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About Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 14, 1939)
FAGE TWELVE MEDFORD MAIL TRIBUNE, MEDFORD. OREGON. THURSDAY, DECEMBER 14, 1939. MRS. WULF FUNERAL AI CONGER CHAPEL 2 PI ON SATURDAY Ashland, Dec. 14. (Spl.V Funeral services for Mrs. Eliza beth Wulf, long-time Jackson county resident, will be held at 2 p.m. Saturday in the Con ger chapel at Medford. Inter .merit will be made In the Jack sonville cemetery. Mrs. Wulf, a resident of Jack son county for nearly 80 years, died In her home here late Tuesday night after an illness of only four days. She had been resident of Ashland lor four years and prior to coming here had resided in Jacksonville since 1861. Mrs. Wulf was born Elizabeth Parker in Linn county of this state on April 12, 1856. She moved to Jacksonville with her parents when she was five years old In 1875 she was united in marriage with August Wulf In Jacksonville. Her husband died on April 14, 1902. During her long and active life in Jackson county Mrs. Wulf became widely known as a woman of sterling character. Her circle of friends never ceased enlarging and hundreds who knew her well were grieved to learn of her passing. Surviving relatives are four children, Harry Wulf and Mrs. L. I. Iverson of Ashland, Mrs. C. C. Dollarhide of Plncerville, Cal., and Mrs. Nellie De Hass of Montague, Cal.; two sisters, Mrs. C. F. Beck of Klamath Fnlls and Mrs. Cora Hall of Spokane, Wash.; 13 grandchild ren and four great-grandchild ren. ALLIED STRATEGY TAKES PATIENCE London, Dec. 14. (A Lord Chatfield, minister for coordin ation of defense, hinted today the Allies' strategy would be to play a game of patience until sure of themselves in all branches of armament, then blast out against the Germans with a great land offensive. - Addressing a luncheon audi ence, Lord Chatfield asserted the Allied task was to "retain command of the sea and grad ually attain command of the air. Then when we have done that we may have to win a big battle on land ." "It may well bo that on the army finally the brunt of the fighting will rest," he added. Hoerlein To Give Ashland Recital 5:30 P.M. Sunday Ashland, Dec. 14. (Spl.) Bringing to music lovers of Ash land the opportunity to hear the fine literature of Christmas music written for organ, the First Methodist Church is pre senting Hans Hoerlein, Medford organist, in a candle light re cital Sunday at 5:30 p. m. Mr. Hoerlein will bt assisted by the Methodist Church mixed choir and junior choir, singing Christmas anthems and carols. A mixed quartette will sing a traditional Russian work, known to have been sung in Moscow each Christmas for over 200 years. Ethel Mae Robinett, Ash land pupil of Mr. Hoerlein, will preside at the piano in an organ- piano rendition of Silent Night. Cooperating with directors of the S.O.C.E. annual Christmas concert, which is being present ed in the college auditorium at four o'clock, the Methodist Church concert Is set to follow, thus permitting attendance at both concerts. .ilti!ti.HittiUtltltltl.tit It's Nice To Know On Christmas Day IT'S PAID FOR Last week-end's rainfall of 4.01 inches here was considered a heavy downpour but it was Just a four-day drizzle compared with a deluge recently at Colon, Panama, it is shown in news paper clippings received by Earl R. Miller of Route 4, whose brother, Dr. J. F. Miller is with the U. S. navy medical depart ment at Coco Solo, naval sta tion In the Canal Zone near Colon. Colon Is used to heavy tropi cal rains but the one Dr. Miller wrote about amazed even the natives and set new all-time rec ords. In two hours and 45 min utes, 7.18 inches of rain fell to flood the entire Atlantic coast area around Colon. At one time during the deluge, 2.15 inches fell in 20 minutes. The storm brought the total rainfall for the month to date to 30 inches, with two weeks to go. Average rain fall for the month Is 22 inches. British Seiie Tin Gibraltar, Dec. 14. (JF) Seizure by the British navy of S00 tons of tinplate aboard the American freighter Exochorda was disclosed today with the announcement that the goods were in custody of a British prize court. Philadelphians To Pay Tax On Wages Philadelphia, Dec. 14. (P) The Philadelphia council passed today a lvs per cent tax on wages earned in the city regard less of whether the worker re sides here. The vote was 17 to 3. , The levy was advanced to yield $18,000,000 and balance the city's budget. Wounded Russians Stream Homeward Moscow, Dec. 14. (P) Churches in Leningrad were converted Into military hospitals today as a steady stream of Red army casualties from the Fin nish fronts overtaxed the city's regular hospital facilities. . rM OF GOOD BEEfU akW fWEIIHiftDfll itIIW 003 SHE WILL ENJOY THESE ADOIIHA UNDIES Panties, Briefs, Vests. You'll find them all. Pine firmly knit rayon that ftta smoothly and keeps Its shape ifter washing. Nicely tailored. A de lightful gift and very practical! Reg. U.S. Pat. Off. (Main floor) BEAUTIFUL RAYON GOWNS 49c 98c ! mm, aw 5 St Baautiful All Silk Lingerie Pajamas Cowns J Slips Lavishly lace trimmed, rayon satin gowns and pajamas. All the dainty details that ahe will enjoy I Luxurious GLENBROOKE slips. Heavy satin of Bemberg rayon. Lockstltchcd scams that won't pull outl Dainty trlmmedl (Main floor). The Nicest Gift of All I 4 CHENILLE ROBES $3.49 They have long sleek lines that give the Illusion ot slendcrness to every figure I Fluffy cotton chenille In wrap around style with smart three-quarter length sleefes, all the smartest deep colors and palo pastels! (Second floor). WOMEN'S NOVELTY SLIPPERS 98c 2 With Nursing Botllel BABY DOLL Shaped like a chubby little babyl Attractively boxed complete with diaper, bottle and nipple. It's washable! (Second floor). 98 WHIN YOU WANT MAI refreshment, nothing surpasses the extra flavor of this famous beer. In the Northwest popular holts guarantee themselves a beer that everyone In the crowd likes by serving lltx-Welnhard. Take the tip, guarantee yourself a better beer by asking for Bllts-Welnhard by name. einhara B'.:RcrH o ' 'I'll Li I I . S GU ARAN T EDH SATISFYING fh Si or your money back Jfi KMrdlni Is Hie lirnl ! tin Vflt CutnlH la sacs mm l beer t fl J) " a a a w Toy Piano that Plays 98c GIRLS' COATS s to e 7 lo 14 Dislribuled by SNIDER DAIRY k PRODUCE CO. 3.98-4.98 A gift for girls that Is practical! Smart style details that means so much to them and priced low for Christina budgets, tool (Second floor). GIRLS' PARTY DRESSES $1.98 Better quality silk and taffeta dresses with all the style details that are so Important I sires 4 to 14. S-cond floor). Gifts For The Young Mlssl LITTLE MISS PREP' UNDIES 25C l.ovely undies drMpncd for "grown up ' little girls. Durable knit rayon trimm-t! with bit of embroidery or lar. Bloom em. Pamirs and Vests sirra 4 to t, Hg. u. 8. rat. Oif. (Main flowl Taffeta Slips 49c Rayon Pajamas 79c Smart Sweaters 98c Wool Skirts $1.49 Make It a "MERRY CHRISTMAS" No "AFTER-CHRISTMAS" BILLS If You Shop at Penney 's ALL THE sessr FOR FAMILY ! Hundreds of Boxes To Select Froml WOMEN'S BOXED HANDKERCHIEFS Special Featurel Mary Esther Kitchenette CHOCOLATES I pound Box Delicious assortment of fine quality chocolates that Just simply melt in your mouth I Buy a bos for the whole family I (Main floor). 3 pound box 69c 1 lb. Mints 25c 1lb.Cherries25c (Main Floor) Box of 3 25c PURE LINENS FINE LAWNS WHITES PASTEL COLORS A gift every woman appreciates! with appenzel type embroidery with colorful hand embroidery, with laco corners here you will find them all I Put hankies on your Christmas list right now I (Main floor). OTHER BOXES AT 15c 39c 49c Christmas Special! BABY WALKER $2.77 e Food Trn.vl e Foot Rest! Lots of fun and exercise for the young ster who finds this under his Christ mas tree! It haa a sturdy wooden seat, tread tires I Smartly enameled finish) (Second floor). Infants' Bath Robes 98c Hand made Dress 49c Crib Blankets 49c WEE KIDS SHOES In sparkling transparent gift boxes! White or pastel pink or Blue washable wool felt with fused tips Integrated Into the laces so baby can't them them .off. Rustproof aluminum eyelets, too. (Second floor) 033 Savings On A Fine Giftl TOPFLIGHT SHIRTS 98c Peuney's famous Top-flights I The "last word" In pattern selection, all In PAST COLORS I Pine count broadcloth. San forized for permanent fit I Smartly boxed as a handsome gift! ' Fabric shrinkage, will not exceed 1. (Main floor) Towncraft Shirii $1.49 MEN'S BOXED HANDKERCHIEFS Borf25c A favorite with ment And a practical gift, tool Plaids, stripes, plains the kind that men like! Main floor). -Mufflers 49 ALL WOOL FLANNEL ROBES SI. 00 Make lus gift as useful as It Is good looking! Wannest all wool In the favorite style of the day the wrap around with shawl collar and con trasting piping. (Main floor). For The Holiday Tablel For Busy Hosiessesl LACE TABLE CLOTHS $2.98 You'll want one for your own en tertaining and Ifa a perfect gift for friends who give lots of dinner parties! A closely woven lace cloth in a light creamy monotone. Popular full table slzel (Balcony) Embroidered Pillow Cases 49c Chenille Dedspreads $2.98 Down Comforters . . . . $9.90 For the Woman Who Sewil PRisru.LA SKH1NO CABINET 98c Attractively finished in maple or wal nut. With convenient handle and tli read tray. (Balcony) Blankets . .$1.98 - $2.98 Cannon Towel Sets 49c Linen Lunch Sets 98c Dresser Scarf Set ; 98c Embroidered Pillow Cases 98c ---" " 1 111 ' II I 1.. . CENTRAL AT SIXTH GIFT BOXED TRUE BLUE SHIRTS . 79c Packed with style and quality Jurt what your boy wants In every way I High count (80-square) percales with vat dyed fast color patterns! imain zioor). Boys' Topflight Shirts 98c Boys' Mufflers 49c ALL BOYS ENJOY REMOTE CONTROL TRAINS ELECTRIC $3.98 This speedy freight has power ful, reversible engine and 4 dandy care! Big track has 13 curved. 4 stra!ht and crossover icctlons! Value I (Second floor i. Wood Burning Sets 89c Erector Sets 89c A BOYS" GIFTI MELTON JACKETS $2.49 Warm all wool Melton Ja.-kets. Slide front. Navy blue. A practical gift, sites 9 to 18 (Main floor). Boys' Slipover Sweaters 98c Boys' Broadcloth Pajamas 98c Boys' Lined Leather Gloves .79c Montana Mike Shirts 79c n l 1 FREE CANDY CANES io ill kiddies, accompanied by parents, who Tisii SANTA CLAUS in PENNEY'S TOP FAIR. SATURDAY 10:00 A. M. 4 o 4 4 4 e... 4 4 4 tf a... Sa 4 4 4 4 4 o ..." o 'Hit