MEDFORD MAIL TRIBUNE. MEDFORD. OREGON. WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 10. 1940. PAGE FIVE LOCAL and Roads Slushy Roads were slushy in the Union Creek dis trict today. Diamond Lake high way was open to The Dalles California highway but motor ists were counselled to use tire chains. Llndley Pledges Ted Lindley of Medford recently was pledged to Sigma Alpha Epsi lon fraternity on the University of Oregon campus in Eugene, according to an Associated Press report received here today. To Attend Riles D.A.V. and Its auxiliary are asked to meet Thursday morning at 11 at Perl's funeral parlor to attend in a group the funeral of Mrs. Mary A. Wycoff, Gold Star mother. ... Minor Mishap Fred B. Len nard of 516 Park street and Charles Campbell of Star route drove cars Involved In a slight accident at Main street and Central avenue Tuesday after noon, according to a report on file today. Court Citation Duane G. Zamrzla of 19 Crater Lake ave nue was cited by city police yes terday to appear in city court this afternoon. He was charged with violation of the basic traf fic rule. Police said Zamrzla drove a car at 40 miles an hour through a school zone on East Main street. Rites Tomorrow Funpral ser vices will be held at 11 a.m. tomorrow in Afton, Okla., for Paul Lancaster, brother of Mrs. H. Barnhart of 722 Dakota street. Mr. and Mrs. Barnhart are in Afton to attend the ser vices, having left here by train last Saturday night after receiv ing word of Mr. Lancaster's death, tit. Lancaster was killed in an accident last Friday eve ning. Details of the tragedy have not been received here. Plan Building Charles F. Rose of Portland, regional ar chitect of the U. S. forest ser vice, and Karl L. Janouch, su pervisor of the Rogue River na tional forest conferred today on plans for the reconstruction of some old buildings in the ran ger's group of structures at Un ion Creek. The two men went to Union Creek to inspect the Buildings that are to be con verted to new uses. The recon struction work is to be done by Ihe CCC. Mr. Rose arrived here from Portland last night by motorcar. Plane Passengers Robert H. Evans left by United Mainliner last night for Seattle, Wash. Mrs. Ruth May of Klamath Falls left by Mainliner for Los Angeles last evening. Elmer Herried and son Don departed for Portland by Mainliner yes terday afternoon. Today's fore noon and early morning Main liners flew over Medford be cause of low clouds. The morn ing plane from the south was late and arrived over the field about the same time as the forenoon plane from the north. Last night's midnight Mainliner siso flew over Medford because of low clouds. Reservists to Meet Rogue River chapter of the Reserve Officers association will hold a regular semi-monthly assemb ly in the Medford armory to morrow night. The schedule calls for pistol firing and in struction at 6:30 and a class in military science at 7:30. The class will be instructed by Lieut.-Col. H. C. Dempewolf. regular army officer on special duty at Eugene, Study of "mo bilization" will be continued. Motion pictures of army train ing and mobilization will be shown. All reserve officers re siding or visiting in southern Oregon are invited. Driver Quiz Persons seeking licenses or permits to operate motor vehicles will be examined here as usual Saturday. A state examiner will be in council chambers on the top floor of city hall from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. and applicants are asked to re port to him. The customary written quiz and road tests will be given. To pass the tests It is necessary to be familiar vith traffic rules and regulations as explained in the state motor vehicle manual. Copies of the manual may be procured with out cost at city and state police headquarters, the seriff's office and the Jackson County Cham ber of Commerce. IChan&Chan f, 'Chlnew Mrdlclnc Co , - Be relieved at once bj T - ur herbal rented. Do nV""1 hme: Atttima. ;'4 i tag liny ren. Stomach &5 r-ttij Trouble. CnnMlatlm Chrome Cough. Rhetimatlnn. Sl im Trouble. Pile. Arthritis. Co lli!. F.c7ema. Appendicitis High tlloiHi Preiir. Prostate. Heart l.nrr. Bl.i 1 1 (If r. Kidney. I.uhm, Blood. I rlmr trouble. Hrbi will Rive you relief. 235 E. Main HOW OPEN DAILY 10 a. m. to S:S0 p. m. Except Hed. wed 10 - m. to 12 PERSONAL In Hospital Miss Josephine Koppes, office secretary of the Jackson county health depart ment, was confined to Commun ity hospital today with a cold. Unit To Meet Roxy Ann ex tension unit will meet at the home of Mrs. Eugene Nowling on Spring street Friday from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Local leaders, who will demonstrate care and styling of the hair, ask that members bring to the meeting the necessary articles such as comb, brush, curlers and pins. All women interested in learn ing individual hair styling are invited to attend. A pot luck luncheon will be served at noon. More Park Snow Seven inches of snow fell in Crater Lake national park during the night, increasing the ground cover at headquarters building to a depth of 61 inches. The snow was described as "wet" and skiing was listed as poor. Park roads were open but cov ered with snow 1 to 4 inches deep and tire chains were ad vised. Weather was cloudy, visi bility poor, the rangers stated. Lowest temperature during the night was 27 degrees. Girl Improving Elaine Win kle, 12-year-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Winkle of 113 Willamette avenue, was report ed by her attending physician today as improving from a head injury she suffered when her bicycle was struck by an auto mobile Monday morning. The doctor stated she would prob ably be able to leave Commun ity hospital in a day or two and return to her home. The girl sustained a brain concussion when a car driven by LeRoy F. Cline hit her bicycle in the 1200 block on East Main street, reports stated. J. I Mary Jane Wycoff, 67. be loved resident of Medford, where she has lived for the past 12 years, passed away at her home, 345 North Bartlett street, at 7:15 a. m. Tuesday, after a prolonged illness. Mrs. Wycoff was born in Tip pecanoe, Ind., on May 27, 1872 She spent her early life in In diana, was educated there, and was united in marriage to Sim eon Dawson in 1891. Mr. Daw son passed away October 14, 1914. She was later united in marriage to Bert Wycoff in 1910. He passed away Nov. 13, 1935. She lived in Medford since 1926, and has many friends who will be grieved to learn of her passing. She was a Gold Star Mother, her son Hollis Dawson, being killed in action in France during the World war. She leaves to mourn her de parture, two sons, Roy Wag goner, Superior, Wis., and Ray Dawson, Appleton, Wis., four daughters, Mrs. Ethel Saas, Marshfield, Ore., Mrs. Vern Lof quist, Olympia, Wash., Mrs. Fay Sauer, Medford, and Mrs. Hilda Berrian, Copco, Cal. Two broth ers, David Waggoner and Oliver Waggoner, both of Indiana, also survive. Funeral services will be con ducted from the chapel of the Perl funeral home Thursday at 11 a. m., with Rev. R. W. Cole man, pastor of the First Christ ian church, officiating. Inter ment will take place in Jack sonville cemetery. Friends arc respectfully invited to attend the services. Niven Engaged Holly, Jan. 10. U.R David Niven, English actor and one of Hollywood's eligible bach elors," was reported by his stu dio today as "engaged" to i young British war nurse. Dse Hall Tribune want ads. .0tl Wi' .c ' V ' "Rulers Of The Sea" Sunday Show L -. I , , V , - V . - . ; . - ... if , a i . t i - - - i ! - . - r ). ; W W.J 5 The great transatlantic race of the "Dog Star," the first ship to cross the Western Ocean by steam alone, and the "Falcon." a crack clipper, forms the thrill ing climax of Frank Lloyd's "Rulers of the Sea," which op ens Sunday at the Craterian 20-30 IN DRIVE TO DISCOURAGE AUTO STEALING In an effort to aid in the re duction of juvenile crime, par ticularly in connection with stolen cars, the Medford 20-30 club, in conjunction with units throughout the state, has launch ed a project to remind drivers to remove ignition keys from their machines when they leave. Cards have been printed stat ing that 55 per cent of juvenile crime is aided by stolen cars, 90 per cent of which have keys in the ignition. These cards, it is planned, will be placed in auto mobiles in which the drivers have left their keys. Clyde Chamberlain is chairman of the committee handling the cards. At last night's regular weekly dinner-meeting of the club in Hotel Jackson, it was announced that the state convention of 20 30 clubs would be held in Med ford next June, with dates to be set later. Merritt Hittle will be in charge of arrangements for the conclave, assisted by Jack Hartley. Appointment of committees for the coming year was made by President Harold Wall, as 1 follows: Finance, Murray Gar diner, ' chairman; Harold Wall, Jack Hartley. House, Clyde Chamberlain: inter-club affairs. Rodney Winston, chairman; Bud I Stone. Membership and fellow-; ship, Vern Campbell, chairman; William Hughbanks. Sea Scouts, Rodney Winston. Publicity and history, Jack Hartley. Swing Into Spring dance, John White, chairman, Louis DeRoos. ; A guest of the club was Wil-1 I Mills, at l:t"'S5r fflfr s8tf"V &j1 iff W.' I Kv tilulls . . 2.V K! JwWl W l jf I II 1 Adults . . 36c l.oge, . . . 30vfyi? 1 ; I I l! IB) I "(" " Kiddles . . 10IijrQ(' iLgLRijyLll 1 KMt" ' ' 0r TODAY and THURSDAY! Theatre. Sharing the spotlight with ships and ocean in this epic of the victory of steam over sail are the three co-stars, Douglas Fairbanks. Jr., Margar et Lockwood and Will Fyffe the Scottish actor now making his U. S. debut. lard Walter of the Federal Sur plus Commodities corporation, who gave a short talk on the operation of the FSCC. Other guests were Cedric Reaney, past active member and Sandy Green. WALLAGECITED.AS Harold E. Wallace. 37, Grants Pass automobile salesman who was arrested by state police last night on the Pacific highway three miles north of Gold Hill and charged with driving while under the influence of intoxicat ing liquor, was given further time to enter a plea in justice nf the peace court this morning. He was released on his own re cognizance to return to Grants Pass, with no definite date set for his court appearance. Wallace was slightly pug nacious when arrested and it was with some difficulty that he was placed in the state police automobile and brought to the city jail here, officers reported. Court records show that Wal lace was arrested on March 20, last, and paid a fine of $10 and costs for drunkenness, at which time he also attempted to resist the officer. GRAND TOWNSEND BIRTHDAY BALL TONIGHT TOWNSEND HALL mV4 W. Main SurpriAps! ArimlMlnn: 3Ar; ijirllfR M Jolly Trio On Rialto Bill Today Pat O Brien and Roland ("Topper") Young are starred with Olympe Bradna In her first big role as a Broadway star In 'The Night of Nights", which brings the Jolly threesome to the New Rialto Theatre for to day and tomorrow only. O'Brien plays a famous Broadway pro (contlnueo iram page one) Three of the Upminster's crew of ten were killed. Survivors said they were machine-gunned when they took to lifeboats. The damaged steamer, however, was kept afloat by her bulkheads. Britain acknowledged the sinking of two ships in the raids, but the German high com mand announced eight had been sent to the bottom. The admiralty announced the 1, 985-ton British vessel Oak- grove was sunk with an unde termined number of casualties after an attack from the air, starts Today CompUt Shews Daily t 1:45 6:45 . 9:00 ducer and director who tails to the bottom only to be brought back to the top by Miss Bradna. as his long-lost daughter now a famous "first nighter." "Sabotage", featuring Charlie Grnpewin and Arleen Whelan plays as the companion feature with "Night of Nights' . and the 680-ton British steamer Gowrie also went down. About 20 of the Oakgrove's crew were believed to have landed safely. The admiralty said two Dan ish ships, the 3.369-ton Ivan Kondrup and the 955-ton Feddy, attacked yesterday and pre viously reported sunk, had been found afloat and probably would be brought into port. Some observers believed the sudden German attacks might be the prelude to an aerial "blitzkrieg," or lightning war, such as has been threatened by Berlin many times. Births Born in Community hospital this morning to Mr. and Mrs. L. J. West of Gold Hill, a baby girl weighing 9 pounds, 5 ounces. Mother and child are reported doing nicely. Born, to Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Chapman of route 1, box 424, in Community hospital January 9, THEY MAKE THE FIGHTING SINFUL WEST BLAZE INTO LIFE WITH ALL ITS THUNDERING EXCITEMENT! 'c4 iHi H baby boy weighing 7 pounds, 7 ounces. Mother and son are progressing splendidly. Too Late to Classify FOR SALE Shoals; alio A-l ham mered alfalfa and bflrtry hay. 1 ton. D. P. Diwsan, Sams Vallry. FOR SALS 2 lots and una 11 house. 650 cash. Ask the gardener, 343 N. Front St. WANTED 50 bron turXev hem. (or breeder. Add rem Box 3403 Tribune. FOR RFNT 4-room house, partly furnished. 22 50. Phon 720. 2500 HARDWOOD FIAXHS FIREPLACE LARGE SHADE TREES Especially good 6-room modern bun galow, laundry trays, garage, paved street; a home with 500 profit possibility. Priced only i3500 on terms you can handle. Also 3150 JACKSONVILLE HIGHWAY 15 acres. Anjou and Bartletts; good 4-room modern house; elderly man alone and must sell at once. 10 down to responsible party. A good home and n real buv. MARK A. OOLDT Phone 738 100 E. Main St. FINAIj CLEARANCE ot OAS RANGES AND OIL CIRCULATORS BpctM Terms on Gas Range A Down; No More P&ymenti Until March 1st. On fullv automatic Gas Range, was 102.95, now 73.06 One all porcelain Gas Range with automatic burners, was 82 95. now 37.95 One all porcelain Gas Range with automatic burners. chrome base, was 78.95, now....fll.95 One 3-burner Gas Rannette, was 38.95, now....- 2895 OIL CIRCULATORS All Ripple Finish One 13" Sunlight Circulator with radiant doors, was 72.95,now... .49.95 One 10" Sunlight Circulator with radlnnt doors, was 67.05. now . 42 96 One 10" Dpluxe Sunllsht Cir culator with radiant doors, was 69 95. now 64.93 Two 10" Sunlight Circulators with radiant doors, was 84 96. now 39.95 MONTGOMERY WARD FOR SALE OR TRADK A splendid 84-acre farm, well Im proved, including crop and equip ment; located near Medford. Would consider trading for clear property In Medford. L. O. P1CKELL. 18 8. Bartlett. PLEASANT heated room with private entrance. 320 N. Oakdale. "AVTT RESIDENCE BAROAfN Modern Hvt- room itucco; btun, ahower, oak floor, basement, furnace, laundrj, large attic. Clcae In. East front. 3,000. (350 down. Inquire 1003 E. Jackson, evenlnsra and Sundays. WAITRESS WANTED Must hava lota of experience. Othera need not apply. Valentine 'a Cafe. FOR RENT 4-room furnished houM In rear. 316 N. Central. FOR SALE FEEDS at Farm prices. Baled straw. Hay. loose, baled or chopped. Grain of all kinds, whol or ground. Phone Medford 355.J-. Victor Burse 11. DAY OR N1TE A .woo la ted fuel oH delivery Medfoid Fuel Co., Tel. Ml. HAHN MOTOR USED CAR A Before You Buy Get Our Priors! SPECIAL WINTER TERMS Your first monthly payment will not be due until March 1 LOWBST PRICES on Ousranteed Uped Cars In the history of Medford I 40 Cars to Pick From HAHN MOTORS Tour Chrysler Dealer 25 8. Riverside 88 K. Riverside. RAW Pirns WANTED I Eastern Cash Prices paid for your furs at borne. Also bides, pelu and wool. MEDFORD BARGAIN HOOSI 27 N. Grape St. Medford. Or. FOR SALE Newtown apples, 360 and up. Myron Root & Co. CAUGHT Oefc direct relief from COLD? discomforts. . .rub throat, chest, back with cllnlc-tested Mary has a DeSoto coup. "It's the Cream of ih Crop," lays sh, "And best of all. It's an Humphrey Car, With 10,000 mil guar- anise." DE SOTO PLYMOUTH Humphrey Motors 33 S, Riverside. Phone 454 4 Bays Only Mi.'s-OOc Evet-40e Kiddles 10c Anytime J DUGAN" ' pT-'r'W'l'y''.'.J'" ' ' r