Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, December 06, 1939, Page 2, Image 2

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Duce Holds Steadfast in
Stand Against Commun
ism, Knows Home Feeling
By DeWtlt MUCK. nil.
Russia's operations In Flnlnnd
are puttlnR heavy strain on
the Berlin-Rome axil.
Few things were better calcu-
lntcd to drnw Slgnor Miufollnl
away from his German af Cilia-
tlon and townrd the Anglo
French camp than Herr Hltlor'a
pledge of brotherhood to Com
rade Stnlin and the resulting
Soviet thrusts for power.
In this sense the 111 wind
which is sweeping Finland Is In
fact probably blowing good to
the Allied cause.
Duce Mends Firm.
While Hitler has gambled
hugely by flipping over his
shoulder the antl communist
policy which hod been the main
stay of Nazism, II Duce of the
protruding Jaw hasn't budged
an Inch from the historic stand
he took when he founded fas
cism to combat bolshevism In
Italy at the end of the World
The antl-Sovlet and pro-Fin
nish public demonstrations
which are proceeding In Italy,
while fascist troops guard the
Russian embassy in Rome, are
an Indication Mussolini is smart
In Judging the temper of his
people. He keeps his finger on
their pulse all the time. He is
not taking the chance that Hit
ler Is, In dynamiting a principle
as a matter of expediency.
With each step the Muscovites
have made to extend their In
fluence Into eastern Europe, the
Baltic and the Balkans, Musso
lini has appeared to grow colder
toward his nail partner and
hotter against the bolshevists.
Duce In New Role.
Indications today in respon
sible Rome circles are that the
fascist chieftain has determined
to keep Russia out of the Bal
kans at all costs, since he re
gards this as his special sphere
of Influence.
This brings the famous Ital
ian into a new role. Mussolini
as party to an Italo-German al
liance of convenience was a
Samson shorn of his locks. Mus
solini as a more or less free
agent again is a figure of vast
Importance In the European
The question of whether Mus
solini may slash all ties with
Hitler and actually Join Eng
land and France against Ger
many is one of the big and im
portant "its" of the moment.
It Is especially vital In view
of the activities of the Russo
German combine.
11 Duce is the only one who
might answer the query about
his future aff illation, and it's
possible that even he couldn't
givea definite statement right
now. However, the belief Is
very general in Europe that he
has been leaning toward the
Allies for some time and It
certainly would cause no sur
prise to see him cast his lot
with them.
Frank DeSoura, Medford post
master, announced today that a
dinner Saturday evening 'In the
Hotel Jackson at 7 o'clock will
honor Mrs. Gladys Hcoth, post
master at Rogue River.
The testimonial affair for Mrs.
Heath will be in recognition of
the honor recently bestowed up
on her when she was selected to
go to Washington, D. C, to
speak at the convention of the
National Association of post
masters, having been chosen to
represent third class postmas
ters in the entire United States,
All Jackson and Josephine
county postmasters and their
wives and husbands are Invited
to attend the dinner. Invitations
have also been extended to Dr
E. T. Hedlund, Oregon state di
rector of the National associa
tion of postmasters, Louis E.
Hammer of Tillamook, state
president of the Oregon branch
of the national association and
to Ward Spatz, chairman of the
Democratic central committee
and Mrs. Spatz.
Members and coaches of the
Medford high school football
team were entcrtnlned by the
Kiwanis club at Monday noon's
weekly luncheon-meeting In Ho
tel Medford. This was the lunch
eon Klwanians give annually to
the local grinders.
Speakers for the Klwanians
were John C. Mann, probably
Medford's most loyal fan, and
Dr. C. H. Poske. Both praised
the fine performance of this
year's aggregation.
Billy Piche, right halfback.
gave a short speech on behalf
of the squad, and Coaches Ed
Kirtley and Bill Bowerman
gave talks.
Bangkok, Dec. 8. (
Eighteen alleged plotters against
Slam's 14-year-old King Ananda
were executed today. They were
charged with conspiracy to over
throw the boy-king and restore
his uncle and predecessor, Pra-
Numerous arrests and the "re
tirement" of more than 30 high
army officers on January 29
was followed ty convening of a
special court which parsed the
Prajadhlpok abdicated March
2. 1935, and Ananda became
king with a regency to rule
during his minority.
Dairy Hearing
Salem, Dec. t. .-V Klam
ath and Lake county dairymen
will attend a meeting in Klam
ath Falls Friday night at which
Director of Agriculture J. D.
Mickle will lead a conference
on butter and cream grading.
Seat Covers tightly titled
using moil beautiful pat
Urns in fibre or fabric.
Protect seats against Win
ter soil. Long-wear fibres.
are in the Bag
sTS Ss Bnej f.vt t Mmw Oimitoi, jf' ;
I 1" Crevbeeeda low fates. Frequent -
San Francisco $7.50 I1I.3J
Los Angeles . 1 1.70 31.10 Vw ta
Chicago . . .37.1$ SJ.SO I
Fresno .... 1.73 13.73 103 4L.
Klam. Falls . 1.30 J.70 B JK
DEPOT: lih and Central I I'V'
Phone: Phene TSS V )J V F JflR
A Lecture
Christian Science
Christian Science:
The Religion of Spiritual
Judge Samuel W. Greene, C.S. D.
of Chicago, Illinois
Mb ! Ik. B..IJ W tvlnublr Ik.
M.lhw CfcMtfe. TIm rml Cfcw.k W Cbrtel.
SrlralM. Si Bmim. HstiacSutMU
The desire tor light Is universal
According to the record of the book
of Genesis, Ood's first edict Is. "Lei
there ba light." In the unfoldment
of that spiritual light as provided by
Deity, creation la made manifest to
the seeing eye, as Is Indicated in the
following statement from the Chris
tian Science textbook, "Science and
Health with Key to the Scriptures'
by Mary Baker Eddy, the Discoverer
and Founder of Christian Science
(p. 804): "Genesis L 6. And Ood
called the light Day, and the dark
ness He called Night And the eve
ning and the morning were the first
day All questions as to the divine
creation being both spiritual and
material are answered in this pas
sage, for though solar beams are not
yet Included in the record of crea
tion, still there Is light. This light
Is not from the sun nor from vol
csnlo flames, but It Is the revelation
of Truth and of spiritual Ideas. Thli
also shows that there Is no place
where Ood's light is not seen, since
Truth, Life, and Love All lmmenslt
and are ever-present. Was not this
a revelation Instead of a creation?"
Thus, in clear, confident coura
geous words, the student and thtnkei
Is Invited to see creation as spirit
ual and not material. This Is the
spiritual light that pervades the
teachings of Christian Science, lift
ing thought from its limited confines
of materialism to the boundless ex
panse of spiritual being. The wocf
and burdens of mankind are the re
sult of erroneous thinking, engen
dered and Imposed by the false
assumptions that real creation If
material In following this light ol
spiritual Interpretations of the Bible
text the mantal Journey leads to the
salvation or dominion decreed In the
first chapter of Genesis.
The voice of Jesus of Nazareth
Identifying himself as the Christ or
"the divine manifestation of God'
(Science and Health, p. f83, the
Master Christian, comes crying
down the centuries: "I am the light
of the world: ha that followeth me
shall not walk In darkness, but shal'
have the light of life." Again this
voice Is heard to say. "Ye are the
light of the world." thus clothing his
disciples with the same quality of
thought as his own. Again the great
Teacher said to those that believed
on him. "If ye continue In my word
then are ye my disciples Indeed; and
ye shall know the truth, and the
truth shall make you free." This
with other similar references with
which Bible readers are familiar. In
dicates that spiritual light and truth
are In a wav svnonymous. Perhaps
all will agree that mankind, then, is
really seeking to know what la true
about everything.
There have been Inspired mes
sengers along the way of the cen
turies, poets, philosophers, preach
trs, statesmen, authors, and simple
laymen, who ha-e given glimpses of
the truth to the world and have
thereby greatly blessed mankind.
The Discoverer of Christian Sclenct
It remained, however, for Mary
Baker Eddy, the Discoverer and
Founder of Christian Science, to
give to the world through Christian
Science the full light of the truth
which Jesus revealed, showing di
vine Science to be the Comfortet
promised by Jesus, that is to lead
into all truth. From her earliest
years there were intimations of splr-Itual-mlndedness
in Mrs. Eddy. She
thought more deeply than the aver
age young person, and had experi
ences that Indicated a real and in
telligent Interest In knowing about
Deity Her younger life was some
what burdened with ill health, so thst
her thought naturally sought a heal
ing truth Her search for permanent
health was not successful until she
found through her own study and
effort how to apply the truth as
Jesus taught and applied it In his
ministry In a moment of spiritual
enlightenment, she saw that Jesus
healing words and works were tot
all time, and not just for a brie!
eo-called miraculous period while he
personalty walked among men She
saw thst this spirm al light or truth
concerning which he spoke, was and
ts the eternal light of Truth, and Is
to be had and en.'oyed by all who
understand What Is more nstura:
than to see such a trend In his
words. "He thst belleveth on me. the
wwks that I do shall he do also:
and greater works than these shal'
he do t tn claiming this perpetual
presence ar.d power of Ood for the
healing ol the sick Mrs Eddy Imme
diateiy exverieneed great physics'
relief from a sever condition Then
as she persevered In her study and
application there came greater re
turns in health and tn understand
ing, and presently she was aware
thst she had found something that
the world greatly needed
Her first efforts to spread the light
of her revelation were elor.g the
line of healing ethers of disease
As she was successful tn tracing the
application of the truth she then
began to write concerning her d:s
ooverv In her own textbook she
nwaks modestly of her first writings
ar.d savs that they were "the first
steps ol a child -r the newly disoov
ered wwld of Spir t" .Science and
Health Pref- p rill' It ts rot
strange thst her first ef!ort to inter
pret so radical a teaching as was should hsve been poorly re
ceived bx Had no: the
Christian world generallx held that
Jesus fas Ood. or else so much a
part of Ood as to make his wccfc
impossible to oiher thsn himself
In the light of her cw-n hea'lr.g Mrs
t.idx resole a dervtrd end Intelligent
atudr of the Bib especially wv.h
reference to healing, and then In an
application of spiritual power as she
found It revealed In the Bible she
was able to heal many others. Thus
there came to her the conviction
that she had made a discovery con
cerning the power of God, that could
be taught to men, and with this in
mind, she wrote and gave to the
world her most comprehensive book
The Textbook
This book, "Science and Health
with Key to the Scriptures." called
also the textbook of Christian Sci
ence, was published first tn 187,1. it
naa, like every widely read book
been Issued in m-ny editions, and it
Has had Its share of criticism and
opposition from many sources, but
Is today read and respected by thou
sands who do not call themselves
Christian Scientists. It Is interest
ing to note that some statements
and theories of the textbook which
were considered fantastical or ridic
ulous fifty years ago are today more
generally accepted as true. One such
is. "There is no life, truth, intelli
gence, nor substance tn matter'
(Science and Health, p. 4681, which
was widely ridiculed and scoffed at
in the early years, but today reliable
physical scientists are admitting
that matter haa no reality, even it
their conclusions are based on dif
ferent reasoning from Mrs. Eddy's.
Another question that once pro
voked much opposition from th
theologians is that Jesus ts not Ood
which Mrs Eddy quickly perceived
In her effort to apply Jesus' teach
ings. Today many enlightened min
isters and laymen of the Chrlstiai-
churches recognize and teach that
Jesus waa not God; and some o:
them even agree that his humar
career may be emulated by men.
This textbook of Christian Science
Is studied by Christian Scientists it-
connection with the Bible, and en
ables students to apply the teaching.1
of the Bible in a practical way ir
healing the sick and in solving otnei
problems of mankind. The teach
ing of Christian Science ts. In effect
that all truth ts spiritual truth, and
that the Bible cannot be understood
or properly Interpreted and appllec
in everyday living except tnrougi
spiritual Interpretation. The Chris
tian Science textbook sets forth the
truth of telng. and thus provides a
practical method whereby mankind
may read, understand, and apply the
religion taught and demonstrated b
Jesus and illustrated In the lives ol
the ancient prophets.
Christian Science assumes, in ac
cordance with the Inspired word of
the Bible, that God is the creator of
all that really exists. It teaches, ac
cording to the gospel of John, that
"All things were made by him (God 1 :
and without him was not any thin;
made that was made." In aecordsnc:
with various passages of the Bible.
Christian Science defines God as
Mind, Spirit, Soul, Principle, Life.
Tmth. and Low.
One distinction between the or
thodox concept of God and that ol
Christian Science is. that while the
former accepts both good and ev.
as emanating from God. Chrlstlar
Science shows that since God is good
infinite good He could not create
nor permit nor be conscious of any
thing but good but that which if
the result of His own creation. Go.'
being Mind or Spirit, all that Is cre
ated by Him must be like Hun. and
is therefore mental or spiritual. Tin
human thought has been so prom
to think in terms of matter that 1
at first rebels at the thought of ar
entire spiritual creation, and con
soles itself In Its material theorlc
by citing the beauties and glories o.'
matter. But If we continue to beat
In thought that Ood Is Mind. Spirit
we shall be compelled, by reason o
splrttual light, to behold a spiritua'
creation, perfect, harmonious, and
unrelated to matter. The correct
concept of Ood Is forever leadinc
mankind out of material weaknesse:
and difficulties Into the glortou
freedom promised by the Master tc
those disciples who would contlnur
In his word.
Our chief concern In arriving a:
some proper understanding of Chris
tian Science Is to learn what plac has In this Ood-created uni
verse. We are agreeably surprlsee
to find a new and perfect man thai
ts created In God's image and like
tieAs and therefore partakes of tht
qualities and attributes of Ood I:
Is Indeed surprising to get a vlsicr
af man so different from the man oi
our material consideration, who ts
constantly afflicted with materia'
ills and who Is destined always tor
death Christian Science reveals e
free man. a whole man. an tmmona'
man indeed the man mentioned li
the first chapter of Genesis, to
whom Ood gave and gives dominion
over all things.
It is often the experience of slcJ.
perons to be healed in listening tc
the explanation ol what Chrisi'.at
Science is Jesus said that a knowl
edge of me truth would make us
free Christian Science teaches thai
It Is one s understanding and ac
ceptance ol the truth that brings
the healing Let us assume thst s
sick person to a Christia"
Scientist for healing The Chr.s
lian Scientist tells him that Ood is
ge-od. is Ihe author and creator of
all: and therefore there is no cause
or power Cat could have produced
the erroneous and discordant condi
tion which he claims The patter
mav protest and roint to a mani
festation of Irritation or lr.fee-.ier.
The practitioner cirrets ha atten
tion to the Scriptures, and shows
him how Jesus never recogr.ired or
accepted disesse as real but der.iecl
its power, and a.wsvs called or the
psiient to arise and claim his health
For when the man $:.- of
the palsv and helpless was let down
through the roof and placed before
htm. Jesus f.rst o.-rre.".ed this sic.'s thought by tell.r.s him thai
his sins were forgiven Then he sale
to the tnva!:d "Arise, and ur
thv bed and go thy wsy into thin
house" lrr.n-e.i':e'. the c-sn arc'
and did as he was to i S.:rt'.y i;
.Vs-us had be'-.eved m the resl-.iT cr
existence or disease In this msn he
would never hse called on hjn tc
do such a rvn i-V.r.c as to rrt ur
and a'k The pc'.-t is. t: .
did not be'.'eve n the real'ty of d.
ease he saw no disease. He saw
Ood's perfect man, and awakened
the thought of the patient, who obe
diently made the effort to walk, and
found himself free. This Is undoubt
edly what was In Mrs. Eddy's mind,
when she wrote in the textbook
(Science and Health, p. 476): "Jesus
beheld in Science the perfect man,
who appeared to him where sinning
mortal man appears to mortals. In
this perfect man the Saviour saw
God's own likeness, and this correct
view of man healed the sick." This
incident of healing by Jesus Illus
trates the importance of gaining a
"correct view of man."
In Christian Science treatment we
may begin by denying any reality In
the so-called symptoms manifested
by the patient, or that there Is In
reality any disease. All of this, of
course, is founded upon the state
ments in Christian Science, that
"Man is not matter; . . . man is
spiritual and perfect; . . . that which
has not a single quality underlved
from Deity" (Science and Health, p.
47$). This line of argument or think
ing would naturally be continued
until the worker has realized the
truth which destroys the patient's
fear of disease, or his belief In dis
ease. When we have erased from
thought the false belief of sickness
we begin mentally to acquire the
'correct view of man," by declaring
or thinking Just what man is as
God's Image and likeness. Man Is
active, alert, awake. Man is strong,
vigorous, well. Man is whole, per
fect, Immortal. Of course, there Is
no limit to the goodness of Ood. and
we m..y pursue this line of reason
ing regarding man's health and per
fection, until this "correct view of
man" becomes t. reality in our
thought As the positive thought of
the worker, enlightened by spiritual
understanding, is addressed to the
patient's thought, it Is awakened
aroused, and he begins to see the
possibility of the sickness being un
real, and the possibility of man's
health and happiness. Then he be
comes willing to make an effort to
be well, to walk, to be active, to
claim his health through the power
of Ood. and In proportion as he truly
understands and claims his strength
and healing it will be made mani
fest. This manner of treatment is
iet forth In the textbook In these
words (Science and Health, p. 359):
"The divine nature waa best ex
pressed in Christ Jesus, who threw
upon mortals the truer reflection of
Ood and lifted their lives higher
than their poor thought-models
would allow, thoughts which pre
sented man as fallen, sick, sinning,
and dying."
In her writings Mrs. Eddy has
not attempted to put into words
the form of a treatment, but has
expressly provided that there shall
be no formula for healing. Treat
ment or the healing prayer must be
with each one "an absolute faith
that all things are possible to God.
a spiritual understanding of Him"
(Science and Health, p. 1). Natu
rally no special words are necessary
It is the truth that heals, according
to Jesus' words, and Christian Sci
ence marshals its arguments on the
evidence afforded by the Bible, and
rests its case In confidence that the
healing verdict is assured.
As we read and study the heal
ings performed by Jesus we see that
he was always so filled with the con
sciousness of God's power, and so
devoid of any sense of power on his
own part, but so expectant always tc
see made manifest the power and
perfection of Ood. that his treat
ments rere Immediately effective. An
instance of this ts seen in the record
of his healing the ten lepers. These
lepers called out to Jesus and asked
for help. His answer was. "Go shew
vourselves unto the priests." This is
significant as under the Mosaic law.
when a leper was cleansed he must
go to the priest and show himself
and offer a sacrifice. These lepers
were obedient and started for the
nriest. and the record says, "as they
went, they were cleansed." Any sick
person may have a great lesson out
of this incident. As you come to the
Christ or Truth for healing, you need
to come with such faith in God In
the power of Truth that you will go
away as the lepers, realizing and
claiming that the real man Is well,
and has never been sick, and truly
as you go you -tll be cleansed.
There is an Interesting Incident
of healing by holding to the "cor
rect view of man" recorded in the
book of Genesis concerning Jacob
and Esau. Jacob had cheated Esau
and there was enmity between them
Jacob left the country, and returning
years afterward to the land of his
fathers, and knowing that he would
see Esau, he evidently repented of his
evil intent toward his brother, and
also corrected any wrong belief in
his own thought regarding Esau
After a night of prayer and mental
wrestling, he saw Esau coming
toward him and with a force of four
hundred men. When they met. their
meeting was mos; friendly and
brotherly, and Jacob showed the
character of his thinking by saying
to Esau. "For therefore I have seen
thy face, as C-.ough I had seen the
face of Ood. and thou wast pleased
with me."
Causes of Sickness
Inasmuch as Christian Science
teaches the perfection of ell crea
tion, the inquiry Is otten made.
"Hew can msn then be sick'" Gee's
man cannot be sick: and when we
realire this tact, we shall net 5e
sick In dealing with the seemir-i
Imperfecti.Tj' and discords of our
human experience w reeognire
mankind acquaintance with a so
called mortal mir.d o: carnal rrr-nd
as Paul calls it which he says "is
er.n-.ity against Ood." This mortal
ir.:r.d incudes all false beliefs with
reference to man as rr.stenal and
as existing la a so-called
wor d Cnier the tniuence of this
tr.orta: or carnal nurd we recogrure
a mortal or catena', man m belief;
and it is this false belief about the
real msn that needs to be crrreeme
In healuig In the second charter cf
Oenesis reference ts msde to a mist
that w-nt u? from the earth It
would seers that this same mist cr
cleud t ccr-s:a:'.:v peering up frcm
tne .-i.-:h to nice the true net cf
C-.xl and rrvr. as re-oried as -he
first cl-srtcT cf Oi-.esis.
S.-n-.e time are I !-..- s: cfMee in a
tall building in Cr.iearo a ml'- cr
mere frcm :he Fx-os:i.ort cc fiu
grounds Frcm m.v w-u-.dexrs I hsi
i a rp.end-d view of ihe rarweicrei
buildings In the grounds, and It was
a scene of great beauty and novelty
and much enjoyed by me and my
callers. On a few damp days, how
ever, I observed that a mist came up
from the earth or up from the lake
and entirely obscured my view of the
Fair. Had a stranger been in my
office on those dayr and I had
pointed toward the grounds and told
him that there were many beauti
ful buildings Just off there, he might
very honestly have doubled my
statements, for none could be seen
Having often seen them, I waa per
fectly certain of their presence and
would have relied upon my faith to
any extent. In our human experi
ence the seeming mists of earth
such as fear, doubt, envy, Jealousy,
pride. Ignorance, hatred, deceit, and
such like seem to come before our
view and to shut out the vision of
the real man the spiritual, perfect
man. In fact, we may sometimes
believe in our doubt and despair that
Ood does not exist aa the omnipo
tent, good God. It la In some such
phases of wrong thinking that In
dividuals find themselves under the
burden of sin, disease, and discord ol
all kinds. Then Christian Science Is
always available to lift their thought
to a view of the perfect and to the
possibility of claiming that perfec
tion for the real spiritual self of
each of us. On the misty days in
Chicago I always watched with In
terest to see how quickly when the
wind blew, the mist that clouded my
view was obliterated. A poet has
written (Hymnal, No. 143) :
"Blow, winds of Ood. awake and blow
The mists of earth away.
Shine out, O light divine, and show
How wide and far we stray."
When the sick present themselves
to the Christian Scientist for heal
ing, the worker finds the suffering tc
be the result of some false belief en
tertained and accredited as true It
is then the worker's privilege and
opportunity to wisely, tactfully, lov
ingly allay the fear of the patient by
exposing the falsity and powerless
ness of the false belief. He can at the
same time Increase and strengthen
the patient's faith by helping him
to see -that there cannot really exist
side by side an evil and a good crea
tion, but that the good Is the only
real and the whole of creation.
In the healing of Naaman, the
noted Syrian general, of leprosy a
recorded in the fifth chapter of n
Kings, there is evidence that the
prophet Ellsha saw that Naaman's
difficulty was the result of some
phase of pride, because the prophet
in treating him, subjected him tc
what must have been to Naaman
great humiliation. In the first place
the prophet didn't even allow Naa
man to see him. His great retinue
and show of wealth and power were
ignored by the prophet, and he sent
word by a messenger that Naaman
was to go and dip seven times in the
river Jordan. Naaman waa Indig
nant at first, but finally better coun
sel prevailed, and he humbly dipped
in this, to him. Inferior river. The
reward, as stated by the writer,
would Indicate Jus how Naaman
was changed mentally. He had hum
bled himself even as a child, and the
record says, "his flesh came again like
unto the flesh of a little child, and he
was clean."
The Master Christian, when asked
who is greatest in the kingdom of
heaven, set a child in their midst
and said, unless ye "become as lit
tle children, ye shall not enter Into
the kingdom of heaven." and. "Who
soever therefore shall humble him
self as this little child, the same is
greatest in the kingdom of heaven."
How much all of us need to know
the lessons of faith and humility
as exemplified in the child!
All of us are probably familiar
with Instances tn our own experi
ence where we have seen the evil
effects of anger, hatred, fear, et
cetera made manifest Immediately
When one Is suddenly fearful ot
angry, his countenance frequently
changes, and he Is pale or flushed
showing the Influence of wronc
thought on the action of the heart
It does not take any unusual wis
dom to conclude that the thought of
fear or anger may Just as easily af
fect some other action of the mate
rial system and cause inCammatlon
or disease. The teaching of Chris
tian Science that counteracts the
mental causes of human Ills is found
m the statement of the textbook
iScience and Health, p. 307V "There
Is but one primal cause. Therefore
there can be no effect from any
other cause, and there can be no
reality in aught which does not pro
ceed from this great and only
cause." How the fears and doubts
and anxieties of mankind would be
lessened, and how disease would dis
appear from our experience if we
would oniy believe this ! I wonder if
there would not be almost unani
mous consent to this teaching If
each of us would only pause and
consider. Surely, every reasoning
mmd agrees that there ts the om
nipotent Ood and that He Is good
also that omnipotent Ood Is om
niscient, knowing all. It Is not dif
ficult, then, to see that there Is Jus;
this one cause, and that Is the all
kaewing. ail-powerful Deity. If we
then, w-.ll so regulate our thinking
and ascribe all power and volition tc
; Crpd. good we shiil cease fearing
ana sns.i deny me seeming evil ir
every situation and search for the
greod Was not something like this
tn Fa-jls thought when he wrote
"And we knew thst all things work
together for good to them that love
Ox! to them who are the called ac
ccrding to his purpose",
There ts an Interesting Incident of
heaung related In the ninth chapter
t cf Johns gosTjel where Jesus healed
a man bom blind Looking for some
tr.aisr.sJ cause for the blindness, the
I d:se:r'e. asked Jesus whether the
j blindness was caused br the sui of
j the man or cf his parents Jesus
surprised them by saving. "Neither
hath this man sinned, nor his par
ents " Hrw truly Jesus saw In this
case that there Is no cause for ev.!
because evil ts always unreal. See
mc en! as not real and seeing the
r-r'ect cf Ood's creaiie-n. Jesus
!.f-.ed this nan's nsieei abcre the
mist C darkness. nd he had sight.
Christian Scieoee and Business
Christian defence enables man
kind tc see hew God's omnipotence
a available in the solving of ether
mer er-.! besides these of disease
DJlrulties may arise la the business
world that overwhelm men and
cause them to turn to new sources
for help and guidance. Under such
conditions Christian Science help Is
effective. Business has been trans
acted for the most part aa though
It were Just an opportunity to make
and accumulate money; and often
business men have not been careful
to be fair and honest In their deal
ing with their fellow men. With such
a selfish concept of business gen
erally accepted by the public, large
accumulations of money have been
made by oppression, trickery, and
downright dishonesty; and the bene
ficiaries of such methods have some
times been acclaimed as substantial
business men. However, a new day
has dawned In business; and more
people are recognizing that being In
business affords opportunity to
serve, to give. When we truly real
ize the truth about man and his re
lationship to God, we shall see how
business properly conducted must be
unselfish and designed to serve.
Jesus announced his attitude
toward God In the statement that of
nlmselt he could do nothing, but
chat the Father doeth the work. It
Is not strange, then, that everything
that he did resulted In blessing to
Himself and to mankind. Such must
be the law of God; John the Bap
tist testified that "A man can re
ceive nothing, except it be given him
from heaven." Christian Science ac
cept this teaching aa true, and
teaches that men should expect
tood from God always, and only
good, and that they must be active
and energetic In employing His gooo
gifts for the benefit of all with whom
they come in contact.
Mrs. Eddy writes (Pulpit and
Press, p. 3), "Know, then, that you
possess sovereign power to think
and act rightly, and that nothing
can dispossess you of this heritage
and trespass on Love." What an In
spuing thought to take with us In
our dally task I Knowing that our
intelligence, sagacity, discernment
and ability are from God should rout
all fear and doubt, and should en
able us to act with such poise and
confidence that the world will see
that we have something to give, and
will be reaching out for our service
Jesus, the Way-shower, said, "All
that the Father glveth me shal
come to me," and, "No man can
come to me, except the Father which
hath sent me drav nim." surely,
this Is good teaching for us In our
daily lives. We should claim and be
lieve that God's creation is unde:
the government of divine Principle
and that each of His ideas is wisely
and Intelligently guided; then wc
shall know that not one of us can
or will Infringe upon another's right
or welfare. Such teaching might be
objected to by some aa expressing
idealism or perfection. But is not
perfection exactly what the world
should be striving for? Jesus so
taught. He said, "Be ye therefore
perfect, even as your Father which
Is tn heaven is perfect." All through
the ages of civilization, the intelli
gent and high-blinded have admired
and honored poets, authors, and
philosophers, who have written or
taught that which approaches the
ideal But the humble Nazarene
the mighty uncrowned prince of all
ages, has gone tar beyond any othet
teacher. He has taught and advo
cated perfection, and has proved
before tne gaze of men that his the
ories are practical and demonstra
ble. No other leader of men ha:
been so great or so successful, and
none other so inspiring or so worthy
of emulation. He taught that mar
is the holy, perfect son of God. and
that he must manifest the Father's
rjerfection. With this teaching as a
basis, he healed the sick, be fed the
hungry, he stilled the storm, he pro
vided tax money, he overcame death
What more could bs asked of him?
What more can we as business men
desire to be or do than this?
What Is business after all, but
feeding, clothing, housing, healing,
transporting, entertaining, educat
ing, and blessing men and women?
Are you a builder? In your business
you would need to give safety, hon
esty, 'comfort, permanence. Such
qualities may be symbolized tn wood
brick, mortar, and other material
but the successful builder will not
neglect the spiritual qualities that
make his business a blessing to all
A builder who would knowingly put
faulty construction in a house, thus
reducing its safety and permanence.
is not a blessing to mankind, and
could not rightly be called a good
or successful business man. His con
duct Is outside the realm of giving
or sen-ice, and therefore contrary to
Jesus injunction to love your neieh
bar as yourself. Are you engaged in
the business of transportation? You
may wish to give speed, economy,
and comfort, but you need Just as
certam.y to give safety and sureness
The workman or the proprietor who
careiess.y or dishonestly allows de
ficient constructlot in a high-
powered fast-moving vehicle mav
have the misfortune of seeing such
a vehicle give way under strain and
take life as his toll of poor
business scarcely a day goes b
without our reading of some crash
or machinery causing loss of life oi
property; and due In too manv In-
stances to failure tn an observance
of the Golden Rule. Man-made law-
are attempting to correct some
phases of faulty construction with
fair resu.ts. The great need is that
each Individual shall realize his part
in the scheme of the universe and
live well that part. Frequently men
are too much immersed In msterta)
theories, and need the light of Truth
to make their vision dearer and to
enao.e them to see thoughts as real
On this sub.-ect the Christian Sci
ence textbook has this illuminating
sentence 'Science and Health, p"
irsi: -Divme Science, rising above
physical theories, excludes mstter
resolves fines into fioighfj. and
replaces the ob.-ects of material
sense with spiritual ideas."
tn this connection I am reminded
af ihe experience of a young business
man. a Christian Scientist, hiehlv
educated ar.d trained, who was em
ployed as assistant to the president
ef an trr.portar.t business organiza
tion. In a rec-rgar.'.ratlon of the
business a new president appeared,
who told the young man that Ihe
post of assistant was abolished and
that he might have work as a truck
inver if he liked Naiurallv he did
net like it but he thought that rr
Saps he needed thi. lesson In hu
mility, and he accepted the new
work. He used his Intelligence and
bis former experience, and presently
saw many Improvements that could
be made in that branch of the serv
ice, which he recommended to tne
president- At the end of the year
he was restored to bis former posi
tion at an Increased salary, and haa
slnna had his duties enlarged and
his salary further advanced, due he
thinks to his having given hla best
possible service In hla humble
Christian Science and Government
There Is another phase of business
where Christian Science can be of
much assistance if properly applied,
and that Is tn the business of gov
ernment. As It la properly under
stood that all business la activity ot
mankind designed to give and to
serve, so the purpose of all govern
ment should be to give and to aerve.
The modern trend in government
seems to be recognizing more and
more that the purpose of true gov
ernment is essentially to serve man
kind. Analyzing the elements of gov
ernment, It Is easy to see that It
should give order, safety, honesty, In
centive, hope, peace, love, and such
like qualities, we snoum recognize
that the government is really, as the
Bible says, on God's shoulders. The
functions and activities of govern
ment are constantly tending toward
paternalism. Whether this Is proper
or not is not up for discussion now,
but since this condition is more ana
more general In modern government,
there Is all the more reason why the
administration of the governmental
powers should be honest, Impersonal,
and without prejudice or favoritism;
such Is the law of Principle, and
effort along such lines would be
practical step toward putting the
government on God's shoulders.
Christian Science is teaching and
advocating the perfect in all human
activities, and as men are Inspired
and influenced thereby more of
them will be found acknowledging
God In their lives and seeking to be
serviceable to their fellow men. 'Ihe
Discoverer and Founder of Christian
Science has in a far-seeing dis
cernment made pronouncement
along this line that deserves our
most serious consideration concern- '
ing inherited rights and privileges in
all human relations. She says (Sci
ence and Health, p. 141): "All
revelation (such Is the popular
thought!) must come from the
schools and along the line of
scholarly and ecclesiastical descent, '
as kings are crowned from a ro:al
dynasty. In healing the sick end
sinning, Jesus elaborated the l et
that the healing effect followed the
understanding of the divine Princi
ple and of the Christ-spirit which
governed the corporeal Jesus. For
this Principle there ts no dynasty,
no ecclesiastical monopoly. Its only
crowned head is immortal sover
eignty. Its only priest Is the spirit
ualized man. The Bible declares
that all believers are made Icings
and priests unto Ood.' " When this
discernment of true ancestry and
true heritage and true being becomes
more commonly known to mankind,
we shall Indeed have the dawning
of a new day and a new hope In hu
man affairs.
Christian Science enables each In
dividual to see that be has some
thing to give to the government, re
gardless of the person or party which
may be in authority. Loyalty to
whatever Is In accord with Princi
ple can be given. Praise for honest
and high-minded endeavor Is possi
ble. Support of that which Is Just,
merciful, and necessary will not be
withheld by a real Christian Scien
tist. There are Indications that
many selfish theories of living, gov
erning, and transacting business are
giving way to plans that Include the
universal good. More men of vision
for their fellows are coming into
view. The old order of selfishness
and oppression Is not popular today.
Again may we point with gratitude
to a statement of Mrs. Eddy's along
these lines, that indicates how
deeply and how helpfully she sur
veyed the possibilities of Improved
human conduct. These are her
words of true love and fellowship
(Science and Health, p. 339): "Take
away wealth, fame, and social or
ganizations, which weigh not one iot
in the balance of God. and we get
clearer views of Principle. Break up
cliques, level wealth with honesty,
let worth be Judged according to
wisdom, and we get better views of
humanity." Surely the program of
Christian Science makes its appeal
to every thoughtful person. Men do
desire the well-being of their fellow
men. All men would like to see pov
erty banished from the world.
Surely no one should be In want of
any good. The Bible tells us that
"every good gift and every perfect
gift is from above, and cometh do-n
from the Father of lights, with
whom Is no variableness, neither
shadow of turning." Certainly It is
not right that men should be slaves
or beggars or Invalids.
Jesus announced that the king
dom of God is come. What are we
doing Individually or as a nation tn
promoting the coming of the king
dom of God? On which side are we
working? Have we cast our lot with
the darkness and despair of mate
rialism or do we recognize at least
faint beams of a new day's dawning?.
There Is need for us each dav to
take some time to think on God'and
man's true relationship to Ood As
we consistently and constantlv nnd'
Intelligently seek God. we shall sea
more of His itght and mavbe come
to realize with Johi that "God ts
light, and in ilm Is no darkness at
all." Mrs Eddy has clearly spoken
her conclusions along this line In
these words with which I conclude
'No and Yes. p J0 : "The conscious
ness ot light Is like the eternal law
of Ood. revealing Him and nothing
The Christian Science
tilth ki-y lo the cr1plure
Teachers Put Ban
On Student Gifts
Elizabeth. Ta . tVc.
No more apples for the teacher
m this western'.v ania
tow n
The ir.jtr'.artoTs noul.ed the
p-.ipi'.s that 'g.fis from s-..:
iro.ivi.i.ial'.y or as a grouv
b? refused The teacher
the yo'.ir.csit'rs sr.o'.;'..i
any money for g.f.s to
l .c.v r.c :.r.:e f.-
si.'y A- is I .V
Oregon Students
Uue Xew Technique
t-ft::t. IVe 6. A r.ew
tr:c3t :n the Kvk cf the n:tch
r. kcr has bccr. crorve-i he-e.
i uei e u-r-vers-ty )ouJu arji-
to get dowr.toven
cad or irtjurrcl. the r.j.'f
T- : arose ar.d Joined his fellows in I
One student stretched him-' asking for transportation. They'
self cn a campus street while got it.
- f -.-! C3tuereci iro-.m.i h"n
ed faces on S:tv wr.-ont o( ill ,-'vU,.v,i
fever esses develon
c:. e:
pei t.
n a mc'or st stop- riicm
see if the youth wers heart trouble in later Ufe.
may he reid or fmrrha4
al the
Christian Science
Reading Room
I-41S Mr,tfnr4 tenter Bonding