PAGE FOUR MEDFORD MAIL TRIBUNE. MEDFORD. OREGON, THURSDAY, JANUARY 4, 1940 DEFEAT COACHES BY 38-35 COUNT Barnstorming Colored Boys Bewilder Mentors Sophs Trim Prospect 27 to 18, U. S. G. Blanks Tennessee in Rose Bowl Br Al Gould. Clowning at times, but show ing plenty of real basketball ability when needed, the Har lem Ghosts rollicked their way to a 38-35 victory over the southern Oregon caoches' quin tet, in a hilarious game at the high school gymnasium last night. Hardy of the coaches and Elder of the Ghosts tied for scoring honors at 16, while Hood of the Ghosts and Har rington of the coaches tallied nine apiece. The visitors displayed phe- -. nomenal passing that at times completely bewildered the all- coach outfit, with Hood, chunky guard, sparking the attack. Coaches Lead Early. The coaches took an early lead on a basket by Harrington. but the boys from Harlem soon forged Into a alight lead, with some uncanny shooting by El der, slender forward, bringing the score to 24-13 at the half. The mentors again got hot Just after the second half got under way, as buckets by Hardy and Harrington, plus a free toss by Bowerman, brought them within range at 24-18. Speed ing up, however, the Ghosts displayed some more fancy ball handling to draw away, having a 10-polnt lead at the third period. Then with Harrington and Hardy again leading the way, the coaches once more made a serious bid for the lead, as they came within four points, with less than three minutes to go. Showing that they could also clown a bit, the coaches rushed their two substitutes on the floor, and with seven men ef lectively throttling the Ghosts' attack, sank another one to make the final score stand 38 J5 for the Harlem Ghosts. Dribbling Wisard. Spectators were given an eye ful of dribbling, as Potts, tal ented forward, sped through the local defense, befuddling the mentors with his amazing dribbling. Coupled with the Negroes' passing attack that flashed the ball In and out of the keyhole with such speed it was hard to follow with the ye, the coashes' defense was opened up enough to allow the Ghosts numerous clear shots. In justice to the mentors, It must be said that they also , had plenty of open shots, but Just couldn't seem to hit the basket consistently. The preliminary, between the sophomores of Mcdford high and Prospect high, was taken by the sophs with a spirited rally in the closing minutes that erased a one-point Pros pect lead and gave the year lings a 27-18 decision. Lineups: All-Coaches Ghosts Ebcrhart, 6 F Potts. 5 Patterson F Elder, 16 Hardy, 18 C Dunn. 6 Acheson, 1 G Wilkinson, 2 Harrington. 9..G Hood, 9 Subs: Coaches Dowerman S, Cook. k, - hZ " v -1 - mi. vjm jpjmfntci "far V., ' 1 A aft" I - IS , - if :-CVit. . .j-. , I, , , I, M, ii. ii i.iiiliii)Mliilmi iit,mmM mil i?iiim if il m it i " i 'i m TiT University of Southern California's football team blankedTennessee, 14-0, in the annual Rose Bowl claisic at Pasadona before some 90,000 fans. Here Leonard Coffman (11), Tennes see fullback, punched a big hole in the USC forward wall to chalk up a first down early in the game. Coffman got by Sloecked (68) and finally was hauled down by Grenny Lansdell. Behind Stoecker is Harry Smith (70). El n E AL IN RIFLE SHOOT In. a close finish, Ivan Wad- dell, outranked Cecil Gall for first place in last night's weekly handicap rifle shoot at the club range in the Merrick building, with Shelby Tuttle one point behind for third place. . Sunday at 9:30 a. m., the local rifle- club will act as host to the visiting Yreka, Cal., rifle club, Several individual matches are scheduled and stiff compe tition is expected for the grand aggregate. As soon as the rifle matches are finished, the range will be open, as usual every Saturday afternoon, for pistol and rifle practice. ' Friday the pistol shooters take over the range at 7:30 p. m. for several hours of slow and timed fire at 50 feet. Complete rifle handicap rifle scores last night were: Ivan Wnddell 388 C. C. Gall 3BB Shelby Tuttle 387 Otto Howard 382 Lew Conger 380 Ed Lull 377 S. M. Tuttle 378 Mrs. S. M. Tuttle 376 Roscoe Edwards 30!) Mrs. Ivan Waddell 386 Jimmle Bolton 364 Bob Tuttle 351 Gang Up Rockland, Me. U.R Alton W. Brown says a bull moose leaped on the hood of his car, dentlni? it badly. Then while driving near Pcmaquid, he was delayed for some time by a moose that ambled out in front of his ma chine. Brown couldn't drive on until otter the bull was Joined by a cow and two calves and the qunrtet left the road. New Career IjlBOMG :mrt-S U 1 1 V t4ii Hr?! Lou Gehrig, former New York Yankee first basoman. greeted both the new year and his new career with a smile as ho began his Job as a member of the New York City parole commission. Strickon with a form of infantile paralysis, Gehrig was forced to give up baseball last season. Sneeslng Lest Helena, Mont. (U.R) Asthma sufferers may take encourage ment from Dr. C. F. Wilkins of the Montana livestock board, who snys that cow asthma, at least, is on the decline. The disease has a high mortality rate among livestock. They get It by eating a weed to which they are allergic. The Mall Tribune defeated Mo Donald Candy, 3-1, Plche Sports trimmed Llttrell Fart. 3-1, and Monarch Seed St Feed blanked Rolling Pin. 4-0, In Commercial league matches on the Medford al leya last night. Scores follow: Mall Tribune Ollstrap 98 137 Greene 148 Kraua 149 Latham 131 (Hnsen) 140 Totals 664 157 117 154 140 197420 129 430 110376 155 440 140 420 695 727 3066 McDonald C'anilv Handicap 40 Morse 1 159 Witter 68 Hopper 121 Penney 112 Fisher 119 Totals 619 40 189 93 125 129 130 708 Handicap R. 81ms . Llttrell ... Schellne . Llttrell Parts 70 54 105 118 165 148 161 133 160 152 40130 168606 66227 77323 124 365 165 414 630 1955 54178 118367 126 405 167444 111399 127 447 SwearlnRen .. 128 StrombcrR 168 Totals 744 805 691 2240 Plche Sports Irwin 163 145 159457 Boone 136 176 159 471 Greene 140 181 129 450 (Absentee) 140 140 140 120 Tollefson 173 203 1605.16 Totals 742 845 747 2334 Rolling rin Dlckln'on 168 Strode 148 Leavltt 169 Pylea 151 Portcrfleld 109 Totals 833 187 123 181 135 223 849 141494 163434 183 633 197 4S3 160603 864 2646 Monarch Seed and Feed Handicap 55 White 160 Mlltsche 152 Ryan 211 Newland 144 TotalsS.67 55165 204 623 149 471 148863 146505 875 3673 Closing time for Too Late to Clas sify Ads Is 1 :30 p. m. 55 150 170 204 315 941 tjss Mall Tribune want ads. Los Angeles, Jan. 4. (JFl Professional football has claim ed all-America Guard Harry Smith and his University of Southern California teammate, Doyle Nave, who completed col lege gridiron careers in the Rose Bowl victory over Tennessee New Year's day. Smith said he and Nave had signed contracts to play one game, with an option on their services for two more. Pro moter Larry Sunbroek said they would play on a team with Kenny Washington, Negro half back star of the University of California at Los Angeles, against the Los Angeles Bull dogs here or at San Francisco, January 14. Johnny Schlcchl, all-America center for Santa Clara, also re portedly has signed a profes sional contract. French expert, under the super vision of the Academy of Agricul ture, are Mperlmentlnit in the use of (aaea obtain xl from coal and wood for tractors and other farm machinery. Modern-Type Construction Calls For CEMENT Ue This Dependable Southern Oregon Product "BEAVER BRAND" PORTLAND CEMENT Beaver Portland Cedent Co. GOLD HILL, OREGON Big Pines Lumber Company. Medford Lumber Company, Madlord Concrete Construction Company, Porter Lumber Company. Bruce Bauer Lumbor Company, J. W. Copeland Yards. Woods Lumber Company. East will meet West when Prince Mehalikis and Cowboy Dude Chick square off in the main even of Promoter Mack Lillard's initial -wrestling card of 1R40 in the Medford armory Monday night. The Prince, with his dark countenance set off by the snow-white turban he wears in to the ring and with his rug praying in the corner prior to the bell, represents all the mys tery and ancient culture of Arabia. On the other hand. Cowboy Dude Chick is a re minder of the raw-boned life of the wild and woolly west of almost a century ago. So it will be a grapple between two distinct and utterly different cultures. Both the Prince and the cow boys are fast, clever and legiti mate wrestlers and the match ought to be a fine exhibition of scientific grappling. On the other hand, most wrestlers are like opera prima donnas they are temperamental and liable to fly into unpredictable dodos Besides, the turbaned gent and the former horse nurse are in clined to be a trifle hot-headed and quick to start throwing punches If they think their rights have been violated, and If the boys get mad at each other, the fans will see some mighty spectacular fireworks. The card will be opened, at 8 p. m., by Bob Montgomery of Georgia and Zim Zimovich, a mighty Finn who will be making his first appearance here. In the center spot King Kong Clayton, the popular Negro, will battle his way with Joe Smo linski, the brutal Polish pa looka. It will be ladies' night. Japan's leadership in the pro duction of commercial synthetic fibers was made possible through patent agreements with foreign interests and the importation of manufacturing equipment. Use Mall Tribune want ads. Atherton Report May Bring Athletic Commissionership By Russell Newland Lon Angeles, Jan. 4. VP) Slowly, massively but effective ly, somewhat like the movement of a glazier, rulers of the Paci fic Coast conference progressed today toward an objective ex pected to clarify, purify and revivify the ideal administrative policy of athletics. Faculty members of the or ganization comprising ' the ten largest colleges and universities in the Far West, again thumbed through the most significant parts of the Edwin N. Atherton report. The two million word treatise, costing iome $40,000, is the two-year effort of the skilled former government in vestigator. Secrets Bared Its contents lay open the in nermost secrets of the confer ence schools in the matter of providing aid to athletes, financ ially, scholastically, morally or mentally. Activities of enthus iastic alumni, fraternities, collegiate-minded groups and even combines of businessmen inter ested in diverting trade into certain channels, are embraced in the huge package of facts. Two aims were apparent as the result of preceding sessions, the educators, who control every phase of the administrative ob ligation of receiving a student of athletic ability and passing him through the portals of gradua tion, intend to legislate the or ganization into one at which no finger may be pointed in deris ive fashion. To assure .this they plan creation of a post of high commissionership. Either or both is a simple matter. Only a majority vote is necessary. The faculty men cast their ballots in the same room. There would appear to be no dissenting voices on a proposi tion to enforce the code of eth ics. Likewise adoption of the commissioner-type of method of efficient regulation is believed to be a certainty. Atherton Favored If a commissioner is named, the man who dug up the infor mation on what's wrong, Ather ton, is regarded as the logical candidate. Proponents of the idea, in off the record talks, favor him. While the trend is toward strictest enforcement of scholas tic and financial policies, some of the faculty representatives evidenced tendencies of a more liberal attitude. Informal discussions defined a clear division of thought in the matter although none made a statement of fact along this line outside the conference rooms. Roundabout questioning disclosed that a small minority appeared to favor more open aid to athletes. APPLE BOWL TILT BASKETBALL By Associated Press College basketball last night; Ohio State 49, California 43. Detroit 43, Grinnell 39. Fordham 32, Columbia 31. New York 53, Syracuse 39. Creighton 50, Colo. State 36. Ohio 50, Scranton 45. Santa Clara 44, Mont. State 25 Oregon high school basketball: McMinnville 26, Tillamook 27. muwauKie a, uregon ivy &o. The filament of a small, 6-watt 116-volt lamp, such as might be used for a night light, Is thinner than human hair. Its diameter Is lesa than five one-thousands of an Inch. Wenatchee, Wash., Jan. 4. W) C. E. Chase, secretary manager of the Washington state apple advertising commis sion, proposed today that an "Apple Bowl" football game to publicize Washington and its major fruit crop be played in Seattle. He suggested the game be between some outstanding team in this state or the western ap ple producing states and a team from some eastern apple pro ducing state. If the idea meets with favor, he said, a meeting might be called in Seattle in February to get the idea started. Closing time for Too Late to Clas sify Ads Is 1:30 p. m. n FIR Select quality Green Slabs to burn with your dry wood. Per Heaping Load $0.00 in two load lots 3 Medford Fuel Co. Tel. 631 1122 N. Central JANUARY CLEARANC lift Famous Knox, Dalton and Byron Hats Season's Odds and Ends Values from S3. 50 to S6.00 BARKER' Reinhart & Barker Men's Clothing .Hertford's Arrow Shirt Store A "News Yeaa" Eesoluatfion I resolve to read my newspaper with my mental eyes open I resolve to read, not merely the headlines, but the full story behind them. Only in this way can I be sure to obtain complete, objective information about the changing world I live in ? i am a part of. I resolve to read the editor-' " hich interpret the news and give a reasoned b.- r thought about it. In this way I can create an attitude about life in my own country, and abroad, which may develop into a philosophy. I resolve to read the advertisements, which as faithfully as the headlines announce worth-while new developments in the world of industry, of transporta tion and of commerce. ... In this way I can add to my fund of useful knowledge; learn to discriminate between the good and the seeming good; and, by pur chasing only what is advertised, I can provide for my self and my family, thriftily, safely and pleasantly.