PAGE TWO MEDFORD MAIL TRIBUNE. MEDFORD. OREGON, FRIDAY, JANUARY 5, 1940. DUE TO BENEFIT BY F( $1,250,000 Additional Busi ness For Oregon is Pre dicted in Coming Year. Br Pul W. Harvey, Jr. Salem, Jan. 5. OF) Multno mah county's food stamp plan, which Secretary of Agriculture Henry A. Wallace said may be extended to 90 or 100 cities throughout the nation, may bring a measure of prosperity to Oregon farmers and retailers, . u well as give persons on re lief 80 per cent more food. Jack Luihn, state public wel fare commission chairman, said the plan would result in $1. 230,000 In additional retail busi ness In Oregon this year. Be tween 60,000 and 75,000 per sons are eligible to benefit from the plan, which may be made statewide if things work out as expected. Adds 50c to II The plan, which went Into effect in Multnomah county three days ago, permits each member of a relief family to spend at least $1.50 for food, Instead of the $1 which was spent before food stamps were available. The extra 60 cents is used to purchase surplus com modities. There Is little opposition to the plan, which has been tested In several other cities. It has been criticized, however, be cause tt gives no help to low Income families who don't earn enough to have adequate food but yet can't get on relief. Secretary of Commerce Harry Hopkins said in his annual re port that 40,000,000 Americans are members of families which , earn $9 a week or less, and these families have only five cents a meal per person for food. He thought what a fine thing It would De ior an ui America if their families could earn even a little bit more. Plan Significant Of the stamp plan, Hopkins said It is "significant, not mere ly as a technique for the solu tion of a critical problem, but as a demonstration of the bene fits derived by all parts of the economy from an adjustment to a higher level of consumption." Secretary Wallace, whose de partment administers the plan, said this obout the program: "In addition to providing a wider market for the farmer and supplementing the diet of needv families, the operations of the stamp plan program help all business by bringing aDoui an Increased flow of foodstuffs through the normal channels of trade." He said, however, it would take a long time to determine definitely the complete economic effect of the program. The railroad men probably are well aware of it, but most nconle Drobably don't realize what tremendous strides have been taken in the past few years by Oregon's motor freight and passenger industry. Public utilities commissioner Ormond R. Bean reported that his department's motor fund re ceipts, comprising fees paid by the industry, set a new high mark of $1,203,531 last year, of which $979,116 was turned over to the highway commission. The total was 'about $400,000 more than in 1938, and more than double that of 1U34. The sole reason for the increase was better business. Dewey Describes F, R. Message As Failure Admission New York, Jan. 5. OP) District Attorney Thomas E. Dewey, candidate for the Re publican presidential nomina tion, today characterized President Roosevelt's mes sage to congress Wednesday as a "tragic confession of fail ure." Dewey, returning from a short vacation in Georgia, said he read the message en route home. He gave his im pressions of the message to newspapermen who met him at Pennsylvania station. "The president's message was a tragic confession of failure," Dewey said. "It was an attempt to defend seven years in which there has been no success in solving either of the two major national p r o b 1 e ms unemployment and an Increasing unbalanced budget." HEAVY OF 826,500 Trout Released in 1939 Is Report From Regional Headquarters. During the 1939 season 826,' 500 trout fingerlings were plant ed In waters within the Rogue stated in the annual fish and game report prepared for the regional forester'i office at Port land. Of the total number, 648, 000 were planted in lakes, 178, 500 in streams. In addition, an emergency release of 476,000 rainbows was made by the Butte Falls hatcheries when a trestle supporting the water In take pipe collapsed and shut off the water supply. 500.000 In Fish Lake "Fish lake, which has been by far the most popular lake within the Rogue River national forest, received some 500,000 eastern brook trout early in the season and it is expected that these will be of legal size by River national forest, it was 'the opening date of the fishing season next spring," the report stated. Lakes in the Seven Lakes basin and Lakes Como and Har riett in the Primitive area were already sufficiently atoeked with eastern brook trout The Blue Canyon group and several in the Sky Lakes group were planted with rainbows. "Fish planting In national forest waters has been a co operative project handled by the state game commission and the forest service. Last season, both trucks and pack strings were provided by the game commission whereas in former years practically all of the pack ins to inaccessible waters was handled by the forest service. "Fishing in the streams and lakes of the national forest was good last year and. In view of the distribution of fish recently released, it should be equally good the coming season." Postcard From Hall Pasadena, Cal. (U.R) Em ployes of the Pasadena office of the county clerk were alarmed when they received a postcard reading "Hello from Hell" and postmarked from there. They became even more alarmed when they ascertained that the card was from their friends, Superior Court Clerk E. E. Ekdale and wife. Tension was relieved when it was found that the particular Hell in question is In Norway. Dm Mall Tribune want ada. E TAX DODGE IS CLAIM OF GOVERNMENT San Francisco, Jan. 5. VP) Charles Laughton, the British actor, has a financial "stand in," but the United States gov ernment doesn't think that en titles him to withhold $104,430 in income tax. The government petitioned the U. S. circuit court of ap peals today to review a decision of the board of tax appeals which excused Laughton from payment of tax on his income from "Ruggles of Red Gap," "The Barretts of Wlmpole Street" and "Marie Antoinette," made In 1034 and 1935. Laughton claimed exemption because he signed those earn ings over to a British corpora tion entitled Motion Picture and Theatrical Industries, Ltd., of which Laughton Is the sola stockholder. Guy T. Helverlng, collector of internal revenue, insisted that despite the sonorous name, the corporation was still Just Charles Laughton. The board of tax appeals up held Laughton's claim that the corporation was a separate entity. GROCETERIA SUPER FOOD MARKETS -ONE SHOPPING STOP for EVERYTHING don't put their hearts In their work, and many of them are released about the time they learn their Jobs well, ACGiDlRTDELAYS E Bergen, Norway, Jan. 5. VP) A report from Narvik today said the American freighter City of Flint, preparing to re turn to the United States, bump ed Into a British freighter while maneuvering In the harbor there. The necessity of repairing damaged plates postponed the City of Flint's sailing until at least Saturday. The City of Flint has been in Norwegian waters since No vember 11 when the Norwegian government declared her free and Interned at Haugesund a German prize crew which had taken her to Murmansk, Russia, and then sought to take her down the Norwegian coast to Germany as a prize. In charge of the same Amer ican crow which operated her during her wandering through northern waters, the City of Flint had been scheduled to leave Narvik yesterday with a cargo of iron ore. New Year Pageant Sunday Night At Gold Hill Church Gold Hill, Jan. 5. (Spl) A pageant, "Guiding Lights for 1940," will be presented Sunday at 7:30 p. m., sponsored by the undeno minational Sunday school. The missionary-pastor, K. Earl Voiles, of the Church of Christ, announces his sermon topic as "What Will I Do With 11)40?" Officers and teachers of the new Sunday school will be In stalled after the pageant. Com munion will follow. Bible school Is at 9:45 a. m. followed by the morning serv ice. IT'S FUN TO SHOP AT THE GROCETERIAS F UN? We'll say It Is and for th whole family children and grown-ups alike. Wo've often wondered why so many children coma to the Groceieria with their parents. In some stores parents don't like to take their children, while In our markets Mother and Father seem to enjoy having the children help with the shopping. We asked a mother with several children about this and her is her answeri "The children are not really play ing even though they are having a lot of fun. Every mother likes to have the family help plan the meals but you can't get them to do It at home. Here where they can see everything from seafood to seasoning it's easy to get suggestions from them. Take Stella over there. She is a finicky eater yet if I let her believe she is helping plan the meals her personal pride seems to stimulate an appetite for things I can seldom get her to eat." Fun. You bet it Is, but more than that, it solves the home food prob lems. Gives everyone the food he likes; adds to dinner table peace and harmony by pleasing all; saves Moth er a lot of work and trouble-some planning, and saves money for Dad, which for him is the most fun in the world. SAVINGS in the GROCETERIAS Capitol Sidelights: The cows at the state hospital farm didn't like to be moved from their old wooden barn into their nice, shiny new one. When they got Into the new barn, they caused so much havoc thnt the dairy man, with tears in his eyes, wanted to quit . . . Governor Sprague thinks Oregon apple growers ought to start a nation wide campaign to make aspics more popular. He wants a cam paign like the one In which California orange growers made the nation drink orange Juice . . . Construction of the new state penitentiary buildings, by use of convict labor, is going very slow. Warden George Alex ander explained the convicts JAPS BURN HOSPITAL WHICH TREATED FOES Shanghai, Jan. 5. (P) Of ficial British sources today said word had been received Japan ese troops had burned the Bri tlsh Methodist hospital at Chuchla near Wutlng in north ern Shantung province in "re taliation" for hospital treatment of Chinese gv.irrillns. The burning took place Christmas day, these sources said, and the Japanese also threatened to burn a church and foreign houses later. MARION TALLEY WINS CUSTODY OF DAUGHTER New York, Jan. 5. Ml The appellate division of New York state supreme court today unan imously affirmed the award of the custody of her 4-year old daughter, Susan, to Marlon Tal- ley Eckstrom, former opera soprano. Luxuries Worry Japan Tokyo (U.R) increased de partment store sales, largely in luxury goods, are causing the government concern as an indi cation Hint Its thrift and savings campaign is not as successful as had been believed. Home Purity Bakery Bread and Cakes Like Mother Made A Delightful Coffee Cake Nothing adds so much to the enjoyment of the morning coffee as a tasty Coffee Cake. Norsebrod a spicy Norwegian breakfast delicacy here tomorrow. Norsebrod Coffee Cake, ea. 15c Other Breakfast Goodies Butter Horns 3 for 10c Made with butter Fruited Coffee Cake Cups doz. 25c Doughnuts doz. 20c Cake, raised or potato Betty Crocker Cakes Pineapple Chiffon Black and White Southern Nut Angel Cakas CHOICE 49c i Cake 25c A PERFORMER For Oregon Housewives H Whit Silin" 8ugu U nu o prora a hug tuceoM In any rdp! Usad and rcommndtd by laading chaft and horn tconomiata. MWhit Satin" Sugar la psrlact for any awaataning purpoia, Puia, fingranulatad. llcraama ao nlcaly and diaaolvaa o quickly. Oidar a bag ol "Whit Satin" Sugar at your otocari tomorrow! MM WMW sma tj "S-Y MNUIATSS , SUGAR , ' fct Y77f Home Purity Bread, lb. loaf, 8c U-lb. loaf, 12c No alum bearing substitutes ever uied In Home Purity Bread. Texas Pink Grapefruit 70's 3 for 20c Arizona Grapefruit 70's doz. 29c Redlands Oranges 126's . . .doz. 23c 288V .2 doz. 19c Avocados 2 for 17c Cauliflower head 10c Freshest Where Sold Fastest Swift's Vintage Cheese 2-lb. brick 53c Sperry Pancake and Waffle Flour . . . . '. 4-lb. sack 25c Sperry Wheat Hearts No. 5 sack 37c The Vitamin B cereal. Sperry Rolled Oats 9-lb. sack 35c Quick or plain. Sperry Cereal Flakes 9-lb. sack 33c Blend of eat and wheat. Sperry Farina No. 5 sack 25c, Sperry Corn Meal 9-lb. sack 25c White or yellow. Bisquick large pkg. 28c Wheaties or Kix 2 pkgs. 21c Hershey's Cocoa 1-lb. can 14c. Staley's Waffle Syrup (maple flavor) 1Mb. can 17c 2Mb. 23c 5-lb. 43c 10-lb. 79c Gold Bar Prunes,, 2-lb. carton 15c Gold Bar Pure Fruit Preserves, 9-oz. can ... 3 for 25c (Except Strawberry, 10c.) Gold Bar Prepared Mustard 6-oz. jar 9c (Lovers of mustard should try this. It's the best we've tasted.) Extra Fancy Blue Rose Rice 3-lb. pkg. 19c Fancy Small White Beans 3-lb. pkg. 17c Baby Lima Beans. . ,; 3$-lb. PS- 17c Purex i-gal. jug 22c Camay Toilet Soap 3 bars 17c Ivory Soap medium bar 5c Guest Ivory , 3 bars 13c Ivory Flakes large pkg. 20c Oxydol large pkg. 20c Dash Granulated jumbo pkg. 43c Dreft large pkg. 20c P. & G. White Laundry Soap, giant bar. . . .7 for 23c Crisco 3-lb. can 50c Grape-Nuts 2 pkgs. 25c Super Meat Markets The Kind of Meat You Like to Eat GROCETERIA SAUSAGE To Reno, Spokane and Seattle FELL the boys were home for Christmas YY and went home loaded down with Smoked Sausage from your Groceteria. Bob Strang from Reno, Bob Holmes from Spokane, Smiley from Seattle ordered by mail, while others took small amounts. Bob Strang and Holmes ' each took several full sacks for distribution among friends who ordered through them when they learned they were coming to Medford. Have you tried this Smoked Sausage that Is known all over the coast. If not, you are surely missing something. Get some tomorrow for Sunday breakfast. 1 C . 1 r arm oiyie T L 07 Smoked Sausage 1 U. I C SMOKED MEATS For the Winter Months Swift's Premium Skinned Hams . Part or whole ham. Hormel's Dairy Skinned Hams . r r ZJC Tenderiied. 25. Very mild and tender. Less waste In skinned hams. Hormel's Thuringer lb. Z yC 1 LjC Swift's Premium Bacon Any slie piece. Hormel's Minnesota Bacon Rind off. Swift's Boneless Picnic Shoulders, Swift's Dixie Bacon Squares . . Swift's Premium Quick Serve Ham. no lb. LDC ZUC 1 r I JC lb. DDC lb lb. Ready to eat Just reheat. For baking, Just reheat seven minutes to the pound. Ready for use for sandwiches. QUALITY CONTROLLED STEER BEEF Chuck 1 Roast lb. I Selected Baking i O Short Ribs lb. I JC Swiss ) r Steak lb. ZjC Rolled Prime r Rib Roast lb. Z JC FARM STYLE SAUSAGE The most popular breakfast In So. Oregon Farm Style 1 n Bulk lb. I C Choice of mild or full sage. Little Pig r r Links lb. ZJC Smoked in cloth .lb. 27. TALENT GRANGE CARNIVAL DANCE Talent City Hall. Saturday Night. Jan. 6. Hillbilly Orch. Refreshments. GATES & LYDIARD Delivery of $1.00 Orders Phone: East Side 752. West Side 421 6th at Cenirali 6th at Grape. Savings Without Self-Denlal. I II f 11 11 UM i i.wlUtiTilMrai in TIKI Baas i