MEDFORD MAIL TRIBUTE. MEDFORD, OREGON. FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 17, 1930. PAGE THREE Read every ad on thli page You will probeDlj find exactly the things you have been look Ing tor or a sale or trade for unused articles you may have Search your attio or store-room you may find many thing others are seeking and be able to realize immediate cash. II what you want lent here, advertise (or It Tribune Clas sified Ada are Inexpensive effective 1 RATES Per word rimt Insert iun.. (Minimum 25c Each additional Insertion, per word ...1 (Minimum loo) Per line per month without copy change . fi.t CASH or money order must ao company all mail ordet classified ads. LOST AND FOUND LOST Black female cocker spaniel. Reward. Tel. 964-R. LOST Black and wnlte hound. Re ward for any Information leading to Its return. L. L. Lewis, Central Point. . LOST Lady's round Gold Waltham wrist watch, black leather strap. November 10. Return, Mall Tribune. Reward.. REPORT lost dogs, animal cruelty cases. Humane society rnune iqiq WANTED MALE HELP WANTED An experienced waitress. Must be neat In appearance. Apply In person only. Franklin's Cafe. WANTED SITUATIONS WANTED A lady past 6C would pay small board and do light work In Christian family. Write 339 Second St., Ashland, Ore. WANTED Position by accountant with executive experience, capable of taking charge office manage ment. Box 4161, Tribune. GOOD RANCH HAND wants work. Want furnished house and small wages. P. O. Box 663, Medford. WANTED Dressmaking, Sewing. In your home or mine. Mrs'. Mee. Box 69. Jacksonville Hwy., Medlord WANTED MISCELLANEOUS WANTED Driver with car to take trailer to Los Angeles. References. Box 4183 Tribune. UPHOLSTERING and furniture re pairing. Phone 969-R. Thlbault. WANTED TO BUY Horses suitable for fox feed. W. E. Martin, Rt. 3. Box 338, Ashland. WANTED Custom corn shelling Have large capacity sheller. Rea sonable rates. Phone Central Point 11-X1 or write Ellsworth Thomas. Route 1, Central Point. RAW FURS WANTED I astern Cash Prices paid for your furs at home. Also hides, pelts and wool. MEDFORD BARGAIN HOUSE 37 N. Grape St. Medford. Ore. WE PAY MORE CASH For Your Furniture. HOLBROOK & ANDREWS 6th and Front. Phone 647. BEST PRICES PAID For Your Furniture. EADS & OHKN. Phone II92-J. WELL DRILLING 81 50 per ft. first 60 ft., etc. J. M. Dodge. 519 King WANTED Scrap Iron, brass, copper, all kinds of metal. Medford Bar gain House. 37 N. Grape St. Tel 1063. HIGHEST CASH PRICES PAID For Your Furniture. MEDFORD BARGAIN HOUSE 37 N. Grape St. Phone 1063. WANTED Dressmaking, alterations and rellnlng. Katherlne Satterlee S'.nger Shop. 33 S. Grape. EKSTRAND for complete landscape service. Expert pruning. Telephone 808-X. U- A BLISS Painting and paper hanging contractor 313 South Orapp Phone 646-W. FOR RENT HOUSES FOR RENT Large house. 8 month, 6 miles out. See Walker Real Estate, West 6th St. FOR RENT 5 -room house, electric ity, garage, bam. Guy Hackenberg. Central Point. FURNISHED 4-room house, electri cally equipped, $26.00. Inquire 730 Oak St. FOR RENT 4-room house near mill. Inquire 505 Edwards. FOR RENT Two small modern houses. Dressler's, 1107 E. Main. FOR RENT Three-room duplex fur nished, close In. Garage and wood shed. Adults. Enquire 240 South Orape St, or 312 South Central. FOR SALE 5 and 7 -room modern houses close in. $1800 each. Pay $200 down snd $20 per month, including 6T Interest. These are exceptional ba renins. C. C. P'ERCE Room 1, Pslm Building. Medford FOR RENT-Oood 6 -room house on North Riverside Inquire Phlpps Auto Park. Phone 417. FOR RENT Duplex, near Junior Hi ; 12000 BUYS m acres. 3-room mod Call at 328 Haven. m house, close to Jackson school. 1100 down. $10 and Interest. Owner FURN. house. Tel 1322-W or 889 i 618 E. Main. FOR RENT 8-room turnlshed house FEDERAL LAND BANK FARMS Finest Oregon Grown Roses, also 4-room furnished house, close i Convenient terms Lists available Sale yard three miles south on Pa ul. $28. water paid. L G. PI eke 11 I at National Farm Loan Office, 303 i ciflc highway. 16 So. Bartlett 1 Liberty Bulldicg, Ued.'ord. 1 W. 6. Bun urn Phone 6M-R-3 FOR RENT HOUSES FOR SALE REAL ESTATE BUSINESS DlntUTUtti oUblNLSb UlntLiOHj wre airs. i-ti uengier. lure. Hfiflftlliri pn HI HI TP. FOR RENT 0-roo i furnished bouse, close In. Phone 457-J. FURNISHED House r id 3 and 3 -room apartments Adults 604 West 10th FOR RENT APARTMENTS FOR RENT Clean, well furnished apartments. Call 817 W. 10th. FURNISHED APARTMENT. Heat, Frl&ldalre, private bath. 806 W. Main. FOR RENT Apartment, 116 Almond. FURNISHED Apartment, heated, hot water, Frig id aire. $27.50. 51 N. Oakdsle. MODERN Furn. apartment. Reason able. 31ft No. Bartlett St. Phone 834-R. ATTRACTIVE studio apartment, well furnished, everything modern. Pri vate bath. Bendlz laundry, etc. Employed couple or business wo man. 816 N. Central. APARTMENTS For Rent 18, 913 and 911. 330 Beatty. Inquire at Shady Nook Grocer- DESIRABLE apartments. 3 rooms and bath: gs heat. Inquire Farmers & Fruitgrowers Bank. FOR RENT Apartments, D u r e 1 1 Court, 3rd and Holly. Inquire Aot 6. FOR RENT Furnished Roomi ATTRACTIVE heated room for gen tleman. 504 Pennsylvania. FOR RENT Room for gentleman 331 W. 6th. ROOM FOR REm -83 50 week; pri vate entrance 408 Edwards ATTRACTIVE ROOMS 404 8 Orape FOR RENT BOARD. ROOM ROOM and BOARD 163 No. Oakdale. BOARD AND ROOM 716 E. Main 81 per day. pOR RENT MISCELLANEOUS ! WILL LEASE for share of crop, acre- age to suit. Owner, 6 E. 3rd Bt FOR RENT 10 acres. Buckshot Hill road. 3rd house on right. FOR SALE LIVESTOCK FOR SALE Weaner pigs. Hazel Pen lnger. Central Point, Oregon. FOR SALE OR TRADE Horses of all descriptions. Also want team work by day or contract. M. M. Eubanks, Crater Lake Four Corners. FOR SALE Weaner pigs K. P Mur ray. Crater '-Jike Hwy lei 408-R-l FOR SALE POULTRY FOR SALE: Fat hens. Large and small fryers. Roasting chickens 25 White Leghorn pullets. 30 Mc Rae Red pullets. Carley Farm. Old Pacific highway north. Phone 2079-J. FRYERS AND ROASTERS. DreSSler'S. Phone 1393-H. FOR SALE AUTOMOBILES 8KINNERS DEPENDABLE USED CARS 1938 Bulck Special Sedan. New paint and rubber. Motor In excellent condition. Away under average sell ing price at only $795. 1937 Pontlao Deluxe Sedan. Beauti ful black finish. Motor and rubber very good. Big radio and heater. $595. 1937 Bulck Special Sedan. Excellent finish and motor. Shows very care ful handling. Runs like a new car $675. 1932 Chevrolet Coach ......$195 1931 Chevrolet Cabriolet. - 145 1926 Dodge Sedan 65 Bulck Pickup 20 1929 Chevrolet Coach 46 1936 G.M.C. Pickup. Long W.B. Big tires, overload springs, 4 -speed transmission. $375. SKINNERS GARAGE Phone 102 and 65S . Bulck Cars GMC Trucks FREE TURKEY To Every Used Car Buyer Enjoy the double pleasure of a fine Dependable Used Car and a swell Turkey dinner this Thanks giving. Select any Used Car from our stock, on convenient terms, at the lowest prices ever offered, and your Turkey will be delivered FREE 1936 Pontlae Sedan $386 1936 Studebaker Sedan.m 486 1937 Studebaker Coupe.m... 825 1938 Studebaker Sedan ...... 735 1934 Studebaker Coupe... ... 285 1939 Chevrolet Sedan 725 1936 International Truck 365 Manv others at all prices. SANDERSON MOTOR CO. Always Open "38 DODGE Sedan, excellent condi tion; also 2-wheel trailer, practi cally new. 124 King St., Apt 3. PICKUP Trade for livestock. 1716 N Riverside. 1933 PLYMOUTH 4 -door Sedan, today only $179. Shults Bros. WILL SACRIFICE 1934 Pontlae coupe New tires, tubes, brakes, transmis sion. Special wheels. Motor perfect See Thompson at Hawthorne Apart ments. 621 East Main. FOR SALE 1929 De Soto coupe. Good condition. Sacrifice, $75 eash. 408 FOR SALE REAL ESTATE 5-ROOM House, 11 improved acres. Good Income. Nar Ashlsnd for sale, easv terms. See Lew Hansen 123 N. Central. FOR SALE 5 acres on Butte creek 9 acres in alfalfa and clover, bal ance In garden, fruit, berries and pasture. Abundance of free water I 8-room house, barn and all out- i buiidiruzs. On good ninway. in- aulre E. Gould, 223 west Jackson St. FOR SALE 5 -room modem house; fireplace, hardwood floors. Call evenings 1562-R. 408 Beatty St. FOR SALE Furnished home. Sacri fice. 413 Laurel. FOR SALE 10 acres all Irrigated, paid up. Water right. Four-room house with breakfast nook. Good barns and outbuildings, fenced with woven wire. One acre clover one acre strawberries. Located near Medford on school bus line. Price 11.850. Including one horse. 14 hogs, some lam machinery. Would consider good car with deal. L. O. PICKELL, 18 So. Bartlett FOR SALE or RENT 6 -room house, partly furnished. Water paid 817.50. Phone 1447-R. A. C. Huson FOR SALE OR RENT 5 -room house. Woods Lumber Co. CITY and country prope.tles RENT ALS LOANS INSURANCE. C S Butterfleld, 409 Medlord Building. WHEN you think of real estate think of Brown ec White. HOUSES FOR SALE In Medford and surrounding towns. Easy terms Jackson County Federal Savings and Loan Association. FOR EXCHANGE FOR SALE OR TRADE for livestock. 1030 model Sedan. Valued at 885 Address 413 West Jackson St. Phone 1775-Y. WILL TRADE ?i ton 1938 Interna tional pickup for late model ltht aedan. Inquire E. Carman. Oak Grove Service Station. Jacksonville Highway. FOR TRADE Will take good milk cow In exchaae on piano. Bald win Piano Shoppe. FOR SALE-MISCELLANEOUS SLIGHTLY USED enameled gas range for sale cheap. Call at Colonial Garage. FOR BALE Wood, all kinds, priced to sell. Phone 116. 216 E. 8th. FOR SALE) Cast Iron heating stove, A-l shape, takes 18-lnch wood, built-in smoke door. See H. J. Fleischer, Central Point. NEW ZEALAND and WHITE GIANT breeding rabbits for sale. Inquire at Food Store, Jacksonville high way and Ross Lane. CLEARANCE OF ALL OIL HEATERS Used 3-4 room circulator, porce lain finish. Was 647.95, now 630. Two 3-4 room circulators, ripple finish. Were 857.95. now 643.95. 8-8 room circulator, ripple finish. Was 869.95, now $49.95. Two 8-6 room deluxe circulators, rinnle finish. Were $72.95, now $52 95. Four 3-4 room circulators, ripple finish. Were $54.95, now $44.96. 8-4 deluxe circulator, rlonle finish. Was $69.95. now $54.95. MONTGOMERY WARD FOR SALE; Best wood In town, guaranteed dry. 223 N. Riverside Phone 615. FOR SALE G, E. 6 cu. ft. refriger ator. Practically new. Sacrifice price. 422 So. Ivy. WANTED Best dinlnp room set $15 cash win buy. Box 4109 Tribune. A. A. A. TAILORED SUITS, Sizes 36 to 44 at bargain. Klein the Tailor, Upstairs. UNCALLED FOR OVERCOATS, sizes 40 and 44 at bargain. Klein the Tailor. Upstairs. FOR SALE Walnuts, 12c lb. 410 Earhart St. DRY Cord Wood $2.00 per cord; tier wood $1.00 per tier. A Powers, Applegate. Schuessler Mineral Salts. 606 Clark FOR SALE Washer service. Full line genuine Maytag parts. Service on all makes. Medford Maytag Co.. 31 No. Bartlett, phone 38. FOR SALE - Hydraulic pipe and giants Box 3376, Tribune. USED MAGAZINES sold and traded at Jack's Secondhand Store, 106 8outh Grape, OLYMPIC EGG MASH with milk. $2 35 per sack. Divls Feed Stores FOR SALE Grapes and Walnuts J. A. Manke. 4 miles west of Medford FOR SALE Delicious apples. Inde pendent Packing Co., Phoenix. CUT-RATE PRICES - Nu-Way Mat tress and Upholstery Co. Phone 303. 209 West 8th St. FOR SALE -Nice sized Newtown ap ples washed and sorted 46c, C grade 25c or 6 boxes $1 00 one box or trucklaad. Winter Nellls pears cheap. Joe Kan tor. Route 4. Fern Valley. APPLES Gebhard's. alf mile north Brnr Cr bridge. Centra) Point PERSONAL DOROTHY and Lillian please write to dad. Frank Patttson, General delivery, Medford. CARD Readings. $1 00 329 Jeanette BUSINESS DIRECTORY Abstracts. Jackson County Abstract Co. Title Insurance Abstracts Escrows Chimney and Furnace Cleaning NOTICE For Chimney and Furnace Cleaning - Oil Stoves Vacuum Clrsnd. call Oorye Eaton at 547 Dressmaking. THE FASHION SHOP-Dressmaklng Fur Remodeling. Putt ma and Buckles covered. Room 320 O. 3 Natl Bank Jlde Tei 1181. Expert Window Cleaner. LET JOE OO IT Expert Window Cleaners General house cleaners. Floor waxing Joe Sprnr Phone 1 172 Nursery Stock. CARLTON NURSERY COMPANY Fruit Nut and Shade Trees, Berries and Shrubbery MONEY TO LOAN on modern dwell Ings of late construction. 9 76 per month per thousand. Low Interest rate. BROWN & WHITE, 104 W Main CASH IN A HURRY! Emergencies are no respectors of personsor conditions. And usually they occur when we are least ready to met't them. If you need cash QUICKLY, see us. Our service Is geared for emergency speed. (No In quiries of friends or employer--nc endorsers- no delays of any kind t You get the money the same day you apply. We advance up to S3 00 on your own signature and security (auto, household goods, etc ) Come in. phone or write for com plete Information without obliga tion. OREGON FINANCE CO. 45 South Central Phone 138 Ground Floor Craterlan Bldg. Licen5e S-211. M-2I7. Auto Loans. LOW RATE AUTO LOANS CONTRACTS REFINANCED MONEY to buy new or used cars Prlvote money at new, low rates Immediate action No red tape 1 TO 20 MOKTHS TO PAY W. E. THOMAS 45 South Central. Phone 139. License M-317. $20 TO SI. 000 On Your Car. 1930 to 1939 Model cars and light trucks 1 to 18 months to repay. CONSUMERS' CREDIT CO. HAROLD H. TROWN AGENCY. Agent. 123 East Main. M-238 Phone 807 You Can Save Money and Time 'y Getting Your CAR LOAN OR REFINANCING Direct from the Lender. The OREGON FINANCE CO 45 South Central, Lie. M-217. CAH LOANS Solve .our financial problems by 'refinancing or borrowing. LOANS ON CARS 1932-1939. Trl-State Acceptance Corp. License M-253. MARK A. GOLDY 109 E Main. Phone 728 DRIVE IN AUTO LOANS and REFINANCING SERVICE Deal with a southern Oregon owned independent finance com pany where your needs will receive PERSONAL CONSIDERATION at all times. Immediate action! No red tape) Our years of experience insure you of the best service. DRIVE IN for YOUR confidential loan. USED CARS BOUGHT AND 80LD "DRIVE IN" P. T. "JERRY" YOUNG Motor Investment Company Lie. M-274. Phone 159. 9th and Bartlett. Musical Instruction. HOMER MCDONALD offer, courses In Popular Piano Piano Accordion. Voice Saxophone. Clarinet. Violin. String Bass Studio. Sparta Bide, Ph 942-J ROOFING WE REPAIR or apply i.ny type of roof. Pabco Rooflnas. Shingles. Coatings and Paints. Wall Paper One-third off. Ekerson Paint and Roof Co.. 38 So. Bartlett. Tel 243 DON'T let your leaky roof spoil your plaster and disposition through the rainy months ahead. Call Mon son, 1203. Estimates free! Mail Tribune Daily ACROSS L Anglo-Saxon monpy of account 4. Pnlned . Title of a monk 12. Oddities H. Occupying & chair 16. Sells 17. mulish river 18. Jnhi;ulon 20. Egyptian Bodiless 22. Female deer 23. Bones 26. Light repast 27. Flexible palm stem 29. Biblical king 10. Aerlnl railway: collou. 11. Strike violently 12. Metric land measures 13. Pronoun U. Mother 35. ' de corps" 37. Japanene coin 18. Send hy public carrier 40. Long fish 11. Saucy 12. Uellowi 14. Large receptacle 15. Rmhelllsh 17. Not so hard Solution of Yesterday's Puzzle STen NjAgSgPl I NjC t R Wk n e J i jMjf a TIT a h I a m i hJa i c I m e wjp R ' " Pfl.B aTi p lit i a' J N T E RR U pItJ I O N S t mt nt"pfwjo o s im ilpstlN i n $0. In a superficial emotional manner 63. Indefinite quantity 51. Allows the UK a of 66, Aperture In a needle DOWN L Ooddcsi of the harvest t. Female sandpiper 2 3 H 4 5 6 18 H f o pllll if? IE" 2o 2, H22 2 2S , ,,. i ffl'th'l Z a" I w L 11 38 3 HI 40 HP41 " Sip47 40 44 - So SI Si 53 r 1 br 1 1 1 1 w" 1 1 HOOPER'S RAD1AIOR SERVICE m Pnmh Bartlett Sanitarium. WE CARE FOR THE SICK ROGUE RIVER SANITARIUM TRAINED NURSES 24 HOURS PHONE JACKSONVILLE 83 Transfer. DAVIS TRANSFER AND STORAGE 40 S. Fir Strict. Insured Carriers. Local and .xng Distance Hauling Phone 644. CITY TRANSFER & STORAGE CO Household moving and general hauling 39 S. Grape. Phone 3050. day or night. EADS TRANSFER & STORAGE CO Office 36 South Fir. Phone 816 Prices right. Service guaranteed FURNITURE MOVING and STORAGE See our Individual locker rooms be fore you arrange for storage space for your household goods. Our new storage department li dustless and conveniently located. Crating serv ice at low rates. Van Body equip ment. Anywhere For Hire service Phone 833' SAMSON STORAGE WAREHOUSE LEGAL NOTICES Notice To Creditors In the County Court Of The State Of Oregon For Jackson County. In the Matter of the Estate of Addle Halley. Deceased. Notice Is hereby given that the undersigned, by an Order of the County Court of the State of Oregon for the County of Jackson, duly made and entered on the 3rd day of November ,1939. waa appointed Executor of the Estate of Addle Hal ley, deceased, and that he has duly qualified as such Executor. All persons having claims against said Estate are hereby notified to present the same, duly verified, as required by law, to him at the offices of Frnnk J. Vnn Dyke, Attorney at Law, First National Bank Building. Ashland. Oregon, within six months of the date of this notice. Dated this 3rd day of November, 1939. L. F. BELKNAP Executor of the Estate of Addle Halley, deceased. Notice Outstanding warrants of Jackson Countv School District No. 0, num. bera 23 to 29 Inclusive, are hereby called for payment. Interest ceases after Nov. 16, 1939. Roue J. Kellev. Dl.trlct Clerk. Rogue River Rogue River, Nov. 1'7 (Spl) Ladies of the Civic Improve ment club met at the heme of Mrs. Ray Moore Nov. 10. A very good attendance was out. Sever al of the ladies put on a short play for the program. Refresh ments were served by the hos tess. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Scott and daughter Barbara of Marshfield were week-end visitors of Mr. Scott's mother, Mrs. James Whipple, and husband. Sunday they were dinner guests of Mrs. Scott's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Dengler, and Mrs. Scott's Bister, Mrs. Nat Hart and family. Other guests were Mr. and Mrs. A. A. MathLs of Grants Pass. Mrs. Reed Carter entertained W dnesday for a few friends and neighbors in honor of her birthday and some others whoso birthdays occur In November. Honor guests Cross -Word Puzzle American Indians Complements or mortises Smai; child Sell In small quantities Particulars Mynterloue HI bl leal word Device for controlling an air cur rent One who scat ters seed Deputy Oriental commander Depletion of the beautiful Rumor Action at law Pertaining to old age Subtle sarcasm City of the leaning tower Indigo plant Cudgels (Unheal king Lair Terminate City In Minnesota Cereal grass Myself English letter I. Nova Scotia 4. Toward the Bide away from the wind 6. Spanish hero 6. Exclamation 7. Son of Judnh t. Plunge Into water t. Discovers 10. Color 1L Donkey 18. i i were Mrs. Fred Detvgler, Mrs. Belle Hart. Mrs. Sam San dry and Mrs. Will Trotter. Other guests were Mrs Cloyd Dick. Mrs. Rollln Taylor, Mrs. Shepherd. Mrs. Hattle Harris. Mrs. Myrtle Whipple and Mrs. James Wiley. The afternoon was spent with fancywork and visiting. Refreshments including a birthday cake were served by the hostess. Mrs. Carter. Mrs. Lulu Plank visited her sister at Phoontx Thursday. Mrs. Mary Wilson visited at the Tom Wilson home last week, stopping on her way to Areata. Calif. Levey Blrfgers left last week for California to spend a month or more visiting his mother. Claude Burkhart of Grants Pass waa a business visitor here Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Bob Hill left Tuesday for southern California to spend the winter. Mrs. Nancy Mltchel will stay In their home while they are away. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Randleman and children have moved back to Rogue River from near Grants Pass and are living on the highway south In Mr Martin's house. Mr. and Mrs. Roll and Jones made a business trip to Klamath Falls Wednesday. James Whipple returned Saturday from a visit of several days with Chas, Sanders at the Stevens mine near Holland. The Grange Sams Valley orange Another of the popular dance, will bo given In Sams Valley Grange hall Saturday nltfht, November 18. Music by Earl's Rythm Makers. Supper will be served during Intermission. Menus of the Day By Mrs. Alexander OenrRe Flavorful Winter Salad (For Mont, Fish or Fowl) The Dinner Menu Deviled Pork Chops Mashed Potatoes Buttered Green Beans Bread Strawberry Preserves Jellied Prune Salad Moist Drop Cakes Coffee Deviled Pork Chops 4 thick pork chops 4 tablespoons flour Vt teaspoon salt Vi teaspoon paprika cup chill eaucs a tablespoons boiling water Heat a frying pan. When very hot add the chops and brown them quickly on both sides. Sprinkle with the flour and seasonings. Spread with the sauce. Add the water and cover with a lid. Let simmer 20 min utes until tender. Jellied Prune Salad X package lemon-flavored golatln 1 cup boiling wr, er J4 cup prune Juice cup cubed pineapple Vi cup diced cooked prunes cup diced celery Yt teaspoon salt Dissolve the gelatin In the water. Cool and mix In the rest of the Ingredients. Pour into a mold and chill until firm. Cut into cubes and arrange sev eral per portion on crisp lettuce. Pass salad dressing. Molsi Drop Cakes (Bananas In Them) 18 cup fat 1 cup light brown sugar I egg a tablespoons sour cream 1 teaspoon vanilla 13 teaspoon lemon extraot Va teaspoon salt a3 cup mashed bananas 1 33 cups pastry flour teaspoon soda 1 teaspoon baking powder Cream the fat and sugar. Add (he rest of the ingredients and beat for two minutes. Half-fill greased muffin pans and bake 15 minutes in a moderate oven. tlUtUly..'- i DOOMSDAY At least this lurkej gobbler will have the honor of dying for a pretty cause Miss Lucille Manners, soprano, who personally chose him at the New York poultry market. Mist Manners will observe the Nov. 23 Thanksgiving. Dm Mall Tribune want ads. i t f& ft I " ' -rii in. ft w,i7fWm i nJrr " E Charles E. t-arker, west coast representative for the udvertis ing firm of Hastings Sales, Inc , of Kansas City offered some in teresting observations on adver tising, based on many years of experience In this profession. Mr. Parker, who is now con ducting a campaign in this city for Al Plche Hardwnto and Sporting Goods, emphasized the need for aggressive nnd intelli gently planned publicity cam paigns as a force toward general business improvement through out the nation. In commenting on advertis ing, Mr, Parker said: "Advertisers are not only making money, but they are earning it. They are earning it In various ways, one of which Is this. The human race Is lazy, just plain, plumb lazy Why do the inhabitants of tem perate climates outstrap In pro gress and worth while nccomp lishments the natives of the trop ics? Because cold and hunger are golden spurs. Because of the two evils man chooses to root hog rather than die. "The Pilgrim Fathers knew that If they didn't keep almighty busy during the summer, they never would get through the next winter. The reason the Uni ted States was developed so ra pidly was that it was 14 below zero In the New England States and the Indians were good shots in all states. "Up to the last half of a cen tury the thing which kept civili zation on an upward spiral was a kick in the pants and a sock on the jaw. Man is chemically so constituted that he won't hustle unless he is starved, tonia hawked, clawed, shot nt, snowed on, drowned out, growled at, and generally roughened by his en vironment. All this up to SO years ago. "Then came the new psycholo gy. Fear, which started this country going, as the great mo tive power, has been replaced by desire. In arousing men's desire, advertising has kept tne economic machinery In motion. It has taken the place, as an impetus to activity, of the crude drive and urge that lashed the early settlers. "Man must have a motive or he will inevitably lie don and take things easy. There are only two motives compelling enough to stir him to big things Fear and desire. Nature originally provided the first motive, and she wrote the first chapter of our history in letters of frost and blood. Advertising took up the load and with an equally brilliant, but less cruel pen it Is writing the pages of a wonder ful chapter to be continued long after you and I are gone. Ad vertisers are making the money and they are earning it, for ad vertising has become onn of the greatest sources of the nation's greatness, "You might think that certain Industries need not advertise-. The movies, for example, are constantly in the public eye. The radio industry already has your ear, and the telephone industry Is on every tongue. Nevertheless these Industries have the wis dom and vision to advertise per sistently. "Persistence is the very heart beat of successful advertising, Statistics show the astounding turnover of customers Advert is erg realize that new customers are coming into tho market every day. A message may bo an old story to you but every twenty four hours there Is a fresh group of people who never heard of you before. This Is one reason why advertising fhould be continuous. Another reason is that an advertising message MPHASIZES NEED OF ADVERTISING Charles E. Parker Is like a nail you cannot driva it home at the first stroke but must hammer it home with succession of strokes." By Frank Jenkins. AN "authoritative source" In " Berlin says Germany "has decided to fight until British su premacy in the world has been destroyed." He (perhaps one should say "it" when referring to so intangible a thing as an authoritative source) adds: "Ger many will have no peace terms to offer until such a victory has been won." N THIS war of words, that is intended as an answer to the British declaration that the war will go on until Hitler and Hll lerism have been destroyed. FRANZ von Papen, German nmhn.sfiHrtt. in Toclr... hnlu. was outwitted by the British diplomats at Ankara), chips in: Germany is fighting to avoid a repetition of the tragedy of Versailles and to build a better Europe." More window dressing 'words,'' as Octavus Eoy Cohen puts it, "but they don't mean nuffin'." The peace of Versailles was a crime, goodness knows, but It was no worse than the deal France got when she was helpless before a victorious Ger many after the Franco-Prussian war in the 1870's. One side is as bad as the other In Europe has been since Alex ander started the world conquest fad. THE truth is that Europe's big 1 shots LOVE WAR, and even the common people who do the fighting and the dying, lacking other excitement, aren't as set against tt as they might be. Europe is old and blase and weary. It has none of the thrills of a new, rich country such ns America, where anything can happen and frequently does. In Europe, war HELPS TO BREAK THE MONOTONY. EJEAD hunters of the South Seas love head hunting. Our own red Indians loved scalping. Plenty of people love to get drunk and make disgusting spec tacles or themselves. EUROPE LOVES WAR. (Our own national vice Is the sentimental idea that we hava a messianic mission to make an gels of all the world's devils. If we are unable to get rid of thia Idea, it will get us tnlo IM MENSE trouble.) Travel Table AIRPLANES Northbound Leave Malln Close 4:87 ajn. . 4:13 am. 3:34 p.m. 3:39 pjn. 11:84 psa. (Flag stop) 9:09 pm Southbound Leave Malls Close 11:00 a.m. io:18 ajn. :88 pjn. (Flag stop) 6:13 pjn. 11:68 pjn. 11:10 p.m. TRAINS Northbound Leave Malls Close 10:48 a.m. 9:48 a.m. 8:06 pjn. 7:06 pjn. Southbound Leave 8:30 ajn. 8:38 p.m. Malls Close 7:30 a m. 6:33 p ra. North 3:48 a.m. 7:80 a.m. 9:36 mm. 1:40 pjn. South 13:16 a.m. 6:16 ajn. 9:86 ajn. 8:60 pjn. 6:00 pjn. 6:66 pjn. 8:46 p.m. 10:40 p.m. To Klamath Falls 9:48 a.m. and 6:46 p.m. () To Grants Pass only, () To Ashland only. c 1 NEED CASH? BORROW ON YOUR CAR Let us eiplain Bow easy It la to Dave ready eaab wttb your ear as security. PUone II lor full information Commercial F'nao Corp. The Friendly Finance Oompanf W w Walker President First Natl Bnl Bldg Pbone 81 License Number 134 In The Day's . News '