Medford RIBUNE Full Associated Press Full United Press Thirty-fourth Year MEDFORD, OREGON, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 17, 1939. No. 205. Second Section Four Pages NAVAL GUIDEBOOK PRAY BY LACK OF HELP FAR OUTCLASSED Britain Boasts 15 Capital Ships to Five Under Nazi Flag; Many Building London, Nov. 17. (Fig ures showing Great Britain's overwhelming superiority in numbers over the German navy were published today in the lat est issue of Jane's Fighting Ships, authoritative British naval annual. Only in torpedo boats and submarines did Germany lead. A comparative table follows, showing the class of vessel and the number possessed at the be ginning of the war by Britain and Germany, respectively: Capital ships, 15 including two under reconstruction; five. Aircraft carriers, six: none. Heavy cruisers, 15; two. Other cruisers, 43 including two under construction: six. Anti-aircraft ships, six includ ing two under reconstruction. , none. Destroyers, 179; 22. Submarines 57; 65. Torpedo boats, none; 12. Motor torpedo boats, 26; 30. Losses Noted (Since the beginning of the war Great Britain officially has acknowledged the loss of the aircraft carrier Courageous, the battleship Royal Oak, the sub marine Oxlcy and an unidenti fied destroyer. Germany has acknowledged the loss of only three submarines). B r i t a i n's determination to maintain this advantage was shown by a construction pro gram including nine battleships, five cruisers and six aircraft carriers against Germany's four battleships, four heavy cruisers and two aircraft carriers. Heavy programs of construc tion by France, Britain and the United States were reported. Scant information on new naval building was available from Soviet Russia and Japan. Building Big Ones Jane's says that four British battleships of the Lion class to be completed in the next five years are believed designed to have a displacement of between 40,000 and 50,000 tons. Two of them, the Lion and the Temeraire, will be com pleted in 1943, the other two in 1944. All are to be armed with 16-inch guns. . Five 35,000-ton battleships of the King George V class will be completed within the next two years. They are to carry 14-lnch guns. To Bar Rebuilding Of Oil Shanty Town Caracas, Venezuela, Nov. 17. (fP) Informed quarters said today the Venezuelan govern ment would forbid reconstruc tion of the stilt-supported shanty town of Lagunillas on Lake Maracaibo, which was destroyed Monday night by a disastrous fire. The village had long been considered a firetrap, it was said, but efforts to remove the inhabitants to new homes on the shore of the lake had proved futile. Closing time lor Too Late to Clas lty Ads Is 1:30 p m. Bank Robbery Witnesses Fail to Note Description of Bandits Or Autos ever come to my attention." Clyde Jensen, 24, got $3,400 when he held up the bank of Sweet Home on the morning of September 18. No one was able to give a description of him, and the police were in a fog as to the robber's identity. That afternoon Jensen went into a Salem clothing store to buy $100 worth of clothes. The clerk, Harold A. Larson, became suspicious when he saw Jensen's roll of bills, so he told the rob ber to come back later when his clothes would be altered. Lar son then called the police, who were waiting when Jensen re turned. Ready Confession Jensen readily confessed pleaded guilty in federal court and now is serving 17 years in a federal prison. "If Larson hadn't have been wide awake, we'd stiK be look ing for that bank robber. And if there had been some wide av, ke persons like him at Gervais, Canby and Portland, wc would not have three unsolved bank robberies on our hands. Pray continued. Larseu got $100 reward this week from the surety company which insures the bank's funds. Don Upjohn, Salem Capitol Journal columnist, had this to say about an attorney general's ruling that it is illegal to give door prizes at cooking schools: "The wonu-n now, to have their fun. will have to revert to the dog races and horse races which the state considers are just a couple of little legitimate pieces of fun." Cal-Oregon Hereford Beef In Free Offer As a means of further pub licizing the Cnl-Oregon Here ford Breeders association auc tion, recently held in this city. the Liberty Market will give to its customers half of a steer purchased in the auction by the Thumbler Meat company, ac cording to Emil Pech. Two pounds of this prize steer beef will be given with every dollar purchase at the Liberty Market tomorrow as long as the half steer lasts. "This special offer will afford southern Oregon p. iple an op portunity of enjoyii.g some of the prize steer beef featured in the recent auction sale" Mr. Pech said today. Teachers Profit Portland, Nov. 17. (P) The school board knocked three days off Christmas vacation today to provide teachers with a Hi per cent wage increase in 1940. Pay ment for the extra work will total $50,168. Closing time for Too Late to Clas sify Ads It 1:'J0 p m. Use MaU Tribune want ads. By Paul W. Harvey. Jr. Salem, Nov. 17 (IP) One of the most disgusted men in Ore gon is Superintendent of State Police Charles P. Pray, who is bemoaning the fact that witnes ses won't give him any help in solving the recent bank rob beries in Gervais, Canby and Portland. The same men may have been Involved in all three robberies that yielded more than $21,000 loot, yet none of the witnesses could describe the robbers or the ears in which they mads their getaway. Public Aid Needed Pray doesn't expect the vic tims to be able to give much help because "people can't look down a gun barrel and at the same time remain calm enougr to get good descriptions." But what he does expect is help from other witnesses. "You know, we officers can't be every place a crime is com mitted at the time' it is com mitted," Pray said. "We have to rely on help from the public. "The public must use its eyes. It isn't the power of observation that's so important, but it is f willingness to observe that .ounts." In the bank robbery at Port land, two of the robbers were seen looking into the bank win dow for a half hour beiore they struck. Yet none of the witnesses reported this until after the hold-up, and none noticed their carefully enough to give a good description. No Presence of Mind Two persons saw the Gervais holdup, yet each gave a differ ent description of the robber. At Canby, several persons saw the robbers make their getaway, but none had presence of mind to get the license number oi the car. An instance of a man keeping his eyes open was cited by Pray as "the most remarkable in stance of observation that has IP PIUSBURTS BEST FLOUR WlTlM to : Rter., v,,"'" HOOD, . ' a'siesw;f.' l" .a kinds nT,. s'b'e CenL .... i .... i PORTER-SCARP ELII MACARONI CO., PORTLAND, OREGON Prices Effective Friday. Saturday, Sunday, Monday, Tuesday Wednesday. Nov. 17 io 22 inclu. in Medford and Central Point I Sweet Potatoes 7 lbs. 25c Snowflak3 wansdown Honey Brn. Sugar Pvd. Sugar Sodas 2 lb. caddy Cake Flour lg. pkg. New Fall Pack 5 pound pail Kraft paper bag 3 pounds C. &H. 3 pounds Cranberries Lettuce . . 2 lbs. 29c . head 5c SOLID HEADS Celery 2 for 15c Apples, Rome Beauty . bOX 98c Cauliflower . . . head 5c Oranges, Valencia 3 doz. 25c SWEET AND JUICY , Produce Prices Effective Saturday Only Fresh Coffee Airway Lb 130 3 lb 350 Nob Hill Z5 7 Lb 200 M. 2 lb 390 & Edwards Lb. tin 230 2 lb 450 Flour Kitchen Craft bag.. $1.49 Harvest Blossom 49 lb. bag Alrlight J 4 A Q 49 lb. bag 4) . I 9 $1.39 RAISINS, Household Thompson Seedless 4 lb.pkg.23c MARSHMALLOWS, Fresh, Fluffy lb. cello bag 1 0c JELLO, your choice of all flavors . . . pkg. 5c CHERUB MILK tall tins . .... 3 for 19c OLEOMARGARINE Robin Hood . 2 lbs. 25c SYRUP Sleepy Hollow Cane & Maple . 5 lb. tin 69c SuPurb Granulated Soap . Large pkg. 20c TANG The New Lunch Meat Sensation 12 oz. tin 25c KOOL CIGARETTES 2 packages 25c Candy Broken Mix, Satin Mix, or Old Fash ioned Chocolates 2 lb. baa Holiday Chocolate! 2V4 lb. box .....590 Dorothy Duncan Chocolates, lb. tin 69 Borax Christmas tiffifo 0M . N T 20 Mule Team Borax, lg. pkg 25c Borax Chipi, 22 oi. pkg 230 RINSO Giant size Pkg. 59c CRISCO Popular Holiday Shortening 3 lb. tin 49C Ivory Flakes Lgepkg.20c Camay Toilet Soap 3 bars 19c White King Granulated Soap Giant pkg. 51c Waldorf Soft and Absorbent Tissue 4 rolls 19c ZEE Plain or Tinted Tissue 4 rolls 19c Comfort Toilet Tissue 4 roll pkg. 19c Stokely's Honey Pod Peas No. 2 iln 2 for 25c Baking Powder K C, 25 oi. iln, ea. 190 Calumet, 2V4 lb. tin ea. 47? Clabber Girl, 32 os. tin ea. 190 Boiled Cider Kerr's pt. bottle 190 Asparagus, Del Monte Early Garden No. 2 tin 190 Mushrooms Jacobs whole buttons 4 ox. tin 230 Peas, Del Monte Early Garden No. 2 tin 2 tor 290 Pumpkin, Del Monle No. 2V4 tin 100 Sweet Potatoes Del Monte No. 21 tin 2 for 350 Stringiest Beans, No. 2 tint 3 tor 25c Corn, Llndy golden bantam No. 303 3 tor 250 Peat, Llndy select sieve, No. 303 tin 3 for 250 Tomatoet, Josephine choice pack No. 2 'a tin 3 tor 290 Crab Meat, Chatka fancy ... VS lite iln 290 Oysters, Pellaco fancy pack. ...5 ot. tin 100 Shrimp, Pellaco dry pack fancy 5 ox .tin 2 for 250 Pop Corn, Jolly Time 10 ox. pkgt 2 for 250 Pop Corn, fey. bulk sure pop 3 lb- 250 Brown Derby Beer, 12 ox. tin or 1 1 ot. stein 3 for 200 Case of 24 $2.29 Port Sherry Muscatel and other Sweet Wines fjVtT TY Ml Wn7 Ml eiMtt op toot wim ) El Meat Savings for Bacon Backs Lb. . 19c BeeC Pot Roast Lb. . 15c Pork Steak Lb. . 15c Fresh Ground Hamb'ger lb. 10c Fresh Oysters Pint . 15c Veal Steak or Veal Roast lb. 15c Meat Prices Effective Saturday Only Ripe Olivet, Lindsay med. tixe No. 1 tin . 2 for 250 Chocolate, Baker'i bitter.... Vi lb. pkg. 170 Hlit, the popular holiday cracker lge. pkg. 210 Vanilla, Schilling! 4 ox. bottle 490 Currants, new crop. 12 ox. pkg. 100 Datet, Dromedary pitted or unpltted pkg. 130 Fruit Peels Citron, Lemon, Orange lb. 330 Mixed Fruit Peelt lb. pkg. 370 Raisins, teeded or seediest, IS-ox. pkg 2 for 150 Gelatine, Knox reg. pkg. 190 Royal Puddingt reg. site pkg. 50 Strawberry Pretervet Kerr't 2 lb. Jar 350 Apple Butter. Kerr't 3 lb. tin 390 Mayonnaise. Piedmont full qi. jar 350 Salad Dressing, Duchett qt. Jar 250 None-Such Mince Meat 2 pkg. 250 Walnutt, Oregon med. toft thell Franquetie lb. 190 Tea. Canterbury Orange Pekoe V4 lb. pkg. 290 Vinegar. Highway SO grain qt. Jar 130 Cocomali IS ot. tin 430 Lg. pkg. FIDELIS Qt. 49c Include two National Biscuit Shredded Wheat (three for larger Turkey) in your Turkey Dressing. You'll have a rich nut like flavor and a fluffineta that cannot be obtained any other way.