PAGE SIX MEDFORD MAIL TRIBUNE. MEDFORD. OREGON, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 1, 1939. ANNUAL AOVIGE TO 'MAIL EARLY Christmas 1 now just around the corner, lor today Postmaster Frank DeSouza Issued his an nual advice on how to prepare Yuletide mail and parcels so that "they will reach their destina tions in good condition. Major Items in the postmas ter's recommendations were: Give clear, complete addresses so there will be no delay in de livery. Postofflce clerks and car riers at this busy period of year do not have time to look up street numbers and box numbers and so mail not fully addressed must be set aside until after the holidays when time can be found for such a task, Mr, Oe Uouza emphasized. Parcels should be wrapped and tied securely so that they can stand the shaking around they must receive during transit. Many parcels every year still break open during transit be cause they are not properly wrapped to begin with, the post master said. Fragile articles should be given special wrapping. And above all, MAIL EARLY! The postmaster called atten tion to a number of special ser vices rendered by the postofflce department to expedite the transportation and delivery of mail and parcels. Full informa tion about the special services may be obtained from any clerk at the postoffice. Tense Scene at Cleveland Relief Depot While Cleveland ! relief moneys were rapidly dwindling, this was the tense scene at one of the city's six disirict relief nazions as a woman (left), pleaded with a relief administrative worker. At right is the worker's deciding hand which writes "yes" or "no" to requests for grocery orders, coal, surplus commodities and other living necessities. Portland Turkeys On Nominal Level Portland, Dec. 1. (VP) Nomi nal activity prevailed on the turkey market today with virtu ally no change in buying or sell ing prices. Late arrivals killed the demand for additional stock. Packing for the eastern move ment will start next week. Drainage Loan Portland, Dec. 1. (P) Rep. Homer D. Angell received con firmation from Washington to day of a $50,000 loan to the Sauvies island drainage district, Columbia river. FEAST AT CAFETERIA; IE BILL TO CITY Cleveland, Dec. 1 (IP) Eight een hungry persons ate $9.96 worth of food at a downtown cafeteria this afternoon and told the manager to "charge it to the city." The demonstration was led by the Association of Unem ployed on direct and work re lief. Stanley Mackniesh, secre tary of the organization, which has been active in the current Cleveland relief crisis, had an nounced Wednesday that un married destitute persons, to whom the city has denied food orders, would adopt this means of getting meals. J. J. Pratt, manager of the This Mason we are featuring a famous tine of Christmas eeTlMtoii?' mr ttrclv- " distinctive iin, S?.i?,,15r?0,V0f ,h!. h design actual rperklei with originality and smartness. And more than tnx'l v,,he,y 14 1"o n"-card. for almost every conceivable situation from which to choose. It pays to tend smart Christmas Cards, as youtl axree EtPWfcm Ur "eW di"'1;,'-no- "od for your BUY YOUR CHRISTMAS CARDS BY THE BOX It's the Economical Way! Choose from 35 different style boxed assortments. the best numbers from all the leading greeting card linos in America. most ol them here exclusively. THE "SPARKLETONE" Box Assortment 12 for 50t Sparkling In design and friendly greetings. THE "RELIGIOUS" Box Assortment 12 for 5() - Mellotone reproductions from original water color paintings. THE "EDGAR A. GUEST" Box Assortment 12 for $1.00 Each card contains a verse by Edgar A. Guest, also an informal greeting. THE "BUDGET" Box Assortment 1(J for RO Famous Hallmark quality and design. All diftorent. "CRATER LAKE" Box Assortment 20 for $1.00 - Christmas Greeting folders Illustrated with genuine photographs ot Crater Lake and South ern Oregon scenes. THE "WOOD ETTES" Box Assortment 12 for 500 An unusual framed ellect in simulated wood folders. THE "PARCHMENT" Box Assortment 21 for $1.00 - A special value. Beautiful parchment folders with an underlay of metallic papers. ALL CARDS CAN BE IMPRINTED WITH YOUR NAME FOR A SMALL ADDITIONAL CHARGE. PLACE YOUR ORDER NOW, PLEASE Swem's Gift Shop STORE OF A THOUSAND THOUGHTFUL GIFTS GREETING CARD HEADQUARTERS cafeteria located in busy Eu clid avenue said he planned no action but hoped "there will be no more such visitors." Fifteen men and three wom en made up the group, which earlier today unsuccessfully sought an interview with relief officials at city hall. ENTER CONTEST Two Medford youths left by stage this morning for Los An geles to enter the 7th semi-annual southern California gas model airplane competition sponsored by the Gas Model Airplane association of South ern California, Inc. The meet will be held December 10 at southern California model air port. The Medford contestants were Allen Buckingham of 236 South Central avenue and John Dal laire of route 2. Each had his crated model gas airplane with him. The two youths have experi mented with gas models here for some time and the planes they are entering in the com petition have made a number of successful flights. TIP FOR COMMUNISTS Ellensburg, Wash., Dec. 1. WV-U. S. Senator Lewis B. Schwellenbnch, who started a tour of eastern Washington yes terday, said here Soviet Russia's invasion of Finland should be "the payoff so far as sincere followers of communism are concerned." Declaring there had been "no instance of territorial aggression more unjustified," Schwellen bnch said followers of commu nism "can't possibly delude even ! themselves any longer that Sta lin can be relied upon in the cause of world peace." R. F. ANTLE Richard F. Antle was today appointed manager of the Med ford liquor store to succeed L. A. Early, who had served in that capacity for the past sev eral months. Mr. Antle assumed his position this morning. Announcement of the man agerial change was made by John Walker, assistant super visor for the southern Oregon district of the Oregon liquor control commission. Mr. Walker said there were no other changes in the store's person nel. Mr. Antle has been a resident of Medford for the past 30 years, during which he has been en gaged in the banking and movie business. He has a host of friends here who will be glad to learn of his appointment. Ex-Gang Mouthpiece In Turn For Worse Albuquerque, N. M., Dec. 1. (IP) A change for the worse was reported today in the con dition of J. Richard "Dixie" Davis, former New York gang land attorney under treatment in a hospital here for an intes tinal ailment. His physician said Davis was "seriously ill". He entered the hospital Monday under an as sumed name-, accompanied by his bride, the former Hope Dare. SAVAGE ATTACKS IE AREA (continued irum page one) the way to Abo (Turku), on Fin land's west coast 250 miles from the Russian frontier, where it was reported, without confirma tion that Finnish civilians were machine-gunned as they were in Helsinki. No estimate of the day's casualties in the capital or elsewhere was available. Hundreds of Russian prisoners were reported captured on the Karelian isthmus, where the red army was invading overland. (Moscow reported an advance of from 6 to 10 miles here yesterday.) Helsinki newspaper offices re ceived reports from many sec tions of the capital that citizens were being machine gunned from Russian planes in the early afternoon. Homes Machine-Gunned M. Heiiki-Klemetti, director of a Finnish male chorus which re cently toured the United States, said a low-flying Russian plane had machine-gunned his subur ban home. There was no news of Jan Sibelius, Finland's noted com poser who came to live in the capital Nov. 2 in order, he said, to be with his people in time of stress. Civilians at that time were being taken out of the capital. Destroyer Floated Washington, Dec. 1. (IP) The navy said today the des troyer Ruben-James, grounded off the north coast of Cuba, had been floated. Closing time for Too Late to Clas sify Ads Is 1:30 p. m. Los Angeles, Cal., Dec. 1. (VP) Rodney Pantages was grant ed a divorce today from Beatrice Veryl Pantages. together with the custody of their two young children. Superior Judge William S. Baird, who awarded Pantages the decree, expressed the belief Mrs. Pantages had been intimate with a Palm Springs bartender. He ruled Pantages' half inter est in the Hollywood Pantages theater was his separate proper ty, but awarded the wife a half interest in the $18,000 home the couple built three years ago and possession of unsecured notes valued at approximately $1,000. Use Mall Tribune want ads. E REJECT PROPOSAL San Francisco, Dee. 1. (IP) Governor Culbert L. Olson's proposal the state operate dock facilities at San Francisco was rejected flatly by the Water front Employers association to day in a statement which said "We favor less, rather than more, government in business." The harbor has been virtually tied up for 22 days since the ship clerks union struck in con nection with efforts to obtain a new contract. The union previously sent a reply to the governor favoring his suggestion, Ed Whelan, un ion negotiator, said today. Closing time for Too Late to Clas sify Ads Is 1:30 p. m. l 111 11 II II 11 II W ml BSmMlSZIM& rr, ya mm mmmmmm Talk Modernizing Airport at Dalles The Dalles, Dec. 1. (IP) Modernization of the North Dalles airport received consid eration today after a civil aero nautics report described it as "sadly outmoded." Transport planes encountering fog turn back to Pendleton and use The Dalles port field only for ex treme emergencies. Closing time for Too Late to Clas sify Ads Is 1:30 p. m. YOU RE RIGHTIT TASrES 10TJ BETTER! WISH WED DISCOVERED UPTON'S TBA SOONER! THE FLAVORS SO RICH AND IT SURE BRACES A TIRED MAN ! have another cup, dear. even tea as grand as iipton's costs less than anvthing vou drink-except water! ff-CPEl iiSl Evening In Paris GIFT SETS 55c to $10.00 Helen Harrison CHOCOLATES FREE GIFT WRAPPING Of Course! 3 pound Tin $1.49 Schick and Remington ELECTRIC RAZORS $10.00 to $16.50 Electric Heating Pads $198 to H98 si JiKM s- t v- - : :vfm mi am ci JtfssSiU v rue Helena Rubinstein GIFT SETS $3.25 EVERY MAN WANTS GIFTS TO SMOKE Kaywoodie Pipes $3.50 Dill's Best Xmas pounds. 89c Prince Albert Glass Humidor 98c Model Christmas pounds 69c George Washington Christmas pounds . . . 54c Keg Christmas pounds 52c Cigaretttes, per carton .$1.19 MASTER CRAFT INFRA RED LAMP AQ l..-Te Other Models $2.49 iytlfr ?.jr.. .1 MONTAG'S GIFT STATIONERY 50c to $3.00 Helena Rubinstein COMPACTS $100 to $500 ITFRFS why Lipion'i ii Amft ica's moi popular tct: I World -famoui Flavor smooth, full, rich, delicious. 3. Ttndor Young loavoi tnd Iim- ciout flavorlul buds gie extra fragrance and bouquet. . DUtlnttlv Uniform Blond with choice tr from Upton's own leyloti ttirdem. Itonomltol you ut less Linton's per cup ii'i so rich in tUor. Westclox and Telechron Electric Clocks 33.95 to $15.00 April Showers Perlum. Flagonette in gilt package 280 Whileman't Chocolates 50C to $3.00 in Christmas boxes Evans Cigarette Lighters SI. 00 to $3.00 Westclox and Ingersoll Wrist Watches .. 92.39 lo 3 1.9S Amity Billfolds and Sets $1.00 to So. 00 Coty Perlum. Sets $1.00 to $9.75 Wembdon Lavender Gift Sets $1.00 to $3.75 Cutex Manicure Sets 50 to $12.50 La Cross Manicure Sets 49 to $9.75 18th Century Gift Sets Old Colonial Fragrance $1.00 io S3. 00 Wrisley's Bath Sets 50c lo $5.00 KELTON'S MEN'S WRIST WATCHES $495 to $g95 "Hti WU Ur".- YOUNG'S CUT-RATE DRUGS Main and Central Anonta for Whitman Chocolates and Helena R-ibinstcin Cosmetics Coty Perfume Flacons $1.00 to $5.00 L'aimant . Emeraud. e Paris . Chypr. e Lorigan