MEDFORD MAIL TRIBUNE. MEDFORD. OREGON, SUNDAY, DECEMBER 3, 1939. PAGE SIX Society By Clara (Continued from psgs four) P. T. A. Activities rnnnrll of Parent- Teacheri association will meet Tuesday at the home of Mrs. Herbert Sims, 41 Ross Court. Junior High P. T. A. executive board will be hostesses. Mrs. J. K. Hoey, Mrs. Grover Corum and Mrs. Herbert Sims, form the committee in charge. Dessert luncheon will be served after which a musical program will be presented by the girls sextette of the Junior high school. Miss Helen Leach is director. Membership of the council is made up of the executive boards of the four local P. T. A. units who are expected to attend this monthly meeting. However, per sons interested in council activi ties are welcome to attend. Calendar Monday. 1:00 p. m. Past Matrons, Rames, home Mrs. J. A. Perry, 604 West Main street. 2:00 p. m. Travel Study club, home Mrs. A. J. Hanby, 439 North Holly. 6:30 p. m. St. Mark's Guild, parish hall. 7:30 p. m. Interdenomina tional league, Nazarene church. Tuesday. 1:30 p. m. Lady Elks, Elks Temple. 2:00 p. m. Oregon State Mothers club, home Mrs. H. E. Conger. 8:30 p. m. P.E.O. chapter BE. home Mrs. Victor Sether, 1007 Queen Anne. Wednesday. 10:00 a. m. W.C.T.U. con ference, Presbyterian church. 10:00 a. m. Navy Mothers, I.O.O.F. hall, Central Point. 1:00 p. m. Women of Ro tary, home Mrs". Hance Cleland, 1713 East Main street. 2:30 p. m. Wednesday Study club, Girls' Community club house. 6:30 p. m. Toastmistress club. Hotel Holland. Thursday. 1:30 p. m. Building Bridge club, Catholic Parish hall. 1:30 p. m. Women's Relief Corps, armory. 2:00 p. m. Medford Garden club. Hotel Medford. 8:00 p. m. Degree of Honor, elubroomg. 0:30 p. m. Masonic dancing party, Masonic Temple. Saturday. 12:30 p. m. Nile Daughters, Redwoods hotel. Grants Pass. Nil Daughters Mt Saturday Zuleima Temple, Daughters of the Nile, will meet In Grants Pass Saturday, December 6, for luncheon, at 12:30 o'clock In the Redwoods hotel, A general meeting will follow at 2 o'clock in the Masonic Temple. AH members aia asked to attend. A ew Including The " -- "A and Clubs Mary Davii Lodge-Club-Church Announcements Garden Club lo Meet Thursday Medford Garden club will meet Thursday afternoon at 2 o'clock on the mezzanine floor of the Hotel Medford. A varied program will be enjoyed and Mrs. Clarence Meeker will pre sent a talk on gardens and flower shows she saw on her recent trip cast. Relief Corps Will Convene Women's Relief Corps will convene Thursday afternoon at 1:30 o'clock in the armory. Election of officers and other important business will betaken up at the session and refresh ments will be served. All mem bers are asked to attend. Rotnry Women To Meet Soon Women of Rotary will enloy a salad luncheon at the home of Mrs. Hance Cleland, 1715 East Main street. Wednesday afternoon at 1 o'clock. Mrs. Cleland will be assisted by Mrs. Robert A. Duff, Mrs. Joe Marshall and Mrs. R. C. Wright. P.E.O. to Meet Tuesday Evening P.E.O., chapter BE, will con vene Tuesday evening at 6:30 o'clock for a covered dish din ner at the home of Mrs. Victor Sether, 1007 Queen Anne ave nue. Miss Ora Cox Is in charge of the program. Oregon State Mothers Meet Oregon State Mothers club will convene Tuesday afternoon at 2 o'clock at the home of Mrs. H. E. Conger. This will mark the regular monthly meet ing. Lady Elks is Have Party Soon Ladv Elks will pnlnv a Ht. sert luncheon and card party Tuesday afternoon at 1:30 o'clock. In the Elks Temple. Lommittee In charge Includes Mrs. Herbert Hanna, Mrs. Maude Snider and Mrs. J. R. Keene. St. Mark's io Dine Monday St. Mark's Altar Guild will gather Monday evening at 6:30 o'clock In the parish hall on North Oakdale avenue for a cafeteria dinner. Medford Matrons Visit in Portland Mrs. Walt E. Hoppe, Mrs. C. I. Drummond and Mrs. C. B. Collins returned Friday from Portland where they visited Thursday. Thev made the trin by motorcar. Past Matrons To Meet Soon Past Matrons club of Reamcs chapter. O.E.S., will convene Monday afternoon at 1 o'clock Hahn Motors Announce FULL LINE OF MODELS AND COLORS IN Chryslers a win use jraeire NEW YORKERS and TRAVELERS With FLU ID D resumption of the Chrysler-Plymouth Production Line make it imperative for u to SHasHi Prices ON OUR LARGE STOCK OF 'USED CARS TO BE Sold at ffVimfclV-VlltftlMMBM n n i In Fashion Favor , J- i f,A . 'fcr1fv JITS 4 ''' I Till linn HMfal Reaching a new high in smart ness are the appointments of the driver's compartment of Chrysler for 1040. Predomin ant Is the stylish use of plastic as the trim for instrument panel and glove compartment. Match ing plastic is used on the steer at the home of Mrs. J. A. Perry, 604 West Main street, for a dessert luncheon. Members are asked to bring an Inexpensive gift and another gift for a child. FLY ALONG COAST Portland. Dec. 2 (U.R) Storm warnings were hoisted tonight along the Washington coast from the Columbia river to the Canadian boundary and the U. S. weather bureau here said a wind blowing out of the southeast was expected to reach gale force by morning. The weather bureau said "a depression of uncertain struc ture" but considerable depth was moving in toward British Columbia from the eastern Pa cific ocean. Astoria Wins Astoria, Ore., Dec. 2. IJP) The port of Astoria acted within its rights in refusing scrapiron shipments, Federal Judge Claude McC'olloch said yesterday in sub mitting his reasons for dismiss ing the 537,500 suit. ' Plane Dividend . . New York, Dec. 2. (A') The Lockheed Aircraft Corporation, a recipient of large foreign or ders for airplanes in the last year, has declared an initial divi dend of $1 a share on the capital stock, it was announced today. California G. O. P. Stand San Francisco. Dec. 2. (IP) California's 44 delegates to the 1940 national Republican con vention would go uninstructed under a plan adopted here last night by the party's state cen tral committee. Closing time for Too Late to Clas sify Ada Is 1:80 p. m. MCE! TVV Ti -J '-Z-L-itnW ing wheel and gear-shift lever. Front seat has been Widened again this year. There's more than ample room for three pas sengers in the front seat. A shipment of new Chryslers is due at Hahn Motors in a few days, according to an announce ment yesterday by Fred Hahn. RALLY EFFORT ON ILL ST. FUTILE New York, Dec. 2. (IP) Efforts to expand Friday's mod est stock market rally met with opposition today and leading issues generally shifted over an extremely narrow range. Traders had little fresh news to go on and the disposition of most was to step lightly in ex panding commitments. Dealings frequently were at a standstill during the two-hour proceed ings. Transfers were around 250, 000 shares, one of the smallest turnovers since the middle of October. Posting modest gains at one time or another some event ually slipped were U. S. Steel, Goodyear, Scars Roebuck, United Aircraft, Glenn Martin, Sperry, Consolidated Edison, Anaconda, Kennecott, Union Carbide, Loft, Brooklyn-Manhattan Transit, N. Y. Central and Texas Corp. Noted Dead By the Associated Press Pasadena, Calif. C h a r 1 e s Heald, 90, organizer and first president of the Pere Marquette railroad system in Michigan. Dayton, O. Lorin Wright, 77, manufacturer and brother of Orville and Wilbur Wright, the aviation pioneers. Chicago H. G. Grosse, 67, credited with inventing the first household ironing machine, and for many years president of the American Ironing Machine com pany. Closing time for Too Late to Clas sify Ads Is 1:30 p. m. an RIVE and Convertable PLACE Used Car Lot, 25 RECALL OF ENVOY TO REBUKE REDS Palo Alto, Calif., Dec. 3 (IP) Withdrawal of the United States' ambassador to Russia because of the Invasion of Finland was advocated by former President Herbert Hoover In a statement issued at his home here today. "Why all this tenderness toward Russia?" Mr. Hoover asked. "Our government offers its good offices to prevent the attack on Finland. The admin istration very properly protested against the bombings of Finnish women and children. We do not even get civil replies. Moreover, has Russia kept her agreement with the United States not to engage within the United States in propaganda to destroy our government? "Mr. Roosevelt gave recogni tion to the Communist govern ment by treaty and the exchange of ambassadors. That gave them standing as a decent member of the family of nations. "We long since had with drawn our ambassadors to the Nazi government of Germany and we even raised our tariff 25 per cent on German goods. Is the assault on the freedom of Finland and the dead women and children In their streets any less a shock to us than the Nazi barbarities? We should, as was done in Germany, leave a routine official to represent us in Moscow and withdraw the dignity of our ambassador." FASCISTS STAGE Rome, Dec. 2. (IP) Uni formed Fascists demonstrated against Russia today before the Soviet embassy and the Finnish legation. Onlookers said there were 3,000 demonstrators. Including many students, in the gather ing before the Soviet embassy at which anti-Soviet slogans were shouted for half an hour. Then the throng marched to the Finnish legation where it cheered the Finns and de nounced the Russians. The demonstrations, uninter rupted by police, underscored the sympathy for Finland ex pressed by the Fascist press since the Soviet invasion of the little republic. At the Finnish legation the demonstrators hoisted Finnish Minister Eero Jarneleft on their shoulders and paraded him around the plaza. Models wSo1."" Hotel A Benson j IqFJ J HOHLWEG I DaUy's Auto Painting . Oi M Glass & Top Shop : S M 9mt Barl,eU -sjtgja m Safety Cu, ,0 Ru gth and BartUM Ph0nt e87 j sHMsHMS(MBMSBMHMar , Rrnadwav lit Oak Portland 1939 Dodge Sedan 1938 Chrysler Royal Sedan 1937 Plymouth Sedan 1936 Chrysler Airflow Sedan 1934 Ford Deluxe Coupe All Other YOUR ORDER HOW South Riverside UP Tacoma, Dec. 2. (IP) Detec tive Captain Cliff Osborne an nounced today three confessed bandits In Jail here, William Johnston, 22, Robert Stanton, 18, and Donald Hamilton Mc Donald. 20. will h nilprtinneri Monday about the $1,500 bank roDDery at Stevenson. Osborne said the trio already had con fessed one robbery. 10 burelaries and three auto thefts. Osborne said one of the trio had a registration check for a Vancouver auto park dated No vember 30, the same day the Stevenson bank was held up. Stevenson is 60 miles up the Columbia river from Vancouver. Too Late to Classify JACKSONVILLE MASONIC LODGE, Warren No. 10. will sponsor a program Tuesday, Dee. 6th. The Eastern Star will nerve dinner at 6:30. after which Dr. Sherman L. Divine will apeak. His subject, "Chord of Blue." USE YOUR CREDIT at Sims Bros. Bicycle Shop. 3S N. Plr St. Air guns and 31 rifles for the boys' Xmas. W. E. ALEXANDER. Central Point. Oregon. . International Harvester (Mccormick Deerlngl representa tive for Jackson county. FOR SALE Nearly new gas ranee. Ivory enameled. Colonial Oarage. Phone 318, ask for Brady.' BOSTON BULL pups. 319 Mary. FOR SALE Small atock of clean, used clothing, good condition. Priced reasonable. Write Tribune Box 343. WANTED To exchange lovely new crocheted bedspread for good used davenport and chair. Box 468 Tribune. WILL SACRIFICE equity In '36 Pon tlac sedan 9. Call Sunday 48 Myers Court. FOR RENT Good 8-room house, close In. Phone 417. LOST Between Klamath Falls and Ashland, set of black books In wooden box. Books bear printing Lever Co., Cambridge. Mass. Notify O. Hopper, Medford Hotel. Reward. WHY Trade for City Property or Sell. t A M rAA 400-acre estate for SI 4 nDD country gentleman. f T J V V w (- RoglM. ttvrT Atl Indicated water right to 113 acres. Private ditch out of river. Cement wing dam at Intake. Ditch alone cost 5000. All loam garden land under ditch. House, barn and summer cabin. One mile beautiful river frontage. There Is no more desirable property on the river than this place. When fully de veloped will cut 600 tons of alfalfa. Sacrifice price $14,500. Take city property for equity or sell on terms. Might subdivide. J. C. BARNES, 20 N. Peach St. Phone I127-Y. i pmm $"Joo w PORTLAND'S l?fsl Jf oft Most Distinctive Hotel ! fV7??! j Vlll !n 8ET UP Frlfndlv Service SStJG" Allll ".omj-l.lke Rooms - AiVsM Rainy Weather Aheadl CHECK THESE SAMPLE $845 ..$795 $495 $595 $235 Used Cars Reduced In BICYCLES for tht boys and alrlt. Ttleyclff, wagon and acooura for th ktddtea Sold on aajr tnns at Sims Broa. 33 H. Plr. EXPERIENCED GIRL or woman for general housework. Box 341 Tribune. EXPERIENCED GIRL wishes work as Bales ciera or winrw. iwtr, encea. Phone 60. FOR SALE 1930 Model A Forf coup, good condition, nw paint; also A-l fresh mil cow. Phone 690-J-S. FOR SALE TnbU erwrn separator. nearly nw. Tans part vooo. io. W. K. Rowley, two miles south Phoenix. Anderson road. WANTED Transportation to Okla homa, share expenses. Call 7-F-22. TURKEY DIN"NER Corner Inn, 304 Jo. Central. " WILL SACRIFICE PIANO In good condition, $50. 327 Cottage. WANTED Employed lady to ahar apartment. Apt. J. Ideal Court, corner Taylor and Myrtle. FOR SALE Weaner pigs, $1.50 each. Phone 462-R-3. FURNISHED FIVE ROOMS. Water connected wood range and heater. Phone 1345-J. DO YOU WANT A CAR Sandy has the best buys In town. Go today and pick out your car or truck. Prices from $25 to $750. You must be satisfied. We are listing a few: 1936 Pontlac alx coupe $385 1932 Ford tudor 13S 1933 Studebaker six sedan ......... 165 1934 Studebaker alx coupe... 285 1939 Chevrolet deluxe sedan. 760 1938 studebaker six sedan 450 1938 Chevrolet pickup 365 SANDERSON MOTOR CO. WANTED 200 cord of wood buered. Hawley Fuel Co., 223 N. Riverside. FOR RENT 4 -room furnished house, electrically equipped. 730 Oak St., Medford. MERRY CHRISTMAS Set that piano aside now. A gift for the whole family. Pay $5.00 down. Let us keep It for you until Christmas. Choose from a great piano stock. Latest style Spinets. Grands, Uprights, includ ing the famous Baldwin, Acrosonlc, Hamilton and Howard makes. You'll llko our selling place and attractive prices and terms. Start your pay ments in January. BALDWIN" PIANO 8HOPPE Medford's Up-To-Date Piano Store. WANTED Your watch and clock repairing. Work guaranteed. Reason able. C. E. Myers, 118 N. Central. FOR SALE Fur felt hats, all sizes, $1 and $1.50, at Ryan's Star Clean ers, 5 So. Front. RAW PITHS WANTED 1 Eastern Cash Prices paid for your furs at home. Also hides, pelts and wool MEDFORD BARGAIN HOUSE 87 N. Grape St. Medford, Ore. FOR SALE Newtown s. Nice quality, good sizes. By the lug or truck load. Bring containers. Myron Root A Co.. Inc. Warehouse 47 South Fir St. PRICES Please Dad With a Set of SEAT COVERS FOH CHRISTMAS Lii" 0 FIBRE COVERS FROM K3V L 1931 Ford Sedan 1927 Durant Coupe 1929 Pontiac Sedan 1929 Chevrolet Pickup 1932 Willys 6 Sedan Proportion for a New Chrysler or Plymouth to be delivered in a few days New Car Showroom, FOR SALE Rockhlll strawberry plants. Inquire 139 N. Central. WANTED Scrap lion, to supply In creasing demand Spot cash paid at latest market price. MEDFORD BARGAIN HOUSE 37 North Grape St. Phone 1063 FOR RENT 4 -room house, $18, water paid. No children. 1318 W. 0th. jfcA . Very attractive flve CyOnfl room modern bungaJow, VfcfcWW almost new, with two acrea excellent garden land. Pina shade and free water for Irrigation. $300 cash, balance monthly. Also $1600 Brand new modern cot. tage. large lot, garage. Never occupied. Very low down payment to responsible buyer. t ELMER HERRIED No. 7 N. Bartlett. Phone 1498; evenings 1B13-J. WANTED Service station operator for going station. Must have fi nance for own stocks. Inquire th Texas Co. HOUSE FOR RENT. Sweeney. Phone Dr. UPHOLSTERING and furniture re pairing. Pohne 969-R. Thlbault. STOCK RANCH 1,764 acres fenced and cross fenced. One mile river frontage. Fair buildings. Price $18,000, terms. C. 8. Butterfleld. By HALE WHEELER LOOKS Like England Is having more trouble with its "blackouts' than with en emy bombs. When a bomb drops, at least you have a rough Idea of what's going to happen, but with a "black out" anything can happen and apparently does. How ever, I suppose the "lights out" order is a boon to men who are looking for an excuse to keep them from the family fire side. They can always say they were afraid to come home In the dark. Sometimes It seems the world Is too well educated. I'll bet Frlte Kuhn, the Bund leader, wishes he had never learned to writer because there's nothing less ro mantic than the way a lawyer reads love letters In a courtroom. How does your winter overcoat look after a minimer in the closet? Unique Cleaners' modern methods of cleaning will bring back the "new" look to your garments. We gladly repair small moth holes, sew on buttons, and perform other special services after your overcoat has been thoroughly cleaned by our careful workmen. Unique serv ice costs no more. Phone 96 apk for Hale Wheeler. 20 S. Central St. $49.00 $12.50 $22.50 ..$95.00 $22.50 38 North Riverside j f (0