MEDFORD MAIL TRIBUNE. MEDFORD, OREGON. TUESDAY, DECEMBER 19. 1939. PAGE FIVE LOCAL and H Today Justice of the Peace M. T. Burns of Ashland was a business visitor in Med ford this morning. Meets Thursday Phoenix Neighbors of Woodcraft will meet Thursday evening in the Grange hall at 7:30. Meeting Tonight Executive committee of Medford post of the American Legion will meet at 7:30 tonight on the mezza nine floor of the Hotel Medford. Drunks Jailed Tommy Thompson, 57, 'and Lloyd W. Oliver, 20, both, charged with drunkenness, were sentenced to day to five days in city jail. Fined $10 M. H. McQulnn of Maple drive, who pleaded guilty to a charge of selling oranges without a license, was this morn ing fined $10 in city police court. i In Hospital R. R. Childs of Griffin creek entered Commun ity hospital Sunday night to be prepared for an operation. It was expected that he would be confined to the hospital for some time. Drills Tonight Company A and headquarters company, 3rd battalion, 186th infantry of the Oregon national guard will hold regular drills at 8 tonight and Thursday night- in the Medford armory. Field training pay checks will be distributed to headquarters company members tonight. Company A checks had not arrived up to this after- Court Citation Martin A. Alsuet, 40, of Los Angeles was cited by state police yesterday to appear in justice of the peace court here December 27, charg ed with driving an overloaded truck. Camera Stolen Glen Shultz of Medford reported to city po lice that a 35-m.m. camera and a kodak were stolen last night from his-automobile, parked on Third street between Bartlett street and Central avenue. Car Mishap Cars driven by George Neilson of Medford and Rex Gilinsky of 126 West Main street were involved in a slight mishap at West Main and Grape streets yesterday afternoon, a report on file said today. Recuperating Miss Dorothy Burgess is convalescing at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Burgess, on East Main street after having been .confined in a hospital at Bend with pneumonia. She plans to remain here until after the holi days. Club to Meet H. X. club of the Phoenix Grange will hold its December meeting tomorrow at the home of Mrs. E. W. In- man. A covered dish luncheon will be served at noon and will followed by an exchange of gifts. New Residences F. E. Nich ols applied at the city building inspector's office yesterday for a permit to construct a new residence and private garage at 611 South Holly street at a stated cost of $3,000. Kunkel & Sons applied for a permit to -4 construct a new residence and private garage at 607 South Holly street at a stated cost of $3,000. Logging Ends Chlloquln Lumber company's logging op erations on the Rogue River national forest near Chemult were ended for the winter yes terday, because of adverse wea ther conditions. The operations will be resumed next summer, there being about two months of work left on the present sale, forest headquarters here said. TODAY and WED.I M 77 - . gjhTmji Have to Handle with Gloves' 3tA A jC"""' " 1 rvrnkr nniirc M Vi M H . 1 1 1 13 LlV a VAV v I - I I Adulls . . iKWM Wl ll I I 1 1 n Show, PERSONAL Flying North Lieut. Fred Stevers stopped at Medford municipal airport last evening to have his army Douglas trans port plane refueled. He was en route from Sacramento air depot to Fort Lewis, Wash. Ex-Resident Dies Melvin Ahrens, former Medford mer chant, died last Tuesday in Sea side. He was 62 years old. For years Mr. Ahrens operated a drygoods store on Main street here and will be remembered by many of the older genera tion in Jackson county. He moved to Seaside 15 years or so ago and since has operated a store there. He was a member of the Kiwanis club and Ma sonic lodge in Seaside. Visiting Here Christmas holi day guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Ruch, 809 New town street, are their sons-in-law and daughters. Mr. and Mrs. J. V. Calhoun of Council. Idaho, and Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Squire of Klamath Falls. Bob Ruch, son of Mr. and Mrs. Ruch, who resides with Mr. and Mrs. Calhoun, is also visiting his parents. The visitors expect to remain here until the middle of next week. Plane Passenoers The fore noon and earlv mnmlnff TTnltiv Mainliners passed over Medford today, unable to land because of fog. T. Ehler arrived by Main liner from Los Angeles last nigm and A. K. Morris and R. O. Burnett left on the same plane for Portland. Leaving by Mainliner last evening were C. L. Dilling, to Oakland, and H. G. Snodgrass, to San' Fran cisco. Mr. Snodgrass arrived from San Francisco on yester day afternoon's Mainliner. Executives Cominn .Torrv Owen, secretary of the World war veterans state aid commis sion, and A. J. Crose, manager of the property department, will arrive here tomorrow morning rrom tneir headquarters in Sa lem and will spend the morning transacting official hnilnnn said Carl Y. Tengwald, the com mission s county representative. In the afternoon Mr. Owen will attend a district American T.i- gion conference in the armory. e is editor of the Oregon Le gionnaire. Chains Needed Tire chain were still needed today for safe driving in Crater Lake national park, rangers said in their morn ing short-wave radio broadcast of weather conditions. Park roads, the ranffers stated, were covered with a layer of hard, packed snow and ice. Partly cloudy weather, with good visi bility, prevailed, thev said Th minimum temperature during me nigm was 29 degrees, the same temperature as at 8 a. m., time of hrnnHpnct Cnniu nn the ground was 27 inches deep at park headquarters. Trained pelicans are used to catch fish in some parts of China. TODAY and WEDNESDAY 2 "Sock" Hits! wli Jackie Cooper e Freddie Bartholomew i L fl IfeflllJIITBOVS m , J " I j Th Gi" ETeryone Enjoys Theatre 8erlp 12.50 k 15 Sisesl NLRB AREA CHIEF CONDUCT IN TRIAL Washington, Dec. 19. (P A regional director of the na tional labor relations board con ceded today his conduct at a trial examiner's hearing showed a lack of proper separation of the board s judicial and prose cuting functions in the Cincin nati Milling Machine company case. Appearing before the house committee investigating the la bor board, Philip G. Phillips, regional director at Cincinnati, saw N.L.R.B. records introduced which showed that while he was acting as attorney at the hear ing he was also relaying to the trial examiner, Harlowe Hurley, instructions from the board. Hurley upheld Phillips' con tention on the point covered by the instructions, the evidence brought out, and the case sub sequently was dropped because of Phillips conduct at the hear ing. Groceteria Sends Cakes As Holiday Gifts Says Gates Gates & Lydiard's widely publicized Mother's Day cakes of recent years have stepped into the list of Christmas gifts, according to W. A. Gates, who has just received an order from a Quincy, Illinois firm for 17 cakes. An official of the Illi nois manufacturing concern happened to taste a Mother s Day cake about a year and a half ago and decided to send similar cakes to customers in 17 cities, widely scattered throughout the United States, Mr. Gates said. As usual, the cakes will be shipped in shred ded cacoanut to assure arrival in perfect condition. Gates & Lydiard are able to telegraph fruit d a s k e t s and other fancy food gifts, through their membership In Telefood Service, anywhere In this coun try, Canada, France, England or Ireland right into the war zone, according to Gates. The way it works is that Gates & Lydiard can wire the order to the superior quality store in the town where deliv ery is to be made, This ser vice Is restricted to only a rela tively few of the finest stores in the world, according to Mr. Gates. Card of Thanks We wish to exnremi our thunVi and appreciation to our friends and nmgnoora ror weir Kindness and sympathy during our recent bereave ment. Also for the beautiful floral offerings. Mrs. TJte and family. Malta Commander? No. 4. Knight: Templar Mamnlc Temple. Stated conclave, Ash land, Wednesday, December 30th, 8:00 P. M. Routine business. Officers Prac tice long form opening. JOHN H. ROLSTON, Commander. R. E. DETRICK, Recorder. v T SMASHING - CRASHING - -w T DRAMA of the fight for I f ' MP oil ... two boys fighting I ' fl TV" I J .tth .he , or d...l . I JS TO . - T Paulette Goddard fsV IS- 1 Eeek! It's the "Cat," about to wreak its blood-lust on beau tiful Paulette Goddard in the super-thrill mystery - laugh hit, "The Cat and the Canary," which comes to the Craterian theater tomorrow for a four day run. For sheer, shuddery shock, the neat and nasty bogey bundle called 'The Cat" is said to be the killer-thriller of all screen terrors. Whoever he is and there's a mystery of its "Bright Boy" Jackie Cooper is starred op posite Freddie Bartholomew as friendly enemies in their dra matic "Two Bright Boys, which opens a two-day run today at the New Rialto theater with Alan Dinehart and Melville Cooper in support. Told In the colorful atmos phere of the Texas oil fields. Two Bright Boys ' pictures the swift tragedy which may come when one places confidence in dangerous companions. "Kid Nightingale, the ae tlonful story of a singing slug' ger, plays as the companion feature with "Two Bright Boys." John Payne, Jane Wy man and Walter Catlett have featured roles In "Kid Nightie gale." Dally it l:4S-t):S-a:M i 7 m m h m m m Mat. m, '&s In Mystery Hit own concerning his identity "The Cat" is a real meanie, a monstrous marauder with an unreasoning lust to kill. To relieve the tension that mounts until nerves are ready to crack, flip, wise-cracking Bob Hope relies on gags instead of guns to crack the mystery of "The Cat," while others in the cast include Gale Sondergaard, John Beal, Douglass Montgom ery and George Zucco. Roxy Sleuth John Howard again portrays handsome Bulldog Drummond in "Bulldog Drummond's Secret Police," newest of the detective series to play at the Roxy thea ter. Heather Angel plays his bride in the film which plays today and tomorrow only. Notice To Creditors In the County Court of the Stat of Oregon for the County of Jackson. In the Matter of the Estate of OJer j tine Lorentzen Boksaspen, also known as Tina Lauretaen, deceased. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the undersigned has been duly and regularly appointed Administrator of the above entitled estate under and by virtue of an order of the County Court of Jackson County, Oregon, duly made, rendered and entered upon December 16. 1939, and all creditors having claims against said deceased are hereby notified to pre sent the same duly verified to the undersigned at Its banking house In tarting TOMORROW! MU. Me. tin 0c, KlddlM 10c SI the City of Medford, Oregon, within six months from the date of thtt notice. Dated at Medford, Oregon, this 18th day of December, 1939. THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF PORTLAND, OREGON. Administrator of the Estate of OJer- tins ixremn soksaapen, also known aa Tina Lauretaen, de ceased. ROBERTS A MCALLISTER. Attorneys for Administrator, Medford, Oregon. S PLACER CLAIMS. Mm! shed cabin. soma tools, plenty water, good all year road. Will give Immediate possession . An opportunity for miners. For pile and terms see C. S. Buttrfleld, 400 Medford Bldg. Too Late to Classify TOT XYLOPHONES for small chil dren for Chrlstmaa. BALDWIN PIANO BHOPPR. FOR SALE Cow, fresh In few days, 718 W. 10th. FOR RENT Modern house next to Oak Orore School. Inquire 31 80. Front. BAND INSTRUMENTS New and used. Saxaphones, trumpet, trom bones, clarinets, deagan school bells, drums, harmonicas, ftfee, etc. BALDWIN PIANO 8HOPPB. A LAST MINUTE SUGGESTION Colored Flame Pres. to. loan for your Holldav Fire S for 50o, Valley Fual Oo. Tel. 70. LEA VI NO for college. Must sacrifice buick; and new combination port able radio. Harry Young, Jr., SU 80. Oakdale. DESIRABLE FURNISHED APART MENT, heat, hot water, electrolui, garage. 10 Quince St. OWE AN EVERETTE ORG ATRON The gift of a lifetime, for Christmas. BALDWIN PIANO 8HOPPE. FOR QUICK SALE Good cabin, 13x18, in Medford: to be removed Owner leaving town. 968 So. Oak dale. N. Z. WHITE RABBITS and Hutches. Breeders. Call Covered Wagon. USED PIANOS for Christmas. S down. Olft certificates for free lessons. BALDWIN PIANO SHOPPB. FOR RENT Well furnished duplex, close In, clean. Adults only, 819 month. 343 No. Grape. SERVE THE BEST COFFEE you can buy this holiday season. Try our Royal Blend. Render Tea & Coffee Co., 34 N. Bart. Mail Tribune - - Geo. A. FREE KIDDIES CHRISTMAS SHOW Christmas Morning-- 9:30 o'Clock AT BOTH THE CRATERIAN and RIALTO Same Show at Both Theatres And Here It Is LAUREL and HARDY In "BLOCKHEADS" ADDED SHORT SUBJECTS 2 Reel Andy Clyde Comedy "Sing, You Swinger" 2 Walt Ditney Technicolor Cartoons: FARMYARD SYMPHONY DONALD'S GOLF GAME With With All the Barnyard Pal. . DONALD DUCK Same Show, at Both Craterian Rialto A Treat for Southern Oregon Kiddies It's Free! PIANOS Spinets. Grands and Bun galows ror cnristraaa. cwt certm catea for free lessons. BALDWIN PIANO 8HOPPE. FURNISHED APARTMENT Heat. private bath, frlgldalre. 80S West Main. FOR RENT S-room furnished apart ment, uarage. iio w. utn. GENERAL ELECTRIC RADIO com binations for Chrtstmaa. BALDWIN PIANO 6HOPPB. FOR SALE Small Ttolln. bunk beds with rail and lander. No border brown Armstrong linoleum rug, coll uprtnps. Universal electric washing machine, all used only hort time. Price reasonable. 371 Morton St., Ashland. Or. FOR SALE Boy's cowboy stilt, fur front, panta and vest. 813 West 4th. FOR RENT Modern apt. furnished. Phone 1408. 803 W. 11th. Select your CHRISTMAS PIANO NOW I A small deposit will hold any piano. 1 new or used, for Christmas de- j livery. Payment start In January. BALDWIN PIANO SHOPPE Med lord 'a Up-To-Date Piano Store XMA8 TREES Beautiful silver Fir Xmas trees retailing at wholesale prices. 634 S- 9th St. FIN I PH ED and unfinished placques for coloring at The Ida Shop, 403 E. Main. Ethel Casey. GIVE TICKETS FOR XMAS Donald Dickson Holly Theatre Feb. 6th J.JO - SI. OS . 1U0 I 1 Marian Anderson Holly Theatre Mar. 3rd 14.40 - S.8.1 - IS30 Tickets on sale at PRUITT'S Mmle - Radio Center WANTED TO BUY Good pick-up. Quot price. Box 1017 00 Tribune. FOR SALE Large peari. Crystal Spring Pack. Co. FOR SALE Newtowns Nice quality good sizes. By the lug or truck load. Bring containers. Myron Root dt Co., Inc. Warehouse 47 South Fir St. WANTED Scrap lion, to supply In creasing demand. Spot cash paid at latest market price. MEDFORD BARGAIN HOUSE 37 North Orap St. Phone 1083. raw prma w anted 1 Kastarn Cash Prices paid for your furs at home. Also hides, pelts and wool. MEDFORD BARGAIN HOUSE 37 N. Grape SL Medford, Ore. AT YOUR DOOR CHRISTMAS Morn 1940 PLYMOUTH W Can D.llT.r Humphrey Motors 33 S. Rivcnid. Phon 454 DE SOTO PLYMOUTH It's an Ideal AND A DARNED GOOD ONE, TOOI Try 11 and !.. GIVE Medford Thsatrs Scrip Books FOR XMAS 12.50 and $3.00 At the Boxoff les) Any Medford Theatre Hunt Theatres