r MEDFORD MAIL TRIBUNE. MEDFORD, OREGON. WEDNESDAY. NOVEMBER 22. 1939. PAGE SEVEN mmmn mm WW Read every l on this page You will probably tied exactly the things you have been look ing lor or a tale or trade foi unused article you may have Search your attic or store-ruon. you may find many thing others are seeking and be able to realize Immediate ch. U what you want lent here, advertise tor It Tribune Clas sified Ads are Inexpensive effective I RATES per word first insert ion. (Minimum 25c) Each additional Insertion, per word (Minimum 10c) Per line per month without copy change . -flJti CASH or money order must ac company all mail ordei classified ads. LOST AND FOUND LOST On the Crater Lake highway near Coker Butte road, one Wear ever aluminum 3-quart kettle. Phone 1016-M evenings. LOST One East Side, pair glasses. Reward. 17 Corning Court, Tel. 3023-J. REPORT lost dogs, animal cruelty cases Humane Society. Phone 1516. WANTED MALE HELP OPPORTUNITY for alert, energetic man, steady employment out of local branch. Good Income. Ad vancement. Car and references required. Good sales training. Ad dress Box 4250 Tribune. WANTED FEMALE HELP WANTED Experienced waitress. Dia mond Cafe. WANTED E xperlenced waitress. Must be neat In appearance. Apply In person only. Franklin's Cafe. WANTED SITUATIONS GIRL attending BChool wants to work for room and board. Well recom mended. Tel. 447-R-3. WANTED Part time employment on Tuesday andor Saturdays by young man attending Normal school. Best references. Will work without pay while learning Job. Phone Jacksonville 343. WANTED MISCELLANEOUS WANTED TO BUY Milk cows, or will exchange baled alfalfa. C. F. Warring, Tula Lake, Calif. WANTED Transportation to Port land Friday. Phone 341-J-5. WANT GOOD RUG, 9x13 or larger. Box 3693 Tribune. WANTED Durham baby heifer. A. Henry, Brownsboro. WANTED Tractor or team work Dora E. Smith, Anderson Ranch, Talent. WANTED Good used cleaner. Phone 443-X. WANTED TO LEASE Gas station Give location, number pumps, type of station. Address G. C. Hewitt. 4518 College View Ave.. Loa An- gelea. WE PAY MORE CASH For Your Furniture. HOI.BROOK & ANDREWS 6th and Front. Phone 547. BEST PRICES PAID For Your Furniture. BADS A OHRN. Phone 1IB2-J. WILL DRILLING- 11.50 per ft. first 80 ft., etc. J. M. uoage, oiu twins WANTED Scrap Iron, brass, copper, all kinds of metal. Medford Bar gain House, 27 N. Grape St. Tel 1062. HIGHEST CASH PRICES PAID For Your Furniture. MEDFORD BARGAIN HOUSE 27 N. Grape St. Phone 1063. EKSTRAND for complete landscape service. Expert pruning. Telephone 808-X. M A BLISS Psintmg and paper hanging contractor 313 South Grape Phone 646-W FOR RENT HOUSES FOR RENT New 6-room bouse. Jack sonville highway at Perrydale. Han lln. SMALL 4-ROOM furnished house: electrlo range, oil heater. Call at 811 East Jackson 1493-L. 4-ROOM furnished house, close In. $25. water paid. L. O. Plckell. 18 So. Bartlett. FOR RENT 4 -room modern house. 113, water paid. Mac'i Market, No. Pacific Highway. FOR RENT Three-room furnished duplex: Frlgldalre. floor furnace; close In. Inqul-e 518 S. Oakdala FURN. house. Tel 1323-W or 889 FOR RENT 4-room house near mill Inquire 605 Edwards. wno nirNT nnort fl-room house on North Riverside Inquire Phlppi Auto Park. Phone 417. FOR RENT Duplex, near Junior HI Call at 328 Haven. FOR RENT 8-roo 1 furnished houa close In. Phone 457-J. FURNISHED House r id 3 nd 8-room spurtments Adults 604 West iota FOR RENT APARTMENTS 3-ROOM furnished Apt., downstairs. FOR RENT APARTMENTS APARTMENTS $13.60. 31 Oenese. 3-ROOM Apt. with bath. 95 No. Oak dale. Tel. 1366-W. FURNISHED APARTMENT. Heat. Prlgldalre, private bath. SOS W. Main. FOR RENT Furnished apartment. 410 Hamilton. THREE-ROOM furnished apartment. Reasonable. 40 Quince. FOR RENT Apartment, 334 Apple FOR RENT Clean, well furnished apartment. Call 817 W. 10th. FOR RENT Apartment, 118 Almond FURNISHED Apartment, heated, hot water. Frlgldatre. (27.50. 51 N. Oakdale. ATTRACTIVE studio apartment, well furnished, everythlrg modern. Pri vate bath. Bendlx laundry, etc Employed couple or business wo man. 816 N. Cntral. APARTMENTS For Rent $15. 113 and 111. 230 Beatty. Inquire at Shady Nook Grocery. DESIRABLE apartments. 3 rooms and bath: gas heat. Inquire Farmers it Fruitgrowers Bank. I mR RENT Arjartment. D u r e 1 1 Court, 3rd ana tiouy. unu" Apt 8. FOR RENT Furnished Roomf FOR RENT Large furnished atr condltloned room in modern home, suitable for two. Phone 1798-J. 28 N. Orange St. ATTRACTIVE heated room for gen tleman. 604 Pennsylvania. ROOM FOR REW1 $2 60 week: pri vate entrance 408 Edwards ATTRACTIVE ROuMS 404 8 Grape FOR RENT BOARD. ROOM BOARD AND ROOM 716 $1 per day. E. Main 1 FOR RENT-MISCELLANEOUS FOR RENT 10 acres. Buckshot Hill road. 3rd house on right. FOR SALE LIVESTOCK FOR SALE Milk cow and weaner pigs. House next to Mac's Market, Nortn pacuic nignway. FOR SALE or TRADE Good weaner pigs and sows to farrow soon. Tel. 344-R-l. FOR SALE Weaner pigs. Haxel Pen- lnger, Central Point. Oregon. FOR SALE Weaner pigs K F Mur- ray. Crater lake Hwy TCl ub-k-i FOR SALE POULTRY FOR SALE Large fryers and roast- era. Phone 314-R-a. Mrs. waiser FOR SALEI Red hens and fryers, 18o lb., live weight. Tel. 447-J-l. FOR SALE) Fat hens. Large and small fryera. Roasting chickens 35 White Leghorn pullets. 3r Mc Rae Red pullets. Carley Farm. Old Paclflo highway north. Phone 2079-J. FOR SALE AUTOMOBILES WILL SACRIFICE 1934 Pontlac coupe. New tires, tubes, brakes, transmis sion. Special wheels. Motor perfect. See Thompson at Hawthorne Apart ments, 621 East Main. FOR SALE 1036 DeLuxe Ford coupe. new tires, radio, good running con dition. $350. 822 So. Oakdale. 1927 DODGE Sedan, and trailer. $75 or will sell separately. 124 King. Apt. 3. 1937 CHRYSLER TOURING SEDAN. 1 overdrive, heater and accessorlea Has had good care. In clean and excellent condition. Original owner Really a good buy. Can ba seen at 626 So. Holly. FOR SALE 1938 Chevrolet standard town sedan. Radio, new rubber, good mechanical condition. Phone 3030. 1939 Chevrolet Pickup, A-l, 1575. E Z terms. Mohawk Service Sta tion, next to Pine Cone. 1914c gasoline. FOR SALE 1029 De Soto coupe Good condition. Sacrifice. 175 cash. 408 Edwards. FREE TURKEY To Every Used Car Buyer Enjoy the double pleasure of tine Dependable Used Car and swell Turkey dinner this Thanks giving. Select any Used Car from our stock, on convenient terms, at the lowest prices ever offered, and your Turkey will be delivered FREE 1936 Pontlao oeaan - ..-ooo 1936 Studebaker Sedan 486 1937 Studebaker Coupe 825 1938 Studebaker Sedan 736 1934 studebaker Coupe. 285 1939 Chevrolet Sedan 736 1936 International Truck 865 Many others at all prices. SANDERSON MOTOR CO. Always Open FOR SALE REAL ESTATE COUNTRY HOME 19 Acres, 6-room plastered house. fireplace, good cellar, electric win pressure system, beautiful shade, fair outbuildings, good free soil Nice piece to live, near Medford, only 13000. Also, 6-room house with bath, all newly decorated and painted, large attractive living-room with hardwood floors and fireplace laundrv trava. garage, two fine lots, near schools, price 12500. terms. Also an attractive buy In a dairy farm with stock and equipment, near Medford. L. O. PICKILL 18 So. Bartlett CITY and country proiie ties RENTALSLOANS- INSURANCE. 0 Butterfleld, 409 Medford Building FOR SALE OR TRADE For South ern Oregon Income property or stock ranch, hlebly Improved cen tral Oregon diversified 160 acres School bu. cream route nea. thriving town. Address Box 4192 Mall Tribune, Medford. WHIN you think ot real estate think j of Brown & White. ISUr SALE -Good to. Give Offer FOR SALE REAL ESTATE FOR SALE 330 acres, dairy and stock ranch. Free Irrigation. 7- roora house, outbuildings, large barn. WUhlte Ranch, Lake Creek, Ore. HOUSES FOR 3ALE In Medlord and surrounding town. Easy terms Jackson County Federal Savings and Loan Association. FEDERAL LAND BANK FARMS Convenient terms. Lists available at National Farm Loan Olllce. 203 Liberty Building. Medford. FOR SALE-MISCELLANEOUS GREY seed oats. 11.75 cwt. Scheble. Dark Hollow road. Earl FOR SALE Froien Young and Boy senberrlee, 10c and 13o lb. deliv ered. Prion 1626-L. FOR SALE 70 tons hsy, feed furnished. 6o. Peach. Ttce. lot FOR SALE Stock trailer. 208 North Riverside. DRY WOOD 16-lnch laurel. $2 50 tier; 16-Inch 2nd growth fir. $3.00: 12-lnch 11.75; 13-Inch manganlta. 12.50. Call 310. Franklin's Grocery WEST1NGHOUSE Automatic Electric Roaster $22.50. Hansen Hardware. APPLES AND WALNUTS D o 1 p h Phlppe, Crater Lake Highway. FOR BALE Sugar pine ahlnglea: l's $3.25 per square: i s e-J.ao , er square. Evans Creek Shingle Mil. Joe Dennis, Rogue River, Ore. CLEAN, BALED ALFALFA. $15. Half mile nortn wnite uniun i.rcr achool. L. J. Adams. FOR SALE Alfalfa hay and dry apple wood. Ed Hanley Ranch Box 201. Ross Lane. FOR SALE Wood, all kinds, priced to sell. Phone 118. 315 E. 8th. FOR SALE Best wood In town, guaranteed dry. 223 N. Riverside phone 615. Hawley Fuel Co. A. A. A. TAILORED SUITS, sizes 86 to 44 at bargain. Klein the Tailor. Upstairs. DRY Cord Wood 12.00 per cord: tier wood 11.00 per tier, a rowers Applegate. FOR SALE Washer service. Full line genuine Maytag parts. Service on all makes. Meaioro Maying mj.. 31 No. Bartlett, phone 38. FOR SALE - Hydraulic pipe giants. Box 8376. Tribune. and OLYMPIO EGO MASH with milk $2.25 per sack. D-wts Feed Stores FOR SALE Grapes and Walnuts J A. Manke, 4 miles west of Medford FOR SALE Delicious apples. Inde pendent Packing Co., Phoenix. CUT-RATE PRICES Nu-Way Mat trese and Upholstery Co. Phone 293. 209 West 8th St. APPLES Gebhard's. ''alf mile north Bear Creek bridge. Central Point FOR EXCHANGE EXCHANGE Studebaker Victoria couDe. fullv eauloned. radio, good condition: for labor. Flounce Rock Ranch. Prospect. Oregon. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES FOR SALE Small Drug Store In Rome River. Ore. cheap rent Fine opening for a doctor who could buv the drug store. 8ee A. T. Mcllvaln. Roaue River. Ore PERSONAL WHEN IN TROUBLE. DOUBT OR SUSPENSE consult Madam Fran cies, palmist, on all affairs of life Answers all questions free, mus- be satisfied or no charges, office hours 9 a. m. to 9 p. m. Located Rainbow Auto Camp, 1746 North Riverside. MISCELLANEOUS THANKSOIV7NO DAY SPECIAL 5 full course Turkey Dinner, Includ lng home-made Pie, 75c at the chicken hut, so, pacific nign- way. NOTICE TO W. O. W. Friday, Nov. 34th, tree dance and card nartv to Woodmen and tn vlted guests. Merrill's Orchestra; refreshments. BUSINESS DIRECTORY Abstract!. Jackson County Abstract Co. Title Insurance Abstracti Eacrowi Chimney and Furnace Cleaning NOTICE For Chimney and Furnace Cleaning - Oil Stoves Vacuum Cleaned, call George Eaton st 647 Dressmaking. THE FASHION SHOP Dressmaking Fur Remodeling, ruttons an Buckles covered. Room 820 0 Natl Bank Jldg Tel 1181. Expert Window Cleaner. LET JOE DO IT Expert Window Cleanera O n e r a bouse clesners. Floor waxing Joe Bpence Phone 1172 Nursery Stock. CARLTON NURSERY COMPAVY Fruit Nut and Shade Trees, Berries and Shrubbery Finest Oreaon Grown Roses. Sales yard three miles south on Pi' elfla nignwsy. W B Bnrnmr Phone 95I-R-2 Maternity SPECIAL trained nurses on duty 24 hours for maternity cases. Ambu lance service. Rogue River Bsnl- tarium. Jacksonville. H2. Musical Instruction. HOMER McDonald offers courses in Populsr Pisno Piano Accordion Voice. Saxophone. Clarinet. Violin. String Bass S'Udlo Spwrta Bldg Ph 942 Radiator Repairing. j HOOPER Sm AADIA i BUSINESS DIRECTORY LOANS MONET TO LOAN on modern dwell ings of late construction. 19 76 per month per thousand. Low Interest rate BROWN 8s WHITI. 104 W. Main. CASH IN A HURRYI Emergencies are no respectora of persons or conditions. And usually they occur when we are least resdy to meet them. U you need cash QUICKLY, see us. Our service I geared for emergency speed. No In qulrles of friends or employer no endorser no delays of any kind I You get the money the same day you apply. We advance up to 1300 on your own signature and security (auto, household goods, etc.) Come In. phone or write for com plex Information without obliga tion. OREGON FINANCE CO. 45 South Central Phone 191 Ground Floor Crtrlan Bldg. License 8-211 M-217. Auio Loans. LOW RATE AUTO LOANS CONTRACTS REFINANCED MONEY to buy new or used cars Private money at new low rales Immediate action no red tape 1 TO 20 MONTHS TO PAY. W. E. THOMAS 45 South Central. Phone 139. License M-317 $20 TO $1,000 On Your Car. 1930 to 1939 Model carl and light trucks 1 to 18 months to repay. CONSUMERS' CREDIT CO. HAROLD H TROWN AGENCY. Agent. 123 East Main. M-238 Phone 807. You Can Save Money and Time 'y Getting Your CAR LOAN OH REFINANCING Direct from the Lender. His . OREGON FINANCE CO 48 South Central. Lie. M-317. CAR LOANS Solve .our financial problems by refinancing or borrowing. LOANS ON CARS 1933-1939 Trl-State Acceptance Corp. License M-253. MARK A. GOLDY 109 E. Main. Phone 738. DRIVE IN AUTO LOANS and REFINANCING SERVICE Deal with a southern Oregon owned independent finance com- pany where your needs will receive PERSONAL CONaiDEKAilUN all times. Immediate actlonl No red tepel Our years of experience insures you of tne best service, ljkive in for YOUR confidential loan. USED OARS BOUGHT AND SOLD "DRIVE IN P. T. "JERRY" YOUNG Motor Investment Company Lie. M-274, Phone 109. 9th and Bartlett. ROOFING WE REPAIR or apply uny type of roof. Pabco Roofings, Shingles. Coatings and Paints. Wall Paper One-third off. Ekereon faint ana Roof Co., 88 So. Bartlett. Tel. 343 DON'T let your leaky roof spoil your piaster ana disposition inrougn the rainy months ahead, can Mon son. 1263 Estimates freel Sanitarium. WE CARE FOR THE SICK ROGUE RIVER SANITARIUM TRAINED NURSES 34 HOURS PHONE JACKSONVILLE 83 Tranufer. EADS TRANSFER & STORAGE CO Office 28 South Fir. Phone 315 Prices right. Service guaranteed Mail Tribune Daily ACROSS L Partake . Discolor U. Broad scoop with a handle it. Entertainment and fair 14. Interlaced It. Syrian prov ince and city 16. Anger 17. civil Inlury SO. Jumbled type tl. Small lake 15. Look st U. Term of address S Stair SS. Make amends 10. Drink of the Sods SS. Border I. Korelrn S5. Wharf SS. Bushy clump S7. Goad 19. Other 43. Aloft 44. Dlllieetl 46. Feminine name 47. Qo by again 11, Gets up Solution of Yesterday's Puzzle ctoigrir iei&iiw a ils t LAB lie A L C N pTa W 3 f L E EE 3 t A T tfyZM B3 A cjw t 6 sjO D A KAMI C E r AT AP A V t tl T A glaS H ETE ff S t e rDieoP e UatTe I n SOHZ m A 1 hw3 SgTTp a tie Jp aim DECOR ATE II 1 Jtl -SI- A- d a t tlsjjftic t2J 1a!l SS. Wears away 64. Pood fish (6. Author of "Uncle Tom's Cabin" S4. Tinner for cer tain flab I!' 3 4 5 7 6 ( HI " Z IT IIIIl 4 WW15 urn umlr fi m 4M B y. Ill 37 38 3f iliillllIIII A'wk S3 BUSINESS DIRECTORY Transfer. DAVIS TRANSFER AND STORAGE 40 S Fir Street. Insured Carriers. Local and -jong Distance Hauling Phone 644. CITY TRANSFER &i STORAGE CO Household moving and general hauling 39 S. Grape. Phone 3050 day or night. FURNITURE MOVING- end STORAGE See our Individual locker room be fore you arrange (or storage space (or your household goods Our new storage department Is dustiest and conveniently located. Crating serv ice at low rates. Van Body equip ment. Anywhere For Hire service Phone 833. SAMSON STORAGE WAREHOUSE LEGAL NOTICES Not Ire Outstanding warrants of Jackson County School District No. 69, num bers 33 to 39 Inclusive, are hereby called for payment. Interest ceases after Nov. 16. 1939. Rose J. Kelley, District Clerk. Not ire to Creditors. Notice is hereby given that I have been appointed by the County Court of Jackson County, Oregon, admin istrator of the estate of Fred Of fen -bacher, deceased, and have qualified All persons having claims against salrt estate are hereby notified to present them, with proper vouchers, and duly verified, to me at the of fice of Hurry c. Skyrman, attorney for siild estate, at Room 409, Medford Center Building. In Medford, Oregon. within six months from tne aate oi this notice. Dated and first published Novem ber aand. 1939. HALE WHEELER, Administrator. Notice to Creditors. Notice Is hereby given that I have been appointed by the County Court of Jackson County, Oregon, admin istrator of tne estate oi same m. Heckman, deceased, and have quali fied. All persons having claims against said estate aro hereby noti fied to present them, with proper vouchers, and duly verified, to me at the office of Harry O. Skyrman, attorney for said estate, at Room 409, Medford Center Building, In Medford, Oregon, within six months from the date of tnis notice. Dated and first published Novem ber 32nd. 1039. W. H. HECKMAN, Administrator. (031373.) Notice for Publication. United States Department of the In terior, General Land orflce at Kose- burg, Oregon. Nov. 8. 1939. Notice Is hereby given that Joseph C. Mayham of Eagle Point, Oregon. who, on May 7. 1934, made additional homestead entry acts June 9. 1918, and April 28. 1004, No. 031372 for SW4 NWi4 Section 33 Township 36 South, Range I East Willamette Meridian, nas mod notice oi in tention to make final proor, to establish claim to the land above described, before G. R. Carter, Coun ty Clerk of Jackson County, at Med ford, Oregon, on the 20th day of December, 1939. Claimant names as witnesses Verna R. Matthews, W. R. Holman. J. A. Mayham, Phil H anna ford, all of Eagle Point, Oregon. GEORGE FINLEY. Register. (No. 7428-E.) Summons, In the Circuit Court of the Btatr of Oregon for the County of Jackson. Western Loan and Building Company, a corporation, plaintiff, vs. Welcome Fowler, the unknown hetra. If any, of the said Welcome Fow ler, also all other persons or par ties known and unknown claiming any right, title, estate, lien or in terest In the real estate described In the complaint herein, defend ants. To: Welcome Fowler, the unknown heirs, If any, of the satd Welcome Fowler, also all other persona or Dart les known and unknown claim ing any right, title, estate, lten or Cross -Word Puzzle f. Distant: prefix I. Exist 9. Young demon 10. Biting or sharp 1L Propel one's elf In water 11. Evening party 18. Aoross 19. Tear apart ' 23. Princely Ital ian house 34. Merchandise 2i. Male child 37. alakei tnto leather 39. Weary 30, Character it. Thone who ran away to marry S3. Spanish hero 31. Discharge SB. Play on words 31. Out of date 40. Kind of thread 41. Scoff 42. Direction it.. Faithful 4. Cooking vessel 49. Fuss 50. Stitch 53. Faulty 54. Myself DOWN 1, Coast 3. Flutter over 5. BAlutatton 4. Hire 6. English Utter 9. Glide over lea Interest In the real estate described In the complaint herein. In the name of the State of Ore gon you and each of you are required to appear and answer or otherwise plead to the complaint filed against you In the above entitled suit in said court on or before the 32nd d:iy of December, 1939. which date is sub sequent to the last publication of summons herein, and If you fi.il to appear and answer for want tnereoi. plaintiff will appl to the court for the relief demanded for in their com plaint to-wit: For a decree of this eourt removing the exlflttnt cloud on plaintiff's title to the premises known and described as Lot 9. Block 17, of the Town mow city) of Medford, Jackson Countv. State of Oregon, and adJudpMuR and declaring any estate or interest of the defendants or any of them to be In valid and void and forever barring defendants and each of them or any of them from setting up or ansertinR any claim. Interest or estate in the satd premises, and decreeing and ad Judging the plaintiff herein to be the true and lawful owner In fee simple of the said Lot 9. Block 17. of the Town (now city) of Medford, Countv of Jackson. State of Orecon. and quieting plaintiff's title to said premises as against all claims or demands of defendant or any of them, or any person or persons clnlm Inp by. through or under them, and for such other and further relief as to the court may seem meet and equitable. This summons is published by order of the Honorable H. D. Norton, Judge of the above entitled court, made and entered on the 14th day of November. 1939. Date of first publication Is Novem ber IB. 1039. Date of last publication Is Decem ber 13, 1939. J. R. CALLAHAN Attorney Mr Plaintiff, 803 Pacific Bulldlnfl. Portland Ore-son. County Treasurer's Call for Clrnrrnl 'county Finn! Warrants. Notice Is hereby given that there are funds on hand for the redemp tion or nil Warrants drawn on the General County Fund that were registered to. and Including Novem ber 20th, 1939. Interest on the above called Gen eral County Fund Warrants oeases on November 34th, 1939. Dated at Medford. Oregon, Novem ber aand, 1039. RALPH B. SWEENEY County Treasurer of Jackson County Oregon. Riviera Riviera. Nov. 22. (SpU Frank Elliott of ReddinR, Cnl.. and his mother, Mrs. Pauline Wahl, called on friends here No vember 18. Otto Fuhrman was elected ditch director of the Gold Hill Irrigation district at the elec tion held Nov. 14 at Rlveria store. W. H. Miller was a business caller at Riveria Nov. 21. Anna Lee Kile is recovering from an attack of flu. She has been absent from school at Grants Pass for the past week. D. D. Randall held services at the Tom Henderson home Nov. 10. Rowland Miller was over from the Benton mine Nov. 19. The health unit and Red Cross combined met at the R. L. Miller home Nov. 20. Ten members were present and finished the Red Cross sewing on hand. Next meeting will be hold In January, announce- ment to be made at a later date as to place and time of meet ing. Reese Creek Reese Creek, Nov. 22. (Spl.) The American Union Sunday achool preaching and young people services, were weu at tended. Visitors attending un day school Included Mrs. B. J Dlckerson and son Dale, and EUfjene Dunlgan ol Prospect, Elcho Redding, home over the week-end, was present also. Mr. and Mrs. Zeb Barton and two small children of Klamath Falls were week-end guests of Mr. and Mrs. Sam Redding. Dr. Merkle and Miss Bell visited the school Nov. 15. Sev eral children are out of school on account of colds. Mr. and Mrs. E. M. Twedcll are parents of a fine baby girl born In Sacred Heart hospital Nov. 15. Mrs. Twedell is get ting along fairly well now, but was very ill for several days, All hope for her speedy recov ery. Mrs. Charles Humphrey vis ited Mrs. O. P. Rusho Nov. 20, Mrs. Sam Redding enter tained Eagle Point Home . Ex tension Unit Nov. 17. Mrs, Mabel Mack was leader. Mr. and Mrs. H. Ball enter tained with a shower honoring Mrs. Warren Conley, nee Eve lyn Jack, at their home Nov, 15. Those enjoying their hoi pitality were the honor guest and Mrs. Glenn Hobbs and baby Glenna Lee,, Mr. and Mrs Wallace McDowell and grand son Mack Stelle, Mrs. James McDowell and Marlyn, Mrs, Lora French, Mrs. Charles Humphrey, Mrs. Merle Jack Mrs. E. E. Jackson, Mrs. J Grow, Mrs. Ralph Merritt and Jimmy, Mrs. W. C. Jack, Mrs. Edward Hanlford, Mrs. Ailcen Grow, Mrs. W. L. Lawson, Mr. and Mrs, Homer Martin, Mrs. C. E. Lamb, Mrs. Robert Humphrey, Mrs. C. W. Wad dell, Mrs. Robert Cowden and Joyce, Mrs. Will Shearln and Lowell, Mrs. Mary Browne, Mrs. O. P. Rusho. Mrs. Frank ! Wescott, Miss Myrtle CaMack. Mrs. Vernie Mathews, Mrs.. C. V. Trode, Miss Yetta Oleson, Miss Mirian Cummons, Mrs. R. Lamb, YYarreen and Alva Jack. Mrs. Ball was assisted in serv ing refreshments by Mrs. Wal lace McDowell, Mrs. James Mc Dowell and Mrs. Edward Han lord. Mrs. Conley received many beautiful and useful pres ents. School will close Wednesday evening for the week-end holiday. John O'Connor is plowing his fields with a tractor. Climax Climax, Nov. 22. (Spl.V Ben Oswald was nn overnight guest at the Wertz home Monday. Mrs. L. N. Werte marketed all her turkeys last week. Mrs. Ted Kenney, Katherlne Fred erick and Mrs. Ted Kenney visited in Medford Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Owen Austin and four children have moved to Climax and all are glad to welcome them to the community. Three of the children have entered our school, Mr. and Mis. L. H. Wertz enter tained 19 guests at turkey dinner Sunday. Among those present were Carl Hanson, Mr. and Mrs. Chas Jantzen and family of Central Point, Mr. and Mrs. Ted Kenney and family, Mr. and Mrs. Owen Austin and fam ily and Thelma Benson. Leo Woods of Lake view arrived some time ago to visit at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hurst. Mr. and Mrs. H. Gunton, Opal Gold and Mr. and Mrs. H. Slover of Med ford visited here Tuesday. Frank Hurst spent last week In Medford and returned Saturday. The Grange Llv Oak Grange. At the regular meeting of Live Oak Grange, November 20, the following officers were elected for the ensuing year: Master Frank Hall; overseer, George Hutchins; steward, Rollin Stlehl; assistant steward, Ernest Rein- kins; lecturer, F. Terrill; chap lain, Mary Hutchins; treasurer, Laura Carter; secretary. Nora Wait; doorkeeper, Mr. Martin; lady assistant, Lydia Reinkens; Ceres, Miss Terrill; Pomona Miss Wycoff; Flora, Mrs. Hall. Refreshments were served by tne Hutchins and Halls. Next meeting all ladle are bring a hobo lunch for two. H. E. 0. met at the Lloyd Miller horna November 16 with 10 members and one visitor present. Election of officers was held, all offices being re-elected aa follows: Letsy Miller, chairman; Lydla Relnkena, vice- chairman; Mary Hutchins, secretary; Marl Block, treasurer. It was decided to hold a social bazaar at the Scout hall December 1 beginning at 6 o'clock. Hamburgers, pie and coffee to be sold. A free program and gamea throughout the evening. AID SOUGHT FOR Seattle, Nov. 22. (P) E. A Carroll, Democratic national committeeman, was here today to ask Col. F. C. Harrington, works progress administrator, and the farm security adminis tration to finance reclamation of orchards abandoned .in the We- mitchce valley. Carroll said such action would protect orchardists who still are operating. He told Interviewers the decline In the European ap pie markets had so demoralized the induj'ry that some orchard ists were unable to spray their trees and the pests were spread ing from abandoned orchards. U OF 0 AIR CLASS Eugene, Nov. 22. (fl-Ten more students will be privileged to enroll for the new course In civilian pilot training at the University of Oregon, making the local classes among the larg est on a per capita basis in the United States. A total of 50, Including three co-eds, Is now about ready to "take to the air." Authorization for the Increase came from Grove Webster, Washington, D. C, chief of the flying develop ment division. The success of the first of the program on the Oregon campus was responsible for the increase, Carleton E. Sponcer, director, said. FRENCrTSHOOTDOWN THREE GERMAN SHIPS Paris, Nov. 22. (IP) The de struction of three German planes on the western front, two of which plunged in flames, was announced tonlnht by the French high command. Meteorological Report Forecasts Medford and vicinity: Fair tonight and Thursday with (og In the morn ing, not much change in temperature. Oregon: Generally fair tonight and Thur&d&y but low clouds with fog west portion, colder east portion to niKht, gentle variable winds off the coast. I. oral Data Temperature a year ago today: HiKhest, 60; lowest, 30. Total monthly precipitation. .06 Inch. Deficiency for the month, 1.45 inches. Total precipitation sine Sept. 1, 1939, 3.48 inches. Deficiency for the season, .91 inch. Relative humidity at 6 p. m. yes terday, 81; fi a. m. today, 83. Tomorrow: Sunrise 7:11 a. m.; sun set, 4:44 p. m. Observations Tokrn at 4:30 a. m., IJ0 Meridian Tims. T? as r P B EC 3 2 V B 2 0 o S 0 3 Boise Cloudy Snow Cloudy Clear Pt. Cldy. Cloudy Cloudy Clear Boston , Chicago Denver Eureka Havre Loa Angeles. Mrdford New York. Omaha Phoenix Portland Reno Roseburg Salt Lake.. S.'.n Francisco.. 6B 46 Seattle 63 60 Spokane 40 30 Wash., D. O... 43 38 Cloudy Clear Wenatche 80 30 KILLED IN CRASH Albany, Ore., Nov. 22. UPi Douglas McKay, Jr., 19, of Sa lem, son of the Marion county state senator, was killed and his companion, Don Blalsdcll, Sa lem, injured In an automobile accident five miles north of Al bany early today. Coroner E. C. Fisher said the car, operated by the senator's son, leaped a ditch and crashed into a telephone pole on a Pa cific highway curve near Millers burg. Both boys were Oregon Stat college students. They were driving south to Corvallls. Blaisdell was taken to a Sa lem hospital where his condition was reported not critical. CLASS IN FLYING Roseburg, Ore., Nov. 22. (IP) Roseburg facilities for hand ling a federally sponsored course In aviation were given approval here today by E. W. Wright, northwest supervisor for the Civil Aeronautics Au thority. Roseburg, through the Ump qua Flying club and the cham ber of commerce, has applied for a class of 10 students under the recent congressional act au thorizing training of civilian pilots, five per cent of whom will be in non-college or uni versity towns. The supervisor'! report will be sent to Washing ton, D. C, for consideration. More WPA Jobs. Portland, Nov. 22. (JP) Col. F. C. Harrington, national WPA administrator, said last night 1000 more relief jobs would be provided in Oregon by the WPA beginning December 1. He said the Increase would be effective until mid-March or April 1. Logger Killed. McMlnnvllle, Ore., Nov. 22. (P) Walter Cassldy, 82, logger, died last night of Injuries suf fered Monday when he wai struck by a falling limb. NEED CASH? DORROW ON YOUR CAR Let Us explain how easy it te to bavt ready cash with your ear as security. PUune) SI for full information. Commercial Finance Corp. "Th Pnsnaly Pinane Company W W Walasr President nra Natl Bans Bldg Prion tt Uosnw NumMT 1S4 66 36 .... 40 33 .01 40 36 63 31 60 60 63 46 83 38 84 45 T. 38 33 . 61 33 63 47 .17 Cloudr 64 30 .... Pt. Cldr. 63 46 T. Pt.Cldf. 63 33 Clear Clear DOUG mi JR. ass. Gloria Pan Apt trL