X v PAGE SIX MEDFORD MAIL TRIBUNE, MEDFORD, OREGON, TUESDAY, DECEMBER 5, 1939. MEDfORDvlWTEIBUNi: RmuI thm Mntl Trlbon." DIIr Kzcfft Aatnrriar. PublUhM br MEDPORD PHINTINO CO. M-fT-:i North Fir Bt. Pbon fl ROBKRT W. RIjHL, Eiilrr, BRNE8T R. GILSTRAP. Htnmff. An In4rndnt Nwppr. EntarM tconrt-cUnt m'(r at M1 for. Oregon, unJr Act o( March I. lf. SUBSCRIPTION RATES By Mill In Advanc: Pally an4 flunlay n year I. 00 Dally and Sun.lsy 1 month... t.htt Daily and Sunday Uiro mnnihi, 1.10 Daily and Sunday -on month... .7fc By Carrier In A'lrance Mftilfonl, Ah Und, Cantral Paint, Jarh unnvlll. G16 HH1, Rtgus Hirer. PhocnU, Talent, and on motor rout: Delly and Sunday one year SI. OA JDally and fiundny one month... .7( All terme caah tn advance OfflHnl Fdr of tlif flty of M-iford. Official Paper of Jiirkeon County. MEHBRR OP Til K ASSOCIATED PRi:HS B wet una- Full LfiM-tl Hire heirire. The A hi elated PrtM la exclualvaly entitled to the um for publication of all newt d!patrhe credited to H or nther wlee eredllMl to thla paper, and alio to the local newa published herein. All rlithte for ptihllration f vnaclal dlapatohca herein are alio reserved. MEMBER OP UNITED PREH MEMBER OP AUDIT BUREAU OP CIRCULATIONS Adverttilnr Representative! WEflT'HOLMDAY COMPANY, INC. Office! In New York, Chirac), Detroit, Pin Pranrliro, fo AngelaM. Seattle, Portland. St. l.otile, Atlanta, Vancouver, II C ASVIATIM Ye Smudge Pot By Arthur Perry. Angered citizens of a Wash ington town threw rocks at a "Communists' Hall," and later wrecked the interior of the building, forcing the occupants thereof to flee out the back door. By way of comparison, the same fate has been visited, Just as thoroughly, upon any number of relief stations, throughout the land the past ten years, by angered citizens. . . To curb the flu epidemic, a war hag been declared on sneez ing In public. This comes under the head of Nasal Disarmament. . . A Pacific Coast logger, the si to of a college fullback, is on a trip to New York City, as the winner of a national cro cheting contest. This Is a well deserved rebuke to the women folks, for producing a lady loco motive fireman, a few years back. . One of the things the matter with Thomas E. Dewey of New York as a GOP presidential can didate is "his youth and In experience." Even so, it could not be any worse than past trib ulations with age and Inexper ience. Premier Molotoff announces Russia is waging no war on Fin land. Until the real thing comes along, the Finns will have to suffer from the imitation. If conditions were equal as to men and equipment, it would also be no war. History shows the Russian soldier, when hard pressed. Is the master of the dis orderly retreat, caring not where he Is going, or when he gets there. at PEARLS OK WISDOM. (NY. World-Telegram.) Maybe Dr. Frederick A. Cook didn't discover the North Pole, as he said he did 30 years ago. but the old xeutlcmallhe Is 7S now has the rlfiht Idea about the future of exploration. "Most of all," he aald recently In a conversation with Sir Hu bert Wllklns. "we have got to ex plore the area that lies back of the eyes and between the ears. When that cranial sphere Is rully explored men will have no rea son to fight wars." Speed Idiots are catapulting through the thick fog, at the usual brenk-neck speed. If any thing happens tile defense will be: the llRhts were turned on and I was only going IS miles per hour. . The last of the Thanksgiving hirkey was eaten Sunday, In many homes. This caused any number of the Older Girls to think Monday was Friday. ... WAK lit I.I.ETIN. NKURAUIIA. Not. SO (OV) Not a single European country double roased another country Wednesday. This was the result of a survey I considered a record for themselves, i Wedneadsy night, which diplomats ( A check-tip revealed that during the day: Germany didn't double-cross Bel. edum. Russia didn't double-rrnes Finland Italy didn't double-rns France France didn't double-cross Eng land. I England didn't double frees Amerl- " I NobiKly will trust anybody long i enough anymore to allow for a dou- j ble-croae, diplomats lamented. Now an Art. Los Angeles. (UP) The Un iversity of California Inaugur ates this year a new course thnt is believed to be about as up-to-the-minute as possible. It will be called "The Art of Getting a Job," and will Include studies ranging from "Occupations and Employment'' In the technique of asking fur a Job, Is the Red Danger Over? THE Oregonlan had a very well written editorial the other day along the line that the invasion of Finland by Russia has ended for all time, danger of Communism, as far as this country is concerned. No longer, it thinks, can any American believe Communistic Russia's heart bleeds for the common man, that there is anything to set It apart morally from the most sordid, sinister and rapacious imperialism of the past, as it rains death and destruction upon the Finnish people, women and their children, the protelariat of an inoffensive and weaker neighbor, in its lust for conquest, etc. Well there is no doubt something to that. BUT we wonder how much practical difference it is going to make as far as the growth of Communism in this country Is concerned. Already we note, the Moscow information bureau is sending out bulletins to this effect: Soviet Russia hu no quarrel with the, Finnish people but only with the reactionary and tyrannical Finnish government, under the oontrol of Great Britain. Russian aviators have explicit Instructions, to bomb only points of military and strategic value, and spare all homes, particularly the homes of the workers. Aviators violating these Instructions will be punished by death. Had England not used "Finland" as It used "Poland" and assured It of both financial and military support .there would have been no war, for Finland would have seen the Justice and wisdom of acceding to Russia's demands. Everywhere In Finland, Russian forces have been met by an enthusiastic and grateful proletariat, our soldiers and sailors showered with flowers, the common people of that long oppressed country, welcoming us as liberators from the yoke of a cruel and tyrannical capitalism. All propaganda of course. Not more than a drop of truth in a carload. But we wonder how many American Communists REFUSE to believe it. More than that. We wonder how many American citizens, who were Intrigued by the reports coming out of the Kremlin BEFORE, refuse to be Intrigued by these? OR to express It In another way: Has there ever been any REAL danger of Russian Com- munism gaining a firm foothold in this country, and having done that, extending in any material and threatening way, at any place, at any time? We doubt it, and always have doubted It. There has been organized propaganda, spying, secret agita tion, definite inroads no doubt in the ranks of radical labor, and "higher education", but, it is this department's considered con viction, that in spite of this, of all the isms and cults and cure-alls, that have been offered this country, since the year One, Russian communism has made the least real advance. IN fact If we had wished to give 1 tj....i.. .... j u... 11C1VUICB WW WUUIU IIBVC ICDCIllCU bl IC Idillt, VI IU1IIIII5 WHO country Bolshevik or even getting to first base, on any proposi tion which would Involve the destruction of private property, deprive the average American citizen, of the right of owning his own home, having a little nest egg in bank, or a cow and some chickens in the country, if he should so desire. ' Of all the countries in the world, we believe this country, would be, nnd will be, the last to give up that sort of Indi vidualism that kind of bed rock freedom and independence, which is based upon the ability to earn a little and spend a little less. AND so while we grant this invasion of Finland by Russia, makes clearer to all, the essential fallacy and falsity of the Soviet pretensions to a "better world," we doubt very much if it docs more than relieve the fears of those who have been inclined to see things under the bed. And even more we doubt that it's going to check a movement, that from any clear-headed realistic view point has never made any real progress in this country anyway. IN short, those who have fallen for the Russian hocos pocus before, will fall for It again; those who couldn't see through it before, won't see through it now. For when all Is said and done the Communistic lure, as exemplified by the "bear that walks like a man," appeals only to that small minority that would buy a gold brick even when the red clay beneath the gold leaf was peeking through. Brothers Under the Skin AS a postscript to the above did you notice Stalin issued one of his rare statements last Sunday? The foreign reaction to his attack on Finland must be getting under even his tough skin. Here it Is In condensed form: The report that Soviet RumIr favors wnr, In order to destroy rapltallun nnd advance the world revolution is a lie. Soviet RiiMia ta for pence an( against war, it Is today ths ona great force for peacs. Soviet Huwia had no rieMre to wage war on Finland. It was fotved Into war to protect It soli, acalnst allied treachery nnd MwrrMlon. None can deny these self evident facta: derma ny did not declare war on anyone. riigland and France declared war on Germany. Germany asked for peace. Ruaala svipported Germany In Its request for peace, deelnrlntt a continuation of the war. could only lead to an extension o( the area of world suffering and dlsaater. England and Franco refused the plea for peace. Responsibility for a continuance, of the present war reats solely upon England and France. It would be Interesting to know how many people read that dispatch and failed to see the insincerity and the effrontery of it. It is true Germany didn't declare war. she attacked Poland , rough treatment at the hands ofi'be state department), there were without . declaration. n..t it is also true Germany started the "jf new deal and the penchant I' i of the administration to compete rrn '"' witnesses sre reaay war, because England and France definitely warned that if;vvitn private investment ! ""fv ' ,n racket and how Germany Invaded Toland. they would fight. Also the plan calls for large j prZr" tirtr , . expenditures bv the federal. It is also true Germany asked for peace and Russia supported ' government which would co-' administration would like to her. But only AFTER they had both secured what they wanted operate In the cost of transmis-1 rtmoc'rMfcTe.ders"!'' "hdut m' d.v armed force, and when pea.-e sanction of force, the upholding As before stated Stalin and Hitler mav not have formed a military alliance but they certainly have adopted the same tech- ' nique, not only in the matter of armed aggression against smaller countries, but in lying propaganda. Prison Shelters Game Ionia. Mich. (U.R) The hunt ing scaMtn opened In the farm ing area adjacent to the Ionia reformatory, so two hen pheas ants hustled over the prison wall and took refuge in a coal shed. Prisoners obtained permis sion to keep the birds as pet a until me season Is over a tough job to a modern political ,.j .... tr..u - i tui. would have meant the moral ' of might over right. Shows Partiality Ualtnn, Mass. lU.R1 Another, example of the vug-irics of. New , England weather conies from Dalton. Though every oilier city and town in the state showed a rainfall deficiency of up to 8 96 ! inches for a five HUMlllt pcriOCI. - Datton reported an excess of ' U 53 inches, Personal Health Service By William Signed letters pertaining to persooaj nealtn and hygiene, not to disease diagnosis or treatment, wUI be answered by Dr. Brady If stamped self addressed envelope Is enclosed. Letter s should be brief and written in Ink. Owing to ths larga number of letters received only a few can be answered. No reply can be made to queries not conforming to instructions. Address Dr. William Brady. I6S El Camlno. Beverly Hills, Calif. HAVE VITE FOR OR When the bell rang yesterday, if you remember, we had just analyzed the typical American breakfast and found the chief items a dish of some re fined cereal product popu larly known as "breakfast food" and toast, cakes, waffles or some other highly n o u r ishing carbo hydrate, with sugar or syrup all delectable, easy to eat, digestible, warming, energizing, fattening, but ex tremely poor in minerals and vitamins. On that basis the typ ical American breakfast must be held accountable to a con siderable degree for the nutri tional deficiency which keeps millions of people in the bor derland between invalidism and optimal health. That is the health status of the great ma jority of people who are not incapacitated by illness. Prob ably most of them could get by an insurance examination, yet not five percent of them would rate 90 or above on a real health test. Now please bear in mind that there are other factors than min erals or. vitamins. We'll deal with other factors of low health state or lack of vite in other articles. Here we are trying to point out the way to have vite for or with breakfast. Breakfast is the logical time to stoke in some vitamin B-complex, and here's how. The richest food source of vitamin B-complex (which in cludes B-l or thiamin, B-2 or G or riboflavin, nicotinic acid or blacktongue or pellagra pre- ventige factor, anti-gray factor, anti-dermatitis factor, weight factor, etc.) is plain wheat. Lay in a peck of plain wheat if you can persuade some farmer, feed or seed store man or even a mill to let you have, say 15 pounds (honestly, some of them don't know what peck means) in its natural state. Then rush a letter to me, asking for the monograph "Wheat To Eat," and you'll soon be having vite for breakfast and probably you'll like it so well that you'll have more at other times in the day. Or if that is too radical a change from your habitual pap then get a couple pounds of wheat germ and eat three or four heaping tablespoonfuls of it as or with your breakfast At the National Capitol With John W. Kelly (Continued from Parfe One PRACTICAL effect of such a super-grid will be to "freeze" major industries in the east and in addition to the primary in dustries, the second-string indus tries, which grow up because of the major industries and are de pendent on the primary factories for their own existence. Once the super-grid is created and plants assured of an unin terrupted flow of energy and rates lower than at present, there will be no particular in ducement for steel and similar industries establishing branches in the Pacific Northwest. It is this phase of the program to be discussed which is a serious menace to the Columbia river region. I TNDF.K such an arrangement , as Secretary Ickes proposes, private utilities will be encour aged to plunge into that great j construction program (estimated at one or two billion dollarslj which has been delayed because j utilities have been frightened at r . '. )". . hydro and steam plants. npHKItK is a growing trend toward , payer moUTfln." government projeor which compete with private business. Even the more active government-ownership advo cates recv'lr this symptom snd the Prderal Power Pollt-y Committee la quite antious that the utilities 1,0 nc" p'vn un ,h"r n1-"''" artillery' ln ,n i1P"''nl" campaign. The s'.ipfr-grldls a sort -of gesture of g1 I wtn towsrtl the heretofore denounced power trust. a'thotwh Director t.,,nlhai of TVA. and John Car- rnodv. of PWA have been making sitae::. on prints companies In the past thre weeaa. n Brady, M.D. WITH BREAKFAST cereal or mixed with fruit or fruit juice or incorporated in any recipe calling for flour, in place of half the flour. Wheat germ is five or six times as rich as plain wheat in vitamin B complex. Or if even that Is beyond your timid reach, then keep on hand a supply of vitamin B complex tablets (each tablet contains 150 international units of B-l and all the other factors of the B-complex) and eat an optimal daily ration of B-complex along with breakfast an average of six such tablets daily. There is a growing recogni tion of the need for restoration of the natural vitamin B-complex to bread and some bakers have endeavored to fortify white bread by adding a vitamin B complex concentrate. When or if that practice becomes univer sal it will contribute materially toward "preservation of the characteristics of youth" etc., nr in other words it will re-VITE-alize what was once the staff of life. QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS Blow Easily If At All la blowing the nose a cause of sinus trouble or does it tend to aggravate such trouble? What la the proper way to blow the nose? (A. W. MacK.) Answer Forceful blowing of the nose may excite sinus trouble. It Is always better to blow very gently If at all. as a child does. Do not pinch the nostrils, but hold hand kerchief under nose and Just breathe out through the nostrils. Hernia Treatment It would be a help to many read ers who have hernia, If you would give the names of reliable doctors who are skilled in the Injection treatment. Dr. . . . has cured my hernia of 20 years standing, and the treatments never gave me aerloua discomfort or Interfered with my dally work. (E. B.) Answer I am glad to name such doctors (If I know of them) In a correspondent's vicinity on his re quest. Inclose stamped envelope bearing your address. Wheat Germ What Is the difference between plain wheat, cracked and eaten aa a breakfast food, or Incorporated In vartous recipes, and wheat germ, In vitamin content? (T. 8. M.) Answer An ounce of plain wheat contains perhaps 30 International units of vitamin B. An ounce of wheat germ contains perhaps 115 International unite of vitamin B. (Protected by John F. Dllle Co.) Ed. Note: Persons wishing to rommunlrnte with Dr. Rrady should send letter direct to Dr. William Brady. M. O.. 265 El Camlno. Bev?rlt Hills, Calif. Mollifying the eastern power com panies and showing advantages of the super-grid to the first and sec ond decree Industries Is calculated to cause those groups to pull their punches In the campaign. HAT Secretary Ickes. Benny Cohen, Jerome Frank, et al. are overlooking Is the fact that their plan requires a whale of an ap propriation and some sort of con gressional legislation, and that every state In the west wanta Industries and a market for Its power and raw materials. There are anywhere from 32 to 33 senators who will oppose sny program of Ickes which tends to "freeze'' Industry In the east and delay development of the western country Industrially. The western bloc Democrats and Republicans Include some of the strongest members of the senate. die when congress meeta. It will, In time, have witnesses who will show up the Spanish relief racket or the communists. As a "front" for collecting money, the Spanish Ref ugee Relief committee was organ ised with (of all persons) "Honest" Hiirold Ickes. secretary of the In terior, as the honorary chairman. The communlsta twitched to this organisation when the state depart ment be;nn expressing surprise at the lare amount of "overhead" of the Spanish Relief committee during me civil war. as thousands of dol lsrs contributed by well-meaning Americana never was dlspstched to furnish the assistance promised. ay hen this spa called attention W to the "overhead" aa compared with the smell sum sent to spsin (figures taken from official flies of t, th ,rn a (lnh TOlM bt i poor politics. JEWISH RESERVATION HELD BARBARIC ACT Paris. Dec. 3. The ex ecutive committee of the World Jewish Concress in a formal protest today charged Germnn creation of a Jewish reservation in conquered Poland was "an ! act of barbarism." ! The committee declared thou- sands of Jews were being sent i to the Lublin recion "like 1 beasts." treated with "unparal leled crrelty and coldly exposed i to die of hunger." In The Day News By Frank Jenkins RUSSIA'S grab of Finland stirs Italian Indignation, crowds in Rome cheering little Finland and booing Russia. That doesn't add any strength to the Rome-Berlin axis. STILL, Finland or no Finland, look for Mussolini to join in ultimately with whatever side seems most likely to win. Sen timental considerations haven't much weight with dictators or with nations generally, for that matter, except ours. (And every time we act on sentiment, rather than hard com mon sense, we seem to get our fingers burned.) YOU'VE read'in the past day or so of Russian negotia tions with a "Finnish govern ment" that is cheerfully giving to Russia everything she wants. This "Finnish" government is one set up by the incading Russ armies, and consists, of course, of the communists who were working in Finland in advance of the invasion. That is the way Stalin and his outfit work. DRITAIN and France are start- ing their blockade of all German exports, by which they hope to destroy German foreign trade. Foreign traded you see, doesn't work just one way. It works both ways and consists of both imports and exports. If a coun try's foreign trade is to be des troyed, BOTH SIDES of it must be destroyed. That is what Britain and France have in mind. It will be hard on' the neutrals (including us) but war doesn't consider ANYBODY'S comforts or dis comforts. THE British bomb German warships at the Helgoland base, and claim direct hits. The Germans deny this, asserting that only a "little fishing log ger" was hit by the British bombs. Whatever may be true else where, we simply can't believe a word that either side says about warfare in the air. Each claims victory for itself, and de nies any harm done by the other fellow. BY Berne OP) German atlas publishers printing maps under the Nazi regime have Infuria ted the Swiss in the past and now they ve done it again. The Nazi program calls for assembling or drawing all Ger manic people into the Reich or at least into National Socialism, and they Just can't get it out of their heads that the Swiss Germans aren't interested. The "Knaup' atlas, printed in Berlin, carries a map of its new edition headed "Germans living outside the frontiers of the Reich" and the map includes German Switzerland in that group. To drive the point home the atlas states that "there are three million Germans living in Switz erland." The Swiss objected, in their newspapers and by word of mouth, to being called Germans. "Let them come here, those Nazi mapmakers, let them come and listen to what we think and they'll learn we're Swiss, not German," said the Zurich Volks recht. a German language news paper. 15 CHRISTMAS SEALS Jn PROTECT YOUH HOMI rROM TVBERCW.OSIS Ona way to speed tuberculosis to ward eradication Is to buy and use Christmas Seals. Chan & Chan f'J&S-'-tt. rbi"1" Mnllrtne To. V IV rrllrr,! at once (n Jt'Zi-y j our hi-rbiil renin.?. ! rVtf '' - you hvf : Aithmi, V fel-. Vrxrr. stomach Trnuhlf. ronllpIlon, Throntc Couth. KhMin.it lni. St mt Tronhlr, ltli. r!hrltl. lo ut K Krrnifl. ApiiirlirlfU. Illch Itl'Hl Priir ProMatr, Heart, I Ufr. Hlvlot KldncT, Lunc. Wood. I'rtnan Irouhlr. Herb will ue ;ou rvttrf. m R. Main NOW OPEN DAILY 10 a. in, to .Vifi p. m. Kv-Hit WH. HM. in a. m. to IS. Em feu Flight 0' Time Medford and Jackson County History from the files of the Stall Tribune 10 and 10 years ago- TEN YEARS AGO TODAY December 5, 1929. (It was Thursday.) Create! crowd in city's his tory packs downtown to wel come Santa Claus. President Hoover in message declares "return of prosperity depends on hard work by every body." Co-Op Exchange ships carload of turkeys south. Wall street shows a firmer tone. Forest fire in Curry county continues to burn, at a heavy loss. Senate votes against seating of William S. Vare of Pennsyl vania as senator. Bernie Hughes and Bill Mor gan, local grid stars, rated as first string members of Oregon team next fall. TWENTY YEARS AGO TODAY December S, 1919. , (It was Friday.) French troops ready to march across the Rhine, unless Ger many ceases stalling about sign ning the peace treaty, and abid ing by its terms. Mexican bandits raid small border village and steal gro ceries. Cold wave of the past ten days has caused a shortage o" stovewood in the city. Three cars of coal from Utah due to morrow; all sold. Many valley farmers buying Fordson tractors. Edison Marshall, local author, to have his first book published in March, with the locale in the Umpqua divide country. Officials of the Trigonia Oil company go to Portland to con fer with experts on drilling. Tavern Prowler Shot By Owner Portland, Dec. S. (IP) A I youth identified by police as Wally Fred Hess, 20, Milwaukie, was seriously wounded by a beer tavern operator early to day. Police Sergeant Chet Wiles said George Coil, owner of the tavern, shot Hess through the chest after being awakened by the sound of breaking glass and seeing the youth bending over a pinball machine. SAFETY and PROFIT 4 SAFETY INSURED up lo $5000 for each person by an agency of the Federal Government. Jackson County Federal Savings & Loan Association CHEAP ad GOOD This Efficient Fuel Inexpensive to Buy! DRY PINE SLABWOOD $6.00 DRY FACTORY BLOCKS $5.50 BUNDLED KINDLING $500 Delivery In City Limits ' ' ' Or fill your car or trailer at our fuel y.rd en lh. eorn., of Nor.h Cm,.! Are. .nd McAndr.w. Road Timber Prodi&s Company -.0.0.. V 0...O Phone 7 Ye Poets Corner Revenge By Russell Mitchell The thieving Bear is loose again Devouring crops and homes and men. Before the brute can ever rest He'll try to rob the Eagle's nest; For he's begun to think the bird Cannot back up hi warning word. The Eagle. In a peaceful pause. Has not shed off his beak and claws; Because he's closed his wings from flight In no way means he will not fight. He'll calmly lift his powerful wings, ' As one dread note he shrilly flings, No sooner heard his warning calls. When "like a thunderbolt he falls," And what was once a thieving Bear, Will die in strings outside hli lair. Closing time for Too Late to Clas sify Ads Is 1:30 p. m. TOYS Check Our Prices Before You Buy WAGONS All Steal Rubber Tires, at Low as. '1.98 TRICYCLES Rubber Tires, as low at '2.49 Electric Trains 12 -Foot Track, Complete With Transformer $ '6.95 and Engine.... Mechanical Toys, Dolls, Doll Dishes and Many Others HANSEN HARDWARE Bartlett and Sixth CURRENT EARNINGS Fundi Invested by the tenth of the month will earn divl dendt from the firit. Dividends will be paid Jan uary first and July first. &E'WlTySS ooo$y 126 East Main DUS K