 2-rooms. 334 Apple. CLEAN Housekeeping room, lights furnished, $9.00. 325 So. Ivy. FOR RENT 3-room furnished apart ment. Heat, garage. 634 N. Bartlett. FURNISHED HOUSE and apartments. Adults. 604 W. 10th. FOR RENT Nicelv furnished 2-room I aoartment. $15 per month. 317 E. Jackson St, GE BAUER APTS. 6th at Oakdale. Prestige, courtesy, with comfort able modern home. Furnished or unfurnished. Moderate prices. By day, week or month. Phone 713-Y. FOR RENT Furnished Hotel Hol land apartments. Frlgidalre, elec tric range. DESIRABLE Purn. Apartment. Mod ern. 316 No. Central. FURNISHED APARTMENT. 3 rooms and bath. Electric range and re- frlgerator. $25.00. Adults. 128 Mistletoe. FOR RENT 2-room furnished spart ment; ground floor, electricity, tele phone, hot water, garage. 11 Tripp. FURNISHED APARTMENT Heat, private bath, frlgidalre. 808 West Vain. FURNISHED PAR.MENT Hot and cold water, lights, private bath Adults 912 So Oakdale. DESIRABLE FURNISHED APART MENT, heat, hot water, electrolux, garage. 10 Quince St. DESIRABLE apartments. 2 rooms and bath; gas heat Inquire Farmers At Fruitgrowers Bank. FURNISHED APARTMENT; heated, hot witter. Frlgidalre. Close In. 51 N. Oakdale. FOR RENT Furnished Rooms FOR RENT Room, $2.50 week. Pri vate entrance. 408 Edwards. HEATED, CLEAN, upstairs room Private entrance. Maid service. 610 So. Central. PRIVATE ENTRANCE, warm, cheer ful rooms. 604 Pennsylvania. ATTRACTIVE ROuMS 404 3 grape FOR RENT BOARD. ROOM FOR RENT Furnished two rooms with board. One suitable for two. Private home. Gentlemen pre ferred. 25 N. Peach. BOARD AND ROOM 309 E. Jackson. ROOM AND BOARD. 153 N. Oakdale. RAARn A NPl ROOM J1 i 1 per 3ay,n FOR RENT-MISCELLANEOUS ! FOR RENT 10 acret,. Buckshot Hill road. 3rd house on right FOR SALE LIVESTOCK YOUNO pedigreed buck for service and bred does for sale. Typewriter like new. to trade for weaner pies or alfalfa seed or hay. Call Route 1, Box 108-A, South Peach street, near Stewart. ! FOR SALE Two Guernsey heifers, J freshening in two weeks. Tested. ' F1 Taylor. Talent. FOH SALE POULTRY FOR SALE From 10 to 75 yearling White Leghorn hens, pedigreed from hens of 250 record and better, 73c. Phone 14-X-3. Central Point, after 6:30 p. m. FOR SALE A few Dryden Rock and Hollywood Leghorn breeding cock erels. W. E. McMlnn, Klamath Highway at Ashland city limits. GENTS Poultry Farm. New 1940 low prices on baby chicks. Send for catalog and prices. Gent's Poultry Farm, R-l. Eugene, Oregon. 10-MONTH laying Hampshlres, il.00. Walter Franks. Central Point. 100 year-old Leghorn Hens for sale Klmber strain. W. F. Martin, E. P, Star Rt , Medford. FOR SALE AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE 1934 Chevrolet Truck Price SI 50. Will trade for stock or grsln. 4 Corners Service Sta tion. Midway road. 34 PONTIAC COUPE, way above average, bargain If bought before Januarv 15. Inquire Texaco Sta- FOR SALE RAL ESTATE FOR 8aLE 21 -acre farm, 6-room houses 2 acres grapes and other fruit. Good well. Some terms. Home mornings and evenings. M. B- Clarkson, Old Stage road. i FOR SALE 7 -room home. 4 bfd I rooms Good location- Sacrifice ) price of 11000 Very unusual terms ! Also have 150 acres or Elk cnek for just 8250. Lots of timber Log house. Pierce. Room 1. Palm Build ing, Medford. CITY end co'intrv proj ties RENT , ALB LOANS INSURANCE C B Butterfield, 409 Medium Building. FOR SALE REAL ESTATE FEDERAL LAND BANK FARMS Convenient terms Lists available at National Farm Loan Office. 203 Liberty Building. Medford. HOUSES FOR 3ALR to Medford and surrounding towns- Easy terms Jackson County Federal Savings and Loan Association. For Sale SMALL EAST SIDE HOME, Just remodelled and decorated Good location. Reasonable. Call 193. WHEN you think of real estate think of Brown ft White FOR EXCHANGE Real Eslata FOR EXCHANGE ... Klamath Falls property; town and vlcinltv for Medford and vicinity. Address 120 South 9th St., Klamath Falls. FOR SALE or , trade for Portland or vicinity, 1 acre with modern house In Central Point. Box 901 Tribune. FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE Redwood tank, cider press, harrow, bone grinder and other tools. M. E. Clarkson, Old Stage road. FOR SALE .300 Savage bolt action rifle, $10.00. phone 376-Y or call at 603 Maple. FOR SALE 75 tons hay, feed lots. racks and good water. Phone 81-F-13 Jacksonville. MUST MOVE 1000 cords of 12 and 18 inch tier and cord wood off ground at once. Will exchange wood lor wnat have you. A. powers, Applegate, Oregon. FOR SALE World Bicycle; fireplace screen; Kroehler overstuffed chair; all In good condition. German Rol ler canary and cage. 416 Edwards. FOR SALE Moline tractor, $50. Sig nal Station, Talent. FOR SALE Dry wood, all kinds, cheap: Immediate delivery. Phone 116, or see at 215 E. 8th. FOR SALE Drag saw In A-l condi tion, $80. Will take wood as part payment. Wltham Magneto 5e Parts Co.. 215 E. Bth. FOR SALE Alfalfa hay. Phone 447-J-2. Jessie M. Ml near. FOR SALE Choice loose or bated alfalfa. E. H. Nledermeyer. Phone 697-R-l. BODY FIR, $5 cord. Phone 452-R-2. APPLES Gebhard's. half mile north Bear Creek bridge. Central Point. FOR SALE Electric range, A-l work in condition, $6.50. 22 Keene Way Drive. FOR SALE! Player piano. Mechani cally perfect, Cheap. 223 N. River side. SONG BIRDS 1127 West Main St. FOR SALE Baled and loose airalfa hay; also dry apple wood. Ed. Han ley Ranch. Box 201 Ross lane. FOR YOUR BEST TREES see Lafette Nursery, across from Beck's Bakery Phone 1261. HAMMERED HAT at Davis Feed Stores, Medford, Ashland. FOR SALE Washer service. Full tine genuine Maytag parts Service on all makes Medford Maytag Co. 31 No Bartlett. phone 38. DELICIOUS and Newtown apples 35c box and up Bring containers Independent Packing Co., Phoenix FOR SALE - Hydraulic pipe and giants Box 3376. rrlbune OLYMPIC EGG MASH with milk $2 25 per sack. U-.via Feed Stores FOR SALE Beat wood in town guaranteed dry 223 N Riverside phone 616 Hawley Fuel Co CUT-RATE PRICKS - Nu-Way Mat tress and Upholstery Co. Phone 293 209 West Bth St STOCKS AND BONDS ONLY STOCK TICKER service In Oregon outside of Portland con tinuous quotations during market hours, M. N. Hogan & Co., 214 E. Main St., Medford. MISCELLANEOUS MINERS to sublease on ht-grnde property. Must have own equip ment. Would grubstake. Lucky Eagle Mining Co., Sardine Creek, Gold Hill. BUSINESS DIRECTORY Auio Loans LOW RATE AUTO LOANS CONTRACTS REFINANCED MONEY to buy new or used cars Private money at new low rate. Immediate action. No red tape. 1 TO 20 MONTHS TO PAY W. E. THOMAS 45 South Central, Phone 139. License M-217. DRIVE IN AUTO LOANS and REFINANCING SERVICE Deal with a southern Oregon owned Independent flnsnce com pany where your needs will receive PERSONAL CONSIDERATION at all tlmea. Immediate art Ion f No red tapei Our yeara of experience Insures you of the best sen-tee. DRIVE IN for YOUR confidential loan. Used CARS BOUGHT ANX SOLD "DRIVE IN" P. T. "JERRY" YOUNG Motor Investment Company Lie. M-274. Phone 159. 9th ad Bartlett. CAR LOANS Solve your financial problems by refinancing or borrowing. LOANS ON CARS 1932-1939 Trl-State Aceeptsnce Corp. License M-253. MARK A. GOLDY 109 B. Main. Phone 72 BUSINESS DIRECTORY Auto Loan Tou can Save Money and Time by Getting Your CAR LOAN OR REFINANCING Direct from the Lender. The OREGON FINANCE CO. Your Satisfaction Guaranteed. 45 South Central. Lie. M-217. $20 TO $1,000 On Your Car. 1930 to 1939 Model cars and light trucks. 1 to 18 Months to Repay CONSUMERS' CREDIT CO. HAROLD H. BROWN AGENCY Agent. 123 East Main. M-238. Phone 807. Commercial Tax Accountant INCOME Tax Returns made and notarized. Victor C. Sether, Jack son County Bank Bldg. Phone 796 or 1I93-J. Custom Butchering HAVE YOUR HOGS CUSTOM KILLED AND CURED by CRATER MEAT CO. Phone 1912 Dressmaking THE FASHION SHOP Dressmaking Fur Remodeling. Buttons and Buckles covered. Room 320, U. S. Natl. Bank Bldg. Tel. 1181. Expert Window Cleaner LET JOE DO IT Expert Window Cleaners. General house cleaners. Floor waxing. Joe Snenee. Phone 1172. Loans MONEY TO LOAN on modern dwell ings of late construction. $9.76 per month per thousand. Low Int erest rate. BROWN & WHITE. 104 W. Main. Nursery Stock CARLTON NURSERY COMPANY Fruit, Nut and Shade Trees, Berries and Shrubbery. Finest Oregon Grown Roses. Sales yard three miles south on Pacific highway. W. B. Barnum. Phone 851-R-2. Personal Loans READY CASH for any purpose can be secured from us promptly, confidentially and at LOW COST OVER 11 YEARS In Medford and thousands of sat isfied customers, assures your complete satisfaction. OREGON FINANCE CO. 45 South Central. Phone 139. Ground Floor Craterian Bldg. License S-211. M-217. Radiator Repairing HOOPER'S RADIATOR SERVICE 33 South Bnrtlrtt Roofing WE REPAIR or apply any type of roof. Pabco Roofings. Shingles. Coatings and Pil'ite. Wall Paper One-third off. Ekerson Paint and Roof Co., 38 So. Bartlett. Tel. 243. Mail Tribune Daily ACROSS L Eant Indian poison ob tained from aconite I. Bristle ft. Variety of lettuce IS. Great Lake 15. Kind or soil 14. Before 16. Color 15. Soft groan 17. Kind of per- ' fume: vari ant 18. Type measure 19. Pain 10. The flower IL Measure the duration of 15. Kecent Intelli gence If. Study 16. Steep descent or declivity Solution of Saturday's Puzzle iMQTESpSHAlPE PE D A N tJ MEN I AL onIpo rt en dIro I TSlWATTLSgF I T s ateIwIeJtBa 1 1 N u E L AN D SMS T JN G S iigAYgplERG 8 L I C EjsMSME E R S lOyfMBAPMDROP R I MUTE RIR O Rjj UlE TEA POTiLOA F ElD aRlllslElSHSITEEDB IS. Low haunts 10. Concerning 47. Makes uniform 11. Blast on a Perceived whistle optical. II. Expensive . 15. Gold: heraldry L 17. Not far 52 Vex: eolloq. 19 Look steadily 63 Box 12 By 64 Upon: prefix 14. Shallow re- 65. Ibsen character ceptacle 14. Dutch South ll Word of sot- African emn affirms- IT. Of nut of the tlon maple tre wl JdLu. UMil t "II-!!- ill w,. sk Sf3? mr, I I UA 7 1 I I wi III BUSINESS DIRECTORY Sanitarium WE CARE FOR THE SICK ROGUE RIVER SANITARIUM TRAINED NURSF8 24 HOURS PHONE JACKSONVILLE 82 Transfer CITY TRANSFER & STORAGE CO. Household moving and general hauling. 29 S. Grape. Phone 2050 day or night. DAVIS TRANSFER AND STORAGE 40 S Fir Street Insured Carriers Local and Long Distance Hauling. Phone 644 EADS TRANSFER & STORAGE CO. Office 28 South Fir. Phone 315. Prices right. Service guaranteed. LEGAL NOTICES Notice to Creditors. Notice is hereby given that by or der of the County Court of the State of Oregon, in and for Jackson Coun ty, Oregon, dated and filed December 14th, 1939, the undersigned were ap pointed co-administrators with the will annexed of the estate of Eliza beth L. Young, deceased, and all per sona having claims against the es tate of Elizabeth L. Young, deceased. are hereby notified to present the same, properly verified, to the co administrators at the office of P. p, Farrell. their attorney, 308 Fluhrer Building. Medford, Oregon, within six months from the date of the first publication of this notice. The date of the first publication of this no tice is uecemoer aotn, 1039. PATRICIA ANN YOUNG, EUGENE THORNDIKE, Co-ad mlntatra tors with the will an nexed of the estate of Elizabeth L. Young, deceased. Notice To Creditors In the County Court of the State of Oregon in and for Jackson County. In the Matter of the Estate of H. H, Landers, also known as Henry Herbert Landers, Deceased. The undersigned, having been ap pointed Administratrix of the Estate of H. H. Landers, deceased, by the County Court, of the County of Jackson. State of Oregon, and having qualified, notice Is hereby given to all persons having claims against said estate, to present them at the office of the undersigned's attorney, at 128 East Main Street, Medford, Oregon. proDerly verified and with proper voucher, within six months from the date of the first publica tion of this notice, which Is the 20th day of December, 1939. DOLLIE LANDERS, Administratrix. O. H. Bengtaon, Attorney for Admin istratrix, 126 East Main Street, Medford. Oregon. Wagner Creek Waener Creek. Jan. 10. (Spl.) Mr, and Mrs. J. C. Mc Grew and daughter, Jean, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Myron McVay in Klamath Falls for a few days recently. J. T, Sawyer has returned home from the hospital and all are glad to see him up and around again. Word has been received that Bob Purvis, who Is In the Emanuel hos pital tn Portland, has Improved a lot and la able to be in a wheelchair. He (ell from a bulldozer about two years ego. crushing his hip bones. Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Martin, for mer residents of Ashland, now liv ing tn California, callled on Mr. and Mrs. A. O. Hayes recently. Mr. and Mrs. W. Llndstrom and children and Bob Doran called on Mr. and Mrs. Hall at Dark Hollow Jan. 1. Mr. and Mrs. O. A. Kerby have Cross -Word Puzzle Make into leather Forever Pertaining to a whale Public Rnaakar to. 11. Unruffled 16. Greek letter 17 Indian mul berry IS Wading bird 20 Anglo-Saxon slaves n Hug 24. Marry 21, Bard a 29. Archenemy Of mankind 12 Vlicou black liquid 11 railing weight of a pile driver l. Dramatic mu sical works IS. Look over and change IS. Orated 40 Harvester 41. Whole 43. Rent again 45. Periods of time 4S. Symbol for neon 0. Comparative ending Kl Male child 64. Old French coin M. Exist 17. Like 68. Complete col lection 89. Purposes CO. Certain DOWN L Caps 2. Peaceful or conciliatory I. Toung goat 4. That man 5. DU'laln t. Puffed up traded their automobile for a later model. Their sons. Fred and Don ald, have purchased a car. Mrs. Lillian Keith and son, Rus sell, are tn Portland where Russell has entered Emanuel hospital to have skin grafted on some bad burns he received two years ao. Mr. Keith uid Bob, Virginia and Yvonne are staying In Talent with Mr. Keith's mother. Mrs. Keith. Mrs. Nettle Dorman has been 111 with the flu. Henry Single and son, Bob, made a trip Into Idaho with their truck to move Ed Gettllng's household goods here. They encountered bad storms. The community was saddened by the death of Mr. Hadden on Jan. 6. He had been til for some time. He leaves two children, Mrs. Lottie Loos and Marian Hadden, and four grand children. Mrs. Joe Fenton d children mo tored to Sclma, Oregon, and visited Mr. 'and Mrs. Doyle Hamilton on New Year's day. Mr. and Mrs. Dick Morrow end family watched the New Year In at Mr. and Mrs. Morris Barlow's home. Wagner creek school defeated the Talent grade basketball team 19 to 4 on January 9. It la remarkable how our boys can play, winning basketball, as they have no gymna sium to practice In. Mr. and Mrs. Mauie of crescent City and Mr. and Mrs. G. A. Brlner motored to Cpqullle to visit Mrs. Maute and Mr. Brlner's brother, Mar lon Brlner, on Jan. 9, returning home Jan. 10. Mr. and Mrs. Llndstrom and chil dren spent Jan. 7 at Mr. and Mrs. Oland's home. Mr. and Mrs, A. O. Hayes have their home wired for electricity and are enjoying the modern convenience Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Williams and family callled on Mrs. Williams' parents. Mr. and Mrs. O. L. Cowan Jan. 7. Ed Taylor and Herman Bommers. employed at Lamb's mill In Kiamatn county, motored home to visit their families over the week-end. Mr. and Mrs. O. W. Walton and son Lee of Portersvllle, Calif., called on Mrs. Leila Lynch Jan 6. Mrs. Clara Chapman of Klamath Junction returned home with them for month's visit. She also expects to visit at the Dale Davis home and Darrel Davis In In Richmond, Calif., before she returns home. Mrs. Maggie Goddard entertained at her home on New Year's day for her sister. Mrs. Lulu Stearns, and her son, Ernest and wife of Ashland Trail Trail, Jan. 10. (Spl.) Trail ex tension unit will meet Thursday at Rogue Dale lunch room near Shadv Cove. The older members will act as hostesses to all ladles of the oommunlty and welcome them to the unit. There will be a covered dish lunch at noon Mrs. Mabel Mack will attend and thera will be special entertain ment. Each lady please brln own table service. All ladles new In the community are especially Invited. Mrs. Eva Beegeesman Is chairman of a commutes planning a program to be given the week of the thirtieth honoring the president's birthday. Mr. and Mrs. Boy Green and Mrs. Lily Saltraman of Medford visited at the 8. V7. Hutchinson home Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Boyd Tucker returned home Saturday from tw weeks visit with their daughter, Mrs. Henry Frock and family at Yreka, Cat. Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Hutchinson and children left Monday for Rose burg; to visit her parents, Mr. and Mrs. hotter, before returning to their home at Molalla, Ore., the middle of the week. Big Applegate Applegate, Jan. 10. (Spl.) Mr. and Mrs. Robert Coke of Bly, Ore., spent the week-end with Mrs. Coke's parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. G. Peebles of Ruch. They were enroute to Southern California for a two-week vaca tion. They will visit Mr. Coke's parents in Alpaugh, Calif., and relatives In Los Angeles and Hollywood. Mrs. Lillle McDonpugh of Ruch entertained with a New Year's party for friends and neighbors. Games and a mid night lunch were enjoyed. Reese Creek Reese Creek, Jan. 10. (Spl.) Dr. A. E. Merkel came out and Innoculated the school pupils Jan. 8 for diphtheria. Miss Bell county nurse, accompanied him. Home and School circle met Jan uary 4. Mrs. O. W. Waddell was to have served refreshments but was unable to come because of Illness In the home. Hauls Martin left January 4 for Mfdford to Join the COO. W. C. T. U. held their monthly meeting at the Mission church. A good crowd was In attendance and a very good program was put on. The president, Mrs. Otto Rusho, told the meaning of the work of the W. C. T. V. and stressed the thought. "We must work to accomplish the many things needed to help the worthy cause for which the Women's Christian Temperance union lUnds." Mrs. Otto Rusho and Mrs. Homer Martin served refreshments. Mrs Sam Redding won the prlM In a name guessing gams. Next meeting will be February 1. All ladles In the community are Invited. Among those shopping In Medford January 6 were Mr. and Mrs. T. T. Vestal. Mr. and Mrs. C. X. Lamb, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Merrltt. Mr. and Mrs. James McDowell and little Marlyn Sams Valley spent Sunday with Mrs. McDowell's par ents. Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Jack and family. The community all-day party will be held at the home of Mrs. L. O. Rusho, January 18. Covered dish luncheon will be served at noon. Everyone Is Invited. Come and meet your neighbor and enjoy the dinner and day. The Grange Central Point Grange First regular meeting of the year lor Central Point Grange was held Friday with large at tendance. The meeting was pre ceeded by a pot luck dinner. Business meeting opened with officers seating drill. The sur prise previously announced proved to be an angel cake of fered as a prize. Upon the ac ceptance of the resignation of the steward, Donald Smith was elected to the position. A splen did New Years program was presented by the lecturer, Edyth Bohnert. The membership has been divided Into two sides for an attendance contest. Those with last names be ginning with letters A to L inclusive are on side one and all others on side two. The court found side two ahead by nine counts, so It will be necessary for the other side to put forth more effort. Visitors were Mr. and Mrs. Al Floyd. Jacksonville; Mr. and Mrs. John Hoist, Sams Valley, and Mr. and Mrs. Bob Schmidt, Falrmount. Additional committees appointed by the master are: Reception Carol Furry, Bertha Bursell, A. T. Lathrop, Prank Ham mond, Mary Catey. Music Frieda Smith, Eugene Hamp ton. J. E. Vincent, Earl Beall, Ethel Fleischer. Tableau directorBertha Benson. Publicity Lecturer, master, Char ity Sander. Fire insurance agent Arnold Boh nert. Y. O. A. Is sponsoring a party In Orange hall Friday, Jan. 13, to which all offlcera and wives or husbands are Invited. BENNEn UNABLE 10 MM USUAL GIFT OF ANNIVERSARY APPLES N. S. Bennett, widely known resident and owner of the Eden Valley nursery, came from Iowa to Medford with his vlfe 50 years ago yesterday but he was unable to follow his custom of marking the occasion by passing out apples to his numerous friends. For the first time on this an niversary, Mr. Bennett lay ill in- bed at his home, 937 North Central avenue. Today he wor ried lest his friends wonder why he did not can on them yester day with his gift of apples. But now, friends are going to see him, for they remember his friendly greetings in past years when he was . able to get around. Since his wlf died a num ber of years ago, Mr B.ennett has lived alone. With him dur ing his present illness, however, are his two daughters, Mrs. Cora B. Carlson of Oakland, Cal., and Mrs. E. J, Pace of Greenville, Cal. Mr. Pace also la here at present. During his years In the nurs ery business here, Mr. Bennett has provided the trees that have started many an orchard. He is a life member of the Elks lodge. E The sheriff's office estimated today 10,000 auto license stick' ers had been Issued by them since January 1 to Jackson county motorists. It Is figured approximately 3,000 secured this year's plates direct from the secretary of state at Salem. The rush Is about over but tardy citizens continued today to purchase stickers. In Justice court yesterday, Leonard E. Wood of Murphy road, Grants Pass, and Clarence E. Powell, route 1, Medford were each fined $1 and costs for not having 1940 license plates or sticker. Each were given time to pay. Kirby S. Sanders of Phoenix was fined $2.90 and costs for non-possession of an operator's license. Lodge Notices Lodges wishing to have no tices of meetings appear under the regular heading. "Lodge Notices" should ar range with the classified ad vertising department of the Mall Tribune, Phone 78 or 74, before 9 a. m. of the day of puhllcntlon. LODGE NOTICES Stated Communication Rcames Chapter, Thursday, January 11th. 8 o'cloc-k. Inatnllatlon of officers 1940 will follow. Refreshments served by Auxiliary Committee. Edna Overmeyer, Chair man. Haute M. Alden, Booty. Meteorological Report Forecasts Medford and vicinity: Unsettled with occasional rain tonight and Thursday, not much change In tem perature. Oregon: Unsettled tonight and Thursday, occasional rain west and snow east portion and over the mountains, not much change IB temperature, moderate changeable wind off the coast. Local Data Temperature a year ago today: Highest, 37: lowest, 35. Total monthly precipitation, 1.11 Inches. Excess for the month .30 Inch. Total precipitation since Sept. 1, 1039. 10.34 Inches. Excess for the sesaon, 1.93 Inches. Relative humidity at 8 p. m. yes terday, 69; 5 a. m. today, 88. Tomorrow: Sunrise, 7:38 a. mj sunset, 5:00 p. m. Observation Taken at 4:30 a. m 120 Meridian Time. If n 3 r Boise Boston Chicago Denver , 40 . 38 . 80 . 40 cloudy Pt.cidy Snow Clear Rain Clovety Foggy Cloudy Pt. Cldy. Rain Clear Ram Cloudy Rain Cloudy Rain Rain Snow Pt. Cldy. Cloudy Eureka 85 18 Havre ......... Los Angeles.. Mrdtard . New York..M Omaha Phoenix mw Portland Reno - - , 81 . 81 . 80 . 33 . 68 . 43 . 48 Roseburg 64 Salt Lake 40 San Francisco.. 03 Seattle 47 Spokane 83 Wash., D. O. 30 Wenatehee 34 a the p.. By Mrs. Alexander George HAM FOR DINNER . Smothered Ham Eacalloped Corn Bran Oems Apricot Conserve Stuffed Peach Salad Caramel Pie Coffee Smothered llnra 1-lb. slice ham (ft Inch thick) 18 whole olovea V, cup brown sugar 18 eup vinegar 14 oup water 1 teaspoon dry mustard Pit the ham Into a shallow baking pan. Stick ham with cloves and spread with the sugar. Top with the rest of the ingredients and cover. Bake one hour In a moderate oven. Uncover during the last 10 minutes to brown the top. Escalloped Corn 3 cups corn , 38 cup rolled dried bread crumbs 18 teaspoon granulated sugar V4 teaspoon salt 14 teaspoon paprika 14 teaspoon celery salt 3 egg yolks or 1 egg 1 cup milk 4 tablespoons butter, melted Mix the Ingredients and pour Into a buttered dish. Bake 80 minutes In a moderate oven. Bran Oetnf 38 cup bran 1 cup flour 1 teaspoon soda teaspoon baking powder 14 teaspoon salt 14 eup granulated sugar 3 tablespoons molassea 1 egg or 3 yolks 1 cup buttermilk (or sour milk) 8 tablespoons fat, melted Mix the Ingredients and beat well. Half fill greased muffin pans. Bake 18 minutes In moderate oven. Stuffed Peach Salad 4 halves peaches 8 tablespoons stiff mayonnaise 14 eup chopped citron 14 cup chopped dates 18 oup chopped celery. Mix together the mayonnaise, cit ron, dates and celery. Stuff the peaches. Chill, Arrange on lettuce. Closing time for Too Late to Clai slfy Ada Is 1:80 p. m. Use Mall Tribune want ads. c 3 NEE9 CASH? BORROW on YOUR CAR Lt us explain Bow easy It la to aa ready cash with your ear aa security Plione 81 lor full Information Commercial Finance Corp The mendly Finance Company" W W Walker President First Nstl Bant Bldg Phone tt License Number 184 c