MEDFORD MAIL TRIBUNE. MEDFORD, OREGON, SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 19, 1939. PAGE FIVE Church Interests and Notices SERVICE PLANNED By ST1 As Is customary each year, union Thanksgiving services conducted by the Medford Min isterial association will be held on Thursday, November 23rd at 10 a. m. Services this year will be held in the Nazarene church with Rev. Fred M. Weatherford presiding and Rev. Werner Jes sen, pastor of the Zion English Lutheran church, delivering the Thanksgiving sermon. Special musical items are being ar ranged and, from all indications, this year's service will be one of the very best. , . The Thanksgiving offering will go to the Jackson County Health association to assist in the work carried on by this organization. A very cordial invitation is extended to everyone, whether church member or non-church member, to attend the service and give thanks to the Almighty for His bountiful goodness. A complete program of the entire Thanksgiving service will be published later. Medford Company Of Jehovnh's Witnesses The Medford Company of Jehovah's Witnesses meets every Wednesday at 7:45 p. m. and every Sunday at 7:45 p. m. at 710 Palm street. All inter ested In Watch Tower Bible study are welcome. St. Mark's Episcopal. Corner Oakdale and Fifth. Holy communion, 8:00 a. m. Morning prayer and sermon at 11 a. m. by Rev. H. Q. Gardner of Burllngame, Cal. Roberta Ward Bebb, director of music. Mrs. Eva Hazelrlgg Marsh, organist Church school. 9:45 a. m. Phoenix Pres. Church Rev. N. 8. Flscus, minister. Morning worship at 11 o'clock. Sunday school at 10. Young People's hour at 7 p. m. A Thanksgiving service will be held on the eve of Thanksgiving day, Wednesday, Nov. 22, at 7:30 p. m. A cordial welcome at every service. Wayside Church 800 block on 8. Riverside. Blanche Barton, pastor. Sunday school, 10 a. m. Morning worship, 11 a. m. Evening evangelistic, 7:45 p. m. Mid-week services Tuesday, 7:45 p. m.. prayer meeting; Thursday. 7:45 p.' m., Bible study; Saturday, 7:45 p. m., praise service. Phoenix Christian Church John Frees, pastor; Donald Wilder, music director; Carmen Houston, pi anist; Geo. Wilson, school superin tendent. Bible school, 9:45. Communion and preaching service. 11 a. m. Sermon, "Beginnings." O. E. at 6:30 p. m. Evening evangelistic service 7 :30. Sermon, "Gold Over the Riffle!" Mr, and Mrs. Geo. Maddox will be with us during the evening service for a special musical program. We cordially Invite you to attend services. St. Peter's Lutheran Church (Synodical Conference) E. Main and Portland Ave. Harry H. Young, pastor. Sunday school this Fleming at 9:46. No morning worship. Evening service at 7:1 Theme: "Is The Church Doomed?" The field secretary of the Walther league, Pastor E. Becker of Portland, will meet with young people of the congregation after the service thia evening. All members of the congre gation are Invited to this meeting. Confirmation instruction Monday evening at 7:30. Thanksgiving service Thursday morning at 11 o'clock. Visitors are always welcome. Zion English Lutheran Church W. 4th St. at Oakdale. Werner Jessen. pastor. 10 a. m., Sunday school. 11 a. m., worship service. During the worship service the ser mon will be "Time" from the text "To every thing there Is a season and a ttme for every purpose under the heaven.'' Bccleslastes 3:1. Any one is welcome to attend our Sunday school and to worship with us during the church service. On Wednesday evening there will be a Thanksgiving service at the church at 8:00 p. m. to which all are invited. We are also cooperating In the union Thanksgiving service Thursday morning at 10 a. m. in the Nazarene church. First Christian Church . Ninth and Oakdale. James M. Hamilton, pastor. Effie H. Kurtz, music director. Mabel C. Sims, instrumental music. Louis G. Centner, church school superintendent. , Sunday school, 9:46 a. m. Every man's church in the courthouse. Morning worship, 11 o'clock. Prel ude, "Worship and Praise" by Bell; offertory, "Solace" by Pease; anthem, "To Thee pear Savior" by Pike. Sermon, "What About Thanksgiving Day?" Three young people's societies and the adult study group meet at the church Sunday night at 6:30 o'clock. Sunday evening church service opens 7:30 with Marmle Olson lead ing the congregation In gospel hymn singing. Anthem, "The Pilgrims" by Stone. Sermon, "Light From Job." All are welcome to the services of the church. Church Of The Nazarene Holly at First St. Fred M. Weatherford, pastor, will be spokesman at both worship hours. 7:30 p. m. topic, "Peak Moments From Bible Life." Special number by choir. Topic for the 10:45 morn ing hour is, "God, Time, and Money." Special choir number. Sunday school, 9:45 a. m. Senior, Junior and Primary departments su pervised respectively by Mrs. Clara Caul kins, Ralph Nichols, and Mrs. Mary Foster. A helpful medium for Christian education for every station in life. Three young people's societies meet at 6 :30 p. m., including : Senior, HI-NY, and Junior divisions. In charge, respectively, are: Mr. Henry Lacy, Mr. Earl Rogers, and Mrs. Fred M. Weatherford. Mid-week service, Bible study, praise and prayer, Wednesday, 7:30 p. m. Friends and visitors are cordially welcomed to all services. First Presbyterian Church Dr. Sherman L. Divine, pastor. Hans Hoerlein, organist. , Edna Eifert, choir director. Thanksgiving service 11 a. m. with sermon by the pastor, "Let America Give Thanks." Prelude, "Magnificat" (Guilmant); anthem, "Praise the Lord, O Jerusalem" (Maurder); of fertory, "Give Thanks, All Ye People" (Muhlenberg); solo, "Prayer Perfect" (Stevens), Harvey Field; postlude. "Now Thank We AH Our God" (Bach). , - Church school, all ages, 9:45 a. m. Youth hour, Seniors and Tuxts, 6:30 p. m. Tuesday, 9 a. m. to 4 p. m., Pres byterlai Women's conference with Miss Ellanor Ewlng as leader In social hall of church. This church Joins in the union Thanksgiving service Thursday at 10 m. in the Church of the Nazarene. Come render thanks for all His goodness unto us as we worship in the church beautiful." VALUES UP TO 2.98 "-kJKJ" 71 YOU SAVE AS MUCH AS' 2.21 ' yjfegl Full Gospel Church Newtown St. near W. Main. Leonard Weston, pastor. Sunday school, 9:45 a. m. Morning worship. 11 a. m. Young People, 6:30 p. m. Evangelistic meeting, 7:30 p. m. Week night services Include an Informal prayer meeting Wednesday and Bible study Friday. Come be refreshed by the word of God. The Salvation Army 9:45 a. m., Sunday school. 11 a. m., morning worship. 6:15 p. m., Young People's Legion. 7:30 p. m., evening services. On Monday evening, commencing at 7:30, the usual monthly coffee fest will be held. A very interesting pro gram has been arranged. Including showing of an Interesting salvation Army sound film depicting several activities of the Army. Everyone Is Invited. Refreshment will be served at the close. Church Of God Haven and Holly. T. O. Satterfield, pastor. (The church that meets the need of the soul.) Church school at 9:45 a. m. R. E. Chapman, superintendent, with a fine staff of teachers. There la a class and a welcome for all ages. Morning worship at 11. Message by pastor, "How God Delt With Some People." This will be in the light of present day conditions. Christian crusaders meeting , at 6:45 p. m. Evening service. 7:30. Good con gregational and special singing. Prayer and praise service each Wednesday, 7:30 p. m. First Church Of Christ, Scientist Authorized branch of The Mother church, The First Church of Christ, Scientist, In Boston, Mass. Services are held every Sunday at 11 o'clock, church edifice, 212 North Oakdale. Subject for Sunday, Novem ber 19, "Soul and Body." Wednesday evening church meet ing, including testimonials of Chris tian Science healings, at 8 o'clock. Sunday school at 9:30 o'clock. The reading room, which Is located at 414 and 415 Medford Center build ing, is open daily from 7 a. m. to 6 p. m. The librarian Is in attend ance from 10 to 4. at which time the Bible and all authorized Chris tian Science literature may be read, borrowed or purchased. The public is cordially invited to attend the services and visit the reading room. First Methodist Church West Main and Laurel Sts. Joseph Knotts. minister. E. J. Neumann, Sunday school su perlntendent. Mrs. Elsie Carlton Strang, director of music. Mrs. Doris Condit Lantz, organist. 9:46 a. m., Sunday school. 11 a. m., morning worship. Sermon theme, "Our Spiritual Thanksgiving." Anthem, "Praise the Lord, O Jeru salem" by Maunder; incidental solo, Robert C. Wright, baritone. Solo, "Blessing" by Currow, Marguerite Lu man. Prelude, "Prelude In C Minor" by Chopin (contralto). Offertory, Memories At Twilight" by Hopkins, Postlude, "Postlude" by Armstrong, 6:16 p. m., Wesley Fellowship Bible class. 6:30 p. m., Wesley, high school and intermediate Epworth leagues. 7:30 p. m., evening worship in Wes ley chapel. Sermon theme, "Those Condemned Already." Come and en Joy the hymn singing. Prayer meeting at 7:30 p. m, Wednesday in Wesley chapel. Union Thanksgiving service Thurs day morning in the Nazarene church. The Church Of Jesus Christ Of Latter-Day saints 133 West Main. Sunday school every Sunday morn ing at 10 a. m. Relief society Tuesday, 3:30 p. m. Primary Tuesday, 4 p. m. Big Thanksgiving party Wednesday, 6 p. m.. 123 West Main. Everyone invited to Join In the fun. Church Of Christ Court St. Sunday services Singing begins 10:30 a, m. following the exortatlon meeting. Communion at 11:46. 7:30 p. m. services devoted mostly to the young members of the church for their training in knowledge of the gospel. You are welcome at all services. Free Methodist Church Corner Tenth and Ivy . C. B. Starkey, pastor. Sunday school, 9:45 a. m. Mrs. Eugene Chastain will have an appro priate and Interesting object lesson at the closing. Sermon by Rev. Eugene Chastain, 11 a. m. Y. P. M. S. service, 7 p. m.; Mr. Kenneth Shrayer, leader. Junior band, 7 p. m.; Francis Stev ens, leader. Evangelistic message, 8 p. m. The revival meetings will continue throughout the week each night at 7:30. The public is cordially invited. The First Baptist Church Fifth and N. Central Sts. Wolford A. Dawes, minister. Bible school, 9:45. Classes for all ages. Morning worship, 11 a. m. Sermon, "An Anchor Of The Soul." The choir, under the direction of Mrs. Clem Fin ley, will present anthems and special music. B. Y. P. U., 6:30. Evening worship. 7:30. Sermon, "Life in Jesus." There will be a period of singing the old gospel songs. Special mu3ic by the members of the choir. All are invited to worship with us. Pllgrlri Holiness Church Cor. East Jackson and Bessie St. near Roosevelt school. Rev. C. Edwin Cox, pastor. Rev. R. W. Wolfe, the general home missionary and church extension su perintendent of the Pilgrim Holiness church, will preach both morning and evening In the church, 11 a. m. and 7:30 p. m. Rev. Wolfe Is a preacher of out standing repute on the old-fashioned gospel lines, coming from the south land. Hear him. Sunday school, 9:46 a. m. Evangelistic service of Y. P. S. 6:46 p. m.. Wednesday evening prayer and praise service 7:30. Cottage meeting Friday evening, 7:30. The home church with a spiritual warmth and welcome. Apostolic Faith Church N. Central Ave. at Third St. Sxinday school at 9 a. m. Devotional service, 10:30 a. m. Evening service, 7:45. A 25 -piece orchestra and special choir open the Sunday evening serv ice with concert of sacred music and song. The following Thanksgiving program will be given tonight: Praise God From Whom Ali Bless ings Flow, Pilgrims Chorus, Wagner, by the organist. -Selections from Joy and Praise by the orchestra. Praise Ye the Father, Gounod, by chorus. Services each Tuesday, Thursday and Friday evenings At 7:45. Personal testimonies and congrega tional singing, led by orchestra and Hammond Electron, are part of each service. A collection Is never taken. Come and enjoy these services at a pro gressive church. Here's news I Savings as high as $2.21 -now, in time for Thanksgiving and Christmas. Glorify your table I Stock up for gifts 1 Below are listed juxt 7 of the dozens of thrilling values in this Sale. Luncheon Sets with 8 Napkins 87 Beautiful Bridge Sets 4 Napkins , 87 Hand Embroidered Pillow Cases .... 2 for 87f Madeira Linen Scarfs 36" or 45" 87T Fine Tuscany Lace Scarfs 2 'or 87 Grass Linen Bridge Sets ...2 for 87? Salel 1.98 Lace Dinner Cloth Jj OA Glorious design; corded picot edges. 70x1)0 a04 Society By Clara (Continued from page four) P. T. A. Activities (By A. H. Banwell, Manager of Jackson County Chamber of Commerce.) My contacts with the Parent Teacher association have mostly been through the chamber of commerce. I am better acquaint ed with what the P.-T A. has done from a civic standpoint as a group than with the actual ac tivities of the individual Parent Teacher association. The P.-T. A. has done many fine services for the chamber of commerce which convinces me that it must necessarily give similar services in conducting its own affairs. The growth of the Parent-Teachers association in recent years is in itself sufficient evidence that the organization is worth while, because our citizens like- to be associated with organiza tions which do something, rather than with those who merely have a name and set of by-laws. No finer work can be doni- in Amer ica by any organization than to take care of the rising gen eration as done by the P.-T.A. In these days of false ' isms" and the like, it is very essential that those charged with the educa tion of our youth realize the im portance of the task ahead. The P.-T.A. does realize this and the work it does for the children in our schools is entitled to the support of every mother and father in the community. Calendar Sunday 4:00 p. m. Ruth Lorraine Close harp concert, St. Mark's Guild hall. Monday 1:00 p. m. St. Mark's Bazaar committee, home Mrs. Charles Clay, Crater Lake avenue. 7:30 p. m. Rebekah lodge, lodge rooms. 8:00 p. m. Medford Musical Society, home Mrs. J. C. Boyle, Medford Heights. 8:00 p. m. League Women Voters, Girl's Community club house. Tuesday 9:00 a. m. Training confer ence, Presbyterian church. 1:00 p. m. Mary -Martha, Methodist church parlors. 1:30 p. m. DeMolay Moth ers, home Mrs. George Codding, 1015 Queen Anne avenue. 1:30 p. m. -Lady Elks, Elks Temple. 7:30 p. m. Bridge Tourna ment, Hotel Medford. Wednesday 1:00 p. m. P.E.O., chapter AA, home Mrs. V. E. Rolfe, 1206 E. Main street. 1:30 p. m. Get-Together club, Eagles Hall. P.E.O. To M"eet AT ROLFE HOME P.E.O., chapter AA will hold a regular meeting Wednesday afternoon at 1 o'clock for lunch eon at the home of Mrs. V. E. Rolfe, 1206 East Main street. and Clubs Mary Davis Lodge- Club- Ch u rch Announcements Voters League Meats Monday Jackson county League of Women Voters will gather Mon day evening at 8 o'clock in the Girl's Community clubhouse. Medford lawyer, William M. McAllister will be the guest speaker, after which a. question period will be enjoyed. 1 Lady Elki To Hava Afternoon Lady Elks will enjoy a regu lar dessert card party Tuesday afternoon at 1:30 o'clock in the Elks Temple. Committee in charge will in clude Mesdames Jesse Houck, Russel Semon, C. A. Hamlin and Glen Fabrick. Mary. Martha Maeti Tuesday Mary and Martha circle will convene Tuesday afternoon at 1 o'clock at the Methodist church parlors for luncheon. The afternoon will be spent in tieing quilts. Get-Together Party Wednesday Get-Together club will hold a card party at the Eagle Hall, 42 North Front street Wednes day afternoon at 1:30 o'clock. Members and their friends are invited to attend. Just in BEAUTIFULLY lift PM1 YOUR CHOICE . . . . Electric Iron Toaster Sandwich Toaster Waffle Iron .... Percolator 9)98 i Each Chrome Finhhl Walnut Hancffesf At this cut price you can afford a complete, matching ensemble I 7-in. waffle iron has heat indicator dial I Automatic toaster, with slide on top, for use as warmer! Iron has automatic heat control! Sandwich Grill, grills sandwiches and meats, and (with extra grids) bakes waffles, tool 9-cup urn haped polished aluminum percolator! St. Mark's Group Meets Monday Committee members who are working on St. Mark's Guild bazaar are to meet at the home of Mrs. Charles Clay on Crater Lake avenue at 1 o'clock. The bazaar will be an event of De cember 1. DeMolay Mothers Meet Tuesday DeMolay Mother's club will convene Tuesday afternoon at 1:30 o'clock for dessert luncheon at the home of Mrs. Rporap Pnd. ding, 1015 Queen Anne avenue. Baptist Women Have Meeting Baptist auxiliary enjoyed a meeting last week at the home of Mrs. L. J. Knox on Portland avenue. President. Mrs. W. D. Roberts presided; Mrs B. F. Neff sang, Mrs. J. D. Schuffcr and Mrs. E. E. Wilson gave devo tionals. The next session will be held at the home of Mrs. R. G. Beach, November 28. Members are to bring gift boxes to the meeting. Study Group Meets Soon International Relations of American Association of Lniver sity Women will meet Thursday. November 30, at the home of Mrs. John Lawrence at 8 o'clock. Shoots Own Foot Roseburg, Ore., Nov. 18. UP) Carm Higglns, 47, a resident of Dillard, was brought to the hospital here today with a bul let wound through his foot. Hig gins said he was emptying shells from a hunting rifle, when the ejector jammed. In trying to force the cartridge from the gun. his hand slipped and accidental ly discharged the weapon. Time For Thanksgiving SMART NEW FEATURES EXCLUSIVE WITH WARDS MATCHED Ex-Solon Passes Toledo, Nov. 18 IP) John Mahoney, former state repre sentative from Lincoln county,, died in his sleep at his home here early today. He was active, for many years in democratic party affairs. Ills By HALE WHEELER WELL, I see where Fin land is loaded for Bear and if those Finns fight like they pay their debts the Rus sians had better wait for an invitation before they come colling. Ifii a funny thing about those Scnndtnavtan countries the way they'll stand tor more push ing about than a baby buggy. They love peace the same way a kid loves Ice cream, and they'll do almost anything to get It. But after a while they get tired of being muscled around and they begin to remember that after all they ARE the descendants of the hardy Vlltlnga who ruled North ern Europe back In the early days. And Just when the enemy la thinking the Scandinavians are yellow, the Viking blood comes to a boll and the opposition finds they've got a Norse of another color on their hands. Since I've owned the Unique Cleaners I've Installed a lot of new services that are making a hit with folks. We make minor repairs rips, buttons, we moth proof all clothes and keep them that wa" If you continue to bring them to Unique. We carefully remove spots by hand. And If you have delicate fabrics we'll show you how to dye or clean without damage. Better send In that formal suit or dress todny to Unique Cleaners, 30 So. Central St. Phone 96 ask for Hale wheeler. ERWARE SET (UV88 Service for 8 Specially purchased for Wards Thanksgiving Sale of House wares I A lovely set of dishes that you (and your friends) would judge to be 50 more than Wards low price I Charming ma roon border, with soft-colored floral design! All edges are gold trimmed I First quality, triple selected, ivory-white American semi-porcelain 1 Save at Wards) 94-pc. Service for 12 . . . 18.88 ly Telephone 286 TJ 117 S. CENTRAL TELEPHONE 286 sii n m. s ss , ,. , ..,,. nnum's1 , n i kihw rT'riga