MEDFORD MAIL TRIBUNE. MEDFORD, OREGON, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 8, 1939, PAGE THIRTEEN Bead every ad on thl page You will probably fled axactly tha thing you have been look ing for or a tale or trade (or unused artlclei you ma; have Search your attio or to re-room you may find many thing othera are aeclcing and be able to realize Immediate caah. If what you want (ant here, advertlae for It Tribune Claa alfled Ada are Inexpensive effective I RATES Per wurd flnt inwrtiun- (Minimum 23c) Each additional Insertion, per word , (Minimum 10c) per line per month without copy chance ?l.2t CASH or money order must ac company all mail ordei classified ads. LOST AND FOUND REPORT lost dogs, animal cruelty cases Humane Society Phone 1616 WANTED FEMALE HELP g EXPERIENCED OIRL or woman for ' general housework. Box 241 Trib une. Phone 656-J. WANTED SITUATIONS YOONO WOMAN wants hour work. References. Phone 2067-J. EXPERIENCED GIRL wishes work ' as sales clerk or waitress. Refer ence. Phone 69. J. Green. WANTED MISCELLANEOUS WANTED Buyer for '38 Chevrolet 4-door sedan, In good order. S17 Beatty St. WANTED Dressmaking, alterations. Katharine Satterlee, Singer Shop. 22 S. Grape. WE PAV MORE CASH , For Your Furniture. BOLRROOK A ANDREWS 6th and Front. Phone 647. BEST PRICES PAID For Your Furniture EADS & OHRN. Phone 110'J-J. WELL DRILLING 8 1.50 per ft first 60 ft., etc. J. M. Dodse. 619 King WANTED Scrap Iron, brass, copper, all kinds of metal. Medford Bar gain House, 27 N. Orape Bt. Tel 1062. M. A. BUS3 Painting and paper hanging .contractor 813 South Grape. Phone 846-W. HIGHEST CASH PRICES PAID For Your Furniture. "medford bargain house 87 N Orape St. Phone 1062. FOR RENT HOUSES FOR RENT 4-room house. Inquire 444 No. Front evenings. FOR RENT 4-room 'urnlshed house. Electric range and refrigerator, oil heater. Newly decorated. Phone 281. HOUSE FOR RENT Call 20 Tripp. FIVE-ROOM modern house and ga rage on 510 Haven St.. one block from Jackson school. Newly deco rated, partly furnished, oil circu lating heater. Water paid. 626 month. Call 1203-K. FOR RENT Marshall home on So Onkdnle; 825. water paid. .Phone 1316-R. FOR RENT 4-room house. 815, water paid. No children. 1213 W. 9th POR RENT Good 6-room house. -. .. i. , - I-. mi -I FURNISHED HOUSE, 2 bedrooms Close In. H. L. Cook. 10 Quince FOR RENT 6-room partly furnished house. R. I. Gantleld, Box 53. Jacksonville highway. "I FOR RENT 5-room house. 1035 West 10th St. FOR RENT Newly decorated five room modern unfurnished house, wood range connected, laundry travj. large screen porch. Adulta preferred. Inquire 284 Bestty. FOR RENT 6-room partly furnished house. 825 Phone 730. FOR RENT Duplex near Junior HI Call at 328 Haven FOR RENT 6-roun furnished house close In. Phone 457-J FOR RENT 6-room modern house, i 3 lo's. 2107 Cnnltol Ave. FOR RENT APARTMENTS" FOR RENT 6 rooms, redecorated, partlv furnished: small Apt., com pletely furnished. Phone 234-J-3 FOR RENT 3-room furnished apart ment, downstairs. Gas equipped, private bath, garage. Gloria Pan Apartments, 375 So. Central. FURNISHED 4.PARTMENT. Hot and eoUl water, lights, private bath Adults. 913 So. Oakdale. MODERN FURNISHED APARTMENT, brat, hot water. Electrolux. g ra;e. 10 Quince St. FCHNISHED APARTMENT, newly 'Iforated snd modern: Pendl. sundry, etc. 318 North Central 'OR RENT Furnished apirtment. E'wtrlc range snd rerlgerstor '""mblnatlon. Inquire 30.", So. Oak dale. FOR RENT - Furnished spsrtment 410 Hamilton. Large housekeeping room with fsrse. (250 per week. 627 N. . Central. 0ES1HABLE apartmenta 2 rooms snd b'th; gas nejit Inquire Farmers ft fruitgrowers Bi.ak. FOR RENT APARTMENTS VACANCY 2 -room furnished apart- rage. Also housekeeping room snd bedroom. Close In. 237 N. Central. FOR RENT 3-room furnished apart ment. S3 North Peach. APTS. FOR RENT aio. 230 Beatty FURN. 1, 3 and b-room Apta. Oar age. Adulta. 604 w. loth. POR RENT Apartmenta, O u r 1 1 Court. 3rd and BoUy. Inquire Ant 8. FOR RENT Furnished Rooms FOR RENT Pleasant furnished room. 33 North Peach. ROOM FOR RENT 11 8. Orange. Hot and cold water In room. Oarage. Call evenings after 8 p. m. ROOM FOR RENT. 12.90 week. 406 Edwards. WELL HEATED upstairs Bleeping room. Private home. Bath on same floor. All newly furnished, good beds. Private entrance. 610 So. Central. PLEASANT Bleeping rooms with or without garage. 323 King. ATTRACTIVE RUuMS 104 S Orape FOR RENT BOARD. ROOM FOR RENT Room or room and board. 129 No. Oakdale. Phone 85S-H. FOR RENT Room and board. Pri vate room with fireplace, bath, en trance and garage. Good meals Inquire 622 So. Oakdale or Phone 946-J. BOARD AND ROOM 716 E. 81 per day. Mala FOR RENT MISCELLANEOUS FOR RENT Dairy farm, lower Apple gate. 66 acres Irrigated. Good land, cheap water, electricity, fair build ings. Want dairy man. 20 cows and farming equipment. Long lease to right man. 4242 N. E. Falling St., Portland, Oiegon. FOR RENT 10 acres. Buckshot Hill road. 3rd house on right. FOR SALE LIVESTOCK ONE WHITE FACE Hereford bull strayed In my place at 8hady Cove about Nov. 1st, 1939. Owner may have same by paying for ad and damages. George Myers. FOR SALE Guernsey heifers. 807 Hazel St., Central Point. FOR SALE Dressed, grain fed pork, half or whole. W. H. Arnold. Phone 623-J-5 FOR SALE POULTRY PLYMOUTH ROCK PULLETS 76c each. Jim Kershaw, phone 597-J-3. FOR SALE or trade for wood fryers and large pullets. Dressler's, 1107 East Main. FOR SALE REAL ESTATE FOR SALE Due to Illness will sacri fice modern home. See owner 713 W. Fourth St. FOR SALE or RENT New 5-room house, 83500. Hanlln, Jacksonville Highway at Perrydale. FOR SALE Close to Medford, 2 acres i In clover, 6-room modern nome, chicken house, barn. A real good buy. Easy terms. 82.500. L. J. AUSTIN 44 N. Riverside. Phone 1985. FOR SALE 6-room plastered house and bath. Cement foundation, nice lot, close In. East Bide, paved street. Only 82000 Including fur niture. Terms. ALSO 34 ACRES, Irrigated. New 5-room house and bath. Barn and other outbuildings. Several English wal nut trees. Vfc acre berries. Balance alfalfa. This place Is ell located near Medford. Price 82,750. L. O. Plckell. 18 So. Bartlett. HOUSES FOR 3ALE In Medford and surrounding towns. Easy terms Jackson County Federal Savings and Loan Association. I FEDERAL LAND BANK FARMS I convenient terms Lists available at National Farm Loan umce. iu? Liberty Building, Medford. , m .wmt.rv nrnne ties RENT- ALS LOANS--INSURANCE. C 8 ; Butterfleld, 409 Medford Building WHEN you think of real eatate think of Brown & White. FOR SALE AUTOMOBILES SKINNER S DEPENDABLE USED CARS The Best Used Car Buy In Medford 1939 Bulck Century Sport Coupe. Beautiful black finish like new 6 wheels and tires, automatic radio, deluxe heater and defrosters. Motor In perfect condition. 8995. SKINNER'S GARAGE Phone 102 Bulck Cars GMC Trucks SKINNER'S DEPENDABLE USFD CARS Special 1936 Bulck Century Sedan; verv clean, lew mileage, radio and heater. TJ'itll MonCay evening Only 6535. 1937 Bulrk Special Sedan 8675 1938 Chevrolet DeLuxe Sedan..- 645 1936 Ct.rvsler Imperial Sdn.... 495 1935 rhrvsler Royal Sedan . 395 1937 Pontlac DeLuxe Sedan 595 193F Pontlac DeLuxe Sedan 475 19J7 Nssh Lafayette Sedan 525 1P.14 Na"h Lafavette Sedan 245 1933 Chevrolet Coupe 3"5 1M1 Chevrolet Cabriolet-.. 145 1930 Chevrolet Sedan 135 IWa Lucius, 1928 Bulck Sedan, very clean ... 95 1932 Bulrk Sedan - JJJ 1932 Bulck Sedan 108 1936 CMC Pickup, long w.b, big tlree ",5 SKINNER'S OARAGE Phone 102 Bulck Cars OMC Truck. Use Car Lot Phone 655 DO YOU KNOW Hudson hs- the : worlds k snd rr.-rhanlcsl reserve on the I same pedal. SPECIAL THIS WEEK i 1937 Master Deluxe Chevrolet Sedan I ' green finish, ha, our 30-dsv gusr sntce. Priced to -ell at 8495. COCKNEY MOTOR CO 132 S. Riverside. Phone 977. FURNITURE CLEARANCE FURNITURE CLEARANCE Just In Time for Christmas. 15 to 60 Savings. ALL NEW MERCHANDISE. I Davenport and Chair, early Cal., living room suite, was 84.95... Now 859 88 1 Davenport and Chair, green rayon velour. was 84.95. Now 74.88 1 Davenport and Chair, wine rayon velour, was 84 95 Now 74.88 1 Davenport and Chair, kidney blue velour. was 119.00 Now B9B8 1 Davenport and Chair, green rayon velour, was 94.95 Now 74.88 1 Davano and Chair, earlv American, was 89.96 Now 69.88 1 Davenport and Chair, blue mohair, was 84.95 Now 74.88 1 Davenport and Chair, dust rose mohair, was 84.95..-. Now 74.88 1 Club Chair, blue ravon velour, was 30.00 Now 25.00 t Club Chair, dusty rose rayon velour. was 37.95 N"ow 33 00 I Club Chair, moire rose rayon velour, was 27.95. Now 23 00 1 Club Chair, pillow back, rust rayon velour. was 33.96 Now 29.88 1 elght-ptece Dining Room Suite, walnut, This Is an eastern made Biiite. Formerly 89.95 Now 69.88 1 five-piece Dinette Suite, oak, wss 32 95 Now 24.88 1 five-piece Dinette Suite, early California, was 30.95 Now 24.88 1 five-piece Dinette Suite, white oak. blue trim, was 25 95 Now 31 88 1 ftve-plece Dinette Suite, French provincial, was 49.95 Now 38 88 1 four-piece Modern Medroom Suite, white mahogany, was 89.95. Now 64.88 1 three-piece Modern Bedroom Suite, walnut, was 79.95 Now 69.88 1 three-piece Modern Bedroom Suite, walnut, was 94.95 ...Now 79.88 1 three-piece Modern Bedroom Suite, walnut, was 74 95 Now 66 88 1 three-piece Modern Bedroom Suite, wslnut, wss 69.96.... Now 69.88 1 three-piece Modern Bedroom Suite, walnut, was 89.95 Now 77.88 1 three-piece Modern Bedroom Suite, eastern made, was 69.95......N0W 74.88 I three-piece Modern Bedroom 6ulte. eastern made, was 84.93 Now 74.88 1 three-piece Modern Bedroom Suite, eastern made, waa 94.95 Now 84.88 4 four-piece Bedroom Suites, vanity or dresser Now only 39.88 30 Cedar Chests from 616.45 to 832.45. Values you would expect to pay 83.00 to 83.00 more ior eisewnere. A Small Deposit Will Hold Any Merchandise Until Christmas. 600 Small Rus to pick from Rag, Chenlile. Round and Oval Braided Bug. Tufted Rug and Bath Mats, Belgian Cotton Oriental Rug. both large and small; Delifton Axmlnater Scatter Rugs from 224x40 to 36x60 size. We have all kinds of Rugs to pick from. Come In and see our selection. Small Rugs from 39c to 810.95. MONTGOMERY WARD FOR SALE AUTOMOBILES 1934 FORD pick-up for sale cheap. 476 N" Main, Ashland. POR SALE 1930 Model A Ford coupe, good condition, new paint; also A-l fresh milk cow. Phone 699-J-3. POR SALE Equity in 1939 Pontlac Coupe. Low mileage. Big discount Phone 289-X or call at 423 King St FOR EXCHANGE FOR SALE or trade for hay good feeder pigs. L. J. Balderstona. Talent. MINING CLAIMS to trade for any thing of value. Lewis, 476 N. Main, Ashland. FOR TRADE '33 Chrysler coupe for sedan, truck r cattle. Inquire Post Office Sen-Ice Station. FOR RENT MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE Old mahogany dining and living room furniture. Electro lux cleaner, other Items, phone 18-X-l Central Point. FOR SALE Maytag gas engine. Box 157 Tribune. FOR SALE Small cook Btovs with colls. 1027 E. Jackson. FOR SALE Streamlined bicycle; new paint, good condition. Lockhart, Jacksonville, 1 block . west post office or phone 281 Jacksonville. XMAS GIFTS Zircons, Agate Jewelry. Have your BRates polished at Santo's Agate Shop, 417 E. Main, across from Roxy theatre. FOR SALE Reconditioned boy's bi cycle. 3 speeds, new paint. Must be seen to be appreciated. Phone Jacksonville Telephone omce. FOR SALE Ear corn 820 ton. Bob GUman, Ross lane. COME TO Presbyterian Church Christmas Bazaar Fridav. Decem ber 8. Open 13 p. m. Afternoon tea. Turkey dinner 50c, 6 to 7. FOR SALE OR TRADE Small trallor house, small separator, team horses. 719 W. 10th St. FOR BALE Electric washer, cook stove, bicycle. Fred Hodapp. corner 7th and Maple, central point. FOR SALE Leaving for east coast. Selling all household furniture and dishes at sacrifice. Bio so. uaxaaie. FOR SALE or trade for wood Stock trailer. 807 Hazel St., Central Point. FOR SALE One P V 8 Unlvex pro jector. 8 M M. pnone wi. FOR SALE or trade for stock 10 Inch. 3 or 4 bottom tractor plow. Also team work horses. C. R. Cul- bertson. Route 3, Box 126. Medford FOR SALE Walnuts, 410 Earhart strefct. FOP. SALE 1,000,000 Xmas trees, all sizes, fir 10c each, silver tips 25c. Junction Fruit As Produce. Grants Pass, Ore. CHRISTMAS PEARS Extra fancy Cornice, stsndsrd and half Boxes, price vepy reasonasble, attractive boxes, can be shipped any place in the United States. MYRON ROOT As CO., INC., 47 South Fir Street. FRANQUETTE WALNUTS. Gst your Christmas walnuts from Oliver Rogers. 519 Crater !,ake. FOR SALE Bv the load delivered only, good body fir and laurel. 13 and 16-lnch. Reasonable price. Phone or write. V. E. Brtttson, Provolt. Oregon. FOR S iLE Dre-gsaw. 309 Iowa. HAMMERED HAY st Davis Feed Stores. Medford, Ashland. FOR SALE Wood ranges, new snd used, all prices Maytag Shop, 31 No. Bartlett. FOR SALE Oil hea'ers. 634 50 up Maytag Shop, 31 no. Bameti. FOR 8AIJ5 Zenith washer, one year old. Cheap Maytag Shop. 31 NO. Bartlett. CLEAN. BALED ALFALFA. 815 Half mile north white Griffin Creek school. L. J Adams. FOR SALE Alfalfa hsy and dry apple wood. Ed Hanley Ranch Box 301. Roaa Lane. APPLES AND WALNUTS D o I p b Phlpps. Crater Lake Hlgnway. FOR SALE Best wood In town guaranteed dry 323 N. Riverside phone 618. Hswiey ruei o FOR SALE Washer service Fun one genuine Maytw parts Service on all makes Medford Maytsg Co. SI No Bartlett. phone 38 FOR SALE - Hydraulic pips snd gtanta Box 3376. Tribune OLYMPIC EOO MAPH with milk 62 23 per sack U- vis Feed Stores j pOR fi.M.E Utaoei and Wiln'ite J 1 A Mank4, 4 ml.e welt ol MecUoid. FURNITURE CLEARANCE FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE Closing out stock of imported yarns at cost. Phone 459-J. FOR SALE Delicious applea. Inde pendent Packing Co., Phoenix. CUT-RATE PRICES - Nu-Way Mat tress and Upholstery Co. Phone 293. 309 West 8th St. APPLES Gebhard's. 'alr mile north Bear Creek bridge. Central Point BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES FOR SALE BY OWNER Grocery store. Good business, clean stock, good fixtures. Nice living quarters. A bargain at 82.500. H. L. Ingram, 9447 bo. park Ave., Tacoma, Wash. COFFEE SHOP EQUIPMENT Coun ters, stools, tables, hsmburger plate Mount" View Motor Court, Ashland PERSONAL WHEN IN TROUBLE, doubt or BUB- pense consult Madam Francles palmtat, on all affairs of life. Ans. wers all questions free. Must be satisfied or no charges. Office nous 9 a. m. to 9 n. m. Located Rainbow Auto Camp. 1746 North mversine. permanently located. MISCELLANEOUS DANCE Townsend hall Saturday. Dec. 9. Sponsored by Wenonah Club. Admission, 40c gents; 10c ladles. BUSINESS DIRECTORY Abstracts. Jackson County - Abstract Co. Title Insurance Abstracts . . Escrowi ROOFING WE REPAIR ur apply uny type of root, raoco Roorings. Shingles. Coatings and Paints. Wall Paper One-third off. Ekerson Paint and Roof Co.. 38 So. Bartlett. Tel. 343 Mail Tribune Daily ACROSS I. Fall to hit 5. Postpone 10. Organs of ULech U. Agalntt: pre i fix IB. Suppress In pronoun el til 18. Flowering plant 17. Pull apart 18. Unadulterated 19. Trap 20. Night mualo under a lady's win dow 11. Grapple with 2a. Breathe loud ly In sleep . !4. Pallid lb. Hone 17. Take chair 1. Anonymous 12. Soft murmur 14. Acid fruit . Ethical 17. God of love 19. Silver coins II. Narrative 12. Harvests M. Ingredient of varnlnh II. Understand 17. Seta In order 15. Cover L Thornujhfarar ahbr. ij Pruee S. Resume "5. FUifhd with success Solution of Yesterday's Puzzle 0 w L C TJ1A EP,L E-lP qTn s ep ildc laIn! bia n nJers e n s e Id 1 D O MSUJli T : J oM aTsjteIr 30a" v a sTt aTF TAiplj;is E. A C mfyj 1 P o n e a r1t r e a t 68. Legislators f.l. Arctic f2. Kleh sauce 62. Masculine name . Persia 66. East Indian cereal jcraaa 67. Scotch land tax 68. Parts of a harness 69. Crisp cookie DOWN 1. Small rust 'a i 1 L fo ti. t; Tin iwoiiii V 1a lib leFKfr BUSINESS DIRECTORY Expert Window Cleaner, LET JOE DO IT Expert Window Cleaners Oamril houss cleaners. Floor waxing Joe 8pcnce Phone 1173. Dressmaking. HE FASHION SHOP Dressmaking Fur Remodeling, Puttons and Buckles covered Room 320 0. 3 Natl Bank JldR Tel 1181 Maternity SPECIAL trained nurses on duty 34 hours for maternity casre. Ambu lance service. Rogue River Sani tarium. Jacksonville. 82 Auto Loans. LOW RATE AUTO LOANS CONTRACTS REFINANCED MONEY to buy new or used care Private money at new low rates Immediate action. No red tape. 1 TO 20 MONTHS TO PAY. W. E. THOMAS 45 South Central. Phone 139. Llcenss M-217. $20 TO $1,000 On Your Car. 1930 to 1939 Model cars and light trucks. 1 to 18 months to repay. CONSUMERS' CREDIT CO. HAROLD H TROWN AOENCY. Agent. 133 East Main. M-336 Phone 807. CAR LOANS 1 Solve. ,our financial problems by refinancing or borrowing. LOANS ON CARS 1933-1939. Trl-State Acceptance Corp. License M-353. MARK A. GOLDY 109 E Main. Phone 738. You Can Save Money and Time by Getting Your CAR LOAN OR REFINANCING Direct from the Lender, The OREGON FINANCE CO. Your Satisfaction Guaranteed. 48 South Central. Lie. M-317. CASH FOR CHRISTMAS or any other purpose csn be secured from us promptly, conn dentlally and at LOW COST OVER 11 YEARS In Medford and thousanda of satisfied customers, assures your complete satisfaction. - OREGON FINANCE CO. 45 South Central. Phone 139. Ground Floor Craterlan Bldg. License S-311, M-317. Cross -Word Puzzle IV. Capital of Ureuon 21. Pieces of waste aim 22. Head covering 1!4, yheeta of glass 2D. music omnia 2f. More certain 28. Provinces of modern Greece 39. Periods SO. Auctions tU Mixed rain and snow St. Bellow 33. Stuck In the mud XI. Persons of great cour age and fortitude 40. Stills 41. Express eon- tempt 41. One Of Co lumbus's ships 4ft. Mining chisel 60. Restrains by fear It. Pans a rope through an opening 64. Grown girl to. Long narra tive poem 66. Learning f7. Alack 68. Blender 69. European capital 60. Slide 62. Wing 65. Exclamation African arrow poison Headllners Alarm whistles Went away Baffle Combustion Dutch cltv Again: prefix 10. Knirht of the Round Table 11. Kingdom In A?ia IS. Knlttlnr stitch It. Pintail duck BUSINESS DIRECTORY LOANS MONEY TO LOAN on modern dwell ings of late construction. 89 76 per mouth per thousand Low Interest rate. BROWN WHITE. 104 W Mam Nursery Stock. CARLTON NURSERY COMPANY Fruit, Nut and Shade Tteea. Berries snd Shrubbery. finest Oregon orowrj noses. les yard three miles south on Pa cific highway. w n Bnrntim Phone bm-k-3 Radiator Repairing. HOOPER'S RADIATOR SERVICE 33 South Bnrtlett Sanitarium. WK CARE FOR THE SICK ROGUE RIVER SANITARIUM TRAINED NURSES 24 HOURS PHONE JACKSONVILLE 82 Transfer. DAVIS TRANSFER AND STORAGE 40 8 Fir Street. Insured Carrlera. Local and -jong Distance Hauling. Phone 644. EADS TRANSFER Ss STORAGE CO Office 36 South Fir. Phone 316 Prices right. Service guaranteed CITY TRANSFER As STORAGE CO Household moving and general hauling 39 S. Grape. Phone 3060 day or night. FURNITURE MOVING and 8TORAOE 8ee our Individual locker rooms be fore you arrange for storage space, for your household goods Our new storage department Is dustless and conveniently located. Crating serv ice at low rstes. Van Body equip ment. Anywhere For Hire service Phone 833. SAMSON STORAGE WAREHOUSE LEGAL NOTICES Executor's Notice To Cmlltors Notice Is hereby given that the undersigned has been duly appointed bv the Countv Court of Jackson County, Oregon, executor of the estate of James Dally, deceased. All persons having claims against said eatate are hereby notified to present the same duly vermea w me unaer- slgned executor at the office of Gus Newoury, his attorney, In the United States National uanK -uuua lruz In Medford. Oregon, within six 6) months from tne crnie oi mis notice. HENRY DAILY Executor of the estate of James Dally, deceaaed Dated and first published Novem ber 24, 1U39. Administrator's Notice To Creditors Notice Is herebv slven that I have been aDnolnted Administrator of the Estate of Deiroy aetcneu, uecensea, by the County Court of Jackson County. Oregon, and have qualified All persons having claims against said estate are hereby notified to present them, with proper vouchors, and duly verified, within six months from the date of this notice, to me at my place of business, 317 West 6th Street. In the City of Medford, Jackson County. Oregon.. ' Dated ano first punnsnea whb 1st day of December. 1939. Administrator. Notice Of Hearing On Final Account And Report or Kxecuirix. Notice Is hereby given by the undersigned, Anna O. Brewer, as Executrix of the Last Will and Tes tament of Chauncev M. Brewer. deceased, that she did on the 1st day of December, 1939. file in tne County Court of the State of Oregon for Jackaon County, her Final Ac count and Report as Executrix of the Last Will and Testament of Chauncey M. Brewer, deceoaed. In which said court said estate of Chauncey M. Brewer, deceased, Is pending; that thereupon, on said date an order was duly made and entered in said court fixing the 30th day of De cember, 1939, at the hour of 10:00 o'clock a. m. a the time and the courtroom of the County Court of Jackaon County. Orefion, as the place, ror Hearing any oujeciions to oaia Final Account and Report . for the settlement thereof. Now. therefore, all persona having objections to said Final Account and Report shall file the same on or before said time. Dated: December 1. 1039. ANNA Q. BREWER, Executrix of the Last Will and Tostanvmt of Chaun cey M. Brewer. Deceased. Trail Trail, Dec. 8. (Spl.) Trail Extension Unit will meet Thurs day, Dec. 14, with Mrs. L. L. Hall at California on the Rogue. Mrs. Mable Mack will be pres ent to conduct the meeting. There will be a Christmas ex change and a general good time with a covered dish luncheon at noon. Any lady that has not been assigned any dish will please bring cither tomato pie, corn pudding or vegetable salad. Every lady interested In the ex tension work is cordially Invit ed. Mr. and Mrs. Mike Tucker of Ashland visited Mr. and Mrs. Boyd Tucker Bundsy. Mr. snd Mrs. Vance snd son of Drew visited Mr. and Mrs. R. M. Morgsn Bundsy. Lowell Ash Is selling his mother's house with ply-bosrd. Mr. snd Mrs. Jim Sawyer and Mr. and Mrs. L. I Hall shopped In Med ford Tuesday. Mrs. Rose Purdue visited Mrs. 8 W. Hutchinson Tuesday. Mrs. Rena Howe snd Mrs. trms Cushmsn shopped in Medford Tues. dsv. Mrs. Allen Rogers of Jenslmts Lodge wss a week-end guest at Rogue Elk Robert Crowl. son of Mrs. Oeo Clsrk. Is III with mastoid trouble In a Medford hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Burt Clark were din ner guests at the S W. Hutchinson home Bundsy snd Mr. and Mrs. Boyd Tucker visited there Sunday evenlim. B. W. Hutchinson has been sick wth a cold. Mrs. Nona Mi Bee was soliciting membership In the Rd Cross Tues day, taking the place of Mrs. Eva Beaessman, who U 1U at her home here. Jimmle Hoay of Anderson, Calif., visited Mr. and Mr. R. M. Morgan here the past week-end. Mrs. Geo. Clark and Mra. Forrest Sinclair are both lit with colds. Trail school la bty practicing tot a Christmas program to be given at the close of school for the holidays. Mr. and Mrs. Boyd Tucker are spending a few days at Mrs. Tucker's sister's, Mrs. John Vlncer, on Elk creek. Mra. S. W. Hutchinson Is spending a few days in Medford visiting and doing Christmas shopping. Antelope Antelope. Dec. 8. (Spl.) The Elbert Bighams are adding to J their house an extra bedroom, bath and porch. Shorty Kurz has been engaged to do the car penter work. Not to be outdone by Elbert, Bill Blgham Is building a fine large sleeping porch on the north side of hla home. Mr. and Mrs. Vern Owens came over from Klamath Falls Sunday to spend the day with Mrs. Jim Owens, Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Culbertexm, daughter, Barbara, and Patty von der HelLen were dinner gueeta Sunday of Mr. and Mrs. Archie Pleroe In Med ford. Mr. and Mrs. Louis Anderson and daughter, Bonnie, were Sunday eve ning callers at the Bill Blgham home. Mrs. Wilfred Davtes, assisted by Mra. Harold Burton. Mr. and Mrs. BUI Blgham and daughter Cora, Mrs. Clarence Da v lea, Mr. and Mra, Cecil Culbertson and Mrsr Carl von der Hellen, finished picking her turkeys on Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Stlmpson called Monday evening an Mr. and Mrs. Henry Owens. Mrs. Paul Prince, of Coqultle, Is spending some days visiting with her mother, Mrs. Mary Bradahaw, and with her brother, Lester, and family. Mrs. Louisa Qreb ontertalned Sun day in honor of her granddaughter and husband, Mr. and Mrs. James Smith of Wenatchee, Wash. Those enjoying the affair were the Qreb boys, John, Foster, Clarence, Alvln and Harold, and their respective families, also Mr. and Mrs. William. of Wenatchee, friends of the Smiths, who accompanied them on . their vacation trip to California. Prospect Thompson Creek, Dec 8. (Spl.) The Orvllle Exploration company has commenced work with their dragline dredge on the Warren Mce place. Supper guests at the Frsnk Decker home December 1 were Mr. and Mra. Wilkinson, Mr. and Mrs, Elmer Ross and Allen Cnske. Mr.- Decker bad recently killed a bear, so the guests were treated with roast bearr Blllle Kinsman was a Oranta Pass business visitor December 4. S. L. Johnston delivered a hog from the Clarence Qassaway ranch to the Jones Packing company of Oranta Pass for Harold Teaks. The hog Is to be killed and oured for the Teske family. Mr. and Mra. Frank Mee of Med ford were Sunday guests at the Tom Mee home. Mr. and Mrs. Wilkinson, who have been living on the Chester Bslders ton place are moving to the Adama ranch on the Little Applegate. Claude Hawkins and mother, Mrs, Pox, have gone to San Pranclsco for visit. Blake Beck Is taking care of the ranch while they are gone. Mr. and Mrs. Glen 0Nal and children were Sunday supper guests at the Bud Turnbsugh home. Mrs. Helga Lund, who recently underwent a major operation and Is staying In Medford while con valescing, was a business caller on Thompson creek, December 4. Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Elmore re turned Sunday from Cottage Grove, where, they ' visited Mr. Elmore's mother and 'sisters. ' Mrs. Lyda Mee, who haa toenail ing, was taken to Medford Monday for further treatment. Albert Clark, who was bitten by a tick, came near having blood poison. He had It cut out and had to have three stitches taken. Elmer Ross has been hsutlng bay for Mr. Wilkinson, who Is moving to Little Applcgnte. Thompson Creek Prospect, Dec. 8. (Spl ) Mr and Mra. Tracy Boothby had as their guests (or Thanksgiving dinner, Mr, and Mrs. Ludo Grieve, Onnls Grieve, Miss Dency Manning, Mrs. Frank Manning, and Mr. and Mrs. Ed Boothby of Klamath Falls. Another Thsnksglvlng dlnnsr was given at the Nelson Nye home to a large number of relatives and friends. Dsve Neville snd Waldo Nye have had the Bpauldlng tractor pulling stumps on their land. Patch and Chat sewing club met at the home of Mra. Charles Bean December 1. Upper Rogue Orange home eco nomics club will hold Its Isst meet ing of the year December 18 at the Grange hall. At that time Polly annas will be revealed with a hand kerchief exchange and new Polly annas for next year 'will be drawn. Mrs. Dsvld Neville has been the very efficient chairman for this year. The chalrmsn for 1040 will be Mrs. Al Beddlngfleld with Mrs. Frank Dlta worth as vlce-chslrman. The eldest eon of Mr. and Mrs. James Dole Is seriously ill In a Fort- land hospital where he underwent a brain operation last Saturday. Mrs. Jeff Rlchey's mother, Mra. Scely, who has been spending the past year with her. plane to leave, soon to spend the winter with her son In Auburn, Calif, Alleen Sherwood has been among those absent from school with colds. Cascade Gorge store and camp ground has again changed hands. A Mr. Hart from Medford having taken It over & few days ago. COURT HOUSE NEWS Msrrtsge Licensee Lewis Dowier snd Msry Alice Ms- fuln. Hsrry 0. Cockrum end Jisn Dor. ranee. Ralph Andrew Thompson snd Ruth Ellen Bennett. Burle Orlftln snd Arllen Fomeroy. Circuit Conrt Divorce Prsnces White vs. Ernest P. White. Anna L. McFadden vs. Hsrry McFsdden. . , Mildred denevlere Disss rs. Huzh Glass. Probate Court . Ouardlanshlp of Emily A. Holmes. Estate of Fred Offenbacher, de ceased. Guardianship of Richard Martin. a minor. Guardianship of Eva Zoe Carpenter. Estate of Georglsna Parker Poley, deceased. . Estate of Ernest E. Carter, de ceased. Estate of John M. Allen, deceased. . Guardianship of Jack Williams. Dale Williams. Veda Williams. Deeds Carl L. Dawson to State of Oregon, W. D. In Sec. 9, Twp. 34 S. R. 1 Wesa, Wallace H. Cusbman et al to State of Oregon, W. D, In Section 30, Twp. 33, 8. R. 1 Weat W. M. Ouy E. Chspin to Eda B. Crispin, W. D. In Plttvlew Subdivision. : Earl J. Roach et al to Celcstla Rogers, Q. O. D. 130 acres In l-4p-t East. Roscoe O. Ashley to Oslestla Rogers. Q. C. D. In Section 8 Twp. 40 p. R. 3 Esst W. M. Ledger Nesl et ui to O. Vroman, W. D. 4 acres In Section It, Twp. 33, n. R. S West W. M. Mary B. Taylor to Ray Hernials et tut, Corr. W. D. 31 acres In Two, 39 8. R. 1 West W. M. George B. Crapsey et ux to Nellie M. Rowton, Q. O. D. on Ashland- Klamath Palta highway. Otto H. Bohnert et ux to W. P. Stewart, W. D. t acres in Section 10 Twp. 87 S. R. 3 West W. M. . George L. McOuIre et uz to Tslton D. Miller et al, Deed, 40 acres In Section IT, Twp. 83 8.' R. 4 West W. M. T. E. Fowler st ux to W.'W. Oot trsll, W. D. In Ashland. United States of America to Ronald E. Lee, Patent, 80 acres in Section 14, Twp. 88 S. R. 4 West W. VL Archie F. Flowers et ux to L. 8. Stenerson et ux, W. D. In Medford. Frank W. Marshall et ux to Emma R. Harris, W. D. In Phoenix. . Bertha ' Chllders et vlr to Charles P. Porter et ux, W. D. In Twp. 87, S. R. 3 West W. M. Rslph O. Stephenson et ux to City of Medford, Q. 0. D. In Medford. 8. ,B, Trent et tut to William. O. Werner et ux, 4. 'O. D. In 87 8. R. 3 West, W. M. City of Medford to Frank Barber et ux, W. D. In Medford. George L. McGulre et ux to Telton D. Miller et al, w. D: 40 acres In Bee. 17, Twp. 88 8., R. 4 West, W. M. O. T. Bergner st ux to Fred Miller et ux, W, D. In Ashland. William T. Bostwlck to T. O. Zlnn et ux, W. D. 393 acres In See. 83, Twp. 88 8., R. 4 Esst and See. I, Twp. 40 8., R. 4 East, W. M. Albert Sherard et ux to N. O. Vaughn et al, W. D. 8.8 acres In Twp. 80 8., R. 1 East, W. M. Msrtha L. Resse et vlr to Melissa Cameron, W. D. 3 seres in Twp. 38 8, R. t West, W. M. F. M. Lsnce et ux to Hannah L. Lunbeck, Q. 0. D. In Chsmpltn Sub division. Mary E. Fox et al to Claude U Hawkins, W. D. In Twp. 88 8., R. 4 Weat, W. M. Fred E. Wiley et ux to Dewey Olvan, Deed, In Central Point. Luster J. Adama et ux to O. O. Haggsrd et al. W. D. In Medford. Delia O. Wooden to John . M. Greene et ux. W. D. Holzgeng Sub division. Ruth Edgell to Pinnacle Packing Company, Ino W. D. property In . Twp. 38 8, R. 1 Wast, W. M. High Seorera St. Louis (U.PJ Three of the St. Lou is A.A.U. regular basket ball team are more than 8 feet S Inches tall. They are Sid Payne 8 feet 6 Inches; Al Dietzel, 8 feet 7 Inches, and Chet Payne, 8 feet 9 Inches, c 3 NEED CASH? Donnow on YOUR CAR Let us explain Boil easy It le to nsve resdy cash with your ear as security. Phone 31 tor full information Commercial Finance Corp The ftiaodly finance Company" W W Walker. President First Natl Bans Bids phone 81 License Number 184 t