MEDFORD MAIL TRIBUNT, MEDFORD, OREGON'. WEDNESDAY. NOVEMBER 20. 1039. PAGE FIVE LOCALS Tonsils Excited Lewis E. Thompson o 703 West Eleventh street underwent an operation this morning for the removal of his tonsils. He returned to his home after the operation to convalesce. Lawyers Return Porter J. Neff and Rawles Moore. Med ford attorneys, returned yester day from Bend where they transacted business. Mrs. Neff accompanied her husband on the trip. New Residence Frank Bar ber applied at the city building inspector's office yesterday for a permit to construct a new residence at 234 North Ivy street at a stated cost of $2,000. A. G. Fuller of 115 North Peach street applied for a permit to repair a roof at a stated cost of $40. Old Journal Mrs. C. C. Vorce of 801 Newtown street today displayed a copy of the Buffalo Daily Republican of January 16, 1840. The news k paper, then more than ten years old, was brought to the west coast in the 1850's by her father, Christian Wahl, Mrs. Vorce related. Mrs. Vorce said she would be willing to sell the historic newspaper for a small sum. Have Baby Word was re ceived In Medford today of the birth of a girl last Sunday, November 26, to Mr. and Mrs. Guv Stoddard in the Klamath Falls-Valley hospital. The baby weighs seven pounds, three and three-quarters ounces. Mrs. y Stoddard is the former' Miss Lucie McCormick, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. D Ford McCor mick of 21 Geneva street. The baby has been named Lucie Ann. Plane Passengers Arrivals from the north by United Main liner this forenoon were Miss H. Bish, Barry Braden and H. Kaplan. C. H. Clare left on the same plane for San Fran cisco. Mr. Clare arrived by Mainliner last evening from Portland. Mrs. L. L. Aubert arrived yesterday afternoon by Mainliner from San Francisco. Mrs. S. C. Carrara left for San Francisco by Mainliner yester day afternoon. Minor Accidents Clauss Le roy McDonald of Klamath Falls and Aurelio Basile of CCC Camp Prescott drove vehicles involved in a slight mishap at Bartlett and Fifth streets Tues day afternoon, according to a report on file today. Cars op erated by John E. Nagley of Medford, John A. Nosier of Ashland and H. W. Anderson of 131 North Main street were involved in a minor accident at Fifth street and Central ave nue Tuesday afternoon, a report on file said today. Colvig Writes Fred W. Col vig. former Medford resident and son of Mrs. Nina Colvig, received the distinction of ob taining the only newspaper in terview in the Pacific north west with Fritz Weidemann, German consul-general. Weide mann was a visitor in Portland last week. Colvig's story ap peared on the front page of Sunday's Oregonian on which he is a staff writer. He inter t viewed the Nazi representative in his hotel room at the Heath man. Colvig is the nephew of Mrs. Myrtle Blakeley of this city and is well known here. New Orders Change in the date of the third of a series of week-end Oregon national guard camps was specified in revised orders received today by com manding officers of Company A and headquarters company, third battalion, 186th infantry. The change makes the three week-end camps consecutive1 and completes them before the new year. Under original or ders, the third camp was sched uled for January. The revised orders schedule the third camp for Friday, Saturday and Sun day. December 8, 9 and 10. Second of the camps will be held this weekend and all members of both Medford com , panics are to report at the ' armory at 3 p. m. Saturday The men are quartered in the armory but the military prob lems are worked out in the field. Donald Dickson Metropolitan Opera Baritone Feb. (Ith First in rnttn-SJ.JO Net 7 rom-l.83 7 rnn.-91.ln Including, Tax Marian Anderson f 'anion Colored Contralto Mar. 3nl I lrt 2( rows-M.40 Next ? rnn--.1.X5 7 ron--?3.30 Including Ta A mill iAtt Disappointment h? Mak ing Reservations Now. Call or Write Pruitt's Radio-Music Center 111 W. Main Phone M Bette Davis and Errol Flynn in Drama I The most distinguished film production of many seasons, "The Private Lives of Elizabeth and Essex," will be the next feature attraction at the Cra terian theater, starting a three day run Sunday. Co-starring Bette Davis and Errol Flynn, and filmed in natural techni color, the picture comes from the studio that gave the screen "Robin Hood," "Valley of the Giants" and other great techni color hits. The film tells the little-told story of England's virgin queen and Robert of Essex, a con stantly engrossing and Intimate story set against the magnifi- Wiesiers Here Mr. and Mrs. Frank Wiester of Portland vis ited Mr. and Mrs. Herbert A. Sims here today. Mr. Wiester is a representative of the J. E. Bunker Bicycle company. Births Born in Community hospital November 28 to Mr. and Mrs. Leo Martin of Central Point, a baby girl weighing seven pounds, 12 ounces. Born to Mr. and Mrs. Harold Yoakum of route 2, box 18 in Community hospital November 23, a baby girl weighing six pounds, 14 ounces. Born to Mr. and Mrs. John McLennan of 205 South Holly street on November 22 In Com munity hospital, a baby girl weighing eight pounds, one and a half ounces. NOTICE FREE ILLUSTRATED LECTURE on "How to get better resulta" for Poultry and Llvestockmen. Sponsored TRIANGLE MILLINO COMPANTT, through your local Triangle Dealer. Meeting plaoes: Williams Grange Hall. Friday. Dec. 1. Snms Valley Grange Hall, Monday, Dec. 4th Central Point Orange Hall, Tues day, Dec. 5th. Talent Grange Hall, Wednesday, Dec. 8th. Eagle Point Grange Hall, Thursday, Dec. 7th. All meetings start at 8 p. m. Light refreshments will be served after the show. Medford Lodge. No. 103. A. F. it A. M. Special communication Thursdav. Nov. 30th. 1039. at 7:30 p. m. Work In the M. M. ERLE M. GRAY, W. M. degree. Too Late to Classify FOR SALE N. H. red breeding cocX erals. A few laying pulleta. Snyder's. Phone 4-F-4. WARNER BAXTER tiding o grsetw g0V O. Hatvy toboltora h w Ihrrflingty brought to lfft1 THE RETURN or THE V V J IYNN B ARI CESAR ROMERO HENRY HULL K" KANE RICHMOND (J C HENRY GORDON If , l ROBERT BARRAT f . , VO LAST TIMES TONITEI NKTS1WBQSS cent pomp and pageantry of the Elizabethan court. Olivia de Haviland heads the supporting cast as Lady Penelope Gray, leady-in-waiting, who secretly loves Essex, and allows herself to be drawn into a plot, which she confesses when too late. Donald Crisp has the role of the witty courtier. Master Fran cis Bacon. The suave Sir Wal ter Raleigh is played by Vin cent Price. Others include Allan Hale. James Stephenson and Ralph Forbes. The role of Queen Elizabeth in "The Private Lives of Eliza beth and Essex" is heralded as Bette Davis' most ambitious screen portrayal. FOR RENT 3-room furnished apart ment. downstairs. Oas equipped, private bath, aarase. Ctlorla Pan Apartments. 375 So. Central. OYSTERS, pint 15c: steaks, round or sirloin, lb. 17!2c; boiling beef, lb. 9c: broken sliced bacon, lb. IRe; beef roast, lb. 2$c and 16c. Emil's Market. j HAMMERED HAT. at Davis Peed stores, Medlord, Ashlsnd. AUCTION SALE at Pavilion north Medford, Ore., Saturday, Dec. 2. commencing at 1 :30 p. m. on hogs. Have some work horses, milk cows, stock pigs and poultry consigned for this sale. Always attend the auction. SO. ORE. LIVESTOCK AUCTION CO. Col. A. H. Dudley (Auct.) Phone 851-J-8. $1500 tae, barn $3090 10 acres. Irrigated, paid up water right, clover and garden land. Cot etc. Close in. Also 10 acres, Irrigated and fronting the Rogue riv er and fine garden soil. Modern five-room, basement, fur nace. Barn equipped for A-grade milk. Terms. ELMER- HERRIED No. 7 North Bartlett. Phone 1496: evenings 1513-J. JOIN XMA3 PIANO CLUB NOW $5.00 SELECTS YOUR PIANO MANY BARGAINS Large stock of Latest Styles, Spinet's, Grands and Uprights. EASY TERMS START PAYMENTS IN JANUARY BALDWIN PIANO SHOPPE Medford's up-to-dat Piano Store. Hurry! They Lionel Barrymore in Plus Jack Holt Gertrude - ..... eoV to da- r. advent tottne ' " Ai1ult . . 2.1c ltr . . . S0C Klddln . . lOr I itHBl Sings at Rialto Gene Autry has his best role to date as the singing sheriff in "In Old Monterey," which opens a three-day run tomor row at the New Rialto theater as the companion action feature with "20.000 Men a Year." Smiley Burnette and June Storey have roles with the pop ular cowboy. Randolph Scott, Margaret Lindsay and Preston Foster have the starring holes in '20.000 Men a Year," which deals with college youth and their recent opportunity to join America's air forces. Filled to the brim with thrills and action, the new film comes as one of the outstanding air ad ventures ever to be brought to the screen. , FOR SALE On, two or threa very good lota in Siskiyou Memorial Park. Telephone 1641. m WANTED Two trained nurses. Steady position. Box MO Tribune. FOR RENT 3-room nnf urnlRhed house, 15. Phone 720. OREGON STATE MOTHERS CLUB will hold a rummage sale tn the old Golden Rule Bldg. Dec. 1st and 2nd. WANTED Country home for male police dog. box 547 Tribune. WELL FURNISHED ROOM. Heated. Hot and cold water In room. Private- entrance. Phone. Oarage If desired. 38 No. Orange. BODY FIR. 1.50 per tier. Phone 452-R-2. FOR RENT 6-room furnished house, 20; water paid. 712 Pine St. For appointment call 2079-J. MODERN FURNISHED APARTMENT, heat, hot water. Electrolux, ga rage. io Quince St. FOR RENT 5-room furnished, mod ern house and 6 acres on Spring St. C. C. Tedrlck. ARE you at the mercy of a inlffly, -fisneezy, smothery head cold? Why endure so much misery? A little Menthol i turn applied In each nos tril will soothe the irritated nasal membranes, check the sneezing, re lieve the atufflneu, and help you to breathe more easily. Also rub Menthol a turn vigorously on the chest and back to Improve the local blood circulation, and thus gain extra help in relieving cold din comforts. Rub it on the forehead and tcmplea to allay headache and nouralnla due to colds. Mum End Tonlte! "On Borrowed Time" Michael in 'HIDDEN POWER" a roarina tona-tilled a. lion ttory ot the wide ope.; spaces 11 lfp . . 40c Kldillrl . . 10c dairy cows. Phont 691-J-2. POR S.MJE 100 acrta. 6-room houn nd bath. Barn, alio and double garage. Spring suppllM water for houae and garden. 60 acrea culti vated good free soli, balance In nice timber. 20 acres Irrigated, free water, a acres orchard. Desirable location on school bus line. Would consider Medford property aa part Eayment. . O. PICKEU.. 1 So. Bartlett. rOR SALE OR TRADE 36 McRae Red pullets readv to lay. Can use double harness, harrow, plow, hay rake or mower. R. E. Carley, Rt. 2, Box 98. WELL HEATED upstalra sleeping room. private nome. Bath on aame floor. All newly furnished, good beds. Private entrance. 810 So. Central. rOR RENT 4-room partly furnished house. Thomas road across from Dark's Grocery. CAN SEE THE RADIO SENSATION You've DEEM HEARING... AND HEARING aROIIT months i WANTED Tew good. fresh I JUt T i - i ,V i". f V1-" j J'l Asf s- 4f je t.t wmV I f-ts Was LLWJ IrM TODAY! Complete Shows Dally at 1:45- 6:45 8:C0 YOR B.MJ5 Krohler davenport, 23; spring and mattress 917 SO; floor lamp tl; drever 112 50; eoUce table 3; bedstead 5, 82U Mlnne-aota. FOR 8AIT Piir felt hats, all sizwi. 1 and 1 t)0, Rt Ryan's Star Clean era, 6 So. Front. RUMMAGE PALE Fridav and SAt urday. Devmhr 1 and 3, old Western Thrift Store on 6th street. BijpiiMii.'d by American Legion Auxiliary. JPELECT Oreen Plr. Slabs. h$ load. 4 00 Medford Fuel Company. Tel. 631. WANTED 300 Whit Lcehorn pul let. Hansen Mrain prefemd. In quire Davla rved Sto:, Medford. RAW FVKS WANTED I eastern Cash Prices paid for your furs at home. Alao hides, pelti and wool. MEDFORD BARGAIN HOl'SR ' 37 N. Orape St. Medlord. Ora v XJU V; ZJM I'tM FflP e it t in I. .. 18S3 CHRYSLER Royal 8 coupe. Thti car must be told thti week. 6e at 325 Central barlt of Plggly WiCiily ttore. STILL AVAILABLE Double Load Gn'fn Pine Slab. i 00- I VALLEY FUEL CO. Tel. 76. QUALITY Dry Pine Slab. IS 00 per Xorui . in two- load lota. Medford Fuel Co. Tel. 631. FOR SALE Newtowna. Nlc quality, good slrea. By the lug or truck load. Bring containers. Myron Root cV Co., Inc. Warehouse 47 South Ftr St. FENDER REFINISHING Any Color Matched ; Daily's Auto Painting Sft South Bartlett STARS YOU'VE SEEN ' & MAY m4r .t DODcnM LUCILLE ' BALL nckiKiic x O'KEEFE SOW. EVERETT JJ KARNS MORONI iV f1 JL. OLSEN i fiVlROSCOE w,r FOR SALE Rockhlll strawberry plant. Inquire 139 N. Central. WANTED Scwd lion, to aupply In creasing demand- Spot cash paid at latest market prloe. MEDFORD BARGAIN HOUSE 27 Ncrth Orape St. Phona 1063 The Strike Is Over We have the largest itock of 1940 Plymouth! in Southern Oregon. IMMEDIATE DELIVERY on most modeli and colors Humphrey Motors 33 S. Riveriide. Phone 454 DE SOTO PLYMOUTH STARS YOU'VE HEARD KAY KYSER'S BAND Featuring these prize pupils GINNY SIMMS HARRY BABBITT cmi v wsei mt MASON ISH KABIBBLE Produced and Directed by DAVID BUTLER tm nay y William CmmIim ana immt V. Km -a-1 I 3 DAYS! Mati-30e Eyes-40c Kiddies lOe Anytime I