PAGE gTX MEDFORD MATT. TRIBUNE, MEDFORD. OREGON. SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 12. 1939 SCOUT TROOP 3 TIES H0RNBR00K FOR TOP HONOR With several hundred enthusi astic spectators looking on. troop 38 of Hornbrook, Cal., and troop 3 of Medford accumulated 2.800 points apiece to tie for first place as some 300 scouts and scoulers from all parts of south ern Oregon nnd northern Cali fornia staged their fourth an nual Crater Lake area council Boy Scout rally in the Medford high school gymnasium Friday nlRhl. It was the first time a Med ford troop ever finished on top, and the second time for the Hornbrook boys. Winner of the four-foot-hich council trophy in 1937 was troop 32 of Weed. Cal. Troop 13 of Ashland won It in 1030 and the Hornbrook troop obtained it last year. Competing in the rally were troops from the five districts comprising the Cater Lake area council Medford, Ashland, Grants Pass, southern and north ern Siskiyou. For three hours the scouts displayed their skill in scouting activities and at the close of the rally it was the unanimous opinion that never had such a fine time been had. A feature of the competitive events was the fire-by-frictlon contest, won by troop 7 of Med ford. Jack Krcsse, wielding the bow and stick, brought flame In 23V4 seconds, breaking the dis trict record, 29 ',4 seconds. Troop 21 of Grants Pass was second, in :34.6, and troop 30 of north ern Siskiyou county was third in :38.6. Troop 38 of Hornbrook won the fire-by-fllnt-and-steel con test in :7.1 seconds. Troop 32 of Weed, Cal., was second In :8; troop 3 of Medford third in :8.2 and troops 21 of Grants Pass and 40 of Central Point tied for fourth. In the chariot race, one of the most thrilling events on the program, troop 32 of Weed, Cnl., turned In the best time in :33 4 seconds, with troops 24 of Je rome Prairie and 38 of Horn brook finishing in a tie for sec ond in :34.5 seconds. Scout Cur tis Gilly of troop 38 was slightly Injured when he fell down while his chariot was blazing down a straightaway and the front of it struck him on the back. The pyramid-building and sig nalling contest was won by troop 3 of Medford, with a total of 65 points. Troop 13 of Ash land was second with 55 points and troop 21 of Grants Pass was third with 45 markers. Troop 38 of Hornbrook won the knot-tying contest with B0 points, followed by troops 3 of Medford and 7 of Medford, tied for second. In the yell contest, alt troops received 100 points, as they did In the exhibition-demonstration event. Frank Hull, commissioner of the Medford district, gav the 'kick off" speech, welcoming all visiting scouts and scouteis and spectators to the rally. At the close of the evening Don New bury, council advancement chairman, announced the win ners and presented the huge trophy to the two troop leaders Frying Jones of the Hornbrook troop and Charles Robinson of the Medford troon The colorful Medford lunlor high girls drum corps led the parade and display of colors at the start of the rally Irving P. necsley, Boy Scout executive, was in charge of the rally, nnd awarded hovs' life pennants to troop 4 of Medford and troop 30 of Merlin. Closing eimo forloo Lata to Clss tfr Ad. la liao p m. Latest Fashions Displayed at Ford Style Show X MARKS THE SPOT Ppiilli Is a utoHiinnv riding Willi tit ruiKliimh, nnd P nurr know Che nine or pot It mil nukp llvll knnnn. (innd br.nkr. mil llrlp in drill) hP limp nnd ilndfp the mt. Hnvp your lunkr, clinked hrrr nan! YOUNG'S SERVICE SHOP 118 N. Front. Phone 516 fr 7, TUB NEWEST things In clothes, furs, Jewels, accessories and motor cars attracted visitors to the Ford Styla Show at Now York's Hotel Aslor, as the 1910 automobile year oponod. Top-flight mortals showed latest creations from exclusive New York shops. Tbe model at top lett In front of the deluxe Kord V-8 Fordor sedan is wearing a Jay-Thorpe ver sion of a Molyneux double-flare silhouette Princess line dross and knee-length coat, wilh Persian lamb collar and toque. Right Is a fitted reofcr in bold plaid over a gold color rabbit's hair dress in soft shirt waist slyle. nelow, a Mercury 8 town sedan and a flngor-tlp length Jacket and hnt of sheared beaver, worn with an Imported greon wool dress adapted from Balenclaga, from Saks-Fltth Avenue, Europe at a Glance By the Associated Press Vatican City: Pope Plus ap peals for solution of capital-labor conflict in United States in special encyclical. Munich: Hitler honors seven killed in attempt on his life; Hess says "Victory will be ours" in war; western front quiet. Paris: German warplanes I scout over northern France; Le- brun in Armistice day address says "world Is with us." Amsterdam: Netherlands, Bel gium alert for any eventuality in European war. Berne: Switzerland empowers her generalissimo to issue call to colors at any time in "purely precautionary" move. London: War restricts armis tice observance. MOST TALKEHS'MMfPWT IF THREE ! - - "-"-"w-iVtmM a aawiin,s,i ..i.m, , . ,iN, i,ilitol ,,1 Oldsmobile Has Smart Lines Three new Oldsmobile series for 1940.. ..two sixes and an eight wilh marked changes in styling, and impressive in creases in wheelbase length and over-all dimensions, are being featured by Oldsmobile dealers this year, with striking ad vances in comfort, safety, power and beauty. Sailors Sentenced. London. Nov. 11. iTP) Seventy-six East Indian seamen on a British liner were sentenced today to one month's hard labor for refusal to sail without dou ble war risk pay. The prose cution said the men had been given 25 per cent increases. Planes Reach Panama. Cristobal, Canal Zone, Nov. 11. IP) Seven of the United States army's 23-ton bombers, on a good-will flight to Rio de Janeiro, arrived at Albrook field in the Canal Zone shortly after noon today. WIFE SWAPPERS OF ALABAMA JAILED Russellvllle, Ala., Nov. 11. OP) Convicted of bigamy and sentenced to prison terms in a rural mate-swapping agreement, two men and a woman were at liberty under bond today pending appeals to the Alabama supreme court. Under sentence for their parts in the agreement which in cluded exchange of wives, land, children and livestock, were: Will D. Johnson. 36, three to three and one-half years; Mrs. Delia Brand, 29, two to two and one-half years, and Odell Brand, 32, two to two and one-half years. Fourth principal In the case, Mrs. Annie Fay Johnson, 29, had pleaded guilty and testified for the state. She will not be sentenced until appeals have been heard in the other cases. British Plane Missing. London. Nov. 11. (Pi The air ministry announced today that one British plane had failed to return from a reconnaissance flight last night over Stuttgart, Mannheim and Nuremberg in southwest Germany. FENDERS REFINISHING Any Color Maiched Daily's Auto Painting 39 South Rartlett Uattt&ftCJfal Use Mall Tribune want ads. WARNING! Seat covers ihai are not properly fit ted wear out faster. See our complete Una of newest fibre covers. $035 4SJi SET UP Auto Glass Plate or Safety Cut to fit TARPS Any size for all purposes Hohlweg Glass and Top Shop 8TH and BARTLETT PHONE 687 Washington: Tomb of un known soldier center of United States observance of armistice. : Geneva: League of Nations cancels plans for assembly council sessions. Moscow: Official news agency charges Finns with increasing "irreconciliability" to Russian demands; says Finnish forces near Leningrad more than doubled. S (SMt P i'1 RIMJR PI" WE'VE For A Big Fall Clearance of Guaranteed ft i jS-jStpWugNr war hy arrldent or nrcleH. which may lie required within M 4S USED C Whether you can af ford to spend $100 or $900 you'll get the best possible buy here in a used car that's good . . and safe . . to drive. Extra Specials While They Last 1939 OLDS DLX. COUPE Original green finish. Has radio, fog lights all modern throughout. Just like new. Chance To Drive A BETTER USED CAR Many cari offered for wile carry oar R O written guarantee which mean Renewed where necessary tn certain specifications and Guaranteed under a money-back plan. Many others carry our "SO-SO" guarantee which pledges that we will pay 80 of the coet of all material end labor and me chanical repairs (filas and tires excepted) not caused hy accident or neglect, which may he required within SO days nfter your purrhae. $S4S 1938 FORD TUDOR SEDAN Trunk. "85" H.P. motor. Full R. and G. guarantee. What a carl See It today. The regular price on this car was SS95. Low Cost Transportation VALUES 1929 Cher. Tudor 1933 Ford Dlx. Fordor $95 9265 1930 Chev. Tudor 1934 Chev. Truck ' ?125 $105 1929 Ford Express 1933 Ford B-Truck 995 $195 1931 Dodge Fordor 1930 Chev. Panel $175 $65 THE REAL STYLEADER! THE BIG PACKAGE OF VALUE I THE ONLY CAR OFFERING HYDRA MATIC DRIVE ! (MLILDSIM PEOPLE are talking . , . typewriter are clicking . . . everywhere the newi is spreading . . . Olds mobile is fhe standout buy for 1940! And never havo new Olds cars been so deserving of acclaim. They're biffer, they're bettor, they're brimminR with stylo and luxury. And every Olds model otters ... at only $57 extra ... the one BIO new feature of the year, OUtsmobile's excuave Hydra Mntic Drive. Come in today for a thrilling trial trip! iBiiLiia BIGGER mk BETTER EVERYTHING ! PRICED FOR RVERVBOnY-CwHONnd Su M.M d mp D.rv.rrf ,t (... M,ch,imn Car tlttimtratwd : " Si tf - 4-DKr TeMirm Smdmn. $399 Pnro irx'JWa Sttot? Glma. Chroma Window fftrMc. Humptr. Svarm H'fW, Tir and Tuhm. Dual Trumpet Horn. 3 Wtndahffd Wtpmt: Vacuum Hnoator Pump. 2 Sun V'ranra. Whitm nrff-wif (trti ahown mstra. Tranaporfcfmn baamd mi rail rata, alata and Inral firai ( tf anj), optional awtpmvnf and vrnni attra Fricaa aubjet to chant nthtmt nofir Ganaral Afofora frtatalmant Plan. A OKNKRAL MOTORS VALUK MEDFORD GARAGE uawoB anxrsr 1934 LAFAYETTE FORDOR SEDAN Blue finish, extra good motor. Carries 50 50 guarantee. 1937 FORD TUDOR TOUR. SEDAN Locally owned. Carries full R. and G. guarantee. This little ear has been reduced from $525. Ask for a free demonstration. "85" H. P. Motor. Original finish. C. E. "Pop" Gates Auto Co. YOUR FORD DEALER FOR OVER 26 YEARS Used Car Lot 6th & Bartlett HAROLD TREAT USED CAR MGR. SAVE THE GATES WAY 1933 STUDEBAKER FORDOR LIGHT SIX. Just reconditioned by the owner. New paint by us. What a car for this money you CBn'l beat Itl 1938 FORD TUDOR (60) SEDAN Economy King. Black finish, low mileage. Was $575. 121 NORTH BARTLETT PHONE 637 MaaaagaaFiaaagri